HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-04-26, Page 3YOUNG FOLKS l REPLENISH YOUR L RI.00q IN THE SPRING SLIGHTLY EXAGGERATED. Story Which Occurs in a Collection or Theological Anecdotes, The line between purely rhetorieitl exaggeration and a reprehonsible per - rile Gift or site Wise Little Pixie,Just now you are feeling emit of version of truth is not always easy to There was once a little prince, who gotta"--11ot your usual self. Quite ex- draw, In the high tide of eloquence, lead everything he wanted and more Mutated'. \at tines and cannot devote even preachers occasionally forget beside, and I suppose you are thinking real energy to your work. Sleep does that it exists, A committee of remon- right away, "What a fortunate fel- not rust you and you wake up foeliug etranco once called upon an old-time Iow!" and "How happy he meet have "all tired out." Perhape rheumatism is Newburyport preacher to protest been!" flying through your muscles and jolnte against the unbridled exaggerations Nothing of the sort. He was the ormay be your skin le disfigured by 'that he permitted himself in the pul- unitappiest boy alive, because --well— rushee, bolle or pimples, Il.eadeehes,'Pit, The preacher admitted his fault because be had not a thing in the twinges of neuralgia, lite of nervous. I vey humbly, world to wish for; nese, irritability of temper and a dig. , "Indeed,"he said to them sorrow - ordered stomach often increase your fully, "I have shed over it barrels He had more ponies than ever lie discomfort in the spring,upon barrels of roars!" could ride, more books than ever he The cause—winter has left its markI The "meenister" of a country kirk could read, more candy than ever he on you. Tilees troubles are signs that ,M Scotland, a century ago, was lean could eat and more places to go than your blood is poor and Watery, that ' amenable to reproof, even if he in - he could ever hope to choose from—so your nerves are exhausted. You must vited it --as Mr, J, R. McRae has re - ho just sat there feeling blue and dull, renew and enrich your blood at once . eently related in a collection of thee - Twenty men -in -waiting stood breath- and restore tone to your tired nerves, logical anecdotes. His clerk had ven- 1es51y at attention to execute his .or there may be a complete break- , tured to suggest the ill effect of exag slightest command and the poor lit- down. The most powerful remedy for geration upon the congregation; the tie prince's head ached trying to keep these spring ailments in Hien women minister, rather offended declared then busy, "For," he reasoned to himself, "it must be very tiresome to stand still all the time!" This went on and eau till the little prince could think of not one thing more he wanted. In the midst of his gorgeous garden and surrounded by his glittering attendants he drooped on his golde 11 throne and nothing could interest or arouse him! The Nigh Cost of Indx- f i o falls heavily bXo Food is env l jos d y upon the household where there is no intelligent direc- tion of the food supply. Expensive high proteid foods, such as beef and pork, impose a heavy burden upon the liver and kidneys, They are not as nitritious as cereals and fruits, Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk supply all the nutriment needed for a half day's work at a cost of only_ four or five cents. Cut out The tar, forty gallons for each cord of Taman .But sus e o joist saY "Oaf." wood distilled, is of medium concis- y pp ee you ant two? meat and eggs, eat Shredded teney, and immediately marketable, Joek--Ye say "Twa oafs," and the Wheat Biscuit with green The light oil, obtained in a water eon - ye null file wife gins ye three, and dense!, is immediately marketable for ye just gie bur back one. Man, it's vegetables and fruits, and see use in ore refining, and the yield is an awf0' easy language, how n-iuch better you feel. twelve gallons to the cord of wood, Eighty pounds of acetate of lime are A33nara'e Liniment Believes rreurnairia, and children is Dr, Willinrus' plait himself unaware of transgression, but For breakfast with hot milk obtained from the pyroligneous acid Although cotton is spun and woven Pills for Pale People, because these requested that if he erred again the or cream. Made •in Canada. of each cord of wood, Nine hundred in twenty-two countries almost every Pills cleanse bad blood and strengthen next. Sabbath ho might be reminded, pounds of charcoal are the final yield, nation in the world buys English weak nerves. , by a discreet cough, to curtail his elo- r, a: yarns and cloths. New, rials, reel blood—your greatest quenee, y„�® need in spring—Is plentifully createdby Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and with . The next Sabbath he described how if A Fashionable r ...... 'I WellKnownFarmer Gold, silver, copper, quielcsilvsr, or this new, pure tf mercury, iron, nickel, tin, zinc, lead, ii -- -_. veins ”"Samson tied the foxes' tails together, impressively; Gives a� Evidence and aluminum are the 10 minerals quickly regain health and increase The foxes in those days were muchgenerally to be found in every house. UTILIZE MILL WASTE, Process Discovered of Obtaining Yalu - able Products From Refuse. Dr. J. G. Davidson, of the Univer- sity of British Columbia, in co-opera- tion with Lloyd L. Davis, of the de- partment of industrial chemistry of the University of Washington, has discovered a process of distilling saw- mill waste whereby it is believed that thousands of dollars now lost will be saved. By means of this process tar, a light oil, acetate of lime, and charcoal aro formed. The gas produced by dis- tillation is carried through a pipe nine inches in diameter and twenty feet long. In this pipe is an electrically Tommy (to Jock, on leave)—What .A Healthy Job, charged wire, which causer, preeipita_ about the lingo ! Suppose you want The healthiest occupation of all is tion of the heavy particles of tar, to say c.gg' over there, what do you said to bo that in the American petrel. elan works. Ilene the men are said never to suffer from sore throats, diphtheria, quinsy or kindred ailments, Indeed, petroleum fumes are so good for the throat that it is quite common for sufferers from throat affections to "take the fumes," just as people "take the waters" at Hot Springs or French Lick, •e S Magic Baking Powder costs \ \ no more than the ordinary kinds. For economy, buy the one pound tine. KAP%e.W.G!LLETT GOMPANy LIMilED ,,Inco 1.011011.0. oeL „oryraeAl. your strength, Then your skin be- larger than ours, and they had tails The juniper effect and barrel skirt The and the king comes clear, your eyes bright, your twenty fut long—" combined make a costume distinctly qg grew very nervus strong, and you feel batter, eat "Ahem!" coughed the clerk. smart, while its development in oyster - much alarmed and begged him to tell weenbetter, sleep better, and aro able to them what he "That is," continuer) the preacher, white pongee and Chinese blue adds happy. He only y shook sto make his heaaddxi do your work, "according to their measurement; but the artistic touch which is the aspire - Begin your spring tonic treatment by ours nae more than fufteen—" tion of all women of taste. The em - So off they hastened, the royal car- to -day for the blood and nerves with "A -hem!" came the cough, more broideiy used on this dross is the new tinge clattering into town at a terrible Dr, Williams' Pink Pills—the Pills that loudly, kind of shadow embroidery which is rate. And back they came with all strengthen. "But sin ye may think that extrava- the toy and sweetmeat merchants at These Pills aro sold by most dealers, gent, we'll juist ea' them ten fut—" y^ their heels. but do not be"Ahem! Ahem!" persuaded to talcs "Choose any, my son—or all!" int- "something just the same." If you "Mon," shouted the parson, leaning lored the king. The prince sighed can't get the genuine Pills from your over the pulpit and shaking a fore - wearily and then shook his head—so dealer they will be sent you by mail, finger at the clerk, "yo may cough all they left. them all! Boats by the post paid, at 50 cents a box or six nicht if it suit ye, but Pll na tak aff hundred, games galore—every sort of boxes for 52.50 by Writing The Dr, Wil- anither fust! Wad ye hae the foxes toy imaginable! Hams' Medicine CO,, )3rpekville, Ont. ed.' no tails at a'?" "Leave him alone with them!" whispered one of the wlse Leon, so 5,, WTc the king raised his sceptre and all the ONTARIO'S FOREST FIRES. 8 A O 1 S Q N A B L E T S attendants went backing away. Then c YEARS the king and queen with a great U S i, D TEN swishing 01 silk and velvets went Strong Organization Being Formed to away, too, and for the first time he Administer Protection System. _ could remember the .little prince wasMrs, W. J. Wilson, Carp, Ont., writes: all by himself! Material progress is being made in "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the re -organization of Ontario's forest the last ten years and can highly re - He could scarcely believe his eyes. He sat up straight on his golden fire protection system. The organize- commend them for babyhood and child - throne and stared around in delight. tion will be supervised by E. J. Zavitz hood aliments. My baby was very Then down he jumped and ran to the Provincial Forester. Mr, Zavitz is a delicate; in fact we never thought lie very end of the garden, where ho technically trained forester and has would live, but thanks to the Tablets could not see one of the hateful toys. had wide experience under Ontario he is now a fine healthy boy." Baby's "There's not one thing left!" he re- conditions, having been connected with Own Tablets should be kept in every marked dismally, "Not one thing in various lines of government forestry home where there are small children. the world!" work in the province during the past They regulate the bowels and stomach "What's that?" pipedupa little 12or 13Years. He will b e assisted attd never fail to cure the minor ills voice. The prince looked clown and in the head office by J. H. White, of of little ones, The Tablets are sold by there perched on a rose bush sat a lit- the Faculty of Forestry of the Univer- medicine dealers or by mail at 25 tie pixie! sity of Toronto, Mr. White has col- cents a box from The. Dr. Williams "There's not one thing left to wish laborated in the preparation of reports Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. for!" repeated the prince, regarding on Forests of Nova Scotia, Trent Wa- her curiously. "Ho! ho! hob How tershed Survey and Forest Protection QUACK GRASS. funny?" chuckled the pixie, turning a in Canada, 1913-1911, published by the somersault, "A little boy without a Commission of Conservation. Three Thoroughness an Essential Quality in want!" ' "You would not think it so district chiefs have been appointed, Method of Eradication, funny if you had to keep twenty men- for the supervision of the work in the in -waiting from getting stiff and tired. field, L. E. Bliss will be stationed All methods of eradicating . this I can't think of another thing for at Port Arthur, Ernest G. Poole at troublesome weed are based on thor- them to do for me!"' The little prince Cochrane, and A. J. McDonald at ough tillage. The implements found threw himself down on the ground and North Bay, Under these district on any well equipped farm are suffi- began sighing again, "If I only chiefs will be a large staff of inspect- tient to eradicate quack grass had something to wish for! If I only wanted something!" The pixie stopped swinging. "You are the only little boy in the world who isn't wanting something!" she re- marked slowly, "Dear me! Dear me!" "What do they want?" The little prince looked up with new inter- est. "Look in the lake and Pll show you!" answered the pixie, skipping down to the edge of the water. So he did, and there he saw hundreds of little boys and the things each wanted most. Some wanted bicycles, some wanted boats, some wanted books. "Why!" gasped the little prince, "they want all the things I've got so many of!" "Yes!" said the pixie, smooth- ing her rose -petal ap1'ou and looking sideways at the little prince, "they do!„ "Well, I wish they could have them!" sighed the prince. "See that little ragged boy, ho does so want a dog!" But the pixie was hopping about, clapping her hands and laugh- ing with glee. "Now you've found them! Now you've found them!" she cried over and over again! ',What?" cried the little boy curi- ously. "Why, your wishes and wants," laughed the pixie, "Didn't you know that it was more fun to want things for other people than for yourself! Here!" She slipped a long list of names into the prince's hand and then disappeared like a soap bub- ble that has suddenly burst. Calling for all twenty- men -in -wait- ing at once, the little prince ran up the garden, stumbling over himself fairly in his eagerness! His "I wants!" and "I wishes!" kept the whole court flying, I can tell you, and before evening every little boy on the pixie's list had what he wanted. All the prince's ponies were gone but one, all the digs but one, all the games but one; in fact•, there was just ono of everything left. The boys had had so much fun with the prince's gifts that lie began to wonder whether he and the doggie and pony and toys that Were left could not have some fent, too! And they did, and after that one boy always cane each day to play with the little -prince, and as for wishes and wants—well, ha discovered the fun of wanting things for other people and Pot for himself, There was eo end to his commands andnoend to the hap- piness in the kingdom where he lived. very easily done as it is merely a darning -stitch, McCall Pattern No. 7743, Ladies' Jumper Blouse, in 5 sizes; 34 to 42 bust• and No. 7737 Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Him of Gravel Ge-ltlemen,—I had my leg badly hurt, the pain was very severe and Mr. William WHan ton, Ont., a large swelling came above the g knee. I expected it would be ser - !a. Added to Longood of List ofdllCures Hy ions—I rubbed it with MINARD'S the Great Canadiaredeidnoy Remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills, Iladlington, Ont., Apr, 23rd (Special) -Mr. William Wood, a well-known (brasulated Eyeixdg4 t q Eyes inflamed by cello - sure to Sun, Dust and Wind aeee quickly relieved by Markle EyeRemedy.NoSmarting, just Bye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. ltiurine Eye SalveinTuben25c. For Cook oil he Eyefreeask Druggists or marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Use more time and lower heat in cooking to develop flavors and to secure all the value in the food. Minard'.s Liniment Cures Dandruff. LINIMENT, which stopped the pain Aman may have a lofty aim and. and reduced the swelling• very quickly, still be a poor shot, I cannot speak too highly of MIN- It takes a lot of fortitude to follow ARD'S LINIMENT. the dictates of a perfectly good con.. AMOS T. SMITH, science. farmer living near here, is ehouting Port Hood Island, the praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He claims they cured him of two of PROFIT -MA) 1NG NEWS AND 3013 the meet painful and dangerous forms 1 rttflces for Pala in gond coterie of kidney trouble, bladder trouble and Waste ground and spare time may 10100, bn in stones useful nia interesting on be jointly used for the increased pro- application to Wilson Publishing Cum - gravel, duction of food, ' pan y, 73 Adelaide Street, Toronto. "Yes, I was troubled with gravel and bladder trouble," Mr. Woods said when '1 I BELT WANT=r asked about his euro. "But since I The Soul of a Piano is the gge� ItIi3ITT 'Yot'NG 61111, TO ASSIST tools four hoses o1. Dodd's Kidney .11D with house work. Airs. White, 47 Pills my troubles are gone. 1 also had Action. Insist on theInman Need Crescent, Toronto. heart ffutterings and shortness of ii OT TO H I E L' breath. There were flashes of lights 4./ Y Y L4// NEWSPA.£$s FOE SALMI MxsCELnANEoas alldvery nspereciesous. before my eyes and I was P'AN.� ACTION i) ...S.s ICI'CLES, NEW AND SECOND vAll these troubles have Hand. 3_12.00 up. Send for special Price list Varsity Cycle Works, 413 gone, t00, since I used Dodd's Kidney • epadtna Ave., Toronto. Pills,'• ! Others in this neighborhood hese used Dodd's Kidney Pills and found that they are the greatest of all reme- dies for kidney troubles of any kind.I Dodd's ICidneY are Pills specialists. ' P They care sick kidneys and that is all they claim to cure. The reason they are given credit for curing rheuma- tism, lumbago, dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease is that all of 'boa° diseases are caused by sick kidneys. '1 STRENGTH OF DOUGLAS FIR. British Railway Officials Find It Valu- able For Road Ties. As evidence of the remarkable strength of Douglas fir, an official of one of the great British railways in a ors and fire -rangers. A strong effort As the quack grass roots are found; Ladies' Two -Piece Barrel Skirt, 39 or letter to an official of the British Co - will be made to co-ordinate the work closer to the surface in sod and pas -!37 -inch length; in 6 sizes; 22 to 30 lumbia forestry department, stated of the whole organization, and to pro- ture fields than in cultivated fields, it i waisf, Price, 20 cents each. I that nut of GIG raihvay ties of Dong - vide adequate overhead supervision is often advisable to utilize a field for; These patterns may be obtained las fir laid down more than 15 years and inspection. pasture or meadow, keeping the grass !from your local McCall dealer or from ago, on a main line over which traffic Co-operation with the Board of Rail_ t to for grazed before should eta C ThetMccCall Co., 70 Bond St„ Toronto, of fifteen million tons per annum way'Commissioners will be continued,ing passed, only 23 had been renewed, under which the Province will provide immediately after haying by plough- •'r the remainder being still in good con- e number of inspectors to supervise .Ing the infested land only deep enough SACRED LAKE OF ASIIANTI. dition, the fire protection work of the sev- I to turn over a furrow containing most British Columbia possesses an in - oral railways, in forest sections. The of the grass roots. From three to Regarded by Natives as the Abode of exhaustible supply of this magnificent aPowerful Spirit. regulations of the Board make the foto inches will bo deep enough on timber, observes the Vancouver Sun, railways responsible for the prevent- sod or pasture land. Disk the land and undoubtedly it will compete -- tion and control of fires due to railway thoroughly every tel or - agencies. For the enforcement of these regulations in Ontario, the Prov- ince last year provided eleven inspect- s. The work of these inspectors bury the dead roots which will sup- i try. It is roughly circular in shape, or elated chiefly to right-of-way clear- ply food to the succeeding crop. Plant with a diameter of four miles, and lies ing, the reporting and extinguishing corn or potatoes and cultivate thor- I in a deep depression with sides rising of fires by railway employees, and the oughly, or sow a smother crop as mil - above six hundred and coven hundred feet p p let or buckwheat. above its surface. It has never been inspection of locomotive fire- rotes- Kiaara's Liniment curse Suras, Eta. tive appliances. The process of killing quack grass fathomed. An attempt was made to Proposed amendments to the On- is not complicated, but one thing must sound it by. A. J, Philbrick, acting A Complicated Clock. terio Forest Fires Act will give the always be borne in mind, the work chief commissioner of Ashanti, but the Provincial Forester very wide author- must bo clone conscientiously and line broke after flue hundred foot had ity in the handling of the whole situa- thoroughly. A half-hearted effort is tion. One of the most importent useless. amendments provides for the adoption of the permit system of regulating settlers' clearing fires. This action should go fan' toward preventing a re- petition of previous disastrous fires he the clay belt. Similar provisions are now in effect in other provinces, Isicban 1/1193 3BOILERFor .4.11 Eoi1er Feed WatiP�i9fd� Cyclone Shaking and Dumping Gyrate Bars for an requirements Canadian di n S`ea t m Boiler Equipment Co., Limit:d T. C+et-rarcl 3000 20 =cage St. - Toronto You will find relief in Zara -Buie! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Tarso Buie, means cure. Why not prove this 2 ill Dneeista anti Stores.— 60a bare. 1`..3 0 Minted free tc Ami h too Author 110010 010 DOG DISEASES And How to Feed America's Pioneer H. CLAY CLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York ys In central Ashanti there is a sacred cassfully with other timber in 'Ti'te ° -" 'o ` " "o - O o -.- " -o—o until autumn, when the quack grass ! bake, Bosumtivi, which lies about markets for building timber which . WOMEN ! Irl' IS MAGIC '' will be killed. Plough the land to a I eighteen miles southeast of Coomassie, will be opened in Europe when the' LIY' P OUT ANY CORN good depth the following spring to and is the only real !nice in the conn- war ends. Present indications are i that Douglas fir will be a source di Apply a l'ew drops then lift immense wealth to this province at � p corns or calluses off with the close of the war. ! b fingers—no pain. 1 „ ! o—o—o—o—e—o—o—o—o--o-0-.-0-0 There are signs to -day in Germany, one cannot call it of repentance; it is rather of sorrow, not for her crimes, but for the accumulating fail- ure of the object for which that crime of hers was committed. "i M M:Ft,t` i::4'N+✓. Afi RI 1 '{1, 4X•. 1]eo' LIP N HELI soca 5 D F On a GIRLS EAT ISE 4Th CRAEVE V' 1 BECAUSE OW venwasnaverse At Beauvais Cathedral there is a been lowered. The water is fresh,clock which is composed of 92,000 A ItCincinnati man dis- thou the lake has no outlet,and only separate pieces, having 52 dial -plates. covered this ether com- a few small annual streams flow into This clock gives the time in the big pound and named it it, The Asltantis regard the lake as a capitals of the world, as well as the freezono. Any drug- great ruggreat fetish, believing that it is the local hour, the day of the week and gist will sell a tiny bot - abode of a powerful and energetic month, the rising and setting of the tie of freezone, !lice here sun, the phases of the moon and shown, for very little spirit which manifests itself, among tides, as well as considerable other cost. You apply a few other ways, by flashing' lights on the information. drops directly upon a surface and making noises like the 0j '' °' rt tender corn or callus. discharge of artillery. There are nu- MONEY ORDERS II Instantly the soreness ,!crouse villages round the lake, but no When ordering te disappears, then short - canoes, paddles, fishboats or brass g goods by mail, send y>\�� pl , a Dominion 1f xpress Money Order, short- ly you will find the corn pans are allowed on or near to it. Tho l iII I or callus so loose that natives do, however,permit them- II you can hft it right selves to catch the fish which abound The discovery of America cost a Tit- in the lake, wand they resort to an tie more then 57,000, at least so say I off, I`i eezena is wonder - ingenious method of overcoming the some documents that were found in �h i fel, It dries instantly. It disabilities imposed on them by its the archives of Genoa. These docu- , �, doesn't eat away the sacred character, Plaited reed gnats meets give the value of Columbus' ', ! corn or callus, but with gaping mouths are taken out first fleet at 53,000. The great ad- shrivels it up without from the shore by men Lying face miral was paid a salary of 5300 a year, eve t imitating the surrounding skin. downwards on cigar shaped logs of the two captains who accompanied Hard, soft or 001115 between the toes, wood. They propel themselves by hint received a salary of 5200 each and as well as painful calluses, lift right paddling with their hands, and, hay- the members of the crew were paid at ing set the mats as a trap, they retire the rate of 52,50 a month each. long enough to allow the fish to enter, _ They then return very quickly in the Minard's Liniment dor 5018 everywhere, seine fashion, pull together the two parts of the trap, and retire with Careful consideration should be their haul given to the planting' of large trees e.----_, year, but large shrubs and trees re - and shrubs, as planting of this kind The average mat thinks he would should be permanent. Flower beds been a perfect terror in war if may be changed more or less ever business had not kept him at home, quire years to develop fine specimens, Satisfaction, even after one has so they should not be disturbed or dined well, is not so interesting and moved after they are once located. eager a feeling a$ hunger. ISSUE No. 17—'17. Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sore - Hess. off. There is no pain before or after- wards, If your druggist hasn't fr•cezone, tell him to order a small bot- tle for yeti from his wholesale drug house, IANCE}I, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC„ ‘./ Internal and external, eared with - nut pain by our home treatment. Write us before ton late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. c G__EA.i•` �ISGRE GREASE It may be any` old kind batt Ci I5 AXLE GREASE THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCIIES TIIROUGHOPT CANADA e � t1 c l•• $, heumatison attacks the "outside" man. Pains and aches stiffen his joints and muscles and reduces his efficiency. At the first twinge get Sloan's Liniment, easy to apply, it gene- terutess 'without rubbing and soothes the soreness. After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply Sloan's Liniment to those stiff fingers; aching wrists and arms. For gout, neuralgia, toothache, bruises, sprains, cold feet, itis promptly effective. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and 51.00. STRANGLES or Distemper in stallions. brood mares, colas -and all ()there Q is most destructive. The germ calming the disease must'. be removed from the body of the enhrutl. To proven/. the. , Z' trouble the same -must be done, ��o. POHN COMPOUND Q Will to h th-.-lino the sick and prevent those "exposed.! hour I n In. ,.,,,,. All druggists, !WORN11W)ZOAL, 00„ Chemists, Goshen Lad., if. f.. D.