HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-15, Page 8fie 8 I' IE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 51P. ItEDMUND WALISaR, C.V.O„ LL.D. 0.0,1.., lrrosldrat MIN A]RU, Gemarat Muss ter. H, V. E. JPNIIS, Asst General Memwtor CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS k(aalsseret at the current rate ill allowed on all deposits of $1 and 'grwnrde. Carafe/ attention is given to every account. Small accounts Aro welcomed. Aeoouots may be opened and operated by mail. AnnotarittiS may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- draws/1s to be suede by any one of them or by the survivor. S30 Seafortik. Bra xa.ol J.G. MULLI N MANA43ES TIER ERS WRA Genuine Vegetable Parchment Wrappers specially printed from your mown copy, we can supply them at the follow ing prices -- I 000 THE S APORTi Na W'S SIER ORTIR lid To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario A 'Vegetable Garden for Every Home N this year of supreme •frort Britain and her Inn 't. have tanple • r'r tc , and Zt nt,,ne;; ._,... •..-u 1701.11{1 W el Fmerpdf??' e;:;s tauht.:p. • a It Ili iT.Si t(7 lotve2 itl- °7'111:11 CO`t of 'ii i.};. •' y,. It la :p to e,d,:in-gently needed de l surplus of rt,r.ite for export. yt, arowiti. y n ar own vr , it c.f others 'whose effort is nee,[ d ir. other t.wtl ear cork. The Department of .='t •ri4:.aiturw 7nrill help yonl The Ontario I7ep:tttuient of Agriculture appeals to iortia•1litiar.tl Societies to dli-att at le,e.t one tuning Meeting to the stip ;icet of v<<,• tal,le gt owing; manu- facturers, labor unions, lodges, school bourns. etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home." Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In cases where it is impossible to secure suitable local speakc-is, the Department of Agriculture will, on request, send a suitable man. The demand for speakers will be great, The number of available experts being limited, the Department urgently requests that arrangements for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot be secured, send applications promptly. The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prizes for bust vegetable gardens. It is prepared to assist in any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production on vacant lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert advice in the field. To any one interested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about implements necessary and methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan off a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent freee of oluirge to any address. Write for Poultry Bulletin Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you will he highly repaid in eggs. •• Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agricul- arse, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. j 1. I•iearat, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto fresh ggs. 4ltrlte for free bulletin which tolls haw to keep hens. This SSEAFORTlaU NEWS 1 CORRESPONDENCE Dashwood Mies. Land of Wymorng is here to charge of the millinery department of Tremae and Fdeghoffer. Mr and Mrs Kellerman were recent visitors Mr D Plait of Sarnia attended the ate Fred Elsie last week, Mr Lloyd Edegloffer of seeforth hie home for a few days last week, Mr Fred Elsie died hero last week at the home of bis daughter Mrs D Piatt. The deceased had been in poor health for some time with cancer of the stomach. Ho is survived by three daughters, Mrs D Plait of town, Mrs Fred Rosie of Sooforth and Miss Mabel of Detroit. Winthrop Millinery Openings—We invite you to visit our ahowrooma on March 23rd and 26th Latest models will be ahown—Elite Millinery Parlors -- A lane will be given in Oalders Hell Winthrop on Thursday next Mar 22 under the ausprose of the L O L No 813 Winthrop. Proceeds for the Red Oroee, Geutlaman 76 oedts. Manley)' Opening Display of the New Spring Millinery March 83r1 and 24tH —Elite Millinery Parlors— Mr Leek Scott and Mr ,Joe Rokart and Miss Kano Eckert and thee Catt ohne McMan were visitors in our burg. last Sunday. Mr Fred Eckert meet with a serious accident by a load of wood upsetting and crushing hie leg bur after freeing himself he was able to go home and is doing nicely. Mr Jerry Ohero is suffering from au attack of neflammatory rheumatism. Ikfr Kriet Kupein arrived home from Alta. to attend his father s funeral. Mr M Oloughlin hao a successful auutiou sale last Wednesday. McKillop Opening Display of the New Spring Millinery March 23rd and 24th —Elite Millinery Parlors—. Mr Con Eckert has purchased Mr J R Courtney's 100 sere farm for $6000 Exeter The Department is urging teacher to grow vegetables wstead of flowers in their school plots this year. Hogo were sold hero last week for $14 Id A Al taE c bristle slip! ell on the iceat her lrmis a v, re,J iujl.rittt; bur right a,'1e 1tr:tu:l Ilea f. !4.hreld,•r r,i ti4,•{Jiau ) rs,• 1:, . tl,*•ir nai. ,1 :ale in.nn puen- tur si,t a L,w ,lays Illo❑ge- :1fr;!`idJms. Meer neemitly eel. ebratrd iiu.0 001.11 ;uinivera;.ry Tiiay wore eel rprtx„ td l,y rolarii'es presouting thole with n purse of gold and good . wisbee. Misses Mao and Emily Maloney wore visitors in Mitchell en Saturday, lyir Geo, Magid was u Saaforlh visit- or op Sunday. Miss A, Carling of Mensal( visited friends hero for a few days. lelrs A. Darling called on friendsi in Mitchell op Saturday. Miss D. Me Faure has returned after a visit at her home in Walton, Miss M. Sullivan of Detroit is visit. nig friends here, Mr John Pierce, of Oskosh and , his sister, Mrs Brinier of Ohiaago, Sister Ernestine of Toronto attended the flus. anal of their mother. Miss Griffin of Goderich 15 visiting her slater Mrs L Molyueaux. Miss McDonald of Toronto is visit• higher sister Mrs P Dill hero, On Thursday evening Mar. 8th, the Angel of Death entered our village a.. gain and took as its viotlm Mrs Janata Pierce, whose age was 84 years. De- camped had not been feeling well for a few days but her death came as a great surprise to her many friends. The funeral took place on Sunday morniag,at 10 40 at St, Patrick's Churoh, tbenoe to °t• Oolumbnn Gem- tery, She is survived by two sons John of Oskosh Wis, Joe of Detroit and three daughters Mrs Bruxer of Chicago Ella of Detroit and Sister Ernestine of Toronto, -`its-- °so Miller's Worm Powders aro ,woe and palatable to ohildren. who show no hesitancy in taking them. J hey will certainly bring all worm troubles to an. end. They aro a strengthening and stimulating medicine, correcting the disorders of digestion that the worms cause and imparting a healthy tone to the system most beneficial to develop- ment. _Mr maul: McConnell Manager of tho Stallard Bank was in Toronto ;in Moe. sly attending the funeral or Mr Scho- field, (10uerni Manager of the Standard B:a a lc Mrs Jas M Grath and Mies Id Baran spent Monday in Seefortb, Air Geo. O'Leary of Windsor attend• ed the funeral of his mother Mrs 0'. Leary on t3atusday, Mr T F Been of the Standard Bank hes(g000 to his home 1u Lucan to attend the funeeal of his father who died on Saturday. The death of Mrs. 0, O'Leary op. ourred bore 0n'thergday March 8th, Deceased had been in poor health tar some time. She leaves to mourn her toes one son George of Windsor, and Mre. Dr, Michell of Dublin. Her funeral Masa took plebe on Saturd,y morning to St, Patrick's church after Which she was laid to rest in St. Pat- rick's Cemetery hero. Mrs Molynoaux returned home on Monday after a visit with bar ;,sister hire P, Morris in Ribbert. Ildrs Wm, Nevin, and dangh..er gine called en Mltuhnl1 friends on y •P.i lay Miss M, C, Evans oallad oi.k14 tilde in Mitchell, on Friday last. OFIalEilla MAY OM SENT US EY TELEGRAPH OR TELEPHONE Thursday Ma A. E. AMg8 dk 011}. intt4PtfPlitfe 25e'Anrt. Ratta1lishnd ,$14p. AT OUR EXPENSE FOR THE NEW WAR LOA DOMINION OF CANAD MONTREAL ) } rortaarprairkwerarrrporearapraVrambropror t74rdo,o Bawik Bleadti(,p•, gy Xiep' W. TORONTO NEW YORK — ---...,rt,. ,rirrirra., 1135 =. ,.,.mom ,.,m '1";' :.. ,.r.l..r.ISigit.MI..1..,t:AOIE'Te>f,%V�i. I.El `.. E,RK f" O. •tr.i EEE OE tD it aiM' NSriK'"T` "7rt.�IREI S�al� i st March, 1937 ����ttttI kkkkkkis �����1 WA R LOAN O � i N OF C . "ie. T. <7,{. A Issue of 8150,000,10010 5% Bonds Maturing Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. 5 ISSUE PRICE 96. A FULL HALF -YEAR'S IN'T'EREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER, 1917. Tlli: PROCEEDS 011 TUE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PUR- OSES ONLY. -i's-s--tr:u or 1r s --stn, nl'fers herewith, on bolut'f i, c r-suttlterl kends for 'ul.,,-l•rip- ti :'11 111,11,:•:: ;ion ; 1 1 a "! t ;ft,. e t t his 11. -Int. Will l,.• li it.f..1 ,1 •.�, . `a i, , i _`l✓tl ,luli:U'r e xi -I i�r t l ,,l• '.'ri ..,t. tit i,V i 1IIi.', i I„'.. ,lie :aii•1't•11d,r of tie t.titti.,sleet i .'•i inticr the l.Pl7lt-t of the i1';`.t• 1.• ..r. ,>. 1'115' S.1 1..11!(:! ,i ca.-at,+er, 11115. • '1'h, r•,:11c•ttts alas' 1 ir'i.i in fall co the 1 1i day- 4.1 `.piI:. i ,'i, ,; ,.11 al ilt ,iniluititt duo fluty t.h,trelaft.T, 110511)' 11t ;if 1..ur p r Pent p l 51n1111t. ll • I ,i I. are to bit neali,( .5 1)5(51ri. 1 hint:: for the rl',: 151 •1 111e•. 1.11 pay any 111:•:',11F1'1.111 11, a duo i,il1 r11il,•r P1.01:10,t paynnerfs litlhla - 1i- .'11•f15055...: id the tillotantit. 1,1 cancellation. w.11,.c ildtp lei: tti -.-itli iniad tv .hal: t it. of t,,tl Por 110"At. 1',0.1 it,' 1.pti5':1t'deti through 111,• ',1e rliili'.l of 1t obarter, ,l r;,-.:!;. An - l r;tlich in Canada a .,f mi c'1.i,t1•,.,l i,:ank will r,:1 • •:1 ,aul”;.,•ritp`it;1-1 and is ,0 - pro eisi,.1 ul I'eceipt.s, itis loan is authorized und,!r Aet of tho PlIrlialriout of ('shads, and bitll princillid and interest will be 11 charge:' upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund, Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in ()anada of any chartered hank and at the office of any Assistant Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will bo applied towards payment of the amount due on the April instalment. Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to hearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or hearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registerec as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application. i)): -h -.'.'t,; e,1 ee'ritl rrrtiru^tics 151(1 (/f bonds. will he tussle 1 I, 11,:` el, a to 1•:'d l i t,--;41- ,tali 1;' roty u5r.e n,e rt d to l.,t, u: rIt legislation e ni ctrd it '..tte •,( '.t5;;u;•,;,,. .I.att ivit1, ,' oft:: t: 'It of. is: tied ill lionoruinnt.it nis t';no. ;;+'it, ;)! a r.11,, 1 •t. reel bunds svilhcl,.t 7:15,.11 ai it: ei' •trivdt..us of 51,0011, a'i.thI0 . , :+ul hlir!ze;i IIs :ilii , '1. ).• The bond; will be paid 1. -151i t• ,iii' it par at the office „i' thei.tii:f,,,r or 1'11.:,q.'i• r,l::1 1{Prtlrl'1' f,cn,'rai at in .•., • or at the cake of it . A ';,-tulip. 11oeeiver General :;.1 i. .,u.ia, ut. ,John, t 1i;si--,'..4u,rn, Montreal, Toronto, 11 iu1 )1. 1, Regina, Calgary or Vir1111•i a, or at the Agency .!'i' he 1-;1.nkof Montreal, New York. t'ity. 'fin, interval on 1)1 fully registered bonds will he paid by ch slue, which will be remitted by post. Interest ori ida with coupons wad be pun nn surrender of coupons. Both e' ;,tpu'. s.nrl coupon,, tit. 111; option of the holder, will be payable free of exchange al, an;, branch in Canada of any rh;t'tered bank, or at for Agency of the Bank of Montrn:it, New York City, Sul.,je'et to the payment of twenty-five cents for each new 1. -nut issued, holders of fully itegu;trerod bonds without coupons tilt have the tight to col.ert into bonds of the denomination of 51,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds wiih coupons will ha't'e, the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without coupons at any time 011 application to the Minister of Finance. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stook Exchanges. Recognized bond and stock brokers having offices and carrying ori business in Canada will be allowed a commis- sion of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that no commission will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915, or in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture stock Maturing let October, 1919. No commission will be allowed in 1'espeet of applications on forms which have not been printed by the King's Printer, SUBSCRi(PTION LI.f'"r'i'ti WILL CLOSE ON OR BEFORE PIIE 23rd OF MARCH, 1917. DIIr'AnTM1eNT PI„ Foliages., Osrmwa, March 12111, 1017, MIO ION