The Seaforth News, 1917-02-22, Page 810071.11141,11.11111104091410111.114111e11111,1e.WWWWWW111 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE KIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.0, LLD. D.C.L.., PnMeat ilfril MRD. Gowan( Iktonowor. H. V. W. JONES, Met Gcnonst Manske: CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FM, $13,500f000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS hatereet at the current rate is allowed on ail deposits of $1 and arivurds. Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or mom personae with - **Wale to bo made by any ciao of them or by the eurrivor. S60 Selator•tla 173 x,a,ai.ox MULLEN ANAakli T A Genuine Vegetable 1 arclment Wrappers speCialle print' d from your Own copy, we can sUppiy m at the 101/0W Ing prieeS— OO(' $ 3 0 0 HE SE/WORTH NEWS SETiFieRnet • -.9611,E.:rake, TM SEAPORTH NEWS CORRESPONDENCE Kinburn Mr Illptirisni Clerk ie uow a happy man It is o daughter, Mr Fred Wakefield is now working in the munition plant at &Worth The 0, I 0 held their Red Cross sewing meeting in the ehureh last week. Mr Will Hall has joined the Arita Corea and is expected home es 110 will leave at once for Illugland. Winthrop The Winthrop Branch of the Rod those held an At Home in °alders Ball on Wednesday evening Feb 7511 in aid of the Rod Cross Though the night Wee rough and ;ammo, and roads bad there was a good number present who seemed to enjoy themselves st the games after which their was a ehort programme with Reeve J M (Jove:110;1k in the Moir Solos by Misses Marion doarlett, Della MeGavin, Jean Carswell Mabel Bullard, Mrs Alden McHavan; Rentation by Bessie and Melvin Blan. chard and little Margaret Eaton; In- atromentals by Miss Johnston and Mr m Johnston and Mr Tbos Shannon; an address on Red Crofts by Rev Mr Caoswell which was full of interest After lunch they sang God Savo the King. Proceeds were $23 SO. This branch has made and sent to Seaforth during Dec., Jan. and Feb the following art- icles:- 90 suits amots, 16 hospital shirtu,'29 flannel shirts, 73 pr. socks and contributed $170 (38 e lin to n Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay of Seattle, Wash. who have boon east for some time, wore guests 01 f het aunt, Mrs, D. Reynolds leen week. Mina Knott of Charleaburg is VIE OA; Airs J A Rubinson at the Keotory Mra. Rutledge is home again after visiting her daughter at South Bend Ind. Capt. the Rev F 0 Harper, Chaplain of 177th Battglien, stationeu at Barrie was in town fur a few days last week " mg. Postmaster Scott went to Clarleton Place Irsat week to attend the funeral of elsIk‘eit7 Pr on eT 17: 74. I rt vr his brewer. to KM %mei V",er %,eir L.,i c t. EU JOHN W. 4t. SteritrIA.Oralf, M.D., D.P.B.. CI -OFF OFFICER rucefield Dr Glandfield)s sister was married re - tit& rine PRoeiffelltelli BOARD (1lr MLA a,i111. foently '4.9•Otte9fietwletahloo:e..14,:ete.6444,toi:eir.:Ketoe:KeIelteteiolKo‘ete:e: -)ot000:e:etios..,Sote:41... r?,21oPAN'IP WITLPARIO.—ARTICLE N. e. The coal situation sus somewhat too— , !rowed by two cars of coal .-.ET-Ntssu e for any ,i2.,erNil reason the ba:.:. ...anent bo nursed farm i ' . 11 n loci., moult , Mot simen MeRt t. zie lira; sold her by 11;..; nwo f.:0;-1',;;;.. 1,nilk shOuld be securof loon a wet -nurse. -. 7.1% 7 wL7,Li. 11!,i,o1`171Zit '4,,1quizillo in an otherv- i ,.mtigfactory Wet- Mess, a lett end Bowie hare list I ,...,11.. 1i4 7,4.1. and et9,),:,,tia11y ti;:31 : .-L-• 5304 no disease on IA 111111 4-4,14 14ertutiveN reel. 11, gives is! such as syphilis. 'fo l:..r., certain 1:;,t this a blood test shoL.i be made in every aid In 1 reutrag the Red Cress 14 4 rrititi =se. Tho 1,,,,,,t -,,u,..,,..1 ktby tai M. well and near t.: same age as the for retunii.(1 seldieis in Looloti .. aneSli, baby to be 11:iti,l'i. Weaning the aby. Ii.<4.ind of weaning should 1 upy two or thre weeks. It must not be ea...”ied 4.tzt soddenly. .A bottle ti _ding should b substituted for a nursing every third or fourth day until all the feedings ar drom the bottle. Thus the baby nae gradually become aeoustomed to the Shange, and the mother's breasts will not give any trouble if she is mtreful to limit the quantity of food ahe haa been taking, Every baby should be weaned by ten months, and in no moo should a baby be nursed longer than g year. It is best not to wean the baby in the hot summer weather. Proprietary Foods. The writer has little use fee the numerous so - stalled baby foods on the market. They are of two kind., those to be added to cow's milk and those vrithout, The former simply z:dr1 greatly to the made without milk are not satisfactory. Some of the proprietary foods are exceedingly expensive. If they are used at all it should only be in cases where the baby cannot digest cow's intik. and then only on the advice of a competent and responsible physician. Just here I miglit remark that for some reason or other, (perhaps indifference or a lazy mind), some doctors are too read/ to advise the use of these patent foods. They should think twice or three times before doing so. of the late Wm. Moir her for burial, ,fierwarde returned home by way of Beafortit where ihey visited Mateyo. Little Eddie Berry while using nosh lig wax got bin fame anti heeds badly burned A number of business men have reeged to get the latest news by wire Vary morniug aims the tuella ere 80 ate in arriving. • ihe King Getup hotel has been closed up, Mr o Peter Woodley of Osborne is quite poorly at present. Mr 0 0 Booth of Toronto will Mart 13 aeries of revival services ou Sunday 03 the Methodist Uburah. Roe J F Knight haa been asked t remain for a third year Miss Florence Pope has been visiting relatives here before mitring to bran. don where alio is to be married. hirJaaJohuston shipped a carload of stock and furuiture to the west where he has gouto to live, Dublin Miss Mignon Benug of Sebringville spent the week end with Mimi Mario NeVeLl Mrs may has returned home after an exteudeci visit with Metals in Luellen Mr Dave bioinben tfi Detroit to vent. tug his farmer who is seriously ill at his home here Nle55 Herm of Minden Mich and Ms slater Mrs W ti Evora' of Halt at. Delsiltal 1118 Imeral of their mother Mrs John Horan on Monday Mt 1! Duni of Uodermh spent Mon. with his daughter Moe T Molneaux Manley LSlr 1:I. eisnburg did the thresh 1319 with Ins Birdseed Mover tlUIIuv Mr Leo Mackay from Stratford spent in our burg Qa11408 number from here attended the Duolin ball Friday night Sumo of our young people took in the Uid Tittle Daiwa 331 Seaforth last Monday mot All had an eujoyabte (tom Mr Kkukart threshed one load of clover last week from which he got 11.1 be ul Bee() ho can beat that P eronnarty eir Geo Stacey of 'reroute has been 918 f.1119 for the last Week or Su tit hume of his BOWL' bale 11 Mra 6 Miller Miss Lizzie Hoggarth returned hum LsatlIk 3*1W1 epolitilitg six aye 13 Willi 111Lr Neter Nit! 211/401,13821111111f Uud el lull, air latti 1119 Barns of 1)1103 1311 stem with mr and Mrs Mulltinuel Quite a 011111ber from hero m.0811141 ,elawiewdanaraienwitien InIlit1001110101114111X11114 len el /11111,1K alle1N1a1C111104100001000010111:1110 Net One ellOig il ill m la a a 1. ,L, O 5 ,i,, :.: E 'LlitINION Aillt NI 1,I1 Li L 14 14 la alat Established 1071 lit 15 131 15 la 14 111 PI i CAPITAL AND ' ESERVE $121.4 ,t 0,000 le hi II Il II 15 II i 1 NI PI MI MI la MI Farmers will do well to leave their sale Beta with Ube 1 le is i Dominon Bank for colleolion. Consult the Man a g e r. • ii xi Farmers' Sale Not ,see IS 111 BEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Matteetere alselitensurthialatfineanalauleaueneinoneirriaineiltilealitstawirellealLORISte Thursday Feb 2 2 weiesaiweseirieseseasessearaemoanareetawe MTH "THIar PIXIS" TO OONSTIPATED 0Innt11 igelloions "Fruit Laxative caret leeriel tender little Stomosolle over and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother' If mated, your little one's stomach, West and bowel e need Cleansing at 04100, When peevinh, orme, domml eleep, et or act neturally, 08 ift fever. atomech aour, breath bad; hate sore throat, diarrhoea, fall of cold, giy% a teaspoonful of °California SOMA Of Figs," and in a few bourn all tho tau), constipated waste, auidigested food and Dom' bile gently MOTee out of ito little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Mak your driagelet for a 6tecent bottle of 'California Syrup of Floe, with% con. bane full directionfor babies, &li- chen of enemas Onr wromeme, eiimmeweitwor TO INVEST O.MAIMMINI RS HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF ssoo OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and lst October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank In Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan Wave in Canada other than an issuo of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments. made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. CePARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 7111, leis. rMelealeFEIFEEB2EfetalnEalliFear..MMEngifenteMi• '. k e Is ' 1117141. ,11,111,11 eee Jr!:LLt: 1 vi114,01= ;Los. • ,!etii, THE OLD HUME Well worth the racotitavtion of an 00011/111110.1 1.0111 1101 110 13011 11101sii down alai talk I 21.3 sin ,3.i. 1 50111104, 1113(0 miveos• t I 4.41 and 010 H1101.10100 e III childhood? 1; Do yell take 11.1.0 90 1001( 10111k 1191.1' 1 110 11111 of life feel calf 1111 the (Ia)s of yo olden times ellen ou were at the 1 flames i133380(1 Anniversary 601 elute , 0 sib 11M ininnLy Home hotter the protect4 og care of a O A fare'well fond father 83(113 a (located mother? Do ;expense of cow's milk without increasing its value as a food, and those Substitutes for Cow's Mil). Condensed Milk. Condensed walk le milk from which the water and often some of the cream has been removed. In many eases sugar has been (added and the condensed product is frequently made from an inferior grade of milk. It should not be used as infants' food except in travelling or in oeuntries where it is Imposaible to obtain fresh cow's milk. Goat's kith. The milk of goats and asses may be used where cow's milk cannot be obtained, but strict/yr under the advice of a Phrsioian. Feeding for Hot Days. On very hot days, etc., baby should not be torged to take too much, Give him cooled boiled water frequently. Dilute the feeding by replacing one ounce of the formula with one ounce of boiled water in each bottle. Hours of Reeding. The hours of feeding for a bottle-fed baby are the Some as for a breast-fed baby. By the end of the third day he should be fed leery two hours in the day time and every four hours at night, ten feedings is the twenty-four hours. At one or one and a half months he should be ad every tw, and a halt hours, or nine feedings in the twenty -for hours. it about ilve or six weeks or OW aoon as possible the time should be hanged to every three hours. The feedings will then be at 6, 0, 12, 3, , 10, and 2 .in, .The latter feeding should be omitted as soon as the baby ill go from 10 at night to 6 in the morning. After Mile or ten months the ery will usually sleep through the wbole night. Then ..he 10 lent feeding la be omitted. Things to Remember. Buy only eleun milk, from a clean milkman. Keep it clean In your me. tiny to the baby the freshest milk you can get, but not neeesearily richest milk. If your town has not a Milk By -Law, or 12 11 is not eaforeed, have the. there unite and get after the town council about IL Endeavor to have milk deli es. Buie milk in not safe, l; and flies are sure to get into it. When milk is rim Oved put it on ice ,tice and keep it there until used. Warm milk mon ;polls, and ;moiled is sure to melte the baby sick. Never leave an open //Heber out of doors for the milltman to pour the into,. and never allow milk to stand about the boars in open vessels a 'the steps in the 8110 If you must feed your baby on other than bren,r milk don't use a o with a tube, Use rubber nipples and go to the woe test trouble to tuft nipplcra, bottlee, and MI utensils used are absolutely clean, ' S THE BIRTH OF YOUR BABY REGISTRRIAG? Mr. Jae. Bergin of Windsor 1988 111 the Village for a few days. Mr. Horan of Seaforth spent Sudsy with his mother here. Mrs W. K. Evans of Galt spent a few days visiting her mother Mra Horan Mr Frank Me Connell 1988 )0 London on Saturday. Miss M Bruner oalled on friends in Mitchell this week. Mrs Jas. Kranokopf visited friends m Mitchell on Tuesday Mrs F, Feeney was a Seaforth visitor sinoe our lust issue. flensall 1Flensall lost one of its oldest eitisens last week in the person of Henry Busch in his 90th year. Mr Busch was a native of Germany, coming to this country when a young man, and for many years resided here, He was a man of suirling qualities, and was very etrong, and melee for his yen's; in fact a very feW years ago he was able to moist with all the work about tho home Beside 1118 age Widow, he !Berea a family of four party at the litnno of Al and Mrs dleX kitewert on Thur, evett tog wet; given fur Arthur who Mit le the o wit 011 hat, k1 was v.0 °setup levy young man and one who will be greatly missed. r 0/11 13, event Ileellibly 1)1 11 pint) • oer home, ever eeettr to you as the happiest home of your eventful life? - These queetione ars for the "Old Bayd fiel [303w', those who have posited hu Wien of life alai are now on the do slope and who from natural w stool miss into the Unknown beyond, where they are to enjoy the rewards that come of a well (tweeted life. The throe act play eutitled Stolen Boys, think of the old home where Diamonds put on by the youn9 people wore father, mother, and the charming of the village in the Terve hall 011 brothers and iraitora whose whole aim Friday evening last woe a success it was to keep home happy and make 08 - Wil 111 would not be fair to particularize as life a ploasnre rattier than a burdeo, meet of the prefortners did their parts Yon remember father's outlier behind in a Very creditable manner and the the big fireplace, do yuu not? Sue lien tile al101taiee Were well pleased with the She ell tell aisLtheat Miss Jessie bleddea of Luuknow also. modeled a couple uf aurae 1 u very pleasing manner Tile prueeecis amounted to over $46 half of whieh was donated to the local Pat. rlutiu tiumety the other half being fur the benefit of SO Andrews ehuroh The Patriotic Society intend holding ti hard (Imo social in the Town Hall 00 rues evening Mar 6th a hard eine much will be served MIsO Jessio Geddes of Imeltnow spent the weok end With her stater Alias Wan Llistidea principal of our public 101111, and three daughters, all grown up I suited to mourn his loss. kilo fishermen are reeking good hauls Lt, G. Gaunt, who is on settee ser - of herruig Wiese days rine in Prance, wall -known hero, and A A nrautier of the members of Court Rose et r+llarton U 0 F ;toweled the hotertil 01 the lato 13 !tuner ul Varna an Sunday afternoon Om (h0,,8. *3(0 was 01 tne Court The Intel moot was mural la the (1113 11411(1 ceinecexy onident of Seafarth 0, has boen awarded leniilitary cross for bravery He is the son of Bov '8 313). (hold of Formosa. Mr. nod IM 78. Jeri Cape, Me Him Coat; mid Dr. awl Mite 0331 of Cormier, who accompanied the bode AKE If AT THE F FR CD, lssir.. U GM MON ET CAVAN. CMLOM.M.o..,... MGM.» 4.---r-aMMOMMIM.T.M.M. • TN in Tan MMMOMM.,..-MMMIMMY.m. • Will IN G C MI fi cgarEs OMMIMMOMMOOMOMam Ema,ruce.suintaul-Taurretattroacnaranranalturuga $ 25.00 50O 100.00 P'0119 $21.50 -41-8.00 t 8 6'.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES USAITED TO $1509, FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 F-INAN016 OIMPARTAillaarT OTTAWA momsa,mmummmommumeammommummoskerM.M liniment prattle of younger brothels universal, Curtain, 11 ealitlet be an live, and senors 'rimy nitwit the kindly Those who have before, no matter raw directed efforts of die seniore to 8003388 long their days, seem to have lived and vanished us creatures ol the hour, so. that even over the death of the young we should not lament at (ho aserniug untimeliness of their taking off It is tntloaureet to assume that the death ie the young is a peouliar calamity and hardship How can we what they eeetiped, or decide that they are not singularly fortunate? Who finds life such an unmixed blessing as to grieve • long over the translation of tingle who are yot innocent and happy to serener spheres It is vain and unavailing to grieve over what has happened and rennet be altered. It does no good to the dead and it Mimes the living It is also mutely against tho Presiding Judi; . e 88 he sits and node 111 the twilighthjoy and p t of the dimfire m id dfraternity of reams of the day atroutiou when his boys will be Senators and will not have tuatara) the bitter trials of the dark forests or treeless prairies, Peruhance he hes toiled all day in the clearing, vigorously battling with nature for the asoendency of the arts of Mall He did those things you know and all for you too Hie trials were bitter His alma were noble His ob join was happiness prompted by a mo- tive of lova The home was crude com- pared with the gorgeous palaces of these days Rut the joy was there because father was and love because mother was Yes see her as she sits at her o orIl over 111 the corner 048 le the perfera einhodiment happiness 1.1 boys un it girls aro all at home They neo yet in their innocency and sho e knes their every. thoughtnd aoh— !weevil WWI p1.1)111 5113111' beery net , (101*ef roniloa intuit, no. 14.11 who orders "8 winch chime in With the ehereh Red .Poother and th moer, bee hers alio our truths, 113,4431100111., demos the middle agile. Who 9114194.8 h*,0 sat ors flre 011 0-20(310 What (blithe, All must die. To dio Is as common and h" I 11 11' rs""i"11• '1‘111.11 3)11119 .s comfort in them Croy recall 13 tion, the deepair that 20113,331,5 fled • 41100)3 Stint 0003.5 from the hums with its bonds of The titre old forest and the wide ex - /reeding precis are there too The low murrnering rill with ita beautiful sung is there We wine all there W11011 we are old anti all that We y011119 but now we are old and all that we can do la recall, recall, reoull Do this boys alai elee 12 you do not appreciate more all that you are and have It 05 3)115 j11311 !hat you 'Mould affuotionately look upon the past MOURNING P01.1, TfIE DRAB. ' 33)143)43 Are (ow things t,, which 1A011 anti women show theinaelves irration al se premier mid aniunimilig grief for the dead, 11 3, not lit 1111111,111 11511114 to be philosophic 111313))the earth luta closed over elle WO 109e, hilt /0 0,0)503 agony and sorrow la nearly 101 abdica of all, To honor the dead aright is 0110)1511 fondly the memory of good poisitione and decd.., and make that memory a guide for (1318 own soiritnal attainments Thisbe better thee 0)3)5430slabs, glowing memorials or deem; ring plume of fruitless woe. The, ancient world never leeched *loath with The ter. of meaning lie 13i those words There as natural aa to livo Honig cuintnon °Ili"' 13' Plveleiffl the ret's of onindrilow ' -13 135 53 11 is of