HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-15, Page 6_ _ .. ....- ....... __._ m_..--,.—.--,.. — -,._._.._--._.....--.._._,,,.m-__. __ .._.._-..-.__-__--.--__-.-__-.-._.-_._.m..-._.---.- . .......... m. ...... .. --_ . __...._. __._.-___ ...____•__-.. _ ._ ____ __ -___._ .__. .... -.. HAIG HISI ills SCS: iLEADING MARKETS BRITISHTAKE MANY -BOATS SINK OR TAKEN IN FRESH DRIVE Oil ACBE Hie A iVY0 STRONG SYSTEM DURING THE PAT THREE 1 DAYS U-BOAT WARFARE Tarsale Cie)+; 1 ..itltinl,"'a ah,•at.. 'hea Ye\v Fl t ?'Orth afl $L;s 91 'No, 2. Lt,., .,- - _ """"""-'-"-"• $lbn'�; A) t, th ",. No. •t """', r' M Re:ii)iures Taken by British Ad., I 11 $i 1�, tiniii Ra} .tot Cs. Ub1 rfap tt t l• ..m^••-�.,__._ \ Adya noel» Also Reported Beyond Village of Grandcourt--MTaltes llu, 4,r, above dory stn. Gel , is n l renches Occupied On yllbin,lriney Depend Grenfly' on Their Lxum lUtlier r. him inti d At`}ilt16t LtexitA kir.-Ie+Psr,•;7.rGf,r, No , !)lis"silty to 1p1'gRtE'8t(' Sltlb^ 1'Ite ;+tEnlmlt of tli�} SaiUy-5u11lisel Hill. 1 t.la, t, }L k i i1y pull». I .About It Mile Front on l of 'edoert To Accomplish `lie Sinking of Ships; ail,eri ,a ,rr'n 41). 3 vollow,. $1.13, i , 'p marine t•itlt pait;'n. „ .. „ _ stillI ec t ,rnbt.rt u, ,8oninte Line., Torpedoes IvOt Reliable. c nnur,lo ,sty --NO. 2 w+hits ( to 9,1,--. A despatch from Lonion says ne,:,t'aal Wc. s white, di to s4 •, noun- A dol,patch from London Says: The o A despatch -from London says :••-- I incur refers to the enR'aPetzlelit which sat, aL:nr+un� t„ lrslc;hc3 nutalIar I i iVa Are nut Altlrrncd rot tiro sharpened The ,mecess of the BvILL,h aqueez}ug i3 spoken of as "in progress, but is ontivio \\' beat _.-Ne. a ztriutol: roe ,'or , British tontine their operations submarine war-, We lcAow it was nn Bap- silent on an further fighting Mang lot, $s.,V t„ $t.7;: iVo. 3. ,ta., $1.ua to:against' tilt, Germans, with l;apaume A despatch from London says: .. 'There E:+ not the r,light,cst doubt En coming anti prepared for it, 'Gillis . movement which is closing to P Y g g $1 1, n rurdlnl, to fletcrb s ,, t-% (. ' aurae Guth fermi tlha west slid sautla- the Anere. t r;"I- No, 2, 32,35 tie, oidtnit to ! their ohjectvv. Saturday night A I Naval officers are sure the next few' oll'idal cirelos that the Germans will will tell slow our confidence is justi. wet :ls ic•cen uate on Thursdal ' The British however, declare that ti'FinrI outside. s to t 2s, s,0• strong syatern of trenches to the - days will see an ofi'settiug of the Tau- either attempt to sink ar actually will tied." This statement was made to West w : t d yi n., it t.,tr, til, $11 $ vhan Gan Ii. '_' trod s ca tured'they have made progresss on both toor,if a, ''r,•1gt11I oo"Ve, north of liralumant Ilanel, hl t'.he Eau's grand finale of flrevrinIts. Al- :link tho first Amertctut liner that vend the Associated Press oil Wedoedday at i Crt 1 Ati s it p taucic}i hsait-:y,1.2 ,, nominal, according I . though absolute silence re f the highet t, p(lint of the Sallly-SailllSel sides of the Auc)'e. Dili:g the night. to rr,•LKb•s outwcte, lncrn tci;'iun, extending over a front } arding sub -'tures Into fila I'aatcictod area, Sula- rias Admiralty, and it was arldecl: Hill, just northwest of he oint where'the Baillescourt Farm, tilt tile road be ft}e--.No. 2, $1.3,i to St.la, mt orditlg of molpa than three-quarters of a marble operations is till- rillu umong1manna c nnmanilerp, have received ab. "It must Ipe remembered that one tI l'J t t P it, irei,bta ,outside - , r the 1 renclt were held a in the Somme: Beaueourt dull AIiranti el was ni,,nito),a uoul'_.--ylrst patent -4, In .cute mile+ was raptured, sulci 10 Germans !caval men, it it said tlfnC the Achndral- i soluto orders to sins: tit sight, it; Is submarine may cruise whole days p i drive last fall. AilYaltCCr ars AlaO ' atta(•ked EfnC] ealptUl'Bei, anti 011 1130 boor+, at• 5++: second ]�alf,Clts. Ili ,lute bass. 'malt: pri:lanC'ry. South of tl7C r{Ver, I ty S mCaalll'Cy .ira t71'UVltlg CtICE'tiVE+ i said, Etnd it will bE? it 271iTACle if these 11'It}lUut getting n victim, I+'Ur ill^ re ourded N.,k+,Ptl the YiPto a of Grand- ! mouth side of the stream a hostile, 1I,J.o; tmtvonr, balcerd , Ili trots links, $�F•90. I near Pys, other troal:Clley were taken and that a 'fail' avi+Page of sijlnua v-: order's are not followed to the letter, stance, oil one day Since February 1, 1.g I I !tied is beth m Court., which w.b3 ca turetl nil ii•ednes- • tl'e11C11 rear GrallriCUtrrt R'as Carried, lantari, n'ar--'t Inter. ztvenrdtux. t" 1 and (iUt'naalf 13ttUm}){.F to I'e'CA}ituTe !, captured or sunit. I - For the itldi. wt:ult all wireless sla- iorE+adaoa ware fired an sight at seven P e The,+ own o orations nettte(1 an acid} "t"rot'. $,."o ill s7.iV. In hat"; a:tOlc,' kheir lost poll south of Scilly- It Is impossible it) get ally F,E,uren (ions, aablos and toleg'raph wires have of our merchantmen without getting Is, day, Rvferr}ng to this sector, th c P torliwo, prouipt shipmenLl $11.011, bulls P aifioial statemont ss, •s: "The rrcttnd tional eighty-two prisoners with one ns:il,<ard. ,:!port tra-It'. Saillisel, were frustrated by the Bi'Et• ! regarding the number of lI-boat,, now: been errunined with reports as to the single hit, sire have taken measures 5 b "I'ltteed -Oar lots. doliVer(A Molitfeal I - n(, + , 1 wl+ hRVa gained ,in the AnCl'e vines Otl'ICer. That tilC resumption Pf the' fret ;)+ts. bags mrloded--Miran, Il -r to ; l,h guns, Elsewhere along the }1110 1 "ylllt,' O31 CUmI11C1'Ce, but it Ie t1Ul: '.�i10, effect of file new aull I ine activity, whien we have every reason to . believe the new year now represents an ad. British offensive on the Somme ha; $15: Fhorty, per lull, $10; g,a,d feed trench raids, bombardments and aerial i its same 1•eports from Scandinavian I All show that• the submarines now'de- will frustrate the U-bont warfare. 3 P nous. Ilse bag. k2,7a to $2.SU. COlttltl'ECm have vance of an average depth of nearly ' widened to a front of about seventeen Ib,y---r::tr:, :qo. 2, per tun. $12; nitsed, cctivity have featured (lie fighting, placed it, pc:nal greatly n)1 lifers guns rather tlzlul Of course, if. }s obvious that we can- three-quaetary of a mile on a front' miles is indicated by the report of a ver l,•ri, $s co $11, track 'peso»to. Sunday night's report frorn lived- As London opinion was atunmed up , oil torpedoes to accomplish the sinking (sat reveal them• the daily reports of :straw. Our Tuts. per- ton, $s. 'u•a0k i I for the correspondent by a. high au - 'of ships. Out of seven torpedoes' the .decrease ht sinkings will he the 1. of over three mElea." successful ruid south of Bouchavesnes,'`.re1, ate p I quarters En France teacir Oli the craw.n of the elevation sit not .far from Peronne. I "Another highly suecessful local thority: "If the United States has i lire<i. tit m(trcllant 'whips not a sdrfglo I hest evidence of our success." u'ailly-Sailliael tills an important Ger- General Haig alar_ c•llronicics the re- country �3oauce-wxoieialo (operation was carried out last n}gllt, not already found cause .for war with, one found its target. The vessels, Former .Premier Asquith described mail resitian ish;eh the British report pulse of German attaclts at Gneuade-1 liuttee- .1 resp dairy, ebolco, so to I A strong system of hostile trenches ! Germany then the submarines will i either saw the torpodoei and managed Germanys new naval policy as one declarer" w..s eaptu •ed ill its ontirety.: court and La Bassee and the explosion' 2K l-reamery prints, 43 to 45ei solids. I lying oil the southern front of +S'erre supply Such provocation with! E it few oto evade them UE' the Gel'tlian marks -I of "undisguised savugory." Re said ,Re\Llfl:y-(igl't. nisoners, iuchtclin's two caused b artllleC file behind the 4 t" u- !hili north of Beautnont-Ilamel) }vas. hUUl's," Iltlanship failed, it was not worth while discussing the 1 - - ,., I ' Y Y , ].a'�e.----Nu. L atara,;e, 49 to 451• star• { officers, were talten together with AIensrny's }inks near Ypres. age, s,lects. 4$ to 4$c; nein-laid�Incar- attacked acrid captured an a front of i _--—--err-� � --- -..-- _.•-••-- -- ,... motives which actuated the German tons. 55 to 65c; out rf cartons, 52 to 541. -- _ _ _.._.-. __._-._...___._.. .---. ..�..,,...,......_..y,.--..- -- _ --•,»---,.-_-• —; Live poultry—lott7, 7b.. 10 co lsc; over, three-quarters of a utile. Vt'o Government, Ti1c navel feature of it 0tilokemi. lb , 1$ to !oe. 2 I eapturecl 215 prisanm•s, a number . R was that it was A direct and defiant 11 A'17 p"tp( - - i c;,Or000,Ot=0 A DAY Ureay"d poultry—C'hlckenre, :'. to :.5c: INTERNAL ilalties,�tll` NAL DIFFICULT 8 IES A lie challenge to the conscience and to the R.II :� COST OF ii AR TO BRITAIN. ' i ei` Qoz. 64 os,' to .$.1.50: turl.era9c!4 squabs, considerably repulsed Corbis morning eding our illy our 5g��1iy"�1gy1 r,3 ��9'$�p,�p �aYp1 • �,�,'„t [gt c�(ti1 p(?E� y��3j{y iutares sent the entire neutral world. 1331: Reese, is to Viz P approach rLtl � %4&"P,E, �`7Jt [LB rd U,.9��i�111p,a.N ld q "°,i1j'F^+ -� rneeae -New, large. 36§ to 2oc; twins, fire an enemy attempt to a roccll Enemies of human Race. 4 'ia A. despatch from London says: ^s to 140; triplets. "d3 to 26@e; old, 1 our Blies south of Sailly-Sallisel, We "This declaration •af war on neutra. "�as1 ?Yid„, 1, 11�.I1.e Buuar Law asked En the house of largo. 'she; twins. 254 to 27c. entered enemy Commons un Alonday for t650,000,000 5 -ib. Oils, 13btoe136c;a16 Ib.bi23 to 19c; night in the eighbotrhoodurof Py%,. t o chaing the tlengetwhich has inued Mr. Alreanithtal(en up the largest amount asked at any d0 -lb„ 1.' to 13c; buckwheat, 00-1b. tins. I People lata ,lit to Believe If They Hold Out. Three Alonths I)ta;;ciltM Were I?eSii'uye;l a31d s to dile. Comb itonoq-0rtra nno dna south-west of La Bassee, north-east'; with dignity and without delay by the sin};le sitting by any statesman in bloavy weight, per doz., $2,75: $else t, ' of Native Chapelle and south of i 11ritain Will be Reduced to Starvation. greatest of neutral states. It is not ol.r financial history, No less than $ 5s, to $ 5; No. 2 $_ to $2.25. 1°i";tBin€:rS 7Ca1(en in I uu, ea . mita. per $2. $2.60 to Fauquissart. Many casualties were i - - for us to forecast the beating of this X'_ pit,ihH3,0 i0 aleeded to carry the war g-•,,,; .N •w Drunsw•1ck Delawares, per inflicted on the enemy and Ili$ dug- '”' memorable event upon the future of :^l'pccessi nl Itai(Is. k ltarc•h 31, the end of the financial bag $2. o to $3.40: Albertas, por bag, the war. Still less it is fitting for its $- Ci u, $2.00, oats destroyed. A number of prison- A despatch from Berne, Switzerland,' be lhu universal artiel7 .it faith. :Che A du -watt -h front London says : ?lar, ii'e are therefore spending now beans--tniported. hand-pleked, per ' ors were secured. i to lender advice or sug7 e tions to a in five or six weeks as much as was bush„ $6 5, Canadian. hand -pickers, por says: I erson% arriving from Germany: only possibility of saving England 4"general fia;,;'s troops, continuing „,nt in the eat immediate] be£or© bu h., $,.eo; C:u,udtan y,rirnes. $d.a0 to; "Ree effectively bombarded the en- continue Co give aceaunta of the, Ili- in -;thou profess to believe fi: the imnfe- Government which is well able to take thel tlr• • tit' giving the enemy, ns, y Y $d.ou; Minos. Per Ib., 1u to 101c• em s 1 the, war, The second vote of £350,-' j Y' Positions urto-dayfronts," at a number creasing internal difficulties and (Its- � cdiata declaration of war by the United care of i hall qz 1 `i t,, caLrrfed tttt a mambas of wlti 000 i- needed to give a good be- i I of places along oil• fronts." may created by the present crisis. At States, and the loathing of grain ships, with a shall hail with acclamation, Rrie c. .: ,::,+ r . d .tst of Vermedr:es and g Froroiatoua—Wholeaaia, I _ ...___. wilt x strain of family the sante time the. using the whole American fleet to can- i pride, tilt) stern sm,tlt-(tact tit Ypres. Numerous dug» gulling to the next financial year, The a smekei lneuts- -liana, wed(um. 25 to PEOPLE RESPONDINCr people alta all and resolute determination of the out,a sero • a : rove, A about fir • ' ttvc,raae expenditure in 1914-15 of -6c; da, heavy. 22 to -3, , coukc,l, 35 to iVlThi WAR SAVINGS. taught to believe that 1t 19 only no- I voy them serosa the Atlantic. They artier coat English-speaking >uakin� )ower to o r s,1 t 1 -slid b t 1 5 4.1,500,000 per clay grew to X3,500,000 to '.Ne;]1 ba backs, plaint, ", toa2ie;ecbotle. 'eessary to hold out: 'three nr four reckon that internal discussions v: ill g g t 1 pa c u --. t t l 'n. illi of thein officers. , -- I . Frustrate the enormity of these who 1 ser day in 1915-iti, and will be nearer less, d- to 321. , • In Three reeks Over Million Dollars . mouths before Great Britain is re- ,retard Auutricrm intervention until have abundantl ria(a'. r ' rto:'t ft ant hehd(juarte2's tubs. 2 - 14 to .1 lard, tierces, r- m -cum- diced to starvation. This at. Yearned for themselves real the middle of 1910-1i. P p�cired m tats?tLrnig sir urobulnn, is fo ( Pald in -Plans of Various t PcarsLo'; too late. the title of enemieo of the human £01,000,000 than 3:b,000,000 er da,5• for , ' r u r, l ,t t successful raids _ _..,.,.,-.,-_,.� ,� ' race ." .•._-_ __ Sorts. thl ne r , ;t an,, last night east of 133" Pt•r m.; ciettr ht•litea, 1s to rs}e. —' -- - --- - - I `['o Replace Lost Tannage. Ve .z ll s and south-east of Ypres. A Di NA:MITE FACTORY A despatch from Ottawa says: Al-' >< + at - P WQ a 1s, Andrev Bonar Law, the Chancellor h(: enemy's dugout, BLOWN LP IN GERMANY Montreal Markets though the war savings certificates DUKE 01 NORFOLK 14'1, PIF'T, a3Flif,1 !of the Pxchscuer, expressed satisfac- lar)E nl, t eft g �' { p were dt ala ed and eevorai prisoners 1 ll"ntreal, Feb. 13—guts- Canadlan have been on sale for only three weeks I tion with what be alluded to as lite - were taker. A hostile attempt to ap.', A despatch from Amsterdam says: weswr i'r Fee,2, cheer.• Bari o, 3. 69o; ex. considerably more than one millionHAS a� 3A parefect manner in which former Pr?. -According to Les Non'el.es of Mae- s7§c; malting'• $3:30. Flour--3lan. ' dollars has already been aid in to the PASSED '�+aLQ v 7iA "v' Ile, ash „•, hues �uuth of Armentieres' Y p m{er Asquith had voices! the feelirc; st Schl Holland, a Cologne, dynamite factory' second wheat patrons, firsts, 19.so; : Dominion Treasury from this source. ._ I of the county dart R the tush. after a heavy era- seconds, $9.10; strong bakers', $s,9o; y I --�-- Yon the rote of the neo- ,licarOT I.i t.il ardment of our at Schlebuses, near Celogue, was blown 'Winter patents, choice, $0.25; stralglht The laboring classes and men and . I 1 truly in face of the submarine monace, trend }'a,; c aught oy our barrage up' n January 'L7, cau.;ine• the death roll -s. $��11to $h oats- do., bags, s, $4.10 06 to women of limited means are respond- � Was Ranking Member of the {; Liner Sank in nine Minutes i Noting that mord and more mer- . in ._ Town', Land' and easily repuls_ °f _UU persons, mostly women. An $7.15; do., bag's. 00 lbs., $3.35 to $3.46. ing splendidly to the call for war I 1 r chant shipping Y Nobility of Britain. After Pro- iiih flit Uy I pp ng was coming under the eJ l r';; -._„•en prisoners, includ- explosion last Thursday on the ra]w. ufdilings to $31. $a }'°.Mouiine, $4$ to thrift and war help. A number of I direct requisition of the -,Government, ing ter,, 'o';v,2r-, were taken by us in between Aix-la-Chapelle and Louvain, $4s. t}ay—No. 2, per ton, oar ).,is, s13. firms throughout the Dominion have 1 A despatch from London says :•- ,,. ( nioaline. i and that the Shipping Controller was tY.c i :t _'-1. h„r,r;t at difr"etent points this newspaper reports caused the fin a eea in,,st S6st„ir a§n2C to 26 e' , notified the Finance ?Minister of their The Duke of Norfolk, .ranking mem- Q, putting down a larg,i number of new death ur injury of 26 Belgian work-; I A despatch from London says: � - a)eu . nt, Choicest ereantery. i2 to 4261; seconds, intention to pay all bonuses hereafter bel• of the English nobility, and the Whips, Mr. Bonar Law ;riid he did not men. s,9 to 41e. Eggs rr •sh, ; to hoc; 17orty-ons person; perished when rho • C lirdll,,ry performed much sic- selrrtod, 40,'; Nn, 1 ,reel:. 4`s,,•; No. 2 in war savings certificates. Other foremost English Catholic, died in minimize the submarine clangor, but • British pas -it,, er steamer California, ce s:u: oltn.er-battery 'cork and w k. 3sa it i'u'”" s--p,:r nos, rat lots, ftrms have arranged to act as batilcets London on Smtday. The death of the „f the Aiichrn Tine was torpedoed ;that some of the best brains in the eau r+l ±tin explosions in the enemy's . ii'.1R BREAD IN FRANCE I $' + L” Ss • j for their employees, and to bank for Duke was rather sudden, the first u.n-' cowltry at large and among naval AT AN EARLY DATE: Iand sunk off ills Irish coast, at J lir=. 711 r yd,y eve tin T a:t eremv' i them small amounts each week, to be , nouncement of his serious illness hav_ men was concentrated upon the pro- f Winnipeg Grain f CanvCl'teQl into was' sAYlll O'clock Wednesday morning. The ves• . b r, Utltin; p:lrtt .n the neighborhood of A despatch from Paris says :-•WA7' I q'lr.nf ,e Feb. 7s,-- ('as i .r ccs' savings certificates ing been made on Saturday. The gel sank in nine mtuutes. The sol ill:- I lem, Altogether, he declared, be wan the Butte ;iti Warlencourt was di - bread soon will make it; appearance m it britt-1Ng: 1 'b, I:'n, lash ] , e 2 as souls as a sufficient amount has heir to the dukedom, the Earl of c „ s I, „ ;not without haps, wtta ever the ra- pe -gid by our fi,e." France. What kind it will be has Ne„cher, $l s;4; ti,'. 3 N„rthern, $1.57; been saved. In other institutions a Arundel and Surrey, who is eight alt ship d ' Lillie to gond out "S.O.S.” some of submarines might be, that --- 'not yet been definitely deckled, but ex N' 4 $1.4 NNo, u. $1.24: No. d. $1.02; cheiila has been adopted whereby, years old, comes into an estate es-: calls, and blip arrived promptly. ,something might be clave to replace P tet .."c, spats ---Nu C W. 63K'. ,T0;,” , P y . , Nevertheless five persons were killed 'tile lost tonna } c.rs] 0aro 9n Cuba, se, out it: vis- ;meats now ure•beillg oracle with €i 9 , ,t'.. ;E.19,; extra �,. 1 is,rd, 5_9r; Nu, grow band together, each paying a'timated at 2300,000 annually. tonnage by new ships. g}i i-n:l. m he cut far 30 .\card nail' bread that will contain more ir'"lle'; -Vc: i; 5$rl:`'re.iceti u, 75,•0. f ea; dollar a week, and drawing a war car- , by the explosion tints 36 were drowned I _ �- —.. ' withnvt rrrd�nting. ; wliute wheat floor than that now Sold, Flax No r 7..\v e•., =2.55; No. z tificate each in rotation. I in the launrtling of hfebniits• 1 2t ;HILL IONS ON WAR BY .•. 11 .tv,. $2.53. I 1131 California v:as an armed liner, I CANADA LAST MONTH. _ .,.. „____-. „__.•-, ---- � t 1 ._ _ FRANC; iVILL LOti.N carrying is single -i.7 gun mataltecl on i �t i, ' St,anrupo]l,, tat leets t -ria,• ' CANADIAN BUSHMEN $300,000,000 TO ALLIES, the :,tern. The gnimer was just train•' And That Exclusive of What Britain 111'''ppp'''777 q y I Vnit." States - .\%*te k art al v-ai l.q 11.,t A s Ji (.a�.v �, r $1.73; .[illy,. $1.70„ It, qt ,1, .,Ii, No, 1 FOR iV>11tit 1N Blil'L`riIN - I inn the worlpotl un th ,,not }there oil' is Spending on Canadian'I'raaps, 9 banl. $1.,19 to 91.0 1i '\,. r Norihern, I A despatch from Paris says: The; bubblas had revealed tit-,, presence of tt ^itnj I e t 1 t4 t, $] 77; U,n No. 3 yellow, . .a despatch from Montreal says :-; Chamber of Deputies on Thursday the under -,nater emtniy when a Lal'• l A clespatch from Ottawa says: Dur- a�•• t ii E1 Ft FOUR 1 ES " + t e „ts ,chits, SiB tn' Col. Cecil G. Williams,Assistant passed a bill authorizing the Minister' } ' irm Januar Canada,' war expand}- d i 'l,lw lim-h,n.,,•,I lh'at,-,31.00 p g Dodo struck lila port ide with an n:r Y 1 t,. $az r .. Director of Recruiting for the Dom-; of Finance to loan 1,500,000,000 francs ! plosion so violent that. most of the I, ture, exclusive of the amount Laing 1 t,oinn r t 13 -'vhvat tm tra k, No. inion, Announced on Friday that he to the allies and friendly nations. ThE.;; people aboard were thrown off their: spent by Great Britain on supplies of 7 ha I $1.N- N,, t \)ill, to Willi, N ♦. tli ;u $t 0,, t„ $1.720 Ltn- was about to undertake a special trip Es in addition to 2,300,000,000 ad- feet, five being killers and a score in.'fond, ammunition. etc., for the C•tt1- Ueo-ce Factory Which Townshend held Throut bout tiie�e c( i r li l tt,, ` wr.,,. $: s.r; :tl:. �:: ,i;3; acru s Canada Fm• the purpose of rancid to the a11Ees and frienrily ns,- I jured. The ,submarine fired ti second , Adiau troops at the front -totaled A24,- _ �. Kut ° t, - Kut Captured by the British. I ,-_.- ;raising n number of forestry bat- tions authorized by the law of Do-! torpedo, in an apparent efrort to accel, ' 07},3'3°• The net debt' of the Dentin - Live stock Markets !talionis in consequence of an urgent camber 29, 1915. Deputy Emile Con- orate the sduldog, hut' Life second shot !oil increased during the month by 1 r .r t, r,b, t3 ---i t trc oia:n•r •-1l-„r's, , request from the War OtY.iae for a start enquired as to who were "the ; mis. ud, ilthoul,,li both torpedoes were $°",827,420, and now stands at $7.t11, - i $r ; t,• $11.25. d.,.. „old $11,35 to large foree of Canadian lrushmen for friendly nations" referred to. The Fin-' fir^d from a di;Aonce of }oda than 0;00 000,000, Revenue. of the month to - A despatch Prop! Luu•lutt sal Ali '-During I, rida;; nikbt and Saturday $1 I,ntrlY•r,' •altls, ,huts• $111.3:.' fie+inl report issued in Suiid: y ri-ht lot,,. t al.•.'r` ,to., rio-l. 3'+.75 rn "'., n, ,n,,, .work in Englatsl unit Prance. Axe ante Minister explained that the a(}-! yards. There wa+ only one American ' talocl $21,0.97,210, an increase of $3,- w 'Turkish attacks nn the right ,ne"1,,,,,, ar (0 to $s.35; to., „unman. men. sawyers, scalers, cruisers, tie-.: vanes were made in common, and the aboard the Culifel'nia. ane he is 6".5,125 over January of last year. •serlac.5 briefly a ButEE ti nee , wear• rerpulsed, awl the British hold $5 t iso hntrherti buu ,hole.., i ^oma. the Turk= in 71,;,,lla l:la, on $- t„ • ,1,... 9,4 ball., .e.-„ to men, in men, teamsters and other question should continue confidential. among the surrivcry, lrrnencditure on revenue account to - the enemy iruielles nn the left c , 1io` rnsdiem bulla, 17.51) to $si men, experienced in lumbering opera-! - .---- ._____ _ . -_ .._____-.. _ - -- --- -- ^---- --•- --�-�• taled $1.8,882,897, an increase of a W line f,einv ucculn.l I,.; 11 1,rit. wa; tapidly exreu.led !w Lrimhing tit. 1 t act i ill '35,,15 to $6 26• butehert,tions, will be accepted ' — i of about th,ev in -A stili lnu,:, to t:,eks. .wN, ,tot ;,+ to $:,; ,lo,: gond. $s p d f,'ladlg and as �•ry y p y µ little; more than three millions. The to r, ',• t.. 1 ie,llnul, $7.25 to $7,75; the physical standards are not so �'•q t '. �ig '1 �'�y I total rovenue for ilia ten nnontlr; of iepth of mart• tliui h: i' a n:fl,,. Thr 'Later. after a heavy l,onilourdment r r] -r<. $ , to .•, 00, o Tole a f"eders, SLAVE E R J S IN R 111"I.AVIA i, , ;,.5 „role: and outirrs, $5 to stringent as those for infantry and 1 the fiscal year Ilan been $187,903,56:), tof Lie dtatcw,-w icad�; a u (e';sful assault was undertaken ,,Q, ,,,lll:i•, s,,•1„i. •• a,•h, $+u to $135: artillery units, many mei >5_ill be able it f, ,1 T. - �, , an increase of $•18,343,05x2, of which Ti Britt h , tf. n.:it, m_,th [Cut- agamst trenches west of the iicorin, t 1"t. •u ,l nr,l.. ravil. $40 to $00; 3 050 'ti :a r Vmarai w:is re:u:Ilan (rids:, T'n- I •,t (' • s d i r s,4 . < to, $1 1,i; tight elves. $1,.;15 Lu ;rein who otherwise }vould be de- Er, ILA TO 71ibiS lora �j��a .� ' $99.871,401 has been in rur'tom; re- t say tvhicb en. Town_henl bel -1 -r h<a". $6 r„ $7.60. barred from war service. These bat. ceipts. Expenditures on revenue nc- ,over of it bLa',y 1 mi n'Llnu-nt. a throughout the siege (d' Nut, whereby ill ', r I to vh,tae, $11ll;.76, to $t4; talions will be sent. forward as soon -- count have been 1-00,679,408, an in- 'tiun of the bell '1'tnht-h flout line'tre secured the 1'aclo.•y :md 500 yardx "rut i • #ti.' '�tyt.z:s,tf+,ill iun,l watered. as, possible, ;Is they are needed to do ,, , creaee of .10,369,731 due mainly to. ct of the Ilai P.it. ,' \ i- •sure=td lilt(] of enema• tr uvhee. St4.en t , $14.75 d ;i lsh...t ,,If curs. All lyIalles I'r0Y11 lfi t0 67 Are Being 7[tane$e1•s'ed to C;rcrniany $ , aelidated in iti,• I'a,t +pt iwa room- "As a rrduit of these• .ineratletlF a i14, ,• i., ,1 .m;: ,1,.; n".),.. $137 it, , preparritory work for fife important war pensions and inrrcaised interest ndvanees platinecl for the Spring and french, Russians, Italians and Portuguese Are Protected charges on the public debt, atticlts read too i ilbpp� attack,. now line hal- been occupied on A front tt ,. u t 1 I to -Chula t, :see. 1 ] "- g 'I L67N, $5 t,i $Io butxner,t .. 1in11,16r,------.•j - --. - thel uest\\ard.” tht stAtemelit :1 e of oval 0;,000 yard.;. RPd the rn 5ui).,. ,.i 1 l; to $s ,•,tun rs lulls. _ -. -4--- by Spanish Legation, GERMAN CLERKS GIi'Ii,N i 'Turkish tLen;h were pone -'only hushed Lack for it doluth varying l 6. i. tit hors' c(,n.. rhos„ LEAVE Off ABSENCE a .od, as t,. S7: .•auner'. Y us,rn[ I STILI. STA. DS FIR\I cd, curd by slwi, ful hcrnbing from Soal to 1,200 yat d 411 the evi- $.'­'.', c\ s, ,n)lk fell. $12 u, $14 1 FOR GLIC51AN FRIGHTFULNESS, were se ,a..d and v,drse,irinred dense shows that tilt. Tur1c- ,ufl'ered 1,t•:;. it'll t;r ; l..' '.1"110's. $13;511;i� Sheol, ; A despatch from Paris says :-The; Galmauis ith its power. and Hutt these) A despatch from New York says; `, a front of }; 1n• }'sail-. h.•acily :r., tight. S13. dugs. 1 dttspritch from Washington says: Rumanian Minister of: foreign Affairs were transported to Siberia. IL is-T'iftaan C'rerman3 employed to the Si:_ I Y.u;;trial has not as p 3 , (,=y Foreign D:pnrtment of the CPunranty ..., _ .- _ _ yet withdrawn or tatagra }ted on Wednesday to the Ru ; ai.bsolu 1 false that Rumania has _-_ _--- _. Trust Company, one tit' the largest - I _...... ...... .__._• _ ' mocliflcd hoz• note adhering to the Ger- tnaniim :Legation iti Paris that Ger-'ever delivated Garman subjects to P' g �. 'a' a man subinarine campaign, it was stat-' many ]las begun to transport for in -:Russia. ll tins not, then, Dern pas . bank,ne orga'nimlions in the c•ouetr , DEFENCES A ' ed otRcially at• the State Department. turtnetit En Germany all Rumanian ' sdblc felt, them to be sent to Siberia. i have been given indefinite leave of LOtYt 1'}00,11 k1: 59 t1i<i Tho 7osaiLity that. a brenk with males from 16 to 0"r pay, it was announced on tit } years old, al- "Tho German Government itsa;f absence with c, , ' MAS ` t��D•,�PO ,41 LIES V Olt BEIM (, -l`I{:11 +t'C)119'E:D ! Airttvia also can be avoided ha -,i prac- i though the French, Russian,, Italians' counts nn little. upon the pretext invok y, pending, �'�°�ijf j{j(i�l EXPOSE Wechiesrla lite outcome o+ 1Ilea11_r• been given up, Despite sone,unci"'- Portuguese, protected by the ed that before announcing its decision tire break between the United ct11es _ S rlor,pulrh faoul Berlin say,:•- diffea;e,lc,;pa do Au t"'c"a situation, tier' Spanish Legation, are being left in thel to trion,port Rumanians to Germany it; Atlit Gotnlany. An offlcer of the coin. 1:m„ rnou, amain, of now raptor-; .,trio, allhasinn to tilt' principles l country.. propenyl to the Romanian Govern -1 pang explained that thi; action wa.s Thai Rea -,ori Netherlands Gmernment Declines In follow "'I ill Rumania, are n4w being trans i „ tartan "for rrttsuns of neutrality" and porter{ in G,.rmany, Austria and Hung ennnriated by Gerrnaty, both in o note This troutniant, ,o tila German ; ment the exchange of Germans intern ,r : to this Government:. )told in other ctom- I ,.Ity," ready the tabs{,*rFln1, "i:: he-. ell in Rumatnia for TCumanians in Bel -'that no reflection on charut-ter of the Pt':' td("n( �i'lltioli 4 Lead. !, 117 r• (1VE•.^Fest: Nal'Jt Agalley. mui0eatiuns, make:: her pu: itioli r1111so. Rullnuti,t gave lip to Russia tile.; friunl." men was meant. i51, p 1,11til inb "luam,hipy and '2,700 , �..-�.; __.-.-..._. _ _ practically rho aruile. 0fi c i:d, lube •...__ .. -_-= „-„-..•... _ __ _ _ _ _,_ . ..... y , ., I V 1'REPAL (uh.' arse 1r .i+lt turn, good, lenthet•: have been hoping thal a 11 -ak nligbt ••- AIN ISNOW tEI) parch front 110 11;,11 .1'. _ty'; 'fie. Dutch cioeeri.nit•ut'. a••tiou will: alld • .h<a l,ew "I'aerials up the Dsnu BRITAIN Le aveirle,i will give ns, intimation s,3 If 5 ri' 1 ,� '9'O COUNTER 01t131ilARJ:VI'l8 llet'iluxls Croce=lnme•n;. itis„u h •iudntiht dry ixt appr"vu11 by the l)iitrh 1s,•. 'I'll'. ,,tvttntrlK tow ten barge. in ,shy a ddlinite announc,no tit is not i” "t DESTROYER' l a ',erican Lr�ntivat at 7h, I1 ,,ur >eo 3l- ren nudc•ntiul trolmd h i- t:c, h, rnr \ui} a. an+hh Errs ht a.-: r: ,n TE. • 1 9 A daspatcli from London stty.: t 1 l tondo' In the douse of -Colnmons on Wed- rtnall3 dor ha0,1 ill ,l, ', is i . A interesting, tc Bute that the Frank.. .tb 'i"I ar . ✓, _..___ ( y !rpt j)� �t nesday Admiral Sir Iledworth AZetlx, Vilsou suggestion thatl ,t flit. Zeit-1ng hint. f a few 115 awl i V1.1Klt I1i1, L()AN � A� SINKS I ENGL S C•"I MI, EL Unionist member fr'am Parsmouth, o course of the, I ndted S) It s that European neutral. w" ild en.l aric i KNOCK OL -1' 1?OR FOE, l sold: "We have evel',v reason to hope eaic off cliplonniti. relations t o a hil;hl' hava nidus adventure, if, T \'i-liV l l.'1'O ('ENvi:<Ii -1111; i1 .1R I --•-• the same success which attended til' e.rmany, i.lw w -ted ell, I,e.,ldent Wil-ovi -ifs : Bi' I'llE CLOSE Oi' sl:VN-111,111 A ,b'apaloll riutn London says: --I All of lite OliieerI4 and ,ill of the Crew Except Phre Went Lown. destruction of Zeppelins is in a fall ond's>r yi refusal to follow g; rrosi• liw. hat apparently hec'n t dela,., _ Ill a ictal revel nt illy wal• loan meet-' _ way of being real}zed to cannier the il i lead ha,.l'aturall} 'rven'',e+,QuA .0 some quart,tn'. bit in fait• .t 0-pat"k rlom l,eod"11 <Ay:.:. ing nn butill-dil•, Circ Adnliral Sir! With the Vessel, submarine trouble," Jinn do German diad pro Ger- tie•+ to the 01001 1 i1 ,Ir„"Ll alway” Le A t irvP'1n 'i tlirotuly; ill Lobdon Siert- RCginald Bacon, Conuualn,ler of Lite._._..._...__d. ._ . cls:, where the ,ffectiveru of rel etnber< 1 -},; 1. ;h it ..alt roomier. in"s,Lty t i'vhi, dniol !lodge', 1iinistor rill DIA(T paLfnl. is quoted ii,. ,yr;ing; "11' Y MINN118 VOTPJ TO ACC YPT multi prruci}lie ,f leo'eortsln i- to Use Nietnv,• 1t•,ii,t hill -,!I ('ooraor r"nl will Iry as hard to .In v,oi{•', t \ dr..uleh trout l..ondun siva: A'lnst, '1'It0 olltcial E+tal.etnent Pillows: i' , f It , stwi }re iS..,,,t,;)ai h.• oval:= giving lu.y i "vEti WAGE' St IiI•et)I LIs d ;is tact: tnoli }indicaird. ii -hy>, tiuFely. lir , a":,d at the pr"'• ar::q; nu ..,•sect n, r.,rint;' ibt+t al the at=baro- by latiying n Inst.: n . *cr are ii)iii: h torpedo-boat rkstru,5•er of an'' ,1 torpedo-boat destfttyar of arr; ,w ,,,,,"_,_.. a naiktuke tv twmirne ibiei th( r -e o" moment. Altct ,ah a 1, :1, 0"1' I (,•'•1: roaf,•trn„• bnt\,er,: Iv nv•sontai. doing :ii en by ,ink;n:-:d.rnnr'rr•s!oider type, Lilt- British Admiraity an- alder type, employed in Patrol dut•'in ,1'c nut fn svin Pttt,y with 1'r1•si. iud of 'bard f,,.: • a. �t :!' tiospatch ftmn Il l3 f %, sayd. i i ct' ;:a,'7n „fill,,, „r the 1':ril'r,t,' Alti,.- the deter- riud rrtl�.trniin nlh.r E,i=i1 deviser, l•nnnr.eripau ]e'riday nig}th struck a'the T9n>;lisp Channel, astrueh a min;, _,T,'tsrnte iLubbl.l C'lirb ndltic•ane knn'a ac,t.Eoli. [Jill t.ht, Govilwn rperen,•ra ail !ale •,fi • 'Io n.,t u, -,e•:., .,,lo. -:l, • 1 11111 1 5 1 or r„!i.,., lr"I : sir d at t:. tai' }'eau kill nuflil. th:. ioun Ft„ -I, Lle(Tist noire in tht. le'nglish Cllnnnei Thur,- on friday night and sank. All the n[' rre:st nnihers show 11 tnu'ot'it•v or1,300 liu.s overhor)w their g"norotl• mooch Value s:= th,•p nr'• r"plito-J u, , n11•1,ta,• tilt' will, i, tit, end of ,S-! that it will he a kilovio,ut blew to she' clay night abd sant.. All tine officers first;', were lost. There were live sur- a impuf.t,es, I haave i„ normal tirba3, 3 r m favor of accepting f osi scent eci'tlo- ,mer, ' oncnly,'” and all of the.. slew, except live, were ; fuer., atnmlg the crew,” meat on the 'vrtgc qui+stirs, ,m 4