HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-29, Page 5A Page 5 i@,MYWW'f�iliWll'rN1Mj�M+ .Th,'lrl rJ 1110:: BOLTON'S 011•••••Inl•....W111^ ..110..••+1111......01"• e•+'ll l11..,.r..w ...u..w wo.,..ee,wo.,..o..... i • ua, 3in soy ou11 s I& i.., ..rte.,,,.....,d•..,•.,.,.••.,,,,ar,,,.«, r.,r1•.r«,.10 nu...nw.a..r,.s it•ttmr,u...r„cw••••••ina.. woun.m.+n Mouthty Night 0 lb Saturday Night 11 s0 Other Night,' $ Bolton's Barber Salop GARI:INUS BLOCK SEAFOB fel The Best Newspaper Valle t1). ' eelt''I1 Oelal'i1) . ontwnn ikho'tt1fs All Nail F',ditines $3,00 Per Peer 1plia]ElklI E, CONSTIPATED Rook Mother) if tongue 1s coated, cieanee little bowels with "Calf. forma Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving 'California Syrup of Figs,' because in a few hours all the clogg+ed.up waste, hour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the towels, and you have a well, playful child again, Rick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative, 114}llione of mothers keep it bandy be- cause they know its action on the etomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sore. Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bot- tle of "California Syrup of P'1go, ' which aontalns directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups, CREAM WANTED Send your cream to us and receive top prices. We are running our pleat the year through and can handle your tall supply and furnish yon with cane We pay twioe each month and weigh sample,and teat each can of 0805115 care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrous" Patrons are requested to re ,urn all our s8118 when sot iu nee. 3itter anlBnttermillc also on hand u9 for at market prices, The Seaford' Creamery Co. Wa J, Waller 86 San Undertakers amd Embalmers W ..1, Walker, holder of go. element Diploma and License Day or Night mills receive our prompt attention Lay Phone til Night " 18 Tot t�C%t'U�l� tr A✓ J STRA 1 }•"ORD. Wintet Term from Jtntttary2nd We have Commercial 'hot'thaud and Telegraphy Deportment, '1'h 00/11088 al's tllerongh 11p to d,tteaud praoticnl. The 111 structure areex- perienoed and we ere receiving scores of applications for trained help wo cannot supply. Write 1)t once for particulars. A. AAcLAUCHL.AN t'11.1OCIPy 1. THioK, GLOSSY HAIR FR= )FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a 25 cont bottle of Danderine, if you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has art inoomparable softness and le fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it torme- dtately dissolves every particle of dandruff: You can not haee litee heavy, heaithy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it product% a feverishness and itching of lite scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair Palle out fast.; Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store and just try lt. rsrss m..ln 1! our VE ADO siv`.ft,1tnoww11ieh will be 1 a SeniNfree Toa MARION e.T4A'l'°" Mrs W, U.l''air, Clinton in visiting her sinter Ml's ,James Watson. 14 re Geo, tilnrdie, ATllrbe'll, is spouti- ng a few days with friends }tern. hirjF Ross, prhteipal of the 0011. egiate is movies this week lute the ro-. eidetics of .}ulna's 81 111te1y occupied by Mr W 0 'd' Menton, Rev Hall \' mils o£ L'racelield wita town vialtor 011 lgon(lay. Mr I.H reel, SVEillcerv'tile le visiting his daughter Mrs \V Undtnoro and his son Mt George lento!, Mrs l5 A.lones tir! daughter Eliza. Lmth loft ou Monday for their home in Fort Saskatchewan atter an extended visit at tho home of tier ,other, Mrs, ti Dickson, Mrs Jamieson of the Huron Road has purohae ti the house ou James St owaod by the Misses (Iovenlook and occupied by Mr and Mrs John, Sproat, Miss Minnie McDonald, Toronto o ailed nu Ilium -in here during last week Mr and Mrs Jaolc Roberts of Toronto are visiting reletit'es here. Mr A. Palmer had the xnisforturw to treat with au occident last week while wicking in the Boll Munition Works Miss Helen Twaddle; who has been the guest of Mrs J A Wilson left on Monday for her home in Fergus. Miss Louie(' Griffin, Clinton spent the weekend with Nlrs A Olose. Mies Grace Weir arrived home o1) Monday to visit her mother. Miss Weir la training in New York Hospital fur a nurse. A load of young people from Seaforth att'ndod the Patriotio dance at Win- throp on Thursday and report a pleas• aut evening. it may not be good sugar making weather but it is fine for the falirwheat these warm nights. Mrs S. Somers and daughter Audrey and Mrs Turney spent a day in Strat- ford last week Mine Marion Watson and 1Vliss Skeet of Tuokeramith intend leaving this week for Now York to train for nurses in the Roosevelt Hospital. The robins and black -birds found the storm on Tuesday rather a cold recep. tion, Mr Thos Belem, Gort Inspector, of Munition is suffering from an attack of Lt grippe. Mr and Mrs Geese( of Ktuoardine announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth to Mr Thomas Grieve of McKillop The marriage to take piano on April 10th. Farmers requiring help with their seeding end citizens, retired farmers, etc. alto°are willing to help the farm. or communicate at once with Mr Johu H Reid Vico !'res Seatorth Branch Huron Ceuttty War Auxiliary Box, 292 boaforth-Phone 'l Mfrs Wm Govenlook is attouding the Annual Dlooslem meeting of the Women's Auxiliary in London thin week The inspector for the Underwriters Association was in town on Tuesday and gave the Brigade d surprise call during the storm, but the boys were equal to the 00008101) and had the hose out in good time. A Memorial Service to oar fallen Soldiers will be held in the Seaforth. Presbyterian Church next Sunday even- ing, Airs Sin Neely in home again after speeding a couple of weeks in Wiugham Mr Cecil Hodgins of San F(0t10i800 011 of Rev J W Hedging of Stratford called on friends in town on Wednesday Mrs Wm Fair of Clinton spoilt a few days in town the guest of her sister Mrs Jas Watson. Alias Dobie has returned from a visit in Liman. The Met day for handing in your 0110i0e to the Horticultural Society will be on 31st. The tiousall branch paid a fraternal visit to Rebeeea Lodge on Monday night and put nu the degree in a masterly way for Mille oaudtdatee, After which asocial evening was spent, Towns will call on Saturday for old p spars at 1111 houses tvltich wets rot reached last week War Anxtlisry, A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator and there is nothing better for driving worms from the system. It ua,. lin Iuiluery uv•dul lent 1orgt, IRuss 847011 as lttotttioned to last weeks issue, A'lr. Strachan (}ot. 111,1ee14r has !;ono 114 'format, to he 10151111111: Ho retelvs 01) Thursday with 1110 }lt'idr. 411)51 will stay in epartmouto at: the Hunan's Hotel, THI SEA 114 t• taro 11r1iiui,:s la'+,urhrd 1l Ise !,)nary sermons ria s1iatlay iu i1o.l„rich, The new rooter of (#clench. iter, A '1'. (1 (dark xvs ludileted alto office by Arshdnarou Eietta.elsori of London Rural Dean Robinson, Clinton and Rov Mr (;harlten, Alitehell, were al,. pre,• aut. htn 911 ',Viliitu,t• of i'rrr,rtte 4011 Mt 1' 1..6Villiala:e '45.1tIt 1iII1a1,.011, t 1 t\,1,• 51) :01111 Mr l,1,14,0liodgit,. of Coeval tl Nee llawpCh4,e. neje 111 molt 1.441401V1111.441401V1114,4..et1.441401V1114,4 OM 10.41414011011044010.41414011011044010.414140110110440 111 '1 intraday. Mr J 13 !t'ieltariloou of St Marys ons in town oft 79cursdey. Mrs T jaeleenc of ('ketols was She 1 tallest of 111. J I1 I311.1(i, 31 es 014111' IttlA ,y1 LOW RATE.; AND THOUGH TICKETS To all Points ll'� WESTERN CANADA and the PACIFIC COAST Electric Lighted and Co norta)ly equipped trans To obtain the 'O West ;Faire anti the irEost eonnvenint routing apply to CHAS. A. ABEW MT Druggist Agent. or write WIT. L. Pairbairn,Genelral Passenger Dept. , f31, Nino St. Toronto VIA CANA IAN NORTHERN ..,.AN....--,...,..ww...,......,...a.core+rrmn.:,.,,....21...:m.61MarninuU.,.rho....M.C,a+m,zepleOn.,.,w Q tr ez,n 440, 4041 is tile First Authentic In !Orilla-6On CM Correct Dress for S ring 1917 Wear' .? E1 E RFJ A.DY NOW, M1”. Good Dresser, to give you firsthand in- formationon "what's wha.t'1' in Sprinqi Clothes—tell you about the right styles, the goodweaves, the smart patterns, give you really correct informations. But --we can show and prove far easier than we can tell. This announcement is just to let you know that, we're ready to show. We think it will be to your advantage to see stunamomm, crov 'eC n' tumnalnampagmbsts Al WEN N LIMITS. Thursday, ii14 ' r 29 1; y :,:ar of \\'(,r'id-w fide scarcity 4 of v. 1'1'1•:138 1311(1 dl(."i;9 goods, \VC are r t ':l`. I I+• a ri'iilai'l ,Cs!'.' Pia 3. display tail 11e \'citral -wide �( Whether your- fancy r'In.e to Blacks or Blues or Colo! \-1 .;!OI .'r, 51114 and \\'ool Material ill 'tea v5' r,r light evci ht, you can stti'.1' }'our thele. (if A'td remember when y.'u buy PI.IreTteve' Urex; Goode you are obtainin'goods that have won the approval of the w.elnen of ail nations. t1f \along the newest cloths are Salisbury Serge, Mohair Serge, Wool San Tay, et:. Look for dr, name on the +r/ e r. STE to ,i t . as rra_r!.<Il ART 1044. To Cay, Taw)! and village L'wellt:rs In Ontario. to 0 1ep hens Um ye GO and poultry prices, the. like of which have seldom ILI or never been experienced, certainly make it worth anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so yoit have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same titne you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something towards helping (Britain, Canada and the Allies achieve victory. t'lt. year. Inere.t::_d prothlctt1e of food !l- !;ss u',1, only to lower the high 0,,;t of linin;•, het it litips to increase the urgently lleed.•d sl1r3-ht. of Canada's food f.sr espial. It 5.1t,es money oil t 1 t < sir t t for 1,1,4 ix,4lItty t Pmh tau c.0-igavel did 1d r of otli,rn whose effort is mark(' for litre vital war tont. The Ontario 1lt•;lartmcnt of \ griculttti'c will give every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping. Wada for free bulletin which tells how to keep liens (aadross below). "A vegetaMe garden for every home" Nothing should be overlooked in this vital year of the war. The Depart trent earltestly invites everyone to help increase production by growing vegetables. Even the smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- cruces a surprising atnotint of 'vegetables. Experience is not essential. On request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc- tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, ete. A plan of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow,, best varieties and their al'ran; ciiient in the garden, will be sent free to any address. Address letters to "Vegetable Canipaigtl," Department of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto t w in Dep rtmne at cad Agrieuttat'e W. H. lloa1•sh, Mieist t of Agriculture - Parliament Buildings - Toronto 11