HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-22, Page 1W, T. BOX & eor Furniture Dealers Phone 60 New Series Volume 15, No, l2 WNTED 50 GIRLS! SECT10N WORK ` Nice easy:work_ 7; child couldialmost do 11 -fie work. Come and take' one Section as follows s 5 girls to put in hip pockets. 5 girls to put in side pockets. 5 girls to make garters. 5 girls to foin garments together. 5 girls to sew on bands and one or two girls to inspect work. We also want 25 or 3o girls for piece nnnakii g. All nice cleanjwork and easyland steady all year round. 50 hours per week. We have girls making over ten dollars week. Why can't you ? Apply or Write to W. En SANDFORD MFG. GG. Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTI ONTARIO I CATLE SNOW SEA -IOU TESD*.Y AMIL 3rd I917. [inner the Auspices at the Saatorth' Agricultural Society Special Competition Special Township Competition Prize of $18 00 in Gold open to any township for the best Three Heavy Draft or Agrioultnral Horses (Stallion barred) Any .lige on halter and need not bo the property of one person—bot must be owned in the township. No prises unless two or more townships be represented, Donated by J, F. Daly and W. 3. Beattie. Donations No 1-17 Jewo! Adjusted Regina Watch, Gold -Filled On5e, donated by Mr, F S. Savange Jeweller value. ..... ........... ............. ..... 00 No 2—English Waterproof Ooat, donated by Greig Clothing Go, Clothiers valpe........................................... ..................... $10 00 No g—Heavy Pure Wool Horse Blanket donated by N Cluffs & Sons, Lumber Merchants value...,..... $0 00 No 4—Silver Medal donated by Bank of Oommeroe value.........,..,.... $10 00 k) 5—Pair of Shea donated by H.R. Scott value ......... .....................16 00 No 8—Dry Goode donated by J. Mootavioh value ........................$I0 00 No 7—A Suit of Clothes, The Famous Progreso Brand, donated by Stowar Bros Olothiers value ................... «....., ......, ... $2b 00 ]Pio 8-2o0 lbs Wave Creat Flour donated by Seaforth Milliog Co value $Io 00 Pio 9—Silver Oup by Dominion Bank value.......... ........................... To 00 Pio 10—Sot of Double Whiffle trees donated by 11. & F. Daemonic Blacketnith vsluo...... .., ......... ...... .............11..........,..6 00 Pio 1I—Package of Tee donated by Sproat Bros value............ .... ..9 00 EVo 12—$roto-policy paid for 3 yeare in Huron Weather Insurance Go donated by .the Huron Weather Insurance Go value ...................7 00 No 19—Rug donated by D Shanahan PRIZE LISTS MAY BE OBTAIN= ED FROM THE SECRETARY J. Mcl? ower. R. M. Jones M. Broderick Fres. Treas. Sec. SEAFORTJI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAIRell 22 1917 Pte James Scott The following letters arrived too late for insertion in the Nowa last week They aro both interesting. One from the Red Cross nurse is an evidence of the great work this Society is doing for ouv boos when injured. Pte. Scott is o eon of Mr. John Soon of Roxboro who was recently wounded after a year's fighting in Franoe Bristol, Feb. 14, 1917, Dear Sister ; Just a line to lot you know that z am getting Along nieoly and am an. joying health in England now. They sent mo over here yesterday. We Were two days coming from Franco but I had algood bad all tho way so en- joyed the trip pretty well. I am in a nice hospital in Bristol. We got a great reception when we landed here Tho station was crowded with women with cigarettes, sandwiches and tea and they did nut seem able to do enough for you. It is pretty cold here in Eug- land now, but not as had as it was in France. My wounds are healing up fine now and 1 expect to be able to get in a few days. I have been in bed three weeks now and am getting pretty tired of it. Things were pretty lively in Franco when I got wounded and 1 expect the big drive to take place bo - fore very long. 1t will likely be worm than the Somme and likely to happen right near where the Oanadlans are just now. I often wanted to tell you about the Somme, but, uuuld not, and now 1 have forgotten what it was like but ole, it was 0 regular Hell for the two months we were there and 1 was uartainlyglad to get away from it. Wo have been in a quiet part of the line all winter, but even it was getting bad when 1 left Our Battalion pulled off a raid and bombed Frite's dugouts It was quite snouoestul and they brought hook quite a number of prisoners with them The Battalion Bombers were covering them with rifle greuadea and 1 guess Frits saw where 1 was ahootiug 'from, 8o he lauded a six inch shell right beside us. 1 hoard it Doming and ducked, it killed two of the boys and wounded the other two of us. I con- sider myaeli vary lucky. 1 certainly lupe it is over before 1 have to go book became I sure am sick of seeing fellows blown to piens. I think this Glimmer will tell the tale, but there are a lot •of lives to be lost before the tale is told, I guess the boys in the Section. would get all the boxes Glut were on the way which 1 have not reoeived. Be sure and write Boon Lovingly Jimmy, Canadian iced Cross Sooiety 141143 i'vukspu: Street Loudon S. W. Feb LOth. 1917 Deardair:- 1 bog to inform you that Pto J. '1 Scott N0.101264 40th Canadians who is now,at 2nd Southern General Hos- pital, Bristol, Englund has shrapnel wounds in the book and cheek. Sturm being admitted to the above quite r00 - eptly, he has been visited by 0110 of our sooietys authorised visitors (Nita Brooks) who reports that he is malting very good progress, and we trust will continue to do so. As long as lie remains in Hospital, he will he visited regularly and reports of his condition forwarded from time to titno. • Yon may 5851 assured he will receive every pare and attention and anything he may require in the way of small com- forts not supplied by Hoopital cigarettes Canadian papers, eto we are always pleased to send from here. yours truly Beatrice Caverhill Chas Brodie Mr Charles Brodie who spent the winter with his eon Charles in Seaforth and who returned to the Woodrow,Sask 2 weeks, ego died there of quinsy and heart failure shortly after his arrival at the age of 88 years. He was bort, in Scotland and came to Canada when lyr old and lived at Walton until no moved to Seaforth 25 yi+ars ago. Resides Ins eon in town and a daughter, Mrs Holly of Walton, two sous Rud two daughters are 01 the west. Seaforth Horticultural Society Elsewhere in this i85ue appears the premium lint of the Seaforth Elation!. tura! Society which a as formed with the intention of eneoareging the people in growing flowers, bttslies, fruit trees, stn Tho Ontario Government pay the various Uortieultural Sooietiee through out Province substantial bonuses to ens able them to carry out the work and it is with the aid of its bonus that the Seaforth Society is able to make such generous offers au premiums By look- ing over the premiums given, one can RHO that it is a very inexpensivedmethod of obtaining part of your requirements mately for the price of tbo subscription to tete Sooiety—Ono Dollar. It is truly Two Dollars worth for One Dollar and you cannot do any better than that. The Society, however, is not so au- xioua to obtain your subeoription as they aro to have yon actually co- operate in growing the flowers, bushes, trees that interest you most. We want to follow out the Governments intention of encouraging the beautifying the towns, large and small, and it is with this in view that we wish to have the, people of Seaforth and district join use and give a little time to:the improve mast of their homes. A few floe/ars or shrubs in front of a house; a garden taimmed or oared for matted of being an eyesore makes a wonddrful improve. merit in the appearance of rho premises and how numb greater is that when every home has a nice appearing lawn, large or small, tasteftsily deoorstd with flowers and bushes. The little hit of outdoor work required will help to put the doctors out of business —try it. McKillop Last Saturday which was fit Patricia day was ono of the stormiest of the win. ter, a driving anew storm and a fierce wind continued nearly all day, There has been quite a number who have received less or more injury from slipping on ice. This could hardly be avoided as ice has been in evidence where ever they attempted to walk, The death of Ales Brothoreton at the Huron house of refuge a short time ago when he and Frank Rinehart and Lige Howlet were the only labourers down on the Leadbury lino, These were times to try mons souls, Mr J J. Irvine received a message that his mother who resides in Bian- shard Township was quite ill he made preparatio s to go and visit lior when he got word that she was much improved The lady referred to is 02 years of age We hear that Gorden Holley has leased the farm of Richard Robinson. Lectures are being sent out in the Province from time to time telling she people to produoo more and keep on producing when the fact of the matter is that the failure of grain, potatoes etc last year took place by reason of climatic oondttion and the reason that nearly all tho potatoes rotted in the ground the previous year was by reaenn of the conditions. A good deai Imo already been done and we have, as a result, some very at- tractive gardens, but we want every one to do their share and the simplest' way to get started is to join the Society. The Officers of the Sooiety named below, aro prepared to give ad- dles to the best of their ability as the most suitable method to improve the appearance of your gardens or lawns— do not hesitate to ask them for infor mation. Remember that the smal expense and the small amount of work will be well repaid when you see the fruits of it during the summer. Rem ember also that when our boys return from the unsightliness and Hind of the battle front. they wont want to see the vacant spots covered with weeds. A, ittlo cleaning up and a little color wil add eoniethitig to the homecoming. Everybody can do something -Don't bo the exception. 'I'li,' Premium Gist will close on Moroli Slat so he sore to jou us without writing until too late. OirFwa as —Wn1 Hartry, Dr Grieve, .A ll Sutherland, A 1' Chari, W D Hoag W H Smattters, H Edge, R F Jones,, Ohas Stewart, J H Wright, R M Joues and Dr C McKay. Tho Hurons iHI. From old England came a message to this fair Canadian land. In this great and mighty straggle won t you coupe and lend a hand? So our !eddies dohned the khaki, Bravely shouldered then the gun, Vowed to serve their king and country in old Huron's one,oix-one. Chorus: When they heard the pleading, "Soldiers brave, we're needing." For their country's sake they nobly of- fered all; - God protect them ever while they thus endeavor Manfully to do their bit, whate'er be- fall. Tho' our hearts are almost broken since we bade our boys good bye, Still we know then do their utmost, That the Union Jack may fly; When battles all aro over and the victory has been won, May God bring bask to Canada old Enron 's one -six -one. This piece may bo sung to the tune of ".Keep the Homo Fires !Burning." i@rT MoDERM iD—'1'0Fi'01.i'!D A wedding was solern34.9d on Wed' nosday ovouing Mar, )Pathat the manse when Res F R Larkin, united in holy matrimony Mies Josephine Tuford mos of Mr and Mrs Chittendon of Seaforth to Mr Malcolm MoDermid of the Huron Road, Many friends wisp the happy couple joy in their new life. f3EAT3f . EMMERTON—At Clinton on Mar. 9th John Emmerton, aged 62 yeare. GRAINGERj--At Brucefnald, Mar. dth., James Grainger, aged 78 years. MARTIN— to McKillop, on Mar. lath Mrs Susanna Martin aged q7 years. 1' MARRIAfiEO- LOVE—HAMILTON—In Tuokorsm,th on Marob 17th, James Love to Jean flam.iltoi of the same place. Requisite on the Farm,—Every farmer and stook -raiser should keep a supply of Dr Thomas' Eoleotric Oil on has d not only as a ready remedy for ills in the family, but beoaueo it is good a horse and cattle medicine of groat potency. As substitute for sweet oil for horses and oattlo affected by °olio it far surpasses anything that can be administered. t. .a 1t.T4.60 4'01,4-Z'A: 5215 q :iu,a7II.., -ea 9 s a -- W. T. 130 t t eat a.o A'i1liotIA ttAil AND , rt1811IItAi, 1)Iltlt(320111 Ire. /9. 19014 11011501 el 0ereri4eat 51 7 911 0 01 11 and 1,lIswen-42$4aoita Hl6iienA'rA I'laouos.1 N1layy'1 1kt1 s 14 Two t=oot& Single Copy Fine Table Silver We visit our Dining Roofs three times pq• day, rogy times every year. Surely it .ought to be the best kept room in our home -it's table. the finest appointed. Our Silver Table Wart is the last word in thes respect -the finishing touch to the Well order -- ed table. Thirst'trre is marked for its great variety of Sil-rer• Table' Ware. We have man- aged also to heap the ,prim quite low -at for instance, fall weight Silve r Plated "Rogers )Solves Forks at S so the x)02, . f,~rb'. �5r119N1114ti aurrr0Far lin Oatfaugle & Otollerg dlrmrlere mid (3)ptirtan91 IS•irringe [Accuse Issuers PHONE 194 llvcuing 10 The score you If7i11 alw rigs like. .zrzeF rN..t. seasons Edi..g.t t.1` zzc d:. esu 'Coble and see the lea€><tni styes, mote the attractive prices, and compare the un- usual qualities, Creations of beauty describes the hats we have cls display, !- _'•5: "yb 11 V1Sr-I