HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-05-03, Page 4It age PROFESSIONAL. CARDS tmm mentCM. n'L H. LIUGU Itt4* Physic inn and Surgeon er Lata of London 110 lough London, England Spottal attention to ,diseases of Lye, tsar, Nose W Throat. Oros and resldeeet,behind Dominion Beak. Ogley Phone N (LS, Residence, Picone No, MC R, F, .i BURROWS. Seaforth. Office and rpddenele — Goderlrh Street, rant of the Mefho- i RM Church. Coronet for the County of ileum. iTelephone. No. 40. I ars. .SCOTT & MAC(CAY, Physicians and e Surgeons. Goderkh Street, opposite Rfetbo- cis t : torch. Sealortit. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario College et Physician* and serseolea. Coroner for County of Huron. MACRAy, honor gnuduate Trinity Univnnity, CaW medalist Trinity bimetal College. Member or ollege of Phyuiolano and Surgeon, Ontario. DL' GEO. 1*EfLEMAN, Octeopathic Speolatls In Wacren'e and Children's Diseases and L'hanmatfc Troubles, Acute and Chronic Div. sedans, ear. eye, Nose and Throat. Monad, eitooved without the knife. Coosultatlon free. fad) a. Jt over Welter Rnlfe ;Mine stere. 1. ucs.bq a am, _ Hr G p.m Pada)• 8 t 0 p.rli ra.rnw�rfna�w,.pn.ww•+•,w.ww,.aw.ry..,,aesr Ulll Elil ATII4 0i5744 Marriage l.iceeses iaxurd by JUHN • l lo paLbv JO Tlo and I1pnJlaR, ttCa• torch Insurance Are you *moldering insurance, Life or Accident' Iignu are, a ponhmrd will get our yucca. .1. B. illlNe&6LEY, fir:, alai Anent for Lyndon Life Lnoutaoce Co.. ozd I mpertal Guarantee and Accident insurance Co. Seaforth, Ont. James Watson 0enela) tire, Lite awl Accident Idsuranee Agent, and .1001er in Huwina; Maohmes. 14 min Street, sealarttt„ THE McKlLLOP MAIO Fire hosura ce Co Faroe and Isolated Town Property Only insured. OFFICERS t n+, t c ul.uJly, .•.xfenr h, Pre+l.lent, Jantes t:rung. liee.ltwood. Vice l'resid•:nt,'rhowas IT al's, Seaforth. Sae meas. Directors D. F. McGregor, Seatorth; John G. Grieve. Winthrop W. Ulna. Constance; John Bennewelo, larodghagen• Robert Ferris. Constance; Malcom McKeon, Clfntoh; 0 McCartney, Jansen Connolly. Gnderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood. Agents Ales. Leitch, oarlock; E. nlnchley, Seaforth; William Chesney. Egmondvnle; J. W. Yeo, Matmem ilia; R. G. Jarmouth, Biodhagea• James 1 Karr end John Govenlock, Seaforth. auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above olacers, addreseed bo their lenoectfve poinof0aa. 0 coag 4? glitkar iItr7l5Inman -.UNWED laxssolsu H;GHar,a ra t 1340311Tri it The IS ISSUER EVERY THURSDAY Front the Office MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 54 Pvoniug 117 IUBSCRiPTION Our dullar'per year, etricUY to ad react+ 11 not )slid In advance, one dui\0r and a halt will he charged. ratted Mateo int porn, fifty reals extra. striekly In ad 51(110ed, When ,ubscrPn`ra ehaanfte their address notloeShould be 1014 m Immediately, giving both the old and the new address, Sub - 010013 i will of delivery, notifying ata Rending Notices—No reading notice. advertising an entertainment or matter by which money any to be made by any person or cause will be inserted In Tuts Naws without charge. The price for the laser - don of business mmouncemens In TEN to parties per again contract insertion display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each insertion to those baying display contracts, and for drureh,gnocletyY 'tad entertainment reading notleea, Card ;,of Thanks 5 cola lines, 50 cents. Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notieee—Ten cents per line far Sot Insertion and five cents per line for each subaesuet insertion. Yearly „arch—Profesalonol Cards not exceeding ',Se Inch, will be Inserted for 65.0') per year, payable strictly In advance Dlapiny advertising—Rates furnished on application "Advertisements ordered for Insertion. wUntn forbid," and those sent without written Instructicne will appear until Britten eiders are received for their ala. oatlouance. Letters to the Editor must he %Cann- panled by the writer's own signature, not or publkat(On, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reit. lou topics will not be published at all except as paid advertfslog• plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per One. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PU1LISHER The Conspiracy A Brilliant Sucease Meaty ttutgha and thrills were com- pressed into the three acts of "The Conspiracy' which was artistieally pre- sented last Friday evening in Oarduo's Opera Bonet) which was crowded t0 the door. Never before has a play of such great merit been offered to a Seaforth audience and they show their appreoia• Original tion in no uncertain manner From and the time the Curtain rose on the first act, The Refuge scene, to the brilliant Only climax in fhe third act there was no CrellBlB@dullness, no hitoh, A!1 the parte were Li well chosen and admirably taken under the able direction of Mrs Murless Jones who played the leading part, that of Margaret Holt a stenographer who had committed murder. Mrs Jones" ability Beware I is wall knowu and we can only add that of lithe is an arti-t of the first rank, so imitations `realistic woe her portrayal that the Sold 1t11(11eiiet. was epeli hound, Mrs ,)ones 00 the possesses :t wenderfnl voice and the Merits !intensity of Ler interpretation 0400 of magnificent. The part taken by Mir K J Francis of leard S Winthrop C'latering a bad tempered l lair@let i ail novelist who was quarrelling with every one was a masterful piece of act. ung. Titre, a very heavy part wee For Sde SCG NTON COAL W. L KEY SWUM, Phone ISO A Business Without a proper systm of adwer- tisin is like a motor without the power Seaforth News AVER TISEMENTS will supply the required energy hone . 54 evenings127 .'to Prod Taylor 0f Winthrop who tittt with Hilal is reported Wounded. executed in a wonderful manner his comedy kept the audience laughing all the thus. The ability of Mr Frauds a.+ an actor of tneu'It 4.tnnot be ques- tioned and the impressive he left with us will he long remembered by those who heard hits, Seaforth people will look forward with much pleasure to his 4attire appearances, The Clevdl work of 31e Geo Isrea as tt n0wepaperreporter RAO also a feat urn, This was a long aud difficult 1 part and was token to perfection . His wort: was full of animation and most to hr appreciated was his naturalness. Undoubtedly air Ism' has a futilre ha - 1 fore hit( 111 the dramatic field. 3lrs LOuloe Rosa as Rose '1'ewrl was very clever indeed and M1sa Leila Beet made an excellent Spanish woman 13040 dialect worst throughout was good James Watson made a splendid Colonel Schultz and Frank Sidle as Shipman evoked well deserved laughter, Mr Sills played three separate and distinct parts showing great versatility. Mr L T Delaoey who is always a favourite on the Seaforth platform gave a clever im- peroonetion of Martha which was very humorous as was also his word ih the first act as Profe000r Kaufman. Mr orlon Jones ,Superintendent of the Refuge was esoelleul and his splendid apperance and free and easy manner ware highly commended, Dr. Beechley who is new to Seaforth audiences created a fine impression as Captain Ryan. Cleo. Chesney as Weinberg was very amusing hie part being particularly well timed. Gordon e Willis made a tyipoal New York Nowo- boy and spoke his lines with distinct•• nese. The tleotivo parte taken by N A b Brown andF N Faulkner added much to the success of the final eceue "The Round Up." 'Ui.jF SEMI:ORTrl NEWS AS OTHERS SEE US Holding Canute upasau exempla to luepit'n and gnida the United States In 110 conduct 0f wat','L'lle Boston herald says ''t)anitiln has found itself 1u the past two yeal'9 nod a half. 1.1 Elam boon through the fire of a test such as few dopendonoieo have over had to face, and it is elevating lent of the fire not only welded closer to the British Empire, but of empire strength itself, It has set al example and has had ex. periencee that ere very likely to prove of tuna value to us on this side of the border ill the months ahead. Remember that to do things on the settle Chet Canada has been doing them shim* the sunnier of .101.1, the United States w0111(1 raise and train nod equip an army 6,000,000 men in a little over two years, told ship 4,0(10,01)0 of thein across the Atlantic. 1t would raise and spend no less than $12,000,000,000 for tsar purposes. Yet tvllell the ;war clouts burst over the world, Cannula was frilly unprepared as we have been. Its army, which has grown to 400,000 sol- diers was smaller than the militia of Maseaclluaette, and its resources (cud industries, now splondidly mobilized and affluently organized for the great work in hand, were on the most peace- ful hind of a ponce basis. Small wonder that our patriotic gatherings listen- with muob respect and with deep Interpol to Canadian speakers, 011e thing is certain, the a Gai lad of the future 1t+ not to be looked d en with anything resembling the sup- erior ail' that we have habitually as- sumed on this side of the border. The peao0 that has made it unnecessary to build a fort along the 3,000 miles of border will continue, but it is not going to 130 the peace of the condescending kindness of a big brother to a helpless yougnoter An American only belittles himself if he fails to recognize and ap- plaud the great things that Canada has done in this world crisis, And if an American belittles hi,- self by failing to recognize the things that Canada has done in thie war, whet is to bo Saul of the Canadian who with• holds the same re0ognitionP HensaII Our people have been shocked by the three casualties reported from the front this week, Rev J. K. Knight is recovering and able to attend his work again . BEST I EVER USED ANGUS SIMPSON, Sarnia, Ontario, eaya: "1 have used Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer and want to tell yon that it is the best fertilizer I ever used, both on my onions and beets and potatoes," RESULTS WERE WONDERFUL. WM. PACH, Lambeth, Ontario, says: "I purchased Homestead Fertilizer from H. Hnmlyn, Lambeth, merely as a teat. The results were wonderful. The ground between the rows was cov- ered by the tops, Tho yield was extra good I can easily see how anybody would be greatly benefited by using Homestead Fertilizer." WELL PLEASED JOE MOSS EAU, Belle River, Ontario says; "I used Homestead Bono Blaok Fer- tilizer last Sqring on my potatoes, and am so well pleased that I must write you about same, 1 made a thorough test with two bushels of seed potatoes. They produced forty bushels and whore I did not fertilize they were a failure." THREE TIMES THE CROP CLARENCE RALF, Orweli, Ontario, says; "1 bought some Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer front Charles Mirard and used it on part of my onions. Where 1 tined it, I had three times tett crop I had where there was nu Fertilizer My corn was the same." Write Michigan Carbon Works, De. trait, tor free book and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer. It rubs Pain Away.—There are is no liniment so effioaoious in orercoming pain as Dr. Thomae'Ecieotric Oil, The hand that rubs it in rubs the pail: away and on this account there is no prep- aration that stands so high in public esteem. There is no outer pain killer procurable, a thousands o0n attest who have used it successfully in treating many ailments, Worms fit children tvork havoc. Thea posts attack the telader lining of the intestines and 311E41 to pursue their ravages undisturbed, will utinately per- hrrste the wall, because these worms re of the Book variety, that cling t0 fid feed upon interioreurfaoes. Miller's Vorm Powders will not onlysxter- minute diene worms, of whatever variety ut will serve to repair the injury they nave done. FIGHTING GARDEN FOES Dokotroy Them or They May De. Ow Your Crop, •SPRAYJNU A READY REMEDY Yea This Ltohtrun the Anieteitr is far trOduced l'A3 1II.4ects and Fungus do That He Jtay Know Theta be Their First Nantes. (fly S. C. JOHNSTON. Vegetable Specialist, Ontario Department of Agrlcalture, '1 n"ato.) Garden Foes, Unfer'tuntttely the backyard veget- able grower bas some difficulties to overcome. It will not be all pleasure and profit which he must look for- ward to because there are -innumer- able insects and fungus diseases which cause mu0L worry and trouble and neeossitute the use ef PXIXEOrdia- ary methods to present; or control. Most of these trembles may be over- come by spraying 1he plants with remedies which can be secured from seed stores and tither (iruna hand- ling them, The following is it list of the more common vegetables and the insects and plant disease., attackingthem with remedies or preventives, ASPARAGUS. Beetles, Ilia•, black or yellowish colored, about ono -half inch long, wield' appear early in May and feed on the young 0hocts. Keep the bed closely cut in the spring or allow poultry to run through 1t. After cutting 0e40011 is over, spray with arsenate of lead, Encourage the lady dY bird bottle whieh destroys m All Y of these insects. Anthracnose or .Pod "Spots, Brown 0r reddish spots on the foliage and pods. Found on low damp ground. Plant only seeds which Lave no signs of the disease. Pull up and burn diseased plants as they appear. CABBAGE, CAT')4FT,OWI;It, AND BRUSSELS SPIl•OU'1'ti. Root Mag- got. A small whitish colored mag- got one-quarter of an Inch long. Looks something like a grain of wheat, found just below the surface of the ground either close to or en the roots. They eat the roots, mut- ing the plant to drop over. Apply a solution of corrossive sublimate one -halt ounce dissolved in five gal- lons of water, at the rate of half a teacupful over each piaut once a week for five weeks after they are set out, -commencing three or four days after planting. Cut Worms and White Grubs. Greyish white grubs which work at the surface of the soil cutting off the plants, They may be trapped by spreading a mixture of poisou bran over the surface of the soil close to the plants. A pail of bran with suffi- cient paris green to highly color it, should be moistened with molasses until it crumbles readily in the hand, This moisture should be kept on the ground during the early par( of the season. Worm, A small greenish worm three-quarters of an Inch long, which appears quite early in the season. Dust with pyrethrum or hellebore powder when the plants have headed, or dust with a teaspoonful of paras green mixed with three tablespoonful of flour when young. A piece of burlap may be used for this purpos. or an empty can with holes punched in the bottom. Aphis, also called louse. Stnall greyish insects which multiply rapid- ly. They may appear at any time in the season. Spray forcibly with a solution made from steeping one pound of tobaeco refuse in one gal- lon of water. This solution may be used 0n all plants on which Aphis are found. CELERY, Blight. Black spots appear on the foliage followed by wilting of the plant and a soft root on the stock. Spray each week with a mixture of Bordeaux mixture cov- ering the entire plant. CUCUMBER. Striped Beetle, Black and yellow striped beetle which feeds raveuously on the ten -i der leaves of the plant in the very' early stage of growth. Dust leaves I when wet with ashes or air -slaked 11000. Squash Bug. Dark brown bettle which sucks the juice from ttie plant. Hand pick and destroy. Found on the leaves. MfEL,ONS. Cucumber insects usual- ly attacks and may be destroyed as given above. ONION. Onion Maggot. A white maggot similar to the cabbage root maggot. No effective. means of con- trol. Spread charcoal over the ground or try the corrossive subll- mete solution as recommended above. Blight. A violet color, patches appearing on the leaf of the onion. Some advise spraying with Bordeaux mixture from the time the onion plant is three inches high. POTATO. Colorado Beetle or Po- tato Bug. Dust with paras green when the dew is still on the plant, or place a teaspoonful in a watering Dan of water al.d pour over the plant, If possible have the plant dusted with paras green before the bug appears. Scab. Easily recognized by char- acteristic roughness of the skin. Im- merse the uncut tuber just before planting in a solution of two fluid ounces of formalin with two gallons of water. Dry, cut, and plant. Blight. Brown spots distributed over the leafy surface, usually found in July. If they are not prevented from growing, the whole plant will be destroyed. Spray once a week for four or five weeks with Bordeaux mixture from July 1st, RADISH. Root Maggot, Use the same remedies as given for cabbage and onion maggot. TOMATO, 'Tomato Worm or Flora Blower. A large worm which rapld- ly defoliates the plant. Head pick and destroy, Blight. Black -spots app alring on the leaves whiob spread rapidly and cense the whole plant to dle. R the plants growing vigorpl*. . n a+ei ttlllmMMmlm(mlptMla Th mgYYMWMffMM)tifglll(YIYYMY11l1lMmlMstlMmIW11MYMtYi1M■ THE DOMINION BANK CAPITAL MW RESERVE $13,000,090 Farmers' Sale Notes Farmers will do well to leave their stile notes with 'I he Dominon Bank for collection. Consult the Manager. SEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M. JONES, Manages', alt rasfwixtl sn amsfaso m isgisimai surnaistil stiliRKYpgsszunefisaa.;lpllj ,uu .wevon,u®®a+ FRUIT TRIES AND aPLAN'TS FOR SPRING PLAN'T'ING Wei have established a lasting re- putation for fair end square dealing alcl are now prepared to (meet existing conditions by offering aur high grade trees and planta (direct to customers at Rock lJottoul Prices. Don't delay plantiug fruit trees and plants as there is nothing pays bettor, Semi for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can direct and get the be- nefit of agent's 0010111 1581011 Our prices will bo sero to interest you THE CHASE BROTHERS 00, OF ONTARIO, LTD, ESTABLISHED .1867 COLBORNE, ONT. SOUR ACID STOMACHS UI•ASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Dlapepsln" digests 3000 grains food, ending alt stomach misery in five minutes. Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested `food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Dlapopsin is noted for its )peed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach rem- edy In the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsiu from any drug store, You realize in five minutes how needlese it Is to suf- ler from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the 'world. r •.tisk. _, 4:R _.r MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be receiv- ed at Ottawa until NCon, on Friday, the 8th any of June, 11117, for the con- veyauoe of His Majesty's Mails, 0u n proposed Contract for fon' years, Six times per week over Seaforth No, 4 final Route, from the 1st of July, 1917 Printed notices containing further information es to conditions of propos- ed Contract may be seen Slid blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Seaforth, Egm0nd- ville and Clinton, and at the Pest Office Iuopectoe, Lon''on. Post Office Department, Canada, Hail Service Branoh 0. C. Andereon Ottawa Superiutenlent, (27th April, 1017 CREAM WANTED Send your cream to us aud receive lop prices. We are running our plant the year through anti chit handle y0llr full supply and furnish you with dans. We pay twice cools month anti weigh sample,and test each can of cream care Edify. Our motto be " Honesty to 0u Natrona" Patrons are requtated in tr lura all our Dana when not in nae, 3leter aniButtermilk also on hand nil for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. Town Of Seaforth Street Oiling and Watering Ratepayers wishing to have the streets oiled or watered infront of ebeir premises are hereby notified to send in their petitions to the Towu Clerk's Office at once. 11y Order of the Council. S. oforth, April 30, 1017. Jno, A, Wilson Town Clerk *early ail children are oubjoot to worms, and many are born with them. Spare them suffering by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator the best remedy of the kind that can be had, • CHURCH NEWS All Items under (fres Head are published tree of (Large, ex- cept those regarding meetings wheys an admission toe is charged. The rate for such be1114000 cent per count lino SF1•IFURT!JI e(4f.IRe8RS St. James' St, Jatnaa, Church , Rev. Father P Corcoran, Rev, Father G. R. North - graves ,Morning Mass 7 a,ln. High Maes 10.30 a.m. Sunday school 2.30 ice Evellin P � g vespers P 7 p.m. St. Thomas' Rev. T. H, Thrown, Rector. Sunday services 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2,30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 p.1n. Children'sbrancit Saturday 2 p.m. nteroossion services every Thursday, .0 p,m, First Presbyterian Rev, at H, Larkin., Pastor. Sunday services 1l 0,m, and 7 p in, Sunday sohool 2.30 p,m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7, 46 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Soeietysthe first Tuesday in each month at 7.46. Barbara Kirkman His. Bion Band 3rd Tuesday) in the month at 7,30 p.tn, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4. )o p.m. Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, B. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sun. day school and Bible etudy class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p. m, Prayer Meeting. Thnred0 y 8. p.m. Salvation Army Capt. Freud and Lieut. Sauners Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 pen. Childrens Service—Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 p,rn, Week night Meetings—Wednesday Praer meeting 8 pain. Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, pastor, Sunday ser- vices 11 a. in, and 7 p.m. Bible cissa 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, in, Y.P,M.S. Cation 3rd Friday in the month p.m. Women'sMissiou- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p,m, Ladies' A1,14110540 ire - mediately after. MclV1tlop Presbyterian ].rev. D 'JarsweII pastor. Sunday services Duffs' church 11 a.m Sunday wheel 10 a m. Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. Womon'a Missionary Sooiety last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock. t'ioastauce Methodist • Rev, 0, 0. Kaine, pastor. Sunday eerviee 2.30 pan. Younk People's Loa- gne2.30 p m 9nndey Woman's Auxin ("1' first 'Tuesday of every month a JOp,en, Lilies' Aid lit Thursday ofeaoh month 2,30 p.m Winth-op Presbyterian Sunday service 2.30 pm, Sunday echool 1 16pm. Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 pan. L,O, W! lest Wed. Nights of Agony come in the train of asthma, The viotim cannot lie down end sleep is driven from his brain. What grateful relief is the immediate ffeot of Dr, J, D. ICellogg's Asthma Remedy. It banishes the frightful con. rlitione, olears the p innate andenables he effiioted one to again sleep as soundly and restfully es a ohild. Luse on the genuine at yotir nearby druggist. r day May a =K IK, a'LO$$Y Ham razz rain/ PAN 1 ti'F1I Guist Try ill Mair gate Soft, fluffy and beatitlfut—SZet 2•rr nt botttp of Dana derineCo, it you °aro for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and 1s radiant with life; has an Incomparable softnees and Is nutty and lustrous, try Danderine. • Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besldee 1t imme- diately dissolves every particle Of dandruff. You eau not hav'4 adee heavy, stealthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair Of Its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces 'a feverishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots "famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out Mete Surely get a 26 -cent bottle lee Knowlton's Danderine from any drug st0ro and just try 1t, Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse Bair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books and newspapers Appelzft & MUlniaa SEAFORTH JUNK DEALER Aorose from Creamery Phone 183 SIVOSIORMOSOSOC, Something New! �p We pia nned for months to make our new Spring mounting an exhibition of the latest and most artistic styles. May We Show You How Well We Have Succeed- ed ? Visitors always welcome; rell's Studio L. Phone 19 • SEAFORTH moil A lady in Hamilton has instructed me to offer for Sale her home and 3 lots Situated on the North Side of Crombie St. This is excellent prop- erty in good condition and must be sold at once to close an estate. —A snap for some one— JON ANN Bond and Debenture Broker Main Street. Seaforth Ph ono 01a SEAFORTH lilARKET Good Milling Wheat ..............$2.10 Barley ...........................1 00 Brent per ton .......................43.00 Shorts per ton ......... .......... 46 Floor,,....... . 6.96 676 Hogs to farmers.... ............15.73 "For the Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU rARE SUFFERING WWI any disease due to in,pure blood ouch as Eason., Scrofula, Scurvy, Sod ao¢e, Absceeeoo, !Score, Glandular Swellings, Boils, Plmplea, Sores of any kind, PIIoe,Rlood Poloon,Rhsumatiamt Gout, eta„ dont waste your dm and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering, Clarke's Blood alit tura is just such a medicine. It Is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, can berelied on to effect a lasting co; (Thourarldto doYneeialr, N. etu n baMtil �k A! Over 50 rears' success, Pleseaat to duke, sora 60 a3 Chanr/sir and etorakeanerx. Rau, 356at!tates. Clarke's Blood Mixture QURES ALL SKIM & SLABS DISEASES.