HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-06-07, Page 1W, T. BOX Ft Co. FrrrrUur a Dealers Phone 80 New Series Volume 15, No, 22 IfTLE w•--(11 r1 50 GIR SECTION WORK Nice easy work A child could almost do the work. Cone and take, one Section as follows 5 girls to put in hip pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters. 5 girls to foica garments together. 5 Into sew girls '15 on AylsudS and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o girl's for pants making, 111 nice clean,work and easyland steady all year round. 50 hours per week We have girls making over ten dollars a week. Why can't you ? Apply or Write to W. E. SANDFORD MFG. GO. Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTH ONTARIO Seforth Food ' '''ro= duction Assocition Delp for Farmers The Information Bureau of the Seaforth Food Pro duction Association will receive applications from farm- ers requiring help during Seeding and Harvest and_ also applications from those seeking employment where by the employer and emplovee may be placed in direet communication with each other. Applications may be made by phone, mail or personally to the folio wing members of the committee :— Rev. J. Argo, Presbyterian Church Egmondville, Rev. T. H. Brown St. Thomas Church, Seaforth. Rev. P. Corcoran St. James Church, Seaforth Rev. D. Carswell Presbyterian Church, McKillop Rev, F. H Larkin Presbyterian Church, Seaforth Rev. G McKinley Methodist Church Seaforth K McLean Expositor Office, Seaforth J F `Snowdon News O'•ice, Seaforth or to the Chairman F t= Neelin, Collector of Customs Seaforth. J .., H Reid Mgr. Can, Fur, Co. Seaforth Rev I Noonan, Dublin Rev F White, St Columban Rev D Johnston, Varna Dr Woods, Bayfield The Ontario Agricultural Department states that Ontario grown Seed Potatoes cannot be secured at preseut. Eastern Seed Potatoes are quoted et $3 90 and Western grown Potatoes at $4 25' Bona fide farmers or tenants of , farme desiring fivanioial assistance to the amount of $200 for the purchase of extra seed may obtain this amount from either the Bank of Co mrrlerce or the Dominion Rank Seaforth, payable on November 1917, at six per cent per annum, Mr R Merlon Jones Manager of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth, will personally loan small sumo of money to deserving people for the pur• chase of seed to enable them to increase food production of vegetables or other crops. Applications for auoh loans may be conducted person- ally-; filth Mr' Jelin or any member of the Information Bureau on strictly confitli; tai'terrne. A. Coi fittee composed of Messrs Ohas Barber, John Beattie and Wm Hartry was appointed to ascertain the name of citizens willing to work on farms during haying and harvest and allot such help to farm• ere making application for assistance, Mayor Stewart states thet the Town °mitre l will provide the prepar- ation of lands for cultivation for aoldiere dependents audthose deserving ass,etence, A commit teeof Representative formers for Townships of Hallett, Logan and McKillop was eppoiutod to co-operate with the Seaforth Food Production Association for the purpose of securing Seed Potatoes and farm help for the coming harvest composed of the following mem bers:- Township of Hibbert—Messrs Jbeeph Nagle Joseph Atkinson and Michael Rowley, Township of Logan—Messrs Wm Blithe, Lea Koousoff and Bernard Thulligan. Township of McKillop—Reeve Gov •enlock, R Soarlett, P McGrath, J Malone, J Scarlett, E Horan and F McQuade, Dublin Dr Michael, Farmers requiring laborers or other information are requested to communicate with any members of the committee and prompt attention to their requirements will be forthcoming. Farm Laborer Wanted—Mr W N Gleam, lot q, Con I4 Hibbert mad e application through Rev Mr Argo, for the services of a married man and wile --the latter to begin employment as assistant in the horneSteady work at good wages and a comfortable separate living house provided. • Farm Manager Wanted --Mr E L Box wenn a man and wife to take ,charge of his farm on the Goderioh road about a mile from Soafortb, Good wages to the right marl. A comfortable bouee to live in, Notices of farm laborers wanted will inserted free in this coloma • Farmers communicating with the information Bureau will reoeive prompt attention, Farmers send in your inaction.Through ooncerted actioe oil the part of the Seaforth Food Pro - dilation Aesooiation the citizens of Seaforth are desirous of rendering savory available assistance to the farmers forthe safe garnering of and bundaut harvest to assure victory for the allies now fighting for liber ty, justice anti civilization IF© SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 7 1917 Decoration Day Fidelity Lodge, NO 55 of the ludo - pendent Order of Odclfellowe will ob- servo Sunday uoxt as Decoration Pay, The Proeoeeiou will aeeernble et the Lodge room on Mein Street a12 p. m and march to the Maitland Bank Cem- etery. Addresses will bo delivered by Mr Joseph Oliver P. (1, M. and ex - mayor of Toeonte end others, Speolel music will be furnished by the Kippen brise their], Thegrovelsof deceased members will bo decorated, 'Phis example of caring for the last resting plaeee of their brethren should inspire all to make ''God's Acre,' the most beautiful part of the town . It ie hoped a large number will turn out to this ilnpreeeive eerviee. WHEN OUR BOYS RETURN Making Plans for Those who Dislike "Cissy" Jobs Significant announcements have been made by the Bordeu and Hearst Goverumente regarding their plaus for establishing Cauadian and 13ritiah epldiers ou the land. Both propose to pravtde returned veterans with farms and to assist them ie equipping these fermis and getting them uuder profit- able cultivation, The Federal scheme is to be placed in charge of au inde- pendent national commission, This departure will make for closer settle- ment of a sparsely inhabited oountry and for such increased food productiou as will be welcomed in our Canadian cities, There need be no fear that the Federal and Provincial plane will overlap. The combined efforts of all the governments iu Canada will never repay the aoldiere who defend our freedom on the battlefield of Europe. By way of beginning the Ontario Governmeut is to spend. $1, 000, 000 in assisting time -expired soldiers to the soil. More eapital will be avail- able when more ie required, Discharg- ed men who think they would like to he farmers, with farms of their own, will be admitted to camp under the charge of practical agriculturists. The theory and practree of farming in all its aspects will be taught et these camps, and the "apprentice" and 'pro bationers"will able to make up their minds as to whether or not they are going to like the life. If not attempt will be made to find other occupat- ona for them. The Government will house, board and train the men at its own expense and allow them a roaeonable wage in addition. Those who elect to take up ferraitig as a pormauent occupation will have the assistance of expert tiovornmeut 011ie- hale in selecting their laud, The group system of fermi and farm buildings will be followed se far as that is possible so that titre turned will have Cue social, soonomie autl eduoational advautegos of community life, Eeoh community will for' a time be in charge of au official from the De- partment of agriculture, who will bo an all-round guide, counsellor and friend to all its members. Implements and stook will be provided 00 a lied basie and where necessary money will be ad- vaftoe on easy tome, Soldiers who already understand farming will be aseieted 1 1Oast11g, clearing e1uii-ping and Welting new holdings of _their own. The camps cud the train- ing school are mainly for those who had city jobs before the war and who as a result of their manly open-air life in the army are unwilling to go back to these ulltutoresting occupations Must Have Passports Men Between 18 and 44 Required to Fill Out Forms, Ottawa, May 25.—Under an order in Council, affective to -day from coast coast, it is illegal under heavy penalty for any male within the ages of 18 and 45 years inclusive ordinarily resident in Canada, to leave or attempt to leave the country for any purpose without the written permission of a Canadian immigration inspector or other' person authorized to grant snch permiveiou, who must be fully eatiefied by sworn declaration that the intended departure is not with the object of avoiding liabil- ity to be celled upon to render military or other service "which might conduce towerds the success of his Majesty and his allies in the present prevailing war," Violation of the regulation is punish- able by a fine not exceeding ,x2500, or imprisonment not exceebiug five years or both fine and imprisonment. To obtain a permit it is necessary to snake application on a printed form obtainable f.om any postmaster or railway ticket agent. The forme call for name and address; names and ad- dresses of four portions for reference as to identification; destination and rea- sons for desiring to leave Canada; ex. pected length of absence, height, weight color of eyes and hair, occnpation, Photograph of the applicant must be attached, and the form is to be signed by a sponsor, who must be a bank man• agar chief of police, clergyman or a Dominion Government official, who meet state how long he has known the h m my- lin6Gnmarois:Crtllll PP. 1l: ll. lir , This, our new serial story, is one of the verybest written on bile present war. The first instalment will appear in an early issue. You'll like Tommy ; it is a strong, soul -stirring tale of the great world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero Is a Lancastershire lad. He didn't want to go to war—not at first. "Let 'em as wants to fight the Germans fight 'em" said Tommy. Then one day he heard the cry of suffering Belgium; he heard the call of his own motherland—he gave up the best job he ever had and enlisted, He went to France; he fought a good fight— against himself as well as the - ; he won the D.C.M. and— tiheZbest gfr'1 In the world. A ..tr i.d stiory splendidly tobd, Watch four the first instalment. " LYMP I fit" RESTAURANT AND eeNFECTI4NERY An up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lunches and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every .Saturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand, Our home made candies always the best, Chocalates, Camels. Bon -Bone & Taffies a specialty. Having les '.t'led aft 11,1 to date plant Inc int'citag ICE OREAM TRY IT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT next door to eardnos Bros applicant, that he recognizes the photo graph as a good likeness, anti that he believes the statements in the inform- ation are eeriest. There will be epeoial provision made for people living on the border in etolt pieties as Windsor, who tlaily crone to work in places it the United Ststos like Deteoit, Commercial travellers may have their oertlfieatee =cloned so that they Will not have to sooure a fresh permit for their frequent tripe, OPERA TA Cinderella among the Flowers was given in the Town Hall ou Friday even lag by the Miss Goveulock s pupils of the singing class. The Hall was well filled by intereeted daudaduliringspec. tators who enjoyed the musical version of Cinderella, The Ceutral Character was a Little Marguerite or common daisy represented by little K, Itaukiu who admirably took the part. Her acting was very realistic. The Prince Suuehine representing the Prince of the Fairy Story, was attended by the a retenue of Lords. The various flow- ers presented by girls of the class deck- ed in suitable ooetnmes were the guests i`Ivited to the Princes' Ball. A gaudy Tiger Lily and Holly hock personated the jealous step-eistere` both of whom depicted well the the enviouseharaoters Dame Nature, the Fairy God Mother, taken by Fraucis Crich transformed the little Marguerite lute a charming Prin- cess who won the heart of Prince Suu• shine at the Ball. The little attending bees came at the call of Dame Nature and together with fairiesand raindrops xv, asaiste hen in carrying out the trans- formation , The etory ends by the fiudieg of the owner ranch to the chagrin is the jeal- ous step sisters. The vat mon choruses were well rendered and showed carefn training ou the part of the dirootor. Mies Hahkirk wee pianist, Solos wr,re given by Misses Edge, Dorothy Wilson, Irene Dennison, Mary Laing, Florence Beatty and others. 'Chosen Candidate Mr, Archie Hyslop, farmer of near Brunelle ices the choice of the North Huron Liberal Association which met Last week in vl'ingham. The speakers were M. +>, Cameron ` . n so etieb; W W,t ert'l a U£ Gal 741 andH. i oh H. Roan of Toronto; A. 0. Ramsom a propective candidatefor CentreToronto Officers for vaiieus sectlutte of the Wing were also appointed. Holloweye Corn Cure takes the corn out by the roots. Try it and remove it For yews Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator has ranked the most effeet- ve preparation manufactured, and it always maintains its reputation. 'IAI. T. 024r'e►, E6111ALtI1.tItS 1015 UNkit4L D1itgla0 tr )' H. e..•I349X Holders of uovencent linemen Rad Lleeate-0Jr4rie'se MOPIta47E pieties { MOhayIL Calla 166 Two Cents Single Copy 1Sr UER JE WELR Y Now as tlie. )farm weather approaches the Iluiebed touch Demure to the clean new draw will be the n050 Ft ,-IPendant With chain. Our 11.e of tole partir Der adornment i veru targe. and very very nIce. Ne- Have novr before shown co large a line nor au pretty n line. The pOoso are very interest• 1 „ sc an and upward. Every -eneie guaranteed by db to give eatittaetiall reythl: wearer.- «.. -- til q}Il Ptd'. cT1FMltijt' Emrree tnr ISH Man Wanted lel ruuttuge & 'tnllerll on farm grtarlrrsitttb+Aptfruuta Marriaaa License It tette PEONS 199 Wanted a married man to Sremng la work farm by the year. The store you willalwaps House provided, E. J. BOX '& I,512=4r Seaforth IrJ4 e. MACTAVISHI'S We know you like this wayofdoing business CLEVER NEW CREATIONS IN LADIES' SUITS COATS SKIRTS WAISTS tamers positiou. We buy to satisfy you, we price to To see them AND WEAR is to want them satisfy you, we plan every way your complete satis- We try to serve every customer as would like to be served. We endeavor always to place ourselves in onr cus- we, ourselves, BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS THAT ANY WOMAN MIGHT WELL BE' PROUD TO OWN CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUMS CURTAINS Bug now for future needs Higher Prices are bound to Mactavisn obtain .EAF@ RTI -I we give faction. You like to buy goods you can depend upon—the kind you know is right in style, right in quality and right in price—so we offer none but that sort of merchandise We know that the bitterness of poor quality out- lives the sweetness of low prices—that good quality is long remembered after price is forgotten—so we don't sell anything that can't be depended upon to be a sonrce of satisfaction toyou as long as you wear or use it. If you like high-quality goods at very moderate prices you'll like the Goods that we sell. If you like a painstaking store service that works to make satisfaction snre for you, you'll like the way we serve you, a The advantages offered for satisfactory trading at this store are certainly many. HOSIERY GLOVES NECKWEAR UNDERWEAR CORSETS It will be. more than worth pour time to come and see the values The •; Store That Satisfies