HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-05-31, Page 4lie
Latelof I...o;i ou [oaPitulsiLoudOn 1 41444
1 attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Now
OE* and
reside teii Dominion Bonk.
Ofice Phonu No,s. Residence. phone
no F. I. BURROWS. Seaforth. Olece and
Vsssidesew - Goderkb Street, ,fest of the Meths..
Mat Church. Coroner for the County of Huron.'
iyalephone, No. 40.
DSS. SCOTT ea MACKAY. Physitdano and
Sureeono. Godetdcb Street. opposite Metho-
alrtChurch. Swforth.
Scon, graduate Victoria and Ann. Arbor, and
somber of Ontario College of Pbydtdane and
PeIasone. Coroner for County of Hume.
�oM6dACKAV, honor graduate Trinity University,
Trinity of
Collasof Pbcanand utaeuw, (Mtarr0
nil. GEO. HEILEMAN. Osteopathic Special's
In Woman's and Children s Diseases and
lltaomatic Troubles. Acute and Chronic Die•
odere, Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Adenoids
paunoved without the knife. Consultation ftee.
Cady Block over Waiter N alts Shoe Stora.
Tuesday, 0 8,,1r.p tlIeaos pan ; Friday �3 to_ 0 p. 1
Issued In JOBli
arra "' uses addoptician, 8let
limo snare,, a+erlim Insnce, Life or postcard will get our rates.
J. D. t&INialHLEY.
Gen erol Astra for London Life Insurance Co..'
and Imperial Guarantee and Accident Ioattrance Co. !
Seaforth, Ont.
James Tats°
General Fire, Lite end Accident insurance
Agent, and dealer en Hewing '0iechluei.
Main street., se.lttorte.
Mutual Insure Ice CUs!
ff^arnl and .1aofoted Town
Property Only Insured.
Jas. Connolly. tenlerien, President, James'
Esau., Reechwuod Vice-Preo0den'.. Thomas
H ars. Seaforth. Hae. Treas.
D. F. McGregor. Seaforth; Jolla G. Grieve.
Winthrop W. Rina, Constance• John Beaaewels,
Srodghagen; Robert Ferris, Barlock; Malcom
McKeon, Clinton• ti McCartney,Seaforth;
J04241 Connolly Godedch; Jas. Evans, eechwood•
Alex. Leitch, Ifariodr E. Hlncbley, Seaforth,
WBlram Chesney Egmoadvfle• J. W. Yen, I
Heime&vllle; R. d. Jermouth, Brodhagen- James'
Ener and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors,
Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact !
other business will be promptly attended to by i
appt)rnelon to any of the above officers. addressed
to their respective pontoOOctr.
•' `Alla
,toy@ Tkke7e- to
W u e
pig &li
3 @dila /3 trts.leiki.
lt'ffistllltlNt ll?'1i'
are the leas harm you .are apt to get
iota, tire ewoeter and heppior your hol.
xiurr' idays, and the better setiedetl will the
LIV I" world he with you.
Frons this °Oleo
Phone 84 Evening 127
one dollarperear, strictly lu nova nee
10 net paid in advance, ono del\et and
a 0001 will be charged. United states
papers. t5tt4 cents extra. striekly iu
ted yenned.
When sabserlbers chaange their eddreea
notice shouldbe?crtuo lmmedlately, gluing
both the ofd and the new addteaa. Sub-.
of � will
conferrity af favor
livery notifying us
Reading Notices -No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money la to be made by any person
or cause will be inserted In Tea News
without charge, The price for the Inser-
tion of business announcements is TEN
cents per count line each Insertion to
parties having no contract for display
advertising. and FIVE cents per line each
insertion to those haviyyng display contracts,
reading notices' Card/of andentertainment
5 �tol9
lines, 50 cents.
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Noticed -Ten cents per line for Erse
insertion end Eve cents per line for each
subsequet insertion,
Yearly cards-Professional
Inch, willtobelInseerted not
exceeding '
LS -00 per veer, payable strictly la advance
Dlaplay ed,orthdng-Rates furnished
en application
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUnttl forbid," and those sent without
written Instructions will appear until
mitten enters are received for their dls-
Letter. to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no respon.
sibiaty whatever for the statemeota made
In such communications. Letters on reli-
gious Copies will not be published at all
tweet as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter Is ten
cents per One.
Ask the above question to any per -
'son you chance to meet, who hag
wandered from borne, and in nine cas-
es oat of ten the answer will be that
tHome is a green spot in memory, a
centre about which the grandest ree-
lolleetioue of his grief -oppressed heart
E cling with all tendernes of youth's
Beware first love. Home has au influence
Of which is stronger than death. It is
Imitations lair to OIlr hearts and brads 01s with e
sold 411011 which neither time nor change
en the can break, Not merely friende and
Merits 1 kindred render that home so dear, but
of I the very hills and streams throw a
charm around the place of cue's na-
tivity. It is 110 .wonder the grandest
nmenl' harps are tuned to sing of "Hone
Sweet Horne." No souse are sweeter
that, those heard among the boughs
!that share the parent's dwelling, when
00111e averting hour found us gay as
the birds that warbled o'er us. We
may wan ler away and mingle with the
world's strife, form new associates
and fancy we have forgttett the laud
of onr birth. but as we listen perhaps
to the summer wind, the remembranees
of other days come over the soul and
fancy beare us back to the childhood
days end home. We may find climes
as beautiful and friends as clear, but
they will not usurp the place of "Home,
sweet Hume.'
For Sale
W. 1. NEV. Seaforth.
Phone I a°
AB'LYIs11 ass
Without a proper
system, of adver-
tisin is like a
motor without the
power. . . . .
Seaforth News
will supply the
required enerJti
honc - 54
evc nines 127
It was Robert J . Burdette who said;
My son, you have to work, whether
you handle pink or pen, a wheelbarrow
or a eat of books, ringing 311 auction
hell or writing funny things, you mast
work. If you look aronnd, you will
see the men who are the most able to
live this rest of their days without work
are the men who work the hardest.
Don't be afraid of killing yourself
with overwork, They die sometimes,
but it's beoauee they quit work at 6
p. m, end don't go home until 2 a, to'
It le the interval that kills, my son,
The work given you an appetite for
year tneale, it lends solidity to your
alumbere, and give you a perfect and
graceful appreciation of a holiday.
There ate young men who do not
work, but the world is not proud of
them, It dons not know their names
°vett; it simply speaks of them as `told
Soandeo'e boyo " The great, busy.
world doesn't know that they are
So find out what you want to be
and do, tali@ oft your ooat and make a
deist in the world, The busier you
1 always look forward to the coin-
ing of your paper with nosh 0ntiol-
pation, ea to what good thing the
Home Circle will hare for ue this week,
and mu never disappointed, You
seem to have an inexhaustible supply
of wholesome truth for all hi the home
-old and young. Every phase in
life receives its illumination front your
peu and somehow life seems a bit
brighter, the atiuoephe:e purer and
hope stronger after absorbing the
thoughte you presout and hr eppreoi•
Won of all this and many 'other ex-
cellent features, I write these lines.--
ines.-A Western Reader,
if teen would remember that women
can't always be smiling, who have to
cook the dinner, answer the bell half a
dozen times, got rid of a neighbor who
has dropped iu, tend to a eick baby, tie
up the cut finger of a two year-old,
gather up the playthings of a four.
year•o1d1 tie up the dead of a six-year•
old on skates, and get an eight year-
old ready for school, to say nothing of
sweeping and cleaning, etc. A woman
with all these to 0cntend ,with may
claim it a privilege to look and feel a
little tired sometimes, and a word of
eympathy would not he too much to
expect from the ural, who, during the
Honeymoon, wouldn't ler her carry as
much as a sunshade. -
The evening is the hour when crafty
Satan preaches most eloquently. 14 is
also the hour when he can gather the
largest and most attractive audience.
In our great cities Satan's ()hurdles are
crowded every evening. But fortunate.
ly, the evening hour ie also the hour in
which the good angel can gather the
largest audience and he who would
baffle Satan's influence roust preach in
the evening, The evening is the hour
when the protesting power of home is
greatest; it is the hour when its proteot•
ion 19 moot needed.
A mother who really has the good of
her children at heart, will teach them
as soon as they can walk not only sto
Help themselves, but to help others
She will not bring them up under the
impression that they are unfledged
angels, but dear, wilful, little mortals
who roust learn they came to serve not
to rule. Self sacrifice fa a good quality
in a mother, but it is possible to carry
that spirit to> far; it ie possible to make
sacrifices which are not only uncalled
for and not tleoeesary, but really harm -
their effects. - -
In the home all that is cheracterietic-
allyfemiuine in woman unfolds and
flourishes. Home without woman is a
misnomer, for woman makes hone. and
home is what she makes it, It she is
illiterate, her home partakes of thie
quality; if she is immoral her home
cannot be the abode of virtue; if she ie
course, refinement does not dwell where
she resides. if she is oultivated, pure
refined those qualities will characterize
the home which he creates, The high.
the degree of her culture, her purity,
her refinement, the more will those
qualities charactize the hone of whioh
she is the 00ntre,
Exterminating Couch Grass.
Experimental Farm Note
When the land for the Experimental
Station now loeat.d at Morden, Alan.,
was purchased iu 1915, it was found to
be badly infested with couch grass
[also called quack, •twitoh or quick
In an effort to exterminate this weed
sixty.five sores of that part of the farm
which apposed to be the worst infested
was treatise as follows. -
About the first of June,it was plough.
four inches deep and well harrowed,
The eprtng tooth cultivator was then
used, serving to draw the roots to the
top of the ground. Next a ohain harrow
was employed. This brought all the
loose grass to the surface and left in
large roils all over the field. These
rolls were then forked into heaps to dry
and were burned about August let.
Immediately after this the land was
again ploughed and again given the
treatment outlined above, and was fin.
ally ploughed a third time late in the
In the spring of 1916 it was well bat,
rowed then sown and otoss-sown with
barley at the rate of 16. bus per aore
act: way, Thera was a good crop of
graiu and it was almost impossible to
find a blade of eouohgraeo on the whole
IVitit a view to overcoming the dilli-
. ultree arising on demobilisation, tn-
etructiens have been iaeued to the Can.
Mian forces now overseas, to obtain in.
fot'ination, from every officer and man
at present serving, on a card •ort whioh
aro questions relating to personal
oiroumetancee, Three gneotione relate
to a scheme of agricultural settlement.
The men are .eked.
"Do yon desire to take advantage of
the scheme to armlet in eettleiuont after
the war?"
"Which Province would you prefer to
settle in?"
"Would you work 6d prevailing wages
on a farm to gain experience, provided
your dependents were given the same
support as they now receive?"
Men are specially advised by head-
quarters oarefully to 001eider these
questions and t0 be prepared to give a
final a,tewer at an early date.
Technical Education
The announcement in Parliament
that technical education wonld be dealt
with at mule is important. The war
has taught 11s that the nation lacking
technical skill can make little progress
under modern world conditions. In
the past Canada has not given enough
thought to technical education, Caught
in the vortex of prosperity we were con
tent to float on the tide of expansion
without glancing at the future. But
three years of war have awakened 119
to the demands of present day needs.
We have learned that to succeed we
must inatch efficiency against efficiency
skill against skill, if we ere to remain
in the race for oommercial supremacy.
After the war there i s bound to be a
struggle for commercial advantage that
will test all our enterprise and economic
strength to the utmost• :t would be
endangering all we are fighting for not
to recognise this fact. We have paid a
terrible price for not being prepared for
war; let us not repeat the error by not
being ready for the future struggles of
peace. .
I. 0. 0. F.
A large number of brethren from
Brueselle and Brueefield attended a
special meeting here on Friday night
last when a number of candidates re-
ceived the 2nd and mrd degrees. Much
credit must be given for the manner
in whick the degrees were conferred.
Speeches were given by A A Naylor, N
G, Mr Woods of Brussels and others
Lunch 0400 served.
Mr and Mrs Dave Erzerman of Mit-
chell spent Sunday in the village.
Ivir Ed Chamberlain, Misses Ruby
and Myrtle Sadler, Rev Mr and Mrs N
Darling motored to London last Tues-
Mrs J Jeffery of Hamilton 16 the
guest of Mr and Mrs S Webb.
Mrs McVey has returned after a
couple of weeks visit with friends in
Miss 0 McDonnell spent the holiday
et her home in Stratford
Report of Victory Concerts
Total Receipts $966 86
Total Expenditure ...............194.53
Balance 577233
A resolution was passed at the last
meeting of the Women's War Auxiliary
expressing their thanks to everyone
who helped in any way with the
Victory Concerts, and thus made them
euoh asucoess.
Oountlese have been the oures • work-
ed by Holloway's Corn Cure. It has
a power of its own not found in other
Meeting of the
Huron County Council
The council of the oorporation of
the County of Huron will meet in th
council (Member, itt the 'town of Godo-
riob, on Tuesday the 6th,day of June
at 3 o'olook
Dated May 2lst 1917
I Established 1871
ININ Special attention given to the business of Farmers and i
• Dlers in Live Stk. Sale stoles collected on invertible
p� terrDtl.
• - Savings Department
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. itl
a Interest paid or added to accounts twice e. year.
a Efficient service assured to depositors,
i � e
Farmers Business
■ 7fM)R■fanionomomionMSSSMMautiM1IIMMM oinosom [Y'MS'Anno
We have established a lasting re•
pntatiou for fair and square dealing
and are now prepared to meat existing
conditions by offering our high grade
trees and plants direct to customers at
Rock Bottom Priers. Don't delay
planting fruit trees and plants as 'there
is nothing pays better, fiend for oar
illustrated ciroulers 0i hardy varieties
which you can direct and get the be-
nefit of agent's OolnIlli smtoll Our prices
will be sure to interest you.
Each "Pape's-Diapepsin" digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery in five minutes.
Time it! In five minutes all stom-
ach distress will go. No indigestion.
heartburn. sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Dlapepsin is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
I¢ is the surest, quickest stomach rem-
edy in the whole world and besides it
is harmless,' -Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
fifty -cent ease of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless it is to suf-
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
dodtor to the world.
Send your cream to ire and receive
lop prices. We are running our plant
the year through and can handle your
frill supply and furnish you with cans.
We pay twice each inonth and weigh•
sample,and test each can of cream oare
fully, Our motto is '• Honesty to ou
Patrons " Patrons are requested to re
turn all our sane when not in use.
Sitter aniButtermilk also an hand
ne for at market prioes,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Just arrived I car Manitoba
Due to arrive to -day 1 car
Delaware SEED Potatoes.
Western Oats and Mill feeds
always on. hand,
Wm. Stapleton
Dublin May 23rd
Good Milling Wheat ,.,....,,42.00
Bran per ton ........................43.00
Shorts per ten..,.:.... .., ,.,,....,46
Flour .............................. 6.35 7. ,0
Hogs to, farmers ............ ......15.75
Town of Seaforlh
Court of Revision
Notioe ie hereby given that the first
meeting of the Court of Revision Dor
hearings of Appeals against the Aseoss
ment Roll of the town of Seaforth for
1917 will be held in the Oouuoil Cham-
ber, Town l'lali Seaforth on Monday
the fourth day of June 1917 at 8 p to
Dated at Seaforth this i6th day of MAT
Jtto A Wilson
An Items under tilts Head are
published tree of spurge, ex-
cept those regarding meetings
whore an admission fee is
charged. ']'lie rate for snob
being live omit per count line
St. James'
St. James, Church, Rev. Father P
Corcoran, Rev, Father G. R. North.
graves .Morning Mass 7 a.in, High
Mass 10.30 a.m. Sunday school 2.30
p m. Evening vespers? p.m.
St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday
services •II8.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday
school 2.30 p. m. Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30
p.m. Ohildreu'ebranch Saturday 2 p.m.
010rcession services every Thursday,
. O mm,
First Presbyterian
Rev, F• H, Larkin,, Pastor, Sunday
services 11 a,m. and 7 p in.' Sunday
school 2.30 p,m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Mies-
i0nary Societyathe first Tuesday in each
month et 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mia•
sion Band 3rd Tuesday in the month at
7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Ban(]
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p,lu.
Rev. G. McKinley, 13. D., pastor
-SUNDAY-Class at 10;00 a.m.
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun -
clay school and Bible study class 2.30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Thnrada y 8, p.m.
Salvation Army
Capt. Froud and Lieut. Saundra
Roliness meeting 11 a.m. Praise
service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 pen.
Children. Servioe-Direotory class 10
a.m. Bible choses 4 p.m. Week night
Meetings -Wednesday Praer meeting
8 p,m,
Sgmondvilte, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ser-
vices 11 a.m. and p.m, "Bible class
3 p.m, Prayer meeting Wednesday
Sp, m. Y.P,M,S. Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p,m, Women's Mission-
ary Sooiety 3rd Wednesday hi the month
at 2.30 p.m. Ladies' Aid meets im-
mediately after.
McKillop Presbyterian
Rev. D Ottrswell pastor. Sunday
services Dnffe' church 11 a.m Sunday!
school 10 a m. Prayer meeting Wed-�
needay 8 p,m, Woplen's Missionary
Society Inst Friday in each mouth at t JOHN
Girtal Try RI Hair gets soft, fluffy AN
beautiful --Cwt A 25 Cent bOttlo
of Danderine,
If you care for heavy hair that gibs.
tons with beauty and 1s radiant with
lite; has an incomparable eoftness and
is euffY and lustrous, try DAndartne.
Just' 0110 application doublets the
beauty of your ]lair, besides It iWnttl-
dintelyu dissolves every partUeets o2
dandruff, You can not have else
heavy, healthy halt if yyu hare
dandruff, This destructive sour! robs
the hail' of its lustre, its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome it
produoes a feverishness and itching oO
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosotl and die; then the hair falls out
fast.* Surely get a 95 -cent bottle ell
Knowlton's Dandertne front any drug
sloro and lust try It.
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc.
Also take books ,
and newspapers
Appelzft & Millman
.Across from Creamery
Phone I83
Having purchased the
Photograph business in
Seaforth from Mr. T, 5,
Fell I am now ready to
make for you Photo-
graphs that Please.
Careless ship -shod work
will find no place in our
We have earned a re-
putation as Photograph-
ers of quality through
particular attention to
the little niceties of finish
& detail that seems so in-
significant and vet bulk
so large when the final
result is delivered to you. f,
Our motto is Please .the
We do picture framing
and sell Amateur sof; plies
We develop films. and fin-
ish prints for amateurs.
D F Buck's Studio
Phone 19 • SEAFORTH 201
A lady in Hamilton has
instructed meto offers for
Sale her home and 3 lots
Situated on the North
Side of Crombie St.
This is excellent prop-
erty in good condition
and must be sold at once
to close. an estate.
-A su.lp for st,mei one -
2 o'clock,
0onatellite Methodist
Rev, 0, 0. Keine, pastor. Sunday
service 2.30 p.m, Young People's Lea-
gue2.30 p In Swishy Wonen's Auxil
cry first Tuesday of every month a
30 p.m. Gtales' Aid last Thursday
of sash month 2.30 p.I1
Wintlt-op Presbyterian
Sundaq setvioe 2.30 pm. Sunday
,ohool I 15pm. Prayer meeting
Tuesday B p,m. L,0. W last Wed.
A Ready Weapolt Against Pain, --
There is nothing equal to Dr. Thomas''
meleotric Oil when well rubbed in. It.
penetrates the tisanes and pain die.
tppeara before it. There is uo known
Preparation that will reach the spot
licher than flus magic Oil.- In son -
,y Incase
on•3,quouse it ranks first among lintmete
. tow offered to the public and is aeo0rd
do first place among ell itO•oompetitors'
Bond and Debenture Broker'
Alafu Street,fioaforth
"Por the Blood le the Life."
With any dirwaea due to impure blood
ouch a. Morena, eefoMla, Scurvy, Bad
Iles., Ab , Weare, glandular
Swelling., Bello, Pimple., florae or any
kind, Pae.,9lood Poleen,Rhaumetl.m,
goat, *tog don't waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin. What you wont
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous mutter which alone is the true
cause of all your suffering. Clarke v Blood
Mixture Isjust such a medimne, Itis composed
of ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood all impurities, from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean and pure,
cnn-be relied on to effect a lasting cur;
17Anuasdr of kagoloneolt.
JJrselrtNoi Fey ,PAGr
rol.nd d.Htih
Over 50 years,
Pleasant to
Sold by as
(lOoHsfs nad
xrrasn ,0t
sent. eese