The Seaforth News, 1917-03-08, Page 5PUS'S 5 m n twommwnenrl;Hrwmas>meww,n pion tmxt o.4) "' .1ro �lU and 'Phone= Orders Carefully Filled t Peo»ie Are not aware of the labor perform- ed by their feet until they break down Flat foot is caused by improper shoes, or by standing or walking on hard surfaces, which strain the liga. ments supporting; the arch which breaks dower. Then the person tires easily at first but as it grows worse the pain becomes severe. Our TIO -SPRING ARCH SUPPORT will take that pain away and give you porn' ort, "(The Home of Good Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth 04101.'mt=5:110 it'1.i taatiallIa •,1=11 17 "1,111rrnnlmrzg CREAM WANTED blend your arexm to ea and receive Iop priose We are rnuning our plant 1Le year through and oan handle your 11411 supply and furnish you with onus. We pay twine each month and weigh ,iample,and taut oaoh oan of oreanl nary fully. Our motto ie " Honesty to ou Petrone " Petrone aro requested to re tern all our cans when not in nee. :3.444110 an.1Buttermilk oleo on hand o for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. W JiWalker l a: Son Undertakers sad Embalmers W. J. Walker, holder of ge. eminent Diploma and Lioenee Day or Night calla receive our prompt attention Day Phone 87 Night " 18 STRATFO D, Winter Term frim January''«nd We have Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy Department- Th oourex% are thorough up to dateaud practical. The in struoters areex- porieneed and we are receiving snores of applinatione for trained holp we cannot supply. Write at ono° for partioulara A. IVMOLACHLAN rxtttr,Pvs, MCSie Ii1STElt REM i(11A, who before becoming a eieler wee a toucher i4) the Loudon 1el.aettat( iy t:f 1 itit) w give li kW: 1.1 i•I• •'Anuli l't 1, to Seaforth in inetrementrl sed mfuaio, piano and Ocilla. OWE "SYRUP x P of FIG'S" TO OONSTIPATED , ' Delicious "Fruit Laxative' can't herrn' G tender little. Stamecle, Giver and boevole., Loots at no tongue, mother! ' if coated, your 14.ttlo bite's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at. once. When peevish, ernes, unites~, doesn't sloop, oat or ad naturally, or is favor. Sikh, ntomach star, breath bad; has more throat; 4lfarrhtra, full of cold, givct n, tonilpoonfu1 of "California Syrup of Figs," anti In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested foots and sour bile gently moves out, of Re little bowole without griplug, und you have a well, playful child again. Aelr your druggist for o, 50 -cent bottle Of "California Syrup of Figs," which con. Caine full directiono for babble, oh11- s9re i of alk oiypr and for gvotllten ns, PROMPTLY S.CPQ " EO 111 all connirivs. Mk for mit• tNVENT011%) 91.3VISIat, wltiair will be ~ilia ;'rue. ti'tlllOPl Fc. M,tO11"' BOLT N48 Business Hours Monday Night 0 15 Saturday Night 11 31) Other Nights 8 Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNOS BLOCK SEAFORTH Representative Wanted At once tor Seaforth and District for 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries', Spring 1917 Plautiug List now ready. Spleudid list of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental Stock, inoluding McIntosh Red Apple St. Regis Ever - bearing Raspberry, and many other leaders, New Illustrated Catslogne seat on application. Start now at beet selling time, Liberal Propoeition. STONE and WELLINGTON The Foothill Nurseries, (Established 1837) Toronto, Ontario• The Best Newspaper Value In \ Testerrt Ontario OMA' Kianiiutn ,Ailm ctist'r All Mail R,ditioma $3.110 Per Year SAVE THE PAPERS Nt'W11,11pe,11 anti .4.410,8 44 44 for the w :,ext eolecline shortly afte5. Ohristmas 1 1 ,W11 I own Top cs �m rM'+wlit6n+ Aaaaa .tl1w.MtArmmfllNwFeill. er+4) Abe okuut14111ua4, LW/MVO t1y 1$.11411 latl10N Wilt 410 11.111U 11 101' 111 tau 11041 tituss 16u0)us 1,111 1l utattay 014001,0011 altar 1111111 lImo wieni ng 10 a»uu10 ti0M040 Ailey 410 du at 1Y11'. John Mains, 4011'o mere, Omit forgot to hear the UoperLwuut spoallur o4) Uardau 1'ruuuoul.+u You may get 1101110 good 14)41411 14)1 151111 000111100. 10011 Hall to night at 8 p l4) Minn Glel,4) of Ule11n•Ullarlue, l'ol'uiite Minutiae flair k'iashluu 81000, will ha 114 130010044, Wed.&Itis 14th. Uommarulal Hotel with a full line 0f Ladies anti Ueulletnaus klnlr t; Jods, If yeti arra nut 0111.1111 1011 with ho appearance of year hair 11onsalt thea Munn, free (1110001104. ration. . Mr. Kaue of Stratford spout Sunday i41 town, Mr Joe Molirien left on Monday for the WM. Miss blitehall of Toronto who has beim the guest of her sister Mrs. W . E. !Southgate sr. left for home o41 Saturday. Major Harvey Wilson of Galt was a week end ',leiter at the Mune of his ooueill Mrs W G Willis, Mies liana MoKeurie of Stratford spent Sunday at her home here. Mr H Hunter of 8t Macy's visited his friend Mr David Wilson, A very sueooseful ton was held at the home of Mrs R Winter, yesterday afternoon i'1 aid of the Womeda War Auxiliary. Pte Herbert McGee son of Mr and Mrs Jas McGee arrived home on Thera day from Emmett. He was preeeuted by the King with one pound personally Mise Madge Stewart left on Monday to resume her position as milliner in Wallaoeburg. Mr Donald Shaw, who has been spending a few days at the borne of Mr arid Mrs John Beattie, returned to Ridgetown on Monday. The many friends of Mrs J 8 Porter will be pleased to hear that she is im- proving alter her recent serious illness, Mies Wilkie, who has been the gues of Mrs J 8 Roberts for a couple of weeks, left on Monday for her home in New York. She was accompanied by Mies Francis Roberts, who goes to Cleveland. Mr Archie Seett who spent the summer in the West reterned home on Saturday, Captain Hodgiue of the Dental Corp of Hamilton spent the week end at hie home Mies Scott of Bolgrave is a gneat nt the dome of Air and Mre ,fames Arah ibeld, Mies Mary Modolend left on Mon- day for Palmerston, Mr Menzies Wingliam is visiting hie daughter, Mra Robert McGee Main St Alva J W McKinley, Huron Road spent Sunday with her friend Mise Annie Sommerville 141rF 8 Savauge occupied the pulpit of LheEguloodvillo Presbyterian (Mural 12at Sabbath morning the pastor Rev. Jas. Argo being ill Mr P Dill was in town on Monday. Mrs Geo Waugh of Teeewator, also N10 and Mrs Roy Baruotl of Toronto ere horn 411184111111g 180 funeral of the )utters mother 11110 Uriuurldby. The papers are 'all eon e,r.;. ".t:'.1d fulto money for 01`,13''dtrtTrfi pai'n' the .goi1- Wonefls Wei Auniodry 'DUCES 0/77 DANDRUFF, Miss Jennie 114u13rido rotur(od to Lown on lilonttay after spending a couple of menthe ill Breeptatl and llatuiltnu, In the 1r011ruary 0,1nostition iti Art ounciticted by "'Pau• cioheol," rind 0411'11 10 she uohJels of the .Previnea, .'43 (11e „sk,a, 0r 6ir Nutlor',) 100111 at the 011X:4 1001, was SWerdetf'•llneurable 11115, i 41'411 ',lint • Uwe can't.etit-I 4)0 are held 1110-1 4 1111 the rni)jt•ct for 'lrbl110:041 uoing, '•S polled drteviee 01 ,1 oy 1.. o1 a girl 11,18 1 bnful•1 tb'1 Ah i H 1.1:u'idu will have 1'ur 4:111 81110- sit next tiund•4y 008141144, ",1 4'ottin11'8 ritfCN A)!eWv,l'l1 by Chrtal" ('to Porn Pritchard of (Inderluh has written a popular sang "Thorn id 0. Girl rule 11aran'' and lima 1011 0000) at Beattie Broil which may be bought for 15 melte each, Mia*, Kate Devereaux of Walton visited her brother Mr John Devereaux during the pant week Rev 1f H. Larkin assisted at the in. bunion of Rev Mr Hogg in Clinton o41 Friday evening last, AIR STOPS FALL d."r t, i Savo your 14alrl Got a 25 cent bottle Ir of 0anderine right now—Also b stops itching camp. i• ^"'+'• brittle, enlorleon and scraggy J '1!,'t-1 evidence al a 11egb00L0d 0 •'andruff—that awful scurf., nothing s0 destructive to dandruff, It robs the hair 114 strength and its very I L:4 ; eventually producing a feverish• f noes and Itching of the scalp, which If not romod£ed 8000110 the hair roots to shrink, l0000n and dfo--thou the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—stow—any time—will surety nave your halr, Get e, 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's :Dane erine from any drug store. You surely oan have beautiful hair and lots of it IT you will lust try a little Dan. derine. Save your hair! Try it! Tait 51 AFOri'r'111 1°11 1rJS uuwmwruM11104,i matCrw.oaliaswa»,awuww,mrw¢aana+ «.�... . , tli,;a„a.al ou14411 1141r1l a pt:ili11;1aaa aaaraaalial>1 wa a ufiltFfki kYatt3ltCetAti ; (tltlf4 NtAI kS 111 Phone Your Orders. Stewarts Se11 1t For Less. ew 1 The ExposW Stth Largest ome 9 C,.ats to Thursday, Mar$ Mail Your Orders, Most • Coiflpreheilsiv on of pen s Suits ',s ever been our pleast re tti) The most exclusive models, the best value, the widest choice and the :most fascinating styles in coats, suits, waists and other apparel for particular women as yet offered at this popular women's store There is such a distinct differ= ence in our Readyeto=wear garments, more style, better workmanship, finer fabrics, less faddishness than you will find any where. at LOWER PRICES Mrs Gray of Brandon is.the,gnest o Mrs A Young. Mr lwauto, of Goderieh'has tauten a position in the Boll Munition Works Mr P 3(nttAna 4111: 8te,v.lrtl'cott of Brussolaemelt 8undaylwith :Mrs .I P 13rino, 111 lMrs lentils Patterson 0n41,Mies Irene ape t 11111 weeik•.mid with Mr and Mrs Alex Cuthill veiuthrop. Aire Sherbrooke, L,mdeshnro ss visit. inp, her smother ibirs Webb, 4110 141'a!ri1t, I'„'.,nta v1^.1 .1f11i.11.14 Billeted(' lied tits il,tln0 01 ilteet„)1 alt. 0 11:5.0 he. 10.1114 11 t.nli.dilg this tar's" i Al of the Tato 11r• .1 111`0 MOil',[111. 3i 1011 411111110 A111llri(10 V01nrm-d 111/1/10 ONO' a three 111,11148 171018 111 iir,lnptnn � and Halnilt.nl Mr iditr rd 11. Nervier r of ele,ne. (1slt opt .t 411,' 11,011 1'1411 W1111 his 11I110111a :41.r. 11.1,11 1;rt. ,1. I', 11,11 • ilf•a 3lclleeaid of Ein,1 , mad 14liss Collins of 'I1.tunt5) haa•o 111!011'101 there positions in 1110 11111111ury 111'1-srtlnvnt of air John liul'avish store A'f'outs liolt,in nt,tl Elliot sweet • Slu+day in 741uKillup. Mr. and Mro, :Piu,niey end 0,14 Levee of Stratford spent a couple of davit with Mrs Piuknoy's mamas 111r, and Mrs R L Clark. Mies Sparks of Stratford Mae retort ed to i•estl100 her position in Stewart Bros millinery department. If Mies Ethel Willimns is v401110g he 1 eistot in lehpeming Mich, u T ;in d resent h as co I E.n-�, Y ", y��, �; t B a . r let Et r ii •0:11 N�'i1'ti.:i`tStk'11 T 17 11? ti 0 f; ti ° 1u't, a' 1111 yt l�l ili'p 'Opal 'rep obtain th i WV.,a.est 6';'rt°e 3t 11 0,011;: 4), 1' yA41 � �.,cru>lsrGP: t 'i^•li1al?1uu�q apply y, �1, F to •✓ .� �.n i'l,�d'�t �; ;j�./}, ri �1 �•t "� ,c " u 1 .. 4, .. 4.41 L 1 a'r �� >•. e } '4I111'dd41 Us ', I..itz ,41'i:),:,Irn„tt°`rennera . .P Passenger Ai pa. or v18 I{"lE„ Toronto �91t, ,, k ros 'i9d))h:r � �FSg. o fi ftriettateei r.�