HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-22, Page 51-18ge 5 ,due.®c'oKa+wwssraw_w�a+u✓u±ral�awcw¢+:�w 147144 !'PI i1 i=QR'd'i-i mwunaausc-mcrwmwwr..wsr: .. - ,r..,v�vv+�ww..._, . • ..,, . Mall uand Phone Orders Carefully Pilled t1 4L5 ,' r it ah� Spring Footwear is plow ready ! Don't think we eve!' before had so mach Shoe beauty to show our Pat- rons all at ohne time Old Shoes in Spring Time won't too at all ! Shoes for Men and Women in many new Spring Models. For Mesa there are choice Dull leath- ers, handsome Bright leathers and new Tans. Some new Cloth Top Shoes that are swell. For Worsen there are new Military Boots, beautiful boots with cloth tops Colne, see our handsome Spring Footwear, lir, R. R. stn wi alt T a "The Horne of Good Shoes" 1?'f3'l,ree 51 Seaforth wear Wit15011111451,12MINMUIViithifiiMiSassavirmaattgatItEMM2Insintalitnieliar1MEIMMS0801301000=01 PLISITEMIIIESZMI CREAM WANTED Send your ;oream to us and receive Sop prices. We are running our plant the year through and can handle your Yttll supply and furnish you with cans Wo pay twice oaoh month and weigh eamplo,and teat eeuh oan of oream oare fully. Our motto is " Boneaty to ou Patrons" Patrons are requested to re aura all our saes when not in neo. Satter au.lBnttermilk also on hand u3 for at market prioea. The Seaforth Creamery Co. W,J,Walker & Son Undertakers and Embalmers W. J. Walker, holder of gu. ernmeut Diploma and Lioenae Day or Night palls receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night '` 18 rse foiaaag STRATFORD, ONT.•--•. SYinter Tenn from January2ud We have Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy Department. Th ooureee aro thorough up to dateaud practical. The in strasters areex- perianoed and we are reooiving scores of applications for trained boil we cannot supply. Write at once for partiouiare. A. MoLAUCHLAN HUN On' VL musle b1STER ,REM1t11A, who before becoming a sister was a teacher in the London Conservatory of Music, now gives lessons at St• .Josephs Convent Seaforth in instrumental and 'roes music, piano said vlalia, :END STOMACH MIME, CAM OE DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Itelapepain" makes Siclt, Sour, Gamey Stomachs surely feel fine In five minute*, If a i Just ate is souring on Tour . ^r lies like a lump of !mad, 1 to digest, or you belch gas at '.state sour, undigested food, or nave a feeling of dizziness, heartburn. fullness, nausea, bad taste 'l ` :In mouth and stomach -headache, you oan get blessed relief to five minutes, Put an end to stomach trouble forever hY getting a large fifty-oent case of Pape'a Diapepein from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need- less it is to- suffer from indigestion, dYspepsia or any stomach disorder. Pt's the qutokest, surest stomach doe - .tor in the world, It's wonderful, P OMPTIY SECUREand they will be palled For, In all eountriea.Ask for our INV.EN'rOR'S EsDviSrll..wtlich will be Sent free. WAIL AUKLLI6.i1Y OLTON'S Business ours Monday Night 6.18 Saturday Night 11 30 Other Nights 8 Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNOS BLOCK SEAPORTS The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario ("Apt 31 au wn Abutrtturx All Mail Editiona $3.60 Per Year SAVE TLIE PAPERS Newspaper: and magazines for the next coltootiou :Alertly after Christmas The papers are all con versed into money for comforts for the sol- diers. Woinen;s War Auxiliary Miss Lambert of Southampton is visiting her °ouoit' Misa Fowler on James street. Miss Helen 'Noddle, Fergana, is visit- ing her °ouain,, Mita Dorotny Wilson;; Mrt Kerr, Stratford, spent Sunday with her mother, Mre Carmichael. Mies Nettie VYileott, Loudon, is visit- ing at the home of her parents, Mr and MriJ.A. Wilson. Mrs Robt Smith has disposed of her residence to Mr Neil Gillespie of Cromarty . Mr aid Mies Brooke of Egmondville left Thursday for their hone near Edmonton, Mies Bean Mo Kenzie of Stratford spent the week end at her home here. Mr J, Mc Nab, Dungannon, was a town visitor during the past week, Mr Bookwell of the Staff of the Beek of Commerce stat been transferred to Sarnia. Capt Mc Nubb of tate Y. td. O. A. gave an interesting address in Oardno's Hall on Townley eight to it targe mitt- ieno°, Subscription list wer0 opened at the meeting anti will minim open fur a week at Mr Beettioe to give all it chance to help this good murk Have Old Papers Ready on Sitturday March 24th, MARION li MA.tun" a w....wenn.**e+,w,.u,w..a,.lw..+o.w,1..,ww+ 1,1411-10170.0119.4.61.11...111.4.1101......11 11 TowniiTo iCs d ill.!.11111•• .•.saw,w.aw..,ll..wmtie.r.HUI..... Hie He•-b,rt Mo Geo 1314 on Saturday for Toronto whore he will attuopt a Audition, Mra J. It Archibald is visiting at the perinatal home 111 11emilton, Mra Rohr. Smith lit rMtnrned from an extended via t with relatives in North Daltuta, 1 Mra A. Forsythe Killen, spent the haat week ;viol bar ntothor, Mrs b'ht- ayeon Sr, John at, Gunner It Hoye of Toronto emelt the week end with his mother, Mra. John Heys Mr and Mrs O. MaLoilattd of Bedell wore guests of Mrs It 8 flays. Mr Oeoar Sprout and alias Nellie Sprout of Detroit are visitingatheir par. outs, Mr and Ida John Sproat. Mr and Mrs Srnitliu and family left on Monday tor i'urouto where they will in future reenter, blit° Mary Broadfoot Bruoefield was the guest of Mra and era (Geo Hill. Mra W. 1) Van Egmoid haa return- ed from a visit to blends in Toronto. I'te E Kelly who is taking a °ours° of special treatment 0t the .Loudon tary Itospital'8perlt the week end at home. Mt J &t hiioveulook of Winthrop was iu Toronto attending the A 0 1.1 W 13iglt Court' Mr Courtney returned from a viait to hie home at Amberley on Tuesday. Mrs Donald Mo Loan of London was the guest of O01oto1 and Mrs Wilson for a few days las; week, Mies Devine Anderson has taken a position in Mr Fell'e studio. Mies Whiteman of Blyth is a visitor at the !tome of Mr and Mrs W. E. kiinahley. Mre Seal, of Oraubrook is visiting her daughter, Mrs A. A, Naylor, Opening Display of the New Sqring Millinery March 83rd and 24th —Elite Millinery Parlors— Mr John Sutherland, Toronto, Mr and Mra W, Murdio and family of Luoknow attended the funeral of their father the late Mr A. Sutherland. Mr Sntherlaud London, brotherof the deceased, WWI also present. The monthly Service of Song was held to the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening. Special musio was furnished by the choir sedated by the Quartette Club. Mrs Jas. Stewart has donated to the Red Croats two beautiful towels in which is a wide insertion. They will be on exhibition at Stewart Bros. store where ;tokens may be got, The holders of the first two tiekete drawn will each receive a towel. Miss Scott of illuevale is Welting at the home of Mr and Mrs Jas Archibald. The Methodist Sabbath Sellout are preparing an oxoalleut programme for their Auuivereary to be helot ou good Friday night and Boater Sunday. Staff -Capt. White, of London will conduct Special Berme in the Salvation in Army citadel on Sunday Mar. 85. In the afternoon Services he will give o Special Talk, on, The Value of the Sunday School to the Child and Nation. Millinery Opeuiug--We iuvite you to visit our showrooms on Almon 23rd cud 24th Latest Models will be shown --Elite Millinery Parlors -- Sergeant E. M. Rose eon of Mre Lucas Roes has receive a commission in the imperial Army. Aire L Jackson was the anooessfnl winner of the hanclaome sweater moat donated to the Red Cruse by Miss Lukes, $4.76 V? FIS realized The Womans War Auxiliary will told their annual meeting in the arm• oriea at 3.30 on Friday of cotillion Members end alt interested are invited to attend. If the prophets are right we should have forty days of fine weather, Mre J D Ilinohley ie visiting re- latives in StThmnaa. Boom for the Bilious, --The liver is a very eensatlee organ and easily derang- ed, When this menus there fa nudue eearetfou of bile and the acrid liquid Nowa into the atotnttah and 80041)) it• It ie a most distressing ailment, and many are pronto to .it. In this condition a roan finds the beet remedy in Parmeloe'e Ve1,o40b10 Pills, which aro warranted to speedily correct the ditotder. There is no better medicine in the entire list ' of pill preparations. \4,'v, i 1 il�f t1 A rg • A It,;l a• i:, SKM,•nn. • ! htlrscI;.iy, 11 'Jr , v.l rrMay a d Satirdy arc 23rd and 24th You are invited Cor ar SVMDICOTE CUT 'Ga` y v�v t They're Fghting, Winning and Dying for Us What are We doing for Them ? Let us think of the boys who in the midst of the atone, What novelty there wail in it has given lemon to the daily grind, long !marches, lonesome,. Mame clanger, fatigue, They oro removed from everything previously held dear Just imagine a few of them coming to our door after long hard days and nights in the mud of the trenches, Wouldn't we eagerly extend It helping habil. Why of oourae we would. Well, hero is our opporunity. The boys will not knock at our doors in vain. It is our ohauoe to "do oar bit". If we cannot say a °Meering word in person and gather the boys into our ltopitable homes for the entertainment they need and crave so intensely we can at least thank Providence that the Y. M. 0. A is doing its duty and has been einoe the first week of the war. Help the Y. M. d. A, to Help the Soldiers, The Canadian boys are not being negleoted anywhere, As sootn as they don khaki the Y. M. C. A. ie ready to help theta, Every Training Camp has a Y. M O. A. quarters, The long train journey and ocean voyages oro often livened up by the preseuee of the Y M C A Secretary. In Eng laud religious speakers stand ready to help the boys. In France 1.110 Y M 0 A maintains Brenohee in the Firing Troechl a. The first hot drinks our buys get its they leave the Firing Trench art, in the Y 51 1) A forward oante0tie. The subscription List will be open at 14fr, .lobe Beattie's store for one week to give all itttonding subsoribera a chance to subeoribe— Mayor Stewart John Beattie John Rankin President Treasurer Secretary HOW THE Y. M. C. A. HELPS THE SOLDIERS Free Letter paper Free hotedrinks at the Front Sending snap shots to families Magazine Distribution Libraries Personal Commissions Providing Athletics ProvidingAthletic Material Distributing Testaments and Prayer Cards Entertainments Moving Pictures Grafonolos and Pianos Religious Services - Sing -Songs Gymnasiums Baths Accompanying Troops on trains Comforts Branches in trenches Encampments in every Home Training Camp Etc, , Etc. The above illustration tttdioatea how closely the Y. M. O. A forcers the FightingtLine It has been wall spoken of as the "Bulwark of the Army"