The Seaforth News, 1917-03-29, Page 8THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE WM EOMVND WALKER, C.Y,t?„ LLD. p.C.1«, 2'ro4.1daat Ji91H *UW, General Maaag+r, H. V, P. JONES, AM't Gowrat Manager • CAPITAL, $15,000,000 BESEBVE FUND, $13,500,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every itficility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes me supplied free of charge on application. s6t Sealfortii J.G. MULLEN MANASEn r VERY ONE GAN do something for his COtt 17try . Some can bear arms Some can produce food Some can make munitions Some can give money ft is the privilege of all to help. U GAN SERVE by Fighting—Working— Saving--Giving orking— Saving--Grivin.g This is NATIONAL SERVICE Are YOU doing your part ? LL EYES turn now to the Canadian Farmer, for he can render the Empire SPECIAL SERVICE tis sternest year of the wt r. is LLs;:-- tsar farms are badly imder- :: tI__.3.1,1i'1191 rrnexa are m?eded on t69d a zd. With 1..:,9' dont help, the pian on Veal.' Land lights an uphill light to meet 5:11.•;' pressing need for Fo d, 11 1 1 r aril help. p Municipal Councils, Churches and Schools, and other organizations, both of men and wol-.:ne;, can render National Service by directing all available labour to the Land. Farmers themselves can exchange labour. School boys can assist. Were you raised on a farm? Can you drive a team? Can you handle fork or hoe? If you can't fight, you can produce. Spend the Summer work- ing on the Farm. Let every man, woman and child in the Dominion who has access to Land, no matter how small the plot, make it produce Food in 1917. For Information on any subject relating to the Farm aud Garden wrlte:— INFOORMATION BUREAU iL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OT7CA'la/A. DEPMMTIVIEI T OF ANC JLTU E OTTAWA, CANADA. NON. MARTIN BURRELL, MINISTER. Cu.m..na..,.i*WaSe...wr,w+ww cunei ,.uw,,..kpl CORRESPONDENCE ONDENCE Walton Tho beef Hoge start next with oper. ations for 1tt17, Patrons of the Wal. ton Ring will gat their meat out leri day evening, John Bell will do ,the of preparing the supply Hy Hatuiltou who is 70 years of Age is stall a vigorous traveller having just returned from Ottawa, He has lived •18 yrs in McKillop where his wife died 6 years ago after awedded life of 50 yrs Mr and Mrs J C McCall who are re- moving to Brussels was tendered a farewell in Duff's Church, They will be greatly missed here, hayfield Noise Hilda 1King who has spent the past two menthe with frionds at Strat- ford returned home last week. Miss Ada Rowatt is still confined to the house suffering from the elfoots of a badly strained ankle Messrs William and Albert Leitch loft on Saturday for Gull Lake Sask. whore they will spend the summer on their land The tea on the river broke up during Friday night and went out without doing any damage. This was four days earlier than last year Mr Robert Spackman who spent the mountor in London has returned home and is preparing for the season for cement wotlr d •i ) •8• as 1Qlutatou !Uhl hlr ItataWeli, her father left. Neout•ly f.,r the West where Mr Jolla#tun is, Mrs A l` Hogarth has returned to Calgary after epentlit,g the winter tyre, Spring has oome along beautifully hia wuok and w,t tvelcouto Ma bird again. Mrs Ann Jane Moore, for nearly- .10 years a highly -respected citizen of Hensel!, died Saturday at the residence of her daughter, We Thee, Pierson. She was 75 years old and wee the wid- ow of William Moore, who predeceased her by several years, She le eurvivad by throe 4auglators—Mrs Thos, Pierson Miss Mary Jane and Mrs Thos Simpson and two sone — William of this oily and Charles of Detroit. The funeral was held on Monday to Henault Cemetery, 1���r�e ielal Apparently there will be a large amount ofland put In beaus and potatoes this year. Both being big price., Mr Petty of Honsalt has been here and bought 200 buahols from Graham Broe Stanley. Mr Morrison has moved to Henson and Mr 610 Laughlin bas moved to his farm , Sam Taylor is now living in Mrs Mustard's house. Our mill is uow running and shipped 2 ears of lumber to Brantford last week Asthma Can be Cured. Its sutfermg is as needless as it is terrible to endure After its many years of relief of the most stubborn oures no sufferer can oubt the perfect effectiveness of Dr. J . Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, Comfort body and peace of nand return with a use and nights of sound sleep dome tick for good. Ask your druggist; he n supply you. Mrs Brook of Port Dover is visiting of Mr and Mrs Wm J McLeod lit Mr J Hailey of Stratford is visiting!b her parents Mr and Mrs D Leitch ea Services an Trinity Church nu Sun- I - day morning at 11 o'clock Mr A )' Mitehellof Huron Coli age will take charge Mr John Stacey of Henault is engaged itt painting and papering the rosidenre of Mr Wm J Stinson Manley Mr W Manley had the misfortune of loosing one of hie herd of cows, Maple Syrup making is the order of the day. Mr Joe Echart is at present engaged in Manley maple grove Mrs P McLaughlin who has not been enjoying the best of health 18 improving Its just a matter of a few days when the Automobiles will be again iu full away, Mies Ellie Himtnie is in a precarious oou(liton Drabl lrl Mrs Il ittex cr, frac, returned tc he home in Chicago ;its ti Il. Erar,n returned to her home n! Oslo, ah., was accompanied by h,.: slater Miss ;4i, }loran who will visit her f,rt a kw weeks, Mre yluawell. of st Titemas visited Mr 1 . i,lu Conuel and family for a few weeks. :14r. John Mu lIrath spent Wednesday in Lucent. Mother Clare of the Urauline Acad- emy Chatham io visiting the Uraulfue Nana I sue. Mr. J. Evans called on friends in Seaforth on Tuesday. Bishop Fallen of Loudon visited Rev Father Novae on Tuesday. �liensall Mise Maisie Cudnrore, graduate nurse and daughter of Mrs Cudmoro of this plane loft on Monday for overseas She has taken a post graduate course in New York, The young boy, Earl Smartie had a ohne call from peiog burned to death the other evening when his night-dress took fire from a goal in the stove, The boy was poking at the Are at the time One arm was badly burned, hie hair singed and he was otherwise burn- ed. The timely arrival of hie mother saved hie life, Tho Sawmill Ilan it good supply of logs on hand. W J Johnston has sold his butcher beehives to Mr McDonald of Chatham who has bought the brink residence of homes Welsh, Mr i'aul Boa ham had an operation on his eyes in the hospital at London. tt1'itiff ;r. elcileriett illllf9: itE rT Thursday Ater 29 egasomadmanortianammairammanagamagmaamt tYi1f9JelialiatealeitlerlealtrIteetatrrateineemetGdr THosE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. wiromanasmompromor Principal repayable 1st October, isle. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April sand 1st Deltalten toy eiessevro luno of enhance at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per aaown from the date of purchase. Holders of thie stool will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the squivatent of Dash, in payment of any allotment mado under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bilis or other like short date security, Proceeds of this stook are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of ono per cent will be alloyed to recognised bond and stock broicors on allotments made in respect of applications for this stook which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister o4 Finance, Ottawa. oetmerrmENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER ate, 1910. ST. JAMES CHURCH, SEAFOItTH On Good Friday, April 9th at 10 is nt, Divine Service in the,', memory of oho Crucifixion of our Lord will be hold in f"St James Chnroh Seaforth, and on Grater Sun- day Apr 8fli in honor of the resurrection of Christ at 7 30 a In and; 10 30 a, es with sermon on the great fundament nl Christian truth of the resurrection BIRTHS. WH ITMORE--In Tttekeramlth on °''March: , 26th to Mr and Mrs Sam Whitmore, a sou DELANEY—In McKillop on Maroh 1 Mr and Mrs JnoDolaney, a daughter WALSH—In McKillop on March 411a to Mr and Mrs Webb, 0 son. J A MI ESON—On March 21st in Hallett to 6dr and Mrs t obt Jamef,on, a. danghtor McKi lops 2The Assessment:Roll fof the Munioi'„, pelity of MoKillop:for the year I917 is now iulthe r:lerk's'oftiee Lot 24 Con 7 and may be seen by any oftho rosiden to o ratepayers of the Municipality dur- ing Wilco hours itral02,eidrnM M Coyne cannot exist when Holloway's Corn Cure•is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth • For boys and girls ice we have all that you have been looking for and at reason— able prices. Men can find here a pair of those n easy fitting boors that give such co fort We have them all sizes and shapes 7-117 e� Egi LADI e c Nothing is needed oto finish your Easter Suit except a pairY,of our latest Shoes. TT ij