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The Seaforth News, 1917-03-22, Page 8
THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE na gown) wiaJ g t, C.V.O., LLD, MAIL, President 701161 AURD. General I:faugaer, fi, V. F, JON62, As.'t Gemma btaaauer CAPITAL,115,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Banat of Commerce to be operated by mall, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the $ant's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily. as by a personal visit to the Bank. 860 Bea for-b3a. BZ'�1i31(Q 1 J,O. MULLEN A'lAT`Ad!fSR 1I RESTAURANT AND eoNFEeTIOi111ERY The most np$Eo.date place for meals, lunches, hot soups and all kinds of hot drinks MEAL TR KETS SOLD Horne made pies of all kinds, Fresh Oysters always on hand, Having installed an up to. date plant for making Herne centime of all kinds. l el a, eFiND TRV TREfis You MN get value for your money OLYMPIA RESTAURANT t:11".+* W M•++k�M+wUtM.�.rMt{+.�+MIM.olwy� 1 CORRESPONDENCE vii Iia..o.oWW+uw+nW�+uawao.aYiw.�itrP�r*rN ero*uarty Mifiuory Opening—We invite yon to visit our ehowrounte on Mandl 22nd and 24 Latest Models will be shown.••• -Elite Millinery Parlors-- Mies 13, Getty of Mooeo Jaw returned toberho me last week after speeding the winter at the home of her motile, Mr, Wru, Dalrymple, Mrs, Donald Park, Sr, Is here again after spending Benno time with relatives at St, Itlarya. Mrs, McKay of Airington is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Scott.. Mr, Hugh Wright has Moved his faintly to Seaford' where he is working In the munition factory. Staffa Opening Display of the New Spring Millinery March 23rd and 24th —Elite Millinery Parlors— Mr Wm Fell returned to his borne in Alberta last week. Mete 0 McDonald spent Saturday at her home in Stratford. Mise M Ferguson spent the weok•end the guest of Mrs Jno, Babour. Mr and Mre T M Hamilton attended the wedding of their niece near Sea - forth on Saturday last . Kinburn made li Mrs Armstrong and daughter Ella spent the weeks end with Mr and Win Pethick of London. at the r=..�• it it 1;;;r r ud "J .r-r.� �t� Ka :P at just liss.1rciynslack ti stritngling Gerken clay by day, so l,l lily if ic.1 is winning the F ict4 try for the allies. l'he 11rc1r11,!.:..i y,for inst. ttc.'i;crt never ht ttel r' i t.na1' now. „ it,r Fru c ,iltu t forget the awful lesson of 1870 -tile failure of her -frond supply. To t11i.a she attrli>utt d the loss of that war To feed the I7rench soldiers around 1.•rose, more than 25,- 500,000 pounds of for,d a vc.•t 1, t,t'rc reerinircd. Thisgives a faint idea of the tali. of fredingan army. Canada and Britain havea huge army of fighting heroes on the line ; every- man Mt1sT have plenty of food, in spite of a world shortage. Tip= Canada's food productir,n all principally rely. The Fanners of Ontario Urgently Need Help The Department of Agriculture appeals to then and boys to enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals to .men unfit for military service, or whof]nditimpossible to enlist in the ariny. Do your "bit" by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportunity. Thefarmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no occupation (retired), of business men who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can So arrange their ordinary affairs to plan to help some d farmer friend, particularly in seed time and harvest. Confer with your county District Representative of the 1 Department of Agriculture, or write, "Farm Help Cam- paign, care Department of Agriculture, 'Toronto. Ontario departntertt of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture t INtrliument Buildings Toronto so Mr Wm Wort. of 'Toronto is visiting his grandparents Mr and tilts ,J Mann of the village. Willie is at present undecided whether he will return to the city or not, Quite a number of the uatives attend eel Court of Revision held in the For- esters Hall last Monday, for the pur- pose of hearing appeals on the river dredging scheme but scarcely any ex- citement prevailed, Considerable talk is on the rounds of organizing a Farmers Club in the vill- age We think it would he very ben- eficial to the surrounding community Reeve Armatrong was in Goderioh last week being chosen juryman to attend the Spring Aeazes, Mrs Jas Fairaervice is spending her vacation with her sisters Mrs Melvilo and Miss Tyeman of Seaforth. Kippen Mr Moffat and family have gone west after npendiug the winter here. 77 The 03 Ater sapper in the Preebyter- tan church triode :Fee thet 1 i killedkilledill No F', nl ei:d 11 ins Homey of Exotc r i t!d I u,.I r,-c.'ilk .v',.iti,re hill'-:11re H Jonrs,I1 11 _.f T...-5-. I :1 tier ne3e arrived at the j ra fur 1e r. Mt ....idi Mre \ I,,, ., huwi, it 118 tea C I i r1 ed t <,r rrtt ie No 14 StIm - Lev 7 to it ro- a ont•aaf111. Tin, lartT' i t."erd of,. lit , ,null ie [stns delighted with the plc,- � k r gramme. The rtes 11•ls were over $60. , of Louie tin I i i Another Moltillop boy has rimmed honor from his King. Sorgoaut Earl l Ross of the Royal Oanailian Regiment told Den of Mrs. Ltaoae Boss of this plane has won the medal for gallantry in battle and also a commission iu the lmperial army. Previous to this he heti reosived a medal for special pone duct and bravery, We think MoKlllap should be proud of Inv boys who have enlisted, es Berl Roes le the second &Mier from the Township who hal/ wore his medal, W s eougratulate oo young hero and trust he may be eparod to tonne to MoKiliop again, Mr and Dire '1'hoo. Holland plaited friends in Egmondville last Sunday. Mr Wm Kerr has pnrohaeed a new gasolipe engine for sawing wood, grind. fag grain and other work around the Tarin, Mr Jno, ItfsDonald who purchased a number of large elm and basswood trees from Mr Jae Kerr and had a gang of men engaged last week cutting an d teams drawing same to bis trolls in Walton. On Friday evening of lost week Mr and Mrs Scott Bolton of the 9th. Con. treated the young people of this local- ity to a somal donee: all report a very enjoyable evening. Mr Josopli Brewster attended the sale of registered horses at the Union Stook yards West Toronto last week and purobaeed a Tory Guo registered Poreberon mare, Mr Brewster is fast coming to the front as a breeder of pure bred stook- He also hen asplond. id herd of registered Snort -Horn Cattle, Mr Jno. Campbell the Uay..King of this district has debverud over 126 tons of loose hay in town this winter, Bayfield Mr Itobt, McMurray attended the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Orange Association held in Stratford last week, Mrs E Wigle of London spent the sleek -end with her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Sturgeon, The Patriotic Society sent to the lied ()roes this week 68 pre of mocks• 8 military shirts aid 3 guilts. The St. Patricka Social held in the basement of St Andrews church on Friday evening last was well attended and a good programme was furnished by local talent Lunch was aIso served The proceeds amounted to nearly $30. The play "Stolen Diamonds" which was put on here a few weeks ago by our young people was repeated at Varna ou Tuesday evening '1'he proceeds were in aid of the Patriotic Society of that plaoe. Airs L Geddes of Belgrave is visiting her sister Mrs Margaret Ferguson. Word was rrcnired hero las'. crook' 'to ltitbort 4i :1}u Leon had beet, et taction r,l,'il:ar 1st in Frtlet• ilatrd ,e,t}i ilia 74.4, Batt n1 tine iter, and had 1,.,.ti 10 the trench• ,0100 ter.,- 514t.ny, rut J., Itua! 1040 nal oily two 1114'ri1lri over ne „1ape. 110 was horn and lore haul; th., couitgt•ot son of ,; e Hugh tieLe...1 and it Lrot11 'r: J McLeod o lour village and of who 1s 050[1 111 the trenches, Mr Lender Trinity During the past week we have en. i Anita a ]eyed? 0 rant variety et weather, hut and wo spring is gradually drawing nearer. Mica Luln Coleman spelt some days 1 visiting her I1n0'e 00 Parr Line. Rev. A W Brown le home after a ibrief visit to 'Toronto. Mr McNaughton is around again alter an Himmel, Varna A ti 6litohel1 of Huron College i took charge tet the services in church on i3nnday evening last large ocegregatiun was present t•0 greatly pleased with tine very able sermon that he preached itlr, Mitchell will again take charge on Sunday evening next Beg nig with the first Sunday in April the servtoes nhiob have been held in Trinity church through the winter menthe in the evening will he changed to the morning at 11 o'clock LOVE—HAMILTON The Play "Stolen Diamoutle'r was given in the town hall on Tuesday evening for the Patriotic Society. A good attendance was present, A special service for 13ovs was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday, Relieves Asthma at One. If you could road the thousands of uosolioited lettere recieved by the makers from grateful mere you, too, would realize the remarkable curing powers of Dr J D Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, All oases, iuoipient end chronic, are benefited by this great family remedy, and many of thein ere mired. Why Soffer or experie meet with worthless preparatlou0 when the genuine Kellogg's can be pnrohaeed everywhere. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Grave's Worm Exterminator and there in nothing bettor for driving worms from the system. A qulet and pretty wedding was heed at the home of Mr and Mrs H M F1am- ilten of 'Tnokersrnitll on Saturday ween their daughter Jean became the bride of Mr James Love of the same town. chip, Tho ceremony was,preformed by Rey Mr Argo. The bride was charming iu white duchess satin The decorations were chaste and beautiful, Mien Wanner Sa00 during the signing of the register and Mies Love played the wedding march. About sixty guests were present, The many costly gifts attested the high esteem of the young couple, who begin life 011 their farm with the beet wishes of all Corse cannot exist when Holloway's Corn (dire Is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills tho growth. fi 111 TeHOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TtivME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK 1N SUMS OF 11,>§00 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1s4 October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, lst Aped and Int OiddinddY (iron of exchange at any chartered Bank In Canadai at the rate o4 five per cent leer annum from the date of Purchase. Holders of this stook well have this privilege al surrendering at par and aoorued interest, as the equivalent of cash, In payment of any allotment made under any future War loan issue_ in Canada other than an issue a Treasury 131110 or other like short date eecurlty. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only, A commission of ono-llttatter of one per cont will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments nettle In respect of applications for this stook which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. I0c1D'ARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 701, 1e16. rme.sewm. =06111476MMtrt[xasr+csr 1 AM assured that my people will re- spond to every call necessary to the suc- cess of our cause—with the same indomitable ardour and devotion that have filled me with pride and gratitude since the war began." Hts MAJESTY KING GEORGE UR soldiers must be fed; the people at home must be fed. .And ---in spite of Germany's murderous campaign to cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking every ship on the High Seas—an ample and unfailing flow of food to England and France must be maintained. This is National Service— Not t© the Farmer only— But to YOU --to everybody— This appeal is directed E must unite as a Nation to SERVE ---tn SAVE and to PRODUCE. Mehr woolen and children; the young, the middle aged and the old—all cast help in the Nation's Army of Production. VERY pound of FOOD raised, helps reduce the cost of living and adds to the Food Supply for Overseas. For information on any subject relating to the Farm and Garden, write: INFORMATION BUREAU Department of Agriculture OT'T'AWA ;i 11 �LANT a garden—small or large. Utilize your own back, yard. Cultivate the vacant lots. Make them all yield food. 'OMEN of towns can find no better or more important outlet for their energies than in cultivating a vegetable garden. e patriotic in act as well as in thought Use every means av 'I bl Overlook nothing. Department of Agriculture OTTAWA, CANADA. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister. ala. e-•- BUILDS UP THE FARM .0 rematch to Homestead Ii ertiliver, I sowed 17i acres , f wheat on the 2nd day of October, On account of the wet weather I was unable to sow any sooner I used 200 pound of the (tone Blank Fertilizer per more anti 1 threshed 700 bushels of wheat machine measured. It is tho fittest sample that has been 00011. A great [maty farmers thought it would be im- poleiille to grow a gond orop Needing at this tato date, but the fertilizer rerr wilily pushed the crop, Yon 11ney use thin as you wish, for I know if the raiment thrnnghont Ontario knew the ptielleeug value of your fertilizer they would use a great deal renin" 11, rite Michigan Cat bon Wotke lle-I torn, for froe book and pnrtieulari. about their Homestead Bono Sleek Fertilizer, B. HODGETTS, Lambeth, Ontario, F one Bisek 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS. Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,. Biliousness, Sour Stomach. Bad Breath--Car;.y Cathartics. Bays: "1 lased Homestead Bone Bleck Fertilizer on part of my oats field. 'Pile previous owner of the farm paid me a visit this Summer, and in walking over the farm we came to the oat field my riend asked me why the oats on a part of the field wore much greater length and quality than the rest. I ir,fortned him what had 1 done, and he saidhe eould not have believed if ha had not Seers it, that Homestead Fertilizer could give tilloh 1(011110, 1 oat) rtoton oiend it highly to anyone wishing to build their fano and grow a big crops " 700 BUSHELS F1i0ti 17k AtifF,s Wm 1(1041, Lunn, ')ntr,ito, "I feel under oblipnt.n te intik 3e N.3ili sir"n' its No stom- ach or dbowels; how how bad ymuch our iiyour stead aches, how miserable you are fromv constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels•—you always get relief with Cascarets, They Imme diately cleanse and regulate the stem- nnd foulogaso a taltee thomexcese fbind from the liver and carry off tho can- atipatod waste matter mud poison from the intestines and bowels, A 10 -cent box from your druggist will kedP your stomach sweet liver and and head eclear a for months. They work while you sleep„