HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-08, Page 3YOUNG FCLKS
The Elephant Seeks lilab'rientI
An. Elephant was thinking to him-
self one day and llia thoughts raft thug,
"1 wonder )tow I may test my
Meads 9"
The more the Elephant thought, the
more bewildered be beeaine, until,
spying it Heider on the wall of his
house, he ventured:
"Tell isle, pray, wise Spider, how
may/ know my friends?"
Tito blooper, being flattered at being
called whin, etapped spinning the web
and eardt
"1"rinds may be told by the grati-
tude they,/ display,"
"Wis:ly you speak, but I have never
looked %hl' grtt:;tudo,"
"That le why you seek to know your
Menthe," t'eplicd the Spider, starting
to work again,
Title speech of the Spider set the
Elephant to thinking harder than ever,
end (tnn)ly he baeeme eo bewildered
that he thought best to go into the
forest and look for his friends.
Art he started forth he wiggled his
tell in a violent effort to get rid of a
Fly'' which was. tickling his back.
"Why not start with the Fly?"
shouted the Spider,
'Phis peened a good iden, so the
;tephaat said: "Spider, 1 have done a
lot. for the Ely ;end nuns, he is torment-
ing ins. T)o yeti enll that grateful?"
The Spider tori not anewer, but the
Fly Cn!y laup'hsd pearl moved under the
h;h'ltimet'r: ear, where he tickled him
more than ever. This made the big
felto'w run more than ever: when he
girt into tho :forest..
The .r,-,, Beast he suet was the Lion,
to whore he said:
r'I have warned you of approaching
danger many tines. Are you my
At thin the Lioit reared with laugh-
ter, and when he stopped ho repli,erl:
"It. le 1: who has done the warning,
if any waning there has been. , Run
Even the Fly laughed and tickled
the Elepbnnt'e ear all the more.
Somewhat downcast, the Elephant
went to the edge of the forest, where
the Giraffe was trying to knock some
bananas :from a tree,
"Lot me help you," suggested the
Elephant, and with that he shook the
tree so that it was soon stripped of
b 1 as, and they both helped them-
"Are you ray friend?" asked the
Elephant of the follow with the long
"You are sharing the bananas with
me•• -the little service you rendered
would not permit me to call you
With this remark from the Giraffe
the Elephant departed, and the Fly
under lefs ear only laughed.
Next the Elephant came to the Ant,
who was trying to build a hill. With
one stroke of his mighty foot the Ele-
phant pushed enough dirt near the
Ant foe Lira to build a thousand hills.
"Thank you with all my heart,"
said the Ant,
"Gratitude is the noblest sign of
f tiendsltip,"
Every Plant In Asparagutl Bed Should
Yield a Dollar in .Return.
"Well drained land, level, sandy
loam that does not dry out badly in
summer and near to markets are es-
sentials far success with asparagus,"
says art old gardener, Unfortunately,
moat femora and gardeners have to
retake the best of the land they own.
"Choose plants from stork that has
u good. record us a producer; select 1
from to nearby field, if possible. and be
sure of your stock first. Grow suffi-
cient roots to have ten times as many
pinata as wanted for selecting one
year roots for the field.
01 never plant two year otd roots,; t
g seen in
its permanent place. Root selection is '
the most important in stnrting a good
Twenty' -Five Cents a
Day spent for the right
kind of food will keep a man
in good health, fit for any
task, Two Shredded Wheat
Biscuits, served with hot
milk, make a complete, per-
fect meal at a cost of four
or five cents --a heal that
supplies i r
s 1n digestible ble fo m
p �
every element needed to
build new tissue and furnish
heat and energy for the
human body. At twenty-
five cents a day for three
meals there is a margin of
ten cents for fruit or green
vegetables. Such a diet
means a clean stomach,
healthy liver, active bowels.
For breakfast with milk or
cream. Made in Canada.
Schoolhouse of Western Canada is a
Community Centre.
Nations are built in the public
schools, The ideals net up by the
school teacher remain very largely the
ideals of the pupil throughout life, and
his conception of patriotism will be
what he has been taught during his
!school years. It is not too much to
say that the present world war is due
to a difference of ideals fostered by
different systems of education.
Great as is the importance of the
public school in old and well estab-
lished countries, this importance is
even greater in the new lands which
aro being called upon to assimilate
populations, from the more congested
countries. In such a country as West-
ern Canada, the public school has to
take on functions not usually associ-
ated with it in the older and more
densely settled communities. The
prairie schoolhouse is not merely a
centre of education; it is also the re-
ligious and social centre of the dis-
trict. During the week days the
school teacher furnishes education to
the children of the neighborhood, but
on Sunday the missionary holds his
services, which all attend regardless
of creed or nationality, and on week
nights the building is used for meet-
ings of farmers, for the various' com-
munity societies; far the Red Cross
or Patriotic Club, and for purely so-
cial events such as debates, concerts
and dances. To facilitate the latter,
it may be noted that many country
schoolhouses use removable desks
which the willing hands of the farm-
ers' boys quickly dispose of whenever
there is a dance in prospect.
Another phase of community work
associated with the rural school
which has been coming into promin-
ence during the last few years is the
supply of books to settlers in the dis-
trict, This work is encouraged and
assisted by the central Department of w
Education, which provides catalogues D
of books suitable for such purposes,
the actual selection being left to the
teacher. The number of books allot-
ted to a school district is based on
the report of the inspector of schools.
In the Province of Alberta, although t
this school library movement is t
only in its infancy, no less than o
110,000 hooks wore supplied for
this purpose last year, at a cost
of some $30,000.00. Educationists
of the province look forward `to the
ime when every school district will be
a library centre, giving to the settlers
the facilities now afforded to residents
of cities and towns through their pub-
ic libraries. The prosperity which
ens almost overwhelmed rural Alberta
In the last two years, when farmers
have been reaping enormous crops and
selling them at the highest figures in
history, promises to contribute still
further to the importance of the rural
:chooi as a social centre. With every I
farmer driving hie owls automobile the r ag A i it ,rt r t 'tA
opportuulties for feudal gatherings e
greatly increased, lend the count
ehoolis the natural meeting place•
ay t.ltganlc_.t and l,fadta a Carrier Corps
for 'fritnq rting 1,upphas,
1 13.1,41101' IS A WAIL AERO,
Sixth Issue Expected to Shoe 0 ('ost-
sldcr,thie mailing OiL,
The sixth German war loam, duo in
March, lata not yet heeu announced.
'Pile finer: eaten in 13' ritn le that the
total se ht,ttiptions will :Trow a conehl-
t t ibl ain,tllr r rr'suit than in the a'n`te
of the fifth ioan, suy:s a de:mateh from
hw•it :ansae,
Virtually alt hudusia lest are domin-
ated try the wee, Within the half
-ear, for axamplo, the great German
iron industry has become almost a
'.•r,e rtnteltt of the Government. Ptiees
hich ern, erwept is fired sharp ml-
,.ance last autumn, were then fixed
through an understanding with the
' ;vernmeet, which is now utmost
the sole buyer. Thu cool trade is.
made -subservient to war polyposes as
t_ I 1 (.
far as possible, Other industries, sue
as textiles and chemicals, also a
dominated largely by the war. Pa
tire branches of these industries hav
been shut down or restricted sharps
because they do not administer to th
requirements of the war, Thn m
ehinery and electricity trades a
extremely active, and there is a gra
activity in the shipyards, many o
which aro turning out submarines.
r, I ,� 1{
A letter from Reheat. Webb to the
When hahy is teething le a tine
et vrnrry to tans tnttihere. Baby
little mime heeome (swollen and to
der; he beeonp $ (rues; dorm no
sleep well; is greatly troubled wit
eonatiptatlort; curie ,)i diarrhoea tut
eometintes oven cnnvulaions Shift
hila, During (his period within
can equal the use of Baby's Ow
'Tablets. They regulate the bowel
repel stolnru•h and make the teethin
Yorkshirer ; +•
:Poet t + v • .
t t dr r
I ;rn.sthr, tvrtl, of
o tit. 'Zanzibar t t n.a t.'orpe and it:n
malar, lilt. Rip 11 Bev. 1^, t4ecton,
111' hop of ''t t ,bur, In the blast
African enmpitign iii;,ttep Wel+tot's
name figured among tho,e rtentlonctt
by Lieut General Slouts for meritor-
lout: service in the field.
' t
]hn h h„ not o raised •
t l t ,ly rt .1 ,1 body
of more than 1,1, 11 ,'ar•tners, but also
suet+rintentied then? on the march as
they bore eel/plase from The, ("east to
the front. 111? ux•nmlrliab d in the
time of greet, dilllcultiet, a teak which
seemed it rsurrttattntable, Be cheered
iia men up when they were gloomy
and inspired them with such courage
std perseverance that on 000 occa-
sion they ware an the match for
forty-eight hoot's with only two and
one-half hours' sleep, and occasional
rents for meal, or l'nr redistribution
of loads.
"Butt for the Bishop's courage,"
says Mr. Webb, "and Liz power Of
inspiratirnt, our troop:; would have
fared badly awing to the lark of food,
and they may well be gt•a b:fel for the
help so ungrudgingly given by the
bishop and those lay mamba's of his
stein' who were able to be with him."
so easy that the mother sctu'eedy real-
izes baby is getting his teeth. Con
earning the Tahlets Mre, Arthur
Archibald, New Town, N.S., writes:
"I used Balty's Own Tablets when
baby was getting his teeth and I
found then an excellent medic:ine,"
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 21 rent's a. box
from The Dr. Wildiame' Medicine Co.,
Btockvtlle, Ont.
Germany Awakening to Pact That
World 1)omitiation al Impossible
Little by little tate deluded Germanic
peoples are awakening to the hollow-
ness of their pretensions to world
dominatioxt, and to the fellibilify of
the military god to whom they have
so long given -their' blind devotion. Via
editor' of The World', Work holds that
the prestige of the Germans Mars is:
This Trouble Can be Cure
Through the Use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills.
St, Vitus Dance is much mor
common than is generally imagined
The trouble is often mistaken fo
nervousness, or awkwardness
It usually attacks young children
most often between the ages of si
and fourteen—though older person
may be affected with it. The mos
common symptom is twitching of th
muscles of the face and limbs. A
the disease progresses this twitchin
takes tho form of spasms in which
the jerking motion may be confined
to the head, or all the limbs may h
affected. The patient is frequently
unable to hold anything in the hands
or walk steadily, and in severe cases
the speech may be affected. The
disease is due .to impoverished
nerves, owing to the blood being out
of condition and can be cured by the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which
enrich the . blood, strengthen the
nerves, and in this way '.restore the
sufferer to good health. Any symptom
of nerve trouble in young children
should be promptly treated as it is
almost sure to lead to St. Vitus
Dance. The following is proof of
the power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
.to cure this trouble. Miss Hattie
Cummings, R. R: No. 3, Peterboro,
Ont., says:—"I was attacked with
hat the doctor said was St. Vitus
ance. Both my hands trembled so
t to be practical
even note eeriousty damaged,
The Germanic peoples; know by now;
that the world war so long prepared
for and eo long merged is by no
el means the happy enterprise they had
been et to expect. Slyer :ince 13iD
they have looked forward to the next
war as a e oil LLe( picnic, to be tnade
far more effective and greatly more
e profitable than the easy overthrow of
• the Second Empire. Their blind faith
or in the power and effectiveness of their.
• military preparations is only equalled
,; by a similar blindness to the inevit-
x able damage done by war to all the
s' splendid structure of commerce, pro -
t gross and entcrpriso built up simul-
O taneously with the engines of military
s destruction.
g , One may almost stretch a point and
argue that the power of German mili-
tarism is already broken hopelessly
O in the hearts and minds of those who
rnade its maintenance possible. But
1 knowing as we do the sheep -like do -
1 cility of the German peoples, which
;seems to increase in proportion to
their sufferings, we cannot be blind to
;the fact that if the war should end
to -day the position of the German
. armies on the ever map would be so
magnified in the eyes of the populace
as amply to compensate them for all
privations suffered.
But reliable accounts which con-
stantly reach us from enemy coun-
tries make it certain that the future
position of the war preacher and the
war professor will not be an enviable
one. However meekly they ring bells
and wave flags at command, there
must be mourning among many mil
!lions, and memories which it will take;
more than the sophistries of Treit-
schke and Bernhardt to smother.
In all the indictments raised against I
e conduct of the Germanic Empires f
critics usually fall to lay the greatest
stress upon the carefully-nutured na-
tional spirit which made the events.
of 1014 possible, No other nation in 1
the world, es we knew it in those
days, openly boasted of its prepara-i
tion for organized slaughter. No other'
nation made a cult of might, or so
shamelessly extolled its own lust for
domination. No other nation made a'
creed and a veritable religion of the
power of the sword. She who glori-
' fled war must for ever taste her stand
as the champion of its horrors, and'
cannot escape everlasting condemna-1
tion when the eyes of a just world
are opened to the folly and the fool.
iehnoss of its claim for toleration,
Women are now admitted at the
University of Moscow,
b Ii
the trouble went to my left side,
from that to my right Ieg, anti left
me in such a condition that I was not
able to go out of the house. I took
he doctor's mediolne without get-
ing any benefit. Then I tried an-
ther' remedy with the same poor re-
sults. At this stage I was advised
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
did so, with the result that they fully
restored me to health, and I have
not had the slightest symptom of
nervous trouble since. I can recom-
mend these pills to anyone who is
suffering from nervous trouble, and
hope they will profit by my experi-
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills from any drug dealer or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co,, Brockville, Ont,
Importance of a Good Garden.
and do not believe in startin 1'
"Start the seed bed in early spring;" cl
Old Fashioned
rows eighteen inches apart, seed ten to
the foot, one inch deep; give clean !
When large parcels of land are un-
ertaken to be cultivated, small ones
re held in contempt; and though a
ood garden supplies so large a part
of what is consumed by a family, and
reps supplying it all the year around
o, there are many farmers who
rudge even a wheelbarrow full of
enure that is bestowed on a garden.
ee that you have a good and Emin-
ent fence enclosing it, lest your
We in one night frustrate your
opes and destroy the labor of many
ays. Take care that your seeds be
ue and sound. There is much &seep -
on in this, for garden seeds will de-
enerate, becomes mixed and very
ten blasted or dried up so as to lose
1 their vegetative powers, A gar -
ti may be made the companion and
I friend of many a tonsure hour, and
!furnish a spot where at chance inter -
vela of severer labor every man who
Mut a garden patch may benefit him-
self end take a pleasure in his labor,
Killing Sow Thistle.
1 In fighting sow thistle we must re -
cognize that this weed spreads £rpm
both seeds and roots. We must,
therefore, prevent the plant from pro-
doming ,iced, kill the perennial root
1 ;,tall( and sow absolutely clean seed
grain if we are to control this ter-
rible pest. Never allow the thistle to
.:.how even n leaf above the ground and
by nut r of i it will he killed.
cultivation. To keep the slugs and
beetles away use arsenate of lead or
ahicicerne Plough out the roots in
spring and plant about the time: of the
Mat frost.
"After careful selection of roots
plant int rowe -four feel; apart, plants
fifteen to eighteen inches, apart in the
row; cover three inches deep at first.
"Make the trenches deep enough to
leave the crowns eight or nine inches
below t.tle levet. Use no intercropping
system, but plant a cover crop (hairy
vetch or (s'iutson glover) the fret two
winters. \YiLh rust resisting (lettere-
guts the tops are left on in the fall and
disked itt the next spring, thus saving
ti groat deal of labor and plait fooct,
"Fertilize with manure in late win-
ter, ten tons or more to the acre, or
with chemical fertilizers, 300 pounds
o ni(.rate of soda, 500 pounds of tacit
phoaphato, 300 pounds of muriate of
soda ---applied before end of cutting
• season er before growth starts nt
young beds.
"Ma1ket conditions govet•I, t•in.ting
lend packing tttelhod:t, but careful cut-
ting, grading and shipping lays, mrd
refrip;ernl ion of freak aepat ag".; ds
efiscntial from the stalndpoint of tine
gansumtr. The main thing is to get
lite field stet with good, vigorous, one
year old runt restating plants. See
that there etre ns. bare spots in the bed
•-- they Cunt the same l.0 care for, but
glee fie net, profits."
are Whig supplanted daily
by newer and better t'hing's.
This Is particularly true
where health and efficiency ca
are concerned, h
� d
in hundreds of thousands tr
of homes where tea or cof-
fee was formerly the table
d1 -ink, you will now find I al
It promotes health and ef-
ticIency, and the old time
nerve -frazzled tea .or coffee
drinker soon gives place to
the alert, clear -thinker who -
drinks delicinrls Postum
"-Ihcres Seaisotl
No change In price, quality,
or size of package,
j Uruguay Tres ,joined the list of na-
!liens l.1» 't ,:fllri,tlly recognize twenty-
t'nnn-hr,nr tine.
in the months preceding the war their,
stn every home Sloane lr feel• i
nient has earned its place in ,
the medicine cheat as it relict I
from pants and aches.
Quickly penetrates (without rub-
brrt and so tl tj
g r ores lc soreness.
Cleaner and more effective thanI toe mt .•It ao,1 the little Loy
if Stomach Harts
Drith Ho Water
ur finhll•'a'•,•: slam:✓.h ori t ly ,,r .�uu r-
n«w, a.I r4' 1- a Int-. 1,. tp
aten, pier.,
+ul•t tel' a t,•uen
•tor' i t pare ti' id-
totroted , eignesl:r. In halt a ale:, of hat
Neuterll a tial lt. ,r, e eating they
e ,.14 n V •p t ti at th t 0 rt ,•
ffU„n 1 tc11)i ;b a h 11"1, 1. ,, t
tors v ul•t hare 1 1 le rl x 11n 1 fat•
I (tient; 111 v)!let I t i 111- ei ",lo
veil 100,1 Itio,011 N. + } {; t I; -1 in , lint"d
th,It ro0 1 Immo of ;iota -on h011.14 -ht are
dw^ 4 1'1 t,„'li :1••••11t, t e t •trna,tetton
n ale rt
i r.
u 1I n, f ,l +- m com-
et It -
t tt e,l n,ih 1 iii ut r n ply
t/ the etw ,h . If 1n1r tl t the
tie,,!ufpls r11d I int •i 1 n''u in-
raltntly tl lttli•c sur r:, i.e ..h•i11-
nett acid ;end Hl„ps fu,vi :rrmrnt%t Li„n, -
tho t•nntb1ee tem r.f Ile; 111 r,, thO•i,.f,.
bring o ;,'» I usl+ t t
cldedlV two; u,,bh to tho uv tt lrtiftelal
dlg•'atants, stimulants or me ll Ines for
National Service Cards.
Tho time for those persons who'
have not filled in the National Service,
cards, or have not properly filled them
in, has been extended to the 31st day
of March, 1017, and further cards'
have again been issued to the post-'
masters for distribution among those
who have made default. It is under-
stood that the returns from the 2nd.
Military District have been most gra-'
tifying. There are, however, even in
this District a number who have not
properly made their returns, The Na-
tional Service Board hopes that every-
one in the District will use his or her
very best efforts in order to make the 1
returns from this District as nearly'
perfect as possible.
Fish Hatch Eggs in Mouths.
Two species of the salt water cat-!
fishes found on the New York coast,'
the gafftopsail catfish and the sea cat-
fish, care for their eggs in a peculiar
manner. After the eggs are deposit-
ed the male fish carries the eggs in its __.,..:.,.......,:� ..r-„.......;, ,,.._,..._.
mouth until the fish are hatched. Book "Patent Protection” Free
Farmcrly Patcot Onieo Examiner. t877
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited. I Branches: Otttawe and vtashingtonEstab.
Gentlemen,—My daughter, 13 yrs.
old, was thrown from a sleigh and
injured her elbow so badly it remained
stiff and very painful for three years.
Four bottles of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT completely cured her and she
has not been troubled for two years,
Yom's truly,
St. Joseph, P. O., 13th Aug„ 1000.
i {
1 1
E�• } It not only agitans the
ir water but doubles the cleans.
ing power of soap, end makes
everything sanitary and
R 8. BV a 'YE
F rT s ,
a Ir
Where Goat Leads.
In Switzerland the goat is placed
ahead of all other animals. If a boy
plarguec a goat ho eau be fined and
sent to prison. If a person meets a
goat on a path and drives it aside he
can be emoted. If a goat enters the
yard of 11 person not its owner, and
is hit with a club or stone, the person
guilty of the offence must pay a fine,
"Wiggins says a man ought to at-
tend to his own business,"
"Yes. 13ut he thinks it's his busi-
nests to show everybody else how to
attead to itis business,"
Minard's Liniment for dale everywhere,
POla Rana,
J.' lug Howie in Owen Hound. In good
repair, good location, Near Denot and
' When Your Eyes Need Care ra•aorlea. Apply R. McGrath, Gxocutor;
rianrcona, Alan.
Gee orurincicyeldedlcitte, Netmarttng-Ireolo
lane -dote quickly. Try it for tree, Weak,
Sere Ityes and CArannlated Eyelids, 1Hurtoo Is
eompponnded by our Oemiste—not e. "patent
bredtelno"-hut weed !a aueressful Pbyelclana'
Practice roc many years, Now dedleotod 00
the Pubite and sold hq DrngF.'iato aE BBC pet
Bottle, Murine ire Salve Io toe Ete Tubae,
12, and Gee, write for nook or tete Eye Free,
Marino Eyo Remedy Company, Chicago. Adu
Sounds Quite Easy.
Smart Young Man: "What do you
think of Brown?"
Indignant ()Id Gentleman: "Brown,
sir! He is one of those people that
smack you on the ?bark before your
face, and hit you in the eye behind
your back!"
Ndlnard'a Liniment Cletus Dandruff,
Why He Was .Assessed.
A resident of an English county
town owned a goat. It was an intellig-
ent heart and used its head, but failed
to win the goodwill of the neighbors,
and the borough officials were called
in. A few days later the owner was
served with notice that he must pay
two shillings assessment tax on the
animal. He refused and demanded
to know under what statute a goat
could be assessed. The by-laws were
hunted up, and sure enough the provi
sion was there. By-law 12, subsec-
tion 3: "Anything abutting on the
highway," etc.
:rEwtisawleas TO1t a5ALgl
Ofilies for sale In good Ontario
t1:n•n0, The most useful and lrtterestlng
nr sil businesses. Pull tnforrnation op
aenitaation to ninon Publishing Corm
pony, 22 west Adelaide Street, Toronto.
AA Band. 912. oe up, Hertel for seec1a3
edea lint. Varelty (lytta Works, 418
.`;ptuli,a Ave„ 'For"utn.
'1ANe:Irint TUM•OR2, r.uait'a.. 19.1.0„
,, internal and e5tornal, cured wlth-
rut 10110 by r+ur hams treatment •Write
us helot,, too late. Dr. Bollman Medical
Co. Limited. Colitngwood, Ont.
11; And How to tt eed
Staled free to any address sly
lea's the Author
Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Int.
001 amedies 118 es
H West 31st StreetNewYork
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
Purely Herhsl—Ho poisonous coloring
Ant ism) tie—Stops bleed•poisen
Soothing -Ends polio and tmartia0, ole.
Pure—Best ler baby's rashes.
Heals all sans.
50c. boa. All Camas's and Sforu
The Difficulties of the Thrifty.
Mother 13 --has brought up a large
family on 0 small income and ]las, of
necessity, been of a very frugal •turn
of mind. The children are married
now, and Father and Mather B— are
alone and in comfortable circum-
One day their son John called, and
his mother showed him three big
loaves of bread she had just baked.
She complained that she had too much
bread on hand, and would have to give
him a loaf, and also one to her son
Frank, since she and father could not
possibly eat it all,
John asked, "Why rlo you bake so
much, then?" And his mother indign-
antly answered, "iso yott suppose
T run going to heat that big oven just
for one loaf of bread?"
Minard'a Liniment Reliever, Neuralgia,
tlary5 hha•.t.
?Dem file the e h?rlatiort of her
teacher small Maty persistently lag-
ged during the march in the kinder-
garten one warning. - At last the
tettrlu't' called :4;11y to her side and
:kI u y dt. t , 'etre you keep rip with
mussy plamiers or ointments, it doe's „r• y,„
not stain the skin, . -yes," e; ," tuloworrd al:bt;v, }lith a beans_ !
For rluunuuistn, neuralgia, gt.nil l nc- iri^' and obliging. maid,', ••1 ,•stn b,ti my;
bag", sprains and strains use 14ie: ut a t 'e,- , noel shpt s'en't,
mens. At ell dru'Uist , 25e, 50c $1.00.
as ru sseaaar a , t ii tG 1'e r 1 .1 1 1 1 l:
T l.i:•i.ea
eernitt tl^i=rn l; it }wintered
t- filet •I.111:• i :ttelrld
1 11," l . , • r R�,,. .. e you o:t
1'1', ..t, ' di.:11.1.
4' .t
,incl 1 11,1,1 ll."
IS BE No. "10--."17
rerhlar,t'o I.,alu,ent C:.r.,•. i.:::a,,, lite.
that make a horse Wheeze,
Roar, have: Thick Wind
or Choke -down, can be
' reduced with
also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister
no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco-
noniical—only a few drops required at an ap
plication, $2 per bottle delivered. 80083 M tree.
ABSOIIIINL1, 111, the antiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful,
Swollen Veins and Uicers.$1 and $2 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free.
W. f. YOUNG, P. 0, F. 518 Lymans 81dg,, Montreal, Can
abserblec and Absorbtee, Jr., Ire mrde In Cretea.
wears longest
does mare than make
your harness clean.
It revives t let: leather.
This oil soaks into the
pores, makes the lea-
ther softer, blacker,
tougher, "Try it on
any black leather.
COMPANY, /drafted
'throughout Canada
Yv pur +as ti.y's
Cheerful, Chubby Children
Make the Home Sappy
Weak, puny babies are a constant
care to tired mothers and are subject
to many diseases that do not affect
healthy children.
Keep your children in good health.
See that their bowels move regularly
- especially during the teething period,
This is a di -dressing time fn the life
of every child and the utmost pre-
caution should be taken to keep them
well and strong.
By the consistent use of
Mrs. Winsi..iw's
Soothing Syrup
it is possible to avoid many childish
ills note so prevalent,
It is 0 corrective for diarrhoea, colic
and other infantile aihnents. It soothes
the fretting baby and permits the
child to sleep well and grow healthy.
It brings comfort and relief to both
child and mother.
Mrs. Winslow•'s
Soothing Syrup
Makes Cheerful,
Chubby Children
Is absolutely non-narcotic. It con-
tains no opium, morphine nor any of
their derivatives. It is soothing, pleas-
ant and harmless. For generations
mothers in all parts of the world have
used it and millions of babies have
been benefited by it.
flue a battle today and
have it handy
Relieve and Protect Your Children
Sold /n' rt// ,hmggisN in Canada and
Throughout the world
T N C.4 L S
+it• 1 t t anger 1n ed all lora, brood Mare", dolts slid all others
10 meet d utast tit . T110 get•nt causing 1Ite disease must
Le removed from the bods- of the, animal, To prevent the
u•nr,l tr
in" 5.4)10 must bo Anne.
wilt t1" bath -eine the „ick tine ore -vent these "esitosed"
from hav ruts the ,unease. All druggists.
8503130 2017rXCAi, CO., Chornlat:s, g•osites' rad., If. ft., A„