The Seaforth News, 1917-05-31, Page 1err
Furniture Dealers
Phone 50
New Series Volume 15, No, 21
50 (i1ILS!
Nice easy work A child could almost do
the work. Lone and take, one Section as
5 girls to put in hip pockets.
5 girls to put in side pockets.
5 girls to make garters.
5 girls to join garments together.
5 girls to sew on. bands
and one or two girls to inspect work.
We also want' 25 or 3olgirls for pants
making. All nice clean work and easyland
steady all year round. 50 hours per week
We have girls making over ten dollars a
week. Why can't you ?
Apply or Write to
Fred Robinson, Manager
Seaforth Food,I'r lx
duction ASSOCidtion
Help for Farmers
The Information Bureau of the Seaforth Food Pro
duction Association will receive applications from farm,-
: ers requiring help during Seeding and Harvest and_
also applications from those seeking employment where.
by the employer and employee may be placed in direct
communication with each other. Applications may
be made by phone, mail or personally to the folio wing
members of the committee
Rev. J. Argo, Presbyterian Church Egmondville,
Rev. T. H. Brown St. Thomas Church, Seaforth.
Rev. P. Corcoran St. James Church, Seaforth
Rev. D. Carswell Presbyterian Church, McKillop
Rev. F. H Larkin Presbyterian Church, Seaforth
Rev. G McKinley Mf thodist Church Seaforth
K McLean Exposits r Office, Seaforth
J F Snowdon News Office, Seaforth
or to the Chairman P G Neelin, Collector of Customs
J. H Reid Mgr. Can, Fur. Co. Seaforth
Rev I Noonan, Dublin
Rev F White, St Columban
Rev D Johnston, 'Marna
Dr Woods, Bayfield
The Ontario Agricultural Department states that Ontario grown Seed
F Potatoes cannot be scoured at present. Eastern Seed Potatoes are $3 ell and Western grown Potatoes at 14 26•
Bona fide farmers or tenants of farms desiring finanioial assistanoe io
the amount of $200 for the purchase of extra seed may obtain this
amount fronveither the Bank of Co mmerce or the Dominion Rank,
Seaforth, payable on November 7519, at six per cent per enamel.
Mr R Merlon Jones Manager of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth, 1vi11
personally loan smell sums of money to deserving people for the purr
chase of seed to enable them to increase food production of vegetables
or other crops. Applications for such tootle may be dontt: acted person-
ally with Mr Jones or any member of the Information But •.iu on strictly
'confidential term's. .
.A Committee composed of Messrs Ohas Barber, John Beattie and
Wm Barbey was appointed to ascertain the names of citizens willing to
work on farms during hayingand harvest and allot such help to farm.
ore making application for assistauoe,
Mayor Stewart states that the Town Council will provide the prepar-
ation of lands for cultivation for soldiers depend mite and those deserving
A commit teeof Representotive f ormere for Townships of Bollen,
Logan and MoKillop was appointed to oo-operate with the Seaford)
'Food Production Association for the purpose of securing Seed Potatoes
and farm help for the Doming harvest composed of the following mem.
bees; - Township of Hibbert—Mass re Joseph Nagle Jooeph Atkinson
and 'Michael Rowley. • Township of Logan—Messre Wm Burne, Leo
Krousoff and Bernard Thulligan, Township of 'McKillop—Reeve Gov-
enlook, R Scarlett, P MoGrath, J Malone, J Scarlett, E Horan and F
McQuade. Dublin Dr Michael. Farmers requiring laborers or other
information are requested to communicate with any members of the
committee and prompt attention to their requirements will be forthcoming
Farm Laborer Wanted—Mr W N Gleam, lot 4, Con I4 Hibbert
mad e' application through Rev Mr Argo, for the services of a married
man and wife—the latter to begin employment as assistant in the
homeSteady work at good wages and a comfortable 'separate living-. house
Notices of f arm laborers wanted will inserted free in this column
Farmers communicating with the information Bureau will receive
prompt attention. Farmers eend fu your bootioee,
Through concerted aotioe on the pars of the Seaforth Fo. aid Pro.
' duction Assooiation the citizens of Seaford) are desirous of rendering
every available assistance to the farmers for the cafe garnering of and
abundant harvest to nature victory for She allies nqw fighting for lib-
erty, justice and civilization.
—W, T. BOX ost asp.
a3/111ALM1r.lth AND
.Fussat5 ] nur,oroitkJ
aoldors of Gove mens oyeiow a Hee
License-atmeeee Ilonsaere
]'hone, NJgtu Osil, 1yt
lllay an
Mrs William Collins
Alter aprolonged illness ill which
netnre gradually wore away the eon.
etitntion, Mrs Martha Ellen Oolline
died et the home of her, Mr
R G Parke on Elizabeth Street, on
Tuesday. Tile deceased whose maiden
name weir Martha Ellen Young wee
born in "
Sutton Welit, 93 years ago,
where she continued to live, until at the
ago of 21 she became the bride of the
late William Oolline of Orangeville who
died at that place last September.
After their marriage they lived for a
short time at Streetavlilo afterwards
removing to Pittsburgh, Perin, where
Mr Collins oonducted a Gents Furnish-
ing store, His health failing he moved
to a farm near Orangeville where he
lived for 28 years, After his death Mrs
Collins came to live with her only
daughter. The funeral wee conducted
by Rev T H Brown, Wednesday even-
ing and the body was taken, on Thurs-
day morning, to Orangeville for bnrialy
John McNabb
In the death of John McNabb Seaforth
lost due of its oldest and most respect-
ed residents. To him the angel of
death came in the night, silently,
quietly, and as he Slept he passed over
to the great Beyond. His daughter
found him dead when she went to
aim in the morning. He was over 80
years of ago and in hie younger days
engaged in the produce bueineea in
Seaforth and widely known in both
country and town. Besides the aged
partner two sous and two daughters
tlrvive He wasa member of the
Presbyterian church rend the funeral
ervice was conducted by Rev. F H
Larken on Friday afternoon. The fam
ly have the sympathy of a large num-
ber of friends,
Dr, McQuaid
The death occurred in the Soo hospi-
al of Dr McQuaid of that place from
pneumonia. He was born at St 001 -
=ban and taught school, afterwards
studying medicine the Western 'Uni-
versity and for two years was house
surgeon in London Hospital, Ten years
ago he went to the Soo and has been
in alderman for three years He was
also a meant/ere' the Separate Sohool
and of theKniga of 0olumbma and
Catholic Order of Forreeters. •
F0111' years ago he married Mies R L
Fitzgerald of Peterborough, who with
two cililcireri, sursdve him. Elia rein:rine
were brought to St Columban for burial
Former Resident Dead
Mr the Dakin, aged 00 years died on
May gist hl Galt, The funeral was
held on Wednesday to Mount View
()amatory in that oity. A large number
of people here will renief» her Mr Dakin
who for 11 years was Forman in the
boiler room in Bell's Foundry, He was
popular with the mon and highly re-
spected in Seaforth. Three years ago
he removed to Galt whore he has eines/
On Saturday slay l:lth, blies Hannah
Duggan, daughter of Mr William Dug-
gan of Seaforth baoeme the bride of
Mr Erank Moore of Detroit, in that
city. During their honeymoon the
happy young couple visited the bride's
parente 10 town. Her many friends
wish :ger every happiness iii her new
Poultry Disease
It will be of interest to poultry keep
ere in Canada that there ie now an ex
pert who gives all his time to the die -
oases of poultry, Dr A B Wiekware
1)05 been assigned to that duty.
He is by no means a novioe in the
diseases of poultry. For several years
he devoted his time to these diseases
and especially to Black Head and he is
now engaged on this important work
The annual leases from poultry die
eases are heavy. No person knows how
mucli, probably several million dollars
each year. It is hoped to eliminate a
pert of this loan and owners aro asked
to send sick birds to the Biological Lab
oratory, Experimental Farm, Ottawa,hy
express, collect.
The P111 That Brings Relief.—When
after one has partaken of a meal he is
oppressed by feelings of fulness and
pains in the stomach he suffers from
dyepepsia, which will persist if it be net
dealt with. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are the very beat medicine' that
can bring relief. These pine are spec-
ially compounded to deal with dyspepsia
and their steeling qualities in this res-
pect eau be vouched for by legions of
' 1 - �1 l UI iii l llIU(ii TVI
..JtJSe./i OC%C/f9
This, our new serial story, is one of the very best written on
the present war. The first instalment will appear in an early
issue. You'll like Tommy; it is a strong, soul -stirring tale -of the
great world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero
is a Laneas'tershire lad. He didn't want to go to war—not at first.
"Let 'em as wants to fight the Germans fight 'em" said Tomniy.
Then one day he heard the cry of suffering Belgium; he heard
the call of his own motherland—he gave up thebest job he ever
had and enlisted. He went to France; he fought a good fight—
against hiinse'if as well as the enemy; he won the D.C.M. and—
thetbest girl in the world. A splendid stony splendidly told.
Water tar the first instalment.
An. up-to-date Restaurant in town for
good meals, lunches and homemade candy
Special Regular Dinner every Saturday
Fresh Fruits of.all kinde always on hand.
Our home made candies always the best,
Ohoealntes, Oarmelt', Bon•Bone et Ta&lee a
• speciality,
Having in vaned am hip to (lite plant for al 1 ting
next door to e,ardnos Bros
Two Cents Single Copy
Vimy Ridge, France
Ed Davidson, Wolter(,
following letter fro n
Pte N L Davideon, who
at Viley Midge Freres
Dear Brother and All:—
Well 1 arrived in England u. k,
and enjoying civilized life :onto more
I am in a hospital til Birkorillead, quite
a large place jest across from Liverpool
the place where we landed from Can-
ada, well Ed, 1 ivr11 start the lust
and give you some .of the history of
happenings front the dine we started
over the top at Vimy Ridge on Easter
Monday. Our Battalion held about
130 yards of front line trench; that
means about nevem or eight hundred
men and as there was an attack un a
r2 mile front you can imagine the num
bar that weut over, about 72,000 at
in the morning after a barrage of 3 Lein
utee. I will not try to describe the
barrage because no elle can inlagitle
without Seeing ivlhat it ie except that
the Shells started on Fritz. front lisle
and swept almost every yard of hie line
o that alhnost every Gorman 10 the
renehes was Drilled before we went
ver, There were all kinds of them
own in the dugouts, but they were not
lard to handle, but even with the art'
llery fire we had quite a few wounded
nd a few killed as Fritz opened lire
a soon as knew where ' we were and
hough he had not the twentieth part
f the artillery we had still he got quite
number. I was hit when about 150
cards in hie lines and had to cone back
the dressing station. On the way 1
w quite a number of killed and
has received
his brother,
was wounded
wouude_d 511(1 breugii1 -wilt 1,11 wounded
u hhutb lags and arina.j
Although both aides had been thell- t.ra. r
lug for months the p1 003 did not leek gr
too bad, but in the two Wire Orme we II
the trouellea were tilled and the
ground a mese of shell Holes, in
foot one wonders how anyone could live
in suet a place, yet when started, you
go 011 80 cool •ae 1f there was no Ilan -
ger, After being demised 1 walked 3
miles to a motor which took ole to the
next station where after treatment the
Rad Gross ambulance brought us to
Bologna and after three clays sent to
England, I have been treated litre a
king and seem to tbiulc they oanitat do'
enough by eupplliug Weill and cocoa;
at the stations private ears took us to
the hospital. My arm is healing and I
-I think the war will soon be ever and I
will be home.
IWell, you are having 11110 weather, as
we have here but in France it was bad
enough. g .
Love to all.
out any inconvenience to the child.
Do not allow worms to Hap
the vitality of your children. If not
attended to they will work irreparable
harm to the constitution of the infant.
The little sufferers cannot voice their
ailment, but there are many eigns by
which mothers are made aware that a
dose of Miller's Worm Powder is neces.
Bary. These powders act quickly and
will expel worms from the system with-
SU) „ iER
New a, 1 he; (('(1118' wea1he1
row oarhes the 0ulaho'1
Ieao) neeeeeary le 1110 smart
new dreae w111 be 111e new
pendant with chain.
Our 11,. of this particular
adornment i verv1as's and
very Petr 1dire.'_ We have
never before. 8)105)1 80 large
a line nor 00 malty a Inge.
rhe prizes are very 110.00)•
12.014,111 upward.
Every (mem guaranteed 115
us to gine 4t1lelaerirn,to the
gni! '. 2'nitangr
e'nrrraanr itis
.0'anaugr & .U:dirtty
3lrlarlera tu111 ODpiirtaan
llarrlatre Lieanee 15,110ra
P00NE 194
$vcnrng 10
'Ihe store you willalwaps
-' t rTcri i
We know you like this
way bUS iIIeSSB D -L
To see them
is to want them
Bug now for
future needs
Higher Prices
are bound to
obtain Mactavish
We try to serve every customer as
would like to be served.
we, ourselves,
We endeavor always to place ourselves in onr Gus- .BE PROUD
tomers positiou. We buy to satisfy you, we price to TO OWN
satisfy you, we plan every way your complete satis- AND WEAR
You like to buy goods you can depend upon -the
kind you know is right in style, right in quality and
right in price --so we offer none but that sort of
We know that the bitterness of poor quality out-
lives the sweetness of low prices—that good quality
is long remembered after price is forgotten—so we
don't sell anything that can't be depended upon to
be,asource of satisfaction to you as long as you wear
or use it.
If you like high-quality goods at very moderate
prices you'll like the Goods that we sell.
If you like a painstaking store service that works
to make satisfaction snre for you, you'll like the way JIOSIERy
we serve you, GLOVES
The advantages offered for satisfactorytrading
this store are certain! CORSETS
y it will be
more than
worth pour time
to come and
see the values
we give
The Store That Satisfies