HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-15, Page 1W. T. 1'10X $'t eo. I Furniture Dealers Pheno 50 maunimisaainswoinimmeismoweiwaimeniemeciiaseisamu W. 1% SOX 1tt(9AL+eIMF stip 9 (INlthAl. III(t�Eelneti. iloeetra of Wovons est yplenta. sea I,Ieanee- •mecca Momsliners Pbeurq { Pixy t Pales 154 New Series Volume 14, No, 39 WA TED 50 GIRLS 50 Olt MORE The W. E.ISanford Mfg. eon of Hamilton has purchased the Taylor -Anderson eo. t-rmthing Factory in Seaforth. And are go- ing to carry on the business from this out for which;purpose we 'reattire more than 50 girls assistants. The working hours each day are 8 to b except Saturday 8 to 12 each week. We guarar, tee steady work the year round. Nice clean work and girls Ilnllluagluf1 We pay highest wages !while learning Apply or Write to Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTh ONTARIO POLITICS COfiutERE SCUM QF CANADA FOR BUSY MEN Convenient trains leave Toronto Union Saation 1 t.00' P. M. (Except Saturday) to.00 A M. (Except Sunday) All modern equipmetit Through tickets to Ottawa via Toronto and the Canadian Northern Railway are obtainable from local C. N. R. Agent or G. T. R. agent. Telephone or Telegragh collect to City Passenger Agent Toronto for reservations or apply to CHAS. ABERHART, Druggist Seaforth, Ont CANADIAN NORTHERN From France lltaarifl'rieud:— Just a few Mimi in '),!ewer to 000 most welo0nl" letter which I received to -day, I am pleased to say we aro all leelwg well, and you would wonder we keep well smiler the 0oud,tiona Wet and cold all the time, it is quite snappy weather here. 1 wits no glad to ,tet your. parcel espec- ially tho socks, as I was in groat mend el then'), and God bless the Ladieso1 the Society, whatever wouid we do with mut the women. I am so pleased to think we will 1'eea140 the nooks right along au that is what vre need over mere, of cowrie the mike, and manly, tastes very good as we 1(00141' one any lilto that We are just bobiud the firing line, and the Big 011013 !keep roaring et night, and we oast Bleep for then!, but norm mind we aro dopending ou tbo Big (flues in the Spring to do the work Wo may be in to it any day, and you &depend on it the fellows from Sonforth, will do their duty, that is what we name for and trusting God to help es we will win. )'hon wbon it is over what a glorious Home coming for ulnae who may be IOohy enough to dome through . )there aro certainly things to put up with whioh make a fellow feel lonely at times, but we must cheer np as life is short at the best, and wo ahotld not worry lee we are here to do ear bit, no for to -night, we will sm11e any way. Orders have boon Bent out that there will be no more bread rattans end no more froth treat, so now bully Beef, and Army bieottits, Will you write as often es you can and send mea Nnwapapor plow, Flo now excuse this letter being short nn I am nearly fronen end with beet wiahps to you all I will mace for Ibis this time. .tore einotrely Sapper Charlie 11 Ralph flanaditin 1Cnsieenre Preece Bury's Gail SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, mitRen I:i 1917 Ing theta to millet. It la an injury whish will last all through their lives.. We need men. We need every man of the Ernpire, This is no time for sport If some ofetbe shirkers at home who go to see a hockey match could oomo out here and Seo a front draeaing eta - don during an action, they 15ould have their oyes opened and their haarte changed. Men, young men, at home, why do you not throng to the recruit- ing office ? There is the posaiblity of a crippled body if you do, there is the oartainty of a crippled aharaotar if you don't, and that le far worse. And then the millionaires of Canada. What are they giving ? Nothing at all adequate, Mosey has been sub- ooribod, lied ()roes subscriptions have flowed in, -but more money can some. 1f a millionaire wants to know how much he ought to give to some war object, let him picture himself on a cold, dark rainy night, lying in a wet shell -hole with both his logs blown off, and no stretcher-bearers near. How much would he give them for help and medical freemen t? Would it bo a thousand dollar anbeoription to an am- bulauoe ? No, it would run qu.okly to seven figures. That thought will give him a clearer idea of hie financial duty. Other men had to he dying in shell - boles for hta sake What a revelation to Uanadians it would bo it they could all visit the front. But, alas, Uanada will never know whit her sone have endured. Day after day, mouth after mouth, year and year, cheerfully and gladly they have endured and suffered and fought if Canada ever forgets these moo, my prayer is that she may go to the doge You will forgive this strong language. it has the merit of being sincere The spurting page of a Canadian newspaper 15 to me like a red rag to a bull, when 1 think of woatour men are doing hero Wo are going to smash tho Huns, but we are a long way from doing it yet. It will take the supromeSt effort of our whole empire. 1Cvery man must put his shoulder to the wheel even if it be a chariot of fire. Belgiam Re tel t The American members of the com- mission for Relief in Belgium have been asked by the Germans to remain at their posts, and the work in Belgium ie there -fore proceeding under exactly the same guaraetees as hitherto, The fact that the Commission for Relief in Balginm eontln008 to receive large sums from the Allied Goverment is itt 1(8 11 i+nough to prove that they who are tllr:St Intel rated. have 110 moon to kaiser that Germans are directly A ME8'4A(18 PROM TIdle £itEN(111 benefitting Furthermore, the 'tom• ✓ ICN'i' BY CA N(IN tit 011' U 181 (1 mission tart. of 1 an arrangement gENI011 1'H.t,I'LAI14 OE THEE with the Ill'veAh Gm moment 011 ono CANADIAN F11t4'r std„ ami the ticn•m:n5 e:urerinuout on the I)1VItilUN other by which all aueep111 le lane for This stirring alln1m005 to the young Belgian 11,111.4 ships between) North man and rich men o1 (410188144 15 an etc- A1n"rio8u pmts and Rotterdam has tract from a recent lots"r rncoived from been fixed au ail a> 1.14014 a the iontinnity Cason iioott by u friend in Montreal. of auppliea, It is a cold, cold day in Franco. The t'onnnissinn for Relief 'n Belgium Thu gruuud is frozen hard 11111 the is Mooing today a monthly deficit of $3,000,000. !tense it is more than over in need of the hill hearted support of of the public. men ,,o by with pinched noses and eold hands. 'rhe window panes of my ofr:e rattle with the sound .1f big guns, and before me lies a Oa adieu newspaper with a page devoted to sport, and full of accounts of hockey matches, ate. oto, It is at emelt n moment as this that oma tingles with a ammo of disgust and sham 0. S ort! 11ooltey matoheal Healthy young mon, physically fit, play. tug galea at lune? impossible) Where ie public spirit? Whore is pa trietieln? Where is the priuoiple of manhood? Are those men contest to stay at home and play gatnes and live disgusting, selfish lives, while their fellow Canadians are out hero bleeding and dying for them? I blush for Oan- oda. 1 blush tor the crowds that throng the rilike and enjoy the sport. We have sports, as far as we can for our men here They have a right to them But to ehirlcers at borne, nothing but hletee aro duel I know I am writing istrongly, but it is deserved As far as I am concerned 1 never want to take the band of any man who is physically fit and has not vuluuteeved to come to the front, 11111ess there hes been some overwhelming claim upon him of duty at home. It enema inurodiblo that any man worthy of 111' name of nam eau sleep in hio bed et Moen and lot other man out here bleed and die for him, Let Canadian mothers anti eiv08 ktnow that they could (i0 440 greater 11)jury to thole so08 and huebaude, than by hold Mrs. Margaret Marsh Muskrats fleually the muskrat season open') on March 1st, This spring, however there is to be no open seaman for shooting these . animals, though they may be trapped from &larch lot to April 21st. The game laws warn dealears not to buy sltina that have been shot as there are heavy plerialtles and hunter will be prosecuted. The Assizes The sittings of the supreme Oourt commenced in Goderich on Tuesday. There were only two civil casco. One was the action of T J Berry tba horse- man of Heneall, against A T Ooopor of Clinton for libel. The plaintiff claimed $5000 damages for being accused by defendant in statements to London papers, that he kept a "blind pig". The other civil case was the constr- uction of the Breokenbridge n'ill, 1 here is one criminal case, that of Deejardine of Stephen township. charg- ed with culpable homicide in connect• in with the death of his wife. There died at Windsor on March third one who who was well known in Egmonclvillu in the portion of Marsh the fourth daughter of Mrs Brynner of Egmoncl5'iilo, aged 80 years. Deceased was married in December 2iith 1915 and wont to Windsor to live, About three months ago she was taken ill and gradually sank, in spite of every care. The fnueral was hold in Windsor, ---'----tor---.-..'... John Hasiie TALBOT -KR YS A very pretty, and quiet wedding took place on Wed. Mer loth at:the home of Mr. and 18Trs. Wm L. Key's, on William st: Boaforth. when their dough. ter Mayme J. was united in holy matri- mony to Melvin C. Talbot of Stanley Tp. At .the hour of noon, the young ooilple entered theroom to tho strains of Lohougrins Wedding March, played by Mise Annie Govenlook, cousin of the bride The Ceremony took place under an arch of lilacs, and lily of the valley supported by a bank of greens. The nuptial knot was seourely tied by Rev J. Melvin Keys B A of Bregdon, brother of the bride, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of silver barred oarre over white satin, trimmed v ith ribbon and seeded pearls Her going away dress was a suit of navy blue serge with a largo blk velvet hat. The bride and gloom were the reoeprente of many costly and beautiful presents. After the wedding dinner the young couple loft on the 3 15 train for Lon. dot, Port Huron Detroit and other pointe After a brief honeymoon the young couple will make their home at "Evergreen Farre on the Bronson Lino Stanley 'township, An old resident of McKillop died in Detroit on Saturday in the person of John Haetie. Ho lived until about ten yeors ago on the sixth concession, when he sold his farm and moved to Detroit. The funeral was held from the Presby- terian onnroh to Miaitdatldbeuk oelnetery on Tuesday afternoon. Two brothers, Dr William, of Detroit and James or Vancouver and Miss Agues survive, No Man or woman should hobble painfully about booense of morns when so oerteiu a relief Is at hand es Hollo- way's Corn Oure. eeee Gan Germany Hotel Out Until "if ha !xi Crop? urea of all kinds by which the quantity of food produced in Germany has been determined. Taking the fig urea ed. duoed above and interpreting then in aoeordenoe witb the establish principle') of agrioultural economics, the only con elusion poasiblo for the disinterested student outside of Germany is that the supply of food with Germany has at her command le far below the minimum re- quiremeuts of the population from now till the next crop. If this is not the epee, it man only he said that the agricultural mirao1e of all time bas been achieved. Moreover, smolt a student, having the fact as described before him will find it diffiouit to advoid the belief that here is that supreme necessity by which the Germans Goverment sees it self confronted, and whoee ruinous effeots it is seeksag to forestall by pro• curing tho earliest goeeiblo /matte." Vegetable Growing The address of Mr Pond on Vege- tabe Vowing wao it valuable one He advocated the growing of potatoes, onions, and Tomatoes, to•gother with porn, carrots, beans, beets and cabbage, His instructions were clear, and con- eiso, and must prove of great value to hoes who heard him. Perhaps, instead of urging people who want only a few tomatoes, or Cabb- age planta to grow thele in a hot bed, he should have advised growing them to a pot of flowers in the window, and then transplanting into card hoard boxes. 11 is both simples. and cheaper 11117101 DIEGSL—In Brodbagen lenh '6 Doth to Mr ertd hire Joliet Thee,1 aManghe, ter, - GRIIEVE—In Logan on Feb, 07th, to Mr and Mrs Louie Grieve adattghter MARRlROEtt. HOLMsPEAD—Mo LEAN, In boa - forth on March 12th by Rev T. 13, Brown, Mr Frenois Holmetead to Mrs Allan Mo Lean, both of Seaforth. 0EATHL. Ilniae—In Logan on Marek 3a'd Ellen 17niao, aged 96 years, O'Leary—In Dublin, on Meech 8th Margaret O'Leary, Tilley—At Exeter in Marek 4th, John J Tilly, aged 77 years, former In- spector of Model School, RAPINE -10 MelCillon on March 9th John Repine, aged 70 yoare. MARSH—At Windsor. March 3rd 1917, Agnes beloved wife of George Marsh, and 4th daughter of Rfra, Bronner, aged 50 years. No child ahonid be allowed to suffer nn bola' from worms when prompt relief can be got in a single hoz strong remedy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminater. in an extremely eot'•rtaitiing article 1i in the New York world. !1r Arthur 111 Marsh, editor of The ii:c0olmic World and on 080 lomiet ui recognised stand• I }E+ ing, tastes hie 00nvitn inn that the Ger I r` 011411 peace proposals worst prompted by 1 r1 knowledge that the food supply was 14,if inadequate to feed the population until 1 the 1917 harvest He save in part; "A reduction of one third in grain w, Drops two-fifths in potato crop, com- bined with a redaction of felly orae -half in the prodnetion of milk, nutter and meat by reltaetl of lack of fetid and fod— d„ra 108 aninudo, 01111 ma8t1 nothing oleo ” than that Germmly'8 food onpply, ro. elricted now almost oxolnsivoly to do- mestio produoticn, is not 80% of the normal annual requiremoute of popul- ation, but a 50%, or even lees :f "Nor o1n new mimeo of upply, ouch se the captured stooks in Rumania, materially alter this situation. No population, bow ever, can possibly live through from 11 one crop to the next on 50% of the amount of food it normally consumes. The employment of all conceived exped- ients for eoonomial distribnton cannot accomplish such a result as that. 'The Gemmel answer to any intimal. J ion that the agricultural prodnotiou of Germany during the pact two years— and paTtletll8ry it 19.6 --must have suffered soriotely from the lack of for. Wizen is to assert that the marvels of Gorman chemistry have now eu0eeedod in filling the gaps made by the cutting off of the importations,. "The reel lineation. however,is not what will happen in 1917, but what did happen In 1916, in respect of the man - OUR HATS THE KIND THAT COMPEL ADMIR- ATION MACTAVISH MILLINE iT Cents Stogie Copy Fine Table Silver We vital our Ilinirsy Room ,hirer limes per' day, ro95 timet every year, Surely it ought /o he the beat kept roan in our hawse -it's table the finest appoirlted. Our Silver Table Warr 4r the last word in flea,, respect -flee fnish/ag touch to the Well order ed table, This store tr marked for its geed/ variety of Sewer Table Warr. We Lame mann- aged also to keep the frire 9481/ low- or fes instance, full vuerghl ,Silva r Plated ")etre,.. hirive.l Fmrks M s •5'o the 1144) , orb to. Obitt111tggc 'tlrretwer OlZtumu y Sc t'tul1leril )flmrlrra null .19pltrletto 18arriaae Liecnse 1asnew PHONE lad Evening lu The.? tore /7011 to11cheeps 1fke. OUR HAI S MAKE DIRECT APPEAL TO THE EYE You Are Cor To Attend Our Spring Opening and Fashion Show F ilay and Saturday, Mardi 23rd aid 24th ;11 which time: 'tit: shall htit'C on r:xhil:1t n; sal; the Newest Fashions sal i iiiohj ay Indies' Ready -to -Wear Apparel, Dry Goods, Etc. l'hc Correct Spring Styles in high-class dept'-:nd. able qualities at our money -saving pri"e.s. On these days it will be our purpose to show all the goods we can without any effort to sell, and we hope for the attendance of every person interested in up.to-the=hour styles. It is of secondary interest to us xivlietber you buy now or later, but we do want you, to see the new goods during our Spring Opening. You will surely enjoy a few moments inspect- ing the new Dresses, Suits, Goats, Waists, Skirts, Muslim Underwear, Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Etc. - Just come and see the new things. You will not be ex— pr(itdto lty,it,t the 01)11; art fr W/1eli0. 81r 111 values so apparent that you will be sure to rem( mixt. us Who n }ou do get ready to buy. 0 tv