HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-15, Page 8age rlE CANADIAN BANK K F C :1., AMERCE 1' 551' ADM General Mannar. EDMUND WALKER. 4.V.UR, V. ONES, Met General Monaagr GAPITAL $15,000000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS Ito Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business„ including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. s54 Seafox'tla J.G. MULLEN MANAGER UTTER PPL.S Genuine Vegetable Parchment Wrappers specially printt'd from your OWll Copy, we can supply them at the follow ing prices - 1000 $3.°0 0 THE SBAFO Til N SE F& s .�. '6'4�•b+9 5•«°K•atsV'4fy<.°,,`•✓.,C..�,..'ypo ..R.s,wu..a .,.e.,.,,.:». ...... . it °'t KEEP Wr , L BII t1C34i ti W. S. Mr('rla,(rrtai, 21.11., �.P.R., (TI'F'F OFFICER r 32 ytlle L'Rari'I:1(9,St, BOARD 011 HIiaLI'li. ?1•�+`^'�}4r'°v�•a'sG•� ;•'u'oti,.'e�.>:••'.•'S�,^rbc :'^..;••:w :'s«�:•+3»:»:••...:••,•,•'s,� }•C«fr:+tt• s 1• SRr' ;VRL Alts,;.--..1,,EtTJ('Llit NO. It. ty'.*net Feedinrir,---(C'outinued.) F' TIIk EA Bit ta tr b0 or r mature it may not its, able to nurse. In erteli ..; tzbir,u11,1 be 1'e:nor i to, a breast pump nod ed r r , 1t1 2l nv 1.•d In ha, or cleft palate the baby a::, bl. 10 , It :9%nu,d t . . with the breast xsflk hy nntniv.t 1're wawa y 111,t. 3fzn ,l,I1_(:;1 1•,t w o -lir;! u Ly .,lo,l!CI weaned. It is fi'.. 1 , ., 1 l.lt( - _ 111111: L crnu with the baby. Mt, (40,n IL., ccs,,, and if due rl,• [ irveq.io-at d Tli SEAPORTF[ NEWS lar ,,—,.1161..,•.»aq+.wwMw55..MMw....tni.1.r.9d CORRESPONDENCE ettimmgnw....altu...0e11,*atws iw.. Soule' gathering) all the go on the 10th lino. Cards and Demising being the divel'aen, Mr Frank Donigaoy has bought a quantity of timber from Kr J J Irvine weloir he Iolanda outtingin to firewood for twee use. Mr Henry Bieber la now permanent. ly settled in a home near Brodhagen olfttrob but will cont ince to look after the Btimore farm. Mumps aro prevalent in some sect loud of the towuahip. Is has been an extremely mere and painful spell of winter weather that is e sure thing, The school attendance has been small for the peat month. 1t is bettor for parents not to take ohanees dux, n g suoh frosty weather. We were very sorry to hear of the accident wuioh happened to Wm. son of idr Richard Pethiok of Winthrop He is o nice young fellow and his frieuda are interested in his recovery 'Varma Tho many friends of Mr, Chris Ward who has been in poor health are glad o know Le is improving Mr, ThomasDenuisuu has become tired of the cold and gone to the sunny south art Uahtoriia to visit friends, Mr C ;1 $toveaon last week attended the District Uonventron of the L U L us Exeter Mrs W Dennison has returued from Visiting friends in Thamesvillo Wo are pleased to Bear that blrs, Ester 5s tenon improved in health. Mr. Frank Beep spent Hume time in Willits with friends. Walston frit. J. A. Watt has purchased e Chevrolet oar and next season will use it in his work. The Bed °rose reports the following for January—Proceeds of , 058 $116 90 Donation from Morris Council $26.u0; from County LOuneli $71. U0 from Mo. r Klilop Couuetl $90 00 from English Church $26 00 bale of It. O. quilts $14 26 tial. how Deo. $9.95 'Total $866.17, Expenditure $147 30 The young people of Lutes Ohnroh held a !demount evening recently in the home 01 mils Gilbert Grigg prior to her leaving for heir new Home a bluutojaw. 7hFinal1y hAtka of ra Timeless Feeeme. Lupe soup to heat' of lie luau( ry nits 1.11'-.e Muss was in heafortl tit t,::I1u Sla3 11(sleing w 11 be etas i riot `..oro' are abler re apparently dfs1;-t -e with th.. an] w1 breast �1 i)ahy. Green or siiul l:rlrernelnts In to baby otherwise aloe , ',veil are not a good reason for wo In •. If the baby spits up, ft may ins r (mime be is dandled about after f< 0; or because the flannel binder is toe t ght cr he may have taken too rout , feed. If the baby is troubled with gas, he may have taken the food too tett, the mother may be doing too tine:: vnrk, or she may have indigestion, Insufficient. Breast Milk. This may be determined by weighing the Iter nursinbeforeg Th m wi11ol after 1rsing. or determinethe the mother sta titytak' n h: tatted the baby at each nursing. The baby will as a rule need as many ounces, plus one, as he is months old. If the Milk is Insufficient. If there is not enough breast milk we *mould examine and see: -.-- (1) That the mother 10 taking proper and sufficient food. (2) That she is not overworked. If these conditions are satisfactory, it will be ne('eeoary to make up Me deficiency by a cow's milk formula, or one breast-feed'ng may be omitted entirely and a sow's milk formula substituted 1n its pare. The former teethed should be used where the supply of breastmilk is very small and o latter in case the supply is nearly normal. The cows milk formula to '8 used should be the same except that a baby taking breast milk will take Wronger formula than a baby of the same age beiog raised on cow's 1t. When to Part the hot summer wey the " ather, tis desirabieaeven fter G11 t!�ihe obreast nsu�pply pis legnate, to give the baby one bottle feeding a day, Th's gives the mother pre freedom and enables her to carry on the nursing lonecr by keeping her em getting mentally and physically tired. A further :elvantage is that it aches the baby to take milk from a bottle and makes the weaning easier. e bottle may be substituted for any one nursing Nursing Doom It is advisable to put the baby to the breast as in as the mother has recovered from the exhaustion of her confinement. are win not likely be any nurse, but the efforts of the baby will stimulate flow of lk to he lbaby not any rWibefirst twenty-fourhours. A little bold waterwithout sugaill Went. The baby should be put to the breasts alternately during the Ind day at intervals of four hours. During the next twenty-four hours interval should be regular by the clock every two hours from 9 a.m. till d a half hours and then to three hours as soon as the baby will allow s for nursing are G a m 9 61 11 12 noon,3 t' baby will g) from 10 p,m. to s 11,10. The cont; mous sleep is good he baby and should be brought about a$ soon as possible. Usually is accomptlsLed at two and a half and three ninnies of age. The 10 foed'hg should usually be continued for eight or 11k:Le 0000(hs or longer baby is not gaining, Many strong, healthy bailee '. •111, go satisfactorily p.m, to 6 a.m, without feeding. baby should be nursed at one breast only at o1+ I1 feeding. If the of milk in one breast is not sufficient he may r <ivon both breasts hotting. At. flr:st the ha.by should not nurse snot than ten minutes, any time more than twenty-five minutes, Man:, mothers make the t of Marne the herby too »such, ositiou of 1514+ Nursling Baby. The tally shnull held eomfortahly mother's arm and so placed that the nipple c"oi easily into his It is a good plan for the mother to lie 1511 . mem' nursing the into ]thy a .01.111 not be allowed to go to she until a reasonable frfeeding is allowed. Pbe nursing nines Seems, should not be in- (To Be Oentineed Next Week.) from the 15lst of which h0 was one being in the first line treeches. He says thtly are wen looked after and when they oonu out of (bo trenches with wet foot there is always a dry pair' of eocka for them to put on, The wet edea are theft waolled and when dry mimed ou to sotne other needy moldier. 1n fact he advises his mother not to send hien any more nooks ss he doeon't need them evidently the best plasm to loud the sucks is to the receiving department, Pte Gorden Gould, port of. Misswuary Mr, Gould, of Formosa, is said to lsuve had sant tiventy five pairs When last hoard from Gorden was in an hospital. . Brussels The train service 011 this lino has been very bad, both freight and pans - anger being doruoralirsed, Mins Bell, a teacher in the Public School is ill in the Hospital at London and substitutes are filling her place. Miss Hayoroft of Port Arthur is visit ing friends here, Mr Wm, Bell is with relatives in Cayuga It was reported that Prte Poont had been Killed in Fames, but,report was not correct. Re is at present in Hoglund. Mr J Jackson is ill with pneumonia at the present time, A Cure for Fever and Ague, --Disturb fume of the stomach end liver always precede att take of fever fid argue showlug derangement of the digestive organs and deterioration iu the quality of the blood, In these ailments Parmeloeo's Vegetable Pills have been foetid most effsutive, abating the fever and subduing the ague in a few days. There are many who are subjoot to these there nu is better preparations procur- able as a 10050a of toilet, Manley her. Wm. Manley bought a fine team of horses from Mr. Tilos Hays: Mr and Mrs. W. J. Mackay and Irene have returned to their Ionto in Seattle wash. Jack Frost has been getting in aolne of his hard work of late, Missionary Day will be observed ie the Methodist Church next Sabbath, Feb, iaih at 7 p m The Pastor will preach on "The Clarion 01111 to Arils " W1, regret to report the sinner. hat . sudden death of NL' Jackson father of r Mrs L t\ 11Intms"h. The late MrJark sun rel) 111(1 170111 the til est reeeutly hatouc. hid a tot Melte 01 prosperity' and 1 w•,H tenoning to 'A e01urn Ontario to .111. L01a13 r.uw ainl00H 10 cwt tie ,.I 15, 6' HI 11111'018111 1111101) (:Dunt Thursday Feb flay ,Y,WTI15iit��Y1rq,]{�pp�p„Pnxar�Uard{ImI,NR,Yf1 'SOUR, ACM xI"e9trFttilt GASZS OR Ii 1IG 'IC:t®ipl !s'a�siuwwu awe ww uyaaamww rw. at aaallnMilttaratitiDAluAl AlliHaifaatilnitinlIDDIDIlFtlrrf OalaMR illtIellilaUlird ,',1t,.:u,.,lc. UBE ri 13 to lL x • Csltlttd ilhsllt Up u,000.000 es M r r AI r 11 tY 1a Place your savings in tho Bank. r 5 Head Olrca, Teraina •IN Kp119UHt3 a. OoLER, 10.P., W. 0, OUA traiBWM,itl P1'.atd,nl 6161,—t IIYaat la 0. A. 11100ER'r, °amoral U.a,agar lig 51 W r Y r r ■ ✓ r ✓ ✓ r W • W 1 ■'imine ninani rrrtnmonea rennign Mrllrrkioni nunningtil.Ener rawarro rime $7,000,00o Savings Department Interest paid on deposits of $11.00 and npw�a, BEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES„ [Manager. Each d1Pape's Dlapepeln'r digests 301540 grains food, ending all sterneeb misery in five taken e. Time Iii in Ave minutes all atom• Hob distress wnt go, No indigestion . heartburn, sourness or beloWng oil gas, Heid, or eructations of undigested food, no d1ezlness, bloating, fol breath or headache, PapO's Diapepsie is noted for W e . e4 10 regulating upset atomaehff .5 the surest, qulokoat stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides ib is harmless. Put an end to Montle* trouble !prover btr getting a large - birtyoent ease of Page's Dfapepeiti. from any drug Store. You teethe in Ave minutes how needleea It is to sub for from Indigestion. dyspepsla or ALLY' stomach disorder. It's the (luiokeet, seroet and most hurMt1 si 'stomach doctor in the world. 1•. a, u' TO NVESTORS HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DO MON OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF :6500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and let October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the, date of purchase. Holders of this stook will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of Dash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bilis or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stook brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Dopniy Minister of Finance, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 7th, 1918. aMig bFgEiirtllEl• ;t'3ti Alc f� 1B' ., GUIRLIIf,18J' IMilEsET .Ella a Mitalnis6 a lit TEra E a mono, Ottawa. i1 11 :'t ing of a prepared (ausiting of short addresses, r'eoitetione, muses both vocal and iustllnn0n tel. Fora short '1110 all engaged in games of Iimueameit which had been supplied, after which Innch was served, 1011e11 all repaired to heir reopeetive homes weir ple,sed with the evening entertainment, Although the 814) lay no ether has pot the mora in vory had shape our mall 0al'rlel' 1'10 Wilbert Webster 1it18 Bever' 1111881(1 a trip. '3t eolumha n aszeisconsmoraexameloogntr /,t,4✓u0.•Ma,ude.;l w;..;«;.,r,.�,H,h7,t.:•P.•,:,a'.,1•:,SJ':•C': •:•��`{'yQ�PI'ee:"Q,3_iiTi.G Hit W T : ` .E�° Pl 't v ELL t; ,�, L1Y J01171 W. 5, Metll'Ll,01'GII, R1.n•, f1.P.®., t'.tfnlN:p 0p'fii(7l'tn, 4 Ol' u'Plft PRUVINI`IAL multi) old HltAL,PH. TYPHOID Fe:V1:R, N THE FA: le Ole THE YEAR, Typhoid Fever Is more prevalent. Therm are nsua Icy' fewer eases of this disease within the urea of well -kept chiles then enlside. The smaller towns and country places furnish the gree ter number of cases, Tne reason why well -kept elder[' The ear of waste pup . S"Il lige furnish I( ' rrbofll then elsewhere is because they usually have safer water that 'wint,hlpl.ed from 1',d, in tae nl,dcm.. supplies and ler p r Mspnsal of sewage, The smaller townq and the roitn` e, j.0 his latter yenta its ','tired 1551 ago t'eatix..d she 811111 of StitJ3 11,0 t e 1 Ho wri8lh regular ttttrotiant at chinch R C there nae etv 10'0001,0 of til' y a well n xdt(11d (0111,-11 at,d Ilia molly ,'+„cietq thele(ore NI (4'1"""1”" slu.r8I wa8 a little over $i2. I'be 0 t! are ,Joie}, 5) 4)L) the mei meld 5,0111 friends Ino exrel11111g1y' sorry that he a '0'1l111, urate el 1)0 !WI:item of blnut, l 11l The mail oarriela have hod a senile° time cis e[ y, i11n,0 routes have 110011 five days without mail, The 13. L. 1 Ulub purpose holding a Valentine evening on Wednesday, They erre busy preparing a gond pro - ,.gramme. 1471ss McCall of Godorich wi,! assist 41.10., and at 2 a,m, Tho intervals should be hlnp'tbened to two and an The three-hour limit should be established by 01 o end of the first th, Convohf0a•. hour e, Poon 10 p.ml and 2 a.m. The 2 a.m. feeding 0houir'"din out off as soca Kippen Rev Dr, Aitken, Messrs 3, 13. Mc Lein and Alex 801100th wile attsi111r1 the Social' service meeting iu Totted° 611 ao home again anti report a very vain' able meeting. Mixs Marcia Sproat and Mios Orant of ()omen Welt, at the foriner's Mime assisting Mr and Mrs Sprout to move to Toronto Our neighbors will he greatly' missed by a host friends whom they leave behind. A numder of our young people who attended the Old Timers Dance nt. S'afurlh are glad to know it will be re peated on Friday of this week. Mr and Mill Harney are home again after' a plsllaxnt trip to Ottawa, 7Ir and Mra Wm Johnston gave a p't'eostit 1'lltel'taln nlellt t(1 the teachers of the Methodist Sunday School. Mrs Wm Dory of Tnokersmtth 54 visoieg flit -1418 111' Toronto. 1'55,8 1151 1)000 (')IHnt•y bag rrtalved 611011111 he 011110(1 811107 51181 wh1n hs 10)10 *110)11 10 4tljuy a well earned rest from form aotivitie8. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends is tendered to the loved ones who are loft to mourn his loss, At the regular meeting of the 011ie. ial Quarterly Board of the Walton Cir. colt bell 12th. Reports of several departmeute were given and w000 found to he in prosperous condition. The Uti)ILial,, xh0wen their' appreciation of the minister by u1111110ously inviting him to return for the third year, Winthrop Friday of last week while work ing in the hush Mr (1 Little met with a serious accident, Mr Little and his sure bud fallen a tree and was engaged getting it into wood when a broken limb whiub was hanging on all adjoin' htg tree fell to the ground and struck Mr Little, breaking the bone of his shoulder and otherwise iujaritig him. At the tune of writing Mr Little; al- thongh suffering considerable is doing as well ea can be expected. Miss 5dith Dolrnage, who has been 8erionlfy ill during the past week ie al. moat completely :oeevored. Vi 1'N Hn11(01' ie 1,44 rip with a eever'e attack o1 Bronchitis but under the Drs dare hive many' friends expect to hear of her speedy recovery, A very smolt80fu1 "AL Rome" wan u ld 111 'alder's Hull oil Friday even 1,5 Met by the Ladies of (levet, Chrn•ch 111,111 111 111(1 51,.',i 510058; a st,l NTId ICi Silo Cenierit he tolls of the first (drift programme had been prepared uotteist• f.,m a v181t in 1i„nd, 511 'I'orontn 1n a letter rec.'iv, d from P1'. Meloj!5,, art 110(111115 1111 411'0,1 1.11 "1.1,11 a bale of sociis tote 1lnillld)a11 bots at the ['mint Let us get busy nod keit:. In about' two weeks another shipment of goo(lx' will lie ready. Any into having old linen or cotton to spare, stnrh01111 cud br11145 it in also come and get x01110 Beer ing there 1s some on hind now, Mrs Jerry Stapleton Seo_ It 8 Staffa Mine Myrt10 Sadler is visiting friends in Toronto. aro dep-ndhn, f,,, their water supplies chiefly upon wells, and their sewage is taken rare 1 ❑ ;ir!vr pits to which flies have tree 'ureas. Flies during IMP sic -eternise, ae 1 Oetoher, when it is warmer' indoors than outdoors, flock from the privy pit to the conit'ortable !Mann with its abundant food sup- plies. mime 01'0111 illy' Party typhoid germs to the food, thence to tint„ or They are sha•1o'w and placed too close to the privy pit, while the top and sides are not lrrnl:eted again A the entrance of filth. Excreta from a,, typhoid moan eifhou`. bein disinfected may be thrown in the privy pit or on the surfer' of the ground, and drain to the well, What is more likely than that the users of this contaminated water will come down with the, disease? Whit are the means of p1'ntectio0? ust eter Doors and windows e should, be screecure ned. The the building must ntrance of lb8 securely bank' about so that the flies cannot enter the pit from outside. The seat lids must be made to close automatically, after use. Tbis eau he efflidected and placoi in suchha positionwood that the lid fails in placebehind as the occupant. leaves. A box containing equal parts of sand and salt should be kept in the privy and Wells seruldrbeta placedred after each at a sate distance fromrthe from the natural drainage of the soil. The sides and topof the ivy twel must be made seen'' -against the entrance of surface pollution. If these simple measures were carefully carried out there would b® less typhoid I, rural communities. Finally, it a ease of typhoid fever occurs in a household experience in oeat once lnoc Bate all ltheaother me soldiers of the itatily,es haThe vaccinee l4 t rovided free of cost by the T rovineial Bnrd 01 Health. John Brown y had noticed for Nsom8PtimeN heti he( was not up toi the mark. In the mining he felt vary well, but through the day he became tired, sleepy, and a little feverish. He bad bad a slight tickling cough for a month or two, but did not cough up anything. One afternoon he felt a warmth behind his breastbone and at the same time be had a salty taste la his mouth, bellowing a tickling in his throat he coughed and brought up a few teaspoonfuls or bright, red blood. This alarmed his friends very much and he turned pale, bis hands were old and prsr.iration broke out on his forehead. His mother sent for the actor who examined his nose, throat, and chest and finally told him the blood carne front his chest. He was placed in bed and told to steep quiet and that be need not have any fear for the bleeding. The pbyaician look a sample of the material that John coughers up and found as be suspected, that he was suffering from tuberculosis ar the lungs. Consumption is the cause of spitting of blood in nine cases nuc of ten. Other causes are pneumonia, congestion, bronchitis, heart disease, aneurism, menstrual trouble, and scurvy. Ono out of ever' twenty -eve canes of cnnsesepiton starts with a slight hemorrhage. .,1 one out of every six cases there 1s no Other symptotn. In two out of every res cases tl ere Is Nothing to bring on hemorrhage. The patient when net notices a salty taste, has a little tickling, coughs, and up comes the sod, These early hemorrhages are never fatal. But the appearance of blood lgntens most people, and perhaps it is a good thing to have the homer - age, bemuse it is a reliable danger signal. A mase o, this kind should be kept quiet in bed for a few days. Re rattily needs nn medirinn, except in cases where he Is very much frightened shocked, when the doctor may give him some sedative. 130 must not get mutants sort as whiskey, aromatic api:lts of 001 111013.111, else. If the side out which ht. lo bleeding can be distinguished he should lie on that side. 1R' there it no return of hemorrhage after a few days he may got out the open air. horseback riding will toe good exercise for him, and he y do a little outdoor work, Outdoor air and good food are the requisites cure. Corp Bob Livnigstone A. M. O. t Toronto 10 spending his Inst leave at t his hems hero and expects to go over p sane this month Mr F. 0 Hu'ohisen anent Sunday with hie Sletord, in Sett fort Mo and Mrs Jeffery Mrs '5l0 V'evxlt(1 fiotham spelt Friday the mutat of Mrs Malloy. Henault. Mr and Mrs Alher'e Norris enter- d tained a 11411nhr1' of vnnng prnpin t0 a pard party on Tnesrlay evening last. Mrs fntnhioon vieised friel,ds in Soaforth told Mitchell during the weak, Rev Mr Darling is again tilting his services, tb An 0t1 of Marg.., Dr Timmis qt ineleotrin Oil is not f-jninhl,' of marls- bi Mel 8i ieselme8 thrown to rather nod dr pllrhed 11v It(1/'P71.illir, bet the. result nI r the rurodul inve81iir8,ian of the rnr0'ive i nnhfi'x':f certain nee na nn die. or q l d to the or 11111 lnh lo,11•. 11 is Il rare r"lnhitlntinn etf elt(1 it won „'nl 1.'111 tllll,lin fount from 11 the fest 4 0 ,) of i1 will n,rry 0011- '111 viot1•v, t„'I00 0.110 rlonht:its power to, for reply's, mid heel