HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-05-10, Page 4Sde 'y PROfESSDQNAL CARDS, MEDICAL Y�saRtt.sH. HUci1 ROSS. Ph scian and Surgeon tteiddils.eTyen'f,00eI atoonto iee of 'Ear, Med Iltroin. Pike lene1Oip and bellied e, Phone No 06, DL Fr J, 0URRUWS, Seaforth. O(aee and ttad@mot — Godetkh Street, east of the Mottro- dkd Chu tb. Coroner for rile G04Aty of Huron. Tatephone, No, 40. nal. SCOTT & MACKAY, Phyalclu m and 1 Surgeons, Goderlch Street, opposite Melba - is t Church, Seaforth. Scare, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and mamba of Outeri° College of Physicians and enrar000. Coroner for County of Fluron. MacKay, honor graduate TrinityJnI on1ty geld medalist Trinity Medical College. Member of @' h rat r c of Phyaklene and Surgeons. Ontario. GEO. ELadACOsteopathic pe4al Woneo' nChildren kk,roma4lc TWublos. Acute and Chronic Dit- eeders, Ear, Eye, Nese and Throat. Adenoids removed without the knife. Consultation free. Cady B Ina fiver Walter Lvllhb Shoe Stora. 7'etee1dey., 4 n,a. to t n m- ; Friday a to 6,p, 0 Marriage Licenseswaned eso yew 001) Insurance Are you considering Insurance, Lite or Aaldent7 o am. u polgamr4 will get our rater, J. 0. fill N>r 4I L lEY, a, era' Agent for London Life !wattage Co., andel utpedal Guurantee and Accident Inuurnnce Co. 5aaforth, Oct. James Watson General Fite, Life and .trident insurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machines, Slain iatroot, oeaforth• T 11E McKILLOP WNW Fare 11181110HO CO. Perm and Isolated Town Property airily insured. OFFICERS Jas. t'n,ntolly, uoderitb, President, Jamas Evaus, liceehwood, Vice-l'resigcrl, Taoist's Id nye. Seaforth. Soc.“rreas, F.Directors .t,.moo...a,or,.ra,e.,,�®.o•.,,.....®.'�. i• D. McGregor, Constance; John G. Grieve, ----- - . ___ WinthroproW. Rion, Constance; __ __._-._--�.-^ John ; Malcom MclirodghagemClinton;Robert Ferris. McCartney Malcom McKeon, oily.n McCartney Seaforth: p Irmo Cowsolty, Godcrtch; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Ceaeral Observations 3ff Agents Alex. Leitch, Matlock; E. Hlnchley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Ggmoadvllle; J. W, Yeo, Holmesvilte• R. G. lora/oath, Brodhagen• James Kerr and John Govonlock, Seaforth, auditor%. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or tran;a-t %A1�o TH NEWS Potato Produotiop `to3E,X4Mbli DM$ 1S ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONT' Phone 04 Itvening 137 rmaa SU113SCRIPTION One dollar" r Yeer,strictly in advance it not paid !m Masanee, one do11.or Sad a halt will he charged. United States papolotan fifty cents Satre. strickly to When subseritlnrs shoange their address notloe should ba $eat us lmntedlaWY, giving both the old and the new address. Sub. ecribera will confer a favor by notifying no of any hregulerlty of delivery, Rending Notlees—No reading advertising any any entertainment or natter by which money is to be made by any person or cause will be inserted In Tin News without charge. The price for the Inner - tion of business announcements G TEN cents per count line each Insertion to parties having no contract for display advertising, and. FIVE Dents per line each Insertion to those having display contracts, aid for churchAseclety and entertainment reading noticea Card of Thanks 5 toyo line%, 50 cents. Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notleee—Ten cents per line for first insertion and the cents per line for each subseduet insertion, exceeding Gust inch, willkbe ill Cards, not (or 85.00 per y ear, payable strictly In advance Display s•ivertiang—Rates furnished on apolipttton, ' Advertisements ordered for Insertion. wUnt11 forbid.' and those seat without written Instructkns will appear until erlttea orders are received for their dls. ontinuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on rell- glous toptt will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per Ilan J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 1 1 other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective postoditns. The Original and Only (xelinilie Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Read the wordy of Lloyd George on the food problem and then say whether I you will do your part in the hour of your nation's need or not. Victory depends on the army being fed, Every oll00e of food raised this year i will be needed. Not only will the pro. dlleer get n good price, but he will help to save his eonntry from a ruthless en - only. *. While H. F. G. ie sneering at what Canada is doing in the war, Mr Harry Audorson writes thus to the Toronto Globe of which he is the Washington co0respontlerl t;— "Cousin Jonathan is saluting Jack ' Canticle these days. Uncle Sam is looking Northward for guidance and leadership. At the clubs, in the hotel lobbies, fu the streets, wherever one hears the problem of preparation and urganizatiutt discussed, problems of recruiting, training, censorship or a Minard's patrlotic endeavor in all lines, the de - 1 iolment tering deoisiun seems to he, 'Well how (fid Canada bundle it. For Sala Ye SCRANTON COAL W. 1. iiEY. Seaforth. Phone 130 A Business Without a proper systnl of adder - ti s i n is litre a motor without the power. . . , , Seaforth Ne t s AVERTISEMENTS will supply the required energy hone - 54 evealaes121 Food Shortage It is surely a very serious question when a business man of the etanding of Mr W H Shapley, of Toronto, voluntarily leaves his work and comes at his own expense to urge upon people to raise more grain and vegetable,( 1 this year. If we all saw the real state I d of affairs none would need urging, but 1 e a great 'many do not gee or know the; need, ie: mice is staring us in the e i facetted hardest work only will prevent ( P (t large cumber of people starving! during the next year. It was this m knowledge that TO id. Mr Shapley urge I G' home to the mets of Seaforth the great used of increasing production in every way possible. Our boys aro at the front They meet be fed. As a result, strong committees were appointed to see how many would plant vacant lots; to secure lots; to have thorn cultivated and to get inf;rmation for farmers wanting help. A Notice in another column shows that they are at work, This will give all a chance to do his bit, The men who grasp the sdtuetion and increase production will reap the ben. fit of their forethought. Those who grow grain last know the truth of this It is usually safe to say that when a ohild is pale, sickly, pasvieb and rest - lees, the cause is lvorme. These par. $sites range the stolnaoh and intestine amusing 8001000 disorders of the diges tion and preventing the infant from deriving sltateuatoo from food. MM. er's Worm Powders, by destroying the worms, eorreote theee faults of the digestion and serves to volition) the etomaoh to healthy action. The average yield of patatoe6 per store in Ontario iu 1916 wee 53: bushels. The next lowest yield in the last thirty. five years was 76 and the average annual yield for the whole period, 114 bustleI per aura, Considering both yielde and prions of seventeen different farlu crop, those lvhioll gave the great- est returns per acre in Ontario in 19166 were 40 follow*: 1?btatoes, $78; Turnips and other Field hoots, $76; Beane, $63; Husking Corn, $39; and Fall Wheat, $33, It will bo seen that the high- est retinae Dere obtained from the cultivated crops, A000rding to present prides, the food value of rice purchased for elle della)!is equal to that of potaoes costing two dollars. Rios ea11 be used as a vegetab.e to take the plane of potatoes. Seed potatoes are eximedtngly scare and people throughout the Province are eating potatoes which should be re- tained for planting. Those farmers are wise win retained their potato orop for seed purposes even though they were 001110ize(13 for not bringing them to markot. 1 would suggest that those having seed potatoes for, beyond local requirements, advertise in local agri- cultural or daily papers. Iu normal years, it is ecoin0lny to out good sized potatoes in sets varying from one mumto two ownee8 each, In the average of ten test conducted at Guelph in five years the following averagenn ttnal yields per acre were obtained from good sized potatoes out into pieces of.different weights as here indicated: two ounoes, and 150 bushels; one ounce 130 bushels; one-half ounce., 109.bushels one-quarter ounce, 98 bushels; one- eighth ounce, 79 bushels; and one -six- teenth ounce, 37 boshels. Small po- tatoes are frequently produoecf from scrubs or from diseased tubers. The potatoes produced in Ontario in 1916 however, were exceptionally free from rot and were unusually small owing to the growth being arrested by unfavour- able weather conditions. Potatoes did not thoroughly mature last autumn and immature potatoes are inferior for table, but make excellent seed. These small potatoes out, !night now be used to good advantage, Plant in rows 28 inches apart nud 12 inches in the rows. Plant the day they are out. A good time to plant is from May 15 to 26th, They do well on sod when plowed about four inches deep and pont in every third furrow; after the land should be harrowed and rolled at once to press the soil around the potatoes. According to present signe, the non- age of potatoes will be less than hast year. With the possibility of famine the farmer and city gardener should be careful to grow crops of the highest food value. Canada Shows the Way Discussing the duty which devolves upon the Empire to Dare for its return- ed soldiers, the London Daily Mail, one of Lord Northolilfo s principal news- papers, says "We congratulate Canada on the lead she has given in the treatment of her soldiers, and hope the example will be followed in this oountry without de. I lay. In November lest an order was $sued by the Canadian Government ireoting that no person receive Gov. element employment who had not erved in the army. What Colada is I' all the states in the British Em. ire will do before the war ends," There has been a lot of unfair and isloading criticism of the Borden overnmentin connection with re. turned soldiers. But the truth is, as this great British Journal !mints out, that in looking after returned soldiers Canada leads the way, This was the testimony of Sir Rider Haggard, and It is the testimony of .Australia, which has copied the work of the Dominion Military Hospitals Commission, To- day, in Canada, returned soldiers- are always given the preference in the mat. ter of Civil Servioe appointments, No position, no matter how respousible, is filled by anyone who has not don. ned the khaki if a roturned soldier can be secured to fill it. Thus, the Gov- ernment sets an example to private employers, which, let us hope, will be opted faithfully all over the land, FIGHTING GARDEN FOES Destroy l'ilem or They May De. Elroy Your Crop. SP .A r I2 Y !NG A READY RDMDD tl' in This ;Caiumtt the l nlateur is 13o. troduced to Insects; end 1pungue So That He May Know 'Phew by Their First Nainee, (By et. 0, Solielseetne, Vegetable Specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Garden Foes. Unfortunately the bacl(yerd veget• able grower has Ennis difficulties to overcome. It will not be all pleasure and profit which he must look for- ward to because thele are innumer- able insects and fungus diseases which cause much worry and trouble and necessitate the use of extraordin- ary' methods to prevent or control. Most of these lroulies Inas be over- come by spraying the planta with remedies which can be secured from seed stores and other firms hand- ling them. The following 1: a ]let of the more common vegetables and the Insects and plant diseases attacking them with remedies or preventives, ASPARAGUS, Beetles, Blue, black or yellowish colored, about one -halt inch long, which appear early In May and feed on the young shoots, peep the bed e1oaely cut in the spring or allow poultry to run through it. After cutting season Is over, spray with arsenate of lead, Encourage the lady bird bettle which destroys many of these insects. Anthracnose or Pod Spots. Brown or reddish) spots on ibe foliage and Pods, Found on low damp ground, Plaut only seeds which have no signs of the disease. Pull up and burn diseased plants as they appear. CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER, AND Bl2USSPLS SPROUTS. Root Mag- got. A small whitish colored' mag- got one-quarter of an inch long. Looks something like a grata of wheat, found Just below the surface of the ground either close to or 011 the roots. They eat the roots, caus- ing the plant to drop over. Apply a solution of corrossive sublimate one-half ounce dissolved in live gal- lons of water, at the rate of half a teacupful over each plant once a week for five weeks after they aro set out, commencing three o1' four days after planting. Cut Worms and White Gruba Greyish white grubs which work at the surface of the soil cutting o$ the plants. They may be trapped by spreading a mixture of poison bran over the surface of the soil close to the plants. A pail of bran with suffi- cient paris green to highly color it, should be moistened with molasses until it crumbles readily In the hand. This moisture should be kept on the ground during the early part of the season. Worm. A small greenish worm three-quarters of an Web long, which appears quite early in the season. Dust with pyrethrum or hellebore powder when the planks have headed, or dust with a teaspoonful of paris green mixed with three tablespoonful of flour when young. A piece re burlap may be used for this purpos or an empty can with holes punch* in the bottom. Aphis, also called louse. Sural greyish insects which multiply rapid ly, They may appear at any time in the season. Spray forcibly with a solution made from steeping one pound of tobacco refuse in one ga Ion of water, This solution may be used on all plants on which Aphis are found. CELERY, Blight. Black spots appear on the foliage followed by wilting of the plant and a soft root on the stock. Spray each week with a mixture of Bordeaux mixture cov- ering the entire plant. CUCUMBER, Striped Beetle. Black and yellow striped beetle which feeds ravenously on the ten- der leaves of the plant in the very early stage of growth, Dust leaves when wet with ashes or air -slaked 113*, Squash Bug, Dark brown bettle which sucks the Juice from the plant. Hand pick and destroy. Found on the leaves. MELONS. Cucumber insects usual- ly attacks and may be destroyed as given above. a d SEALED 'TENDERS, addressed to 1 the Postmaster General, will bereceiv- e oil at Ottawa nntil Noon, on Friday, the 8th day of June, 1917, for the clone • veyauoe of His Majesty's Mails, on a I- 1proposed Cont root for four years, Six times per week over Seaforth No, 4 Rim) Route, from the let of July, 1917 Printed notices containing farther information as to conditions of propos- ed Contract may be seen and blanl( forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Seaforth, legmond- villa and Clinton, and at the Post Office Inspector, Louaml. Poet 081300 Department, Canada, Mail Service Bra11011 G. C. Anderson Ottawa Superintendent, (27th April, 1917. ) M XIIRIUDMtil')A t.OS,ICW, M.P., W. D.I.AITHSWi, Thtirsd ly Ala.), x ,t,l�t�(ili:wii �Klrica,tia al xM rirKiiirKrriNir�iagKxxi<pci�rilttKpriKpxNMiiw THE DOMINION BANKp Pews/dent vtim..rroataMww tXs X. A. IN XXXT, Owserat Maossesr ■ IX Reserve read i7.001R.000 We I p salttertersestunienteatsmnnttttstt)mntsnntenesu einuBISRwWereseeffie Brad Office, Toronto i X Capis1 /'tai/ U, $6,000.000 11 111 wrolaamonseemapow it Savings Department at g A� tment 1xt Interest paid on deposits of $1,00 and upwardii, ie Place your savings in tho Bank. 48 q IS 111 SEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M, JONES, Menages, FRUIT TREES AND 4,l'LANT'S FUR SPRING PLANTING We have established a lasting re- putation for fair enol square dealing mud are now prepared to Meet existing oonditlons by 08'oring our high grade trees and plants (Broct to duetolners at Rock Bottom .Prices, Don't delay platting fruit trees and plants as there is nothing pays better, Send for our illustrated cheaters of hardy varieties which you eat) direct and get the be- nefit of agent's oomluissloll Our prices will be euro to iuterost you. THE CHASE BROTHERS 00. OF ONTARIO, LTD. ES'I'AIILiSilED 1807 COLI3ORNE, ONT, SOUR ACID STOMACHS GASES OR INDIGESTION Eaoh "Pape's Dlapepain" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery In five minutes. Time it! In eve minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for its $need In regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a Large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store: You realize in five minutes how needless It is to suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder, It's the quickest, sonnet and most harmless stomach doctor iu the world. MAIL CONTRACT Like a Grip at the Throat. For a disease that is not classed as Patel there is probablynotle which canoes more ter- rible suffering than asthma, Sleep is impossible, the sufferer becomes ex - Imitated and finally, though the attack proses, is left in unceasing dread of its rotten], Dr. J. D. Kellogg'e Asthma Remedy is a wonderful curative agent ft immediately relieve the restricted air weave as thousands can testify, It 10 sold by dealers every where. ONION. Onion Maggot. A white maggot similar to the cabbage root maggot, No effective means of con- trol. Spread charcoal over the ground or try the corrossive subll- mate solution as recommended above, Blight, A violet color, patches appearing on the leaf of the oaten. Some advise spraying with Bordeaux mixture from the time the onion plant is three inches high. POTATO. Colorado Beetle of Po- tato Bug. Dust with paris gree$ when the dew is still on the plant, or place a teaspoonful in a watering can of water aed pour over the plant. If possible have the plant dusted with parts green before the bug appears. Scab. Easily recognised by char- acteristic roughness of the skin, Im- merse the uncut tuber Just before planting in a solution of two fluid ounced of formalin with two gallons of water. Dry, cut, and plant, Blight, Brown spots distributed over the leafy surface, usually found in July, If they are not prevented from growing, the whole plant will be destroyed. Spray once a week for four or five weeks with Bordeaux mixture from July let. 'SADISM. Root Maggot. Use the same remedies as given for cabbage and onion maggot. TOMATO. Tomato Worm or Bern Blower. A large worm which rapid- ly defoliates. the plant, Head pick and destroy, Blight. Black spots appearing on the leaves which spread rapidly and cause the whole plant to die. USD the plants growing vlgormitilla CREAM WANTED Send your ore8m to ns and receive top prices, We are running our plant the year through and can handle your full supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice each month and weigh. sample,and teat each can of cream care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons " Patrons ere requests d to 1 turn all our cans • when not in tree. 31War atllluttermilk also on hand nee for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. Town Of Seaforth Street Oiling and Sunday service 2,80 pm, Sunday Wateriang swum' ism, Prayer meeting Peeaday 8 p,m, L.0, Wil last Wed. 3'tw 1 k._a CHURCH NEWS A11 Items under this Goad aro published free of charge, ex - slept those regarding meetings where en (tdnit961011.. lee 11 charged. 7 Ito rate for such being ave pent per count Hug SERF1JRTH CHUROHES St. James' St. Jalaee, Ciutrch, Rev, Father P Corcoran, Rev. Fathe r 0. R, North - graves .Morning Maas 7 lent, High Mass 10,30 a,m, Sunday school 2.30 p M. Evening vespers 7 pan, 5t. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rooter, Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sunday soboo 1 2,30 p. In, Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30 pen. Childreu'obranoh Saturday 2 p.m, ntetcesaien services every Thursday, 0 p,fit, First Presbyterian Rev. h' H, Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday services 11 a,m, and 7 p m, Sunday school 2,30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 45 p,nn. Women's tense - loners, Soeietynthe Brut Tuesday in each month at 7,45, Barbara Kirkman Mie• Bion Band 3rd Tuesday, in the month at 7,30 p,m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p,m. Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, B. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Olass at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m. and 7 pen, Sun. day school and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thuroda y 8, p,m, Salvation arony Capt. Froud and Lieut. Semmes ,Holiness meetiug 11 a.m. - Praise servioe 3 pen. Gospel service 7 pm. Child1'ene Servide—Directory class 10 a.m, Bible classes 4 pan, Week night Meetings—Wednesday Pram, meeting 8 p,m. Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ser• vices 11 a.m. and T p.m. Bible cleee 3 pen, Prayer meeting Wednesday Sp, m. Y,P,M,S. Uufoa 30d Friday in the month 3 p,m. IVelnen's Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p,m, Ladies' Aid meats im- mediately after. McKillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor. Sunday services Duffs' uhnrdll I1 a.m Sunday school 10 a m. Prayer tweeting Wed- nesday 8 p,m. Woolen's Missionary Society fast Friday ill each month at 2 o'olock, Oanstauce Methodist Itev, C. C. Koine, /meter. Sunday. eervi0e 9 30 pen. Young People's Lea- gne2.30 p nl 0nedey Women's Auxii ivy first Tuesday of avert' month a 30 p . fir , L kites' Aid lite t Thursday of snob month 2:30 p,tu Wtlsah'."0p >Prealsyterian itatepayers wishing to have the streets oiled or watered iu front of their premiere; are hereby notified to send in their petitions to the Town Clerk's Office at euoe, by Order of the CoonciI, Seaforth, April 30, I917, Jno, A, Wilson _ ._____ . ,_ ..... _._ pawn Clark Mother Gteves' Worm Exterminator will drive worms from the system with. out injury to the child, because its 00010)1, while full' effective, is mild. The Foe of lftdigestiotl,--Indigestion is a common ailment and few are free from it. 1t is a most distressing com- plaint and often the suffering attend- ing it ie most severe. The very best remedy is Parmelee's Vegetable Pi11a taken according to directions They rectify the irregular notion of the stole. aoh and restore healthy action. For Many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and ate highly esteemed for their qualities. THUM, GLOSSY EW FREE nowt DANDETTFT Girlaf Try int Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful.-4et a 25 cont bottle of Donde:One. It you care for heavy hail' that gils- tons with beauty and le radiant with life;: has an incomparable wattage and. to fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just ono application doubles the beauty of your bat?, besides ft Immo. dlately 'dissolves every per art dandruff, You can not haw sign heavy, healthy hair if you hays dandruff. This deett'uctive scurf robs the hair of its Metre, ite strength and its very lite, and it not overcome it produces afeverlshness and Robing of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and elie; then the hair falls out fast.* Surely got a 25 -cent bottle al Kftowltou's Danderine from any drug store and fust try it, Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books and newspapers Appeizft & Millman elEAFORTH JUNK DEALER Aprons from Creamery Phone 183 lax Something New! We pia nned for months to make our new Spring mounting an exhibition of the latest and most artistic styles. May We Show You How Well We Have Succeed- ed? Visitors always welcome; Fell's Studio Phone 19 - SEAFORTH r eam A lady 'in Hamilton has instructed me to offer for Sale her home and 8 lots Situated on the North Side of Crombie St. This is excellent prop- erty in good condition and must be sold at once to close an estate. —A snap for some one -- JOHN HA!'KlN Bond and Debenture Broker Main'Streot, Seaforth Phone 91a SEA FORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat.......,,..,,, $2.10 Oats ............. ,,...6G Barley, ..... .........., .. .1 00 Bran per ton ........................43.00 Shorts per ton ........ ................. 46 Flour.... ..... ..,.... ..... .„..... 6.95 6 75 Eggs ..... ........ 31 Hogs to, farntete,,15.75 "Per the Blood Is the 41.fn, " WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING Syph any tll duo, to Impure blopd ower, am ramonna, Sara/Wei Swaney, Had Loge, Abaoonane, weer., Otandulae awallInaa, Holt., Pl,,nptea,.Seros crony bind, Pilon,Blood Poioon,t1haumatiam, 1 Clout, oto., don't waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surf+t01 of the skin, What you went s a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone Is the true Mvas of all your suffering, Clarke's Blood ixture islust such a medicine. It is composed of Ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting eft'; lTlos, ,Mn al otln o, sal, ✓urn .o*,dnrpa PAki r and 1.1110 Over 50 rear, sureets, eitseinl to tekt, Ciarke's Blood/��a Bold Lyfill �mixtur '- dh.mbtb end senrakespnrs, ... ms.. aft Sobntlhrtnx, CURES ALL SKIN & D1008 DISUSES.