HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-05-10, Page 5Page 5 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE !AR ICDMUND WACKLR,G,Y.O., L,. 13.0.7«, President V AIRD, General Manager, I1. Y. P. JONES, Aes't Genera! Menem AARIAL, $15,000,000 ' RESERVE FUND, $13,500,00 F.At,R1VIERS' IUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every ]facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes, Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. S64 Seal ort .-3:3x'ax o t J.G. MULLEN MANAGER Frown or Smile? EVERYONE responds to face-to-face courtesy. How pleasant it is to meet the cordial, genial man. q And over the telephone—how one appreciates the courteous, pleasant, friendly voiced Q Telephone Courtesy, promptness in answer- ing, the pleasant, cordial tone—these have been the making of many a modern business and this fact is being appreciated more and more every day. q Get the smile into your voice. Practice cordiality, friendliness over the wire, and insist that all those who use your telephone do the same. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 'Cood service " " * our true intent." Jd •t; Irsztt. W, J. Walker & Soo Undertakers and Embalmers W. J. Walker, holder of go. ernment Diploma and Liaenee Day or Night calla reoeive our prompt attention; Day Phone 67 Night " 18 STRATf ORD, ONT, Wintet,Term from Jauuaryuhd We have Commercial dhorthand r nd Telegraphy Department. The amines are thorough up to dateand practioal. The in structore areex— perienoed and we are receiving scores of applications for trained help we cannot supply. Write at ionoe for particulars. A. McLAUCHLAN PuiNoree PROMPTLY SECURED ;Lit all countries.Ask for our INVENTOR tDVISER,.which will be sent free. MARION Jt MA X -P" LOOK 3 There he goes. He a is clean shaven and hair' neatly cut, typical of the Tuan who com- mands the higher sal- ary. Follow his .,er- ample by having your barbering done at the Commerical Barber Shop. We assist greatly in keeping you well groomed. Last week we satis- fied over 250 custom- ers. Think of it ! Were you one ? If not decide at once to get the best treatment beccmirg direct to the COMMERICAL BARBER SHOP W. Robinson - L _ Try Us For A, ERefreshing—S have craactr a,. HAIR CUTTING Our Speciality Call at Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNOS BLOCKSEAFORTH tO. DAISY BETWf N 8UFFAC0& CLEVELAND 3 MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS 3 The Great Ship 0SEEANDBEE"-"CITY OF ERIE" -"CITY OF BUpFALO" 88w 11811 BUFFALO—Dolly, May81st to Nov,15th—CLEVELAND Arrive Oaevolarto 740 A. U. STANDARD TLeave 1to'rrAao • Otte 05 EAn*nae y !AIM Omrv11SdND • 9,M P. M. nlrt j 4ITOVO Berrdw . 745 A, M. Oolmectione M Otoreland Tor Oo ar Point, Pntdh•Bey Toledo, Detroit 8*51 all Dolntn lY08t and 8 eat, Itallrond tl°kota reading boewoon nWQalo and olovolnud aro for trnug'ortntlou on our steamers, Aek your ticket�yr ant Tor tla*M ,1a 0. 4 0. LI o. 7o, Toa,05 Anto.otlle nate—tinea 8.0.1 o, P with° days rMm'o lltaip, for0ara not 00000dingr7r ln.whoolb°eo, nonatIrulty 0015ro e°ot can *0110 a tort of ho Qront t D •Mn.NnrRo' eau an *000108 of avk 0onta. Arno osin fol our 2!•pngo plotorinl and dnoorinplvo bonidot frna. Tho CADveltuul & buffalo 'Transit Company ttorrtond,ehto 1*,,a r a n ! W A ll a ttl m. l a s p -.!en lresxa and roxll�Dn norNo nr onr7nn Nair world. SloopIngto ,el!3r ince n„a,npern o artful "A" nt 4i!ejL� Jr .:e 0n«,.w.yw••"+,ur•.or,...,.,.e1Wrrequ..wwMK1 CORRESPONDENCE r.�....wlw�..�•ur•�..alw+rrtl�.rw.�p Dublin Mr and Mre L Looly and family visit- ed Mrs Looly's parents Mr and Mrs Ryan in Liman. Miss E 0 Connell is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr W J Redmond of Milwaukee Wie, is visiting bis parents here. Mise M Maloney of Buffalo is visiting at her home Smith of the village. Mr Griffin of Ggoclerieh visited his daughter Mre L J Molyneaux, - Mies Runlets atldiMise Maloney (tall ed on Mitchell friends on Monday, Hensall Bishop Williams of London was here last week and held confirmation in St. Paul's Church and a large number from here and Stafra were confirmed. The Rev. Hall Wood was a recent' visitor here and preached an able ser- mon. Alvin Warner who out his aye on the step at sohool is improving, Mr. R, Fulton has gone to Detroit for special treatment. Brucefield Mr. Alex. Mustard was in Tiverton attending the funeral of his slater Mre P, Brown who died is Toronto Hospital Alex McKenzie has removed to a market-gorden at London. The Red Croce want all the old pap• ors saved and stored, They will be coll. Bated and Bold for the good work. Sirs S MoKeuzie has bought a house in Seaforth and gone to live there Dr. Rodgers, formrely of this place is now very ill in the hospital at Lon• don Mr. Madden anp faniilyofSt. Mary's have taken up their residence in the village. Constance German measles are now making the rounds. Herbert Glazier spent last week the guest of his aunt Mrs, T. Roland. Gardening, Seeding, Bouee-cleaning are now keeping the men and women busy, Geo• Riley has been in poor health lately. James Snell of the Grove Road has been visiting friende here, Walton The late season is keeping back seed- ing yet some of the progressive farm- ers have much aced in and all aro anx. iohe to increase t:. a food for next year aeit tvill be muolt needed, It is very appalling to think of men, women, ohil. drou, dying for the want of food to ens. tain life, yet this is what is now taking place in many parts of Enropol and may in America, next year if we can• not increase our stock of food greatly over last year. St, Georga'e Church statement just published shows it is flouriehiug •and doing well. Many Isere were in Brussels attend- ing the Presbyterial meeting. Saorameutal services were held in tae Methodist Ohurch on Sunday last, The Red Oroes reported the follow- ing receipts for April • --- Teae, $ 71,65 Mies. Kirby's donation $8.20; Delano() from March S 153.20; Total $ 228.06. Expenditures $ 156.90 The Womon'e Institute will hold their annual meeting in the Workmans Hall Wedueaday 16th 3 p. m. A full meet. is requoeted as there will be an election of officers for the year. Manley Quite a number from here attended the War Auxiliary Concert hast night given in Oardno'e Hall Seaforth and were delighted with the home talent that was so well trained. The hall be ing paakod to its utmost ort a sit p y and toiv g o every ono a chance to hoar and see performs and singers it will be repeated on Friday night, All oome and all woloome to work for the Wako. humanity, TIM ,SiAFQRT9 NEWS Staf!a Mia filo Vey le spending a couple of weelfe with trioxide in Hamilton, Mrs Geo Saha returned to .her home on Sunday last, Mre Steward and Mies Atoldeon of Roxborough spent Sunday with Mists Penelope Worden, Mrs F D Hutchison spout a few (Nye the gueet of her mother Mrs Babb, Mitohell, The Memorial Service held in the Methodist church on Sunday last for ()apt Butson was very largely attended Rev Darling preached 4 very able ear, 110011. About thirty Brother Marone from Mitchell motored out and attended the service. Jones vs. Tockersnith This !cage which has boon in the Omuta for the past few yearo and which has been before most all the High Courts of0Ontario and has oauaed con- siderable discussion in the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa last week and the decision so far as can be learn- ed reads, 'Appeal allowed with costs,' in favour of R I` Jones and other interested parties. The case was eon. ducted by Wm Prondfoot 51 1' P of Gocleriob whowou in every court except in the appeal courts in 'Toronto, BISHOP MILLS DEAD WAS ONCE RECTOR of SEAFORTH Right:Rev. W. L. Mille. Bishop o Ontario, clied at Kingaton on Friday night. Helhad been in poor health for some time. Born et Woodstook in 1846,11e, graduated from the Western University was ordained in 1871. He was rector of Norwich, Seaforth, St, Johne, Quebec!, and Trinity Montreal before his election to Diocese of Onta- rio in 1901. He leaves one eon who is now in the tronchee,MajorArthur Mills Suitable references were made on Sun- day morning to tha life of the late bis- civ hop in St, Thomas Church be ma a,..,wa477,44.,w40....447..,nrw1,4Mw, TowaTopics1,00.14011/11.111.1161.1111110.10110011100104 is! a...a,Nr�x.uwo�l►..+p�n�rq�pM••�'l[ Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing Campbell's Block opp Queens Hotel up stairs. Boy wants farm work—Apply to the News Olfioe or phone 127 in the even- ing The News will adrertiee free any farmer wanting help or any portion wanting farm work. Mr. and Mrs, J. M, Wilson have returned from a pleasant visit with their daughters, Mre, Sutherland and Mies Wilson in Owen Sound. Mies. H. 1, Grebaln has returned from attending the Provincial meeting of the Womans Missionary Society iu Kingston Pte Percy Rolph returned on Saturday front Toronto. Mrs. W Holt who Ilse been the guest of Slie t, Evelyn Greig retnrued to her hone in New York on Friday, Miss, Edith Scott of Toronto 00 Ivor city is home for the vaoatloar. Mies. Helen Yonug has returned from spending the winter in California, Mrs, W. Sclater is visiting her dau- ghter, b1re, Edgar Lawson, in Auburn Mies, Conine of Buffalo is a rieitur at 1 the home of Mrs, 0, Eultert. Air, and Site. Thomas Patton have returned from au extended 1•ieit with relatives in Michigan, felr and ttolrs Harry Meyers of Strat ford spent Sunday et the home of Mr. and Sire Hugh Mofiay Jarvis St, Miss, Annie Stewart was a week- end visitor in Winthrop, Anniversary Reticles will be held in the First Presbyterian (Thumb en May 20 th when Rev Mr. Dunn of5Royce Avenue, Toronto will;presoh FIRE WASTE Fire %tasted in 1916 $12,000,000 and if not stopped will waste more this year Unfortunately this waste was chiefly of food products, Half these fires have been srevented by a little care. Half the barn fires could be prevent ed and that would have meant in this province alone a cavi ng of one milieu dollars worth of food products, Lightning rode on the barn is a safe guard. Dont put crops till cared, and veutllate the barn to let gases escape' in those ways fire, a traitor, may be largely prevented and much food saved, WOOL WANTED Bring your wool to the Seaforth Oatmeal Mill Warehouse where the high- est Cash Price will be paid for same, L. Flurschuetz Buyer Walter Thomson & Son • Ltd, STRANGE GOD OF HUNS Vastly Different is Anglo-Saxon Corti caption, Says Writer Well or justifying theircauseif espair f they ning were to accept the German Emperor's belief that God was always on his side, says The New York Sun. To people whose religious feeling is not mistlitant and irnpersonaly the EmpeOSG ror's coniof c. tion, so constantly intimated, that the Almighty is with slim and against his enemies conies as a shock. It seems insincere and wanting in reverence. But it is nothing of the kind, as Mr. Sydney Brooks points out. To the English and the Germans God is a diis being. LordGod Almighty, aall tterrliit"Ho overshadowing being, feared and ro• vered, and kept in our private Sano, tuarlos, to be appealed to in moments of profound grief or emotion, but cel ainly no companion to our ordinary houghts o1• actions," But, to quote Mr, Brooks, "the Heber Herr Gott of he Germans is above all things a ery human comrade, a partaker of lie common round hdtob be r OCO i2 gn e d n whatever 15 loved or on 1odo Y Ho s also an intensely . Gorman deity, eculiarly associated with the Gler• an soil, the supreme war lord and uardlan of the Clanton hosts, The Orman heart responds t0 Him even hen the German intellect refuses to °lax its scepticism and refuses still ore sternly to bo caged within the ur walls of any doctrine." v t t p m 0 w I' m to Mre, Lucas Roes ofiel'Killop has roc ed word that her eon Earlfttoea, has en awarded the Victoria Crossland de a Lieutenant. The Rev. F, H, Larkin attended a Presbytery meeting on Meads); at Hen - sell, Rev. .1 Argo of Egmondville was in Idolisation Tuesday attending a meet- ing of the Presbytery, Captian Barclay of London inspected the eadeta of the Collegiate on Monday afternoon. Aftera thorough testing of them in the various drilla he addressed the boys in a very laudatory manner for their work which showed careful training on the part of their instructor, Principal Roes Mr Beattie has retired from buyiu wool and Thomson & Son have place abuyer to take care of wool, The price this year are very high and fartners hav It g wool should reap a good profit, Mr John Sproat moved on Tuesday to his now home on Victoria Street. Pte E Kelly was home from Loudon fur the week -end. Mr Jack Van Egmmtd, returned sol- dier arrived up from Toronto, where he tools a em ire° in shell inspection and is now in the Foundry. 6Ir and Mre H Gibb areremoving to Markham where they will in future reside. Miss Hannah Ward of Egnlondvllla is visiting friends in Toronto, - Ma .5 C Graig returned from Port Hope on Tuesday. Mr Ordin Me Cormick spent the week end in Bridgeburg and Buffalo with his brother Mr duo McTavish received word yesterday front Pte Arthur Boole that he was wounded and in a hospital in France, A Produotion Meeting will be held at Winthrop tonight. Rev Messrs Brown and Mo Kinley and Mr J H Reid will be the speaker°. There will be a Special Service for Mother's Day in the Presbyterian Sunday School at 3 p. m, on Sunday, DOUGLAS CALDER Mrs Calder of James St,reoeived word Monday,b hot 0 t e at n Andreww y 8 or Gnl telt enli t o e edft w h the Highland :ore in Toroutc,wae killed in aotiom.11e leaves a wife and one little datughter. Mtloh sympathy is felt for the tinnily in town where he woe well known before going to Toronto four years ago. ij Thursday, May 10 Fashions Newest fabrics shown its GREs `00 S vOU are cordially invited to inspect our showing of the latest cloths from PtIESTLEYS' famous looms at Bradford, gngland, q Froin the attractive display you will have no difficulty in s•hoosing a material and color to suit your taste, q Among the newest fabrics are Salis- bury Serge in colors, Mohair Serge, Wool San Toy, etc. Look for the nem. on /ka eefocdge, IGP STEWART BROS. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! To the Boys and Girls of the Town of Seaforth, fourteen years of age and under, the Seaforth Food Production Soc- i ety will offer very handsome prizes for the best kept Veget- able Gardens for the summer of 5927. The garden must be no t less than 25o square feet, and any kind of vegetables m ay be grown therein. Points will [be counted and the prizes will be, awarded for neatness, quantity and quality. F.ntrres for this contest must be must be received on or be- fore the First Day of June 19I7, Seaforth Food production Society W M. HART tit, Chairman ■0 aC sr it AN slilyX111 Y4C� ■in' If tl it 11: dll lw e irinn utri MIT TO ONE OF OCRS 9 9 G Why? Primarily, for the manner in which the suit is made to suit your personality—the display of models and fabrics is vast- ly diversified and we're careful that you select dle the right one. Secondarily, for the quality-- nT LOTH Et C... anor. SZ0"1_1.6 rcwa, cost you no more than others but we're rather certain you'll find. them finer. But all this is really not convincing -- you Must wear one; you must have it tailored to your measure from one of the hundreds of fine fabrics and one of the many Spring models. flreig CIothiog Co. 4.gp :CC:C 1i s - E 3 i .!................... .ilYl I,t