HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-04-12, Page 8Vale b
SIR EDMUND WAIuE1t, C,V.O., LL,D. I..C1.,, FD.aideat'
. IN AIRP. General lliatweor. IL V. F. BONES. Aae'( Goi ore! Manoesi
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to he operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business, Money may be deposited or withdrawn In this way as
iiaatisfactorilr as by a persona visit to the Bank. ssa
55eafortli. Eir,'Ei,.zi-O .
;i eela41 lateee cent :seal sereaeetec••: «a.:.raent r;n:see:ee 4i:... e:«:-ese-e-eee:ee.
ME 0Alff'S 11.O1111N0.
E HAl 1: NOW gotten the baby atone; to the period that, for the
One el trust, its food le looked after; but t'i' new world is 81
rind o,lo, and the Infant trust have proter;tieu against an 00-
aeri;,in animate. Some of these must be provided against the
1aby'a comiur,., g' a (natter of pride for the prospective ynung mother to
provide for het e. the should lay in the foliowin- t ,; et articles, vis,:
three dozen :wee I t+ ;safety pins. two dozen very Head Ones, a box
of absorbent l tt t w tubes of lanolin, one of pure t, eceine. three cakes
4,1 unscented tt Alan. =n,ue tifrseeite(1 talcum pew d•,. or. bath ther-
mometer, a r+c r: t boracle acid crystals, eight oante:.+f olive oil, four
aloft wase-elortre ei all -wool flannel, two woollen batt. ! lankets, sls soft
•fs+wele, and -?r hat.,?:
The Chance. aueeid clug,rise one suit rot,et1.ltu, a,,cet, cis one-
`Yardslits(,' 1. ' yt.rpa, four knitted blansets, twou'' blankets for the
Crib, six ori'., . Iwo Yards of double -sided rubber (tug, four dozen
diapers of 0017;0:: '•.:r flannel hinders, four high reek t. leaved woollen
stains, four ated „emit,[ bands with shoulder straps with v:.- t'. inner seams,
:'four nightg•,t - enol oe canton (tunnel, white ti ' e flannel ger-
trudoe, six h Pins to: pinning tml'y it, b1.r . ene-emee hot. the Nelda Would gulp dry up. there are usually many vacant lots
Water bottle e , tcover. - - We regret to aenonnce the death of which are not too far from one's
It is the P r a t at h t,ut 't clothing change , t. older.
,Meet Airs bred Dunlop last week at the hours place of abode which possibly could
nest Fneo' h L,, ?utFtlli wear ions teethe,. be devoted to the sgrowing of veget-
and as he been,. cep rind Walk another sof mu t i..= ;. d, ps these of her father, She Ivan married only . abler,
4lrections are te, :lt. for people with moderate incrit. , < not intended last Juue and rasa but a weak ill The Some Essentials.
teat they shall r ,,. r u11 (het nt ;- 11' prepared in the v.:: . ething for the
%baby but only what is esset:t:al. The mother with plc : ready money fuuoral Wss held on Wednesday tied vegetable rs01galit is essential
tat the
tan easily augment her store. WAS largely attended. small, be garden, no
matter show
The Long l'totht In udtiitinn to what has sire ,, n advised to I Goo Walker Jris ill with pun'tmoriin plan or rule. No one attempts to
secure, several Ione dres.e, of white cotton or of mor ne•ice materialbuild a house or to set out a peren-
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hire Jett Craik mother of Rev. b'. W.
()rail( returned home to Thameovilfo las
week after an extended visit at the
We ore glad to 808 Mre Hugh
Fulton out again after her some what
eoriouo Mimeo of the poet throe months
The Spring work at Mao Doualtl'e
mill is atlepended for some time 011
account of a bad break in the nlncitinery
Mr iliac Donald had just started his
mon to work when the break 000ared,
The repairs will be ruche(( however as
there is plenty of week for the teen.
Wo expect to coo quite it number
round here travelling in their autos,
soon. W. Neal, John. Watt, Rev ft. A,
Lundy, will be among the number sure
gigue of prosperity fur the village.
Walton Red Crean workers are cer-
tainly bogy folks, ono would believe
their motto was up causation in labour
until oe 0/011011 of war.
A sad fatality 000urod Monday. April
2 lid, when Mr Coulter of Morrie Town.
ship, was killed on the C. P. E. about
two miles wort of the village, 1t ap-
pears the deceased was hard of hearing
and whilst walking along the track to
visit friendie lie was knooked down by
Clow to Plan Your Work and
Work to a !Maria
First of Series of Timely flints—Got
)!'our Ground Rowdy NOW, but
Don't Be in Too Rauch of M Hurry
to Put in the Seed.
(By tie O. JOHNSTON,
hfSpecialst, MartDepartment o
Agriculture,. Toronto.)
At no time in many years has the
necessity and importance of the
home vegetable garden been 80 clear-
ly shown as for this owning 8untmer.
France, our wonderful a117, has since
the French Revolution been a nation
of email farmers, her people of small
mean cultivating some available
land to produce a portion of their
own household foodstuffs and to in-
crease the wealth of the nation;
Great Britain, threatened with a
shortage of foodstuffs, determined to
cultivate all available land possible
to offset this shortage and we In
Canada bending every energy toward
facilitating these great nations
should do all In our individual power
to do something in the hope of help-
ing ourselves and assisting the com-
mercial vegetable grower's who are
seriously handicapped by the short-
age of labor in the production of
vegetable foodstuffs. Every city,
town, and village dweller has an op-
portunity to help this great work,
fn tbat there are hundreds of avail-
able plots now practically unproduc-
tive which could be made grow
vegelabl081 and thus add to the
wealth of the couatry.
the paseanger train due here at 6 o'eloclt, Vegetables an Importtaat lraod.
The late Mr Coulter was very wall Vegetaortbleso shoulC 0 did form an Import
p ! f h d '1 P d t th
ant on )' o0 0 e
known here, and his sudden death was average human befng,Yor they possess
quite a shook to Ilse many friends. He qualities which we are told are essen-
tial . is the proper digestion of the
was oomparatively a young man 1181(1 heavy foods, such as ('heats. To help
highly respected citizen. The relatives you do your part In your backyard
have tho sympathy of the ootnuuityin this column will discuss some of the
their hour of surrutr and loss, practical problems in connection
with vegetable growing during the
next few weeks.
All backyards cannot bo prepared
in one Year to grow vegetables of an
excellent quality. 601110 portion of
I the yard, howetcr, may be devoted
to this purpose, or, if it is convenient,
Srucefielci '
Splendid weather new for Sprit,
Should be pros hiedd.
The Flannel itiuder,.. .111.10 these of ail -wool 8,:. fray should
set be hemmed ,.e the hemming, will destroy their el;. and the hem
will cut into the baby's tender akin. They should bat ,ted snugly but
.not too tightly by means of safety pins, tapes, or sew.,.! , it.h needle and
thread. The binder should be fastened to one side of 'he middle of the
abdomen and net at the back. The binder should not be too wide. It must
not go so low as to interfere with the movement of th' rete Iter s0 high AA
to constrict the 'best. 1t should be used for three or four weeks, when the
knitted bands utas he used.
Knitted iluoei.. These have shoulder straps. There should he no inner
memo and the shoulder straps should be fastened to ;Me band so as to
avoid any roup•( ininings. They should et tn0 baby so as to avoid wrinkles.
Knitted Shirts. These should be high -necked and long-sleeved, of
raotton, wool, or silk and wool, For summer a lightweight is needed. For
'Winter a thicker bat not too thick material. The baby should be dressed
according to the :r•mperature and not according to the season. Moat
mothers koet tl:. baby too warns. When he perspires and
lies Inrwet
underclothes hi- ,:in becomes irritated and he is Irss
'"catching (tole .-
Flannel We' :•ts. 'Phse'° should he made of &1 -wool flannel and not
of canton flaw,. ' thnnelette. These garments shout.] ho upon in fn,ot.
White Ik•e•.z ,. Tlrese should be made without any ' -ziet-line, shuuld
be loose at tn. :ole and without lace. The dresses ,'.::ai') be fastened
with smelt he - the hack or 'with tapas.
Maier(; eel -. -e.teevatie ehould be :Wade of ffa:I: ;, rcolon flannel,
CT ltoekfai•tt, .Ufforeol w,.+aa•b• r, shit the t':: attire, Viyella
flannel is tL • 1;tllil I n:nd w•,,,n better t1'r:. Lit' kinds. All
t1anuel_; .irr•.i :lee atal., 1I", s &Inger 1, mese It 111 13 -
da sat, 1 i.,' t it
f xr • 1 ) .t. doette. They
xeb et,1 , , „ry M, at least
•Fi 1 a t .,107; :•f The hem
t;M i F .,•, diapers
ns.e,e ? .'t... 1 r n dozFe
la r I':1., r } r,r . 'lid be need
ti. I_rper t,,'
t .1 ..! : z Platte:;;
1110 hetes.,.
I1e7CT tight
1 Lines eome-
RA? I ha
s,up -rti 4r_ t, t.i.v•,
Leen; seers:rd' n0'''i2. ix t. ;h.• ago
two )'1'10, t!i, it:01ay was ane, 01
Widest s, itlela temente 10 tide 8111, 0e
thee Ca; ebreek at the age of touts e!.
and livc el oil the Homreatead rip to the
Vane of his death. He 1s survived by
hie wife, two 5008, John and Joseph and
three daughters Mesdames J. Jordon,
L Moylan and Lee Fortuna his
daughter Mrs. Bedmond died two
years ego in Alberta. hire. Never and
Mrs. Oolliva are hie surviving sisters.
The Ennead under the direction of
undertaker Wet Gormerly of Ssaforth
Meek place Saturday morning from St.
Patrick's Ointroit Rev, Father Noonan
pastor gave the loot blessing at the
The Pall Bearers were Itis two cone
lour sou in•laW James e, Jordan, 1.
Moylan, J, Itedimond and Lee Fortune
Miller's Worm Powders, being in
demand everywhere, can be got at any
chemist's or drug shop, at very small
soot. They aro a standard remedy for
worm troubles and can he fully relied
upon to expel wormo from the systten
and abate the siffetings that wormer
cause. There are nanny mothers that
rejoice that they found available so
effective a remedy for the relief of then'
nfal flower border without using
some drawing or chart to go by. Why
Should the vegetable garden be treat-
ed differently? Haphazard planting
Blyth will hold a big Semi-centesisl erlll prove a failure, and in Order to
and Old Boys Reunion on Dominion overcome this it should be remem-
bered in laying out Che garden that–
Day. The celebration will take the (1) Tail planta will be moat effeo-
form of a huge field day with great pro tive if placed behind low ones, not
gramme of speakers and a mammoth Intermingled with them.
garden party in the evening.
(2) All plants closely allied
Should be grown together, not in the
same row, but in rows adjoining one
(8) The fences may be decorated
with vine crops which may be sup -
Pte. Lorne Hutchison of Toronto ported on the fences by means of
strings or lattice work.
spent the holiday at his home here. (4) All quickly maturing veget-
hiiee MacDonald and Miea''Fer sacs tables should be planted in a portion
g n of the garden by themselves so that
1.r espendiug the holidays at their home they may be harvested and the
in Mitchell and Stratford, ground used for other crops later
The funeral of the late Mrs Balkwel The -work of planning the garden
to determine what vegetables and
was held on Saturday from her home to how much of each is to be grown
Stella English Church, where Rev. Mr. will be influenced byl one's individ-
Aimee, reached a ver al Io semen. nal tastcs. One should grow an
}, Y abundance of such crops as one con -
11,,• r< nouns welt, laid to feat in Stell', aumes the most
ceue..1 e•ry. To the 1nll:Latd ted ciildr,n Secure Seed Now—But Plant Only
th rnnl,y irlr•udeeatend their etu,pathy
Wheel t is Steady.
The backyard garetener should de-
Jtita ithea Sather of htratfutd is side very early -,':etch crops aro to
l';`,8 -811:11.11g her holidays LAI 111 1. home belebe grown and ould purchase his
seed as soon as po,_sible. It must be
Mr Ebner IIrake of Stratford called remembered, however, that much of
on i11eIri18 III the talla„t+ell Saturday d my be w'aste'd if it is
plathisntedseetoo eaarly i❑ t11e sea on. The
.tire Wm, Facweet end family "i 8011 must bo warts to receive the
\lltcl,nll, a ,el,t bunds with her ler seeds, and amateur gardeners must
T 1 f have patience until it is certain that
eat', Mr and lilts Joseph Nutria. ; good growing wrattlier is really here.
- It is possible in ordinary seasons to
We aro glad to learn that Master plant some vegetables in April, and
Clarence Nome temaicely improving el yet many backyard, vegetable en-
thusiasts attach of will be 'well advised to
wait until the middle of May befors
V;';• rat to report NI r. 13ni,i ie „n
e ,:li [tet wlri, kidney treteele He tt111
be we:l ce.rell for by his Sister 5liss
The many friends '.,f Mies J. Me
dlaviu will bo pleased to nee her borne
again after her oolleg.e course at Guelph
'rho folk round here welcome Mr,
and Mrs. Hulley into their midst at the
same tittle wishing them poeperity on
the farm.
Mr, Wm, MaGavin (senior has not en
joyed good health during the past win-
ter month°. We hope the spring
weather will help her on to full re.
Mise Minnie Dundee of Toronto
visited at the parental home recently
returning to the city Saturday,
Mies 1. Mo Clay entitled at the home
of etre 0. Boyd for a few days.
Marguerite Balfour ilas not been well
for a few weeks, we hope she will soon
be free from the not•vnus trouble.
Mr A f Jeffery of Montreal, was e
recent rumor at Walter Swallows, He
spent a pleusant time with his younger
brother John who worko for Mr
Jit tlapol •I'emplemuu is visiting 1,1s doing very much in the garden,
parents, Mr awl Mrs H. Totuplemen Suitable Varieties,
A list of varieties suitable for
gardens made by city, town, and vil-
lage dwellers follows:—
Asparagus — Palmetto, Conovers
Beans --•Davis White Wax, Golden
Wax, Refugee.
Beets—Crosby's Egyptian, Detroit
Dark Red.
Brussels Sprouts—Dalkeith,
Cauliflower—Erfurt, Snowball.
Cabbage — Copenhagen Market,
Danish Ball Head.
Celery—Paris Golden, Winter
Corn—Golden Bantam, Stowell's
Cucumber—White Spine, Chicago
Citron ---Colorado Preserving.
Lettuce—Grand Rapids, Nonpareil.
Melon, Musk—Paul Rose,
Melon, Water—Cole's Early.
Onions—Southport Yellow Globe.
Parsnip—Hollow Crown.
Parsley—Ohampion Moss Curled.
Peas—Gradus, Little Marvel,
Potatoes — Irish Cobbler, Dela.
Pumpkin—Quaker Pie,
DEATHS, Radish --Scarlet White 'rip Tura
MUNRO—Ir, 4eeltatoou, on April 1st, .nip, NO Pius Ultra, (winter) China
t)tt Monday evening last G'alcter•s
Hall WAS filld to overflowing with au in-
terested and oil thuslastio audience the
occasieu being the presenting of the
play entitled "An Old Time Ladies,
Aid Business Meeting" Milder+ the ane
pines of the Winthrop Literary Society
The play wee given by the ladies
The different ohmmeters were well
chosen, and fittingly attired in selected
costumes they presented an intereatieg
as well al amusing platen, to the midi.
enoe who appreciated very much the
several plays introduced dnridg the play
The Society is to b., highly commended
for the success of the affair,
The proceeds amounting to$6 00
were donated to Red Cross Find.
Scott. the infant eon of Mr. and
Mrs. ther),
COA'I'ES—In Nulls+t,'l'huradoy, April,
5th, Robert Coates -
Spinaeh—Victoria, Vtroflay.
9qua5h---flush Marrow,
Salaify--Sandwich Island.
Tomatoes----Obalks Jswel,
Turnip ---Early Six Weeks.
tee llbubarb—Victoria„ Ltnneana,
Tihalrsdaay April Lal
R9t 1 Links sisa 3xGl fHm=ti siaumssysis 9 ass 1 ", t� "•a sew
T 1�1t>' yz
IN SUMS OAF ;500 09'f RM' pk1*.T1B'Aiz Th(HECF,
Principal repayable 1st October, 1912.
interest payable huff -yearly, 1st April start f' :8' chum Ono 44 esitherriee st
saty chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of tin ger cent gear annum front the data of
Holdero of this atm* wilt have the privilege of eurrendeIiny at par and accrued interest,
as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan lasso
in Canada other than an lasso of Treasury Bilis or other like short date security.
Pro -weds of this stook are for war purposes only.
A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will bo allowed to recognized bond and
stook brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which boar their
For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
OCTOe[R 701, 1916.
. ,. ,e, err,•'n
M n -,...xw.,,.m,,.,..Wray..:..,u.d,G,�m p,m.moo...«...o.,. ....tea. ,,.. ...., ,,,..,n.m,...o;.m�aw.m e,»,1.•;...,..
Our 3 riirt 4e d
Are J[ hems:
. T'°41'(1.11 9
EVERAL factors govern the pu-o
chase of clothes—some men place
value foremost, others believe style,
fit, pattern or weave more important.
.rr iN LIMtTic.I2
The spring lines are completely ready -ready for
men of every taste— ready in all that is new and
good. See them at your first spare moment.
They'll interest you.
eig &.0Jithing Co