HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-04-12, Page 5Page 5
1/.681.06686868.-86.6688/668.8-aplalm,8/.8.8uorir0.N' ,l/8a4NnRrC7VIlYW.i1,FV4N1"11SY' IVV'fa�rr61.lSY886.6/%1• ispas.
Furs own�o, shoos (den
The subject of Shoes is always
one that interests Men.
And there's a reason for it- so
many considerations enter into
the selection of Shoes that are
right, Style, comfort and quality
all these, and then the price,
Goad Judges say that
We believe it ourselves
Take a Kook at our Browne Shoes
with Neolin;; Sole,
No better shoemaking or leather
ever went into Shoes,
We'll be pleased to talk Shoes with your
Sir°,any time.
"Theow,,: Ill Good Shoes".
Thetis 51 Seaforth
' ISTE,'"196-iWlEu ire al afu ° Illfi_ EIMMI W'ATifilI gi'MCIiiraul:,':';illytetltiainlafirr,AAMeli
Seed your cream to us and receive
;lop prices. We are running our plant
tele year through tend ran handle your
twill supply and furnish you with cans.
We pay twice each month and weigh
eample,lanl toot each can of cream care
evilly, Our motto is " Honesty to ou
Patrons " Patrons are requested to re
.arra all our aerie, whoa not Ln nee,
:cutter aniBnttermilk else on hand
ud for at market prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
W, J, Wa l kor & Soo
W. J. Walker, holder of gu,
eminent Diploma and License
Oey or Night calla receive our
prompt atteutiou
Day Phone 07
Night " 18
e:.:yl «•�, e'
•Wtuteh Tetnl irons Jantnuv2nd
We have Comulereiel aihorthan+l
and Telegraphy Departineut. 'rho
sources are thorough sip to dot:emit
practical. The iu etrurtnre areoe-
perieneed and we aro receiving
scores of applications for trollied
help wo cannot supply, Write at
once for particulars
Each "Pape's Diapepeln" digests 5000
gralne food, ending all etomaoh
mlaory In five minutes.
Time It! In five minutes all stoat-
s* distress will go, No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching at
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
Mond, no diasinese, bloating, foul
breath or headache,
:'ape's Diapepaln is uoted for its
' psrd in regulating upset stomachs.
i1: 70 the surest, quickest stomach rem.
sed/ in the whole world and besides it
is harmless. Put an eud to atomaeh
trouble forever by getting a large
!fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepeln
teem any drug store. You realize In
five minutes bow needless it is to suf-
fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
Sweet and most harmless stomach
tiltrotor is the world.
•pT .,
3,u all eountries, Ask for our Ile vEN7'UA'
ADVISER, whish will be sent free. -
Reduced by elaeLmn, Tho constant
strain of Aabllma briers the patient ton
dreadful state of hopeless exhaustion.
Early nes should by all moans be Matte
of the famous Dr, J. D. Kellogg's
Asthma Remedy, which more than any
other nets quickly and surely on the
air passages and brings blessed help and
comfort, No home where asthma is
present in the load degree should be
without this groat remedy.
Business Hours
ifondnyNight 6,10
Saturday Night 11 30
Other Nights 8
• Balton s Barber Shop
The Best Newspaper
In W'Vesterr, Ontario
ratbDta Aintertt:nler
All Mail Editions 53.00 Per Year
Cure Sick Headaohe, Constipation,
BBfousnese, Sour Stomach, :Sad
Breath -,Cattery 'Cathartic.
No odds how bad your liver, stone
eel or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels -you always get
relief with Cascarets, They lrnmo.
dlately cleanse and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the exceaa bile
from the liver and carry oft the con-
stipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels, A
10 -cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and heed clear for
months, They work while you sleep.
After April the 14th we
will run our Chopping Mill
Tuesday of each week during
the Summer months only for
those who patronized us dur-
ing the Winter.
Kit USE B: OS,
Miss Kate tittle, Uodarich, visited
her grandfather, Mr Geo Brownlee,
during the past week.
Mins 0,'l'hompeou, Stretford, is the
guest of Dr and Mrs Cooper,
Miss Jaiele Scott, Oreemoro le the
guest of her parents Mr and Mrs Al
D, Scott t'I'hornton gall.
31r W. Plant was in Luton, visiting
his parents.
A Median! Need Supplied -When a
a medicine is found that not only nets
upon the stomach, but fn so composed
that perish isigrndiente aF it pass sin
altered through the stomach to fired
action in the bnwele, then there is !wail.
able a purgative and n elnanser of great
eftoctivenees. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are of this character end aro the
beat of all pills. During the yearn that
they have been in lino they have estah-
ished thetn8erven ((a uo other pit( ha
THE ."1 f3r\,l'oR'I,I.I NEWS
••,•.•••.• W..4141tSla"Fint•i..: 4Z-,..,,,,,,"8 fitiewG'J]l'Mftn:;,,,,
`,:tWGINIRFS:WMIr,,,culfiM�la,W4opWmpNLgIC4LWIMAYY4rfrJfAp'i4159ot:uXY,iAWd'.+KLAN aiaA Aw+:rt.
a", wnna ..,••ue,•.«•sililahh'an ,• .twithsh.s'31;;,1(, I
„r,uw+1wq...........................65 'Nit 1'dtsn r 11 1;,+,♦•1 ..I,,,+9 1•'a vtlri•
1e'1� ()will iC With lli.+ ,aloe, 71hx I„I,,, ll,+ia}'
AI "la'�rl,�` ('' fl(, 1-'l: "tall sI.
I7 FwI
1 M '.' . \11: Kay, ba111)1, r of 1',d•e,nlo, '
•••.,.1i116.68/•^tl n,Ww,Wi>wa.66w888.011e,6/666690866w6/wn
Pressing. ('lelnirig moll Repairing
lrllnlpbnlI's Black opil 1)I%.,.4.,.( 110144
lop stain.
Mr, Cowan sod deice eon It 1intorit
are visiting the fornter's patinas Al r
tool Mrs, J. 1!`iellor.
Mr. nut' Mrs. J, F, Rosa ate epasid-
Ing the holidays in 'Toronto,
Mr and Mrs. Willard I(lliut1 i,.1':+'
returned from their trip to London.
r .101111 Sprout has net nhneed tit,
cottage en Vintoria :fit. at present
oronpirel by Mir P. Robinson,
Mos. W1ltee Sr, has retu1nedi from
spol,dtug sevoral menthe with her d
daughtere in Walton.
Mrs. Legg null little eon ;,f Gederioh
visited, her slater, idr, Peterson. Mar-
ket 03,
Gunner lineae' Hayti of Toronto luxe
a week. end *Miter at the home of hie
mother, Mrs. ,loins Ideye.
Waif a a auk end visitor tel 1110 Lona
hie (n tier. 811,9 i10K 1y, I11,14, 1
is (1 Asn 0, 9 111,1j l 1 it kali 1„
Chastest comet (Mod 1?rill((}' ii, 1 viii
lir W, il7orroty, Louden, i, v, OI+:
his motlir•-;', lure Memos, .1011(4.0 ` t
Mrs Walter Willie has return 4'd front
a visit to L"t' mother in 1)oti4,41
Miss Lina 1irettanh from T,4
hero lit present visiting fr"v+t i,
Miss Alit e Trott left tiers a, 01;
visit 1'''r Hihtr,r, lira .1'411n,Uales in
Mr unit Slim 11. 0raw(or¢1171,od1o11a11
of Maden and Nona 1'4av,•Il of
(llle11411 were 1(11014.1' visitors atatlte 00010 ,
1Mrs 11.H Flu'a
Mist, Ada Govrfuh,03. 1101..111n :fad
Mies,iesinie Gov(nl4ck •f'1'oreete 1111
vendty aro visiting their I.:st ,uts. 311• r
and Mrs .1. (iovenlouk, North :flaw $t
bliss S. MO Lean spent 1 ;(at 111
Miss Mary Gillespie, of the ('ollogi8t.o
Destitute Stall', Parkhill; vent the
holidays with her pareuta. Mr. and
Mrs J. (lilleepio
Mise 51 Risk of Galt ap•ir:t fleeter
with Mrs, 11, L. Bux. !
Waite 1yi11 resider the prettiost l;,utls'
unsightly. Clear the ex^reavl111:114
away by using Hol1n1v,43'n (,'ern (`ate, :.
whioh ems thoroughly m:d pai,,leesl •,
A large number of eitizeus wore ;.t •
the station ynetor,Iay to sere t sr'.v'll t o
Mises Anna Bell. of Toronto was au Lieut. Doherty and [to. Stili .; .
Miss Margaret Moro is rieting friends'
and relatiree in Kitchener and Prestos,
fur two weeks. !
isolator visitor at the home of hos par -
mite, Mr and Mrs, Robert Ball.
Mrs, F H. Larkin is visiting frionds
1n Chatham.
lithe Hannah Campbell of Toronto is
spending a Few days in town,
Mra, W, Jamas and daughter were
in Toronto visiting Mende.
Miss Cameron, of Westminster Coll.
ego, 'Toronto, was a holiday visitor at
the Meuse,
Mies Weatherall is spending her
holidays at her home in Wyoming,
Miss Belson went to Toronto for Efts •
Miss Allen hue gorse to hos home in
Pte. Rolph, who returned last week
received on Thurebay the sad news that
hie brother, Pte Charles Rolph of the
engineers, had been killed in action,
Miss Graoe Weir returned to New
York after visiting her mother, Mrs
Geo. Weir,
Mr. Frank llrfcao who has been en-
gaged in the jewellery business with
Mr. H, J. Mayhew for the peat four
year's, has secured a position with Mr.
J.P. Daly of Seaforth, and left for that
town on Monday last, Frank 18 a court.
ems and obliging clerk .and is also a
skilful workman, He has the best wish-
es of 11 host of friends who trust that
succas will attood his efforts in hie new
home.- Colborne Enterprise,
Mra. Rivers !s on a nest to Ler
daughter iu Cromarty.
Captain, Hodgins of Hamilton spent
tilt. week end here with his family.
Mrs U. Andrews Goderiuh paid a
visit to friends iu town*
Pte, Hutchison of Stratford utas in
town 011 DI.osiday.
Mre Slterbrook Loudseboro visited
hor mother, Mrs Webb, during tho past
Mrs W, .1, Moffat and Kenneth of
Hamilton aro guests at the home of
Mr and Mre J. A, Wilson.
Mrs Geo. Seip was oa110d to Hamilton
thin week owing to the death of torr
Miseea Florence 1111(1 Minnie Laidlaw
Toronto, aro visiting their mother, Mrs, 611
J. C. Laidlaw.
Mrs,. \Vm. (lovoulock ih spotoling!
n few weeks at Atlantic City.
Mr L, 1'nol,gmond is in 'itratfoid',
this week.
The servioes at St. Thomas were very
bright and the music by tho choir good
on Eaetr. The oflering was $L03,00.
At the toaster exams at the Nettle ru
b118ine18 college Owen timid D'llso
Jessie Wilson of this town won two
prises; one in rapid Business writing and
the other a spelling test of 200 words,
The prises were two beautifully mor-
roceo leather bound hooka of Mode.
worth and Longfellow.
Mrs Robert Mc(iee and Master Jeck
have returned from u visit to friouds in
W nigh am.
Mr W. Robb of Detroit was n guest
at the home of his Isnole, Mr J Robb.
The annual Vestry sit St 'Mosinee
Church was !held ou Tuesday evening
and reports showed a good balance of
$30 on hand, the officiate of las
year were ro appofned
Mr and Mrs R L Clark spent Goo
Friday with their daughter Mrs Jo
Pinkney Stratford, and brought Cru
and Lone back far a weeps visit wit
their grandparents.
A large urowd welcomed Pte, Bohan
an on N1au(Lay evening, 0peeehes wer
made by the Clergy and Meyer Stover
He wits wounded at Ypres.
h after whioh an exoelleut program wi,d
provided. Owing to the uufarorablo
weather many were unable to attend,
0 but about four hundred were preset and
spoke in must culnplimel,tary turnus of
i the Fog, 0,10 given by t1
Buse who worn disappointed by not
being able to attend last Friday uight
will have the priril.'go of raja 11
the 14400 (4(311Sliellt its it to be soy:veto'l
oe Friday t.4smug of this week the
proceeds to go to the 1Ser Auxiliary
A small admission fee of 10 ors n•i,l his
rit,VIR R.,.x.ras
.NNY.lK9au-66WOO ,1180 8868:MIP+,,1414W/8666W11W,:11RWK+i
Thursday, Apr
K.,, d',
Pi2,"O LUP 1 ,TE: a p r1! i'ii
\rill lb,.Z'r b� of l r ttid be r(IOru
1x10. of 1'r61:ld ryi' i.xtrckl, j:
boon .f sti.iree upon
u; F z i,.' a( .__."1 !ii y lin 11' 611.. f , iaa'al':y'.i Uri tho
ur.IvGi1. ca tie ar1;Qrtrante1' of'pill11tl in material and color.
(01 :rev' . r0 ° in a varier or C1;i.1r 't 0^Ic1.
:,tail : _..:,:,I: '1'11: 6111•. ".ocn tat .ca;.r iisrtppuit tan .,..
for 41,' ;It n to 41.19 01' e
t, 1'
,'•n"•iamaa;,941.14.-...19.71. '.W.r,.m•. ",gJ7•L..-."' :1:C.Gi1..,}P ` '1N'p'v^fnnrr
f111P �Vi(i•
To all Points in
Electric Lighted and Comfortably equipped trains
To obtain the fowest fare and the most eonvenint routing appy
to CHAS. A. ABERlART Druggist Agent, or
write to R. L.lFairbairn,Ge1eral Passenger Dept.
O8 Using St, E., Toronto
The Aenuai Meeting ul the ilowlin
sib was held in the Uommetuial Rote
ssday evosiiug with a large 1811(1 tri
08/08110 number of members present
o following officers were ehoasu for
e 0enllug anagen: President J. G
leg; Vice President, W. Amour; See-
tary-Treasurer, J Ni Nloiiilluu; Com-
ttee,Ii Stewart, 11 A Barber, J (4
ulleu,.1 10 Willis, 0 Neil,
Lt was decided at the uleotiug that
if sulfseieit funds eoul(1 be raided by
eabseriptious dnlanget the members, an
extensive scheme of improves -mum to
e green would be undertaken.
rhe following skips were appointed:
U 3)111 a, J Il Taman, It E Bright,
O Neil, H Jeffrey, W Ammal,t, J 0
Geieg, J E Willis, Dr. Griove, Col
Wileon, Dr Burrows,
Stanley Flays and flay Mo Yongh
left on Monday to enlist in Toronto.
Mise Barbara Sproat is home from
Detroit viaitiug her parents Mr and Mrs
Jhon, Sproat,
Mr 1, C Shocker, Detroit, is the
guest of sass Nettie and Oscar Sproat.
Mrs Gibson ie spending the holidays
with her sister, Mre Williams, in Str'at.
Miss Jean, Mao Donald, spent Good
Friday in Stratford.
Mise Sparks was a Stratford visitor
on Good Friday.
Mrs Conine, Toronto spent the Exeter
holiday with her daughter Mies R.
Collins et the Commercial Hotel,
Mies Minnie 340 Kay be a Toronto
visitor this week.
Mise Mary Livens, Hamilton,. 18
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Livens,
Mre 0, Stewart and the Mama
Stewart spent Easter with relatives in
Anniversary Services
Tho Anniversary Services of the
Methodist Sunday School were held by
the School,
Large eud appreciative congregation
were present on Easter Sunday and the
eervioea were of a vary iutereeting
character The beautiful flowers gave
a bright and attrautive appeatanoe to
tee Church
In the morning the members of the
school were present, and the pastor
took ae his subject "Lessons from the
):glowers", 'il,o nude choir added much
to the intermit of the servie88 and tho
singing was greatly enjoyed.
The entertainment on Good Friday
night was a deo dad suco880, Thu
children 1 ere treated. to a sumptuous
tea by the ladiee of the ooagrngatiou,
Another Seaforth Soldier
6iaes Lite
Uu \\'ethletlday meriting the sad Utah
wa8 tecoived of the death of Charles
Ralph who wise killed in 6011031 on
Marini 2811h. Tela news Caine a6 a great
blow to his brother Pte, P. Itulpts ems
had jest been invilded horns.
Sapper U. 1''. Rulplt was one of the
many loyal young men, who w lieu
urgent appeal was trade for reouns
gave up his job with the Bell Teluphoue
Company au(1 joined the Canadian
Engineers and left Ottawa in the spring
of 19 16 for Overseas. He remained
in Snornoliffo till Nov let. and then
then crossed to France, k1e was 0118
of thous heroic lads whu thought Duty
the first Dull and on writing to a friend
a week before his death said, "We may
be in action any hour and if wo fall you
may depend upon it that the boys from
Seaforth will do their duty. Life is
short a; the boat and if we never rutin u
wo have done our bit, and I know wo
shall win if we trust 1n Uod and do win,
is fight,"
He was a member of the L. 0, 0, F
the A. 0. 10, and the to 0, L lodges of
Sou forth.
Much sympathy is oxteeded to hie
brother Ptu Percy Rolph who is the
last of a family of three brothers, who
have served their country, the Ora
v, Lem: 44i 0.111'1 64, n,v f 1
soldiers [Duvet, in Farneo
Life's rare welt ren
Life's wont well deo;.
Life's mewl, wei,woe..
"Trench" Slant(
The latest eomplifiat to get a s -
of its own in this liar of surgic.o
prises is "(roach haell." Many
are under troattneu .111 Brighton
They come ainloet iuvariebly from the
trenches. 1/slimily the in?ury is , at:J
ed by sandbags or masses of earth
burled on the men's backs by burin'
Ing atolls. Some j•;lti0018 have bowl
acct seriously inlurod that they have
to be carried ou stretchers. loortun.
alely, a rapid Ansi effectly_ cure has
been found, and quite helpless men
have recovered after a short course
of treatment.
Yearo of War Had Striking Effect
on Montreal Parade
The Langemarck parade hrougbt
home to those who knew the Montreal
militia the dungen that have been
wrought by the war. Where in years
past a ceremonial parade was lucky
if half a dozen battalions turned out,
that time there were thirty-five units,
,with sixteen battalions and reprosen.
tatives of every other branch of the
service, Malndmg a number that had
not been thought of until the nocerr
stiles of the war gave them birth, it
more notable 100(11re still was tlra
change in personnel. With scab bat-
talions as the Royal Hlghlandere ants
fbr0 V1ee„ there was almost a com-
plete change. The otlicora vrbo had
been in charge before the war had
pone, and many of them have figured
do despatches from the front. Since
Min their places have been filled,
gentled and filled again, oovoral
gomezn.tlons of olilcore having come
end gone forward. Men who in 1916
were subalterns were holding high
plank, while the rank and file showed
Water changes.
Sunday omnibuses to Chigwell, IDs-
tos, says the London General Otani.
Mao Company, are almost entirely
patronised by munition worker,.
The 6th (Reserve) Battalion, City
Laudon Regiment, le known ass the
fson a1Yth.e
+113. 1'. 'I'H1)IINlt'•IMOlrl' Len+hatia,
Criteria, slays.
trait 1 used liontaetead Btre i1lack
p<rliliseh' on half a Haiti of ,,t- ;mit
f+,+o d that 40,. erste was 110/61'3,1' 10A of
/11..61,1 '30411(3' on that part of tl,r hold
( •h;a•i ell the oo.hr' halt. 1 ran' aced
plle-:ee(•d Willi ra•snitt. - WELL 1ATtoFIEI)
t't aNit;111 FEIO(' (1, Stratford, ilnlaif„
1 nerd dome Home/dead 1'erriiiz'r
thio season on say eats and 1 ant wall
s:(tiefied with the result, One would
stand back twenty reds and gee just
where' I sowed it"
t.1NII OF THE BIGt11118T t'lilU'S
[4111' 1 %'l 1LI'l:It, Dud' wood, 01(01.01
'•1 have need Homestead Bunn illatk
1't.-tilizer on (41y wheat and most
hold sue ,.f :ho h;ggf.ct. aropo t 1. 1' 'tell
on my fat tit
J. A. tGOIRGON, Arkoua. Ontavio, soya;
"You ask ale what 1 think of the
Homestead hone Black Fortillser, Well
I have toted it for about five yearn 111(1
the first year I sowed it I shut it off
once aoross the field and my neighbor
Field ho could see that strip eighty rods
away anti you could see it two years
after in the meadow, so 1 think it pays
all right.'
Write Michigan Carbon Works, De-
troit, for free book and particulars
about their Homeotead Bone Bleak
Cheapest al A,1 v,+ --Considering
the curative qualities of Dr. Thomas'
111ol'(frio (111 it is the cheapest of all
preparations offered to the public.
It h+ to be forma in ovary drug store
in {: (unite front coast to (meet and ail
onusitty merchants Keep it for aisle. So
being "1(911y proonrahle avid extremely.
moderato in pride, no ons shottld be
without a bottle of it,