HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-06-07, Page 41
PR. ld. awn ROSH, Physician and Sat 6•eon
o+ }.ate of London Hospital',
Loudon, En
SCOW attention diseases of EreEar, NoSe
reeds,ace, behind Dominion Bank.
OctMt?hon.) No,5. Residence. Phone No. led.
�n, F. 1. BURROWS Seaforth. Odie and
Mwddence — Godertch Street, eget of the Saha
did Church. Coroner ter the County of Huron.
Telephone, No. 41).
» L. SCOTT & MACKAY, P11Yeiclans and
Surgeons, Goderich Street, oppoette Metho-
dist Church, Seaforth,
Ikon, graduate Victoria and Aau Arbor, and
ensPaatlsoQnYs. ofOntario
for County. of
Huron, and
MAQKAY, honor graduate Trinity University,
medalist Trimly Mndical College.
Member of
solid cams. of Phyeldms and Surgeons,Ontario.
-, .
!NIL GEO.HEILEMAN, Osteopathic Speclalls
to Womea's and Children's DIsenees and
IE9Iumatic Troubles. Acute and Chroak Lite -
sadism, Ear, Eye. Nose and Throat. Adenolde
grooved without the knife Consultation free..
Cady !Cock over Walter Willis Shoe Stora.
4uest a) S a.m..to u 1' m ; Friday, 8 ta_d_p,m
issued b7 JOHN
Marriage Licenses ntillopEleinuvae:
Are you ednatdedng insurance, Lite or Accident?
Ilreu are, a postcard will get our rates,
J. D. Irl NLEY,
Gen ern! Agent for London Life Insurance Co.,
and Imperial Guarantee and Accident 1neurnnce Co.
Seaforth, Ont.
James Watson
General Fire, Lite and Areldent insurance
Agan',, and dealer in sewing Machines,
Alain Street, Sealerth,
Mutcii Fere Insurance Col
orawft of iutporial powat', and f.opl
that 1 was suporstittolt a cringing slaw
Lean . Zi yi i�� tl ]1igyJyfff4 and dare not speak toy hottest thought.
From the perdue
SEAFORTH, ONT. Mrs Henry Ward Boeober scored
Perm and Isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
ee. Connolly, GoderiCb, President, James
Evans, Beachwood, Vice-President,'rhomas',.
Hays, Seaforth, Sae: Treas,
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rim, Constance; John Bennewele,
lased hagen; Robert Ferris, Horlock; Malcom
McKeon, Clinton; ri McCartney , Seaforth;
James Connolly, Godedch; Jas. Evans, Beechwood.
Alex, Leitch, Hariock; E. Hinckley, Seaforth;
William Chesney, Egmondvtlle; J. W. Yeo.
Hmeeville; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen' James
Tarr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors—
Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact
other business will be promptly attended to by
application to any of the above officers, addressed
to thelr respective poetoEicea.
it �61s
blue 2� S ts.�'er lit!
tssoasLo BIM014ICaAp05.10
Phone 84 Moving 1i" i the following wise worde to the newly
E marriett
Work together, plan together, select
and furnish the house or roma togeth•
tae. Be one in all hone arrangements
The lees talk of "mine and thine" the
hotter. We are setiafied that "my
rights" ahold be erased from the
diotiouary which governs Inraband wed
1 wife "our
rights` substituted
, But
outwtthatontih gslort engagements
rr a r
and early tun lag r oertait ly appear to
be the most certain road to abiding
happiness, there are some canes which
ueoessiate a long engagement. Putit
is full of dangers and uncertainty. Yet
if each uoutineed faithful, and aworve
not from their plighted vows until the
oircunistances whioh compelled delay
have passed or have been overcome
then a long engagement almost lover.
sable ends in a very happy marriage,
A love that has not been shaken by
delay usually involving long abeenses,
a not built on sand, but on n rook over
which floods may sweep and the wind
threathen in vain. lfyonng people are
trained to look upon an engagement as
a solemn contract as binding in God's
sight as marriage, would be very little
danger. 1f in early youth, before
education ie completed, and some
profession or employment is aecuretl
two meet and aro drawn together be-
coming devotedly attached, then the
even of necessity Ytt must
be long, is the wisest course, Any sac-
rifice is better than to relinquish the
clue dollar -per year, etrtctiy In adv °nee
it not paid in 84vanoe, our dol\ar and
a halt win be charged. United states
pa pets, fifty cents extra• stvlekiy in
When subsoribeta chaanee their address
notice should be :lent ualmmediately, giving
and the new address. Sub.
both the old er a favor by notifying u3
nI aasnny irregularity rnptulatity
al Y of delivers.
Rending Notices—No reading notice.
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money is to be made by any person
or cause will be inserted in Tag News
without charge. The price for the (neer.
tion of business announcements s TEN
cents per count line each Insertion to
parties having no contract for display
advertising, and FIVE cents per line each
lusertlon to those having display contracts.
and for caurch!'eoc sty and entertainment
asinauls. Cardzoi Thanks 5 tole
l 50 c
Ju Oeiab Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notices—Ten mute per line far drat
Insertion and five Beats per line for each
subsecuet insertion.
Yearly cards—Profeselonal Cards, not
exceeding oe inch, for
85.00 per vier, payable bewll inserted
to advance
Display advertising—Rates furnished
on application.
' Advertisements ordered for insertion,
wUnni forbid;' and those sent without
written lnatructkns will appear until
rrltten orders are received for their dls-
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication. but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no respon-
sibility whatever for the statements made
lasuchtopics wWlcenoto be published ers at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter is ten
cents per line.
first love, We firmly believe in first
love, given when the heart is young
4• —' �^^� - - $' and tender, unstained by too close coo.
1si tact with the world and its bewitching
beguiling attractions. Such love,
honestly given and ae truly returned,
is next to a mother's love—the safe-
guard of young mac and maidens.
Thio once secured, the world may
spread out all her devices ever so
skilfully and she will not break the
bond, So, because the 8r111 young
love is so sweat, so strong, and when
faithfully nurtured, so enduring, we
General Observations j
The Edticatfon Department should
prolong the holidays to the 15th of
September and allow teachers and
pupils in that way to assist with the
harvest. The two weeks could be
made up at Chri3tmat and Easter.
Original The past week has been moat favor -
and able to plant growth. Grass is grow -
Only tug very fast and early aowr grain
l looks well. If thin weather last the
Genuine harvest will be a good one,
on the
,rr• t,ti�,)�tt►a�aj{{
�: al �'I�I 1 9m�...L'0'LYf•lii
Who they were none know;
What they were all knew,
So in our minds we will name them
once 111080,.
So in onr hearts the will cover them
1 o'er;
i Think of theca far -away heroes of
I And cover them over with beautiful
'hen the long years have crept slow.
ly away,
'en to the dawn of earth's ifuueral
Then the glad ear of each war martyr.
tel son
r Saki
W. L. Seaforth.
Phone 180
Proudly shall hoar the good judgment
Bus nems
Witliout a proper
systin of adver-
ti s in is like a
motor without the
Seaforth News
will supply the
required energy
(tone . 54
"Well clone."
Blessings fur garlands shall cover
them over—
Parent and hnoband and brother and
God will reward these dead heroes of
And Dover them over with beautifnl
I would rather ge to the forest, far
away, and build me a little cabin—
build it thyself—and daub it with olay,
and live there with wife and children;
and have a windiug path leading down
to the spring where the water bubbles
out, day and night, whispering a poem
to the pebbles, from the heart of the
earth; a little but with some hollyhooko
at the corner; with their bannered
bosoms open to the sun, and a thrush
in the air like a winged joy—I would
rather live there and have some lattice
work somas the window so that the
sunlight would fall checked on the
babe in the cradle --1 would rather
live utero with my Soul erect end free,
then in a palette of gold and wear
The manure from twenty form steers
averaging in weight obese to 1000
pounds each
and funn'mg loose'rn
box stalls at the Experimental Station,
Kuutville, ;N. S. , covering a period of
120 days, or four months, weighed 119
tone, 6.10 pounds. The average for
°sols day woe 1872 pounds or
78 pounds per steer. Straw bedding
antonnting to 10 pounds per steer wee
need and all liquids as the solids were
Chenliate tell us that thie fresh t0an•-
tire from
fairly well-fed clears oontaine
in eaoh ton 7ti pounds nitrogen, 34
ponnde of phosphorio acid and 9
pounds of potash. When buying
oomnterioal fertilizer we pay 26 cents
per pound for nitrogen, and 7 to 8
cants for phosphoric sold, I'otaeh
cannot be hought et any price, but in
order to get at a fair valuation for the
manure we should allow at least 5 omits
per pound, the price of potash before
the war.
A ton of the above manure at these
prices would therefore, have a value of
At tiro valuation of $2,63 per tom
112 tons 40 pounds would be worth
$290.40, or $12.31 per steer, a little
over $3,00 per steer per month. Con-
sidering that potash will each year br.
come a greater footor in economical
agricultural production, the value is
even greater than that given above,
Nothing was allowed in the above
calculation for the value of the humus,
It is estimated that the humus value
f manures
ois50 to LUOP er cent of the
chemical ingredients, depending upon
the soil on which the manner of the
manner of application,
It is a well-known fact that half of
the total value of the excrement from
live stook is to the urine. If the I quid
pert 1s allowed to dram sway through
holes in the stable floor, or otherwise
over one half of the value of the man-
ure will be loot, therefore, every effort
ahould be made t0 ootiaerye all the ex-
crement voided by animals,
Tho water retained after twenty four
hours by 100 pounds of material used
for absorbents in the stable is estimated
to be as follows;—
say `let it not go" even if it oan be I Wheat straw, 220 petunia; Oat straw
held only by a long engagement. 1285 pounde; Well dried peat, 600
pounds; Dry sawdust. 435; Dried leaves
162, pounds.
You who are men in years and yon
just entering manhood, atop and con-
sider die as it is. Remember, "action
is the essence of character" good or bad
This oharacter building is a daily thing
so consider your ways and weigh your
actions, and bnild wisely,
What are your aims? Are you striving
to develop yourself, met tally and mor
ally, so as to have an influence in your
community? Our boy, will be the
future men of our country, onr law-
makers, and they should be men tufo
honour the law; they should be men of
principle, who cannot be corrupted by
brie es; who have the moral courage to
do their duty. When a commenily
lacks such man evil corruption pre-
dominate. Hose much the well-being
of a community depends upon the hon-
est upright men fu it.
Many temptations beset the young,
and they come in contact with evil
influences in every vacation in life,
Yet there is within yourselves, boys, a
a counter aoting force [if used] that will
enable you to withstand ,temptations
and overcome the evil inflrenoes with
with which you will surely come in
contact. Bring your reasoning powers
to bear. Argue with your selves the
certain moral degredation if you con-
tinue in a wrong course. Bring 3 our
willpower to bear and keep under the
low appetites and the little mean
things which corrupt any whogive way
to them. Have ahigh standard, ohoose
a right open path in life, Nothing to
bide, nothing to be ashamed of,
Listen to the council of your parents
Seek the home neat and its pure in-
fluences, Shun platten of vice and evil
in every form, Look carefully over the
record of the past, Are you proud of
it? Are you willing it should be read
out? Are you satisfied with it? If
you can't say yes, let your every effort
be to better your condition,
A Mild Pill for Delicate Womeu,—
The most delicate woman can undergo
a oouree of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
without fears of unpleasant ocnsequeu•
meg, Their action, while wholly, effect
ive is mild and agreeable, No violent
pains or pnrginge follow their use, as
thousande of women who have used
them can testify, They are therefore
strongly reoomended to the women
who are more prone to disorders of the
digestive organa than mon,
We are glad to notice of late that
several of our more independent news-
papers have protestedagainst t
foolish and harmful habit of nagging at
the Government, Constructive, specific
critioism, based in conscience and a de-
sire to better administration, is helpful,
Ignorant, carping criticism of a general
character avails nothing. During the
past 36 trios, the Borden Administra-
tion has been nagged at and criticised
ceasing, Some of it is inspired by blind
partizanship, some by ignorance, some
by the inouraole habit of finding fault.
It is easy to nag, And it is easier to
be critical thau correct.
British aid Allied officials who have
visited Canada have marvelled at the
manner in which our military organiza-
tion has been welded together within
three short years, Our achievements
in the war have won the admiration of
all our Allies and provoked the ang r
and amazement of our foes. The men
who know the moat about making war
oomplaiu the least of our methods of
waging it,
The only hoenat criticism of aGover• -
ment oondocting a war is specific mire.
i5tu, It must be based on reasonal.'y
aceurateinforntation and defiuite acts
of ommiseion and oommiesion. Scold.
ing is worse than useless; and soma of
the venomous rubbish we have had in
Canada became a national menage by
weakeuing the important 0818101,m
that had to do with matters of genuine
error, No oensure of a Governmont is
of any value unless accompanied by a
bill of particulars.
The war will not be won by nagging
at Sir Robert Borden. It will only be
won by the spirit that is willing to for-
get party ae much ae is humanly pose.
ible and by all' of ns bending a British
heart to the struggle—helping the Gov.
ernment to stay right when they are
tight, and to get right when they are
wrong, The Canadian who censures
his Government in any other spirit is
aiding his oonntry's foes.
For Burns and Scalds.—Dr Thomas'
Eoleotric Oil will take the fire mit of a
barn or scald more rapidly than any
preparation, 1t should be at hand in
every kttohen so that it may be aver..
able at any time, There is no prepare.
tion required. Just apply the oil to
the burn or scald and the pain will
abate and in a sheet time oea3e alto,
iIMMWBtwMMe1MM 1.MJ.._, SRMIMIMM..............mtiiiii .M.9MMlrlr.uMM
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received.
Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. i
Efficient service. eta le
Establ shyd 1871
Capital and Reserve $13,000 ,000 •
Savings Department
MMl nalleiganalri ID011aRillga..fYlfeg
We have established a Mating re-
putation for fair and square dealing
and are now prepared to tweet existing
conditions by offering our high grade
trees and plants direct to customers et
Rock Bottom 1'riees. Don't delay
plautittg fruit trees and plants as there
is nothing pays better. Send for our
illustrated circulars of hardy variation
which you can direct and get the be -
rent of agent's commission Our prices
will be sure to interest you.
Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery in five minutes.
Time it! In five minutes all stom-
ach distress will go. No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepein is noted for its
speed In regulating upset stomachs.
it is the surest, quickest stomach rem-
edy in the whole world and besides it
is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless it is to suf-
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder, It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor in the world.
Send your cream to us and receive
lop prices, We are running our plant
the year through and can handle you'
full supply pp y and furnish you with Dans.
We pay twice each month anti weigh,
sample,and teat each 0511 of cream care
fully, Our motto is " Honesty to ou
patrons" Patrons are requested to re
st'rn ail our 30115 when not in use,
3 liter an:iButterinilk also on hand
n3 for at market prices,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat............., $2,00
Barley,................. 1 20
[Iran per tun .................. • 36.00
Sliorts per ten ... ,,, , „ 45
Flour, ..... „,„„.. . . 6,35 9 69
Eggs ..... ... ...... ............... Iso
Hogs to farmers .....,......15.75
We will open a kilns of
Tile on Saturday Juue 9th
We will then have Tile in
sizes from 2yr in, to 7 in.
Phone 9 on 146
All Items under 01115 Head are
published free of charge, ex-
cept those regarding meetings
where an admission fee is
beinice1 such
ng re urate
er enuutie
St. ,lames'
St. James, Churoh, Rev. Father P
Corooran, Rev. Father G. R. North.
graves .Morning Mass 7 a.m. High
Masa 10,30 a,m, Sunday school 2.30
p m, Evening vespers 7 p.m.
St. Thomas"
Rev, T. 1d. Brown, Rector. Sunday
sorvioes 1I a.m, and 7 p,m, Sunday
school 2,30 p. m, Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30
p,m. Ohildren'sbranch Saturday 2 p.m,
ntercessiou services every Thursday,
. O p, m,
First Presbyterian
Rev, 2'. H• Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday
99881008 11 a.m, and 7 p 'in, Sunday
school 2,30 p,m, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Society "the first Tuesday in eaoh
month at 7,45, Barbara Kirkman Mis•
sion Bend 3rd Tuesday in the month at
7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mieaion Band
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m.
Rev. G. McKinley, B. D., pastor
—SUNDAY—Olass at 10:00 a.m.
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun•
day school and Bible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Tltursda y 8, p,m.
Salvation Army
Capt. Froud and Lieut. Saunters
Holiness nesting 11 a n. Praise
service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 pea.
Childretis Service—Directory class 10
a,m, Bible classes 4 pan. Week night
Meetings—Wednesday Pram meeting
8 p,m,
Egmondv111e, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ser•
vices 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bible class
3 p.tn, Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p, in. Y,P.M.S. Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p.m, Women's Mission.
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the mouth
at 2.30 p,m, Ladies' Aid meets im-
mediately after.
Mehillop Presbyterian
Rev. D Oarswell pastor, Sunday
services Duffs' ohuroh 11 a m Sunday
school 10 a m. Prayer tweeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m. Women's Missionary
Sooiety last Friday in eaoh month at
2 o'olock,
eenstauce Methodist
Rev, 0, 0. Koine, pastor. Sunday
service 2.30 p,m, Young People's Lea -
91.02,30 pin Sunday Women's Auxil
art, tint Tuesday of every mdnth a
30 p. in. Ltdies' Alt last Thursday
of each month 2.30 pan
Good -by to•Asthma. Persons stiff,8. NCinth-®p Presbyterian
ing from that extremely trying trouble Sunday setvioe 2.30 pm, Sunday
known as asthma know what it is to school 1: 15pm. Prayer meeting
ling with all their hearts for escape 118 Tuesday 8 p,m, L.0, W last Wed.
from a tyrant, Never do they Icucw
when an attack may come and they
know that the struggle unaided is vain I
With Dr J D Kellogg's Asthma Rem-
edy at hand, however, they oast say
good•by to their enemy and enjoy life
again. it helps at once,
MaLEAN—To Mr. and Mrs, Kieth
McLean a daughter, on June the 5'h
Sleep is tbe'great nourieher of infante
nod without peaceful Bleep the ohild
'vill not tltrive. This carrot be got if
the 900111 be troubled with worms.
ofiller'e Worm Powdora will destroy
worsts and drive them out of the system
and afterwarda the ohild's rest will be
undisturbed, The powders cannot in-
jure the most delicate baby, and there
is nothing so effective for restoring the
health of a worm -worn infant.
dIYI Jung
rule not DA2WEThT
Girlsl Try 111 Hair gets soft, fluffy anti
heautIfu e- .f et4 g 95 ne nt bottle
If you caro for heavyhair that I! .
g d
andradiant tens with beauty !e dl t with
lite; hits an incomparable softness and
Is 0811Yy and lustrous, try Pandtrine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it Immo-
dlately dissolves every Partlele of -
dandruff, You can not hit% Idea
heavy, healthy balm if you luvre
dandruff, This destructive scurf robs
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome It
produces a fsveriahness and itching oe
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosenrn and die;
then the hair falls out
tast,te Surely get
a 25 -Dent bottle al
Knowlton's Dnnderine from any drug
store 1n1tt just try 1t.
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all hinds of furs etc.
Also take books
and newspapers
Appelzft & Millman
Across from Creamery
Phone 183
Photos! Photos
Having purchased the
Photograph business in
Seaforth from Mr. 1'. J.
Fell I am now ready to
make for You Photo-
graphs that Please.
Careless ship–shod work
will find no place in our
We have earned a re-
putation as Photograph-
ers of quality through
particular attention to
the little niceties of finish
& detail that seems so in•
significant and vet bulk
so Targe when the final
result is delivered to you.
Our motto is Please the
We do picture framing
i.nd sell Amateur su f plies
We develop films and fin-
ish prints for amateurs,
D E Buck's Studio
LPicone 19 - SEAFORTH
A lady in Hamilton has
instructed me to offer for
Sale her home and. 3 lots
Situated on the North.
Side of Crombie St.
This is excellent prop-
erty in good condition
and must be sold at once
to close an e>,tate.
—A snap for some one ---
Bond and Dehenture Broker
Main Street, Seaforth
Phone 9,a
"For the Blood is the Life."
With any dlse.so duo to Impure blood
such as Eoxs,n0, Scrofula, Sourvy, Bad
Lego. Ulcera, Glandular
5Woll Inel1, Belle, Pimples, Bores of any
kind, PIIea,Blood Pol0sn,Rhsumatism,
Gout, ate„ don't waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skim What you want
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisondus matter which aone 0 the true
Mmuse of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood
ixture is just sucha foedieine, It is composed
f ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood all Impurities from whatever cause
?icing, andbyrendering 1 clean and pure,
can be relied on to effect a lasting cur(
l771,uremlr q/ t,rh,noorote,
jar reLSHd .l,rpa,
roU Id DarNa).l,
Over Se rens' ..
Pleasant 0
gold by all
camonta and