The Seaforth News, 1917-04-26, Page 4gee PROFESSIONAL CARDS, MBDICAL QR soa ii,11oopod Late 1 di 144, Lndn mffii ) attention "o dlnral,n of I:ye, Tar, Nose Pada �Threat, fAoetnad rust leS. behind Dominion Rank. office khnnr, P 0.5. Residence, Phone Ne. 196. Il, F. f nu Goderlcll nal ea0tof th rot P1 algin• Ira , 110 t4(1. er for flu Coo r "MOWS. Safort0, Offir aud SPA SCOTT 14 MACKAY. Ptnnacimam and Aurgeana, Coderlch Street, opposite Hetbo• diet Chunh, ,5ru=or. W. Start graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and laembw of Ontario College of Phusidans and eat`cotta. Coronet' for County Qf Huron. yossAc fist Trinity Medical Cot ego. Me roId f 1)l{tge of Phyalctunu and Sumeena, oiesele. • Bats Gast. Hc.1Y,,r@eX,1fti. Unc4opethtr Spcdella 9/ in Woman's and 6..iiniten a Dke,ace& end i heurnatir Twub(rs. Score and Chronic Dia - West Ear. Faye. iVose aril Throat. Adenoid& tramoved. evithout nlet it1 knife, Ctet onsultation, -6�t'ee, rant.+, .+ r• r • 4) 14:11114 a 44 Mentmelee 11{�. p 7 I� C,' Mail�t f a1' iClSrtt'V:18-aw. tail •nsurtAnce Are)e•.: rn,iir...... Lausav Lifecc, .•!Lint' . y .. arm.t S ni,o. 1 les otic it ea. LS. isilliaSS 1 LSIS✓- lgedk tet La+3 "n offs no:'1040 40 1'o.. otIl ILia.a1'.14eaa4 (,' Mtntlts,nua4xCo, "`.,+aaartle, smut. alae ,. • oto 4a,:81Fir., (,{I a t.::c441,4t I)4n.0re A q'•.+' ,011 •1,8,1.441 -n 6.'8 181 .finial hl nil 441441a, "•t4! THE ! cKiiLL P Mitimil fsorafice Jo Perot sold instated Teens y'repv+eetey 'Daily' teetered. OFFICEkt-5 7 es. 4'1',1, l:nn)'. -' 1,,. :: fr•,1L.)'.. lan+ut 1 Evans, 1 c cinend V :• !'. lrh'. 3'1)a140 Ray). Neat rth. 'lice r a9 Directory D. F. aL:Greg0r, Seafor1 ( Jena G Grieve, Winthrop W Rion. Constance: 'John Bmneoela, Bm- dgtntgen; Robert Ferris. Hartock, Malcom McKeon. Clinton; t'• McCartney Seaforth; James Connolly. Godertch; Jio. Evan]. Be.shwood. Agante Alex. Lance, H:ulo.:k; E. Hinchiey, Sesforth4 William Chesney. Egtnoodville• J. W. Yeo, Holmesvale; R. G. Jarmouth, fondleageu' James Saar and John Govenlnek. Seaforth.. and {tors. Parties desirous to elect Insurance or transact other buslnesu will be promptly attended leo by application to any of the above O 00x$. addressed to their respective postoff)ceu. ii Nth 01141F010111 -llUIE\".u16 1S ISSUED£ VERY THURSDAY D AY Fran the Office MAIN ST. s# t;v$EAEORTH, ONT' Phone nwol 0(U8SCRU0TION the •lollar"per yyear. erectly In ad c once It wit peel 'til a tivnnee, one dei\114 and charged.lea n halo trill be 141extra, Vatted btu pa pari /� :'rots axtM. etrlrkly la a,1 491144004. When mnhiOrlit„1s chaance their address notice ffiouid be l!e t us Immediately, giving =thanhe favor by 410(071418 us of ane WralularltY of delivery. Reading Notloes•-No reading notice. advertfaing any entertainment or (natte0 by which money X9 to lx abide by 0414' pels014 or cause will be Moiled in 'ran News without charge. The price for the inser- tion at sestaranseuncementa in TEN 0144410. 7,)s-1 cane: tltrr each 1118e0oa to Dante) having no contract for display adverrimen. and IyIVE,1eots per line each ia0crtton to those having 4 0(0(&4 cantreeto, and for :le,lr:h,;anclats and entertainment reading notices. t'.,rcl 'or ,bank] $ to;A 1(r..ti. 5s- gents. d Govern.. Tofn1 nn G .11+4 acini, Legal, icer mart A1n.1444 -?ca cents(0(3 p^r nee for first insertion "d five cents ¢N:1' {ire for each 041.110 t .1 8941r'lo81. Yearly .11110-1,1 if vssianai Cards. not excetalicr, ++_ inch, will be inserted for Si 410 i _. +«. savable strictly in advance ot,,p�'4t: ivect(.i4'T” Rates furnished ,4, apt " Advertisement, ordered for insertion, 8:1.1atf.1 t4rbti. aid those sent without amen orders orier4 4049 '4?'ol'"lel foretbelradts- 4441cia ia'a4at Lettere to the Editor :neat he accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or 1)ub(icatfon, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made in such communications. Letters 041 reit. cexcept ma topicswill advertising, pbe lainly marked as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per Rae.. J. F. SNo WDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER TILL hl:.t'#1 Ul " 1# NEWS A meotmnio who enlisted 111 the l'riticees I'aliioia's Regiment was w0u ele41. returned to Confide. spout throe mouths in a eellrelesaettt hospital pay, and 119W earns lloubh its former } ay, Ilavieg ,taken ft111 sllrantege of the 1 E i 111 FI TI 1 Al t : 11 ° 1 drawing and t p Iwea(141T Ott g reneges earriod an thorn iYritillg to the 1100pital inelotct0r, he (aye; "Whet 1 enlisted, 1 was earulug about $3 a dap et troy trod... At present, and 811(ee my diehargtl front military 00141(10 1 tut, t1401111101411)', a better man 0,11 a-• I('otlu(1; 1 411)1 able now to a job 418 fore- 1111411 i1) a tuachintt s11up, with mora than `Smile the salary 1 was gottiug before. '(.'his benefit to tate i8 greatly due to tum' practice! information, and 1)1y only re - get is that I was tithable. after m)' dlach:trge,to t'ontillue llistructiau with you 440 you had 4111ieed.' Another letter ravei1ec1 !4 frulu tit Thursday April 29. :1 RRRRRAXRR,R 1llR>1l sIRl1YR)IMN>M%MMfRlM IK14MM)1 R!(MPl>rRKr(AI AfWE1 I Kann* ANO NOW FOR SEEDING G TSE DOMINION BANK Steil Should tie Allowed to Warm Up Wore 0 r A ,1, 1 ort: Pant 11 , h SOME FIRST CROPS TO PUT IN Food P Beans Are f4 4}8andSplendidi d 1 'odu 4 (,t to (:(row lite Ware -How to Pro- reed in Several i ices, illy el. O. lL111Nh1•t)N, Vegetable Specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Having discussed the methods of 010880rlug the I;nrde.n soil to receive 11 IIaP , d Of ice Toronto R M i1R LntMUtIP a, OelatA, P ,4.,rnt W. D. fq`i Pr V R x O. ti 11001[Rr, General Nlttaagsl' M • cawiiad raid the $6,000,000 Reserve Ynod $7,0400a000 $ M R R W q a n l4' the seed .0s- (1014' turn to the Halving a of the seed 1teelf. There Is no need m to hurry the solving of the ;mod, Bet- Si, ter results will be obtained it ilia 6R Ffet910fe1fLWRgp1xIWWWSYAtatNraIINd4rtnu.X1t11h9(i11t11r1a1tWt4rtN&ttarlWvs1,frd4d amateur gardener will wait until the n4,saunwnn �sr.4"4' ,n an Savings Department �. v IM Interest paid on deposits of $1,00 and upwards.. Plaee Nolo savings in the Bank. SEAFORTII BRANCH: R. M. ,JONES, Manag(pi', sail is warts unit easily worked. The (ra�,a.au taar.f. " -- VOgetables diseul:ot d re arranged as nearly (t4 tweed-do.u•i'clrcling to this time they slimed I,. planted' AND ('1,\N1'(4 FRUIT TREES 94 pr(v'b,.. i1) ^:se 1'lth Batten:di flu. L!'.Iv1'L71'I'. Leine , grown f01' FIllt SPRING' I'l,AN I'll (t fere • tliatntellt, he was (1430titi„ $l!.' a salad plant, 1( ie .{ hurt 8e3mo11 week is drIteir or n city trill' rrnnd plant and 1•. .,flvu •'rrrt, n to t'uilots• til' , t I I' t ! 4 larding re - fin leaves, and is 0t is 'at known CHURCH NEWS All (lama under 011(0 BYend are published free of °barge, us - omit thaw regarcenemeetingx where an admission Pee is charged '1 ho rate for such being live cent per ca0m lin„ THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFY Girl Ie Try Ifo(- Hair -Get a 20 Deets nt bottle flatly and of Danderine. If you cafe for heavy hair that glie- t with with beauty and is radtsrn tOnB life( bas au ineaml>art<bio softness and is Jttst !tuftyand application t douDbles 1'1 the beauty of your hair, besldos it lune- diately d180oivos every particle el dandruff. You Can net have 31149 1100vy, healthy hair if yoi have dandruff. This destructive seed robs the hair of its- lustre, Ito strength aad Re very life, and if not overcome it pl•nducea a feverishness and itching of the avails the hair roots- famish. local*11 and diel thou the hair falls out tsl e Surely got a 35 -coot bottle of Knee:ltx,n's Dauderin0 from guy drug �tur,' and Just try it. 1' r osis.. iseaaev s Gasseeessee steeseeses Highest Preen Paid for rags, rub1Jers, 1.,1lntts, metal, horse 1);,11', hi(110, ekii1S, nil Isit-(11, C,l !111'5 Pie, 4 ser 6 ,. a Tuve es a) 11'. lee .. . a I •'1 always bed a 111t1ug tui• 1114040111( 1)l pre+•e.ld allot her ,rah it is quite Alen lake h1)4(iiS + hardy and ma} b,. I lawn d quit putatiOla for fair end equere de;t((u+,*, Nt.vH. -and telt that if aver 1 had the nail in Lie � irinx, K14rru („ alstul'- ,;u•rd to meet rctiafnl!; e..ld nL. Va sj)dl)f,r5 Y 1 au(1 ale now pr.+} [ 1. :. _ - Appelzf t Millman cot• to him at gine 0f this i'utll0uissiot+`s famil IC is a ~.,011 Ulan in Rottoul rico,. Don't delay St. dames' SEA JUNK DEA LER 3 [tock 3t {4 +4143,3 . 1 4.4,441,1 tali. up t cemrea iii 1711Hclll'll Leal 1131IWnl� T'b IH" ((),HL, lllity ,c1 betelen sty U1,nt, 1)4' the ('tblittee trees end p1atlts Illreet to C'llatenlere at (t c and omesoo Dube le11d'•r crop Y u g � 3�T;1y1F4'�R t)J (wR13 W {1 ES such as LO1n.LXUe=, 1)i a m;� b,1' plant• eonditiuus b d'eriuc; our hi h - VE ado f • 1 1 • 1)t I xE tt It a}tit 419 After s nu small klime l W plant (,1411 t1 !1'w feet lin ilio fruit t ill lent' ha .Lere l (4ro80 from ('fesm4r1 t i .4t ons liar and follow tUh with ver 1 h plants I St. Jams Uhutch, hev. Bother 1 North - Phone I3'i illustrated ciunlbtm of handy ceriet(es which sou eats direct and get lite Ie - A locomotive u of a quarter b0t .+u (ntti 1111 inellts nest 0f agent, t 1 A 10E•olwetiVa 4!1444111011 ei1118te/1, (('00 should *4e thinned t0 414441(-041(1 11)41(149:4 0.111 1. euro to luter1'at $'o1), severely wounded 0ut1 had to have hie apart. THE CHASE BROTHERS t'U. left scot amputated. Leder the ' um- If one desires !longe siugie heads. P o[ lettuce the plants should be Lliin- Ole uN'TAii10), 1;1'1). In(ea10t'a 8ultau149 of re-eduoatiou, which of to stand from 'seven to slue la offered to ail meta iuoopacitated for Inches apart. The thinnings may be ESTA((LiSRED 1557 transplanted to another part of the ('13 l . - ," . ., l r 41 , { r I'Lin traits Will ? , . ap1,11C110(1431 (0 the Work there. l's-, ,t' wag --„- eessivr Piston) made Every tem i8 nutbi(ig pays hatter. etc for „11)' t'urcorae, Rut', l+utiler G. It, North- 'tyle re 9/+11110 4614 appointment with a days or two week:, k: 1331141 July 1st. 'eider). bogiuuiug geed ,graves .Aloruiug KASS 7 usu. High Mass 10.30 aim, Sunday seined 2. p m, Evening vespers 7 p.m, 400•••..ems.m..rm00,.004A.•40so s.,ameen.,vlwaw!F • Very thea Mr Ai Broderick. ex-inivnr of Sea - forth, oral in town ail fair day visiting hie father and attending the fair. He saki; -Mitchell alwety's has a good Fair. The association is well organized and that good results ars. produced by the fair is evidenced by the high stand and of horses and cattle exhibited hero The each year, Dir Broderick is no knock• Original e1', an11 alttluugil residing in Seaforth g (o18 of the beat towns in Western Ont - and aril)) for nearly twenty years, his praise o fMitchell, its well kept streets, good Only mads, fine public buildings and buai- Gynnine roses places and the many beautiful homes, and well -kept towns is always brought before those with whom he comes in context. Mr Broderick hu at §75 a month, with The lettuce llld t be sown in ale ...... h 1 ' 3() R1' -J 910 «,4 s,,a.�rpp rows comparatively thinly ala eolith i adVallcellltlnt. -1N I7 )I111i179814+n 4)41 L' )i'1 enH � filled all the municipal edipe8 in Sea - forth atld well knows that about which 31w810 he speaks—Mitchell Advocate. 01 ]taltatiou� Bold on t(i 3(447300 tS V1GTO Y OVER WOUNDS S Te.—eoidiet. r 1,H4tre,•tien. 47+(77 r Aid often. as Lord Shaughutody 80 itrl'.11krg s t t ilii. si,1 1 x 1,1,1,141 of bar; the ether thy, the otempatiens at 1.1131133 if r"u_'.l^ti aui,li s ictory over their i their former work by service, he received epe1•1(al training ill telegraphy e1111 rail- way routine. .4.s a Laetllt, he secured en appointment as statim agent and des• garden, Ii,AD1liii, The radish plant le grown for its roots, ,c1 ;eh are eaten raw just as soon as limy are large enough to use. 1t is quite hardy, pitotter, at 111e a month, and may be planted rely early in the Still another patient, formerly a spring, ' Radishes are frequently meichaui0, passed the Civil Service sown with other crops which are not such rapid growers, Duch a8 par0- quallfylug examivauou after itlstruot'olt nips, They should, *404010091', ito in hospital, and has got a Custom House pulled out before the parsnips or position at 8900 a your, rising to 81,500 otheessierYo Droplaps nting need is ath! lsground,o pladvised Suforc- A man who had been a guide aid trop his c, Radish seed may ber trapper, and had never handled tools, planted in rows, four inches apart or returned from the front with one eye broadcasted, the depth prefert' anredibe- ing from •t quarter to halncl) destroyed by a wound and the sigh of only. Radish an a genera} rule re - the other eye impaired. 1)0 spite of all quire no thinning, and the soil he - these old and new disabilities, by put- tween the rows should be kept loose with the hoe. A crop of Winter ting his mind to it he became a first- radish may be obtained (f the seed is class carpenter atter three months in sown about the first of August. These should be thinned out to three lnchee the hospital workshop. aparEqually remarkable is the case of this SPINA.C11. Spinaclh is a short Polish labourer, He carne to Canada season crop which is grown to pro- s years ago, a»d worked in a coal vide table greens. The plant matures S in about six weeps from planting, mine till he enlisted. At the front, he and seed should be sown very eitl•ly was both gassed and buried, Though in the spring, as the plants run to seed during the hot summer months. ho knew absolutely 010041!0(1 about cur- The seeds may be planted in rows 01' pantry to begin with, after two months broadcasted, and should be sown al of instruction in hospital he was able a depth of one half inch. Successive planting may be made It so desired, t0 hold his own with any ordinary car- Wrhen the leaves are large enough to pewter, use they may be pulled off or the Not every man, of course, can "double whole plant may be cut from the his pay'.' But one of the moat cheer - feels proved by experience during the war has been this—that almost all the disabled mets, (u(1uding the very seriously wounded, can be equipped once mere with hewer t') 4'144114 3a 40011 (d 11 should be from twelve to fourteen 1u011e8 apart. The seed should b+ s• planted very thinly so that there, sl will be no need for extra thinning of root. CCLBOIlNE, SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTIO111' Each "Papa's Dlapepstn” digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery In five minutes. Time it! In five minutes all atom- aoh distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undlge ted food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsln is noted for its .sed In regulating upset stomachs. is the surest, quickest stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty' -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. ONION. The onion is grown for seasoning, pickling, and for eating raw, A large percentage of 011`(1118 I stored for winter use are grown from seed planted In the soil very early in the spring. The ttoil should be rich, moist and well dl allied, but I'reee manure is not the but to apply. The seeds should be planted at e depth 01 about one -hall Inch, and the rows I traiilug provided by the (Military Hu sc'ea1x19 tot al, is ca""the glorious fights is:which 'eel. fel!. Their sttny;s;l4' up: c t f.:. net knovi btl pusseesed." ,s lir 1 1t.d tr,l 11) toil, na [sen I diamine seethe, of the 4/ imy ridge Det ehIO ()WEN SOUND, April H4,—Wm p Bethune, formerly purser on the (, P It steamer Aesiuibota, has been appointed H(438 311(1011 even the 111311 101119.11 d ..- ' f 1'u t1)± drpt},s o dlvub 0mi•ut iso ten deepen -tee defense of Ypres or their IN ft @ R H Ate Lear Litt u'tegetl4er to," ~little, 4499 lel 1� of thio hard .-tui: 0101 'rle8 by disabled heca114111 :tray are fonght ill 81401(10. 1 1.171 of the 1,0,4(•1(413 net ill the theetl•e of tv,4•r tolr,l ;1s- 44114,414 t: erl,1 looking' on da t anr11 Vtete1Ies 1114111ay deeerv'e t-ath 11 reeogn) 7' ,i They shawl the same" 04wit [he 0•11 klie 1111,1 1 1 11til1 morn. 11')1.•11,,ttible t1' 1'1 e, 143,41,1 ;1 111, at1'r'i 11.65ter :11',1] 1 REN ,l1. 1 ..;,;i for 1 lot 111'(":':'1; eerla111 1,,•.1111( 1 1,441 7`t"a'ehr:} .,i'. Silo rbrlll i 1•4.•t1"n. H: ttau1; ••1 hu( l44, text eiu(ng it Fon Seie SCRANTON COAL W. !l., INEhs . Setif erft. PIltfitte 134.1' l`t lsiness Without a proper systin of adver- tisin is litre a motor without the power Seaforth News AVERTISEPIeNTS will supply the required energy hone . 6s-: evenings12i 4eout et 1(1.4'---e. man in khaki, 161tat at m}rty cleave, He has hod two reaurreetio we already. He Bali hati re0nrreti0ns already. He was buried by a shell explosion, and was dug out only just 11) time to cave hie life. That was the first. He s(1eut months in hospital, Bighting his way back to health That was the second, '•1)ooloring and nursing of course did much for him ; so did the exeroisea end oocupaticns that that they provide now- adays—perphape the best part of the treanneet, But the man himself was working out hie own reaurreotion, by resolutely putting his own will power into the task. Now he is almost rosily to go out into the world, a better and abler (oat(, 110 says, than ho was before in 8pite OF bis !amt 440m. i•Weiie the rest of as are th(uking of a re0urrecti0D boye,ud the grave, 11e has won a reaterue4tlun this side of it to a new life of activity and independ- ence am00g line fellow eo11ntrytfee.e. Authentic tame reaelnbllug that are not rare in the records of the Military Hospitals Commission, Here aro a few Oust have just been commioated to ue (d the onions. Cultivation should eche when the onion tops are such a silt as to prevent easy work. In the fail when the tops are about tit 0-t11r11.. died down the (menus should be pull- ed and land in 40111dVOWS so arranged that the bulbs are, covered with 1L: tops of the onions, This prevents (deleted for them. any sunburn which causes consider- able trouble in stl,rage. .after they have: been kept i1) this [million for WANTED Hard wood, short or lone, mid alt( Cedar (tails. St, 'Phomas' Rev T. 13. P•,r0wu, Rector. Sunday 0441441098 11rem, and 7 p.m, Sunday school 2.30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 p.m. Chiidren'ebranch Saturday 2 p.m, liter098slon 091vl(es every Thursday, .0 p.ln. First Presbyterian ltev, P. H. Larkin., Pastor. Sunday 8ervioes 11 a.m. and 7 p m, Sunday sohool 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Sooiety'tho first Tueedey in each month at 7.41. Barbara Kirkman lYlis• sioli Baud 3rd 'Tuesday: i1) the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine lllission Baud every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m. Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, 13. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m. Public service I1 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sun. day school and Bible study olase 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8. p.m, Salvation Army Capt. Froud and Lieut. Saunters Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise 8800100 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 pen. Childrens Service—Directory class 10 W. 1 Southgate a.m. Bible classes 4 pm, Week night Meetings—Wednesday Praer meeting — 8 pen. A Pill That M,i:;bc.lr.s 1 u T4, tis' llgtnondviile, Presbyterian 10611 win is a rlei 111 e, ;i 1'11 stint the, Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday0er• tlau:a(th„n • 1.nsi1�., he c .0 8,10./,I Viet10 1 1 a.m. and 7 Bible class ea ur.u"v He eeeeet e. 4" .'(1':.c 111::3 p.m, Prayer sleeting Wednesday i 1111 4•041 up4rs hu hs;u:.! x.ii len hp, in, Y.P. inion 3rd I+'ridgy 01 teed him. le, :Mr)! a olio: Perm' tee's • i1) the month a p la. Women's Mission. 3 ,•eetsable Pills elle,- relief. A ewe t't1 ary Society 3rd Weel11isday i1) tho mouth o" treatment, t,•'• 1'.'o g t 1 1' c1' ,a s at 2.30 p,ni Ladies' A[d meets 11t1 - w111 convince him 1)f their )4' at e e •.•'- rnelliately after. ;once 1(1(44' alt +:Ifi(41 t;) fat .114-, mended l e 4stise thee will de ll •I, it s mestuioyr !Presbyterian Rev. D elarswell pa80or. Sunday services l)uffe' church 11 11.lu Sunday It school 10 a 111. Prayer meeting 11'etl- te8d0y 9 pee. Women's Misaiouary CYtJJ14tG6� � MILITIA :Society het _Friday in each [mouth ret eusseneeenaent of the es i'. R 11p p,, live or 14!14 days they may be s lner.,.l laltes fiet'1, with 11ea(Igmart 1's at l' )rt basket d tied some way o that 31e'4col He is the 0 cyst flu}sloyee the b 1 s circulate arouse the bulbs. The i1 -itc,+ (14(4,,. Hls la'.ut'� 1s 11 S49afo[tt lops Indy lw rt'u) 'd 171'000 the nn(11044 n:1' !l. ices 3(1011. good 4114(14 of time at tbi8 titre it' ,1,, !1'(d 01' 4l1(' u {)min Sound, weer4 bt. Is widely luny be left ' 0, i11(1'ti 1(3(0 13044' 1',e kouw:i. planted as cloy tngot:lee le 411"3' will stand in a straight rant'-1'4,ry early in the 8eueo.:, They 811ciuld be barely covered with soil, which 41.'ould be well tinned by tramping lir Wm Rine of Hullett sold a pair on it, and the Freon 01110de elleul41 tap and Placed (u a slat box or 8 ` . 4 Sas et an a up s >I '•, i 2 U'a1l)C{t. rain 1vi11 not 'et at them attd th>. pt' they(' 1' It fleet, har1ng served with wind will have plenty of cb1(.Xce. to 1 Goon! Stock of registered mares to Air Brewster of Mo Kiliop for the neat sum of $6t10.00 one of those mares being in foal, These mares wale sired by Me Michael's noted horse GST .y, These mares were prize winners ab h .th Loud• o1) and Guelph, 0118 of them ia':(ng 1st, prize for three sucee0eive .pea'3 and stood and at Guef(1[t in a c1a19, thirteen Who Saye raising good horses don't p 1) 1' Mr Bewster now has three registered mal'ee whloh are hard to beet He has also six pedigreed cows and recently sold a calf winch brought $300 00 in Winnipeg. Chucked for Air. Some life irritant I(oromee lodged in the bronchial tubes, others gather, and the 0lvful chocking of asthma result. Nothing offers quite xnoh quick 01)(.) poeitiv0 relief as Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Tito healing, soothing smoke or vapor pone- 0r0t(ts, olear8 the passages and gives 1m• told relief, penally it completely cures beis to make holes two itches deeepp twelve inches apart and in cash It bee behind it years of 8uc0000, bole three or four seeds be placed. It hag behind it years of 0uoaee0. itis It to alway8 advised not to touch the Plant when they are wet, the surd remedy for every sufferer. be pulled as soon as they are ready for use. PEAS. Peas may be planted very early in the season, and for the early crop the seed should be sown in a furrow of two inches deep and the seeds placed an inch apart. Some ar- rangements should be made 50 that the pea cines will have some sup- port. Limbs of trees o1' chicken wire may be used for thig purpose, as the vines will cling to this for sup- port and will be kept up from the ground. This support should be set preferably at the time of planting, This soil should be drawn up around the vine. BEANS. Generally speaking, it is not a good practice to add fresh man- ure to the loll where one expects to grow beans. They prefer a moist, deep loam. The seeds should be planted fairly early in the spring. The rows being at least eighteen ltl- rhes apart. A furrow two inches deep may be made with the corner of a hoe and the seeds placed from two to three inches apart in the bottom of this furrow. Another way Which is sometimes followed in plenti11g Ware of War Had Striking Effect , on Montreal Parade The Langomarck - parade brought home to those who knew the Montreal i militia the changes that have been 1 wrought by the war. Where in years 1 past a ceremonial parade was lucky if half a dozen battalions turned out, that time there were thh'ty-five imitn, with sixteen battalions and represen- tatives of every other, branch of the serytes, including a number that bed ;not been thought of until the nese* sties of the war gave' them lsisth. A mere notable feature stili was the '&tinge in personnel. With snob bat- talions as the Royal Highland/an ash the Vice., there wall glm010 a ow* 'fete change. The (Acoaa who had eon in charge before the WILT had E. e, and many of them have figured despatches from the front. Since en their places have been tilled, emptied and filled again, several generations of officers having cease 'and gone forward. Men who in 1918 ;were eubaltel'fs were holding high frank, while the rank and file showed pimllar changes, Sunday omnibuses to Chigwell, IDs - says the London General Omni - no Company, are almost entirely atronized by munition workers. The 6th (Reserve) Battalion, City tLondon Regiment, is ;Mown NI the ttatrtren sixth.' tw lns0a4tcs ,'(io(11odist Rev. h, C, Keine, pastor. Sunday service 2 30 pen/. Young People's Len• ;'_1.,3.30 p 11) lo'tday Wenn to's &exit tee first 'Cue0116y of every month a 30 p.m. 01.1440' Aid list 'Uttered ay of each mouth 2.30 p.ea Winth-op Presbyterian Sunday soteloe 2.30 pm. Sunday school I 1Spm. Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 pm, L.C, W11 loot Weds Clean stomach, Clean Mind,—Tho etomaoh i8 the Workshop of the vital emotion and when it gate out of ceder ,he whole system clogs iu sympathy, l'he spirits flag, the miud droop0 and .vork bowmen impossible. The first tare should be to restore healthful 1011on of the stomach and the beet ,)reparation for that purpose is Par- meleo'aVegetable Pill, General use fo years has won them it leading place in medicine, A. trial will attest their value , Something New We pia nncd for months to make our new Spring) mounting an exhibition :s of the latest told most artistic styles. May We Show i'ou How Well We Have Succeed- ed ? ucceed-cd' Visitors always welcome; €' Fen's Studio Phone 19 - SEAFORTH sof trartitdetlanditaBdtdditaddlaBiddilddlawadea A lady in Hamilton has instructed meto offer for Sale her home and 8 lots Situated on the North Side of Crombie St. This is excellent prop- erty in good condition and must be sold at once to close an estate, —A snap for some one— ),-.',11101iN RANKIN Bond and debenture Broker Maio Street, Seaforth n. -m-.,,.,....,..-- Peelle 0ll:-.,.,�.-..,..-..m,.1'... SLA)11 ((T11 MARKET Sli: A,4 4 .,,..,t 82.10 !frau per tush ...... ...... ....... ..... 43.00 Shortper 10 ........... .. .... 44 Flour ......... ...... ............ ... v .95 6 76 Hogs t", I(u•nlur, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,15.73 WHEN YOU AU4 SUFFERiNG �1 With any canna.. due to (mpuve bions 'r+ such do wasa„Ia, Berofula, scurvy, Bad aogo, Abeco0000, 3110040, Glandulsr Swellings, Ballo, Pinlpims, Sorsa of any kind, P(10040lood Polaoa1Bhaumat(oro, Gout, elan dont waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface or the shin. 'Wl+at you want is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood or the poisonous matter which alone Is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood bilxturelsJustsuch amedicine, it is,,ompesed of ingredients. -which quickly expel from the blood all Impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting cur: ITld,us,rd o/eerlimon#alc /or sel,ceione, 9 n . round t let ).. OV01 S8 rears an 41081. P11081104 fo (oke. ,-•: s Sold by aft Chant/MA and S for.Nnnpors. kola. 1)0 $ ,,1,4)l,,r Clarke' BlooIxtre O'IDRIES ALL! 8(04M Si 31300 DISEASES, 1 uszlmor.attna it rNimiras'1.•sisacss "For the Blood 7s the Life." ,, .s-1 :.,: