The Seaforth News, 1917-02-22, Page 44 1 'Aral}S, MEDKCAL P"'" #.stn oflGH Londo Mislaid. Pinstienut d II0Monnd mines to 4NMitues of its , I'm Note 11 Throat. ofdgro pad Molds:we, behind Dominion Book. edits Phenv iV 0.11. Rhaeidence Pito-De Na. 606, IMP- P. i, WV ROWS seafodh. Office met residence , - ooderkh Muss., east of the Meths'• dpi Church. Coroner for tete County of Huron. ?etephswr.1 o. Ce. _..,. mo. scow di aMACKAY. Phyeleinns and dtetPFuisth�,6rCtsieerttith'wuect, opposite Mello. Bruduuto 'inerts and Aran Arbor, and tri#mbar otl Ontario College sf PI*olclouo mid Aar®tour, Coroner for County of Huron. Ma,GKAv, honor graduate Trinity Unlvewfty, ;stold rnedallet Trinity Medical College. Member of C011esse of Pitynldatto and hhrptons :Ontario. ,. 7'+Y.RIn Warren *LendA Children nutF leesess aerofoils likeumaNr Troubles. Acute and Chronic Diu. 01dets. Eno. Rye, Nose *pfid fluent. Aden lde removed without the Sadie, Consultation free, tlpe y. Block Oink ' N,lter t411hu shoe Utero, ' i out t n.71 . to GO_t,•_l!Ndi t, d to 1l n of Marrlap UCenSey' FL;n0,r00P Unlit Insurzonce Ate you considering iaearxpce. life or Aarfient? 3Iynu. are, es postcard will get our ram. 4!, 18a 1HBNl;rlfs,Eir. (leo no: Miert for London Life Inenraare Co.. said Insoles Gitatnntoe a n4 Accident Insurance Co. Redford,. Oat. Jame 'Watson i:enernl IYrc, Life and Accident fneurnoos Agent, neat defter In Hawing, ettwhlorn. 31 aln HGlamt. Rcatouth, THE E Atli NC D1 lllfi once dol 'Paan' tat111 E:itrllettod TOW In fr:rel r,un^1 r 1etalll r ats,s$turccd. J. CISFIIICERS! Vtce pl' arida*., siGodee'tep;Time. 'iiCon- way, , ryecn:terp.rsootuer, Svnforat. Dittman D. fr. SicGronno. Senfortrh; loan G. Were. Matinee W. Rion. Constance,. John Beanewele, Arodohtige+it Robert 1?erdh, Constance,. Malcom DdeKeau. Clinton; John B. IrlcLean. Seaforth; ismer Connolly, Godarich; Jae. /Evans. Boor:mood. Ageism Anes. Leitch, Bedeck; 10. Mobley, Seoforth; I walla.•¢ Chesney, gmaadvnle• J. W. Leo, Holinewfge; R. G. Jarmouth. Brodhngco• James Kerr god John Covenraeir. Seaford,. medicare. Parties desirous eo eatct insurance or transact other bal ing:sr wdi be twomptiy attended to by epplicadon to nay of the above Mame. addressed to Mak respective poetofflrea. The Original Only deOare of Imitations Sold Tam aEfr'o ouO1 1! 18 ISSUED aVaftY THURSDAY fl Froth era Offwe SEAI'ORTH, 0 NT, Phone s4 wait MAiN ST. IUBSCR1PTION Ono dollar per year. rtrlctly in n001100 If natputd ut .'Uvanna, ono ‘1,1111.1.1., and n Waif win be eh trim I. Uniteelates pattern, fifty tents entre, ,.trickly !rt edvuncvd. When subscribers Alaaag+r their address notice should be' •tae immediately, giving froth the old and the new address. Sub. frIrafdIlnotifying us of wyrequr(ty ovenr Reading Notices—No reading notice. advertising oY 1$ to any entertainment ae y ar ny person or cause will bo Inserted In Tan NuWB Without charge. The price for the inser- tion of business nnnouncemonts Is TEN cents parties phavingntn Ineo ntram lInc 11l 01117 adverthling• and FIVE cents per line each Insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, aoclety and entertatnmeat rt ding notices, Card of Thanks 5 to 9 Judicial, Local, Official and Governs moot Notices' Ten cents per line ,or brat insertion and five mote per line for snob eubaegaet insertion. Yearly cards—Professional exceeding ne Inch, whinserted fo Mao per your, payable strictly In odvanca Dlapiny advertising—Rotes furnished On nenlle tion, "Advertlsemeate ordered for insertion. fieoneilCprIilopitten truetithose sent without mitten orders are received for their die. entl11aanee. Lettere to the Editor must he accom- omtied by the writer's own .signature. not ar nublicatiuo, but us a guarantee of gond faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made in Ruch communications. Letters on reli- gious topica will not be published at all =opt as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The tate for such matter Is ten emits per line. J. F. S'N O W D O !I ODITOR AND PUBLISHER~ 1 General Observations j CL Lottie Tillotson got snore free ad vortising last week than oeual Sho must regret she is not in Canada to make profit on it, as she wants the earth *0* Did the reoan7 cold weather develop because the weather man could not get coal Clean Seed SOW OLEAN SEED IF YOU WANT A GOAD CROP The visit of the Demonstration Oar should cause farmer's to think Take the card plots 1f they prove any thing It was that to get a crop, good seed must le sown, The plate showed that good lead produced thrifty healthy cn UM , plants, end the poor seed gave uo plants Merits or very poor ons.s tri The quality of the seed seven on the 119inard's into ext spring 1A11 depa41 ((p011 1110 Inil11011i farmer him"Nlf. 1t is a mister entirely '1. his own hands if gond crop are to he expected, good seed most be sown '1'he farmer shoo (1 prepare tho seed For Sal e SCAN ON COIL Q.Ai.EV, Semi Jrilt phone 1180 d."art 14F7'f Cu �, rrr:H, :12 Idt iffSHILI i Pie. 11 0111 tf6 It.:1'ill i 'OW 1. Sea:, frli.ii.i4c:WS �irlll suppIgy OV�� afalbira li ami!V lie Mine tvetalass127 Clow for the spring growing During the winter mouths. when other farm work isnot pressing is the bast time to clean the grain for seed The beat grain grown 0e the farm 8110111(1 na n8ed and should he put through a fanning null two or three times at least, or until all of the light shrunken grain and weed seeds fire removed There is a distinct loss in s•,wiug weak sued and it is fit "0 profltnhl8 to screen out the eh. unken curl weak grain nod feell it than to sew if .and I(.ae both it anti the trop. r ho irrreas. iu total tielt3 in t.11 clear pr„fit A erne of ,,ttlin..rt seed m,v T H`1 SEA,11) I� 1 i 1 \ 1: \\ '5, No. 3, l u.11et Report of Ft. 13. NO, 3, Sidles, for Ito month of January. The name* aro lir. rouged in Ander of merit. Those mark- ed with an eeterlok (1) have attoudod ovary day Sr 1V }Blanche Wheatley, IVerna i alt, }Tlrelrne Dale t Walter Scott, Jr' iv Jamey Armatr0ug, Clifford Britton fir. III Jack Kellar, Jean LemmaLemmaClifford °nrtor, Lorne Lawson. '}Corns Dale, { Wilfrid Scott. Jr 111 Violet Soots, fPhoobe 'Wakefield.'Wakefield.8r it 3 'Garlic Riley, Alvino Dale, Peter' Dunlop. Jr 11 3Frank Riley ¢Arnold Dale, Williford Colnlough, t Kozel 1101,121,12, Mildred Britton, Blanche 8tovene. } Willie Dale, 1'Joophine Barwick, }IEdnh Riley. Unless worsts be expelled from the system, no child can he healthy, Mother Gravel' Worm Ilxterininator is the beat modloine extant to destroy worms. 700' BUSHELS WHEAT FROM 20 A(3RI3 HENRY FRAZER, Forest, Ontario. says. "1 have used your Homestead For tiPrer for four years with gond resnits, beat Fall 1 sowed 20 acres of wheat with no other dressing, 200 pounds to the acre, The yield was 35 bushels p, r mare My neighbor did not use Fer- tilizer and hie wheat only will yield about 20 bushels pee acro. My wheat wintered better, filled bettor, 001188 quently pro 'wed butter. WOULDN'T SOW WFI EAT WITEI OUT HOMESTEAD R. ALLISON, Park Hill, Onta. rip, pays, "1 have used Homestead Bone Black Fertiliser for the last three years and I find it pays. I 'tee it in oonneotion with manure and plover end I would not sow wheat with out it.” GOOD PROFIT J. W. GREGO, Foldens, Ontario, ears „I used one hundred and fifty pounds of Homestead Fertiliser on fourteen rows of turnips, testing it with fourteen rows of unfertilized, and realized fift- five bushels of turnips profit from the fertilized ground. All the ground was otherwise treated alike." write Michigan Carhon Works, De- troit, for e•troit,for frea book and particulars about their Homestead Boom Bleak Fertilizer Wine and experienced mothers know when' their children are troubled with worms end loan no time m applying Miller's Worm powders, the most elfeatfve verinifttgo that can be used, It is absolute !u clearing the system of worms and metering those healthy con• dition8 without which there can be no comfort Inc the ohi'd, or hope of robust growth It i8 the moat trustworthy of worm exterminators. Ponalt10e FOP Meat i1ntittg, 4 meet remarkable regulation erred.1ug the food supply Wan one which at' tatted its hill vigor during .Shake' sp0are's 7011th (In(] whites, lis view et ➢r18 early familiarity with the sluugle ter Nous( thele ale Beveult•en refer- euees to the butcher" trade in the Ids- torten!,plays trust Intro been brought particularly to ills notice. Tale 561 tho law, drat onuete i In 1349 and ex• tended in 1003, eaforping abstinence from flesh for puliticel and ecouomie rcaeons, not only lo Leat and ou l tu- ber days, Vigils and Fridays, but also on Saturday* and even on Wednes- days. The object aimed at in this lel. 11211)30n was the terengthen.ing of the British navy throne!) tbo encourage #hent of the **befits, the North mea tisherles being roe:treed as a gold mine which fbo Dutch were exploiting. In 1003 four wom0u who 1104 a meal of meat in a London inVernduring Lent were set In tIo stocks all might, and the woman u'b0 supplied them was sot la the pillory. Wild Cotton. A common plant. wlt1011 grove in a score of shapes and sizes hi the milk- weed. It is culled milkweed from the minCy' juice eonta!netl in the atem8. Some bear white blosotns, others pur- ple, while the *tees and leaves Gave a variety of sizes and shoes. After' filo blossoms (Reappear the plants bear seed polls, which are the "hangers" for the air scouts, Each seed has a eel of wings of airy lint. As the pods ripen and break open the wind lifts lite light seeds and scatters them broadi'ast, Nature came very near ranking a substitute for cottou viten she pro- duced milkweed. In tact, the plant is known sometimes as "wild cotton." But rho lint in the see(' pods bas not the twist of cotton Ober and therefore cannot be need for spinning. Never. Useless it provides it satisfactory down for stuffing pillows, a use to whieh fre- quently ft Is applied. -1 .i,tori Journal. An Artist's Joke. Holman Hunt. who began life as e clerk to an auctioneer and estate agent, was constantly drawing por- traits when he should have been draw. Ing up leases, and in his chosen pro- fession he was never slow to seize the lying moment. The wiudows to his room were made of ground glass, and as he bad little to do he spent much of his time in drawing flies upon its roughened surface. A blot of ink sub aced for the body and some delicate pencil strokes for the wings, and at a distance the deception was perfect, Day by day the number increased, and one morning his employer came in, stopped before the window and es - claimed: "I can't make out how it is. Every day that I come Into this room there seem to be more and more flies." And, taking out his handkerchief, he attempted to brush them away. Now Zealand's Glaciers, The great size of the glaciers around Mount Cook, in New Zealand, has been often remarked. The Tasman is eight., miles long, the Murchison ten miles, the Godley eight miles, the Muel• ler eight miles and the Rooker seven miles. Most of these glaciers have moraines of exceeding roughness, but the approaches to them are not steep, as is usually the case with Europeanglaciers. The southern Alpine snow line is only a little over 7,000 feet. Glacially polished rocks are rare, and Ln many ways the mouutains are sin- gularly different from those of central Europe. His Practice. "The footpad fired at you four times from a distance of twenty feet and yet missed you?" d "Oh, no!" replied the hero of the ad- venture. "I missed him. I bave dodged so many automobiles and motorcycles that I had no difficulty in dodging the bullet's."—Kansas City Star. Missing Then. � � e �'t �i l�l SALE Fat her—Don't know the French for cat, and you had a French nurse for On Feb. 28th 1017 at 1 P. m. Lot 14 years! Etoperul—But, dad, we hadn't (Concession 2 McKillop there will bo at. got a cat when Adele was with us.— extensive ante of farm stook and London Punch. ` implements, Stewart McIntosh Proprietor Thos. Brown: Deserves Encouragement. Briggs—So you iateud to encourage Auotionenr your wife's literary ambitions, do you? Griggs -1 do. It's better to hare her making up :torics about imaginary people than about the neighbors.—Iloa- ton Transcript, y:etd. 3 i.tsl,r-la ",r nen', sod u.,:t211 NOTICE! h u.a.Lla r, am, fru ptinitte„, t\,;;,t o It al if li 41 ;f} ,1 { iP-'„ ext 's per ate,. t+ net pr.,flt, I1 cr+t r.a ntat.% the te,1 ,in o . r15.t. •-1., 1424"!,. 1. Illttlu1 f r. 'e lir 111 II 1,11,111111; F-1 fe.• +•,41 4,1 01,11,• ti111 .1 1 tel,, ;:'E t ,1i 11.+ 1; 11t f.i le t.iir11."111, ''XII. .1.'111,1",lrl"t1 9e.:•iI IN:41,wIt orf pen „rv:h11, ,b(. Blatt' to }r"Li t- "f ...,tn'+1`i tool,: tisn, .,n+ 1.M01,-ta "i1.' 41e1 3,014lr. 0.18 utbui is r• [:t' pelt) and Mur, 1 n is ala, O'. till .0 1111,1 i,.11•.•.10 ,, 1,>Ud 4pfinrl ft P11!..-- Meet of she nil. m • that: oral hug to 112.1),.!' 14it11 t, t7,. thew origin ir. a tG,:u,'ile sal slots, which t8 m delicate r.rg til, peon lady ausoe'•ptihle to the disturbances filet. come from irregular habits .n kelt of Oat,. in noting and drinking. 'I his accounts fur the great rattily liver regulators now prefixed on the attention of sufferers. Of these there is none importer to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills Their operation though giutie 1s effec- tive, and the most delicate eau Ilse them Cornn','nciu1. on 141ondnv Fein -nary 1 2th, Transcrin- iinrtil:hl trtlin t0 4,Ifil1Url', Port Arthur, I ,rt l\rinnipel;, }ifail21',i , I\) git'7t, .S;iskattlon, Calltary, Notch l>ntt.elard. Edmonton, Vai ct ul vier tied the Pacific Coast, will leave 'f oionet) Union Station at 9 P. tl. instead of to,45 P. M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. CANADIAN NUC&THE N Traced Deck. "When Jupiter's hent ached he called Vulcan to euro 11 by tutting it open with an t1$." "Ile must have had the first splitting headache of record," -Balt 'more Amer- tcadr. Resourceful. "Kitty 13 sorb a resourceful 6'1x1." "Is slre3" "\Why, the other day when she'd left her reticule fit Mune Ole Imlv(112W 1101' 110ae with a marshmallow," --Boston Transcript, Feminine Genius. "NWomen seem successful In bust - nese," "They have advantages. A woman eau keep a set of books and a card index in her head." — Kauses City Journal. Well, There Were. For years the village druggist bad two beg red bottles la the window. Ole took tbem out and filled the window with imported Perfumes. "There!" exclaimed a passerby. '"There's come scouts in that." Thursday eb 22 TH21 THE T tilt°. MINISTER OF FINANGR REQUESTS PEOPLE OF CANADA TO 8EGiN NOW ,AVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN neVArtTn'4.at7 04, 41440)402 arTA2A • 1857 - 1917 iiX'l'Y TEARS OF PRO- () KESS AND 8001)ESS We nave eutabliubed a lasting re- putation for fair and square dealing cud are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high grade trees and plants (heat to ouatomore at hock,, Mutton Prima, Don't delay ,,!toting fruit trees and plants as there )s nothing pays better, Send for our dust 1ail (lciccula,s (i beudp variet1e ,which you can direct and get the be- nefit ofagent's eommiselon' Our prises will be sure to interest you. THE 1/11A8E B1tOTHERS 00.8444 OF ONTARIO, LTD. COLBORNE, 0NT. One of the commonest oomplainte of infants is worms and the most effective application for them is,Mother Grave's worms Exterminator. Fertilizer and Lime; Any one wanting' fertilize should secure their supply at once and get our prices. ['hey aretlow. Austin Dulmage Londesboro Phone 4 on 161 10 TIENT "CASOARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Garay Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stom- ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels—you always get relief with Cascarets. They Imimo- diately cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- stipated 'waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. lt,' m""r'•b pita .;.mdminLstY.3 ito[-(1 '"Foo' the 133100ct r.a tier Life. °' is 4 $111 Ili, t i 44 with a.,,y 1Gi300(10 doe to Impure htoo.+e such an Eoxorna, Scrofula,Scurwy, Bad i I.ego, Abtoeseoe, 0100004 Glandular Swellinnt, 81) 1,, Pinrpleo, Soren ofany �' kind, pito8,tiloed Poeeon,nnournatmm, tout, ore., don't waste your time aid money nn lotions and ointments which cannot get. below thesurface of the skin. What loo want medicine that will thermighty free the 1.10*' of the poisonous matter which alone is the true, rise of all your sm%ries. Clarke's Shied _t raise 183001 such a medicine. Itis composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood Itll impurities, from whatever cause &Titling, rind by rendertng it nleau and pure, Can be relied on to effect a lasting care, ir'A°uenu,u l tenor a, 1 ••an Moil u'i! o eootehldk Over 52 years' nesces0. plmasot to take. eehd be as (Owoldta aedl 8tarehmere. sanrawi CURES ALL SIUi & MOD DISEASES, A....• CH NCH NEWS 01 11 raider this Hund etre pubesihed free of charge, ex- wh (Muse east rdtug muonugn ire en admission fee is Merged. 123 rate for such being -aye 110•1,1 p•,releetat line .sae SE?2 F2RTIF1 eHUReteES St. James,' St. James, Ohuroh, Rev. Father P Corcoran, Rev. Father G. R, North. graves ,Morning Mase 7 min, Bigh Mass 10.30 a.m. Sunday school 2.30 p m. Evening vespers 7 p.m. St. Thomas' Rev. T, H. Brown, Rector, Sunday aorvioes 11 nim, and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2.30 p. m. Women'* Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2 30 p.m. Children'ibranah Saturday 2 p.m. ntoroession services every Thursday, .0 p.m. First Presbyterian Rev, li'. H, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday seri iota 11 aim. and 7 p m, Sunday school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Sooiety•tbe first Tuesday in eaob month at 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mie• Mon Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 730 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m. Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, B. D., pastor —4U Q) \ Y - lines a t 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, Sun clay school sad Bible study Glass 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Thurada y 8. p.m. Salvaiton }army Capt. Froud and Lieut. Smatters Rothman meeting 11 8.hn. Praise service 8 p.m, Gospel service 7 o'm Childrous Service—Directory class 10 aim, Bible 0188888 4 p.m, Week night Meetings—Wednesday Pryer meeting 8p.m. Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday set• vices 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible oletas 3 pan, Prayer meeting Wednesday m. Y P.31.8, Union 3rd Friday in the month S p in, Woman's 3,1 18,11.1)' try : 3oeifety Ord Wednesday in the mouth t 2 30 pm, Ladies' Aid treats its n(-di,tely after. itdt lgilkop Presbyterian it,.v. 1) ')arswell 045101'. rsuudhty twines Darfa' choral' 1111.m 8uuday •!col 10 n m. Prayer sleeting Wed - ,,tl::y 9 pan. Wtrnrnin's Missionary octet} last li'riday its 11:2021 month at ' o'clock, 311'snstaet0a .7ietbodlst Bey. (J, U. Koine, pouter. Sunday rvitie 2 :20 pont. Young People's Lea - 1.2 3,1 a to Artxll r first 1;1n.allny of every month rt e, . fit, Ball'+' Aid last Churl day. a,toh month 2.30 pita tt. Wintlt"op Presbyterian i2nday service 2 30 pm. Sunday owl 15pm. Prayer meeting '41eeday 8 pre, L.0,W lest Wed. Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubhers, bones, metal; horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books end newspapers Appelzlt & 'ORTH JUNK, DEALER torose from Creamery Phone 183 r ami Have You Any Pictures to Copy Copying of old pictures is au art in itself, each picture requir ing individual treatment, and often not being entrusted to the photographer until almost Be- yond reoovery. By letting us copy your old pictures you are sure of good work, and of getting the originals hank undamaged. Bring them in, and let ue esti- mate on the work, Fell's Studio LPhone 19 - SEAPORTS imul este. SPEC':I11.L NOT1 E From information just received it expected that the Dominion Government will put ont another War Loan of one hundred millions and possibly more sometime ahont the 1.5th of ,Mar. This will no doubt be offered to the Public) on the same terms an the two former issues If yeti' have not subeoribed to either of the formers leans, you will have an opportunity to get in on tlua No better investment can be scoured than government War Boucle And you are helping to win the war I will rotative, subscription for this issue, the same an for the two former loans All information eheerfnlly—on application to JOHFI, AN 1. Debenture Broker Main Street,$eafortb Phone 930 BLAFORTI'f MAtt10ET Good Milling Wheat ........n,,,.�1.60 (1,tta .,......... 60 ti,lrlev ....—......-00 Bran her ton 35 00 Shorts per tion ..•............, ... 40 ltour ............................. 4 60 51)0 Butter .., 35 Eggs 42 Flogs to farmers...................13 55 Aro Oil Without Algnliel•--Serle oils and ninny rel+)linin; have"alcohol 88 a prominent ingredient. A judicious ming hog of sin essential (tile compose the famous Dr, Thome Electric Oil, and there is no (1111oir(11 in it, so that its offeats aro lasting. There is no to veil, in al oil compounded that 0201 equal tit! oil in it8 preventive and hoa!iag power.