HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-04-12, Page 3YOUNG FOLKS
No enterprise over unclertttken it
America was more fruitful of pit
turasquo incident, hardship and to
venture than the famous pony express
lino established in the fifties,
Tho !route extended from the Mis-
souri River to Sacramento, a dletance
of uinteen hundred and sixty miles.
It traversed a country full of hostile
Indians and white desperadoes, and
led across plains, through valleys and
over lofty mountains, Yet over 'this
rough route the mail and express
packages muilt travel two hundred
Miles a day, a condition that called for
an average riding pace of about ten
miles an Hour, writes "Buffalo Bill,"
in i uuth'e Companion.
Nalural'ly, the riders were picked
mon. They had to face deadly clan-
gers and woro often called upon to do
double duty in place of n slain or
wou•nrled comrade. The pay, how-
ever, was good, as befitted so danger-
ous a calling; it ranged from one hun-
dred to one hundred and twenty-five
dollars a monih.
I wan .about sixteen years old when
I - applied -for n chance to enter this
service. My mother and sisters
needed my help, and the good wages
paid by the pony express company
tempted Inc.
I accepted the offer, and it was on
this route tlutt, quite early in my ex-
perience as an express rider, I met
with a meet peculiar adventure.
My flit trip was made a little
ahead of the schedule time, and I im-
mediately rfert°acd back with the west-
bound pouch. As day after day
passed wi!bvlet serious mishap, I be-
gan to -think less of holdups and
Indian anilmsrarles and feel more in-
clined to congratulate myself on hav-
ing secured go good a 1'outc.
But one morning, as I was cross-
ing n rough hit of country on the gal-
lop, there came suddenly the cry of
"Marti Up with your hands, boy!"
A man had risen apparently from
the one ground under my feet. While
he covered mo with the revolver that
he held in his right hand, he extended
his left to catch my birdie rein
There was nothing to do but obey,
although I know that the pouch eon-
tamed a large sum of money.
"Give me that pouch, boy!"
I held it out, but as he extended
his hand for it my opportunity came
I kickedethe revolver from his grasp,
drove the spurs in deep and made a
I wa., just beginning to chuckle over
my escape when a bullet whistled by
my ear. That was too much for me.
I should have known better than to
stop, but without thinking I wheeled
in my saddle and returned the shot as
the dosperedo fired again. This time
he hit my pony, which gave one leap
and then fell heavily.
Luckily I landed on my feet, and
jumped to the shelter of a big rock.
The outlaw was coming toward me
and trying to fire as he ran; but I
noticed that at each pull of the trigger
his revolver missed fire. I believed
that I had him at my mercy, but, as
the event showed, I was too quick at
drawling conclusions.
I wanted to capture him and march
him to the next relay station, where
the nre a would take charge of him.
With this in mind I refrained from
firing, raid en he was enabled to reach
the cover of the snmo boulder behind
which I not at'r had taken shelter.
For ,: lime neither of ns dared to.
move. Then gradually and as silent-
ly as gin a t ! I (•rawlecl hack from the
roelc fee t •l eeeh so that I could watch;
both ei 1 f bt ut once. I cook! not
tell, of en, which way he might
Believe in Prepared-
repare( -lness? Are you ready for
Mr. Germ? Catching cold
is a crime. Fortify your-
self against cold germs and
other germs by eating
Shredded Wheat 8liscuit,
the food that supplies the
necessary warmth and
strength to resist disease.
A better balanced ration
than meat or eggs at a much
lower cost. For breakfast
with milk or cream.
Made in Canada.
Practical Advice for Amateur Growers
of Vegetables and Flowers.
It is desirable that the frost should
leave the soil of the vegetable garcon
as 0000 as possible, therefore any-
thing that eleven i:s the full force of
the sun's ray reaching the soil should
be removed. Warm sun and rains
will soon rid the open spaces of all
frost, and dry them sufficiently to
justify digging.
Clear the ground and give the stat
a chance if you are anxious for an
early start in the garden. Rubbish
heaps, boards, straw or litter of any
sort on the surface of the garden will
tend to keep the frost in the soil
where these coverings exist long after
the exposed surface has become frost -
free. Litter is scattered over the sur-
face of perennial beds to keep the
frost in as long as possible. This is
done because alternate thawing and
freezing is injurious to these perman-
ent plants. In most cases the cover-
ing should remain until the spring;is
sufficiently advanced so that anything
'in the nature of a heavy frost is un-
Thera is no reason why an attempt
should be made to turn over the whole
garden at once. A much better meth-
od is to first dig a plot sufficient for
radishes, lettuce, cress, onions, etc.
This plot should be raked smooth,
firmed and planted just as soon as it
is ready. It will be ready for plant-
ing when the soil has become warmed
up and not ono minute before,
Garden seeds are too expensive this
season to be wasted, but that is what
will happen when the amateur fails
to mix his commercial fertilizer with
the soil in the furrows. If the seeds
cone into contact with the fertilizer,
all their vitality will be burned out of
them. This is a common error and ex-
plains why a great many seeds fail to
sprout. The seedsman is not always
to blame.
A.common cause of poor results in
vegetable gardening is too deep plant-
ing of the seeds. Germination will be
much better in the spring when the
plan of shallow planting is adopted.
Later in the season, when the soil be-
comes warm, the seeds should go in
deeper. With Large seeds like peas
and corn, it is often advantageous to
sow them in a little trench, filling it
n as the plants grow until the ground
is level.
Put all your wood ashes on the gar-
den, and if you get any quantity of
soot when you clean out your furnace
or chimney spread it around the mos
or the aster plants.
choose to cone if he decided to force
the field ld l p, and i knew that I must i
be preear,•d far him, whichever way it
Bat a' { lay there watchieg, ntv.;
pour pmee gave what seemed an al-
most ts''•m..,, moan and tanned his;
faithf`t( veee. upon me, Ile made n
desperele,rain attempt to rise and
uttered n low neigh so full of grief
and pale that it filled me with pity for
his, and h:r,lened my heart toward
the man on the other side of the rock,
T daerntiued to put the horse out of
his mieery, turd, resting on one elbow,
1 tock ce efni aim and sent n bullet
throng): 1(
Int ultly my shot was followed by
one firm the other eids of the rock—
so quiekly bet .feet that the two r•apo.rte
were canned. simultaneous. I could
not tell whether it had been aimed at
me or not, but I knew I was not hit.
The all n gies of my pony had ceas-
ed, and everything was still, I wsit-
ed and 0att 111)1 until I could stand it
�ry no longer. Then I began slowly and
cautinuely to creep rotund the rock,
,holding my revolver ready to fire o 1
the inaten1. I even stuck my hitt out
ahead of mo as a decoy, but it brought
no reepenee.
Another step brought me within :full
sight of the nam Ile lay on his back,
quite dead, his revolver beside him as
if it had just fallen from his hand,
A little examination showed me
what had happened. - The outlaw had
Hees reloading his revolver when I
fired at the poly. In those days the
only ammunition was powder and ball,
which bud to be forced home with a
ram rod. During the loading the
weapon was held upright, and when
that part of the operation had heen
completed the caps were placed on the
The outlaw had not; removed the
caps that had failed to explode. My
shot la,d startled hits. Ile had ac-
cidentall'y pulled the trigger, and his
own bullet had slain him.
Gathered The Materials.
"Grocery butte' is so unsatisfac-
tory, dear," said Mrs. Foungbride, "1
decided to -day that we would make
our own."
"Oh, did you?" said her husband.
"'VOA; I bought a churn and order -
e•1 buttermilk to be left here regular-
ly, Won't it be nice to have really
fresh butter?"
"There's a Reason"
1«Il 1..ti'...
Grape -Nuts
contains the rich
supplies of
phosphate of
potash grown
in wheat and
Its mission is
therefore clear
and plain --it
supplies what
ordinary food
And it does its
work in a
way, as tens
of thousands
of its users
can. testify.
War I111s Broken Down The Class i
i)islinelicll,l of Peaceful Days,
To illustrate the fact that soldiers
of very 11111'000115 social elasse5, after
fighting side by side, often !lemma af-
fectIollate :Mende the author of Notes
on 1110 Wal, a Frenchwoman, tells the
following sl.oryl
A very jovial young soldier used to
entertain his companions most delight;
e h 'ht -
fully by his irrespreeetible g„lvety.
One •day 1111 spirits failed. \Vlwn
ono of his comrades tucked the reason,
he said:
"In time of peace 1 am a clown in a
music 11x11. It's any business to 011
11)111in people; but to -day J got a let-,
ter from my wife telling of the illness
of our two children, - She can't go
Mit to work, and things look black.
That's why I cant joke to -day.”
Some days later the same comrade
said, "You are merry to -day. What's
"Why, a letter from my wife say:1 a
man called and handed her three Ilan- -
dred-franc notes from his client, M.
Tean Breton; se things are bright
again for es, But who can M. Bre-
ton b"
The a?other soldier was silent for a
moment, but finally said, "Don't
worry, mate. I am ,Jean Breton. I
am rich enough to afford le Now
cheer us with one of your comic songs,
I What Ile Was Going To Do.
Princess Patricia' of Connaught ],as'
an autograph album and in her child-
hood clays, she used to rule this book
out into neat little divisions, one for
each signature. 'When she asked the
Kaiser to write his name, he scrawled'
it right across the page, and surround-
ed it with three bold cireles--quite. it
respective of the neatly -drawn little -
• departments. At the time Princess
Patricia -was much grieved, but from
subsequent events she consideree this
page of her album a symbol of what
the "All Highest" was going to do to.
A Tonic Medicine is a Necessity
at This Season.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are an all year round tonic,
blood -builder and nerve -restorer. But
they aro especially valuable in the
spring when the system is loaded with
impurities as a result of the indoor
life of the winter months. There
le no other season when the blood is so
much in need of purifying and en-
riching, and, every dose of these pills
helps to make new, rich, rod blood,
In the spring one feels weak and tired
—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give
strength. In the spring the appetite
is often poor—Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills develop the appetite, tone the
stomach and aid weak digestion. It
is in the 'pring that poisons in the
blood find an outlet in disfiguring
pimples, eruptions and boils—Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the
El in becausa they go to the root of
the trouble in the blood. In the
spring anaemia, rheumatism, indiges-
tion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many
other troubles aro most persistent be-
cause of poor, weak blood, and it is
at this time when all Mature takes on
new life that the blood most seriously
needs attention. Some people close
themselvea with purgatives at this
season, but these only further weaken
themselves. A purgative merely
gallops through the system, empty-
ing the bowels, but it does not cure
anything. On the other hand Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills actually mtdce
new bleed which reaches every nerve''
and organ in the body, bringing new
strength, new health and vigor to
weak, easily tired men, women and
children. Try Dr. %Villiams' Pink
Pills thi; spring ---alley will not disap-
point you,
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 110 1(01118 a 1(033 00 33133 loxes
for $2.50 by The 1)r. Willu,ms' ,Medi-
cine Co., 'Brockville, Ont.
Iloa to Combat the Ravages of This
Destructive Enemy.
The corunon cabbage worm, the
most destructive insect enemy of cab-
bage and related crops begin.; it, de- i
predations as soot es the young i
plants are set (101 111 the spring. Stops
to combat 1t sltoald 11e taken at an
equally early date. Spraying; with 11
solution of two'pounds of powdered
arsenate of lead, four pounds of 1u•-
eenete of lead in pnetc foram, or one
.pound of Paris to an to fifty gallon:
of water should be begun as soon as
the plants tyre set out and should hi '
repeated as often as examination of
the pltlnle shows it to be necessary,
The co roes cabbage "worm" is the
first generation usually develops on
wild plants.
Hand picking may be practleed suc-
cessfully in small gardens. Where
sprays are employed they should ho
apelled ill a fine mist, since rnarse'
applications tend to gather ill drop,
en the !caves nip! run off.
larva of a while butterfly having
I Neel; tiered wings.. The buiterflies
Appear on waren spring days and con -
those Ahcu1 r atllens and fields until
inter several severe: loll 11.ost,;. Eggs
urn laid en cabbage and related plants
00110.00 they latch in feom feta to
becoming* full grown in Prone tan to
fourteen days after hatelting, 'fheee
It eats voraciously told ;,10 ;:• rapidly,
For Wideawakes to Memorize.
Slay, boys, ilid yatl ever 131011 111 think
That we are the comings Inert?
That we've only a few churl yours to
Ourselvee for the work, and thou
The fate of the world will re(tt in the
Of those who are hays 111 311ay?
I toll you it makes 11 fellow reel that
He wants to be armed for the fray!
We ecu not nll'ord to Iv mem. uul.18ives
With habits that work us harm;
We need to he true of head and belu•t.
With a steady, strong right arm1
Wo need to be mon - real, honest mon,
With a love of life and Ila joys,
But ever ready to stand for the right;
And in order to do that, boyo,
We've got to hee,i 1 right now, or else
No, I um not "I'n 08)110r
And don't let's forget in our work or
oar play
'.!'hal we are the coming men I
No other medicine gives as great
satisfaction to mothers as docs Ilaby'a
Own 'Tablets, These Tablets are equal-
ly good For the newborn babe or the
grow Ing child, They are absolutely
frac from injurious drugs and cannot
possibly do harm --always good, con-
cerning them Mrs,. Jos. llernenu, St.
Panpltile, Que,, writes: "I have need
Baby's Own Tablets and ant well satis-
fied with them and w'ouid Syn no other
Medicine for my Utile ones." The 'Tab-
lets are sold by medicine dealers oe by
mail at 21 cents a hex from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine C!o:, llroekville, Ont
Accident Which J''oretells Similar
Horrors in Shell -Swept Europe.
Greediness wiped out half the popu-
lation of a small villt.ge in China, ac-
cording to Capt, Frit); Uttmarlc There
were only thirty people in the village,
a retired spot on the Hwang River,
anti of the thirty, fifteen were instant -
The Chinese government had been
making experiments with some new
shells. A mile from the village a
company of soldiers had been doing
target practice with the shells, and had
then been sent to garrison a fort some
distance away. !luring the target
practice the soldiers would not let the
villagers get nearer than half a mile
to the guns, and the people, all ignor-
ant collies, had no idea what the shoot-
ing meant.
Some months after the target prac-1
Dee had ceased and the villagers had
forgotten about it, two coolies, dig -1
ging in a field, came upon a bright,
round object. It was very heavy,
and pointed at one end. Neither
knew what the object was As a
matter of fact it was an eight -inch
shell that had not exploded.
"It is mine," said the man who had
dug the shell up. i
"No, it is mine! I saw it first!" cried,
the second coolie, "You would not
have known it was there if I had not
seen it."
"And you would not have seen it if
I had not dug it up."
For half an hour the two argued,
each advancing his claim in high-pitch-
ed, squealing tones. At last they
agreed to let an aged Chinaman, who
was said to be very wise, settle the
question for them.
"You must divide it equally," was
the verdict •of the old mat, •
Then came the question as to how
they should divide it. They tried to
break it with a rock, but the shell
could not be crushed that Way.
"Let the blaelennith divide it," sug-
gested the old Hann.
To the blacksmith they went.
"I do not work for nothing," declar-
ed the smith, "I will divide it into
three parts: one for the man who
found it, one for the man who saw it
first and. one for me."
That arlan1,.-nent had almost been
decided upon when the old man who
had given the decision in the case ob-
jected. If the blacksmith wee to
have a third, then he himself ought
to have a piece for settling the dis-
"Deivitle it into tour parts," urged
tl'e man. "One for the finder', one
1'r,r the man who saw it Rest, one for
the blacksmith and one part for me."
To that they till agreed.
283 (Sing Street East, Toronto
Post Orderly (to last -joined recruit,
whose letters, addrossod "14r. Jones,"
having caused the former much trou-
ble in discovering the right owner)—
My lad, every man has a rank. You
must tell your friends to put 'Private'
on your letters. "Very good,
Sergeant," The next lettere arrive:
"Strictly Private—Mr. Jones,"
s Tell o11 his anvil, and round him path-
o'ed all the people of the village. Ile
I a vung his heavy hammer in the air
and brongllt it dawn on the shell.
The explosion killed all but two of
the collies who were in the bla.ckemith
shop and 1(00ed tudf a dozen others
who were standing at the door and
the two windlass,
For a long time the Chinese gov-
ernment (o(dd loot find out the cause
of the ac : itlene, The natives were
convinced that a miniature sun had
fallen from the cloud•, and, offended
by the rough handling it had received,
i had become angry, and annihilated the
guilty ones with dolt relatives awl
friends. The mystery was not ex-
. plained until a small part of the ;:holt
casting was found.
At the flub of the Empire Are. Found
All Sorts and Conditions of Men,
It is ru: love how igneratll the born
Londoner is of hie own city, All the
wonders of the world are gathered in
London, vet the Cockney tabes long
journeys in order to see then!
In peace times he would go to
France, to Belgium, to Norway, to
Switzerland, while all the time he
could take a 'bus and visit these coun-
tries in London, though certainly min-
us their natural scenery.
But the essential atmosphere was to
be laund within a short radius of Pie-
cadt:y Circus. Ilow many Londoners
ce:id say off -hand where to find the.
Swiss Quarter, the Scandinavian
Quarter, the Chinese Quarter, the
Russian Quarter, the Dutch Quarter,.
the Armenian Quarter, or what now
remains of the German Quarter?
Wherever the Continental peoples
wander they take their own country
with them and reconstitute it, while
the Briton invariably fits himself into
native backgrounds. Thus you will
find the true Paris in Soho; the real
Russia in Stepney and Bethnal Green;
the glamor of Italy in Clerkenwoll;
the spirit of Holland in Spitalfields;
the mysterious Orient in Limehouse;
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark in
Shadwell; Switzerland off Tottenham
Court Road; the repellent atmosphere
of Germany in Great Charlotte Street;
and the Armenian Settlement is—well,
I wonder how many Londoners can
locate that interesting colony?
0•-0-0-"'-0-•-0-0 0^--0-0--0-0--0--0
° Cincinnati man tells how to dry
o up a corn or callus so it lifts
o off with fingers.
O--O—a--o—a--0--0-- 0-0-0- -0--0.-0
A Great Sight.
j The old gentleman beamed neon 111e
I little boy who stood on the ores( of the
11111 one night tit 3(1111gl11, a happy, eon -
re gi
olo-tended sm110 uu 11111 li)s.
"1 aro very pletteed to see you wately-
111g the beautiful red glow of the set-
ting sun, my little man," he said, pal-
ling the youngster's back. "1.10 you
watch it every night ?"
The 11t11e lad vino:ltied.
Montreal Man TeRs
Wonderful Story
Bad Case of Bright's , Disease
Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
George Sullivan, Who Suffered From
The Dread Disease for Two Years
Gives Credit for His Recovery to
1las hceaCaaada'3
favorite yees1 for
more than forty
Enough for 5c. to
f?ihillEfICOMPAif(ll!4116 produce 50 large
ria0"T(,, o or ,, ee''
1i�I. leavet of fine,
MAD(? 114 CANADA who101ome goer-
ishi11g home made bread, Do
not experiment, there is nothing
just as good.
WWp..0 MoNTnenc tlIlil4 {¢
Must Coin a Word.
Being no longer "suhjeets," for the
time being at least, the Russians are
embarrassed to find that their lan-
e grunge contains no such word as "citi-
zen," or its equivalent.
Minard'S Liniment Cures Sarno, rte.
Dcdd's Kidney Pills. I `➢ "' `°"" ""�
?11)1111-01.011N'_. NS•IWS AND JO14
Montreal, Que., Ape, Pith, (Special.) 1. of l',.s roc Este to r;n"'i (,eettrio
--•Completely cured of that: m" t
�ii„','net ui'ulll and
dreaded of all diseases, Bright's D15- ufldt at1„n t” S1 ilsnn r Shushing
ease of the kidneys, IV Jr. Georgs Sul- 5'0(133, 73 A, dhoti, Street. Toronto.
livan, 281 tel
Sf. Valiers St., this city, ACIENTS WANTED
ie spreading the good news that he
found his cure in D000's Kidney Pills.
"I suffered from Bright's Disease
for two star.(,," Mr. Sullivan states In
an interview. "I was unable to work
for weeks at a time. I spent hun-
dreds of dollars on doctors without re-
ceiving any real benefit and received
candour treatment at the Montreal
General Hospital,
"I was feeling very badly discour-
aged when a friend advised me to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills.. After using
three boxes I was mach better. 1
kept on till I had- used nine boxes,
hen I was completely cured.
"Naturally - I consider Dodd's ICicl-
ney Pills a wonderful remedy."
Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure-all,
They cure kidney diseases of all kinds
from backache to Bright's Disease,
The -proof of this is their growing I r
popularity in Canada for over quar-
ter of a century. If you a haven't
used them ask your neighbor about
I d APE—. QU I('K — Ci 11.S ti. TiiAT'S
why my /deal Lamp Filler sells
,rra;where /loops ane used. kills 1111
(111-31(ck. d- lamps w•iih ut removing
1)1111)3nt. 4,0l n t•. bend (cede!: and trY
one, postp,id, Iletunded if un-
•nasi , Lr r). Men and w 31(11 eon pl•o-
(1tal0- bundle Our goods, 3trig• 1111. 1!!-
(11111(1ti n. Freer Factories. Sou blain
Si- Foster, qua,
B Hend. $12.90 up. Send for special
price list Varsity Cyule Works, 413
11(410nu Ave.. Toronto.
d `AN01:It, T5?M10180, LUMPS. PITO.,
�J internal and extern.., cured w-it11-
(413 pain by sur 110010 treatment, IA rite
us before too late. Dr. neiiman Medical
('o., Limited, Colldngwood, Ont,
ork man. Good wages and steady
,0011 to a good man. Apply. Hendrle R.
00„ Limited, I0am1lton.
• Spite is anger which is afraid to
show itself, ,t is an impotent fury
conscious of its impotence.
eight days.
1031 corn -pestered Alen and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the slices
that nearly pilled you 1)efcre, says this
Cincinnati authority, because a few
drops of frcezone applied directly on a
tender, aching corn or callus, stops
sor'enes's at epee 0I11! soon rho corn 01'
hardened callus ;ac:ens 5e it can be
lined off, root and all. without pain, '
A small bottle of ?remote costs very
little at any drug stole, but will pos1-
lively take off every bard or soft corn
or callus. This should be tried, as it
is inexpensive end is said not to irri-
tate the surrounding skin.
If your drupelet hasn't any freeeoue
toll 111111 to ger a small bottle for you
from his w1(0100aln drug house. It is
fine stuff and act, like a charm every
River Beds.
In Siberia some of the rivers Ire
said to flow over ice- many years old
and almost as solid as rock. A tri-'
butary of the Lena is reported to have
a bed of pure ice over nine font thick.
lIf ' l Two Eyes for a Liretles
Elm titnrin Is fur Tired tImo
nett slats -MtrP 193Y5,.–
n wy Ifae nests
.t " I
Granulated Iter . h,v—urbwres.
b ap Kurin.isaNavorltP'rrmu-
i meat ter ayes that'fPol dry
Ey Ribs time the entire village had
)010110• gree+tly exciter!, the. relatives
of all four men crowding into the lit-
lie blacksmith shop to :.ce that justice'
was done. The blacksmith laid the
Would yon like to end that ter-
rible itching, that burning pain; to
heal those horrid sores?
You have tried all sorts of fatty
ointments, 10110139 and powders. Put
then) aside now and give Nehn•e a
chmnee as represented by Zanrliuk.
Zinn -1311k Is made from herbal es-
sences: is a natural healer. Is not
something yon have to send to the
end of the world for, and Inv- a
I11a0y price! )(:very drui;r,lst trill
soil you 'lan1-Bilk aad for 50e. only..
,I1103 give iI. a fair trial and lnel-
ilcnily give yourself ease 1133 the
quickest route. See name 011 box:•'
ISSUI'1 No. 111-'17.
and smart. sive your ]dyes a,, much or your lavins
h arae re 3nlenr .
caro 318 your Tooth and wit4t the � Y
Care for Them. Vett Cannot Buy Now Eyes:
Bold at Drug. and Opti cal Stores or 4y Mini. At..
Murine Ere Remedy Co., Chicago, ,or Free Sind
Advu•sity sometimes gives a man
courage; prosperity too often takes it
out of him.
Minard's Liaimont S,elieves Neuralgia.
Preserving Eggs.
Chinese ship fresh eggs long dis-
tances in geed condition by coating
them with a paste made of sea salt,
t egetablo ashes incl water.
SEND a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five dollars costs three
cent -
Read all the Hooke en every Shelf ---
But Lu your 'Ib1lllang far yourself.
Russia's Railway Plates.
The Russian Council of Ministers,
has allpen ed 1a plan for ennstrurting
20779 utiles of new railway during
the 110xt. live years uta cast of *300,-
000,000, says the New Fork World. - A
•revolulio Illy Go 1,11110V111 which
concerning itself with these projects
of peace is appnrently 011 a s=ubstan-
tial foundation:
satimid'e v1110103 for sale everywhere,
The caterpillar is velvety green,
about the color of the cabbage foliage.
Good roads make better markets,
better schools, better churches, better
neighbors and better living.
I was cured of Acute Bronchitis
Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia
Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIELS.
I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism
Albert Co., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY
"What are these?" "Elderberries,
mum . "Ch," said the young house-
keeper, "I want some young berries,
Miaard'o Liniment Cares Dandruff,
"So it's the fifth grade for you 110w•,
Laois? Will you be in fractions or
"Neither, sir. It'll be in beadwork
and perforated squares,"
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
'M.n8893 f�ll.�f�
Por All Boller Peed Waters
Cyclone ShaLing and Daunping Grate
Pars for all requirements
Canadian Steam Boiler Equipment
.o., Ll ,ilitad
Tol,Gerrard 88680
130 II,0Gee St. - Toronto
BOYS a'.,
—the greatest weekly paper
in Canada. Make big money
in spare time. Write at
IeapnneAL lvevre CO.. Ltd.,
87 Queen St. East, Toronto.
And How, to Feed
3011(3 free to any address by
Amedss's the ,author
Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc.
Street, '39g Remediess 11S Wort 31st Street, New York
Dry stubs strain
1. The horses
2. The harness
3, The w.igon
helps all three factors
in the haul.
It smooths t he axle
MICA is the i011)01lant part
Of title grease.
Limit ed
IBRANt'.i110' .;R011(IItOY'T
Sore shoulders, lame back,
stiff neck, all pains and aches
yield to Sloan s Liniment,
leo not rob it. Simply apply to
the sore spot, it quickly penetrates
and relieves. Cleaner than mussy
plasters or ointments, it does not
stain the skin. 1
Keep a bottle handy for rheumatism,
sprains, bruises, toothache, neuralgia, gout,
lumbago and sora 1(111 100110101,
At ell druggists, 25c, 50c, and $1.00.
'. t1' CATAIMIRAX, F,I::vISt,.
11 i f(ytlap PINT EXE, SSYSpPSNf3
( e e t .�ae+ at F! Ir t1 E V' R
And a❑ diseases of the horse a/fooling his throtlspeedily
cured, , oils and horses in same stable hent cram Having
(11511) b1' tiding SPOY0N'S DSSTEI15PE01 ootero feree; n .:tet
9 doses often ctti•e, Sure for brood )1)1001, baby colts, slal-
lions. ,,I1 ages and conditions. Most skillful scientific com-
pound. Any druggist wilt supply you.
SPO0tN n,"E)2C,a.L Co., (*00110n, Ind., Lf. it, ..&