The Seaforth News, 1917-02-22, Page 1W, `l(`. BOX fit iso.
Furniture Dealers
Phone 60
New Series Volume 19, No. 39
The W. E. Salford Mfg. eco. of Hamilton
has purchased` the Taylor-Andcrson CGo.
etothing factory in Seaforth. And are go-
ing carrylen 'the business from this out
for which:purpose we ' reauire more than
53 girls assistants. The working hours
each day are 8 to 0 except Saturday 8 to 12
each week. We guarantee steady work
the year round. Nice clean work and girls
imEliza] ) od wages.
We pay highest wages while learning
Apply or Write to
Fred Robinson, Manager
Nome From The War
Lance Corporai R 0 Hays welcomed
home on Monday
There passed through So.fortb, a
young hero, last week a nephew of
Messrs Adam and James Hay'e, to his
kome in Goder'ich. 7 be Goderioh Star
stye; Lance Corporal R Cockburn
Hays, sun of Deputy Judge R C Hays
arrived home on Monday afternoon on
the 0 T R being invalided home for
a three months root. Hie wound, on
the left tido of the head, is still troubl-
ing him and he is tumble to sleep us he
should, but spurt from that he seems
°' in good condition. In ndditiou to mum•
hers of tho hlmily Lace Corporal Hoye
was tout at the station by the tuwu
council, and etudeute of IJolleglate In-
stitute searched up to the statiuu and
gave their forcer follow atudout R heart
Cockburn unlisted in the Queen'.
Own iu the 46th Battalion in Toronto
and went cvo.utao with then) le Otte.
11)15. 10 Ifnglaud he gulp up his raid{
to leiWOO•Uopurul Rod wtut with the
28th Now Brunswick Butt to Fraud
is n private, but earned back tit Lotion
Corporal later. He wee n1 thew battles
Lof tit Eloi, Ypres add Semmes, and ro.
geived his wooed, from aliarpnel, at
Conrcelot, near a sugar reliuely on
Sept 16th. Ho wua loathing too advauou
of his platoon at the time, when a Gor-
man shell landed neer him and he was
buried and bit by a piece of sharpoel.
A companion who woe only partly bur-
ied, oxtrioatod, himself and also releae•
ad -Cockburn from hia predioatuuut
and attended to his wound as well as
oapototble with "filet aid". Ho was
Bell Engine Co. ........ .......... 25 00
Mies Oresswoll.. 5500
Endo 3 el -a ( un Furniture Co . 20 00
A'G Brown. .......................... 10.00
Stewart Bros 10.00
Goo MoSpuddon......... 10.00
Dra Scott & MoKay10.0(
W E Kerslake ................ 10 (10
Juo Fndayson 10,00
Geo Tomball ,..10 00
Mrs 1t F Jones ........6 00
Rev 1) Carswell .............. 5 00
Wm Hertry 6x10
Dr Barbell).- ..... 5 00
Mrs G Buggin ..... 2 00
A L Portions 5 00
Geo McKinley _....... 6 00
H Edge 6 UU
WK Snaith .......................... 5.00
.1 Mc'I'awish. 6 00
Leaden Bras ..... ................ 6 00
V orvis 2 Poulos 5,00
11 R Knott 5 00
N Olof & Sons ........ ........... G (10
M oLeatl Bros • 5 00
Juo lioattia ......................... 6 no
1rs Nnvacge ......,..,............... 6 00
Ueo Soils ..,... ................... b UU
JH Reid ............................. 5 00
W Somerville .......................5 UU
lite Al luheaati ,........-.. 6 00
A& .1 br'uattloot............ ..... 6 00
Mrs R lSell........................... 5 00
Earl J3oLl b 1)0
Uhue Aborhurt 5 00
Lr Blure
Rev P Corcoran ..................... 6 uU
Juu Ltubb . 5 00
Mies Roub ..... ........ 5 110
'1' J W ebstor 5.00
taken to hospital at Guildford, Eng. NJalaltueh,................
-Sept 26th and hue been in several heap. Vo, A Ulrich . ,,,,,,,, ....•4 0U
••••• 4 UU
hats siuoe, being taken finally to the G D Haugh ..•.••-••.•
• discharge depot at Buxton. He hooded • •• 4 UU
} at St John, N B on the 5th inst. cud
reached home in Goderieh on the 12th
Belgian Relief Fod
Jas Morrison...... ..,..... 3.00
A ACuthill...........,.............., 2
Rev 11' H Larkin....... .......:...... 2.
J111 Govenlook» ...................... 2.
G li 1Jiekeuu........................ 14.
Allen Ruse .... ....... ........... 2.
J1L Courtney ....................... 2.
Rev. 3. G. Shearer D D Preto. of M McKellar......•,.....•...,...... 6,
The Christian Men's Federntiou of J A Williams ........ ..,,,,,, 2,
Canada aoknowledget the receipt by S'L' kloltnes,...........,.........., 2.
theirll'rees of the following coutr'ib_ M Hest.... 2.
ntore received in Seaforth by Mr T R M Jones. ........, 2.
Howell for the Belgium koliof Fund. W D Bright dt Sou 2
This fond differ° from the one of
which Mrs 3 11'l'hompoon 11 the local
Tree,. in that this Is to uid the Bel
giro ltottlgees, thebtoundt of whotu are
,in England, atoile the ether"isto Help
-.the Belgi..t,s wino are still id their owe
.ard within tho German•
Li W Phiu)ps ..........
Sprott & Sproat,..., .............
Lt It Rues .,.
Samuel Somers, ....................
Rev (a Nortl)grawb............... 2
W 11'frutbwayr. 2.
Juo Outhilh....................... 1.
HJeffery,..... ,.... ...,...... ,...,. 1,
A Wankel .. 1,
IIIDaley.. .... .. ...... 1.
Mrs Oep Molntosh 1.
Juo Nondereou ......... ......... 1.
101Jno Thompson ,•.. 1•
WThompson ,•. ..... •..... 1.
13 ooib,........... ... 1.
1' J' Foll ,. •..,.. .,., ..... 1.
as Watson '•' 1,
R Devoresu ...... .............. 1•
J it Govenlook..................... 1.
RPock ...... ••••••••••10 1.
T R Thompson...... ...... 1.
Thos Daley ....................
D Cook ........... .........
Mre M Finlayson..................
Mrs Stewart a ohms ...... 1 25
Dr Rot ... :..................
W Hinebloy......o...............
forma that ono 11e used a f„rkfin of
clover hay pot in a rook where the fowl
oan have emcees to it will be appreeotod
The old hens should toe fell Nearnng-
ly and kept Mug instead of the msh
recommended for the pollute. give them
dry brain, or, it the mash is need, the
hopper should be opened Duly for a
limited time each day
Mr Campbell further advises any one
interested to lay in a steak of poultry
information email as may b., obtained
free at the Ottawa Experimental Farm
A company in Stanislans county,
California, that hilts elitmm••d milk
1 from the farmer hrs Ilemnnatrnte,i to
1. the reral residents in an erPhatio man -
.1 A Stewart ......... ............... I.
i1Livens ............................. I,
F Sills ............................. I.
Geo Bell 1.
S Walker....,.. ................... I.
Win Scott 1.
GilbertSper ............... ....... 1.
W MoGavin ....................... 1.
T110e Beattie ...................... 1.
Jae Simpson. ....................... I.
Calvin Hiller .. ,..... •, 1.
MBlauahord ..................... 1.
E (louatublo......... ........•.., d
Z MoSpaddon,.,... 11
Mr)) Hunter... ... 1,
JB Thompson..,..,......,......,, 1.
A SmilliO..................... ...... 10.
wL Keys .......................... 5.
Jn0 Luing 6.
M re Jas Scott ....................... 2.
Andrew Archibald........, ..... 2.
Mise Cuthill ... 2.
Mrs W W eat0ott......... ......... 1.
Juo Archibald .................... 1,
Miss E P Hargan........:.....•„
Mies Leckie_ „ „.„.„.„, xo
Mise 1 Graham...." ...... 1.
Mose Crosby 10
Mies .1 iuke Govenlook .. ,., ......
Rev Corbett
Mies A Govenlook ,,,•,,,,,,,
Mre Barley ,76
A Friend .25
Total .............• ...,.....,, .47x.76
Timely Advice On
The Egg Situation
"There certainly in good money in
producing egos at the high level prices
10w ruling on the re rail markets,' cul•
nnunoe0 N, O. Campbell, 13, S. A, in the
Febrcrury issue of Everywoman's
world "Even if feed prides aro at
high levels, the experienced poultry
keeper -at least, . he one with a medium
or small fiook, for which he has various
wraps and Waste propnats-eah not 0
very huudsome profit indeed.
"1 have dealt as oonoidorable length
in those columns with the matter of
feeding bens for big egg production
'there 1s always more to be said on
this point, and perhaps my readers will
find the following advice, as given out
by Mr George Robertson, Aeaistant
Poulty Husbandman at the Ottawa Ex-
perimoutul Furan, to be particularly vat
'table now;
" "I'he pullets should be fed heavily
fur egg production, and the hens -the
brooders- fed on light ration. Feed
the pullets mixed grain- morning and
evening. This should be buried in a
deep litter to make them work for it.
1{.,ep a hopper filled with dry mash be -
To feeds used, both for groin and
mash faodt ig, will depend on what are
most available. Wheat, barley, Data,
corn, buokwheat are all excellent, but
they are better mixed than any one fed
alone Bran, middlings or low grade
flour aid o0rumeal equal parte with
half part blood -flour or beefeorup, make
n good mash t If gluten meal oau be
had at a reasonable price, half a part'
may also be added
Give them a regular supply of sour
milli or keep chopper of-heafsorap where
they can got what they want. also
honlo ro .of :grit and oyeter.ehell, and
don't forgot the greet) to0d mal±gnle-are
ono of tho best and most ,Oonreuien
tier the value of good roads to +hem,
Tide Oom pang Genus `trucks tIn• to
the farms to colloot the sklnlm•'d milk
but it pays higher prioee le
living on good roa,)g tha•u n,l 1 i 1 , , 1 G
On poor roads the company polos 171
cents per 100 pountls, bill en geed
roads tt pa3s 20 coots 4)f Donee, Dilo
farmer always has here, i .i.tog this
taxon every h'todred pounds he hauled
over bad roads and he bas toren reoliew.d
of it on every hundred pn'onde 11e had
hauled over good roads, burl that fact
has toot been brought to hitt tootles as
1n the mos shied, When he measures
his distance from town 111 thialutoe in-
stead of miles he willretiliz, the profit
of good roads. ,
0!d Time Oaica
W. T. 113eX & +rv....
Sat 0ALMEits Aso
BD01E11141, 01 oexyreiftfi
plodders of eiovermmn D0notaiaao,t?
lAUetltle-J7%1A ND ae' Meng$ a'rg
Pkuuoe 11 buyllt 'UaIIn�I6o
The Cults SlugIe Copy
Monday night saw a large number el
people of Seaforth and surrounding
country take part in the repeated Old
'Pinto Dance in Oardpoes Hall No effort
was spared by those in charge to make
the guests comfortable Messrs Me -
Lumen and McKenzie of Lnoknow,
pipers wore present The dancing of
Meters Baeehler of Goderioh and Geo
lh,rdno were mneh approoisted A
short address was given by Mr Robert
Densmore, postmaster of St Thomas an
old '1'uokeramith boy who came epeoially
for the dense Vocal solos were given
by Mrs J R Archibald and Mr Joe
-tills The musicians ware: Messrs T
It+tide, Jas Ohesney, H Forsyth, Abel
Forsyth. J Storey, 13 Stewart Earl
Van Egmond, Mrs T Rands, The Misses
Chesney, Bella Forsyth, B Stewart
and Nettie Storey
The Floor Managers were Mesei' H
Charters, P Cameron, G yobkirk and
1 bus RIely, The chair was won by Mr,
'• in. Berry of Edgmotidville
Cite sum of $l21 00 has been turned
over to the Aid Uommissiou,
Beady made medicine.- Yon need
110 physician for ordinary ills when you
thaw at hand a bottle of D . Thoma«
Euleotrio Oil. For coughs, colds. sore
lhruat, bronchial troubles, it is invalu-
r:h•e. for scalds, burns, bruises, sprains
it is uuturpased, while for outs, sores,
Moors, and the like it is unquestionable
hauler 'It neade no tostioanal other
than the use, and that will satisfy any
me a8 t0 its effectiveness.
This Interesting letter wee ,written by
Trooper W. B Goldhuwk tmhue mother
Mrs R $ Goldhuwk• 4
Caundlan War Bevil al
Bent.. England.
Feb 17 tb
Dear Mother-;
Just a few lines,
to let you know I am bettor, I am at tt
0ouvalesceut Hospital at a 'lea Front
town, it is a very beautiful 'There is tt
park right in front of ua The Bridal)
are very busy patrollitlg the waters, you
earl look mitt of the window any time
and count over ono humored shies. all
kiude of 'rorpodo heats, and destroyers
they have a big boat called the monitor
carr1e11 very largo goes and n aernplano
bunt, the aeroplatlea toot fly down on
tho hunt when Its going 'They urn usrd
tor pnuodtiq; Subtu.u',o,.s, they 0a)) fund
them match mocker thou bate !'hero
has been aonmthlog going uu out in the
,vaunt tat' away, because there wore the
tetrad of hog gums pened,ng all day, yino
earn hear them quite pitudy, nod there
were destroyers, passil,g every few
minutes going towartla the place, whole
the guns were hoard, it is a very busy
front. 'There aro ships, guattliug the
coast, Its Woodeofcl the ships, and
gun boats, Englund bus. You would
wonder who had the Braine, to invent
such wonderful ships, why 00)0,1 of them
you our hardly see fu the water, they
are so low. There is one boat, carries
four (noes, and twelve large gnus, that
would make a spill of things, you cull
hear g, kiude, its a uf0o sight
to 880 thunsemof siall gnalling, out in thewater
with green, blue, red, white, purple and
all colors of lights at night, •1 only wish
yon could see some of these sights over
here, I have been to the North, and
South, of England, in my travels so I
would be able to tell you some thing.
I suppose you aro ham,/ cold weather,
There is too snow here ut all, Green grass
all the time just like summer I would
iko to see you all just Doan again, I. get
pretty lonesome at limas, lwre in the
Hospital, amongst strangers, but one
has t0 make the boat of it. Well I
most oloae hoping you are all in the
nest of health,
1 retrain your loving Son
Wretched from Asthma Strength of
body turd vigor of mind are inevitably
impaired by the vioiitartrone of asthma
Who can rive ander the cloud of ream
ring attacks and keep Node and blind
at (heir full offtoilouot? Dr. ,l 1) Kelloggee
Asthma Itomedy dlesipatee the cloud
by rmmnvi' u the Douse, It tions roliove.
It does re',totto the so1T.rer to normal
bodily ilio and mental happiness,
Station Robbed
eIever taptulre
For 001930 time money has been taken
trout the till at the station and a welsh
watch was set Last n ght about 8 30
Mr Stonesaw a man raise the wicket
window and put his baud i to the till
Be at once pointed a gun at him and
immured the fellow who gave his name
as .Hill from Mitchell He
was placed in the lock-up and will b
tried for burglary
Mies Isabel No Tavish was married
on Thursday Feb 15th at Orford Mich
to Mr Judson Carpenter of that place
The bride is well known in Seaforth
where she lived until a few years ago,
She le a sister of Miss Christine Mo
Tavish of Seaforth.
GRAY -1M Sts@'a, on Feb a2th, to
Mr and Mrs Melville Grey, a dangh
JOYNT-At Seaford), on Feb. loth,
to Mr. and Mre• Robert Joynt a
CASE -At Seaford), on Feb, 14th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Case a daughter
is the "Regina Watch.'
We back the Regina
Watch for Service and
Sarisfacfion with ow- re-
putation as watch mak-
ers. Furthermore ober'
500 Jewelers in Canada
are doing the sande and a
Repine Guaranteed is
good at any of these 50.0
Jewelry Stores, 77w
Regina Watch is nniver-
sallg guaranteed 1'or dur-
ability, service and
The price is the same as
it always was $7.00 and
upward according to
grade, Every grade of
Regina watch is guaran-
teed to give perfect .saris -
faction. Sold only by
girt 1 ». 'mambas I`
Eincernone We l$
t mange Sc 'tollle>r1g
&tarlsrn ani) (Optlrtana
¥•urlage License Imam .fid
PH(,NE 194
}/vetting 10 til+
The store pou wlllalwags Egil
e15,h7._liti3Ef %lAliR'k'stutIMIU-111's,"553V2=k'f.
You go to the store in which
you have the greatest confid-
ence. Yon do not judge stores
by what they CLAIM to do,
but what they Do do. You
go to the store that you know
aiWays gives all or more than
it premises. 1'b'h'le some
stores are always Maiming to
give unheard of values, it is
cI lice ofte l th caio. that some
otft 3r store, not claiming so
m.t:h i7 r;tlly giving BET-
TER values, While we are
fir to believers in advertising
we know that we are judged
mostly BY WHAT WE DO
add not by what we say hence
we depend upon REAL
ING to get us customers and
KEEP anti), We want YOU
WIN ['EI2.
to go p. c.