HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-04-12, Page 1W. T. BOX & Co. Furniture Dealers Phone 50 1111 New Series Volume 152 No. WANTE 50 (i1RLS! s1EeTIe'JN WORK Nice easy work Ti child could almost do lie work. Corm and take one Section as follows t 5 girls to put in hip pockets. 5 girls to pint in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters. 5 girls to loin garments together, 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o 'girls for pants making. Till nice clean)work and easy land steady aill year round., 50 hours per week We have girls making over ten dollars a week Why can't you ? Apply or Write to W. E. SANOFORO .MFCQ' 00" Fred Robinson, Manager SEtAFORT II ONTARIO tera 1' art -menta ural . laneWmeeant9=111 217111SeeL Fr 'r..} Smile? VERYONE responds to face-to-face courtesy. How pleasant it is to meet the cordial, genial tame. Ei And over the telephone --how one appreciates the courteous, pleasant, friendly voice ! tt1 Telephone Courtesy, promptness in answer- ing. the pleasant, cordial tone—these have been the making of many a modern business and this fact is being appreciated more and more every day. Get the smile into your voice. Practice cordiality, friendliness over the wire, and insist that all those who use your telephone clothe same. The Bell Telephone Co. "Geed narrxe ". • .:r intent. rterneasselew (ir'� '•4Rt .. ...m �(1 Rfis[:w'iilFrl 102 yr..:u'.r._7. ..: r, h9 11l'se " REST7-RWR2 NT 11ND eaNFEeTI)NERY An up-to-date Restaurant in town for good Me ills, ili cachets and homemade candy Special Regular Dinner every Saturday Fresh bruits of all kinds always on hand, Our home made eandioe always the hest, Ohocalates, Carmels. Bou -Boum & Tallies a specialty. GI tying installed an up•to.date plant for makin g ICE CREAM TRY IT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT next door to Cardnos Bros • AUCTION STILE dire. Vaneiekle will sell by auction sale all her Household fnruiture on Saturday April 1411), 1017 at 2 p. m' I. Brown Auctioneer. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRIL 12 1917 St.,laures' Catholic Church, Seatorth Easter Sunday was celebrated by two eervloes in the forenoon, and Vospore in the evening, At 10,30 High blase sung by Rev, P. Corcoran some beautiful Easter seleotiots were rendered by the choir. The Rev, P. Oorooran preached on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb substantially, an follows; "You soak Josue of Nazareth, who was crucified; He is risen, He ie not here," (St. Mark XVI. 6 ) The holy eeaeon of Lent, which end- ed yesterday, was observed by the Catholic Church in the spirit of self- denial and mortiSeation, beoaneo it was a preparation for the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Cbr!at, which culminated on Good Friday by his death on the cross, and yet we call the day 'good, because by his sufferings, he showed his intense love for us, and paid the penalty due to the sin of Adam, as represntative of the race. Thus the Apostle S1, Paul tells u0 (14.om' VI, 23) 'For the wage of sin is death, but the grace of God, everlasting life in OIu'tetJesus, our Lord.' °tl'oated only by the power of God, who, thus, at times, ";tests the truth of Hie dootrille81 whiah preached by His missionaries or am- bassadors. Christ's miraelea wore numerous and aetouiehing, He gave sight to the blind, hearing to .the deaf and ap000h to the dumb, oared pars- lytics and on several °mundane oven raised the dead to life, On Miami 00- eimi008 there was nearly always oonsid. arable morose° in the number of those, who believed in Him, But His Maur rection from the dead, by his own mover, transcended all Hie other tvon- droua works. By Hie sofferings and death on the cross, he proved bimell s mortal man, but by raising himself from the dead, ho proved himself to bo God and tbo Redeemer of mankind. It wee anotabie miracle, that he foretold hie own death many times,but more won drone still, that He, always, added a prophecy of His Resurrection. But to -day, the of sepoot Church is changed, She has put as off the. gar- ments of mourning and puts robes of exaltation, and her service is inter- opersed with Ailelnfns of joy fn imitation of the joyful anthem, which he beloved Aspoetle S1. John hoard in vision of heaven (Apra. XIX 6)'Allel Ila for the Lord, our Clod, the omni- potent hath reigned,' lu like manner King David gloried in the future triumph of Christ (Pe. X0I. r), 'Let the earth rejoice, lot many islands ho glad-' The words of my text wore addressed to Mary Magdalene and several other holy weete'I, wb" had witncseed the crucifixion of Jenne and behold the spot, where he was buried; and early on Sunday morning, they came to his tomb, with apices, in order to anoint his body; they expected to have some difficulty in removing the heavy stone that closed the entry to the tomb, but to their great surprise they found the stone already rolled book, whereupon, they entered and saw there an angel, in the form of young man, who told their purpose in coming; 'You seek Jesus of Nazareth; be not afraid; He is risen, He is not here, • RED CROSS Secretary's Report for March The resurrection of Jesus is a truth of the greatest importance to the Christian Religion beiug the basis and the found- ation of our faith un Hiro, as our Re- deemer end Saviour, for 52. Paul ease 10 1 Cor. XV and following v8. -neo: "1 do. livered to you, first of all, which, I, also, roceivtd, how that Uhriet died for our slue, raid that He wall buried and that 1io rose, again, the third day ac0ording to the tieripturt:.,," aid that lie was seen by Caption (Petur) and after that by the eleven 'Then Hu was seen by more thou Sue brethren at at408, of whom, many remain until the present and ea1118 aro fe11su Weep, (1 Uor. XV, la) "And now, if Christ be not be prey -ed that he arose from the deed, how do some among you, say there f8 no reenr- reetion of the dead. But if there is 00 resurrection of the (lead thou Christ is not risen 8gai ll and if he be nut risen again, thou is our preaching vain and your faith, also, is vain. Yee, and we are found false witnesses of God, bo - cause WO have given testimony He hath raised up Uhriet, whom, he hath hot raised up, if the dead rise not again. And if Uhriet be not risen, your faith is van, for you are, yet, in your slue, therefore, also, they, who have slept in Christ, are perished." ,11256 'Suits of Ppjamas, 42 Flannel .+huts, 10 Draining Gowns, 102 Pairs of So0101, 283 '.Towels. 36 Pomona! Bilge, 6 Paint of Wrietlete, 6 Quilts, 6 Own - fort Hage, Outlined), Edna De Lacey Secretety Thus in St Matt. XX. 10 "Behold we go up to Jerusalem and the son of man shall be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes ad they shall con- demn Him to death and shall deliver Him to he Gentiloe to be mocked and to be soourged and to be crucified and on the third day, he shall rise again." Over and over again, does He make this propbeoy, as to Mark 1X, 30 and rill Beater it is fulfiilled to the let- ter, Even the Jews, his bitter enemies, admit that He made this prophecy, for in St. Matthew (XXV1I) they nay to Pilate, "Sir, we kava remembered that this seducer said, while no wee, yet, olive; 'after three days .I will rise again' Command, therefore, that the sepulchre he guarded until the third day, lest his dtseiples come and steal Him away and say to the people; he is demi from the dead the last error shall ?.,: worse than the firet " Pilate yielded to their wish and a guard was set expressly to pre. vent any (Reception on their part iu regard to Hia Resurrection. How, then, did Chest's bet? M_` , ppeer from the tomb? This is a foot, which can be ascertained only by the testimony of reliable witness°• and if the witnesses were not themselves deceived nor deoievers, their testimony moat be true, the great 00411211, will 10 five or nix cent• arias hence, teem to be as mythical as it is unprecedented, It will be doubt- ed by many and regarded as the pro - duet of a lively imagination. Yet, it is an undeniable fent and it will handed down, in history a8 Beall Waimea it will be attested by numerous witneseer whose testimony cannot be shaken. So it le with the foot of the resurreeti004 Especially to His Apootles, Christ gave promise that 118 110 went before them into heaven, he would prepare for. them a place in his heavenly King- dom, where they would be judges of mankind, If He had not riven from the dead, they wdnld have known that His promisee were vain and illusory, and they oonld have 00 motive for ooh. tinuing to love and serve him as their Lord and Master, They would not, therefore, preach deceptively Hie t. div- inity ivinity and resurrection. We must, therefore, infer the truth of their teaching; and as it is part of their teaching that Christ lase glorious and immortal from the dead, we sing heart- ily with the 0huroh of God and apply the worde of the prophet to our Risen .Lord and Master: "This is the day the Lord has made, let tie he glad and re. joke) therein. ELLIOTT-CHARLES On Wedu08day Mr. Willard Elliott was [Harried to Miss Mary Charles nt Egmondvillo hyRev , ;l'fr Argo. 11,,tli parties belong to 8eaforth and their friends wish them all the joys of their new life. lEi[� r And who are the witnesses that Christ rose from the dead? We have, first His Apostles, His constant friends and companions and besides there wino many hundreds of His disciples. St. Paul tells us that more than 500 bre- thren saw Him at once, after his resur- rection and certainly most of these saw Him dead on the arose and placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimethee. 1 They saw bine, also, frequently during the 40 days that be remained on earth between his reaurreatiol and Ascension I 'o luta heaven. The Apostles and manly l r thsciplen conversed with Hitu, listened; :- to 1140 sacred teachings Lind ate with V.' Him et this table. There could be uc t` mistake, about, Hie death or bun 101 0„ the fact of his having risen from the grave. It was a publicly known fact, about which there mould ba 110 deneptllln, for the Apeetlec decl8retl themselves to be witness therof as sr, Peter declared It Acts I1. 22. But were these eye slid c01,LemperOils wit - mews deceivers? Did they give false testimmly to facts, which they die- lnouestly invented? A mew may be really to suffer death fc:r a speculative opinion, which be be- i0vee to be true; out it 15 contrary to Inman nature to suppose that a multi: tilde of men who have all the char- aeterietlos of • honesty and sincerity, should conspire to attest as a feat, a wall -known falsehood, whiah will hong them the sure penalty of death without any hope of a reward. In fast all the Apostles, except St. Jobe, actually, rut• fared death for declaring this truth. If ()twin rose not from the dead, these witnesses would have seen that he was an impostor and could have no hope of reward from Him as their Saviour, Here we may remark that some un' believers in Christianity have raised the objection that all miracles are myths or fables and that so twlikely 00 event as the reaurreetion of Christ from the dead can bo nothing else than a fabulous logouit 7o this I answer that there are many events, which, in the eourae of ague became observed. For example, the unparalleled world's war which io, now, being waged, lovely mg nearly all the civilized nations of of the earth with its marcilees battles on land aid mea, in the air and under These three doctrines, oonstitng the founded '» of 0hriatiauity, a8 here laid dawn by 81. Paul; ''Our Redemption by the sufferings and death of Christ, His Resurrection, glouriorto and immortal from the dead and our future resume. Hon from the dead, to appear before the Jndgmeut seat of ()Met, when the just shall reeeue the eternal reward of justtee, while the wicked, who have ab - e ed the grace of God, shall bo eon detailed t0 everlasting punishment. And how have these dootriues been p,oved true? By the teaching of Christ and His Apostles, confirmed by the most aatowidteg miracles. A miracle is suspends the love of nature and °eu be 5 �•--'till-�'R'fi..-•,�11I/�.�It1 ' 1 Carpets, Squares and Hearth Rugs 1 tr�+,n o ---.- n a—� tt a -qtr n.�.q.�•. ! RICH-WEIIB A quiet wedding wee celehreted by Rev, G. McKinley on Tliniad y evening when Mr Arthur Itiolt of Hillside, Mich was married to Mise Ella ',Webb. After a brief honey ;noon the hul'py oonple left yesterday for their home in Mich- igan. GRIEVE--GOSSELL A very pleasant and happy ovens took plane at the ,tome of Mrs. 0. Fossoll lCineardine, when her (laughter, Ruth ,roue, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock with Mr. Thomas O. Grieve of Soafoth, Rev. Mr. Kellum tying the nuptial knot Little Miss Islay Bell of 1313th, made a dainty tittle flower girl and ring bearer. After the usual congratulations about fifty goeaie eat down to a dainty wedding dinner. The bride looked charming in a wedd- ing gown of ivory silk oreye de aerie. The groom's gift to the bride 108.8 a pearl necklace, Mr. and Mrs. Grieve left on Weduesday morning on a honey• moon trip to Toronto and Niagara Falle on their return will take up resid- en8e at Seaforth. The guests from a distance were, Mr. and Mill. T. Grieve, Seafortln; Mr. and Mrs. Hannon, Mit- chell; lir. and Airs. A, Fiell, Myth; Bare. N. MoAvoyans; Mr, C. Sunders, of Exeter. The best wishes of the conn. munity go with Mr. and idra. (;::o,. to their new home, Recognized aa the leading t,,0olfie for the destreettou ,,f warms, 310/1451 Graves' Worm Exterminator ham proven a boon to suffering ehildrett everywhere. 11 seldom failo u t' 11 a7.eT VT'SF The store et Gond Vainer Phone 22 111......4.10..111.1011.01....011111 01111....10 DMRA1.leltntl An„ . . 3t'14$11AL A1111tli''U121, ll ,. 0. 1,0* L inidere of (2uvertatatt Ayplomn mac License- CYr a 14910 Mnnaae7s 1'b,„0, 1 Night Calle 17U ww..uiliraaszuraawuw l.rrMawar .r... 161414 T. Box c 'eo. Two Cents Single Copy 021Mr'wml Diamond Rings April it, the 1Hnmene Rias a1'oetl, NeAar 110'0 WO had n beton. showing Manana 1(ings than etproseet and i,erer worst ah bettor plann- ed 'aatlt the vnluoa we aro al,owing. The) were haeme; right and arr•illl'0 rl alt 'rhea toe tilers la ne r11ag roti quits like a Monona a ring ter Her,' We here a, aatety nolo ;datriolil Bing 54'810.00 We More a *area 13,20 le Ont special 1'lntinum ;,B(:ttina at 112t tis we eepeefanr reeoaunentl tela as being et extra pawl value• value and1jaa.114 abbolUtrly ta0rrn18(24• i£1?b • 'iwwwat1A-£ Oncrreoar lila 0511518 1 01.4111r:41 3leuirlere auk Wptirison !miser License 1+nu001 32014E lea So emu 10 lh,.it.ire 43r:c+'h;e;,raaay Ilk Q. mdl]r.r ro't't1ifF; lF'•LsfJ1« IMPOIERIES ILinoleum, ,aud Floor Oilcloths A3 4 ,i—'0It---•u n--- ala—' -14'x'••^'-"'-" lallfeteRnZ2liMerearg Wo are ;,articularly fortunate in being able to ahoy you a variety of the very newest draperies and curtains that you'll 108112 for your huhu, Yon eau not fail to find something in our spiel:• diel line to pleus.. v,'0. 7 Lace Curtains' and Draped es w•, a®o.81w111 1113 .1Mr.+n LIOLi;3ILJA c = We sell grant quantities of Linoleum because we always 5140,0 numerous pat- terns for selection, and because we handle the beat Linolonnto trade in the world—Seetall Liuoleums, J. MiCT bR1Sll SERFO TF1 Butter Wanted Eggs Wanted 1 8.4-mars--�,..nu.-.:-.,aa•-m..uls...'...td� ;" 7 Table Oilcloths 1 and Stair Cloths : a..••emu-..--'nn-- 'un ---moo,••." remit f,