HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-15, Page 5Page 5 Mail and 'Phone Orders Carefully Filled NOTICE Being anxious to close tip our Books at the end of the year we will be deeply obliged it parties having accounts with us will call and settle at once. �..,t; R 1s t 91n. ✓ ,R TT "The liHorne of Good Shoes" Phone 511 AIDASEAVASAeglittielAlillOACIAAMB111,011=ledeteftMeleAltertUAIIMAnidt Seaforth CREAM WANTED Bend your meant to ue and receive top peloea. We are running our plant the year through and eau handle your loll supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twine eaole month and weigh snmple,aud teat each oats of Bream care chilly. Our motto is " Honesty to ou 'Patrons'Patrols are requeated to re earn all our cane' when not in use. Ratter an.l8uttormilk also on hand uy1 for at market prides. The Seaforth Creamery Co. Wa Jo Walker & Son U ndertakers end Embalmers W . J. Walker, holder of go. erument Diploma and License Day or Night calls reactive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " 18 a'e- .7/7 S 1-RATFOFID. ONT.--. • Winter N r.--.- Wfuter Term from Jann: ryand We have Commoroial Shorthand and 'Co legraphy Department 7'h meanies are thorough up to ala ,tend praotioal, The in etrnetora tireaX- perinnoed and we aro receiving acorea of applications for trained help we on.nnot enpply. Write at once for partioulare A. 1VICLACHLAN ealsotPvt- Try us for A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING: 011R SPECIALTY Call At Bolton's Barber Shopf OARDNOS BLOCK SEAFORrB Representative Wanted At once tor Seaforth and District for 'Oanada's Greatest Nurseries', Spring inI7 Planting List now ready. Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Grown ,,Fruit and Ornamental Stook, inoluding Molntosh Rod Apple St. Regia Ever - bearing Raapborry, and many other leaders, New Illustrated Catalogue Bent on application. Start now at heat selling time. Liberal Proposition. STONE and WELLING'T'ON The Fon thill Nurseries, (Established 1837) Toronto, Ontario. Tlie Best Newspaper, . Value In Western Ontario Ohr �r�0it i1tt Abitb'CItu1Pr Musite 'SISTER REMIGIA�� , who before ^^- beoonting a sister was a teachor in the ! London Istr, wt give kaput to F1 .'titilt ((lit! Seaford) in instrumental And vocal New ennui°, piano and violin. All Mail Editions $3.00 Per Year SAYE THE PAPERS IF YOUR CHILD ]r$ CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look Itlothorl If tongue le coated, cleanse little boweis with "Cali- fornta Syrup of Figs." Mothers men rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Flgs," because in a few hours all the 'togged -up waste, sour bile and fermenting fond gently• moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child main. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxatfbo. 1 Millions of mothors koep It handy bo- enuse they know its action ou the stomach, timer and bowels' is prompt and aura. Ask your drnf;gtet for a 6O -cent hot- tie of "California, Syrup of Pigs," which -sauteing directions for belles, children mB alt egos mid for grown -ms, i5a7sRtE!l66.T£13t17oe: brnaIN PROMPTLY SECURED In all uuntricn.11sk for oto• trivetyrowsr ADVU( which win bo scat free. It8A•f110N It. j rAnr *.• • 11 ppzirtal'tr the next oel'eolion ahortly after Christman The pEapers are all eon vetted into money for comforts for the sol- ttl9'.'.;rs, Woolens War 7dt,xiliary S.GWL'4J.tA, OL os `1 F.A,rR, "BE7)J PROM[ DANDRIC1710 tGirlsl Try Pur i•lair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine, If you caro for,hcnvy hair that elle" tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable Softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it fuinae- diately dissolves every partials orf dandruff, Tog cat m,at hitt;=, ShLa heavy, healthy hair if you levo dandruff. This destructive sours' robs the hair of its lustre, its strength, and its very life, and if not overcome It produces a feverishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out a:st,it Surely got a 26 -cent bottle of el:nowiton's Danderino from any drag atoro and asst try it. ,1141•0.,. �,.,,,.,»,..,.., ...,,,,.,a,....11. -.,,.moo.-, s El I/ OWE/ I opics 1 Mr. Woslesy Vanderburg is visiting his bonze et Porter's Bili over Sunday, The Missen Hall of Atwood visited rionde in town this week Mise Elsie Whitmore of Brueefield was the guest of Mi and Mee Jas Mc Ooe North Maiu St. Mr Harry Croaewell was appointed paymentor for the 267th Railway Oouatruotion Bette, left on Monday in company with ()apt IF, 0. Jackson, Mr Palmer Whiteley left on Monday for Newark New Jersey, where he In. tends engaging, in the andertalting business. Mr and Aire J. 0 Woods are viofting in' Torouto. Mr Samuel Wallace of Rochester has bought the residence of Mr Thee Gary on Goderiob St East and is Doming here to live, Mr and Mee Jobe Robb lett on ilii. day to visit the lettere slater, Mrs Mo Nab in Landon, before returning to the their borne in Detroit, Mr A. G. Smillie has purchased a rosi'enoo in Toronto and intends !nee - Mg his family there next month. Sea - forth is sorry to lose sea good eitizeus as Mr and Mrs lfmillie. Lient Jackson received word to close his office hero and go to head quarters at ollae as the full number of men had been secured, Ho left on Monday Seaforth has enjoyed the unique experience of 26 degrees below zero. during the past week. The government, should operate the railways until the coal shortage is over come. Very quiet these days ie the men who in the fall predicted a mild winter. He etandeth not on the streets shouting., "I told you so". Mt Alex M MaNab of Toronto was a week end visitor at the home of his uncle, Mr John MoNab, James St. Mies P Patterson visited In Clinton on Friday with Miss Edna Stewart. Miss Alice Trott is visiting friends in town. Rev F H Larkin will have for bis subjeot next Sunday evening "Good in Every Man" A man from Liman spent a night in the lock-up here last week for stealing a dog. The next day ho was sent to jail at Goderioh for thirty days. Mrs W D VanEgmond is a Torouto visitor. Mise Lillian Faulkner of the Caned - ism Express Company's office, Bramp- ton spent Sunday with her parents hero. Mr 11 Cam eon of Toronto spent a few days with friends in towu. Mr and Airs Bert VanEgmond and daughters who have been guosts at the home of Mr and Mrs W D VunEgmoud returned to their home last Friday. Mrs J C Greig spent a few days in Gotierioh. Rev, James Argo has rettiriiedjlirom an extended vacation in the West. Messrs Fl Oreaawell. J. Nselings and John Stewart left ou Monday tojoin the railway Canatruetiou Battu in Toronto, President Wilson is waiting with it patience that far exceeds the "patience of Joh, for the Germans to oomtnit an 'overt" act against the ignited htate.s, i his act might be either the sinking of tin American ship witbtntt loss of life on the Midden of any other ship with the loss of Aln1•rica11 liven. It is strange that allot would constitute an overt net now tint net constitute such an act 00 the 7'h of May 19l5. when t.4,' Lnsit- 1'1111 tracts sent to the bottom with over lone hundred American citizens. 5pccial $ll,75 optical Of warratite•tl good gold f111ed r1iiiined Np,mtalelt anti eye gbkases will beat quality white oiy'stid Nph"rirul IousiN R, pular 2.1 On Value for only $1,75.11 tools cloth, buying to enable us to give ands Velum', as optica) goods are advancing rapidly in price. l.yea exam. hied most oarefully free by our will known and paiustaltiug specialist our, Hnghsou formerly optical Manager for Katt t .1ewalery store Toronto, Thief chane for two days only Tuesday and Wednesday Feb 26, end 21st. Come early Beattie Bros Variety Store Seaforth. rd THE $HAPQRTt-I NEWS No atter It'sSprit] ALL THE Thursday, Feb 15 aaw:r..w,Jrcaaw h t Wht:r is tsid Tinie at STEWA rif "is EAUTIFTL,NEW SPRING THINGS ARE POURING Spring Time in, Women's 8 it and. Coat epartment Those women who are desirous of knowing what Is really new and cor- rect in suits and coats for spring will get a fund of authentic information from a visit to our Ready-to-wear de- partment. All the newest ideas, the most approved styles and the latest designs are represented in this delightful array: If we appear over enthusiastic over these new garments, you will even excuse us when you see this attrac- tive assemblage for yourself. Price Suits $16.5o to $35 Price Coats $7,5o to $25 A meeting was oalied on Friday night by Mr Baker, after vainly trying to dis- cover the officers of the Canadian, Club which be believes exie'ted here some ane years ago , The night was one of the roughest of the year andlonly Dight people, turued out too few to start with 11 is hoped the next meeting will be more euooessful, Mise Millie Johnston left on Monday to visit friends in Hamilton, before go- ing to Toronto to the Millenory opening bliss Clara Pinkney left on Tuesday to speed two weeks with friends in Toronto. Mise Taman loft on Tuesday to attend the Millinery Opening in Toronto, rhe Misses MoGeos Miss Cone, Miss Whitmore, Mies Morrow, Mrs R Gold - hawk and Messrs Grieve, Hart, Miller. McGee. Webster and Outbid formed a driving party and went to the home of Mr Loruo'_..Webster of MuKillop on Monday night where an enjoyable even. ug was ape 01. Mies Carling of Stratford was a gutat At the home of Mrs M Williams. Mrs W, Butt of Nippon is a guest et the home of bee sister, Ili 1v It, Y. Bell Rev. A. Stewart D, 17, of Toronto who has been enpplling the pulpit of Willis Church. Chianti. for a few weep tee able sermons in the first Yr,'sh;tarier, Church, delivered lust Sunday 1)r• t1,,W iEt. lids many admirers here atm wore ',loosed to have 1111 opplirt'.11sty 1,1 i lo'll'ing him ,11411111 , }ter. 1". L:n'li ill preached in 0lil,1, 11 The list or 11(1,11an cei1111hntors is held over for next. wet;k , d Prospocta are 5,10 .1 int a +.,inn4 ,'r att- endance at the 1)1(1r' nine Ounce nn Monday night Mr, taro, Caitlin) will donne the Sailor's liuripipe 1,v ttpucinl request, vocal and 11,otrornentat music during the intercession a ssiot., $local's Alo Lonuan, and M1, Kens", the pipers, mid llauoio.Martin, the Highland danocr, 'will again he present. MOTH& Brown— in Varna on Sunday Ieob filth to Rov and Mrs Brown, a daughter, Spring , Lorne • in Print and, Gingham Departmes~,t All that the new season ushers in, in new patterns, new colorings and new weaves can be learned here by a quiet look.thiough the hundreds of new pit•ces of Prints and. Ginghans w ,•.have just received and placed in stock. There is a charm in these attractive new goods—they are so different from other years that they appeal to you .at first sight. And beautiful as the new effects there is also back of them the guar- antee that always goes with Crumbs' Prints and Anderson's Ginghams, The prices will please you too. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS TI -9E PEOPLE OF CANADA BEGIN NOW TO JAN. 11, 1917 T CD SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN Dn'Af r,loi.11. of rimniace OTTAWA r1� Po all Points in 1D torpp lift t•yt t 4'� r �T aFIT E RN CANADA A t'';1' e i+1 r�' la t qv • -, t,n � i (..a �� h � , :; �>, 4:.� la �i 1 ir(1t t.�t �� l � `� "f('' " y}, Q' p' ��•tt ' f � (I?J` .::t �Fy-i o���� pp yy11 �i11 If',Q 's 1 w� 1� li .� �°..,Itr is Eight�r11.11 shill:: �rt�yyn�lif` Np,T1I15� p q n° ° tis nxdV,p�j� �9�1'I Ltiit l.1'l Cv�i �SF �f1Gaf trains To obtain the fff west Imre aud tliiE'° most i2onvenint. routing api}ppy to CIIAS. A. AHEI 'ART Dr gg s . Agent. or to R. L. irbair n,General y,'a ender t 68 King �;•t. E,, Toronto ' t VIA CANADIAN NOR`h N