HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-03-08, Page 1425 W. T. 1lft)X 'lit Co. Furniture Dealers Phone 00 eatesseeia New Series Volume 14, No. 39 WANTED 50 i;GIRLS 50 Olt MORE The W. E.ISanford Mfg. eo, of iNamilton has purchased the Taylor -Anderson eo. Clothing Factory in'Seaforth. And are go- ing to carry on the business from this out for which:purpose we reauire more than 30 girls assistants. The working hours each day are 8 to ()except Saturday 8 to 12 each week We guarantee steady work the year round. Nice clean work and girls i11.3ka ➢UI wages. We pay highest wages while learning Apply or Write to Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFOETII ONTARIO Expansion A striking change is noticeable in Canada, which has. grown up gradually eine the war began in the average citizen—the person so often described se the "Man iu the street " One cannot fail to notice that men in ordinary conversation have almost maimed to (Beams what used to be the only subject—either the weather or 'business, Ineteud you find them dis- cussing the different Natural) of the war sed why their sympathies are with this sr that nation; why the soldiers need their belp and work; what should be done for the Bed Cress or the Patriotic Fund. Or you find them debating the eights of some neutral nation in war time; or they are dieeussiug the differ- ent attitudes of the United Suttee. ]!Many of the views may be based upon imperfect information, or imply crude motions of international law, but they ere generally carefully considered and spoken with en sero conviction. This hiudliug of eager intoroat among Oanadians in questions whish once would hardly hove been given a thought it a symptom It allows that peoples viaon iu growtug wi or that he realizes more the effete of international polities and that Canada now stands in a now relation to them Oupade is daily growing in import- ance by the terrible auorifieos she is making for the cause of freedom and liberty, National Service Literature One of the moot valuable of recent literary contribution to the groat armee is a booklet by Professor Stephen Lea - cook, entitled "National Organization for War." In this booklet, Dr. Len- oock makes an urgent call for national thrift and national saving. lie attacks in vigorous style the evils of. extravag. ante at tins omits in Canada's history K4 and by trenchant phrase and apt Mils- tration diepoeee of varioue common errors in regard to indivudal apending of money during war time. This pamphlet wee orginally publish. ed by Dr Lea000k himself, but the National gorvios Board were so non- vinoed of its value in oonnootion with their Thrift Campoig'n that they have had it republished and have undertaken Red Cross Report The following is the Seerotarye report for February - 444 sufts,of pyjamas 72 Flamed shirts 348 Pairs of sucks 498 Towels 24 Personal Property Bags 16 Quilts 6 Trench Caps 6 PAWS of wristlets 3.Dreeeing gowns Edna DeLaooy Elect. Treasurer's report for February— Feb 1st Balauce on hand 790 69 Abult Bible Class Constance 10 00 Winthrop Branch 22 40 Rags 1 00 Comity Council 88 25 Prugrsssive Euchre 130 00 Thomas Daly 1 00 Winthrop Branch 22 70 MrsM G 60 ISEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 'iARell 8 The following lettere one from a prisoner in Germany and the other from the trenches show the gond work the Rod Cross is doing, Nissen Germany. Dear Frieodt.— I received your parcel 0. 31. and I plenae ask you and your members of the Red Cross to accept my rimiero thanks for. the weal, yours W. O'Rourke. France Jan 29 Ladles Red Cross. Seaforth Dear Friende,— 1 bad the pioaeur° of being issued with a pair of souk provided by the Seaforth Rod Cross, and am just writing a short letter to thank you ladies for the came. I have always lived in Clinton and war naturally surprised and pleased to tee the Seaforth label on them. We are having fine weather here and enjoying a rest in the billets at the present time. Thanking you once again I remain, ' Pte. D. A. Cantolm, fat Bit, Cauedtans, A Coy„ B. E. F. Frame. It's All Or Nothing 1 have juat seen paseirig below my window a battalion of ledger lada off for the front, Some of them will never come book, poor lads! 'they were all of them laughing or singing. They will laud in France laughing and singing they will march into the trenches laugh- ing and singing; they will fall, if fall they do, laughing and singing. What is it gives thein the power? And aa I watched them I thought of my own brave had and the last cheery farewell he waved me from the 'train. Why did he and so many, many more go ons to fight? What had they, in dividually, to gain by it? Tell o'er the tale of the risks of the soldier, then Ilia common reward! 'This boy of same mine and how many more gained death Seeking nothing but Olean honor and their country's good, these brave lade, bright-eyed, and strong, marched away, And there they rest now over in France "113E141 -EV B" This war is going to turn us, all of us either into devout believers or into raving Atheists. I have been down into the depths these lest days. And stanc u acro r mets I toll you, 1. believe in Doti, Couetnnuv Branch 75 00 ,Take God out of it, told what our Proceeds Mrs Bargune drawn work eultii1ra have dose and aro doing 18 73 35 slitter muscly. 'they m15111 butter builtMrs'rhutnue Stvphvus 10 Ifll stopped at Home with :beau cantle' 111011 Knittleg Needles 25 who having learned what wee 110110 to l 1100 the women el Preece mud Belglutu, anti what might wee. oe dune Le 1.21011' 1111 wutneu 'slit, have decided that it 1e wroug to kill.. But they—they put ,sway all thought of profit or safety. they otiose a lite of minute harilahip aid hourly danger, they walked shoulder to shoulder with death. Either they wets touts, or Bleu God reigns, and holds m ties heed earth, heaven and hen . They died than Britain might be free They died for ua. Utley died ter their old m'tliel'a, their Nut», aeteetileert, their helpless little uhddrsn. They died tor the old home est ell the mem- ories that snug round it; ter the lighted hearth, the Mime 'maid and LIM prattle of the bairns fur the thought of those far away days While a dear mother hopped them round and unmated theta asleep with au old• world sung. They diet) for Beneatl, w,lluh is made up of many 511011 11011108• fur Brahma tvhiuh Is something mere than all thueb homes put together, Was it worth wheel, Are all or tiny of the noble deeds of life worth while? Or t8 the world a hideous Ilghtmaru, where men struggle blindly for their owe 80111811 alms? 'Tel, CABAL' SAULtIFLUE Yes, it was worth while 'rhaek Gob we that have suffered have the etroagth to 88y that today 'Though we would far, far rather hay It wets 41.408 iu our hands, It is a great saur1100, 11 be. home the nation to be wormy of it, It is a great seurinee, and for a noontime, we Wile have given what we. love best feel to -day 121 ,t 1 ,rm 1001111 into a great black chasm leer down below there I hear a tow Hemel will something ever mime out et it and grip A trn.t,11 Margaret (luso Margaret Molutoell and Evelyn ('udmole 180 David Mullen J 00 Eglnnudville Breemb 102 02 Proueuds Uous18uoa Ball '21 14 Monthly Subeorlptous 116 90 Total Iletsipte 1420 U8 Expenditure 12.011 Jas Masou for prisoner of war 10 00 50 60 264 let 4 50 840 65 820 2o 599 83 Mrs J 13 Thompsou Abner Owens Hou. Jas Masan Mrs 'Thos, shade Dry Gouda Total Expeuditnre Belem) ou Hand Joselo Nail Mrs, DeLaoey wrote the Red Orose Grose tleauquartore at London, England regardlug Pte. Nigh and had the fo!- lOwang answer: Dear Madam; Re -Pte P Nigh, 401626, 33rd Bat., Wounded and hissing. With reference to your inquiry coir °erring the abovu,1 regret to in2Urin its distribution. Copies may be ob- you that at primula we have uo news Wiled by writing to the Secretary of beyond the official report that he ie National Service Board at Ottawa, or wisw ag. by applying to the National 8erviee Director in any Province, No man or woman should hobble paiefnlly 21112Th because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Bolto- wpy'a'Corn Cure. We have, however instituted lupines and will notify you ',immediately should wb receive Informatlenl. A80urulg you of our great sympathy 8ut1 (28611081 desire to help yeti in your suspeue0, 1 ani, Yours truly, M. B. Harrison me by the hand and esy, „Be happy!" I hope so. And meanwhile we—yeti and I who know now pita' war misna— ming meet keep on fighting. I look at it this way; Harry Lauder has made magma of people laugh in his time. And now he has roado many people weep Tho tokens of sympathy he has received show him 11101 his lose has brought him nearer to others who have suffered Such things open our hearts, make us feel brothers and sisters with It aummuu burden, anti eo strength. en us for the tight. That may be s reason why a 'hereof the burden fell upon me. SHALL WE BBCRAY THE DEAD? And perhaps now 1 may light a lame in your hes is from the flame that burse in mum.' Rob a Ileum of her young and beware of her! And shall we who have been robbed of our luaus hok the bold of the murderer? The 880111100 has been made. Has it beim 111 525211? We suffer, is 1t for nothing? Shall we beoonia W0ury and alter with the blood of our dearest and best is uuaveugud? These lads died fot Britain. Shall Britain betray then? Shall we make terms with Bell', and balance,' bargains with those who8g hallos are red with the 'aloud of our gout it is all ---or t,othiug. Etther we (16 what we set out to do—or we fail Either wo elay this evil beast—or let it escape. Either the keep faith with our dead —or we betray them. 'There is no half -way bnuse no 10m91001)00 is possible. Treaties. pledgee. terms. what are they to a German? Out him down! What is our meet 91.001o118 possession It le our heritage of (dean honor and valiant freedom. For that one eons have died, for that let us live or die. 'Ike generations behind us spur us on. The dead battalions of our armies sour us on. The oubor11 geuuratious call to us. "Shah we be ashamed of our sires?' ALL 011110 I RING NOW .t ie all—or notheg Let Ile give all we have as those gave—our last ounces of efforts our last drop of blood. We give nothing if we hold bank part of the price. Whatever we have we owe to our country, and what she gave we give her baok. "Take! takel Old Mother!" Let that be our aryl "Take all I have! take mel" Buckle on your harness, thetll Whatever sacrifices are demanded of you tnak0 them bravely, oheerfully Be steadfast till the end. The word of the day is; "Vietoryl." If we falter before our debt to our dead sone is paid then shall we bo marked bey mid red,'mp120u as a declining nation a degenerateetutilt. Lut 118 prove to. 4�y day of whet attar wu are made, Let 118 not 1,218» iu 0111 endeavor until alisol. 21111 victory hes Demi 5411,el. 13AR1GF LA11)L It i9 7 Euchre • A Euchre party in aid of the War Auxiliary who are doing au much for our owe boys at the front, will be given iu Uarduoe Opera Rouse on Wednesday evening March 14th. Cards from 8 to 11, In order to arrange tables send Dames to Mrs Hills Egmondville or phuee 10 011'46. Everybody welcome bring lunch es before, A eolnmittee of young men will put on a daiaue after cares, BIRTHS. JONES—In Tuckeremith on Feb, 27111 1.917, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones twill sons. DICKSON—In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, ou Mar 3rd, x917, to Mr. and Mra. Alex. Dickson, twin sons. KLLLO11AN—At Goderich, on Wed- nesday Feb. 2oth, to Mr and Mrs. J L Killoron, s eon. HEILMAN—A1 Goderiob, on Tuesday Feb loth, to Dr and Mrs George i3eilman a son. MoNAB—in 80aforth, on Feb 24th to and Mrs McNabb a eon. THOMPSON—In Seaforth on Feb 23 to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thompeuu, a daughter, gtEAT e— Ml2LVlLLIC—In Seaforth, on Feb, 1h J,tin0e 81ov!lle, MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT AT THE FRONT,. BUY DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES $ 25.00 50.00 100.00 FOR Ll ad $21.50 '48.00 86%00 imalvIOUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO 59:00. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9. 1917 F-1NA1M1`c.E O E2Ar3TMENr OTTAWA ae. W. T. BOX & ( .' iI', ' l'MI1h1,aE1lk dlln • .1(1911.101A1, Vllrireerene, 91,*.neX fielders of Upaerwont Rypleme sae 14001laereeAlters/30051818 Phueeee Uu lit On.18 1''116 Two Cents Slgigle spy iflbsolutelp Guaranteed is the "Regina Watch.' We back the Regina Watch for Service and Satisfaction with ow re- putation as watch mak- ers. Furthermore aper 500 Jewekre in Canada are doing the same and a Regina Guaranteed is good at any of these 500 Jewelrp Shores. The Regina Watch is univer- saAg guaranteed /or dur- ability, service and satisfaction. The price is the same as it always was $700 ar;!d upward according to grade. L?oerg gnvde of .Regina watch is guaran- teed to give perfect satis- faction. Sold only bp jjrebl2P. 'atruugr *dermas Art 'auriuge & O;tullerg drmrleru arab «P{t2lrielui 134niaae Lissom) Issuers PHONE 186 t;veuing 10 The store ,you wilialwags like. Yo -1t11 Be Dollars Ahead iF YOU WEAR OUR APPAREL THIS SPRING FOR OU VALUES ARE 'rHE GREATEST YOU WILL FIND, DON' Is TAKE OUR WORD FOR If. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. MIME Just Received LADIES' New Suits and New Coats Several models that are the most beautiful examples 1f the tailor's art we have ever seen. Bright and beautifu'--bristling with style ---splendid- ly made with becoming neatness, these handsome garments will be enthusiastically welcomed by every woman who Appreciates style and quality at a minim- um cost. Right Now is the Tim Your Selections New Spring u Coats Suits Skirts Waists o Make $10 00 10 $30 00 $15 00 to $3o 00 $3 50 to $ 8 50 $1 00 to $9 00 We Enjoy Showing Them, Will You Come and See Them ? J. MACTAVISII SEAFORTFI