The Seaforth News, 1917-03-08, Page 6$,BOO AWAITS ANY PASSENGER WHO SIGHTS U-BOAT AT SEA Glasgow Shipbuilder Willing to Pay Out 1;10;000 to Encourage Watching for Submarines. LEADING MARKETS 7tracteetugA. No, Nor heina62,00; No, 2,„610., 2l269 No, 8, do, 61,012, .rnek flaports; alll rail wheat delivered Montreal treightei 4o under above quotations, lUri*Itoba oats—No. 2 U.W„ 72 to 730/ 0u'T)i71o; extra o; No..1fed8o0nomna all rail delivered en route 0.17.12. and points not embargoed. good. A des etch from London nye: i American corn—No. eYellow, $1.15, p y : reward will be paid on the certificate i sub catrlao eO barge. 2 white, 03 to 680, Americans and others crossing the of the captain giving the name of the . nominal; No: 3 white, 02 to tlic, nominal, Atlantic ran matte a hundred dotterelperson who first thaws w•a his attention acctn* to rtwtshta outside. by sighting a submarine. Sir A. F. to the submarine. Tho statement is to Oi,tario wheat—No. 2 waiter, per 0I lot. $1.,78 to $1.73; Nn. 8, do., tL7i t 'Yarrow, the famous Glasgow chip-, be signed by the captain, saying the $1.70, aceording to rrotette outside. freights builder, writes to the Times that in : submarine was actually si hted. A P' g Peas—Nu. 2, $2.46, mem/Idler, t eights outside, order to encourage everyone to keep a plication ahnuld be forwarded through Batley --Malting, $1.21 to $1.23, accord - !n to Bailer-Malting, iio told , HAMADAN FALLS TO THE RUSSIANS Czar's Troops Begin Advance t Aid the British in Mesopotamia. 185,000 SLAVES IN GERMAN AFRICA TO BE GIVEN FREEDOM BY ER TAMN An Appeal by Anti-Siavery Society Published Under ittnctian of the Colonial Of1Iee. London, Marcel 4.—Contemporane- A despatch from London says: The of 185,000 elnves 1r1 the keret sly with the advance of the British Antl-Slavery Aborigines Protection known reoently as the (icemen up the Tigris from Kut•el-Amara the Society has at Issued an appeal to the African Protectore, The pal p Russian 'force In Persia, which has re- Soerekely of State for the Colonies to tion of the appeal l sanctioned 0 mained stationary awaiting this move-' declare by proclamation the freedom the Colonial Opines _ •--..._ ment, has started on the march to'•- join General Maude's troops at Bagdr 1. Hamadan, an important Persian city near the Turkish border, has tory Pelee Bea - sharp lookout he has offered a reward; the owners to Sir Thomas L. Devitt, faurkwh at ia 31`'23, ior010111 according of £20 up to an expenditure of £10,000 chairman of Lloyd's Register Ship to freights outside, to anyone on board n etunnlerclttl vas ping 71 F'enrhu•rll Street, l'e 1 London, tei 1No, 0U 2,t9'd that 40 to 21.42, according 11 a, sel who at draws the captain's at -:who has consented to melte the, Man1oba flour--1'trsl patents, in Jut tontion to an enemy submarine, The; awards, bags, :29 5O; gbakera, in patents, bags, 6S Cr0 Tornnt.o. ._ _ ._. -._ .--.___ 0*120*lu ftour--1Vtnter, according t sample, 27.36 to 67.46, In bags trees Toronto, prompt shipment; $7.60, bulk seaboard, export grade Miiifeed—Car Iota, delivered Montrea up99 r� freights, bags rounded—Bean, per to; FOP R�`ap��� `8 �Jl°$® }�( $tA; shorts, per tvtb $as; good feed $ �� I 'yy 4J 0 l flour, per bog, $2.70 to 3$,80. Il2011, xtre No. 2, per ton, Tom mixed ton, per 69 to $11, track Toto. e been captured by the Russians, says a : Teheran despatch received in Petro- o grad and transmitted by Reuter's. The c message adds that the Russians are Pursuing the Turkish troops, who are t in retreat•. The capture of Hamadan, which is slightly more than 100 miles from the • Mesopotamian border, was officially A despatch from Rumanian Heocl-1 civil population between the egos of ers, explained her eituttiou, and ask- - confirmed by the War Office to -day, quarters says: A Rumanian oftleer 18 and 42, he Kays, 15 compelled to ed what they could do, 'These gentle - The town was taken from the Turks left behind at Wallachia suceeeclocl In I work for the enemy. The (ermtuls men le England saved me,” is what on March 2. Russian troops also are passing the German line, and brought; have requisitioned everything, leaving elle now says. "They gave me orders on the ofl'ehsive further north-west,; interesting information, The 'whole' the population hardly enough to oat. which allowed tele to carry 021 for and have captured a village withinthree months and gave IPA time to re. - orgetnzo." She at once set about studying the (Lerman -made flowers and the possibilities of mincing IPrench ones at the same price, "1 have quite NEW PENSION PLAN CANADIAN RECRUITS """ Straw—Car lots, per tan, 29, track To costo, Totally !Disabled Mian Will Re. Total Enlistments Since the Out• --• ceive Minimntn of -s Shil- break of War ReachCountry Produce—'Wholesale, Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 36 to 38o; lings 6 Pence 'Weekly. t. , creamery print;*, 42 to 45c; solids, 42 to 399,.3!•. 48c, Nags•--New-laid, in cartons, 65 to 68c; A despatch from London says: An A despatch from Ottawa says;—out or cartons, 52 to 54c, ^ reased poultry—Chickens, 23 to 20e; Order -in -Council establishing, a new Enlistments in the Canadian expedi- fowl, 20 to 22e; duces. 22 to 25e; squabs, pensit111 plan for the British army was tionary force between February 15 3ser daz., $4.06 Jo. 74,50; turkeys, 20 to Mr.; 0 ',e, It ^1a Issued on Wednesday. trader it p1 i- mai 1'.it?t•tittly 28 numbered .3,f198 and.: I rte pnnitrl'--b•,,,wl. lb., 10 to 220; vates totally disabled will rerz0it a brought the ceenbcr of rect'tuta en- elft kens,. 1h., 1s to arc, minimum of 27 shillings 0 1 epee week- relied *'ince the b.. t•hense- -sew. targe, 20 h to zee twins, bee,inning of the war ` natal': tripler,, ^03 t1 2t, o; •eta, ly. If title sum le insulll .•t•nt io ell- up to „ *70.43-1, 'Che enlistment dor- targe•, 7,..,,,,,1 ,s. 273 to 790, able the; soldier to live a,lpreeimate'ly !n„• February totalled e,Sc',1 as com- 143+ n21'--t4hlte , inset, 23 114, ons. 1.3 to lh. tin's 1^., to . h. r9 -lb„ 13 tri up to his before -the -tear yt'endnld he pared with ^ 70 ; in January and "t' fr8 13 a es.ii 1^3 to Lae• buckwheat CO - based on his earnings previous to the Lei t •ict No, Lyth headqual'tcria at set t $> r ^ POPULATION OF WA LL•ACIA FORCED TO WORK FOR GERM. Enemy Has Requisitjoned Everything, Leaving the Rlunanil Hardly Enough to Bat. by 11114 FLOWER -MAKERS OF FRANCE AN INDUSTRY WHICH FRENCH I'IIUI'LE HAVE REGAINED. Writer in London `Times Tells oi' li:e- rlval of Artificial Flower- 81idting in Preece. At Lyons, France, thee+ is an olds established newel' and feather teeters* which, at the outbreak of w0)', was f11e0d with a complete stoppage of trade; the head of the (louse, a young linin, way mobilized, 112201 111020 was no one to take hie place but his mother', who had retired. But site took up her burden again, and has not may kept the business going, but has recaptur• ed most of the trade that (lermany had teke)1 from the Im o before the war. Her tactics were these: she ap- pealed directly to her English tlirah +110to1n- Vow a '' ` ` ' '`' en tins, 4 tU -il3 o. (" 1112 hmrat•—r,rtTa alternativeIn w c_'i•U.st^,J a' lastyear. tine and heat)' weight, pct• dos„ ec _.,u to $ 6; ler , to 82.•25! to PlelMdriai' war. No :tingle t t es-oni,f2 . per bas, $a.99 to y Negotiations Now R pension, hrµr•'ei', 'feet.,^,to, led in the manlier of re2rults 84,00, Now l,rureawlek Ilelawarns, per shall he in eo •ees of 71'' a 11134ng% accepted during tlic last two weeks "° $4. r 5: Albertus, ser bag, $4.26. in Progress at two mt}ee of Be*, 80 miles iy I r l west of:Hamadlnt and about the same TURK LOSSES I 7 9T north- distancefig U-BOATS S from the border, EXCEED 25 0001' 3.0 FEE' ET LO CHINA DECIDES TOJOIN h'1 I S Remnant of Kut Garrison Flee IJ tt alit in Disorder Toward Bagdad, suns--•lmpneind band -picked, par weekly, ' of February with 1,1 SO. The Mont- bush.. $2.25; Canadian, hand-picked, per The allowance for children is 5 .1:11 'real dietriet was next with 308 men z-','ri: I,im+;'rs; Outwit/to w it/to2p rimes, 20,50 to sings for the first -child and a sum added to the overseas force The re-, r ' r> t 3 slightly less for each subee,lucnt .hill, curd of other military dietri+ts tvae:' - Provisions—Wholesale. A soldier not totally disabled will London 828, Kingston 317, Quebec 82, _smoked meats—Hants medium. 20 t0 receive a ens1tn tressed on the degree do., hvaty, 23 to 24c; cooked, 37 to p the :Maritime Provinces '517, Manitoba �Co: rotes. ^1 to 2L0; brenttfnst baevn, to which his d1a<;biement offsite his sae, No, 11, British Columbia, 174; 7 to 2so; baits. plata, 30 to 31e; bone - earning' powers, Widows +1111 ret.elve No. 12, Saskatchewan, 202; No. 13, 1`'i'uii tenet lard, tierces, 213 t(1 2120; half the stem to which their husbands, Albert, 69, 'tubs, 213 to 22c; palls, 22 to 231c; eon - were entitled if totally disabled. A Since the beginning of the war Ks:a'O�'ureatinentsl?Long alcor bacon, 15 to disabled soldier requiring the services ;1077 recruits have been enlisted in the 111+ per lb,; clear bellies, 18 to 162c, of an attendant is allowed fees up to Toronto district; 35,052 in the Mont-: £vela week for such services. Widows real district; 7,991 in the Quebec dis-: Montreal Markets. 1Tnn elle \far. 6- Corn aAmerican will 1 Ge granted special funds Par the trier; 32,-1„O to Londcn district; •1.1,(376' No. 2 gstrew, $1.30 ru :,1.32. oats—t:ana- expenses of training to enable them }n Kingston district i dies Western, No, 2. 26 to 76e; No. 3, 73 to earn their own living. • to 74e; extra Nci. 1 reed, 73 to 74c. Barleyprin ing, 21.35, giour--$ranl• - The Actuary's report accompanying ^---•—`'� tabs Spring *cheat parents, firsts, $9,60; the plan estimates the expense for the FOE 1001) SHORTAGE I e int'rr patents, chines. 0,25; bakers', first yezr at £25,000,000, which there- KNOWN TO BRITAIN'rollers Rolled iibiu;, begs, 24.20 t 1 after will decrease annually. , too., nags, 00 lbs„ 63.35 to 53 45 loran, —ee Other Important Materials Also Lack.. Shorts, $40.00. Afiddl(ngs, 642.00. 91°untie, $45.90 to 850.90. Hay—No, 2, GERMAN "HOME ARMY" ing—Less Trade With Neutrals, ; per ton, car lots 613.60 to $14,00. Cheese —FJneat 4,4 440 ,.0 to 263+; Airiest' BEING MOBILIZED. --A despatch from London sate :—; easonie . 5 to •iii; er horror 3 to li l o Thee Government has reason to believe, Eggs—Fresh, so to 54,r, yore toes --Per A despatch from Copenhagen says: said Lord Robert Cecil, Minister • of';!'as, cur 10124, $3.470 to 83.80. According to the German papers, the Blockade, in the House of. Commons compulsory mobilization of Germany's stomp" t4raln, "home army" is imminent. The op- shortage Thursday, foodstuffsthat there and e a certain uat-.N . 5No•, 'rn. s .7 nrs16. shortage of of certain' wbeat—:*rag t Northern. 31.73}; No. 2 peal for volunteers, though answered No41thrrn, $1.740: No. . Nr,.21ern. $1.698; very important materials in enemy reed. DSc, crae--•Nv. 2 c.tv., 57;jtr; Nn. by large numbers, has not produced cvuntriea. For some months past; 8 C.21'., 571+; extra No. 1 crest, 07 c; NI, enough workers to satisfy the actual no substantial quantities of geode i0)-' 3,1ee;t' 502,`.' vo' o. a fq;1'. 2;1`.: t..i sir; requirements, Large numbers of ported overseas into Holland and tea 1 htv, Flag—No. 1 t c., 22,532; :nen are needed at once to replace Scandinavia had, he believed. gone. 0r (.lt„ $'.51,3: No.4 t w., 22.240. those employed behind the front, to through to Germany, and there had work in munition factories which are Waited states Markets. been no m retial overseas exports; e1i,:nrapnua. Star. rig—wheat--stagy, now being completed and for the all- from Germany, Recently, as a result $t.t?% snly. 51.77x. Caah--->u. 1 hard, important farm work, 'The papers say $1.1,, w Pei Nn. 2 2 )) 24 4)24 $t 81 to . Hundreds of Prisoners Captured of negotiations with the Scandinavian $1.93: No 2 Norte,ern, st.6b to 51.93, that the Government is prepared for 2ountries and Holland, Lord Robert torn -•-Ne. a yeuoty, as c tr, 81.01. oats in Twenty-four Hours. the compulsory enrollment in the ear- added. th •t f h Nn. R white, 661 n, 673 e. Flour—Panay t sureeedod its making ties Hai'''r , and it is out • ,i e n conceited t y That they - sura ; tklo (e'l' n•tn wU i .41 ,d I .. eve C'all C'ai•ry' Twenty 'I'Ul'pctlt)es 1;10)14121 succeeded ilt nl:te »i;,' thnnt fur rho I0), ln•l.c," 11+1 drlltcult}es aro and Crew of Thirty- many, the. I(e.tting of rnty n:atet'i,l it two Liles. one, the 0f atoeneee of w - , kp, ople is another, and it r ler n. 11 character A despatch from London says: The A 212092 tch from Amsterdam 0;17,12 more than anyth .•r, else ahir13 line remnants of the Turkish force retreat- The Telegrllaf pui.101(ee au ec:ouni enabled her l0 1(uiu a victor She up - Pekin. ing from Kut -el -Amara have been of nn i)itereiew with n Herman sol- moves about her 11 'rkihops, fall, up- shatterecl completely, according to in- diet who has bean for :gime time aero- ri);ht, quiet in manner arid speech, and formation given out in the House of ing as 2t 012110 nt. the itllonn nock- not in the tc1.:;t dictatorial. Tier work - Commons on Thursday. The Turks, it! yarn! in Hamburg. To avoid punish- women, many of them, have been in is said, would reach Bagdad only as a j 010111 for HOMO trivial offence iso the house for many year and the disorderly mob. This information was escaped acl•oe0 the frontier. The man whole husiness is run on family 1}.,e4, received from General Maude, cam-' left Ilumburg in February. There There' is t•nmplete confi'l'rn^' between mender of the British expedition an 1 were then in the Vulcan dock -yard enthluj er and employed; rind • this the Tigris front, and was announced eight largo subn>arinoa on the stooks. unity has been the strength of the by Henry W. Forster, the Financial Thee latest submarit,es are nearly enterprise. Secretary to the War Office. A despatch form Pekin says: Wed- nssday the allied Ministers presented a memorial to the Chinese Govern- ment expressing sympathy with the attitude taken by China in regard to Germany, and promising favorable consideration of the questions of sus- pension during the war of the Boxer indemnity payments and revision of the tariff in the event of China's ef- fectively severing relations with Ger- many and Austria. Delay in the ex- pected development in German -Ameri- can relations and the absence hitherto of any collective intimation on the part of the allies that China would be welcome among then* have caused the Chinese to hesitate regarding future action, The Germans, it is needless to say, have been doing their utmost among the officers of the army to es- tablish a party opposed to the rup- ture. The timely action of the allied hlinistel•s seems likely to have the de- sired result. BRITISH STILL ADVANCE ly days of March of all persons be- e e e pot c u their produce to a t t i tween 17 anad 60, so that the recruits can be put to work from April 1. —4 -. CONTRACTS FOR SIX OCEAN-GOING BOATS A despatch from New York says:— lens to replace with the products of merman shipyards part cf the ton- A despatch flour Btetttf"r,l 01724: t„ 3,1 ch le, botcher, $tn to 910.6e; advance was made north of Pulsisux- age lost by the Cunard Line, an Cable enegaries have been sent to 49 t , $u. r,°: an.. medium, $a au -Mont and east of Gommeeonrt. On dn. o, -,tarn, es le 114 00.75. nglish company in the German sub- England to ascertain if the pruhibi- ,;;,.s od to If d •e. $12,50 to 0)t,, Sunday their' gains were extended east at'ine campaign, were resealed here tion of imports of .1122 s.ultural i1- 'In, *rte i2 2 !I, a { 2"•,; •ri, n; nb"it` h'1 7wC, ,if Gonnnec0u1•t along a two-mile n Thursday by the official announce- elements recently put into force- by hits.{ ^ 't tt 1 bnlls,r 1 tc,•. s a, front to a. depth of about two-thirds p u'nts a tea,•,., •'•c, quo e, lit London, r19:nrclt 4.—Tho British digtiniehe Oo Uaag a.9.00 densis?) 8t +20,ra 1rdvar,,•ed tn,', ntn'ted at $4,36: other grades u) ol,55g,•d. rima un- troops in their forward movement in dlmtnrsheci, eenoat net. tit+ Anc1•e area in France have made Pttluth, Mnt' e'34'221 -�o, t hard, `-""•"`'''"--"-'—""' `$L3s2; .^:o, r Norih,•rn, $*.075; No, 2 further important progress, On Sat - ()LOWS FL...)B D lits"r d...•i1sncc"21 9g10t x^ Yir,21.sa1 urdety against stubborn German re- rlt•. $ 7'S; arsy. 7.1,011 ,,ahe,1, ,Tu1y, ststance General Ilaig'a forces ad - Large Rein„ Made in Brant- . $" vaned their litre north of the Altera ford Plant- • siva Steak Markets, an average of a quarter of a mile on a To,•nuhr, -lint•- 0.•-RSavl• sierra, aLt, ie front of nearly five miles. The British ent that the cempary had placed •*Neat Britain to save tonnage will nem, 'ler1,. t cdluni of is mile, according to the official re '^rer1. a „ t. I eder.11 i9 t tr, iU the. streets for the e•r:n:aruetinr; »C >: f~a}nst local man,tthctw ccs '12.; r � � . btdl. , ; t.. $9.60 Tort from headquartet's to -night. , can- oin ships, ranging from 750 1.11(1 have bean ski stint' largo uentt. i•„k,•t:,.�;' 1 r„ ti'.1 I• , 70.75 a g g p , g t 0 P R 8 0),d-. utr' TU lh••. $ V. 75 Nearly 110 prisoners ware essptured. ]_,DOD tons, with subsidiaries of the tins. To meet the. demand in Great 1t ! ethl h m Steel Corporation. Two . Britain for greater productio e e n Witll ..-' 1 1, $.,:5;' ,ratter. F -r i' ¢- 76 sti'• 1 111,1'1. 52',76 0, 31).50; dogs .,vl• Al/BERTA NO LONGER 1 the ships are to he built at the Fore less need of men the Coul:shutt Plot. 3, (1 t , $6..ri: sn.lra 10t„1's. S11.7u to ver shipyards, near Boston, one at: Company here has for come time post dz4 +5; esi,•es 3 r” 10 $1.1 v, hags. i'Hd IIAS N.22 51.l', I'ORCC1 nNt teetered. Wow to "1•r, !r': d"., arrows Point, near Baltimore, and been making tee e iplowspped, To ':tate wield, , "rr ,u $15.26: ' t>o, f.'; t+•, A despatch from ''d •I o Tee at the Union Icor. Works in Sea ever 5120 have been chipped in the Old gra s, I L m nt.n says, 1 ncisco. Land. and there are orders on hand I„ Menti, -,,t. dMarfoir. 41 1,1 rn" v 7 710.25 The Royal North -wast Mounted Police 'at the presert time for 400 more, Of rt ;umm i' 1 $1 nu; gun:' +$e after a continuous 56121,3. an this facials of the company s,.4 a ,y ru r 1110 $0,26 t,',17111'5° per country for 43 years ceased on first' 0;000,000 INCREASE IN t hand theBritish itGot see how ,.,t, A r••w lambs t,rought $13....1'11,11.n... 1x.25 to of tI rrrh to do police duty u1 the Pro -1 THE CUSTOMS OMS REVENL E. 011 one am a00e,.nntent ata.00 and sic t $9 5 n gvr,nu, while will bar agricultural implement= and milk'i'er, faire , ,11 : ^.6 tenet. oAlberta, an a newly -forme' _ s $41:to tU 51^ 0 f d the .,t -t It .tr 54.11' U, 56,1(1 per ed provincial police took up the work• despatch from Ottawa says: The ; yet order 2,000 tractors, as announced cwt. seieiaed )its of hogs wore e';ld at stoms revenue of Canada for the on Wednesday, to increase production, §17.;•o anti good or 515,28 par awt., Four divisions of the provincial polies' u•el334+'i "24 cars, have been organized at Edmonton,) al year which ends on March 31st, -`•-"- I probably exceed that of the last LET U. S. AID CANADA, and although not recruited up to full al year by more than forty million SUGGESTS N. F. }LER elm , KEEL' GERMAN WOMEN'S strength, they tire, according to Supt, Th • A. E. C. McDonnell, ready for busi- 11000. i AUSTRALIA PROHIBITS Red Deer, Calgary and Lethbridge,, ars, a revenue from customs . _ STYLES FROM CIIANGING' es for February the Minister of • A despatch from New York says;---' --- toms announces, amounted to Suggesting a way to overcome the ob-' Loudon, SJ;,i'd1 d,--'l'h,• German 190,000, or 21,0232,000 more than Section of those who nrgue against Imperial ('lothiag Committee has is - e of the corresponding month in "entangling alliances" with European sued a wanting the1- styles in :vomen's ,, or the elet•en month+ of the nations, a writer in The New Yotic clothes ea1not be allowed to change I iIPORl ()F Lt,,. Al PLES, 1 year which hate now paaeed rieralcl says: "If the United Staten every six ln021111', according to an -- ado's customs revenue amounted 'l,,,ts not wish to all • i14ele with en • Ant+terrlam de I att'h to the Exchange , 'i despatch from Landon says: it'll- 1 130739,000, as cn111pared with y y 1 e liana Morels Hughes, the Australren European Hattan in a war against Ger- Tee r11,h C'n, 'The colmnilfee s:nys Premier, 946,000 in the ;tante erind of the t.•;yne:+ 8233' w•rc•r 11})111')' dr0.t3es I rosier, sage Reuters Melbourne!1) 1 many why does she not ally herself fiscal year. yr an c n •r••a of with Canada, a country as much 3hi 014(1tnut the ceraiu;;• slimmer and oil,>sp 1111 31, inthnated to a r21' I0) 793,000. *.ion which called on him that the int- ._._.._.. American •t= she iso Here is 1'ttl reinter o°lltnt+ h ,g11rc and that 1 h,LIN EXPLODES; OD)1':S; a large 1 I } 1 3 s 11 m. , ^ 'h•tn to in Eitel cit, i t} , t'tuluf3a (in popuiatinnt, big in 111)2.. drastic measures will 1,, robes a,natinsL part.ativ) of American anpk•= would reliably he nrolubtte I. Che. depute - ter, nr i and courage, 1950 feet long, and are armed tike a Mr. Forster said that more than I email cruiser, They can take 20 tor: Feat lter•Cur•ling. 2,500 prisoners had been taken by the • ped0es and a crew of 33. (hangs 0i' It takes three years to make a mel British since February 24, and that i 120 men are at work day and eight on pose!'-1irll2<1'? and Kis Vents to make a since the commencement of the Offen-; each submarine. The completion of a good feather•curler, Both traded de• sive on December 30, some 5,000 submarine requires three months. Bo -;hand the most delicate handwork, and Turkish prisoners had been taken. The sides the submarines small cruisers the work of a girl oleo}palating thou - total Turkish casualties in killed and are now building at the Vulcan dock- ; sancta of rose petals and out of tltont wounded 'was estimated by General yard of a new class, so-called the Orming bud: I era Stadt class, These ere 430 feet long.,' in all shades of rose colors is fairy - k I like ie skill and deeterity, Itis tis in - LEADING AMERICANS 1 teresting to watch the gradual elevel- UR E WAR AT ONCE opment of a anudeet violet from the `raw mei:oriel to the Moment when it A despatch from New York says -*I lies in a nice fat bunch ,,et round with In a hall -page advertisement in Nev, I a few leaves, amongst hundreds of - York newspapers, the American • other bunches of the same flowers, tee Rights League on Thursday urges that, it is to .see Ostrich feathers "trun.g Americans telegraph their Congt'ess- round in the drying machine and then men "urging thst America shall do, culled, or made into neck boas, or her part in subduing the German. mixed with other feathers into a "fue- 1 mananeo to civilization," The state they" of blue or grey of black: or Ment, preceding the appeal, which de-. white, !dares that "Germany is daily conn-; Workers in this trade make from milting acts of wee against the $25 to $40 a month, and 111•e general's,: American people," is signed by Dr.' quite contented. Scone have left the Lyman Abbott:, Talcott 1Villiame, Dr,. trade for munition nicking, but some Richard C. Cabot, Boston; Pref. ikil-' come back; finding that they cannot. Liam Gardner Hale, Chicago; Rev,.' stand the strain, and SU prefer to earn Randolph Il, McICimn, Washington, 1). , less money and keep their health and C.; President John Grier Hibben,' the chance of not being out of work Prinetort University; Prof. -Franklin when the sat• is over. In this Lyons H. Gi.dings, Columbia University; Dr. house there are workers who can r•how ITheodore Janeway, Baltimore; Wil-, a record of 25 year+ under the :gale 1larn Roscoe Thayer, Boston; Dr. Mor- employer. and the head 'maintains that ton Prince, Boston; Agnes Ropplier, she has neves had any trouble with Philadelphia, sod sludge Irrark De's•. them because ,.ho encourages them to tet . Los Angeles • come diroct4y to her with 111111' ,•ore- _._.,,•._. ? phtints, ITALY' SPARES SOLDIERS. I Capturing g 't'tadc. 1 i Maude at more than 25;000, GRUESOME GIFTS, A Coffin Is a Very Acceptable Present In China. A Chinese custom that seems parte cularly strange to Occidental readers is described by Sir Alexander Hosie in his account of a journey through the interior of China, "Oil the Trail of the Opium Poppy." At the hamlet of Fen -chi -ling, thirteen miles from Ch'i-chiang listen, he says, we passed into Pa Mien dis- trict in which the port of Chungking is situated. No one ever saes t4 cof- fin without impressed by the sight, and here we saw them in the piece as •well as made up. Every house had a cof. fin or two lying under its eaves, seine new, some old, and one's first surmise was that mortality in these parts must be groat. The cause was, of course, the :then- ' dance of cypress, a wood that is much prized for coffin making, and it must be remembered that in China a coffin is a very acceptable present, especial- ly if made by your 01121 family. Hun- dreds of pounds are often spent on a single coffin, and it is highly treasured by the person for whom it: has been designed: To Western ideas, the present of a eofiin by a son to a par - Int would be somewhat sugge.tive, and the daily sight of it at the house door would he decidedly annoying. In China it is otherwise; a coffin is one of 111'• most valued of gifts. DREAD CARDS (N FRANCE TO PREVENT WASTE. A despatch from Porti, 1:0714: An- i and 1'ul -Glowu fiotc Lundy to Releasee 130,004 to Marl the A great deal or flue,. anti feather 1917 Crops, .irnde !,; done with England and C.an- ediy and with a clearer crdlreptien Of t sow++es is tncrcialty French nreeieviitl honetie 1 A despatch frons Rome say:;: 1'rovf 1h t the British 1 mein menus cum - elf Italy's large military afforded tv the War (lficc s rccet;t conce00ion of 100,0,00 territorial see- would cool) 10,11)82) tiv•it• por•tunip100. 0)1,7 ibis L1oop, for a'ru il ut 1 labor Art if, 11, many Ilrr• inclin+d to step at i }n March and April, with 80,100 more In ;between the nes of °6 and -1 if ne- Talose trade, and to p1,. the 1 rr,n1_ l cessary. The fact that 110,0120 eel - 4 i0r." ae hovering vltg22'): i.; hit: I :h neutral Power:•, As Fedi I with 1:117- . f..''' •1a the Britt h isles wilful they titin], Uf nouncement that breed each would be instituted in France to prevent waste was made on Thursday in lel official communication issued by Edouard HOriot, Minister of Provisions. The 1 announcement says: "To avoid wast- I wast- age, the Minister of Provisiotls has 1 deckled to regulate the consumption of bread by instituting card:. Instruc tions will be given to the prefects of the different departments to put the new regtnlatioes into etl'cet," The Minister alto is studying measures to 1e enfurccd in the large centrtis of population to assure that preference shell be given 10 the wounded. 111, cltildre'u and the 30,01) in the ieted- 131,,r of mills. ) u, nuc on o :9t.L, O1 C'TtlaC Lttr.f, >s tinct ;stilted the Premier lith reg:nd ;aid of ye1111v v tt t s, •.,ho, with a ,:u':rl wrwtr ;r, tnat0rieil.+. I„ Jut restriction,' 02, the expert of • State f I1 sheet a': i u n as the y • tipples, and the Premier prq,n sed tc, ; t elgiau Witnesses elf Dian»errtatu of New l"orlt, at the t,:5t in - Arrested aand "Taken to eon from Germany i 1 11",inv, (11.01<1'.3 i OT1:S 3100,000 do hi*, utmost to assist crops. ; 2 Germany. hold 'o her:eel hags item weer) ing her '2i) 1'.9'l'itI(Yl'1ci't'NI), '- 1' - --. tri Ce. ` don, March I ... A n a mete ; '? e trials at (rhenf. 20013ht ruse r,, 1 t I: + ere rtlu c Duda and woe e Ur I ,L.• Cit!: t . ,,1 U , 1. • t ' , ;un y t) telt' de- !fig.' t'11r '0ia'tii:r': fii1i; 91) misty ,..,1 ,, ••:,: i • r i,it' al, according to eerier:: from, 11 11 Ni asf 11,11.2', 1'hc ;fetcher of a class in G,t,/ li2h- old his pupil: to write a brief accoantj ,f n cricket match, ••I'11 give you l'iNe minutes to write ` I'"I'iil,I?Ill•,21 STEEL CU, i thatdc:,cf il,tian," be gild; +'3f it in not '412. BUILD C')'N.23,i)1ltet. ' i 11free', I t ,t , y1 I , t i •i ), 93Fri'i'1t i2 1 ,,, , r n• r . n :r. receit 2 t r lie Essahantas tapir try way el' t ',seedier:Tie 111:: \ h, 2a.• re -e! ! •) • t , t .;,e e r I,•+ ,' h says thst th a i ; ... i 1 ;•,ern • 'hat tie i; '• , i t - a'11 ,,. ,i• �; 1111 pei'is.hed 111 ih , ti 1: p, ,. t ,.f 1+ 1'),. tat 1W,1} e',i au' tthn 0(2)21,,ee 1 _ .,r; r.,,. . ,1.. 1,,, h . t; .l' , su:acr \9. ')'r', ;,; r, ,2d and title, , i„ jI 1 I •matt : i . ,,I• .,e t,e;;r,! Y- 1';':,, 3 31',;hu,d from potato (10111, city',• grant, , • I ;I 1' ,r.t 412 1••., 1• to ring ' .,o0) tit; t,n::,',1 t'••,v ',y. •1' 12.. ,h,,.. .1,3'., ,; ', ; i,: : 1 t c11 of e,. 0 it -0( C r,. .;( il• IIL •.,: i,, ,,,, vi �.(i r,y r•: t,.., ti 11' ' Ise i,:)- i diere, mainly sg+ieulturiests, can he land they certainly do re': a :.fiat= spared thus when an offensive is ex - England's land's Dotnhrinns, and ,,hon T;i. pect"d in life Spring is especially sig. 11611 people speak of :\r,: t;1e1's, Con, nitleantsines' besides these Malt t•1 Austrian risoners of War } p n 1 Ltaly ads, and South Africa, they tom,: pe- ars, also employed as farm lahorets, litely intere,tetl but lhry do act _ _ .... stun• that, the geu)t':n3';1•al, A1. pre- 1i12I'f1S11 ('ASCYAL'TiF:S (.IGH'TER IN f•F;I3ltI!:1RY. ;American trade, tool the :tea'• 10. keen, for the t,elluttn:. 7'-<u'aese by 1117' (20111,11' fr'eig'ht_• 02;:3 dnUv:. to gel g•nrnla ihrou)1'lt 1111301' l,Outr•111 tint; in the 0epur 774111 fern 1loue, after shlei plant has undergone 11 0(1118li'2tt1C2 treatment., cmlltrarta oro made with firms at Buenos Aires w•ltiell anieunt to thonsantlo of pounds, nrd tl:ie was one of Germany's advaun.71s before tete war. Much is s1)!l it, be done, but oven during the war the wades of the French people in all delicate, 1u•1daIic trades has reasserted Reel(' and when the: Weir' is over there is every hone (het it Will I.:, at.ai•i A deep:itch from L00d011 x,17.; British ca0aaltie: luring February reached a total of 1,'.2.38 efi:eot•s and 1 7,1 88 mem The 1 t1 runt•. figures fol• British enem:Rit2 1low 11 total but little more than law that. for ,ianu- nry, •;t•;4pite the ('0c1 that there has been eoo'.idel•13b)e fighting on the 3,,0'unc froni`eluring the month. The 131'1, 1,7' tale) of 18,128 comps re.; \vitt1 a total of 13'2337,7 "flio.•ra arid Well rt.,. January. Oaleer e•runl112 rot i<,hr•,,:r'y, however, tvi•t•0 consider_ ;ably great; r than for the nl0atlt tire. e r i.: 1;•, ,, l,en they lei re 212:0, his sent• _ . pored till, the part 11:11)211': uahize the commercial t'icl:tse any sent they are tightng hand for Smith ONE 131 -LI. IN A CIIi\11. 'Boos are connected ,rit11 29(10us Al -91' 131, 1? 1(l'(. 1112±22 $(Ip*'12.ltitJc'fl- . It is cited/fled un- -incl y when all 0/101111111.!:i 4a11111 1' A detyml;'h front ('olo:M gensoya: leer, settle. 011 r11 s p,;•n� r 13, 4 1101' draw; i.; tq••n1 11. o ,.uppost+d no,. to In, i•., Ley err lucr, h bells f01' WAY 091.4121110,11,,. All the aul.,loei id: 0. 2i1111u'el, ;hrps ?he osier app rep ri+t, et, ti n ata church' moth interesting rune, • t;1:on about superstition and 51.»g, ;env b;' 1.11,1 2101e 1 vile1r pu:ai it you." i 1'Ir buy t o+, t,,tl. 1 ids attention the, tonne, .11 le:l, with er- , les etec h•.; 1 'ht. 140 tl .,1,•1 tl t; tin 12,9,,. 1 re•,r?, 9 e': t ('.let tric Nprittl xi" t'',r,1;, r tillor 1 ; l,ul li,h+,i in the bees is the eustern of "t••I1 e^ thn eoio 9)(_ ( ,:o h,3i v, a rhinrel0 a death In the family. In (:only h0. ; e t,tiurd U, .S(4'111111of 1111,:1 England, tt'h,°u a member 03' the f,utt.. ;t; ,u)1m10• fnr• ll)' ronp•rrrrt-'fly died• 31111 been were 3nI'3 of 11 1122,1 , i• sesoceige. .e enrols(' in Old,. :r. in; itrd 2 *tit:• funeltei3 altae time.; a ie' rr (1.taii,a, of nh,t •i„ 121 t•o"k ).ince of ct-pe teaspal h, Irl oto !mu in fifty years 1 tvuglns. , Ic:a•r,. 15 n,:o poi hnhtd. '. his; cu1tnm has not di,•, -1 em,t \s. c r -u; and r