HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-04-12, Page 6"".
- -2.222.-__.--_ -- - 1.
THREE-MILE LIMIT ROUND U. S. ENDS Itol'o, II'llea, UU1.1, 4tND 1118 1190PILIM
' IT — �
o I No. 2, (III.. $ 7 . —
No. 3, ilo�. KII)AI ,� 4 wheat, - ,
N,,!`T�',`Li,'-'i t,4N','r' s A, --. li'll" 's-2, o I i __
� 13 I ; r Glerman 1.1neiii—Photographs 0mirrevirew Ili the 1,colil TIM 11"1908
"I "' ,.-,i,',:, Hostile Machines ,,!,hot Down.
a N�'.'\"k!!�"7141'als Porte -man Plotters Are Aviators by Hundreds Fly Ovil ,
Machinery to Aid Allies is Immediately Accelerated -Navy Plan', llou'll"t" tra`�k 4�111!"2 01Ar14,7!1JL-;,,Xo- Scores of Gej
I ;, 11"i"it ", , I Ordered Arrested by It. S. at, and Over Fifly
to Relieve E, 11IL-nte Warships of Patrol Duty ,,,, , ,,,.:,,:a: , 1,rakelt supreato Im tho col"14404'
Im,"• ilt.31.
NO lb Authorities. ttial Worlill,
,611.11�zllhl "I IM111, �%(;. 3 ).o
I ,
off Atlantic Coast. t",L"�,k�i,,�,'Io"","",",",.��!"ql."",.,t 1,�,l,,,7,, "Iff"i. -.20, 110 two and a stroyell, The Gormilliq lust 15 aOrO-
1% 0gj,,winter,
I 11111'.j�.Ljl"�r I this war there have been planes and tell balloons, — tort,„,�,,�,�,�"!.t.,,'.,,,�,; 3 ,.hitt,, � ' R � London April $-Iri t ILA, whilli, tile Owing to the high price of paper
Ito 4'e, ”' to LDic� "'uni. A despatch from Washington any 1 half ycar�, of
I � to ivhvat-�No. " ,.It i ear g ringleaders I -round 31 addi- litalli,,ov greengrocers have stopped
A despatch; many. The resolution Passed the ILlt'1"'$tliAI2 to $1.1i ; - ' 8 do:i $1 go to Tilt,, arrest of (10 alleged many bottles oil a settle far outdistanc- � British drove to tile 1, R paver begs, I
from Washington says; �11�1'iits outsta�l'. in German Plots, conspiracies And MR' Ing those of tiny other wars In tile tional Machines, It large Proliorl"011 Of 1,111,
--The resolution -declaration that a House In the same form as Adopted by $1-It!Ls,if,�1,�!"tif ""niollotti. accordial; to clainiltions lit the United .States was ; Incitter of nien employed, the pro. which G01101-111 �Tuif' re"Ort to-ilight" No inore licenses will be granted
the ,Senate Wednesday night, It d$- 171 -01911tH 0111slitU, I'llwai! hiAve been totally 'clostroyed-l' for the importation of hops grown
state of war exists between the United War exists, slid llarli,)- -bill tlllg,, $j..,,j to $1,23. a('- ordered oil Friday by Attorney -Gets- digious use of gulls null ammunition,
clarlis that a state of vorditig to frolghts outside. r. 1 ul'iIiihitelY after Proid_�' -oil, but there never That the Britirl, accomplished their within the Empire.
Stales and Germany already passed by directs the President to employ all ljork%y1leat - $1.36, ac riling to I oral Gregory Imi and territory covet or photographing and
:dent Wilson had signed tile war rorO-: yet has been such a battle as that purpose--.;that;Tile amount subscribed by tile Citi-
ces of the United freights outside, $1.0o, according mapping the now 6'ermitil Positions sons of Doul still Wall"Ov to the
the Senate passed the House .shortly naval and military for 11yo-No. 2. 11.69 to lotion, lfou4bt yesterday ill the all'.
a States and resources of the Govern- ti, froigbis (lots tic. rst I . lines.-AtO
r Warlit"ba flour--jel patents, Ill Jute , Every man whose arrest was order" j J,arge squadrons of British acre. and tho country behind the now war loan was 9300,000.
lifter a o'clock Friday Morning by to -,I successful balls. $11-: second I'lltontu. lit Juts bag -
11 the mant to on ry on war R
vote of 373 to 50, and war betwee I I) o: off is cl, German citizen, Is known by wore seat up over the (le.eman (indicated by General lictil"'i; AtatementI 'rho oflicos of the Harriburg-Amert
trionny became an conclusion. So.5o; sti-oug bskers. III jute antis, $9-1 pil- to night that larve tracts Of th0j,,, Steamship 'Lille in Cockspur
United Staten still lie 011tat'll, t the Do.partmilut of AiRtIve, it will' I'll, l lines, for the purpose of pholtogra - imemy's votititry fol� many Miles in tile: Str.ot, are to be field by auction,
Orders for the seivaire of all Ger- "'o'"ut"' 11"111 ---Winter necording 0 thoritatively Now, it) have pn1-tIcIPat-'jIlg the positions unit
actuality. i , traek new German jjljoLc�,rapllod, Civet- ' the year
During the forenoon Vice-Presi-, man ships In American ports went out VaIIIIII81 Met, ill 0.10 In Itagm.
,oli'llule"t; $7,711 to kill actively in German intrigues in le points behind rear have been I Street
amount Paid In for ;bombarding struts -
dent m�jrsjIjjIj signed the resolution in't'llmediately upon the passage of tile '$1'7'it"ut`- "'"al"t ' ,xp,rt grade. thin country, all(] is 1-09ftr0od Its 1,700 photographs beilli" taken behind:1010 through the silo of starnils under
.�(,, bulk rwaboi4rd mon'tri,al n
ill resolution, vessels will be Alfflftlod -0al. lot.: 6;1hrrod . ;the front. Those formations were Act walt t279,409,150,
e Sellate, and President `V�'ilson sub. � war rL , file vs. I I'llAght8. W,gH ill"llid,d 11rao. Per '"", dangerous person to be at large. . 1 flunked by other squadrons of fighting the lines. I the Insurance A
'llix as , , ralil- it floroplanes, and numerous battles, took The bombarding' ,;(illildrolls word I The Nortlinraptonshiro Assizes were
mature unci et for the present _ a measure of $40 to 03:
sequoul.1v affixed Ills sit" :1 ILI $16: -0-a Iced Bell will he refused In each case, . n for
"" shoe(..,
""' """
I 11 it, R I -e a casell
- �-
in motetill the Gilvernment,s newly- � safety. So far there bar been no "I'll". I'll 11" $21 ,was said, and the entire group will be place, The British, report 218 machines also highly successful Ili their day's!ciencellod, as there were
- I - - .�j to - ,
for mustering, decisloll as to whether the Government o. I to $2.go.
III _60 (011 $11 Seventeen raids were carried trial oil either the criminal or civil
N 2 pol' - -50
planned machinery -4 t$I!;. !". �1`11I" I I 11 1�tl!li tol" ton, $S. 0 $11, traell locked up, unill,so there is a change In Missing', the greater ,)art of whlc�lwiirk,
military, navRI and occIll'.1nic forces'shall take them Over and Pay for the' -Ioro..�,,,Iii- 11 ,,_ - .-,,cut plans, for the duration Of the number were shot down in combat be: � out oil enemy airdrointim, ammunition I lists,
- after the war. straw -(':it, 1-ts. wlt' tell, 4. , to $,.iio. . pro -lilt re ote and rail rays, over Light t01131 For taking a Photog'aPh at n
- , � I
in(O an aggressive war against Ger I ---.;.%, track T -i,-nto- __ wall number of hind the enemy lines. Bel dep )1111),; being. dropped.
T,— I lin'dications are that .1 ports that 44 allied muchineR were ill,. of Ill i searchlight station, John Turner, of
couutvy Froaueo-whobliale to; 'other arrests will be ordered -within I _____--_-_____TT t P-nelngli Avenue, Burnes, was filled
1. I . . 1. M),
]..utter--Frclih jl�Ijj'v, , HIL)IL-Q. .It) to i the next few clays. �- i
vveltulerY prims, -w I- .15,; solids. 4. to , A fire of ,210 nach WR9 imposed Or'
. 431;ggs out I ----I,--- 0 ; JT�! F
__. 41e; ! i I ` �Ml V1114 L. 'I'l , ,_�-or and Mine. Linda at Now-
KeNN,.I;tld. lit earLmis , .W I Ly
h V., N REF , it r� T"( . Prof(rrnfv�
G E ' lii,11. ik OR H, ITIOVEIMENT f'.aLt"ll". Sit'. 0, IT F,, ", Pa A T L EF, ,I I, . 1A,11
ENTRYINTO WAR - lj�o poultry-4,"wl. lb., .I) to 1-1 ". I, ; W L�, " �Poi't, Monniouthshire, for fortune-
-1,wi,i. "k, to 2[Je. 'ITED l��'�li�E'llr�"I'l-,iltellill!z,
AIDED By U. S. ,,It , GER5141AN PLOTTER P., I Jr,in-,Thirsk, who died recently at
IIr,,I p,ult r1`__(hl
hh-ken-, 2! it, 211e: ORDIETAIE'l) 114 UNI
I ,.lrl �:�) to !"_,lo: dLl,.I,.. 22 to Li",. -I Squr,1.%bs. I 113,,-prjtiy. v.8., tile, Ingt"Fairviving Ron
n evil 28- huge, . ii; turkeys. 25 to H I of a f,qlllily of 15, all of whom were
"i., �,,.. $1 .110 to � I 6
'011 I ct ' '0--NINN'. Jurg , 27 1 A �
Aj- 2_ to 279,1�; tripic,ts, _79
to 2SO: Old, the .
, oeernizaiion of 11rul,iiian Constitution Necessary to ( 'Vilef's v - to 27ho; twins,
T4,i,,kj,jp"-t of World's Public Opinion." larg". .!�;,: twills, I.il"30. __ Potatoes Can Only be Eatcn h, Great 1,ritain on Two Dilys in i w,cir 80 ycl-i- of ago When tll--Y dicil
liollot , Whit, '.1"ver, 16-11). tills, 1411 I The death took Pill", recently in
— 0� loc:' 5-11), ti%,� IJA,!: 0-1111 Me; IN' e e It, 11irminglivin of Sergt, John S. Par -
,j) 11 I,.,,,,; lIj..kj%,jj,,It _j',o_jj,. tir,.1% ILI to instigator of Dynamite Outrages I
. - survivor of the famous
� 50
Volle.oh'41(11L say': liCtioll-II.N. vircles� The demand that 11 -D. Cian), hoII"V__Xtru nap and Ili'aNy — II Intoe, a
,,,,gij(. 1,,,l ,j,,v._.$2.7.1,; st,lvet. $2- to ; in Windsor - and vIlvrgnt of the Light Brigade at Data -
v follow
thc ex.
A deivntch front --mall., . i Lit -1, S� to ill_111. re.
- ,,, Germany $" �5, .N,,, - - cru 'ji: outorlo, per I,acr. � A dospatell from London says: : brand at meals fic"voil Ili hotels I clava,
jry into the war evitltnLi. Nastrict N I I Walkerville. ,
Amerleit's ,�j -11unp:w'y and deelare itself In Vitiator.,, ti'm cli IM ;
. trung. ef. , I �. , c,N% Ijj.jjjj,,NvjL,k I(, awares,. tier I ;I,,I"-,ul:Os and .
has had an immediate and ' favor of peace without annexations �':* I- I It, $3.4-1: ,�noirtzle, i -, ,r b�lg. Baron Devonport, the British Food stattrailLs, board .,.--- -
, lit
-it I�og� J$31.3, - ra - tst i
feet tilion the rilf.'rin njovVITIM, I is jj,.are, fl.,)m moderate Liberals zv;is',.'5- A despatch from Detroit s.qy.q:-j Controller, has ordered that, begin- The scale fol v'A i�; for breliku, " 11
st carters, Till,,, il I, !:,aas-] Inw-I'Vil. julnil .pk�k.-Il. Do]- two ounces- Irrach-,lon, fiVe Ouihe�� , 1, Ild
1I.l"1-j.i'.h,,d. )let.,Albert
Albert Carl Kaltschmidt, nOtOP101111 I t I .. I I 11 ,�
11441, (4anattian i)riines, fugitive from Canadiall ju.qticO, W ' � P�I,ilvf,19716S A!9`V'AF:111rE1
GerninLy. The convictioll that tie: well as from Sociali 1.11�-I_ K*5, Calaollall, us ring April 15, in hotels, rostauran a, tilua(,r, five oumcs. ':'bi� beeail rtr!�L- � j ,
, $7,35 I-, �71.511; ,.I. t " o :
instant II_,,_,(I0,ni7, resents alone the, i $..0v to $7..'5; Limits, I) lb.. 13 11, 136C.
,,lIt,n of ,Ile 1,rus.,jan ,jetr�all,l no longer rep that I arrested at the home of his sister in I ll(alrding-housiI5 and clubz,, thcre shall ticuls call for two ou'lloVs at all ill i
gitj,j;,�Ij and the proellim.ition of belief of rann'.'r thinking Persons
Coll . . lit be one meatless day weekly. In Lon- mouls, I
ore tieniocratic basit, of govern- annexation, except for slight frontier 1 — Marine City, Blich., oil Friday night O! , Ill- Gli V"EST FRONT
it re Prov!siorn-wholosale ;don the day will be Tuenday. Else- ij,iron Devonpart, lit explainW, tial j
meat nild ,14 !"macy in thv empire, ,nitvratiolls, would be against the real; a warrant issued by United States
.Smoked il"t,'Is--11al",�, medium. 2", to it to result in
.1' - said Ile expected
witholit walting, fill, the Iliad of the interests also the! ,,,,, It,",,, 21 to ,�,�,,!: conked. 38 to Federal courts, which charges sedition. where fit the United Kiligdom it will order, , , —
is of Germany, but 0, ,,e- br,mkiaA bavon. I t
war, ih 11,V Lsory as a military and realiltntion that after the United!st".:� 1,�-jjs, 2i to �,., KnItschmidt was taken to Port be Wednesday, I It "aving of 05 pvi. cent. of the moll � *
29 to :32(1: baells. o0u. 82 it) 33c; bone. all, am .n Near Ba.
0 olleray Huron and lodged :n the county j, Tile Controller hill, also ordered that now consumed, ,U p -r coot. of bi-cid ; HAig"S. Tri ps Ga,
Political weoksure to counter,ict tile States joined the ranks of Lit Itisq. 35 to 36c. 2,11 to 24�v: where he was searched, registered and I no Potatoes or food containing pots- atid 68 per cent. of sugar. He zi,tid � paurne-Carabrai Road
I ami-ptir,, liltla. derceit. ,
"temjl�.it (if the world*s Public opin- the time had passed when Germany tuli,,, 243, to "430', palls. 241� t- 25t-. cuto- iN r A - I,,, had originally intended to Order'
ea 2 'it tOci .shall he allowed, except on meat . I
!on " it, the Vor-waorts puts it, is ovid.. could hope to dictate terms of pence 1) a. tiellet's. 173 to Ise. placed in a cell. Ile admitted till opera-
' nient-Lon, v- bricton, clays, but that Ill! fearedLondon, April S. -Only two o ors -
i . L-ull , "0613,21 to he was born in Germany, that he had less days and on Friday. : two meatless . : tiolls tooli: piece oil the battle front
. T clear
enily guining ground in all except re-; or oven moderate terms. 2 c iter Ill; clear bellies. '210 to - regi- The order imposes restrictions on this would lead to an increase Ili
I , I — served as an officer in a cavalry 'during h twit twenty-four hours
_-!� � _. . — . .. --1 _. ment of the Kaiser. the quantities of meat, sugar and' consumption. i during . the
-1 qrj -night, would be loan- Montreal MatrL"to I that might. be, classed as of military
finitely stated to I iti-ciats-C.W., NO 2 -21— ____t�__ _ ._._��____ _.— importance. Montreal. Apr. -w---- import. nee. Last night the British
oil to the Entente allies, The entire � c; extra No. I feed, .
,l,,; C.Nv., No. S. 76 oil oil a front of some 3,000
LOAN TO ALLIES . liarley- -man, feed. $I-oG: malting, ' ITBUK , advanced act House unit Senate leaders have 76, I SWISS BREAD CARD tlj�j V .
$1._"). l3up'Its-No,-No. 2, $1.32. Flour . A I A�,j U 'yards north of the village of Louver-
F?`D ',%I.11. 9111 -jug �N'116at IlKtilotS, � B L V,,,1EATIEMR DEELAVS PROPLE, OF, 19,Arvi
akreed, will beat, interest at the rate ofcirsLs, AFTER GERMAN INIOD - .
' per cent. It is proposed to milk(,- $111-41j; seeolul.q. S11.90; strong bakers', . W MV vol,
in the neighborhood of the Ba-
__ " rulne-Camlind r,,ltd. strensPheil;gg
zop %000 '3'Il92 to, 9 50: I . 13'. 1 ,
the loan to the allies at this interest i '�;' -"I; v`1llt1eLr'i,. r$`St.el(1,I5t'o ($111ol 'do., lba'trs, I " "' � L [V I 1, G 0 N I U"11"IPS:
— S I A despatch from Borne irrt7s'. A, W E 'S', t 11i I their Position in this region to a (fell-
te they have been compelled to pay Vll'_!11�111;11to 1104.361 flolliid oaLS-114II'Vel-I
$7.45 66. Been. I I I siderable extent.
One Form of Aid Decided Upon - $3. 'Aliddlill"ll ;bread card after the German pattern I ! 1 The principal activity of the Fronoll -
or, their previous issues, torts, $30 to $40. —
$41 to $42, Aloilillie, $45 to $5U. IlVLN' ; N to be introduced in Switzerland be- I —
"'dogibalTs' 90 Ili$'
to it
at Washington ------ I.— N,, 2 Per ton, ear lots, M.". Acreage Will Likely be Quite Up Lack of Food flas Now Spread to:
— Ifore the end of the present month, do ' . i . troops was staged on the Belgian
wa,En •tmi. April 8 -President ,WOMEN WILL VOTE WinnitieW Grain ; cording to all announcement made on I to 1916 -Labor Situa- - Kaiser's Beloved :front. The German positions near
WIISO-J' �ujj0y, outlined in his address! AT COMING ELECTION. vl*j,ntji IN, ,. 1 tt-olash cluotationw- i Wednesday. There will be 225 l tion Good. Soldiers. Lombart?ydo were penetrated at tN,vo
vvb� ,Is, .kin - -11 had
to Corizrc-.& ,if paying America's war I — (I. 1 Norther n. $IMIZ; No. 2 ! grammes of flour per clay issued for I point,,. In the trenches, whit:
bill zo far ;I, possible while the war I Nrtht,rn, ttI..453: .N,-. a Northern, $J.8113; t ,h Person, of which ogle -quarter! A despatch from Winnipeg says:- A despatch from Nett' Yolk says:! been completely der-troyM by the fire
, � .
I in .,
is Ijehv_- l,.Ik-�,I. leaving a mirdmIlln' Women will be ,allowed to vote ; , o. 4, $1.s u R; .No. D. $161g; Northern, $1,31j eac I Akhtar temperatures still prevent the!. -Americans returning on W*ednv3day
A l. 61.05. 0'as-No. 1-1 C.Av., G71c: No. may be used for cooking purposes and of the French batteries, "numerous
debt to -.),,a,L zl-ii.,.-, was reflected in a:!
the i,lections to the Constituent s- l a (1.w.. 66�e; extra .No. I feed, Me: No. three-quarters for bread -making, thus WL"'t from commencing spring opera -from Berlin nrid other German vitioa Gorman dealt" were found, according
virtual it,,-; 41-%n Ly leaders in the oembly lit Russia, say= Reuter's Petro -: I !.`�,a, G4�0; 'NO- 2 lead, .64ki-I ItIo�rlesN�7c - I. I - daily broad allowance of 270 1 Lions; on the land. In no :)art Of this ! on the Spanish liner Alfonso NIT. said! to Iliv Paris communique.
Ilou.-_ j,,,j s -.;..,,L to raise fifty 7 art corrc-rondent. The corre-inond- N',, .. $1.10: No. 4, $1.0 3; m. Ile e , , c,; giving it 'v.-ast have the farmers been able to'
thLy Nvere confident that Get-mativi
. per ! gr I fte,j. ,",,-- l,las-INo. I _N,NV.Q., $2,71t; grammes. Tho broad card has been ; . I ____
-'s expenditures ent ,adds that Prince Lvolf, Premier it . No. .1 C.M. $2 67R, ; start plowing or harrowing to any ex'; would be compelled to plead for Peace
cent. - f the li!twt � evo ! the Provisional Government, has so I'll- i _ i found to be a necessity owing to the tent. Seeding, it is estimated, will t
by ta�.A, ,I:. , United states wraruate . fait that Switzerland's Imports of I, before tilt, end Of tile year, bovanse. WELCOME THE BIRDS.
Umlilr chi: program Congress willif'Ormed a deputation of women Who . reduced by ono -half. not be generally under way throe gh•! the masses of the people were starv- I
. : lEllueapoll.'. Aor. 1 L1vb P.at-.11a �% 'flour have been re I —
be e7tllf-! 1"L,.I� i-0 I, L17�e ,ir revenalt wafted upon him. ,,, jr�!! t" �'l j.;j Jill."., $1.112. Citsh-N., I out the middle west until April 20, Ing. Up to the present the lack of
, I , i �k:t ,� ; N.,. I Northern.: __11 O' ! Prepare at once to Receive Those
. ____ � ;I . The acreage. already prepared for the food has only afTected the civil poncle
, I, - 12, -,� 1, i X, i. 2 .vortli,-rit. si..',ol . 'pring.
- ,:. -:�! .b ,,Ii.:.,,tl sz%o,
to t1w . � ' �1,7171,1,0;.10,000 thro,wrla' _ . ,k — I -
. I I crop or 1017 in the form of summit" tion, bill now it has spread tit the' That Return lit �-
Pew vi!,: !Y, , .��,,l ni,,,a,il_L,s nf t4 --a. INIUSSIA RELEASES VO . tt�l ��_'.00 i : i�, I n No. 3 �,-Ii,.,Nl, $ 1.'2,", 't , I
. - 1. ; Iz, 2,".. 3 wh��t:,.,Wi to ll., n F, 4 11' 1,4 14 11 9)
, ; follow, fall ploughinL, and first break- army, When the Aoidillr�i have 0-il': ri,A.,thliors� next
I 11"V, 1�1!% 114!� lit. It 1,, ,�;,..�;: ;, " .
t1un ,';! !1 � ,t! ;•c 1. cu,l',w-e June' EXU'MY HOSTAGES. " ' . ,�.l lin, t . U11 "TANIK's i.- it vo-, ,.xant bird
' . 11i:i.t'i. A;". l -I �',';� N,-. I hL,-i, , E. ,- h', L : in is slightly below that of R year ration cut Ili half they N' Ill rot0 "', Si Ih to make
, , I t Sprint*, I�ogin this vury mon..
,IZ), I �, t, �. I !_',-, , -c!;,sr.-i , f the fit e __
, , , No. I N,-;-tI,--rn �2.,I'2 t,, �2,!I�j- 1'�. ' Given favorable condition,,, that tht! %var I.,: ji;,.,ing azair.."t thi-I"? I
-i 1 .rt;. , - ! ; I - ,� I 9,; 1;1 go. ma I rcjj(l�, i c,r th,lo, NVb�ali ,I bird Fees a
7. . . i� -'i . T di ,:lnt�t,�: 1',�r. London 114 for',; Forvit,ra;l ,! � ��. I - , f�� " "� �4 'fr � _" 'e.1t,
bill, , � : I ki IS , Lfl@� I'D ho -,raver, it is expected that the neria, the jia�,f. nger,i said, and till" may t " o he lilios It,- N."Il walk tight in
- " , ;i,!,-1. .Vily. zt�.�.;;4 w,!�,L � .
wh7,�, . - �, ,, :� I i,.��:, :� I _;i, loyall U"I;U M, gu,j FOR " ] hoyli
., - "e, Jli` re�pon,�ent ,��,! "Tbe pr" i: ,
v'Tel., . i I i � . . . I ". . ,l�-, of: — agc under crop -*it the three Provinces to it revolt. , -'Vithov.. -lie itl.tiwl. 11,1t bir,19. like
.Zlt .,'. ,�-; d wont Th,, Cri-lorrn:�rit I'a, ,r,1, r ,! lho i-,I,t I will be rna&! fuG as large its in 1111"). � ' " i ollitvr t,l;u,nt,,. * -erfain r -
,•, , ill enemy t"y-i: , T,Iva stcv'_ T-1r.-I-eto — i.nsis� On :. �ondi
fll�;lt - , . , - I 1 ", o.I,t,y ,il,l- r00 h-".-"-1!1 '11110'.11"(: ! -- ... --- .
. - l"'? 't., N"r ! I":.1I:: ,11'.1" 1;.,(,.v I --- ---I----- ! 6�11,.
, 1. 'I'll.. 0,vrjln"-�i� ,,-,11.1,1,,,r� it L I I. 1 1 _, :H. 1 ;
111t.". "! , � 1, , .1 1, i f, il_1o:- thi� rite '-y � . � � .� . Reads in Northern France NOW " - I
I : "�� : 'sO. ,-I; - I •STF.Ilil 'I
; - ;,-: � I "t'. I! tilt r S I TAM',N IN �-111.'klt,INI .
� ,111 !;!.;..I, -:I, � ,!-ii -s. $1,A1, . I f e- - de: ;reF, a bl,-(i tL?1!zhborv.,hitib
, , _fj� " it, im. ri� -I: P, 'il'it. whose -� I I,!" ,":.,;,. I-". -A ll, ' , , .
pl"JI-1 t . ,
, , �.�: ,!"'.,�, �, ;�, 1 I, 1, � T', ,I. zll;. ,;5 : MANY CIVILIANS KILLED � -
, - " - Quag I
t.hc 11 ; �:, �, ; , . � - .1 I .. : t 0,�I� ,,,F.,�,, i- "11w,"- L , 11�Ir own 7,� 1� I! �!_ �7 ., I � I:'' ", ",'A"'. 'j".. I vaires After Beay.v 11Y 11MIDS IN MONASTIR: 110 T11.1UN CRIPPLED ,M)I,DI1`RS'rc,.Ats Ili ,it box, the ',i;. '. Glill"', i'4 to
, -
bolld �. . . ,!!.,I, ', , I - 1: '..':1,, jje_ ,tat.;�. " ,, 'd, ::. �.j�.; I.. �,.,�: Ili. , "'.1111,jol'. ! —_ 1 find ,jtTt ,nhat iiLti-,o birds lle'�t in
� - . ` - I -_ !,: 1.;!t 1'r," 1,,Ill.;, obil.", $jo 11 Snowfall. . . I 1, :,e,j." $V.y,, a wrjtc-I, ill Lilt, Bltt
- ___ - ,,, � ..: i , ,, � � A llc,pni ch froin Lon il tu ,1-"-
______ --.-- _—, _� � . , 1 - r"I W.,11v � � .';, I , *!I, 7,,:,.�e -. . -- , I .
I-— - - -I----- - MnAwt I- I, I, fiend -,vt
'I ., ,:,-01,ilit !,'i"', .'," L'. �". I-, 3,.7F,: ,!,,.. 1 A despatch from Canallian, llead-: A despatch from Lwidort says:. -,The AliniAt,v of Lul.)Or, lit ct,i;!unction, F:*-rMi "The li>f �0,
,- , I , � ;,1. 1, 71 �, -*,t_ . t,t �6.:,i; llui,-I, I. ., , : 1. ,
ri� , . 11� 14, rt '11� `sAr 7)Mlr?��Q ., , �i '0111.1AVI'S III, Frart_v (via Lon,lon), RaYR: ; An official c011initillieLltiOn issued by! \vjill tile NVa`r 11vi-t"10m; Statutory Cum. , , hiell of th."'c Ill, J, l -n. lj!�ol-; to be
. . , % ., � . A 'i I : .,..,;, I � , 1. ,,, iZ'�,i,;, lit ill.1; g.-' � - . .
, � i, , z , ; ,� , " � .. 3 : z " ." 4" � -, �. " ,i, ,-, ,!�, at., llt�,Ii, C .it. -1.� ii��t sunson.
. . . � , it ti T.'_'tl; .-TIventy-four bours of snowfall has , -d here, Illitt(in. I.,, v=iitbl6li;li,i: trade 41vi-14'ry,fillund Ile" ntr in l3ufr;
: , _. ., � , ` "I ';'-, ;� .1 � - $ �al,_
" � , ! �' , I.
fif ` � i �� "' �:, , - the Sorbian War Office, receive
,, : "" I - ,` :", 1---`i` -"-rl" changed the roads here into quit -s bombprd -
-i A, --) '1� �J'z 7 I �, -, M IN ,I . ,� . - i comn,
, " q I -
, I - 11 . . a;.: I'llo sr-c!�,i� of 1,;r,l ,!(% li,od bvl,l!� do
, . Ile . .
-, ,T_ , 111 . , ! ,-, ..' ; ". *: :.4 -14 .%t!"", ;i-- to - ,really increased tris
reports tbat evenly itvidtoi itte"s ('If i�(In,tl lvllub�,I.ii ill V
1� - u., . - ;r, 11i, i.. I". it ". , I"",., -es, - (,it Suncivy with aspItyxi -d "Lp i�. t' nla!ie "117.1
�' W, �� A,,"i to : n1h ant! I, I ed lklonastii - ,e7il, thw 014I
`k.,; : � , �.� "I.ii 11 � 13..A.14 -q I - t, to I 'k Ilco! lo re,ire,enta- vi,! "
, - j A�,� ) -_Q :l, 14 Naxg � ,,l l" I. I . -Ill. ZIL11 1111�1.. p-.1'. Si Joyer's ill"I lVol
.. � � Iralvii3ortation liffiellItiet.- I S
.::i .,I; ': 14: :t I.% It has I ating gas bombs. Forty-seven poll- ti- - ill tbfi pihicipal ' raide.11, t* sirs b(- !� ,equin,.1 Liy flint sno-
I - ,., - , artillery ""' ' I � ', nd.�v',ht,
.�!,. I" , l! �!., � I, h"a, �. .. , .,., i ,�:,',"ol :.hon enured it t;114POW4011 Ili I Isolls were lolled ,ind twenty -nit -i,,, -oncerninit the tpeilling and (!nl.!tw,,, boNx jarg-it thi, ol,vt6n,,, should he,
- __ ___ "" ,
1.4, 1-1 l!""'I t., � It. -h , - .i., I', -�l
, lil''l,aw, ,:,,11. ;.1-.1, ` ,�'P; : activjt v wbich had increased all along wounded, The killed '111.1 w -c-:11111"(1 , , - I villetlipr lit,, bird like -4 ii, P(:Vell At the
(- . . k - I �; . , l,': ..; . . I j.. � I ��,. tl, 1: � u p1cwIll-lit Of (I%.A,Ibli3O so!",'_.I.; wit!-.!.
- I .(;I" 1consistedpogtly of women .,.till (-lilt. , i:lo , "MITIL ,If I clr�irarj,,., at v,-bal It 4. Jit th- bas
;l ,-, I �' , -f ,11�,:0;3 D,:;-lIr,�,,-htP, 1110 11'evai'-fj ";,;l ` , fl
I'. ,I. �:, � . - - .. . �t,� vi�. , ;4 ,,I. �,.*, I � ,, ".5.1, .1�,_ t it I alid 1'ecorle violent at Rome
!I , �:,, ,�I.,,7,11 to ,il".,,; jo,�t�, f,,l and the.iio trudcov_ 'file etitnllli�l'! I ,
, I re - it i,
I_`_1'A � ity� ". , -,I 1. � 11,tt I'. �; Il.-: .1. 1 ro-'r,6". N 6,luld Lo' 111,1vit(l, VAIJi��i A (,!I a
. , . %1,01,t�.l : I dron. Many houses were deetroyed '
. �,* I:; !,*. (" "i, It., I ,0,.. I i tile.,(, r'-mrall it ('s i I
�1(; - ille erinenrazwe of German "tanks" ,,, inu�ndvkl to insu
_... _. _ L 1'. I:. I �, � iii.'_-li, I --- ..* --- -_ - 1; that -wherne.3 f -w trnun :rig dit,aliloll men; not(-. or till P.,inti, 0). is it tr-c' whivIl
' "" t -vi- %i:n I- ,'I-I,,,- :,,, ,,.r,,. j,I possible it, this area. The value or, . " 'I'- �V '! - Pill' 1 face'. vdl:,h^r
� �7 r� I', � I I , -',t. " I I hall be fully vunt�!"Jortd 1J.,• tIIO inter -TY ill (':4 -r :'b"'I!
T'L�t , 1 ! T� ' :" i ;'I'- ;"!l1.f1I'i*j; Lill •-1; CiVjI11, I �Itli!ri�f :��-il . I . I i � �; I 1. �i,: 1, ��., C. 1. : tanks in the (3--emlin defenc,l "NOuld! EVEPY I I A S S r N G E 11 i shall 1 the bird I., ill tall'e ni%L: 1p, w It"'i it if
1�,`,V 1''. ,,Tt, ; I � �, i ,� -I z _ " ,. 1'. P it..:,-,! - Io: , I!., y; �' "i,i,", � I,j� el,11.1,,elubje, and tile ellemy would , ieg= "ollef-r!'ci.j. ;
� . -, '. -,.- � 1'. 11 .. . I RC 1,11HR I -r .,t l,eA sito ;t,..l wh.lt ��u.oll
. � :1 'i' 11", � 1-110 reiltrent. 1, 11 1 �..4�i LADEN WIT11 - .
Vwn. , , , , !.�� ': ! , �, - - , 1. . " . , - olll:_ 1, ", I., � ,� : 1, es. ' vIrev ! liv.
�_ , .!. iour"j, ,,j,;j.:t a'A Tic's-' 1% i'.1 .1 -, I % : , IV lit 6,�k, ia.�. -01-., :-!, Iliul, i: I., , _�. li,', I,, Q:7; oUllbileS,; colleen! then' as Ion-' 1- ,
dt,. � I �, . "I , 1 - "'j, � �4 �_!�-ld :;!- ,I 1.,l -v I -J, I, . �,I,.,Ill",l,,.'�' ,1-1, ,$;),5II -I'le. Oil the R, ! ____ , i -.,�vi�il F.hot:'A lie.
I , V; � I. ,; ,�;, . Ili— 11'ied I, ,..: - i"". I, &I . �1 --� to ;I,;, -,T, 1 $ ll�skln fl�cnt: they A clospatt-h f"Oul Lorailn, says : !TU -111:1, RE-HtLAT
0�12' - - ,, :� . , ,.' -. 1! t-.,. j,':. 1, 'uAialiiv� tllt� Hover, il"it , If oiik, ,!(,,ei,�P� to ai�ra-t it l.ird
� � . 1� --" used armored el - .11 . � ro I-.-, n
___._ .. - __ , lim I� ]'it,
; ,.� . tio-ks, to vilt wire w-11. - -- - TIM A it 1) I t I I th "tt, "o", lie[, tl� , it
I RhA L case Ili the P_rize Court, disclosod, F it I I -
v 1�1�., . *, � ,,,, � .. , , �: :, --,�l: rr.i�- . , 17 ,,,, OIL p1-:�.-I-a0m, Ili ,-rn . 1�y n1i in- a t.tall,i, h:., I that oil raia Noyaj,vr- the liollif,mlav: , v. irli, - it _Id for 'Wily it, 1,,ai Ill -'I" +u it
�+ I �1: 1 1 ), v i,.,-�1,;!:�,' 14t ,.,nl ., it, 1 ;I!, ll,T,iitlill.; %v;Io!;e nr%I.i,•tV., 11, 11',f� l"Vil 11,0 11"Ni.-I'M Y 11: 17, °F" 4 ,sell 's1) 13Y V.S., .,,I;y determined to make I slid! _ , how y,..,i ,,an M": "'! il� �l paol� vl.tr
, ,�� , - I I"t. Ait 11 - vee i:- Ilm, ir,Ii::!,i.Il.s!0,I". Wnlnol! and ,-hik _ - , tit his command oli,ried S7 cases of dental rubber - : Urd, ,!Ilti:��, i'llo litl,,-u 1.1�1,10 a :iuv-
,Li't", � !, 1: I!.. . 4, . will tile everything � A Ile"I.FIL-11 r: :'Ir Lon -loll ,;!1y,4 :
1,� ,,;�1_1.,j . I jr. I , t I',; - Tj-,,j ,-, 1�1 I., t; 1,1,n 1 - Ot� - -• - % , I .1.1 Merrh"Ilt Njorine'lo nvake good lit, position. ikir. and british nd'.."'ti-C, (It't 1" , 1
I I I . I I I'. . � I I li".1 Of Ctwmm on anot;hor vwpp-c AS emies were found .1",
:,L, i�',-I,!,, :, � �' , �1: ,�;-,-�!Ir�jQ- !,'11111 ii-,! �. thl� ,fIN,. h- 1,_p ! .. 'e'l pl,", I _ ..... . ... 11--_'. in pos'ession of the PLkAbcnii-rs. Oil I Rus, ! 0�1`, 'if al tv ��klllg hlnl�t �.,I;l k ot� how
, , I Challp't',. Owners. � from Ain -3 cartle in(,, L�qwb ,,It 11"lulay c, I . . 1, * ; et: wav$,
Wiit I �Mwt Ivith c-;- ,%,, i: � erienn menu= . .. ,it, u" it, I'll"'! 10 -ter! 0
, �! I t - I,� wl,ilo'n!, - 1.11lll(-It� 1 to M'd`-, I!,V- , reveral other shirt. ft
. . . f ; CAN'ADIAN SOLDIRRIS Ports cyrIo tubes,'lubber gloves nild the WId I W, k i., 1" Me"'opotilrall . iii-ir tjII,,o,i',1I I'izl,,�, tlle.tl;,.'h -h-m-Ang
it io_ - :.. . " :i-11.1! � e�tl't , I i, I, -i!r,Ill;,Il� fl,;, ,1;�',jtti'ti,:��- wi�!,wat II-I'l-l-, .% ,,,��;,ili,l, r,im Ner, York ,Iy-t: , * -1
, ARE ON ALL FHONTS. I ubber bont,,, wore fuln'll it, cnn3id0I'-; the Pere tan boftll.'I', tile Wltr (MILT I'll- _ 'C' _11 ixI1,:I.;m;. -A!; I-!'. t, sur,'Iy
_. . __ V, J!:,eu VAIr. on ihi�i d:ly Cf Friiia"": I U., Turks at,(, roil-rtcA lit I " ,lit 11�1 .
__ _.__...___ - ___ --.-----.---, w"l . it ,;- Prith,lan eagle czlnit, quantities. . The court condemn.!"Oulo'k-1. �. ii. , rivoroble condition.i ;ir t I kwn,
. 1IN7, tlic. able quantitilt ,�
It dt,,�, it ar'l tlp Ar-,--�!311 ; '10c, wont U13 oil the ssi�,-.Cill foods, be lit rt-trwit. I yon fl'jQ:.t.S will allpft'T Will tll'CO 110i -
Al � 0.`017 i a, I I . - I ,k tlo;�Patvh from London sayEi: The - i -1. �,_______ .- , ,
, - . session of the ncslin�,, sit �! lin-1 n-1 your
- 1. R LA3 it!, 41I0 pri"o of tit,, 11,iman ni,ireirml •rOuLing of the Turks at Gaza by Sir .�-n— ----------.
A 'I ,TD LAR.fl, M"11"" .1
-, F ,... % - -_ -1 _ _...
I A-.' A -j! � ri 107 71 .Norio,'. ',*,�_rly 100 int, -nod vhip-i of (I Iinrle, Drib,�!l has beell followed with I , 9,1-1 heal -1. 1�4 well. Plitt you cv,11. t 11--'ve.
- - - - - a ITF51 . I I", 1. .,;. I '. It ;lilt) t1l'. il,,.soi flum willinut infillitt, pili;l, infinite
till 17, 'v...��%'T�ni.,, '? " 4 , , � "TV A f��Iv' A Al . , '
.I I II - 't �, . -,sion. hilen hitcre,A by Cann,lians here. 1YS , - , 14, ,16o
I �Ew A,"w , .�Az't �_,,..�.l * , ' I I �l , it.
U � I __ __ .. , I I CZA U-3 IGST V F911" ' ' " �' putioncv, infinite p(.rsvVera! ......
(IV tlo� I" 14 .,, 'it &;. Th"]v r"lirk�stroi- , vl,-tory, together with the successful I k1k ulih I L .-IllM
,,I it i-.I"1!,l,.,- of !11,wlt i"'16,1100, alp, a', tlinlilairn against the Cameroona in! J�, J,�,2q, C I jilp, -0, Fri ,A , I I qllali-
- _ - � -lit S11- i i 'I""VEL POOR "If you "J"' 1u1si'l`
. ),- Africa, carrici Canadian participation kJ . N 0 I - _ - _ , __ - , , �, 117 �'),'.Y:i,j, rivations, better not, try !I. ' Ti' put ,to,
Brillm, � orttInitz, All;tci%� Nerill of 'St. quentin and Capture An- 1 ;,dIn.:-tv.i voli!o or mor', ill, 9 go at it w1j.11 it will. Illo n,,L o-Iln-CL to
. : 11111,001). 'in the war to Lill cluartel-it of the war. I
ol,jt,�,j, N ill ilge- _Fq-(!c.i-?;-,, 11rogress Near 11,11I C, i ri -, l;. � _____-________________-_ I - ._ I - __ _ - i _____._ learn everything ill -.I day. Soo What
0 m I -anent for Viands to Cover others have seen. and then it great
(' � deal that I-, your very own, Keen lie-
- q �7,q pi, 71 L ". Irl W r q . .11 t � , ! . , '16
.� M n � �r Arn)lleatit)n Mileic' to Provi8ional (v'overi
� In,;
I %,�; U" - " it �,:i, .�
, I - - - " � limnlediate E(Nplt.M�el,. eurpte dato,4 and data, yoar after year
I � I
A ,; , ;,:, t -1 i " - T ., �a F � - (2i" ;it'll &Irilll� 01". ult,t %%eel" L-:11-' t� , , " ;Iur.. ,j FRI CK uA I �, IV
Britkil � �F,I:I- ,,� a,�Vth t1l, I �r�-,,!, ;'';, 1..j;.l.t,, .Niilll., (4-11"all Joad Were nnfl in Lime 1.011 twill ll,lulo Into a hwit.
,. -------.--.
.! -t 1 ,11-i �� " " - tl0);.E!-I ., ' TREBIZAN,il ago or nature love that wilt ranku life
.11ii 1.v Ill!, % , 'i.� lit-iti'll tvuiq)�,' 1 A g L 1 f� 1i w w " V,, p� r, Q
St. Qlw�;Lio lli0l rol� , -it h"kVn ,. , - ,� 1 REBIZ t., rli'�, '
it"Ilthi-aA'd Arva, ill, Hritt, I E'l 1A � ifllLuq 0 , D I
salie-iii ;I ',, if, , (;l-rl�, ` � � lll�l'i,� )Tii�-�'Ifr;� )10�11li- ,:.t .if Nun<ttll 1 A despatch !'roll Vettugrad says: ! follow ri ojg�j;, ,ert;o,000; I'viarle, E3 i0r worth living and livoil voll always
. * ' Commissary tyltuff, appointed by the (),10; Ana,,laFtin, 4:320,000, young at heart.,'
th"I" tvl*,w illiporiallt Ii!,1-. W%!l,Il- ufter ,,titr figli"Ing, E,�k-t "r krraF aild , � Oil . cc satisfied with n i,csLilig fibivii,
Ing ljotll. cOutilule .-'.ACVP;;1fLIll-.�. Ill I'car A".kt�vhaetc ill(! I,i it kit 11.1ve v�lr-: ;*Vfl Sailing S11,01'.4 I'vad."A With Valuable Cargoes Also Captured Provisional Government to take Since J901; the, civil if bait amount
rievir Ron.--oy. ion miles )-led ,)lit vai'l'. I in the Mack 3tta. 1 charge of Iliv offairs; of the O%X%aV Oil 1:1,A00,1100 linnittilIv, bud, the ennr�- Ijjrd4 aro likely to rouirn voaQon �iftir
� * � - derived from iriinc. Reason to the same location. 'fill,-,- ,i,-cn.
north Or St. Quentin, Field Marshal French ir-lim col�llllui- 1,, I'Ve6ior -_ - � all(] hitt family, lilts applied for it mous revenues dei - -
llaig'l, vion have captured I.Prnpire, 'g,pourld oaptot,,,i by lilt, (4,rinatilt grant, it) (,over immediate expanses, forests and lauds bolon�,lmo Let the crally appear suclilezil,ii itnti mny t�thcl
' I -in-Mi; g
five. mllu,s east of tile Ca fill wrill-f4t. 11(ti th ,�V,t Ill, Rhelw-, wil .", B -1 -I'll P,t,l.'.r;;d, A!wil R. A :nvdI Rils- '11'r.wc-11. (Saw�olql is 18t m!]VS •il,'01.4L ' According to :,, rmigh e.-Aimate (if their Emperor's Cabiliat, bas hi,on ,n -allowed pos�,omicln without any !'(,I les,
Private fortolit', it appears, that ill) by the vast sums required for the 1.,C�:;t soceirill a wron Look lws:ielision of
Quenfiv nia,l and 1.'i mlle.i
<:r r. ,�tpwt.t 81!7 l-'rencli Itrii�uM�!'4 V -1-c ,i:,t) Ciel-.:. lnad�' It NI!,ling •yv4tt rday ,if TrvI_J/,00znd.i Out, troop., lotriwd ;I the Ti-Aperial rest- 11 botise heroes it had b -on placed one-
- Turld-11 ol..(.),,ation post. Nicholas TI, owns I,ot "Wre
of, Cand,rid. Prisoners woroj Isbell by lv1:q-;, ill Ili,. rllpt-ln, of I'von'll, llot,i� " , 'Ii'llcl .11 Itwritoly col III - ll!avl� :!!..I i her inabiteumico OF i
the BrIth4i iiTid large numbpvi, of Ger- tl,,,I,-. J'al'i'; ropf,r'., tl,�Il greolL;o at t"Il"t I.: it imi'll. "I"tol, lilt Inil"i's \ivi% 'Noo,000 in c7I.h alld .-Icatirlilu,4. fills doilces, shooting boxes and ,it whole half hour. One bird -Inver claims that
, ,t,e4 , ,� "Tho ,-orw, t,wimtIn boat. captured ,vireiK rurilll,j, olneilliti,, to ti.10,000. host of retainers. Ifolleo, in spite Or It, liwj known it blue -bit -0 to decide -,)it
Irian dead are reported ley London to ta0l", have I'to"ald Frolich su '*ee� (,V Tl.,-!,I� ....... 1, it I. ft)II)1X;!II.I cmeh,11.1. I Y.. As
I I, ,; 1�,. Aat.ilytvill- r,tdjl.�,,-�': t, -Ii sailing III with Nalvabit, yoIj�)g,j\jii%i;l I � Inticli wtiall.bicil, 11, lils his great ,
have bean fmind fit tic' enIjtI;Ie,l pold- In rn on,jll, ; I" 1.,:t y'116 ,00 , A nf ., Ali Ifuldli at possession,; the Clzar aPPQar,l .1 box b0fOIT It WaR 110101 in pill(,
it ta.go"'I awl !,.1lIz them to Tichiz,M),1. allowance hall Lvcn v,1f,1Ali0:,dng, ile'to be a poor mar, ioncraulth its the real soon as tie owner,.; InIvIl was inroad
. dons. .'�,roign(ld. T�!!cwll,r�. wlt Of Ow -ni,-i ,it oar mut_.! 11 a 1,(-a, , ;t lao,le 11 1101w of (,!:!� .�Ilbmqvine, has .mink a rias ewes about ZN50;000. III the bluohird entered nul-I marls hin)wlt
. ;,Ir, , '� " 1h.- fol'-' belonging to the Cal,lriol will
The Gortylun, lo�,t soverely ill the , nul,� there. Illt, I'lien lie ird'aittry tvi- til -p, ne:tv it],, 1w,uth of tlii� Rive
. operatiw!,j between Arras and St. tion ui` ni,,nient, I T,irt,ali, .-it vui*A.. (:;B milits) Liet"L of I !;116r_ zhil, ill 'ill(' flosph,vu:' reglon", itill-'ell of its sist-11A ,live (.tin..:.(i: I a,.,I,t"om- ;;tate property. at home.
. .
. ,