HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-15, Page 5pr l'age RmRlaaiiaiAZot 3010.wnal Wa*"".stroK..+Mism.+nt8.*siia 'N1 RTOpk Miall and 'Rhone Orders carefully Filled oSt Peo ts, 1,f! Are not aware of the labor perform- ed by their feet until they breaak, down Hat foot is caused by improper shoes, or by standing or walking on hard surfaces, which strain the liga= ments supporting the arch which breaks down. Then the person tiles easily at first but as it grows worse the train becomes severe. Our TRI -SF WNU ARCH SUPPORT will take that pain away and give you comfort, 11'11 R 9 LG � u - "The Ronnie of Good Shoes" Phone 51 Seaiorth vas CE EAN WANTED Send your Dream to us and receive tap prices, We are running our plant the year through and Dan handle your filth supply and furnish you with owns. We pay twice each month and weigh. sampie,and test eaoh eau of cream rare folly. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons" Petrone aro requested to re carr all our nano, when not in nee, illus an9Buttermilir also on hand n9 for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. W1 J, Walker 86 Son Undertakers IDe� Embalmers W. J. Walker, holder of go, eminent Diploma and License Day or Night oalie efieeive our prompt attention Day Phone 87 Night " 18 STRATFORD, Winter Term from January9nd We have Commercial Shurtltantl and Telegraphy Department. Tit commis are thorough up to dateand practical. '!'ho in streotors areex- perienood and we are r Tidying scores of applioationa for t-Ained help we cannot supply. Write at once for particulars. A. McLACHLAN PalnuiPv 1, mosso 1ISTER RIGMIGIA, who before b000ming a sister was a teacher in the London Celtics vests) t iSllsii w give lteF.io rt 1- • ..ellen Ctrae Soaforth in instrumei.tel and rocas emote, piano and rime JOUR, Atm STOMACHS, GASES OE INDIGESTION TION each 'Papers DIapepain" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. Time It! In ave minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dewiness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape'S Diapepsin is noted for its ,red in regulating upset stomachs. to the surest, quickest stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a largo fifty -cent naso or Pape's Dlapepsin from any drug store. You realise in Jive minutest how needless it is to auf- for from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dlaorder. It's the quicitost, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. PROMPTLY SECUREr. In all cosWtr en, Itslt for our ItTVFlNTOR'$ ADVISliat, .w140h volt be sent free. MAI ON Se KAttlae.•' BOLTq `tet Business Hours Monday Night OA Saturday Night 11 30 Other Nights 8 Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNOS BLOCK SEAFORTH Representative Wanted At once for Sot fortis end Dietriet for 'Canada's Groateet Nurseries', Spriug 10I7 Planting List now ready. Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit anti Ornamental Stook, including McIntosh lied Apple St. Regis Ever - bearing Raspberry, and many other leaders, New Illustrated Catalogue sent on applioatton , Start now at best selling time, Liberal Proposition. STONE and WELLINGTON The Foothill Nurseries. .Eetablisbed 1837) Toronto, Ontario. The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario itimitt nn . burftizrr All Mail Editions $3.00 Per Year SAVE THE PAPERS Newepapare and ntoEtazine•s fur the next collection shortly after Christmas The papers are all coag veined Into money For comforts for the :sol- diers. Womens War Auxiliary 10 CENT `tCASOARETS" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels—They. work while yeti sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, ifdiget- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches corse from +i torpid liver and clogged bowels, which causer your stomach to become ailed with undi- gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage In a swill barrel. That's the first step to imtold misery—Ma gestion, foul germs, bad breath, yellow skin, mental feare. everything that is horrible and nauseating, A Cascaret to.nilhit will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleop-Wa I0•cent box from your druggist will keep you feel. Ing good Los most .e. fr0.11.0 ',.41.19... t.IM.4M..Y,i.01,1..,Wt...n,Pi, 11.-...N t1•,+w+IlO/w!.+i!o..�..t7+�.u,•tap+.pmntafa.�•++••�N Miss Mary f:eillespio of Parkhill epeot the week and et her home here. Mr James Nelson was called to W I:sellout on a000nnt of this serious 111- ne•as of his father, Mr J 1) fliuclilny is a 13amilton visit- or. Mr 0 Brewster, Wiuthrup is ,lit a trip to Toronto. As wo go to prose word coulee of the death of Mr Ales Setherinud, Sr. who has boon seriously 111. Major It Ilertrey spent a few days with hie parents and left yesterday fur ovatseaa at 3 p nt. A large number wore at the station to Nein him ,till'. Millinery Openings—We invite you to visit our showings nit Itlarch 23rd and 2410 Latest models will be hove—Elite ilillinnry Parlors- Dr and Mrs liastis and Mine Aggio Hustle of Detroit wore here attending the funeral of their brothel the late John Beetle, While . here they were guests of Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbull, An interesting retie wits on the Sea - forth Bulletin board on Monday. It wee a pleas of a zeppelin whioh wan brought down by the British at Salonica and, was sen tto his mother by Pte. Llha MoLean. This cart of the ;Country ;has had its third thunder storm already in 1017. Pte W Mo Phail of Godorioh was reported wounded Inst weelr, Mr and Mrs .f W Button spent a few clays in higersoll last weak. Mre Ed Mole and ohildron and Miss Ray spent Sunday at Porter hill. Mr Wm. Evans the Veteran assessor of Mo gillop was in town an Saturday. Mr Evens, who is 81 years of ago had just completed the work of assessing the Township and from bit vigor would not seem a day oror sixty. There will be a eons service in the Presbyterian Ohuroh on Sunday even- ing. Friends will regret to learn that Mr Sutherland, Sr, John St is seriously ill, Mies Zueffle of Hensel! is visiting Miss Kate Mo biarmid, Goderioh st, Mr Joe Hoggath bas purchased the residence of Mies Brooks in Egmond- ville. Mr 0 L Williams, druggist was in Toronto this week attending the funeral of hie mother Mr and Mre R Peek spent Saturday in Clinton, April the 8rd is the data:ot;eeafoth Spring Show, The Poston wore go out last week anti show a goodllot of Primes. Write to Mr Broderieir for a list. Mr and Mrs S Cudmore have returned from Tillbury, and are preparing to move to Mr Cudmore"s farm near Kipp. on, Mite Clara Dobie is on a resit to friends in Luoan, Mrs J. S. Roberts has returned from a visit to Toronto. Mrs Murphy (nee Miss Mabel Young) of Holland, Mich, is visiting her friend Miss Mina Melville. Mrs Peter Scott, Brussels is visiting her mother, Mre J. P, Brine. Mre R. S. Hays epont Sunday with friends in Clinton. Mrs Pearson Ohesney, Tuokeremith, is visiting relatives in batt. A vary enecossful tea givolt under the auspices of the Womons Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church, EVILS hold last Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs John Beattie. The proceeds amounted to $22 24 all of whioh will be expended in ,clothing au Indian boy and girl in the North-West. Mrs Sherbrook returned to Londot• boro after visiting her mother Mrs Webb Miss Mason John St,, spent Sunday in Belgravo. Mr Connor, Government Inspector of Shells, has returned from Toronto to resume his poeition in Belle Mumiticn i Werke. At a meeting on Monday night ad. dressed by Mr Ysigh ou Y M C A work in the tr'oncties it wan decided to hold, a public meeting in the interest of the Feuds on Tuesday eventing next when an address will bo given by Mr. Mo. Nabb who hoe returned from Franco. Impactor H 13 Spotton M A, LLD, its visiting the Collegiate at present, 'Ciel: ,F.,' FOl 'FII t\JLWS �v�,�i�,.� t iti'liS i t4r ) �1,i"s 11 • E. 40.•4i,w.cn ra iii R ti =i • y. d; G 1,:;,;d Thursday, Mar 15 'tt�.k: M'oWrat txIL`dIWWc1`x ,sn,,a.R A4�WE'"4'�M rriday mid Saturday arch 23AI r c1 24th You are Invited Lowent.ITE0n• 00 SYNDICATE CUT CO, 2,N ,t-A-ME.>;tcYa• .;KEA:A, 6..61 P66 lrr.:'>ti� �...;3.. e ,.._r;q,.-�, .; 5, ;,.., „ t:.., s„t;:,11.1e,'?.a1wEaxt' •taco OS G#�lt"aTi?Pd71�s 1 P,I2rLP ;u{IZseir"ti>ti�#'t4is9.c” P�t•."tf"„t"rr1,w A1l,liiF,�,1_`•� u'07,10'il',tEII+=TETI t'fi;, "_ "+ic'i `- is Fig.;' MIVIIVO' VICFM.3! THE FACTORY She must , we�oo ,- a.,, v11=11=12 n 9135..4=2T31LEEE 'a=MEZEMETME ar7.•-MEMI,LdawLKi.l.ii:+D for her Armies in the Field - for her Worker:s in the Factory --- in the Munition plant ----in the Shipyard -in the Mine. THEM'S BRINGER 114 0 You OW. ___ CHT— i43 ii YOU kdiLa1Seft HELP that the rapidly rising price of food stuffs means that the World's reserve supply is getting small ? DO You KNOW ----- that a world-wide famine can only be averted by increasing this supply ? DO You KNOW-.. - YOU GL.N - help thwart. Germany's dcaperatto sub- marine thrust on the high seas. `(GUI CAN that a "food famine" would be a worse disaster to the Empire and her Allies than reverses in the Field ? do this by helping to snake every bit of lat.•i in Canada produce—the very best p)011.i of foot; atoll; :of which it is cap.:3hle. AND R.l!:J Em ma that no min can say flat he has,li e-.0 10 his part -'who having lart.t be it garden patch, or farm, or ranch-- -fails to make it produce food to its utlnost capacity. BRITAIN APPEALS TO CANADA THE NEAREST PRODUCER OF STAPLE FOODS India and Argentina are more than twice the distance away and e Auutralie( more than four times, ..czt MILis 0C100 n._O 11500 na t Li Canada to Britain- - - - 911.11. s, �ir„tFa India & Argentina to Britain - ll„ua'i ilzlLnlifu;&l!tCi.r:?:],u' is,5tis'£9 Australia to Britain ft';if{QiSr t',r'uEf]t.[+;;.'QtziiIIf e i'd'x;SSfr^.11i�",.fk'tiw.."",Su'i}Joism IMO THE FAR ikfi THESE FAM PIODUCTS ARE NEEDED FOR EXPORT WHEAT, BEEF, , FLAK AND FLAX FUME, BERME) VEGETABLES; "Mo matter what difficulties may face us, the supreme duty of every man an the land is to use every thought and every energy in the direction of producing more - and still more." Martin Burrell - Minister pj elprfetrllure• The Department invites every one desiring information on any subject relative to Farm and Garden, to write -- INFORMATION EiURRAl.d EP 11110 Err OTTAWA