The Seaforth News, 1917-02-22, Page 5Page :5
Mail an() 'Phone f,)rders carefully FiVett
Being anxious to close up our Books
at the end of the year we will be
deeply obliged if parties having
accounts with us will call and settle
at nice,
"The Horne of Gooei.,Shoes"
Phone 51 Seaforth
w�rnecarar,ar�YY�:.nsmin:ssc^�sr� �r�� ..
Seel your cream to us and receive
top prices. We are *running our plant
the year through and can handle your
fell supply and furnish yon with cans.
We pay twice each month and weigh
sample,and test each oats of cream care
fully. Our motto ie " Honesty to ou
Patrons" Patrons are requested to re
Imre all our sans' when not in use,
3.ttter anIBrtttermilk also on hand
a i for at market prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
W,J,Walker & Son
W. J. Walker, holder of go.
ernment Diploma and License
Day or Night oalle reoeive our
prompt attention
Day Phone (37
Night ` 18
:sk"+a9a d c eT+'
Winter Term from Jannaryand
We have Commercial Shorthand
and Telegraphy Department. T6
oourcos are thorough up to dateand'
praotioal. The in structore ernex-
perierteed and we are receiving
snores of applications for trained
help we cannot supply. Write at
Once for pertionlare
1'R1NWE'y L
SISTER RSCM1GIA, who before
it000ming a sister was a teacher in the
London foraelvnitl ti It ic, w
give Icserits 011'1, .yttl Tai (eon
Seaforth in instrumental and vocal
touaio, piano and violin.
Save your elairl Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderine right now --Also
stops itching scalp.
'rim.... brittle, colorless and scraggy
1 haute evidence of a neglected
eendruff--that awful scurf.
notating so destructive to
• de:adrtllf. It robs the hair
ted strength and ire very
li'o; eventually producing a feverish.
nese and Itching of the scalp, whish
ff not remedied cauucs the hair rotas
to shrink, loosen and die ---then the
hair fano out fast. A little D untlori'n
tonight—now--any time—will ate ul;
aaVe your hair.
Got a 25 cont bottle of Ktoo,lama's
Mandoline from any drug store. Von
sure.; can have beautiful haft and lots
et it i3:you will just try a little Dale
dealno, Rave your hair! Try
fig �q �,g g g,� ? lRIONK r�
Ir-R4,NRvd„�iM1,.ia R1�Ebf6h€ttiLD
to all countries Ask for our myrar ORlt
Al V1Sfft, .which will be sent free.
• 914R10N fkMASk7r'•
Try us for A
Refreshing Shave
Call At
Bolton's Barber Shop]
Representative Wanted
At once for Seaforth and District for
'Canada's Greatest Nurseries', Spring
19I7 Planting List now ready.
Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Grown
Fruit and Ornamental Stook, inoluding
tic tntoeh Red Apple St, Regis Ever-
bearing Raspberry, and many other
New Illustrated Catalogue sent on
Start now at best selling time.
Liberal Proposition,
The Fonthill Nurseries.
(Established 1837)
Toronto, Ontario.
The Best Newspaper
in Western Ontario
ratinag Aburctuwr
All Mail Ifditione $3.09 Per Year
N 1 I 1:11' Inagszine dor the
next oo1'eetion shortly after Christmas
The !rapers are all con
veiled ted into money Vier
comforts for the sol;•
\vomens'• 7<iuxiliiory
"Papo's Dfapepsin" makes Sick, Soule
Sassy Stomachs surely feel fano
In five minutes.
If w• Inert ate is souring on
your . lies like a lump of
lead, e digest, or you botch
gas a :oto sour, undigested!
food, or a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
In mouth and stomach-headacho, you
eau get blessed relief in five mientes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a largo fifty -cent cavo of
rape's Dlapepeiu from any drug store.
You realize in five minutes how need.
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stotnach doe -
tor in the World. It's wonderful.
rya119 .+Pie •w+wyYn+r�v+rYY e
nMIYI _n+Yw, _oiw+,_4,_ww,lN++or.w,
40/1.3041.411....•,114100.014. 0111.11.4.1.......1111,900,10
.r3.1.4 a.'m"10414 awa,01.1k11!010*n1.411111010enIWw,..+sl{
Mr John -Melville of Londoeboro to
eeriously ill at the home of hie sinter
Mrs, Warwiolt.
Mr Geary Ilan pm'ehaaee the rebid-
(moo on Fest Goderioh At. belonging to
Mrs. Jam«a Weir and at present oocu.
pied by Mr J it Rosa,
Miss Vellus and Miss Fra 1106 Ro-
berts of New York are gueate at the
home of Mre. J. S. Roberta,
Miss Sine of the Collegiate spent
the week end at her home in Burling.
Mn,artrval Joneshas returned from
visiting her *tee., Mrs (Rev) Corbett
in Montreal
Mins Mitchell of Termite is visiting
her slater Mrs. W, I. Southgate.
Mins Madge Stewart and Mies Mary
Mndelend millinery openings in Toronto
Mrs Edgar Lawson, Auburn, visited
hams of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W Solater, during the past
Mies Gunn Brown left on 'Tuesday
to visit friends in Montreal and Toron-
Very Rev Dean Downey of Winilsor
was the gneet of his sister, Mrs, Wm,
Mr W. D Stewart of St. Paul,
Minn. , spent a few days in town visit
ing relatives, He left again on Mon-
Mr Muldrew went on Friday to
Miss Cassie Everett left on Monday
to attend the millinery openings at
Miss Edith Scott, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs Jas Scott MoKillop spent a
few days at home as Toronto University
is olosed for want of goal She returned
on Monday
Don't miss reading the new features
on pages 6 and 7 of the News Any one
of these is worth the prion of a year's
subscription Our mailing list has been
corrected to date Take a look and see
how your subeription stands and if not
right let us know If you are in arrears
mail us a Post Office Order for the
amount. It will be appreciated ,
Mr .1 A Wilson returned on Friday
from Toronto where he attended the
meeting of the Hydro Mnnioipal Lea.
gue He reports a very successful year
among hydro users. Sir Adam Beck
promised greet impravement daring the
Soft corns are difficult to eradicate'
but Holloway's Corn Cure will draw
them out painlessly.
Red Cross Society request Knitters
to wash wool for soaks, caps, etc, in
bo ling water throughly, and rinse in
several w %tars to avoid blo od poison
ing from dyes.
The ticket drawn for the Pillow eases
at the Red Cross rooms, belonged to
Mrs Wm. Sproat Kippen, the amount
realized was $13 note.
Miss Lakes has donated another very
pretty crochet coat to the Rod Cross
Society, the tiokots for it aro being sold
by Mrs Mervyn, or may bo had at Mr
John Mao'1'aviah Store.
The regular monthly businsse meet.
ing of the lied Cross Society will lie
in the Library Thursday afternoon
March 1st et 4 ei'oloolt.
Miss Blanche Campbell of Brandon is
visiting at Gm homey of Mr aid Mrs W,
D 1). h ight
Two rimae of curlers went to Owen
Sound on Tuesday to attend a tourna-
ment there.
Mr Finley Mo Tferaohnr, of Revell -
wood, has gout to livmilton nor u (mei-
(way trip
1'f Pee Nellie Devereaux, - flnron road,
east, 1s visiting friends III ITutfalo.
MIse L. 0 Me lined, trained rnn'en of
Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs Win
Southgate Jr, lust week, she left on
Monday to go go overseas.
Mrs Goea,d of Kinonrdine is vitine
her daughter, Mrs Jae Courtney of Me
Bread and cheese and kisses are bett-
er than eumpttionoly laden tables with
no expression oflove,
T1-1 e s HAP R'
Ni 'V S
YOUOrders i Stewarts Sell It For Less
Thtilrscia , Pe17 '
weesesses, eeeees errn:.n,:
Mlail Your Order
aiY.oMt+JGY', li0201y...,., as
ow is the Time t do the
Sura , er Sewing
We never were as well prepared to care for Your required
ments, Thousands of yards of most beautiful wash goods,
dress goods, silks, embroideries and lace goods await you.
Fashiou's Prettiest
Colors and Patterns
Guaranteed Wash
Good s
You will probably enjoy this
spring's showing of wash goods
more than. any you have ever
The new weaves, patterns and
colorings are the most fascinating
we have ever shown.
Phis is no ordinary display, it
includes the very newest wash mat-
erials, Many of which are appear—
ing for the first time this season,
We want every woman to see
the new ideas that have done so
much to popularize wash materials
Men's Odd
If your suit needs an odd
pair of pants to help it finish
out the season, we have just
what you want, made of
tweed, worsted, serges, well
finished, properly trimmed
and carefully cut
1,75 to $4.00
Bntter,':. Wool
.......,.r„ and...,._.,
Eggs, Wanted
A Gorgeous Show
ing o" New Dress
Goods and Silks
No where will you find such
practical demonstrations of de—
lightful possibilities in the new
goods and silks.
You will stand in admiration as
you review our display unfolding-
nfoldingas it does the story of the very lat-
est ideas for the coming spring and
We have searched diligently
and carefully to accumulate 1,the
greatest dress goods display ever
shown in Seaforth.
How well we have succeeded
you shall be the judge. Come
early while stocks are complete.
Pictorial Patterns
your Spring Sewing
Absolutely Guarantee
for a Perfect Fit
The last word
in Correct Style
Stewart ' os
Men's Reliable
This store is headquarters
for Peabody's Snag Proof and
Big 'B' overalls and smocks.
There are no better garments
than these made anywhere,
they give you the limit of
honest wear and fit comfort-
ably and retain their shape,
9oC to $1.75
41;seleggsmiglinalegeleite .a.. r!cvr0000-t ;... 0 �v.�G,},`:•q v.+.. -
Ed]llat®Ilg19I91ie ,, ' lIDrssr"a_t a'm.
,&lrat lk
The Anniverary services will be held
in our church on Sunday next. !.ter
1)r McRae of Mitchell is expected to be
in the pulpit there will also be special
We are glad to note that Hiss BT
Pendergast who was very ill with ap-
psndioitia is improving,
Mrs J SVallene who hos -in in con
tined to bee 0!(101 Nrw Y ars is able to
I.e up a sheet Pints ewIh (ha
11iei Babe Sprcat I, ft en 1'ie,.n, ter
i'etroir whets she int:•nib to epeud some
time with trieiele
tI 1111111 .10,8 Ilan- s fur r home
iu '1'oruuiu en Friday
We are sorry. lo note 11 - Vol; is
very ill with oonnmenit
Ge mption Required
The pre 'or use of a three•epeed
hub is Etc Ili learning, if the bicycle
rider wan. 1 obtain real service from
the fltmet, . Many would be better
riders If hey were confined to a
tingle g 1', not because the triple -
speeded lin is a failure 1n any sense
of the wor „ but for the reason that
their scar to of it is curiously un-
latelligent, The action of a three.
speed gear is to make cycling easier;
tome peop'o deliberately reverse that
eery -lee by a failure to understand
Its use, Me sues many dozens of
cyclists nit king hard work of cycling
because of the triple -geared hub, and
it has only been their non -recognition'
Of the fact that has kept them adv*'
Wes of the paatimo,
�l1 lsV1.ti
mu• yrt^� ,o all �1oi;,i�I� fi
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
7,r4111:11,4 214,
Electric LighteJ and Cp llirh.Vn+a 1b1: e,quipped trains
To obtaisai the fovir4:st: fuss's ai1d1 t3ai; drt>lfllit F.onveniaat mating a
! ?i a 1� )!D A y
o 0 fats A B E W A T Druggist A, efito or
write to R. L. Fairbaii' 6t,Geiterak fPasbengel' T)ept, ,
OS lthig &it. Fd, Toronato