HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-05-31, Page 3tl,. O LLT i , FOLKS
A Eine Solution.
Indeed, I try my very best
To learn the lesson well,
And why 1 fall et every test
I really cannot tell!
Por, with iny atlas in my lap,
I'm sure of every' place.
Each •state and country on. the map,
Each, river, I can trace.
But teacher says when I recite
A dreadful thing occure;
I don't get any answers right -
At least, they're not like hers!
,Utah becomes a town of Spain
Beside Lake Sunapee!
Peru, a river of Touraine,
Plows to the Caspian Sea!
I toll her that the Middle States
Lie southwest of the Born,
Washed by those , queer Magellan
Cancer and Capricorn!
So teacher shakes her head and sighs.
"Whatever shall I do
With such aBtu id boy'?"
she cries,
"What will become of you?"
If she .feels sorry for my sake
And wants to have me pass,
She'll be obliged to let me take
My atlas to the class!
-Johnson Morton.
"Go To Work And Make Yourselves
In a great yard at the edge of a city
stood several pine trees and three big
maples. All winter long the pine
trees had worn their pretty, warm
green dresses, while the maples stood
shamefacedly by, bare and cold in the
bleak wintry air. Finally, when the
warm spring sunshine began to work
its wonderful magic in the air, the
maples could stand their bareness no
"I'm so ashamed!" cried the biggest
Maple." "This sunshine makes me feel
"I think we ought to get some new
clothes," suggested the middle-siz-
ed' tree.
"Yes, everyone has new clothes for
spring, and we ought to have some,
too," added the smallest Maple Tree,
"You're quite right," said the big-
gest Maple, and he looked over the
yard and saw the fresh green of the
lawn, the bright crocuses here and
there, and the tulips by the walk,
Even the people passing on the street
looked fresher and brighter than, dur-
ing the cold winter storms. "Yes, we
must have some new frocks"
"Let's ask the Pine Tree; her dress
is always fresh and"green. Maybe
she can tell us how to get some new
clothes," suggested the middle-sized
tree hopefully, "Oh, Friend Pine
Tree, can you tell us how to get some
pretty green frocks like yours?"
"That I can," replied the Pine Tree
cheerfully. "Go to work and snake
yourselves some."
But the maples did not like that ad-
vice. "We don't want to work so
hard or wait so long; we want dresses
right away," they said.
"Let's ask the South Wind;._maybe.
she knows where to get clothes," sug-
gested the biggest Maple. So the
next time the South Wind blew
through the yard they asked her.
"To be sure I can tell you where to
get new dresses," laughed the South
Wind. "Go to work and make your-
selves some."
"That same advice!" grumbled the
Maples. "Let's ask the Sunbeams."
So bright and early the next morn-
ing they asked the Sunbeams their
"New clothes?" laughed the Sun-
beams. "Go to work and make your-
selves solve."
And -then the Maples began to
notice and to think.
"Perhaps, after all, we shall get
them just as soon if we make our own
clothes," said the middle-sized Maple.
"Lot's try." So all three maples set
to work.
Soon the South Wind blew by,. "Oh,
aro you working?" she asked. "Do
let me help you!" And quickly she
blew a dozen warm breezes through
the bare branches.
And the Sunbeams, when they came
visiting, cried, "Oh, if you are mak-
ing clothes,. we want to help!" And
they bathed the trees in golden light.
Even the raindrops, up on a cloud,
saw those busy trees and came tumbl-
ing down to help all they could. And
so, in no time at all, or so it seemed,
those maples were dressed in- new
frocks of green.
"Just look!" exclaimed the smallest
tree, as she settled her new gown with
a dainty rustle. "Wo made them so
quickly, and- everyone has been so
kind, and-"
"That's because you worked, your -
`self," whispered the South Wind. "We
all like to help workers." And away
oho blew to find another busy tree. -
Youth's Companion,
Thee Gunner.
Comment on the perfect marksman-
ship now displayed in the navy was
made in the form of an anecdote by e
sergeant of a United States marine
recruiting corps.
The captain called up n gunner and
pointing out a battleship several miles
away, Said:.
"You see that ship?"
"Aye, aye, Kr," said the gunner.
"You see the officer on !eels?"
"W'ell, you hit him in the eye with
a 16 -inch shell."
"Aye aye, sir. VP1tiCh eye, 'sir?"
asked the gunner.
Milk—the two most perfect . Eoiicwned
Per Fre China,
foods given to man. Dietetic Nnw Making Crucibles,
Long famous fol' its commies;
experts may quarrel about Sevres is now performing yeoman
everything else, but they are wax -time service, It makes the
eraolbles,-the condensers, the reiarts,
agreed on this, The proper and other paraphernalia used in the
combination is Shredded dhstiilation of the various powerful
Wheat Biscuit with milk a(ida that are used in making' modern
high explosives,
—the greatest .amount of liefore the war, says the Argonaut,
protein( (the element that the Central Powers had a corner on
this maldtet, Much of the otter
builds muscular tissue) for and glassware used in laboratories
thea least money.- Two or and chemical factories came from
Bohemia. As .soon as the war .began
three of these Biscuits with the Allies had to find ways of supply -
milk make a nourishing ing' their own needs, The French
breakfast on which to start government Immediately turned to the
$oyes ant
the day's work and they It waspllong, suer slow work fol' the
,Cost only a few cents. A French ceramic specialists, for they
boon to the hdusewife be- lead never given attention to that
branch of the art; Before they found
cause they are ready -cooked an alloy that would hold the powerful
and ready -to -eat. Deliciousaside, they tried innumerable mixtures
of various kinds,
with berries or other fruits. Finally they discovered a mixture
Made in Canada. that, if not the counterpart of the
Bohemian, is at least as gopd. Novy
the Sevres plant is shipping goods to
England and to Russia, so that those
countries are no Longer forced to
S,mmer Models tain their supplies by de lcus means
at extortionate prices from Holland
and the Scandinavian countries.
The huge condensers used in the dis-
tillation of picric acid were the hard-
ly Of them." for the Sevres savants to produce. Dodd's Kidney Pills curs the kid -
areare so large that tiny cracks,.
are likely to form in them while they nays. Cured kidneys malls pure blood.
are being "roasted" in the huge
eaheat toaris (a ell's Kidney Pills are
electric furnaces that formerly served __-�
for the manufacture of dishes. TOMB OF OUR MOTHER EVE
Mohammedans Claim Eve Is Buried
Near Yeddah, Port of Mecca.
What i -s probably the most remark-
able and strangest of all alleged Bible
tombs is that which marks the sup-
posed resting plane of Eve, the mother
of the human race: It lies about a mile
to the north of Jeddah, the port of
The tradition that Eve was buried
Nature intended every girl and every here is older than Mohammed. Adam
woman to be happy, attractive, active is believed by some to rent at his own
and healthy. Yet too many of them
find their lives saddened by saiffering-
nearly always because their blood is to
blame. All those unhappy girls and between our first parents, and Elva
women with colorless cheeks, dull spent the last years of her life at Jed-
Speak Of ~Them In
The Highest Terms
Why Mr. and Mrs, West Recom-
mend Dodd's Kidney Pills.
They Cured Mr. West's Lumbago and
Made Mrs, West Feel Like a New
Fe son, They Are the Best Tonic.
St, 3amea, Man„ May 28th (Special)
-That Dodds. Kidney Pills are living
up to their groat reputation in the
'West is twice proved by Mr, and Mrs.
G. West, well known and highly re-
spected residents of this place, Let
Mrs. West tell the story of what the
great Canadian kidney remedy has
done for her husband and herself,
"My lhusbaild suffered from attacks
of lumbago," elle states, "and the doc-
tor did him no good, but I can truth-
fully say that since using Dodd's Kid-
ney P1108 lie is entirely free from lum-
"I myself tools six boxes of Dodd'e
Kidney Pills and am just like a new
peron. have gained 10 lbs, since us -
ng them
and my friends compliment
me au how well I roods.
"I have recommended Dodd's Kid.
ney Pills to some of my lady friends
who were complaining of not feeling
well, and they, like myself, speak high -
No Girl or Woman Need Be Con-
stantly Ailing and
peals in Ceylon, but this is debated by
Oriental ivolholars, There had been a
difference, so the Mohammedans say,
skins.aod sunken, lusterless eyes, aro
in this condition because they have not
enough blood, red blood In their veins
to keep them well and in the charm of
health. They suffer from depressing
weariness and periodical headaches.
Dark lines form under their eyes, their
heart palpitates violently after the
slightest exertion, and. they are often
attacked with fainting spells. These
are only a few of the miseries of blood-
lessness. Nothing can secure girls and
women from the inevitable decline
Flowered voile trimmed with plain that follows anaemia except a gener-
organdy is a charming combination ous supply of new, rich, red blood, and
for a summer frock, especially if made nothing has ever goprod
blood successful
l -
in a manner similar to the accompany-
ingas illustration. The pleated skirt llama Pink Pills fol Pale People,
finished with a frill around the waist, Thousands and. -thousands of girls and
and big, fluffy pockets, is unusual in women owe their good health and
icharming complexion to the use of this
its style and daintiness. McCall Pat-
tern No. 7785, Ladies' Waist, in 6 Isere is one example of its
sizes, 84 to 44 bust; and No. 7795, power to cure, Mise Dorina Bastian,
Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt, in 89 or 37- St. Jerome, Que., says: "For over a
year my health was gradually failing,
my blood had seemed almost to have
turned to water, my cheeks were pale,
my lips bloodless, and the slightest
exertion lett me breathless. I suffered
frequently from severe headaches, my
appetite failed, and my friends feared
I was going into consumption. I had
been doctoring but did not derive any
benefit, and finally I hadto give up
my work and return home. It was at
this stage that a friend brought me a
box,,of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
urged me to try them. By the time
the box was used I thought they were
helping me, and decided to continue
using the pills. I took a half dozen
boxes more, when my strength had
completely returned, my.appetite was
restored, my color returned, headaches
had disappeared and I was feeling bet-
ter than I had been for years. I would
urge every weak and ailing girl to give
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial."
These pills are sold by all medicine
dealers or -may be had by mail at 50.
cents a box or six; boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr. Williams' 1VIedicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
New Zealand Opens Two in Auckland
As An Experiment.
The New Zealand government has
recently opened two butcher, shops
in Auckland in order to keep the re-
tail price of meat down to the lowest
possible minimum, and also to make
the experiment as to whether under a
stricter system of management the.
increases in the price of meat an-
nounced by the butchers are justified.
The butchers are given the option of
drawing on the Imperial Govern-
ment's supplies. The two freezing
companies in the Auckland district
will supply meat to the during al-
ternate months at bare cost , price,
without trying to make any profit on
the transaction, The Government re-
tail shops are already transacting a
very large business, and the public
are able to purchase meat at sub-
stantially reduced prices.
The' Isle of Man is under British
sovereignity, but has its own constitu-
tion and government, and is exempt
from laws made by the British Parlia-
ment unless specifically named, The
chief executive officer, the Lieutenant
Governor, is appointed by the British
inch length, in 5 sizes, 22 to 30 waist.
Price, 20 cents each.
® 0500505'
Bloomer frocks are all the rage for
little tots. The cunning model il-
lustrated is made with dress and
bloomers attached, making one gar-
ment to handle and to make, but giv-
ing the effect of two when the little
dress is on. McCall Pattern No, 7738,
Child's Bloomer Dress; in 8 sizes, 2 to
6 years. Price, 15 cents,
These patterns may be obtained
from your local 14IcCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co„ 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept. W.
Two Swedish pulp mills are now
manufacturing industrial alcohol from
their waste.
Mining, Chemical Civil, Mechanical and
Electrienf Engineering.
Arts Course by correspondence. Degree
with one year's atteadnuee.
Summer School Navigation School
July and August - December to April
id GEO. Y. CHOWN, Reyiatrer
41• 001•1116OSMINgeme.
dads, where she was buried, not far
tram the great temple in Mecca which
Moslem tradition ascribes to the
Campaign by Canadian Pacific 117. to
Meet Peed Shortage.
In order to enoourago the settle -
Ment and cultivation of vacant lands
in the Western Provinces, the Cana-
dian Paoifie Railway Company,
through its Colonization and Develop-
merit Department, o£ which Mr. J. S.
Dennis is the head, has undertaken
an active campaign to try and induce
absentee owners to cultivate their
A circular has been issued to some
8,000 absentee owners, pointing out
the profits which can be made by
cultivating. their lands, and showing
how many farmers sold their last
years' cropfor more than the original
cost of their farms,
The Company offers the advice and
assistance of its Colonization and
Development Department free of
charge, in supplying reliable informa-
tion as to how to go about getting
the land under cultivation and will
'send, on request, the fullest details as
to routes of travel, customs regula-
tions, passenger and freight rates and
similar data.
In undertaking this camaign the
Company is following its usual broad
v Domh e
P y f oleo -wide dovclopm nt,
realizing that every new settler means
greater production to meet the food
shortage which at present threatens
the world, and which Canada, with
its extensive and fertile unplowed
areal],: can provide.
Matter of Judgment
Two men were boldly discussing the
merits of a book. Finally one of them,
himself an author, said to the other.
"No, John, you can't appreciate it..
You never wrote a book yourself."
"No," retorted John, 'and I never
laid an egg, but I'm a better judge of
an egg than any hen."
Minard's Liniment Go„ Ltd.
Gents, -I have used your Minard's
Liniment in my family and also in my
stables for years and consider it the
best medicine obtainable.
Yours truly,
Proprietor Roxton Pond- Hotel and
Livery Stables.
hands of Adam himself, If the baby is lonesome or fussy, tie
A common legend attributes to Eve a mirror where she can see herself,
jthe height of 118 fret, but this does and she will be interested in seeing her
!not oorrespond with the dimensions of companion. Fasten her toys to her
i her tomb, which is nearly 400 feet carriage or crib with a long string..
long 1 She must brave been o1 a some- If they fall, or if she throws them
what strange shape, as her grave is ; away, they can't go far and she will
only 10 feet or 11 feet wide! In the soon be playing with them again.
middle of the grave is a small build- .
in,g containing a curious witness to
Ask for Minard,s and take no other,
whitewashed walis of this 101110 temple The diamond is the hardest known
are hundreds of thousands of pencilled substance -to
New Device Attached to British hel-
mots to Save the Eyes,
More and more the men in the
trenches are coming to resemble .their
armor -clad forebears, The Latest inno.
vation is a chain mail veil draped from
the steel helmets. The invention is
that of a London eye specialist and it
has proved its value, The steel veil
hangs from a rod across the helmet
front and protects the eyes and face,
while not interfering enough with the
sight to impair the soldier's effici-
11 is natural for little ones to be
well, and with care every baby can be
kept well. Tyle main thing towards
keeping little ones well is to keep their
little stolnasdi sweet and their bowels
regular. Baby's Own Tablets win' do
this. Thousands of mothers keep the
Tablets in the house, as they find them
an efficient guard against illnesa, Con.
corning them Mrs. Hilaire Desmarais;
Si, Joseph de Sorel, Quo„ writes: "I
believe Baby's Own Tablets are the
best medicine la the world for child-
ren My baby was terribly constipated
but the Tablets promptly cured him
and now he 1s a big healthy child." The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mall at 26 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
s+ -
Carpets look much better if beaten
on an old becl spring than on a clothes.
Race Minard's ranlauent is the house.
When buying your Piano
insist os having an
And How to Feed
Freethe toAuthanyor address by
118 ciest 31st Street, New York
from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone,
Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar
trouble and gets horse going sound.
It acts mildly but quickly and good re-
sults are lasting. Does not blister
or remove the hair and horse can
be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with
each bottle tells how, $2.00 a bottle
delivered. Horse Book 9M free.
ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment
for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En-
larged Glands, W ens, Bruises, Varicose Veins;
heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you
more if you write. 91 and $2.a bottle at
dealere or detivemd. Liberal trial bottle ter lee ammo:.
F. YOUNG, P, G. F., 516 Lymans 01dg„ Montreal, Can,
get, Obserbiue and Absorbine 3r are made le Canals.
names, as far as the hand earn reach,
Leas of appetite ie a serious symps
tom in small children; but be sure it is.
loss of appetite, not "piecing" between
meals, before you send for a doctor,
Offices for sale In good Onteria
towns: Tlie most u5e0u1 and Intereetln
of all tion uses, • Full information o
appikatlon to 'Wilson Publishing 0001-
pany, 78 Adelaide Street, Toronto.
JI.J Band, $12, O4 up, Send far epeetall
Price list Varsity Cycle Works, 41
Seadina Ave., Toronto.
�rJJ internal and external, cured with-
out pale by our home treatment. Write
us be'f'ore too late, Dr. Bollman Medical
Co., Limited, Co111ngwood, Ont.
.1 iy OD RUN -
EV ning� con itloLLAC n GH as pare
tire, Price $210,_
Y tier, 7 Passenger Touring Car, Elec-
tric lights and starter. Recently over-
hauled and newly painted. Tires in good
shape, Price $1,300:
11 der. 7 i'assenger Touring Car, with
electric lights. and starter. Thoroughly
overhauled in our strop and newly paint-
ed, Seat covers on all seats and doors.
Oversize tlrea Price $1,100.
.F:7. 4 cylinder Touring Car, Eleotrlo
lights and starter, in gcod running order
and newly painted. Looks like a now.
car, Price $060,
YY looking closed car seating Sive.
1Slectric lights and starter. also inside
dome light. Nearly all the windows
open, which gives ample ventilation for
summer driving. Price $700.
AA$$ ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good
running order, at a special price, 8360.
Hupig„ON 1018 M0DEL •'54,"' A. HIGli
ua HH powered, six cylinder, 5 passenger
'Lburing Car. In good running order and
Ionics like new, Price $760,
1. ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good
running order, Tl.res in good shape,
This car was painted this year and looks
very urea. Prlee 0150.
fa der Touring Car, Has electrto lights
and starter, good tires, and is a bargain
at the price, 5300,
1Li1, ]at. A very handsome closed ear.
nuftabie for a doctor. Price 51000.
We only sell used cars after the pur-
chaser has had a demonstration and
sati'Ied himself Of the running quali-
ties of the car lie is buying. Call at our
showroom next time you are in Toronto•
and let our salesmen show you any of
our used cars and give you 'a demonstra-.
ti on,
TEE EomzseION AUTOre5013ILE c0.,
140-150 Bay Street, Tornn"o, Ont.
Minard�0 Liniment used by Plweloians.Dr. eek, The Well Know. Eye bpecialist
An Englishman has invented a vest
with lapels which can be turned up
and used as throat and chest protec-
tors in inclement weather.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order, They are payable everywhere.
Don't throw away burnt milk; pour
it into a clean jug and stand in cold
water. By the time the milk is quite
cold the scorched taste will have dis-
'When Your Eyes Weed Care
Dee Murine ]Bye Medicine. No Smarting -Feels
Fine—Acts Quickly. Try It for Red, Weals,
Sore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Murine le
nompounded by our Ocmists-not c "Patent
Medicine" -but used In successful Pbysiolnns'
Practice for many years. Now dedicated to
the Public and sold by Druggi'te at 50e per
Bottle, 355101ne Eye salve in /mantle Tnbee,
15e and 60c. Write for Book of the Eye Free.
Marino Eve Remedy t]ompeny, Chicago. Ada
Vegetable gardens under trees will
not do well. They shade the plants
and take the moisture from the soil.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman'e Friona.
To invigorate yourself when bath-
ing, put some coarse salt in a jar and
pour on 'just enough water to make
a slush -not enough to dissolve the
salt. Take it up by handfuls and
rub yourself with it, then rinse off
with clear water and rub well.
--O—e—O—O—o--0-0-0—O —0 O
Cincinnati man tells how to dry
up a corn or callus so it lifts
off with fingers.
—Orb -0--0-0 0—'0 —0
You corn -pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, says this
Cincinnati authority, because a few
drops of freezone applied directly ppl 1 tv ori a
tender, aching corn or callus, stops
soreness at once and soon the Corn 01'
hardened canine loosens so it can be
lifted off, foot. anti all, without pain,
A small bottle of freezone costs very
little at an0' drug store, but will posi•
tively take off every hard or cost corn
or callus, This should be tried, as it
is inexpensive and le said not to irr'l.
tate Nle surrounding skin.•
It your druggist basn't any freezone
teal him to get a small bottle for you
from his 100les-00 drug house, It is
flue stuff and acts lilte a charm every
ISSUE No. 22-'17.
an t oc h e Judkins, The Medical Auth r,
0ublish Asts ris ing Report on Wonderful
ernedy Th Strengthen Eyesight
Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50%% in One Week's Time in Many Instances
A .FCEO Prescription You Can nave
Pilled and Use at klomo.
New York -Dr. Beek, a New York state
sae specialist, and Dr. Judkins, a Massa-
chusetts ph)sielan were naked to make n
thorough test of the popular eye remedy,
Bon Opto. Their reports were most inter-
esting. Here they nre
Dr, Beck reports "When my attention
was first called to rho wonderful eye rem-
edy, Bon OptoI was inclined to bo skepti-
cal, I matte it a rule to tont every new
treatment which is brought to my attention,
twenty years, I br.Ilevo I am qnalilieexpress an Intelligent opinionou 1110has s.
applicable to the eyesince non Oeo has
created such a sensation throughout the
United States and Canada, I welcomed the
opportunity to test it. I began to use it in
my Pprectee a little over n year ago and I
em frank to say that the .results obtained
sire such that I hesitate to tell of my ex-
perience for fear it will sound incredible.
Some of the results I have accomplished
With Bon Opto not only nate/tithed myself
but also other physicians with whom I have
talked about it. I have had many Bullet .
Mlle who had worn glasses for years for
far-sightedness, near-sightedness, astigma4
tism and other eye weaknesses, tell me they
imam dispensed with them through the adop-
tlou et the Bon Oslo principal. Many eye
troubles can bo traced directly to muscular
coal:rertion and relaxation and since Bon
Opto method tells how to exercise and de-
velop the eye muscles, It roaches conditions
not peesible through other means. I advise
every thoughtful physidan to study Bon
Opto principal, give it the same eareOnl
trial I. have and there la no doubt in my
mind they will come to tbo conCluelon I
(hove, namely, that the Bon Opto method
epees the door for the cure of many eye
treelike which have heretofore been Sinnott.
ethic to cope with. The treatment Is so
simple in its application Hint it can bo used
Having specialized in eye work or the Nastd p
the eyesight more than 50 per cent in one
week's time. I have also need it with stir.
prising eirect in cases of work strained eyes,
pink eye, innannuril )ids, catarrhal con-
luuctivltes, smarting, painful, aching, itch-
ing eyes, eyed weakened from colds, smoke
sun, dust awl wind, watery eyes, blurred
vision, and in Pact many other condltloas
too numerous to describe In this report. A
new and startling case has just 00010 under
my observation, which yielded to Icon Otrto,
is that of a young girl, 12 years old. Two
prominent eye specialists, after a thorough
examination of the young girl, decided in
order to save the sight of her right eye, the
left eye must be removed. Before permit-
ting her to be operated on, theyounggirl's
father decided to use Bon Opto. In less
than three days n marked improvemeut was
noticed. At the .end of a week the Milalu-
oeation had almost disappeared, and at the
end of sic weeks the eye was saved. Just
think whet the saving of that eye means to
this little girl. Another ease is that of a
lady ninety-three years old, She came to
mo with dull vision and extreme inflamma-
tion of the lids and the conjunctiva was al-
most raw, After two weeks' use of Bon
Opto the lids were absolutely normal and
her eyes aro as bright as many a girl, of
Dr. Judkins, Massachusetts physician,
formerly Chief of Clinics in the Union Gen-
eral IIpspital, Boston Mass., and formerly
house surgeon at the 'Neve England Eye end
Ear I1Ormare of Portland, Maine, and
medical author for many years, reports:
"/ have found oculiste too prone to °per -
ate and opticians too willing to prescribe
gloesoe while neglecting the simple formu-
las which form the basis of that wonderful
home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opt°.
This in my opinion, is a remarkable rem-
edy for the sere and prevention of many eye
disorders. Its success in developing and
strengthening the eyesight will soon matte
eye 0158005 old fashioned and the form of
eye baths which the Bon Opto method pro-
vides, will matte its use as common as that
of the tooth brush. I am tboroueephly con-
vinced teeth my experience.with Bon Onto
that it will strengthen the eyesight at levet
10 per cent in nae woek'e time 10 many in.
stances, Dr. W. H. Devine, director of
medical inspection 10 the Boston schools in
his report. publlshod Irebrnar to, 1317,
stntos that only 14,011 out Of 80,170 er-
hmtu0d, need to wear glasses now, a narked,
decrease over the previous report. Bon
Opto is hastening the eyoglasslese age in
bespectacled Boston."
Victims of eye etrain end other eye weak-
nesses and those who wear glasses will be
glad to know that according to Dr. Beck
and Dr. Jndkirib'there 18 real hope and
help for them. Many whose eye0 were tail-
ing say they have had their eaves restored
by this remarkable proscription and many
Who once 81550 glasses say they have
thrown 'them 55007" One 5000 says atter'
tieing it: "I was almost blind, Could not
aee to read et all, NOW I can road every-
thing without my .glasses and my eyes 'do
not hurt any more, At night they would
ilnio,dIt wall ike Now
rude toenifine A lady
who need it says; "The atmosphere seemed
hazy withor without glssses but after using
this preacrlptlon for 15 tinge everything
s00m8 clear. I can rent] even fine print
't home by anyon° of average- intelligence. without glasses.' Another who este' it
In my corn practlto 10050 seen it strengthen 0ays1 "7 was bothered with eye strata
canoed by overworked, tired eyes which in-
duced fierce headaches. I have worn glasses
for several genre, both for distance and
close work and without them I could not
read my own 001110 00 On envelope or the
typewriting on the machine before we. I
both now and have discarded in
can do lot o n
long distance ghsy0v altogether. I can
count the fluttering leaves on the trees
notion the street now, 'which for several
years have lookedlike a dim green blur to
ma. I cannot express my joy at what 1t has
done for Ina"
"It is believed that thousands who wear
glasses can now discard them in a reason-
able time and multitudes mora w111 be able
to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared
the trouble and . expense of ever getting •
glasses. Dye troubles of nanny descriptions
may be wonderfully benefited by the lice of
this prescrl tion at home. Ilene is the pre-
scription: (#o to any native drug store end '
get a bottle of non Opto Utbleta. Drop one
Bon Opto tablet 10 a fourth'of n glees of
water and ]et it dissolve. With this liquid
bathe the eyes two to four tinges daily, -Yoh
should10 U tayour eyes clear up perceptibly,
right from e start and inflammation and
mantles will quickly disappear. If your
eyes bother yort oven a little, it your duty
to take Mope to save them now before it is
too late. Many hopelee0ly blind ]night have
saved their sight ht they hadcared for their
eyoo in time.
N0T10-:inciter prohuhlent physician to whom
the above article was eobmlited, geld: 'yrs, the.
non Opto. tlrasarlptlon. la truly a wond0rfut 010
rtuiody, Ile eeterelep rheic arm are well
known to minuet e e tpedsllsts sad widely eta.
eccplbod 07.11,050. 1 hove used 1t vorT.sh100o0a-
2a11y to iny awn prnenee on patients ivlrnle 050e.
wore strutted through very fe or misaa bgon's e
It is one Or she very 00w preparation's 1
teal should bo kept ell 001{50 for regular 00 to
nlnroet Avery" fnmlly,' 800 One 1Uterr011 00
remedy. 10 not a patent medicine or a e 'fol.
romedv, It 18 to ethical narlo preparation.,the '005.
mule 001ng priutod 011 the parkn00. he mnna.,
rao110000 gaerahtue It to etimnathehr eyoafaht ..
ro Imo noir In o55 wOrlt'a timein many
atane0o or Perlia 5110 teouey,, Awing dlsoeatsd
by ail germ. Sirugglsts, lye anng genora.l
ni res: u.11rn by 17. Tamblyn and Eaton
Si t,o,. Toronto,