HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-04-26, Page 1New Series Volume 15, No. 16 IRE 1E )M04 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 2# 1917 WANT 50 GIRLS! SBGT1!'}N WORK Nice easy work A child could almost do the work. come and take one Section as follows 5 girls to put in hip pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters. 5 girls to loin garments together. 5, girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o'Egirls for pants making. All nice cleanjwork and easy and steady alt year round.' 50 hours per week We have girls making over ten dollars a week. Why can't you ? Apply or Write to W. E. SANDFORD MFG. Go. Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTH ONTARIO I tr. ornamat,=.1oratztlemeirners*noanwavams* 66 , " RESTAURANT AND eoNFEC TIONERY An up-to-date Restaurant in town for good meals, lune hes and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every Saturday Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand. Our home made candies always the best, Obocalates, Carmels, Bon -Bone & Taffies a specialty, saving insttllef au up-to•date plant for making JOE CREAM TRY IT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT next door to eardnos Bros long before we are all back in our home and again, Please give my address to Percy, and trusting to see you all soon again, I remain yours einoorely, with kind regards to n11 Charlie F Rolph ..France, April tat Dear Mrs Summers; In the muster roll of hie unit your name is given as being the friend of. Sapper Charlee Rolph No 602820. 1 do not know whether you have been notified of hie death but I regret very ranch to Inform you that he was killed on Marcie 28th„ by a German High Explosive Shell. Two of bin Officers, the Sergeant Major and a number of hie comrades were present at the funeral an the 29th and spoke of him as beiug a good cone rade and a gallant soldier. 1 buried him in a oemetory near by It is well looked after by the Grave Registration Unit which also erecta a substantial wooden cross with a Metal Name Plato. Please accept my sincere sympathy Yonrs faithfully, G C .2 Resume, Chaplain of 78th Bette - Canadian lufantry, ere Miller's Worm Powders prove great value,— They do not cause any viol- ent disturbances in the stomach any pain or griping, but do their work quietly and painlessly, so that the de- struction of the worms imperceptible. Yet they are thorough, and from the Mat close there is improvement in the condition of the sufferer end an a en- tire cessation of manifestation of in- ternal trouble. Killed In France Andrew Archibald, of the township of Tuelcersmitb, received the sari news Thursday that his eldest son, Andrew William, was killed in notion 10 Preece, on April 4. Ile was 25 pare of age and enlieteii two years agowith a mach- ine gun &action of Toronto, beteg then cm the teaching etas of Dulferin street school, He was 0 former pupil of the kloafnrth Collegiate. He has been in Franco for the past fourteen menthe. Another younger brother is on active service in Preece also. Wounded In Franco Mrs Troyer of North Main Street received word on friday, that her son Pte H Sutherland Troyer, who enlisted with the Queen's Own of Toronto had been wounded ui notion. Hs was well known and popular in town and his many Mende trust soon to hear of. his recovery, From Charles Rolph The following letters have been re- oelved by Mrs S Summon from C A Rolph and &leo from the Chaplain alone his death,. and no doubt will be of in- tereat to his many friends in town. Somewhere in France Mar. 27 Veer Friend; Just a lino to lot you know I have reoeived your letter, and 1 was so pleas. ed to hear from yon again. I also re Delved the parcel of soaks and weedy also the mitts and thanks vary much as anything to eat over here is 8e wel- come. What a surprise I got today to moat Duo of your town boyo, Burt Muir, he got hurt right outside of my dug -out but not serious, but will be laid up for some time as be le shell shocked. Ho told me he kuew my brother Poroy better than ho did me, Hie rifle saved him alright, and it is leaky it did not hit the dug out or 1 would be wearing wings before now. What a time we fellows have duoking and. what a game it is chasing death all the time. 1 have not got much Oanadian Mail this month but I geese the Germans have gunk some of it. I suppose Percy will be landed in Can- ada before this. I am not worying over him now. All my worry now is to get out safe, but that is one thing we all look for. However I have not reoeived the obeli with my number on yet, as we here He wag born in Logan, ownshIp say. Neither do I went one with a but for a number of years before join- ing the army. He made Miteholl his home most of the time. George Suter of Mitchell, reoeived official notices from Ottawa, that bis brother,Pte. Ed Suhr, had received a gunshot wonnd in the right arm and that more definite word would be sent, Pte Sulu went overseas with a Perth unit anti was transferred in England After enlisting be aselated in recruiting There may be other corn cures, but Holloway's Core Otero ctands at the head of the list so far se results ate ooiioerned, number on it for tno. We ate in dug- outs as I told you and have lots of company too, but we got a bath once in a while and it is very woloomo. We aleo.provided with medicine to frill the company. Well I trust this will find you it (well ae I am and everything 10 going on fine, only we aro all longing fee the War to end and trusting it wont be Captain Twidale Killed In Action Word was reoeived by Mrs J. F, Snowdon that her nephew Captain (Citric Twidale, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Ashby Twidale, of Niagara Falls Ont was killed in action on Sunday April 22nd, Captain Twidale graduated from Toronto University in the spring of IS.14 Ho enlisted the day war was declared in August of that year and went to England with the Eaton Battery After reaching England he was trans- ferred to the Royal Field Artillery and went to France as Lieutenant. in .lune last he wee promoted to a Cap- taincy on the field for bravery. Memorial Service PTE CHAS, ROLPH REMEMBERED The Memorial Service in St Thoma church, to whioh Pte. Rolph belonged before enlisting was of a very imprese• ive and solemn nature. A very large congregation was present and the local and Winthrop 0 loge Lodges were prevent 10 regalialand oeonpied the seats at the front. After special prayers from the Burial Service and Evensong, the Rev, Thee. Brown preached it thoughtful and earnest sermon froni "To Die Is Gain." He showed that though life hero was e happy thing, yet St. Paul believed that the next life was far better. friolitHEWOMTyE s � ,nary ,, v r„�- ? °r , T,:, lc'il'.BOX &.Co,. MNA1.1d.EE6 AND YUNEIRAI, L1RitCFOlilt 8, e. Box 11olbieeneo--OnsliazwtMOfl8 ATk ud Phones{ Auybl Calls .17 Two Ceots Single Copy Mrs. R. Murless-Jones Supported by K. T. Francis .And a cast of Seaforth payers PRESENTS "The conspiracy', R Poliee.Detective comedy Drama in s��y Three Acts t� �+ Car�ho's Opera House Seaforth Friday April 27, 1917 At 8.15 p. m. Sharp Positively no one admitted during acts Children under five not admitted Reserved Seats Sae Rush Seats 35c Plan opens at a Aberhart's Drug Store Saturday April 21st at 12 o'clock noon Proceeds to be donated Ti E '1� ED oSS ?uQs M EIEI€ISC ; t ail ,‘ aka offa•eat AGENT FOR STANDARD PATTERNS .11t.;,'013`IEifti8c"3lZEi}Il'JATNEfAFi[3:tFiltitiGlEZ MACTAVISFI'S PHONE 22 Flit: %e ,0• /frifteebnial cutis Diamond Rings April is the Dfamend Icing Mouth, Near have we hmt a better aborting in dnaraehd Rinse than at present sad never were we bettor hies- ed with the values we are ehowing. They were bought right and err»ultra; fl gilt 'fhen tog, there fa no ring pet quite 1180 a diamond ring tor We have a dainty lolls Diamond Ring et 1110,00 we have a large Jfae In our apeoial Platinum:betting at VOL 00 We eepeeiaiir recommend Ow es being of extra geed valve. value aadtteality nbtolutely geeranteed• 1prib - fllnauge Onrrraenr I7Jn irsmaugr & 0#011rrli aleieriers scD tlSptlririna RV:allege btoe,se Issuer. PHONE 194 Ey a dug 30 7l1^ etrre yfitl !viiiaiLPrlps Ilk.. CALL FOR YOUR MAY DESIGNER Exquisite Style and Elegance Are Predo inating haracteristics of the o 1 erf l Arr y Of t.m 1 k er Ready to -we: rei We Are Now Displaying appeal to el ble garments that will app We have taken particular care this season to assemble women of taste and discrimination—garments ents of such rich fabrics—so tearltifii ly Palle ored and finished that every woman who wears them will be delighted. We have never offered better suits to sell, at $I5.00 than the ones we are showing this season. We have others, at $20.00 to $3o.00 An important announcement of unusual interest to every woman is our new coats at $ 10.00 Other styles and qualities, at $12.50 $I5.00 $20.00 to $30,00 Lingerie 'Waists in handsome, hand embroidered patterns, at $1.5o it is seldom such a big value as this is offered and you should see them. Other patterns, at $1.95 to $6.00 You will find that indefinable grace and style ith Olive ersto.woman desires hi her clothes an especially porminent part . every ga MILLINERY OF BEAUIY & LOW PRICE [MACTAVISII SEAFORTH Dress , Goods Unsurpassed t for Ideal, Worth