HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-05-10, Page 1sri W. T. BOX #4 eor Furniture Dealers Phone 60 d..ere+w..w.:.,...,..ux...w..u,..*a. New Series Volume 15, No, 18 HIE SECTION Nice easy work Ft child could almost do the work. efarne and take one Section as follows 5 girls to put in hips pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters° 5 girls to ioqun garments is together. 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also 25 or 3o`°lgirls for pants making. 111 nice clean work and easy and steady all year round.; 50 hours per week We have girls making over ten dollars a week. Why can't you ? Apply or Write to W. E. SANDFORD MFOo600 Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTI ONTARIO VMPI RESTAURANT AND eONFEeTIONERY An up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lunehe s and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every Saturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand. Our home made oandiee always the best, Chocolates, Camels. Bon.Bone & Taffies a specialty, 1-1,vitsv, tnstalle,l an up•to -date plant for making [OE CREAM TRY IT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT next door to eardnos Bros 911 Seaf'trthFoo Pro= uc h i Assodatirtn Help for Farmers The Information Bureau of the Seaforth Food Pro- duction Association will receive applications from farm- ers requiring help during Seeding and Harvest ai d also applications from those seeking employment where by the employer and employee may be placed in direet communication with each other. Applications may be made by phone, mail or personally to the folio wing members of the committee :"-- Rev. J, Argo, Presbyterian Church Egmondville, Rev. T, H. Brown St, Thomas Church, Seaforth. Rev. P. Corcoran St. James Church, Seaforth Rev. D. Carswell Presbyterian Church, McKillop Rev. F. H Larkin Presbyterian Church, Seaforth Rev. G McKinley Methodist Church Seaforth K McLean Expositor Office, Seaforth J F Snowden News Offiee, Seaforth or to the Chairman I F Neelin, Collector of Customs S eaforth. usessesemeassesseesseesstessesseessanty onsatanoprudosswomc SEAFORTI-I, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 10 1917 PHODUGTiOH in the Presbyterian Church Rev, . 11, Larkin preached en inspiring sermon ou the great need. of the hour, on Sunday evening, He showed login. ally that man Italia two -fold nature body and spirit, The Inept important is the spirit The need however of the body wee recognised by Christ, Clod's law of love is broken and mon is suffering the consequence. The need of every one doing what he eau to increase the food products was urgently impressed upon the andie ice. Fareine and lun- ger is toeing the world to -day unless production is seeded up. Lefler From a 161 Boy Pte Fred Taylor describes Vimy Dear Friend.— Jut a few lines to let you knots 1 am alive and well, only waning at times No doubt you will have heard by this time that .1 have been wounded I rust tell yon all about my experience going over the top, as we call it. Well on Easter we got orders to take the trench the next day, that wae Easter Monday, so we went to bed and slept fairly well, got up and had breakfast early, jnst 2 o'clock in the morning. We then got ready for the charge. All ready we went into the trench, fixed bayonets, and stood to, till the orders came at half past five o'clock in the morning, Then the big guns opened up and over we went It certainly was a sight to see, we could see the Huns coming holding up their hands but some of them didn't comply The machine guns kept pouring a withering fire on us and my comardee wore falling on both sides of me. I was only five yards from the German trench when 1 got mine, but I want to tell you the boys certainly slid well that morning, I could not see any of the Seaforth boys falling 3 am thankful to say. We never marched over such ground shell holes, barb wire and every kind of wire and mud to your knees. It was awful but we got there just the same and it was an awful day, the big guns roard all day and night after 1 lay in a shell hole for five hours, and the shells were bursting so olose I thought 1 would try and get back to the dressing station and 1 hscl two miles to walk before 1 reached it 1 got fix- ed up and then I was scot to a hospital and later on to the Bologna Hospital and after one week laiiiled in England. I had a operation on my throat as the shrapnel went in my shoulder passed through sudor my bask bone and into my throat, The doctor say it was marvelous how it travelled through my body and says i. is a miracle that I am alive. so 1 may thank God for it all. 1 also lost the use of my arm but is gettiugbetter now, se don't worry about me as 1 am getting along fine. The weather here is lovely, but in Franco our feet were never dry and I only wish you could have seen me when when we would come out of the trenches we were mud to the eyes, so now 1 moat close, remember me to all the folks write soon and with love to all 1 am yours sincerely Fred Belgian Relief Report Balance from March 23c ; Mrs. Adam Hays g6 ; M. E. M. $I ; Mrs. J. 13. Thompson $1 ; M. 0. $t ; Mrs. de Lacey 2.50 Mr. Jones 2.50 ; Mr, Jones 1 bag of flour $5 ; Mrs, C. Stewart 2.50 Public Donations Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church $5 ; Post Office Box 1,07 ; Bank of Cbmmeroe 100 Dominion Bank .47 Total 27.37 Remittance to A, Do Jardine 37,00; Expenses ,t5; Balance on hand .22 Mrs, J. B. Thompson, Treas. Eli f THli. LAWSON - at Auburn on May 3rd to Mr and Mre Edgar Lawton, [nee Olare Solaterja daughter. l:71VX & •Wo, 13Mi A1,M1uuiN. Arta i' ON l01t4 L, D1 A8 (lTOiiki' Holders o1 Oxo: vemtlDo rloa and Lioenne-fnnuoxs monpnerR Phonen i NIVtt i:nils dp16 'rwe Cents Sii gle Copy .,,......p.0. At the Opening of the Spring Season, we extend an earnest invitation to"Everybody to call for the purpose of seeing ()Ur fine display of the Choice Styles in ;Spring Footweaar for "Men, Women, Bays, Misses and Children. !We've Footwear Worth Coming To See I This the season and a visit here at this time will not enable you to learn by seeing. just what the correct styles are, but you will also be only fully convinced of the sup. eriority of our Footwear and of the better, values we offer at any stated Price ! Come To Our Spring Display, Come, Everybody Come for a look while our whole Store is aglow with Spring Freshness ! You'll be more than welcome whenever you may find it convenient to call ! 11. Et' vr.7 e Y1..! T it "tThe Dome of Good Shoes". Phone 5l Bed Gross Report Report for April Bal, ou band 444.28 Rag Rug 1.50 Forrester's Bali Constance 32.25 A friend 200.90 A friend for prisoners fund 10.00 Mrs. S. Oudmore 2.00 Mri, N. T. fluff, 1.00 Rage .26, Mrs. Adam Hays 5.00 Winthrop Literary Society 100.00 Winthrop Branch -proceeds of L. 0. L. ball, Ladies' Aid Meth. Church 5;00, Proceeds from sale of tickets on Mre. Stewart's towels 21.60, A. 0. Leary 1.00, Monthly Contributions 133.65, Total 1009.58 EXPENDITURE Hon. Jas. Mayou for prisoner of war $10.00, Stewart Bros, 79,76, John Mactavlah 39,84, Mrs. Thomas Shade 2,25, Total 131,65, Balance on hand 877.93, Total 1009.58 Jessie Neil Treas. SECRETARY'S REPORT .222 suite of pyjamas 42 flannel shirts 216 pairs of socks 156 towels 6 trench caps 30 pillow cases Edna De Lacey Secretary, The Financial Sts. ten• ment of the Women's War 7tuxilairy RECEIPTS Balance on hand $270.40, Fees 7,00 Box sold, 10 Donations from the following Mrs. Mullen 1 00, Mrs. Jas. Watson 2 00, Mrs, W, James r 00, Ladies` Aid Society Methodist Church 10 00 Mrs. Burrows 5 00, Mrs. Andrew Archibald 1 00, Methodist S 5 from oolleotion of papers eto, — Fred Orich, Gordon Goldhawk, Edgar Brownlee, Elroy Brownlee, and Jack Orich, 6 (10, & Mr, Thos. Rands, 22.16 total 27.15 Scott (luif.4o, Friends 1.45, Oontri- bution instead of Easter Dance 72 60 Egmondville School Social 47,00, Miss Effie McLeod Detroit Mioh, 15,00, Mrs W. BI, Kerslake 1.00, Total 471,06, EXPENDITURE J. A Williams, Postage on socks 8.56, Can.Red Orose Society, Toronto 124 80 Sundries 4.03, Balance 333,67, Total $47( 06 The Auxiliary alao wishes to thank Mr. Geo Sills for donations of paper and twine ; & Messrs 3, W. Beattie and Wes Free for a large roll of paper val- ued at $1.00. Mina J, Finlayson, Tress, MACTAVISH'S Seaforth St 1) ER JEWELRY h, NSA OW 1kc 0,.iallt:+l 1151'005013' Pt 1/01011101 ,rw not,es w,11 51. 110 nrsc "il obtl •51tb/�la0n. V.at iiia 117 Ihte-1)1brneule.r 0,t,71111 ra Tory 1519. and -,•01 r',y ;der ry,. have 0,00,1 b!oro .it.S s At; iarr0 hli apt .n l,: I t0 a lir e. 741 pr1i,t err very ft Ulcer- ;rlli from e'1 is 101 ulwhrd. I<vsry uscln guano:aid by aw t441,,a •rtisfaettoe to the "roarer. relit 'atuu11ge �acrecnor iSe 'tluxnge & Otullerg 'lirtorlrrs aub !lapsicitula Marriage License imam PHONE 194 00041115 10 7h" .tore pri tv!llnhonys Tike. 4 We pay transportation charges on goods ordered by phone or mail. MACTAVISH'S 1 iQs ferp Newest Furnishings 05111 Apparel at All Kinds for Summar Wear 9E8 here is the highest dualities and of the lowest! Prioes Beautiful Millinery Here For the 24th and for later wear Mone and try on some of the new hats ONCE AGAIN IT IS 1HOUSE CLEAN— ING TIME You'll Likely need a new CARPET A RUG LINOLEUM or DRAPERY MATE..1AL Do not miss seeing our stock of these goods. Most women know how good our Dress Goods have been in previous seasons. Now they are better:than ever. Get mat- erial for the Summer Gowns from us. Prices are attractively low. Our fore- thought in making heavy pur- chases months and months ago accounts for that . Suppose you drop in soon and see the elegant Spring and Summer Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and Dresses now . being shown here. It's really surprising how in- terested;,women be- come in these gar- ments as soon as they see them and try them on. Perhaps you would like to get a better Suit for the money than you ever had. geonne here, then. Butter Wanted L.; J. MACT)TVISII SEAFORTH Eggs Wanted .•.: ' 1 9A ai a