HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-15, Page 4RANKN
i ei It $'1EVA4 CARDS
nq>wpt(:At t4a40u:,
so 10 uraus... L. Taer, Non
Mad TAroat,
Od9ce end r(wh ionr4 behind Ito W,on't flask.
Whet Incas H o. f Residence, Ph9ne Ho. 1114.
&, Ir. TBURROWS :;rtulo th(Mire and
residanor Goderkh Street. Mast of the Meths.
diet Citurdt. Coroner fur rhe ','4untlt at Huron.
wus, thC011"1 S. MACKAY. Physicians tied
Ettpeo.:s, 6;cdetieh 'street. o101)01d1C AEetbo-
ddat Church, srsfertll.
Scorer, ,t'Adaat1 Victoria .end Ann Arbor, and
Ingather of (Jntado Collette of Physicians taut
,lUtg¢*C1ta. <`etratrev for Cuauty of Huron.
:DMACi*L .Y boner t;*" "4te frailty Unlverolty.
sold ree..allor, Trfr'tty Morileat t.0ll''1tei, Member et
College 01 Phyokiana nod aeagfous.
R. GUM Fk'9t,.l!•lltftpl. ftnroifnthk Spe.cialls
in Women's are! t'btldterls Mumma and
Athematic Troubles. Acute end Chronic FM -
Orders. 19Or. era. Noe* and Throat. Adenoids
81115033.4wlttaut elle Retie. Cntusultnttml free.
Cat y Mott (Wet. yl', Her V?lllte time train.
.Irl 1f 1 rax to 1't'' ; Irrslol 5 to to 4,01
Marriage Iia54Vl9iltage andopllllnt.s+es
f.13 considering
: postcard d Insurance, ill netaur rattanlV'ht nr.+'
JI, filo I18IIRIO W11.,1BYrs
l oeers.t Agent Gor London YAfe Insurance Co,.
and l :ogidetitruarante.rand Accident IneutenceCe.
tl'nfouth, 019t,
jameg Watson.
(a,m.ral Fire, 1&le and ,ic'•1'hmt Inm1MIlde
Agent. sot, sa dealer
orth in crowing, Machines.
Mold Fire 1 mance het
ifaiafrtttt Bad 1solalted Town
Sare'snetrty eisrlp floslareld,
3.� B. McLean, I're*ident. Seeeforlbi Joo. Con-
400*4, Vice-Peeildeot Goderleb; Thos. 7.. Hays,
yaoetary':ftertsurer. Res -fords.
D. Ir. 4)0cG,cerm; Sealorth; Joint C. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rant, Constance; John Emnewele,
Brodghaeen- Robert Ferris. 40rlaele; Malcom
McKeon, Cantons John s. Mct.asn. Staforth;
bones Connelly, Societies.; jaw &vols, Iteechvrcod.
Moo, Leitch, Ilorlock; E. lilocbley, Seafortb;
Minna Chesney Eemocdvflle• Y. W. Yeo,
Bolmtovitte; R. Cr. Yarmouth, Brodhagea• iMacs
Beer and Jobe Govenlodc. 8eafoalt. auditors.
4mreirw &altaua to effect Inauraace or transaM
0lber 1* o11 ece trill be penmpUy attended to by
apptd`on to any of the above officers, addressed
to tbefr respective pootofaa.
lin totio®s
!?G tits
✓! 4fliB67't
For Safe
Fel. .If4 y, Seaffortil-
Phonc SO
Irl' t
• 1 vt!-r. .
ZC'.IY.i1 I�II'"6S
will supply the
Arc uirf'a1 crierwt/
hone ,. 84
evenings 127
1 1 e ifami
1'' �%
LS 1591)1D EVERY rH1.31t1WM
Fro,. the 011ica
Phone &l
114,. dollar par year strictly to tidy afters
if nut paidfu a114aacn, our dul\nr and
/hilt will tin ohargod. nalte 1 states
Aapers, aft4 •'cut* extra. etrtekly 144
ad vaned,
Whoa auto : rib'rr, chaaare their addttto
antl.•e should I* ''t t ns hamedlatetY. gIvinR
both the old and the new address, Sub-
aaIrregularity of delivery notAtying
of way Oo
Refuting Notices --No reading notice.
advertising,4eytis entertainment
o I made by any or matter
or muse will ba inserted in '1'rla News
without charge. The .price for the Inser-
tion of business announcements Is TEN
Cents per Count line each amnion to
partici having no contractfor diming
advertising,., and FIVE rents per line each
insertion to those having display contracts,
and for char::h, society and entertainment
reads n Sn nobs a Card of Thanks $ to 9
Jud0010i, I.ernt, Official and Goren,
moot Nottceo--Tan ceitur°psr line for first
insertion and five cents per lino for each
subseauer insertion.
Yearly nnrd0•-Praicsslounl Cards, not
175r0O per veer. p.tv bretstrictly fn advance
Display advortisinn-Rate* furnlslted
on nepil•atioe.
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
written forbid." Instructions will will* a44e0r ltuntil
mitten Orders are received for their dia.
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
or pubn(ntion Fut as own gimrantee0of good 96
faith. The publisher accepts no [capon- I
ability whatever for the statements made
In such rommunlcations. Lettere on reit.
atolls topics will not be published at all
except an paid advertising. plainly marked
such. The tate for such
matter Is ten
cents Per ane.
Ifni is SISAI
,.a useou eNat.ne ell
,1: 1 1 1
Mark Twain's Prophetic Wish.
Astronomy was one ()f Mitek 'Twain's(
eavurlte snbjeeta. Neither 'tl us Ilad
o "r
r tie matter,
real knowledge4 ,
which made Be great t'aets ell the
more thrilling. '1'h[ thought teat the
nearest flt'ed stns Yea:a 20,000,000,000,.
000 tulles away - out -fourth mlllioa
tinges the distance) to our own remote
su11•^-gave biro a sort of splendid tbhill,
He would figure out those great meas•
u*ements of spare, eorering Sheets of
paper with his sums, hitt he woe not e
good mutlleulutic'1au, and the answers
were generally wrou5. Comets In par -
tinder interested him. slid one day he
"1 came to with Valley's comet In
1835. It is coming a;,111n next year,
and I expert to go out wltb R. It will
be the greatest diaapImiutment of MY
life if I don't go out With Hailey's
Ile looped Ito stroll'; 111111 full of color
and vitality ono could not believe that
his words 11014 a propiesey.-"Tho Boys'
Life of Mark Twain." by Albert Bigei'
low Paine, in St. Nicholas.
leapt $I6,*00.
While tine is diol lardy lied Dross
„ object, ^ ,e that the
sitar 1 tt. 1 }1
work, it is 1i sl i a
rut in/. v *ont,tti on the gunlrinii) ''f ice
contralto gra throughout \\44.4(1411 t)i,t
to aid ul this Cnls,„t lhaep4
4 contribution to $000 00 rutins
the 800i4.(7 or 41 011idna41 su cunttibut-
iug, to teems a room. These rooms ar,
to aementit elate frim four to six pat
touts, and the build 11(40 altu,,eth.n• 41'111
HacumnIVdut0 sola) 120 patients,
13 it out worth while to !owe a shire
ill restoring these non to health and
strength Hud 1 (1Hhlitig them to a;tuin
take their places ill the world Mowed
of allowing them to return to, then
homes with 10 ha a amino of aonht51(1
to chefs families and community nt
if your Semety or any 'individual
therein, wishes to contribute eey *1.1111
to this fund, k11101y l:Umnilllli011te with
the Treasurer or t'or, 8(10 of the Lou
1101141 41(4lt4,. Please make all cheques
01' motley rmtielrs payable to the Red
[!('0041 Huale(y
Wall yon kindly hare this letter Co -
hied in year lou tl papers anti given as
Wide, 0111)I1,.'I t 1141 possible?
• dam. 1-L1:'enndy
1.41„ 4104' of Miller'* Lvorm powdpra ill
*lures healthy children so fat' asathe ail-
111r4ta nttrihatahle to w0rinsfare cen-
pernetl. A high Inettnlity among ehildrou
is traceable to menus. These sap the
*t rtugth of infat) rs au that they are un-
able to lll.11tlt(1111 the battle for life anti
bto r
eticennt weakness. This preparative
gives promise, of health end lteepta it,
Genera! Observations s
tri -
One of our oxehaugos says that the
fattier 41110 0011 movement is one of the
best and most soasiblo things we have
hoard of for a long time. That is be -
clause it proposes to acoomplish results
through using natural human ivatinets
naturally, It appeals to the deepest of
human feelings -love. It goes about
to remind fathers of some -thing they
may here forgotten and to toll boys
something they may not have known.
You oar get et this better if you sit
down and talk confidentially with some
other father's boy. He will tell you things
your own boy cannot- 111 his wistful
earnestness, you will discover that there
are Smog when a boy has a
real matter of grave importance to him
that finds his father too busy to be
bothered- it will make you stop and
think 410 you realize that this,little fel
low oouldu't aortae to any other cons
olusi0n than that his dad was indifferent
Fatburo ktectr h"ttsr; fathers remember
pretty welt avheu they were boys, hut
they tlutl,t rimamber j'oat how 8lul41Lito
to 1+0y is to the wort id rebuffs, that of
b.-iug thought silly . Now, the boys need
to he turd this alto/it their fathers, that
they ere oat wd411,'r it. But atter ell 1
tl.o biggest thing to to tell fathers, for
it is thole husiuese to understand and
tlee.i1' is the responsibility,
Children are ct1etree and merry and
seen/ Ilot. to pollee much that pensee
before them, but they see deeper itsto
life and people than we realise. 'lli.'y 1
01udy expleosiut.; they weigh motives/
they judge and honor or despise them
0ldere !moonlit g to their deserts, For
better or fur aurae 0,14(441 child is 14:1/,5'.
eel/est-1i by his !mom surreundin;:s :41. 0
receiving the nulr•lia(" atone). tint de-
v>,L,l.e into the 8!3i,1.• cream:It-r of
:. lr'-nt. - It 11,4' itm„4'1,1,"11' of the neem.
+If r i:I tit. _,- I Ir ;I, 61 ,
[: I I f- •(3 1 t r a-
.. , it . .I. '1tr
, 1. •
nl tet, ,!h„ud
ied Gioss HHisplial
K151 I4:.' 1 1.1 j
:1' 1(1'') 'LI a., 11 -i.a 1. i , .15'16114 U:'
c"4.l,t rS I(''• Neal diµ. 33, 141!, }'I", it, ..i
After 10 Years of Asthma.- Dr, J 1)
Kerney,„'s Asthma Remedy proved the
only relief for one grateful user. ((4d
this 1* but one cure among many . Little
wonder that it has 11(11v become the 0110
recognized remedy on the market, 1t
baa craned its fame by rte never felled-
itl;,a effi etivenea0, It is earning it to day
as it has done for years. It is the geat-
est asthma specific within the reach of
Oufferilig humanity.
Borden the First
Imperial Statesman
When Sir Robert Borden sat le
eouncll with the British Cabinet it
was a definite recognition of Canada's
new status in the Empire. Sir
Robert was the first. statesman from
the Overseas Dominion to have such
an honor conferred upon him. That
it is evident an Imperial Constitution
will be the result is indicated by this
statement made in the British Parlia-
ment by Hon- Arthur H. Steel -Mait-
land, Under-Secretary tor the Col -
"It is intended to take the
responsible Ministers of the Col•
orales into our confidence Ln re-
gard to every matter during the
war and also of matters which
may arise at tin end of the war
on the question of settlement of
peace. That is ileo reason why
Sir Robert florae!' was present
the other dny at :t meeting of the
Cabinet. Whet, 1 hear objec-
Bons taken by : ,)tile hon. mem.
Isere to that or 41, further devel.
opments in that direction on the
ground that the Dominions
should not be involved in the
European war, I think it shows a
lack of :analysis or of Imagina-
tion. I cannot imagine the Do-
minions being further involved
in European politics than they
are at present be their voluntary
To British statesman and Cana•
dials statesman the Empire has added
Imperial statesman. Sir Robert Bor-
den Is the first. Imperial statesman
from the Oversea. Dominions. Ile
has seen the conemumation of his
propbecy and poli(. -Canada a part-
ner :natoaci of a ware of Great
N e' i t
Extinction of the Buffalo,
Streaking el the et:lilletlon of the
buffalo, the dire['tor or the New York
zoological parer said:
'It is by no menus true that the ex-
termivatlou of the buffalo is due most-
ly to the encroaehtaent of human be-
ings on their feeding grounds rather
than t0 their wh0le4f10 slaughter. Tile
great bison herds of the plains, from
Saskatchewan to 'lexis, were all of
them exterminated by systematic robe
bunting, bide buntins: in summer, till-
ing for tongues and slaughter for all
other excuses imaginable; This oc-
curred long before any or their ranges
were wanted by man either for cattle
grazing or for agriculture. The legiti-
mate industries of man played no part
whatever in the extermination of the
The bison, either west or oast, rho slaugh-
ter was systematic and deliberate and
far to advance of the agriculturist and
the stock grower." --New Yorlt Times.
Why Spiders Fight.
When two spiders Ogltt there le gen-
erally a good reason for the attack
and the vigorous defense tbat follows.
It Is not generally known that after a
certain time spiders become incapable
of spinning a web from lack of mate-
rial. The glutinous excretion from
which the slender threads are sputa is
limited; therefore spiders cannot keep
on constructing new scares when the
old ones aro destroyed. But they can
avail themselves of the web producing
powers of their younger neighbors, and
this they do without scruple. As soon
as a spider's web constructing mate-
rial has become exhaurted and its last
web destroyed it sets out in search of
another home, and unless it should
chance to find one that is tenantless a
battle usually ensues, which ends only
with the retreat or death of the in-
vader or defender.
How to Make Use of Vermin.
In Paris, says a writer in the Noir
York Sun, rats are made to serve a
useful commercial purpose. When the
animals are caught they are put into a
deep walled pit and fed regularly,
Once a month there is a general ex-
ecution, accomplished in a scientific
manner by means of gas. By that
time the rats are sleek and plump, and
their hides are in excellent condition.
The hides are removed and treated
and eventually are made into "kid"
gloves. It has also been found that
the skins can be used for bookbinding
and in the manufacture of photograph
"While Professor Itullinsky was play-
ing the vloliu it Seamed to me that I
heard heavenly voices siuglne;" Bald
the temperamental young woman.
"How did the music affect you, b1r.
"ori--er-I was conalderably moved
myself," answered that gentleman,
"but when 1 etartod to beat time to
the music by tapping my foot on the
Boor several people glared itt me so
fiercely that 1 subalded,"-Birmingham
' Age -Herald,
In >arl• =~4d nor' e5:h went to fight f['r-
treed. to I he-) ere coining hnt'k heel(.
l'lI aultdlteahl•'d, awl Ind' of *461-144 LLt(1)11
magma t,£ the terrible scourge of Tub-
erculosis Illsti:ad Of
'I.tbe Government 1s freeing at Byron
0dnat,,I10nl, uptick al buildings whore a
idiotism' of Lisette unfortunate heroes
may remove core and treatment, and
the hoodoo Branch of the (1, R. C. S.
has u4takeu the furnishing end equip -
meta of those builtlutgs at a cost of at
will leave: "loroi;to
Station at 9 P, M
10,45 P. M.
1(tonclay, Wednesday and
Persia's City of Corpses.
The city of Kum, in Persia, has long
had a repututiou as a city of corpses.
There are said lu bo more illustrious
dead buried in Kum than lu any other
Persian city except Bfeehad. One of
the few women honored in the coun-
try of the shalt bus a meguilieent
shrine erected here -Fa Ulna, sister of
Imam 111za. Eleven hundred years
ago Nile was Mid to reed In Nitta, tied
everybody who is tulyhudy in Penile
si;(1 desires espubore beside hc.',-•Lou-
dun C'lu•vulole.
rho Wrong Place.
During the rush hour it middle aged
%Umll0 entered It - subway cur :lemon
Mulled by her dial, t a ye'arold daugh-
ter. Both neither .uul daughter were
fore•et1 to stand for 1(4011ile 1ppoafte a
raw or mea busily intent on ellewlug
"Vlrgluln," said the matron with c'uL-
ting cml,htisis end loud encuc,h for the
men to hear, "Judging from appear.
aures we have made a lmi1fnke. This
Is presumably the tilting cur of a chew -
chew train"
No wonder 'that a (Metered citizen
began realdlu{, his evening Marler 411)'
teitle duwu..-New York 'Times.
"1 was reading the other day where
a scientist found over 10,000,000 germs
en a single dollar bill,"
"Gee whiz! E wonder how many he
could find on a hundred dollar blur -
blew Yogic World..
r*oo 11A(10 1'1:) 4'A7'ti}; 1"11()al
6 ACttltr10
V1' , a.. (MAW, Hernia, UllTariu, seas ; �j DOLL
g� �A'
"1'bis year 1 WlHutnQ 6 ceras ofRE 11 11 Dtbl�ryaLARS
putlitot•n ou 01417 111141 ; aper}ed 001)
pounds lfomext0nd Ilene Black l er-
ti(Ierr to the sore (iruadeest. The
11 1000 10x5 cultivated six tfulfs anis
8piing plowed. It woo harvest(d.Attg.
oat 20(14 and 3 ieldu(1 U00 begs Gun neer.
onlelltable potatoes 1 Have (1aa(1 Hot1133'
steed Fertili„ror fur lieu years and til-
e a)0 gut geed results, I would pot
pieta putet.oes without it,'
tOLIN AN1) 11 iiISA '(' DO1IBI,
('11110'1'11Y 1) UNH AM, Hellnr(I, Ont-
ario, says;
treed fit teen butldred wallets
11ot0e0tend Moue Black b'crtilizer 041
Illy 01011 1081 e083111, alai cyan very ,each
ploteld-with the results. 1. also used
leu 1111nll11A 10uud0ou Illy wheat last
Fell, mutt ate already satisfied that it
Wald [1,4' *4 bel to -tit it, 110 there era
u few spots that the drill 11111811141 51110•- INDIVIDUAL PL'C'GMASa~5 LIMITED 'f 0 also..),
ng,1,1d1lit 1tlint tb(le Isn't more
,4104 ball e0 (2,000. 1 think ought to
oe enough to e01111,1 1100 11113' p015011
w110141e1. 1,1 pays to Buff fertilizer of not
%elite Stiobigtut Carbon Works, Do- JAN, 9, 1917
(DII, for bee book ' and pelf lUu HI'S 8 _
Mout their Homestead 110110 13913011 .. -.�.,. s._t n e, 4.> >w� s>. o. ,, -a, 'w"a""t, v.„ASN `tea= ,.•
brtil air,
Thursday Fe
,4>.uvegn.m.r"um•na rm..we w"y.u.u1Nu.wawa'aunvuu�,
f71fi1J�4"lt4oliw" If tLana 1
Fait et,f7' F)l l ' ' Ii i§I t' sit il.:✓' C�, , ee t rt3 �: iI 1 t l)
a.mtw utt.s..",.:a..,.> ssean*0, ttlEtt awa+,.,'teazua.wra,ne.ur::roatea»,.,m.,
FOR $21.50
" 48.00
10 - 86.00
1-1NANC)Gy li L'.PA19'TMLINT
Wo nave established a lasting re-
putation for fair and liquors dealing
and are now prepared to moot existing
o0axlitionS by offering our high grade
trees and plants direot to customers at
Rook Button Priem. Don't (relay
planting fruit tress itud plants as there
is pocking pays better. Send for our
illustratedairoulars of hal [I3 varietle
which you oar direet.and get the bo -
tient of agent's oomm12S(011 Our prices
will be sure to intermit you
0110 of the commonest complaints of
infants is worms and the most effective
application for them is Mother. Grave's
worms Exterminator.
Fertilizer and Lime
Any one: w.dlltiag fertilize
should secure their supply
,at once and get Our prices.
17 hey are.low.
Austin Dulmage
Phone 4 on 161
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Lever and Bowels -They
work while you sleep.
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which Cause your
stomach to become filled with undi-
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's
the first step to untold misery -indi-
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
shin, menta} fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating- A Casaaret
to•ntgbt will give your constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing- and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep -a 10 -cent box
from your druggist will keep you feel-
ing good for months.
"For the Blood t:J 400 f ife. rr
33f If 111 11
i`li 17� t'ED IL t r
1;I a
With P✓tlot a 43„u to inferera 19(1.0,0
aue•ta Ere s a &Ment rtaop Y Hatt
034 I4 .,.,a u UtfEKKE, 0.nn 4ernr
t� S1Y 11'nr Heil P-nrple,', ea 90r 1114
kin 3, isouthOEood Poinen,(ne towm l,ny
Ur 0ea4'L0„ don't, weir your tutu and n,umy
on 3313118 and ointments which Cutout gut
helotv toe surilec01 the aka. What you want
1 r vmedicine, *het will thoroughly boy tile bi,'
,t the 1 e enou: manor which alone In the trete
100.40 01 an your fall/erten. Clarkes Blood
{i iniear.- Is leaf such n Medicine. It is composed
of ingredients which quickly ezpel from the
blood all impurities. Arm whatever cause
i ,n,:dng, and by rendering it clam and pure,
can be relied on to ef(•cr a lasting cure.
I t'hou,arner of re. av.,,utr,
>l.>.a.rUionxepenp Uer 14'”
roun,r eerNYl• r`"'o'.
Over ail years'
Plt4,1asnllt(131. E0
Sed by 044
Cnwol efe and
C ark 0r
FNn.dl OitYF(E8 � A.R.f,.
Alli eels under this (lend are
puboslhod nee of charge, ex-
p tttuat. • eg,udiag meetings
tVh r0 an admission fee la
1 U
barged. 'I be nue for such
being eve 110•,1 porlOelnt lice
SET -WORTH enuReli<8S
St. James'
St, James, Churoh, Rev. Father P
Coroorem, Rev Father G. R. North -
graves ,Morning Masa 7 a.m. High
Mass 10.80 a 111. Sunday school 2.30
p m, Evening vespers 7 p.m.
St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector. Sunday
services 1I a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday
echoer 2,30 p. re. Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2 30
p,m. Children'sbranoh Saturday 2 p.m.
Ilteroeseion services every Thursday,
.0 pen,
First Presbyterian
Rev, k', E. Larkin., Pastor. Sunday
services 11 a,m. and 7 p m; Sunday
school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7, 45 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Sooioty•the first Tusedey in each
month at 7.43. Barbara Kirkman Mis
sion Band 9rd Tuesday in the month at
7 30 p.m. Sunshine ;mission Band
every 2otr Monday at 4.16 p m,
Rev, G. McKinley, 13. D. pastor
-4171)1?-lies- a 110:00 a.m.
Public, service 11 a m, and 7 p.m. Sun
Day school and liable study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Thurxda y 8. p.m,
Salvation Army
Oapt. Freud "and Lieut. Sooners
Holiness meeting 1.1 a.m. Praise
service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 p.m.
Ohildreue Servide -Directory cease 1(1
a.in, Bible 011450140 4 p.m. Week night
Meetings -Wednesday Praer meeting
8 p.m.
Bgniond5ri1le, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor, Sunday sea
vices 11 a.m. and 7 p in. Bible class
3 p.m, Prayer mooting Wodneaday
8p. In. Y P.M.S. Union 3rd Friday
fn the month 8 p.m. Wetneu's Mission.
llty Society Sed Wednesday in the month
at 2 341 p.m, Gease' Aid meets im-
mediately after,
Melsillop Presbyterian
Rev - ' 0 isiasiI pastor. 11111(1113'
0ev'Vlcr8 /Mfrs' 011er0t. I t x,111 Sunday
school lit a nl, Prayer meotitlg W't,1
nemhty 8 p.m. Wou4m'4 3411ssi,,(usri
Society last Friday in omit month at
2 o'clock.
e.Di1std'1C'u .4i1thediSt
Rey, 0, 0. livable, pmitor. Sunday
seryls' 31) p.m. Young People's .Lca-
g 1'1'3 00 1 411 i t rlty ,Vo n m's &est/
a -'v test Tn,.atl to of every mouth a
31 p,ln. it .4' 0I4 Inst Pliers lay
of each month '2.311 p.m
Wiuttt"op Presbyterian
Sunday nerves 2 30 pm. Sunday
yshoo! I I6oru, Prayer meeting
Tl111tley 8 p,rn. II 0.1,T last Wed.
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, f furs etc.
all hinds o
Also take books
and • newspapers
Appetzit & Millman
Aaroes from Creamery
Phone 183 -
Why Not Have A Reunion
Home Day Soon and Bring Them.
All Down To Our Studio For A
Group Photograph ?
To -morrow Might
Be Too Late !
PMI's Studio
LPhone 19 - SEAFORTH
I have some very
choice Debentures
for sale bearing a
good - interest.
These ale a first
class investment,
All information
cheerfully given.
lel-Ur'` Li Debenture Broker
Main Street. Seafotth
Phone fl1p
SL_1Fult'I' -1, 0,1RL0l;T
(moil 141111oq \Vhsatt ..............51.00
Oats 00
Mirky ...... ............- -Or)
Bran one ton ...- .......
;?hnrte pct ton ...................... 411
huntr ............................. 4 (l0 6 00
Hogs to farrno•rs .,,....",,..,...13.53
Au Oil With'n ( Alcohol, -,buns 04'*
and many 1m'diniue have 91rnhol n* a
prominent iutr,rudiem0. A judicious ming
HIT of six essential n}In oob*pose the
famous Dr, 'fanning Electra) Oil, and
th.rc is ne menhir in it, no that its
offsets are 'mallet. '/'here is no nlodiein
el oil oorupnlurded th it ears agaal tai
oil in its preventive and healing power.