HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-15, Page 3YOUNG FOLKS
' f The Business of Being
a Boy is a strenuous em.
ployment. Sturdy boys and
girls are not built out of
books alone, The best food
for growing youngsters is
Shredded VITheat, the whole
wheat food that builds
healthy tissue, good bone
and develops sound teeth
and healthy gums, For
breakfast or any meal, with
milk or cream,. Delicious
with preserved fruits,
Nannie Goat and the Cake,
One night, just as Billy 13umpus`sat
down to tell his daughter, Nnnuie
Goat, n dory, he heard a voice: calling,
"Father! Father!" Ho wont to the
Mead of the stairs and 1ties. Bumpus
whispered something in his ear. Then
he weut hawk to toll Nannie the follow-
ing story;
"Once upon a time there were two
IlttIe goats who had very good smel-
"You mean noses," interrupted
Nannie Croat.
"Yoe," eontiluled her father. "Two
little goats with wonderfully good
nose:, who could smell a piece of hake
about two pules off,
"Otto of the little goats had a mo-
ther who used to make cake for her,
and mho never, never refused to give
the little goat some of the rake which
she 'tail baked.
"Ono day, what do you think hap-
"1 caurnot imagine," said Nannle
Goat, all aglow with curiosity.
"Well," said Billy Bumpus, looking
very crafty and stroking his whisk-
ers, "the two little goats smelled the
cake which ane of the little goat's mo-
ther had made and both of them wait-
ed until the cake was done and had
been set otic on the kitchen window
shelf to :cool, and then--.--" -
"I know the rest of the story," said
Nannie Coat, sitting halt upright in
"Su does another little goat friend
of yours, Miss Jemina Goat." Then
he edited, "I think both of you ought
to have a spanking."
"1 think so, too," said Nannie Goat.
"but before you spank me I really
would like to tell mother how good
that rake was. I think it Is wonder-
ful that you selected such u good cook
for a .wife. The cake was delicious.
You know good cooks are scarce
"Son are a dear, sweet daughter,"
said hilly Bumpus, as he gave Nannie -
a great big hug.
"I'm ready for you to spank me,"
answered Nannie as she turned over,
"1 guess not to -night," said her
father, the tears coming into his eyes.
"But it is always a better plan to ask
for things first than to he found out
afterward, as you cannot fool any-
body but yourself."
"Then, Daddy, will you give me an-
other piece?"
"0f course! Of course, my dear,"
replied Billy, as he scooted downstairs
and into the panty where he found
Mrs. Bumpus.
"I guess our dear daughter has
learned a lesson," he said, as he kissed
his wife. "May she have another
piece of cake?"
"Yes," replied Mr's. Bumpus, with a
smile, "and so may her father,"
Made of Native Fibre and Pronounced -
Bullet, Nail and Glass Proof.
A new kind of automobile tire—
"the horning"—has appeared in Aus-
tralia. It is made of a native fibre.
The need that gave rise to its con-
trivance, how it is made, and how
used, are described in the Weekly Bul-
letin, Canadian Department of Trade
and Commerce, as follows:
"As in other countries of vast dis-
tances and comparatively few travel-
ling facilities, the advent of the motor
ear in Australia has, to a -very con-
liderable extent, solved the difficulties
)f transportation. In many parts of
�he country the roads are merely bush
tracks or overland stock routes, on
which herds of cattle are driven long
distances to the city markets or coast-
al freezing works.
"The rough nature of: the country
over which the cars travel and the ex-
cessive 'teat often experienced • have
made the .cost of rubber tires a serious
item iu maintenance, thereby causing
many experiments to obtain a substi-
tute for rubber at • a moderate cost.
The invention and recent perfection of
the Australian 'homing' tire is claimed
to have solved the problem of produc-
ing an emergency tire at a compare-
tively small cost. Tests with tires
made of various kinds of fibre were
made, with the result that coir fibre
was found to bo the most suitable for
the purpose because of its lightness,
cheapness, resilience, and durability,
The greatest clifliculty was to discover
tt method of joining the ends of the
rope to make a complete circle: of the
sante size, but eventually a new splice
was invented; and the Lire as now sold
in Australia isfperfect of its type.
"When first placed on the market
the 'homing' tire was sold as an emer-
gency tire in ease of a puncture or
blow-out, but it proved so satisfactory
that in the country districts of some
of the States the rope tires are •fre-
quently used on all the wheels of mo-
tor cars, particularly for station or
ranch work and over rough and stony
"The tires are bullet, nail, and glass
proof, and if a speed of sixteen miles
is not exceeded it is claimed that they
tiro almost as soft riding as pneumatic
tires. It should bo understood that
the 'horning' tine -taken the place of
both inner tube and over, being at-
tached to the ritn by form or live
In Siam the nntsica1 scale is an
equal division of the octave into
parts and music never is written, but
learned by oar and handed down
Made in Canada,
The fashionable chemise frock of
tan jersey trimmed with soutache and
belted with aewide girdle of Paisley
silk is here shown to unusual advan-
tage. A deep pleated flounce is the
striking feature of this dress. McCall
Pattern No. 7653, Ladies' Chemise
Dress, Pattern in 6 sires; 34 to 42
bust. Price, 20 cents.
Box -pleated frocks bring box -pleat -
o..0 n Straw
our ringer5
at the ill effects
of caffeine when
you change from
tea and coffee to
PO T ..
ed coats, This cunning model lista two
box pleat,a In the front and two in tho
Welt and a Marge sailor collar, It
Is .particularly adaptable to a light-
weight broad -cloth, or serge, McCall
Pattern No, 7600, Gi4'l's Box -Pleated
Coat. Pattern In 7 sizes; 2 to 14
years, Price, 15 cents,
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer or from
the McCall Company, 7O Bend Street,
Toronto, Ontario, "Dept W".
A Solution Ilas Been Dieeovered to
Prevent It.
A mixture which is declared to have
proven successful in preventing water
pipes from freezing Is described by;
Thomas W. Benson as follows(
"To -a solution of thin boiled starch
add sawdust until the mixture 1'orina
a thick paste. A fine sieve may be
used to clear this sawdust from lumps.
"Heavy cord is first wrapped around
the pipe, spacing the Luras about one-
half inch. A one-fourth inch layer of
the mixture is sitteared on and allow-
ed to dry; then a second layer is put
on and-emoothed up. Tho string acts
as an anchor to make the coating ad- I
here to the pipe closely, Whitewash
or paint may be used to give a finish
for inside pipes, but for outside work
cover the coating with hot tar. If it
is desired to have a very neat covering
wrap the sawdust coating with cloth
or canvas, applying it in .narrow strips
like a bandage."
Can Obtain New Health
Through the Use of Dr.
i 'illianm' Pink Pills.
Every woman lit some time needs
a tonic. AL special time: unusual
demands are made upon her strength,
Where these are added to the worry
and work which falls to her lot,
weakness and i11 health will follow
unless tho blood is fortified to meet
the strain,
Weak women find in Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills the tonic exactly spited to
their needs. i Iot,t of the ills from
which they suffer are duo to blood-
lessueas—a coed:Lion which the. Pills
readily cure. These pills save the
girl who enter; into womanhood in
a bloodless condition froin years of
misery, and afford prompt and per-
manent relief to the woman who is
bloodless, and therefore weak. Mrs.
Wm. II. Wagner, Rosenthal, Ont.,
writes:—"After the birth of my se-
cond child I suffered from troubles
which most mothers will understand,
without going into details. The doc-
tor who was attending me said an
operation would be necessary, but as
I dreaded this and as Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills had been of groat help to
my sinter I decided to try this medi-
cine, and I can truly say that after
. using the pills for some time they
made a complete cure and made life
more enjoyable than it had been for
a long time. I think every woman
suffering from the ailments of our
sex should give Dr. William± Pink
Pills a fair trial no 1 know from my
own rase the great benefit that fol-
lows their uee."
You can get •the•;e pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boree for $3,50
from The Dr, William;' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
How a flays' School Learned to Live Up To 'Their Motto,
In the hills of northern Georgia the
Berry School for Boys believes in clu-
ing whatever needs to. be done, .foe
motto is, "Bea lifter, not a leaner."
But the position that it holds and the
ideals that it maintains were not at-
tained without a struggle. In The
Men of the Mountains, Mr. Arthur W.
Spaulding tells the story of one of l.he
first crises in the history of the
The mountain boy was ready to
plough in the fields, chop in'the woods,
hammer on the house; he was not
wholly off his ground in milking the
cows, cooking his food and making
his bed; but there were some things.
required of him that were too obvious-
ly woman's work. The first Monday
Miss Berry summoned her young
guard of mountaineers for their first
lesson in laundering. The laundry
was a washtub out under a tree.
"Now, boys," -said Miss Berry, "we
are going to wash clothes. I will show
you how. Then each boy is to wash
his own garments."
There was silence, an electric si-
lence, while the mountaineers con-
sidered. Then their spokesman, n tall,
strapping young fellow, said, "No,
ma'am! I ain't never seen no man do
no washin', and what's more, I ain't
gift' to do it."
Calmly Mies Berry played her last
card. "If you will not do the wash-
ing," she said, "you may watch me
while I cio it for you,"
Into the tub went her round, white
arms. It was her first washing, like-
wise. Up and down "sloshed" the
clothes over the washboard; up and
down hent the back of the gentle
washerwoman. The boys stood sheep-
ishly regarding her. Exhausted, she
finally straightened her aching back
and leaned in weariness against the
tub. The chivalry of the mountaineer
asserted itself at hist,
"I ain't meter seen it. done," dacha -
ed the boy who hacl spoken before,
Makes your wagon run
as if it had ball bearings.
It is the Mica that
does it, Mica makes a
smoother bearing sur.
ft -tenant' a longerwearing
grease. Dealers every.,
"but I'm a-goin' to •wash them.
And dashing in, Ito led his compan-
ions in a charge to victory.
To Relieve Catarrhal
Deafness and Head
Is you have Catarrhal Peafneas
or bead none go to your drug -
Mat and girt a ounoe of Varmint
pi(double-t shot wateraanil 3 01add ineee
of ,granulated sugar. Take 1
tablespoonful four 1111105 it day
This will often bring quick re-
lief front the distressing tread
noises. Clogged nostrils should
open, breathing become easy and
the .mucus stop deopping into the
tht•oet. It is easy to prepare,
posts little and is pleasant to take.
Any one who has Caterrkal Deaf -
11058 or head noises should give
this presrriptiun a trial.
Any drugKlst Brun supply you, or
a Vatic will be sent on receipt of
70a. postal nut': or money order,
Address Incernatltnal Laborato-
ries, 74 St, Antoine FL., Montreal.
Labor -:laving Jnn'entiens Used in All
Parts of the World.
Weight for Wight, a Manila rope is
I put about as :strong ani a steel one.
Bristles are set in the ends of a new
coat hanger so it can be used as a
Most of the so-called Egyptian cig-
arots are mode of Creek tobacco, as
little tobacco is raised in J2gpyt.
Old age, a Rurnaulan scientist con
tends, is clue solely to a decrease in
the amount of water in the human
Under American control the number
of lighthouses in the Philippines has
been increased from twenty-nine to
A spoon with a strainer in its bowl
to hold butter has been invented to
butter corn on the fin). neatly,
A hair brush arid comb have been j
combined by an inventor in such a way
that they can he used togcthcr or
either seliarately.
Electric power is being substituted
for older farms of energy in Bombay's
extensive cotton mill,,
To save labor in building roads a
•cart has been invented that spreads
stone evenly as it is dumped.
• In Mexico there is a 1.50 -foot bridge
over a river that is composed entirely'
of inuhogany, worth,. at. the present
price of the wood, almost $2,000,000.
A Michigan inventor claims many
advantages for bit pix -wheeled auto-
mobile, which it steered by the for-
ward and rear pairs of wheels at the!
same time,
'Diorite, a mineral found principally'
in Norway, has been found to possess
some of the therapeutic powers of
radium and to serve as a less expen-
sive substitute for it,
Swiss opticians have developed an
arc light in which the carbons are im-
pregnated with iron salts, producing
a light rich in ultraviolet rays, for
scientific purposes.
Great Forests of Australia Filled With
Sunshine and Flowers.
One readily understands why the
Australian loves his trees, says the
National Geographic Magazine. The
groves of giant eucalyptus form pie-
tnreo never forgotten, and the scent
of the wattle brings a homesick feel
Ing like the smell of sago to the west -1
The flora is not only beautiful, it is
unique, and has no counterpart in oth-
er lands. Of the 10,000 species of:
plarli.:t, most of them are purely Aur-
traliun, and are unknown even fn New:
Zealand. The genera.] impression onei
gets of Australian foreets is their
total unlikeness to anything seen else-'
The great forests of timber trees.
are not clalup and shadcled and all of
• one species, but are well lighted and,
filled with other forests of ahortaeI
trees. In places the woods consist
of large widely spaced trees surround -I
ed only by bunch grass, and even in•
areas where water is not to be found
on the surface for hundreds of square
miles true forests of low trees are
Forms which may be recognized as
tulip, lily, honeysuckle and fern take
en a • surprising aspect. They are
not garden flowers, but trees, and the
landscape of which they forst a part
reminds one of the hypothetical re-
presentations in books of science of a
landscape of Mesozoic time, a period
antedating oar own by millions of
The trees are indeed those of a. by-
gone age, In America and Europa
shadowy farins of fossil leaves of
strange plant species are gathered
from the rock, and studied with in-
terest; in Australia many of these
ancient trees are living. The im-
pression that one is looking at a land-
tseepe which has forever disappeared
f' -nm otter parts of the world is• so
• vivid that the elms and maples and
oaks in aoltte of the city streets strike
a jarring note,
• When 'four Eyes Ned Care
Dee ,tnrineBye ate,11eia No Smarting—reels
Fine—arts u el'l,r. t :or 1.ed., weak,
Sure Eyes cud 0 ennobled P,yelidn, Marano le
rnmptonuded by .our 0cutlete—ant r. "Patent
Medicine" --but MO In , In soeCersral Physicians'
ac ea for many year". Trow dedianted to
the Pubna a.ad Bold by Druggte.ta at 60' per
BMtle. ltuolnn itye Sai,e its �sepr :hies,
&id and floc, Brrlte fo r ok c, the i o, 1 ,oa
figurine Epo Reined., Company, Ohldage. Adz
Among the tallest trees in the world
is the Australin.t eucalyptus, which
attains a height of nearly 500 feet.
SSinard's Tiniuient Cures Distemper.
Tito New -Hat,
"Papa, dear, I feel it in my bones
that you are going to buy me a new
"Which bone, darling?"
"I'm not sure, but I think it's my
A Nasty One.
She (after a tiff)—I presume you
Would like your ring back.
He—Never hind, keep it. No other
girl I know could use that ring unless
she wore it on her thumb. •
There are said to be 800 use; for
the pallmyra palm, which grows
throughout tropical Italia.
"Chen Pond ile'n 1110. 1,n,1 ih the gVnnueh
stns you have tltnl lrueentfnotabla ,lls-
tended feeling, it Is Aee,1t1M of iusuf-
1Ment bleed supply to tin vtnmach,
combined with avid and Sona fsvnrntn-
lion. In such cases try the plan now fid -
lowed 1n many hospitals and advised by
many eminent phi'stelansr,_ kins a
teaspoonful of mire nictitate- it itpnesla
1st half a &Inca of water, tat; lot at; You
can tonlfottalnv (1011(11 11, ria not tvn-
tem' draws the fdsnd to ihn stomach :nal
180 bisurated mngunvin as any nin•si"iun
can tell lou. Instantly neut1a1)1r0 the
moll and stops filo resat fernio l,itto,,.
Try this simple plan end You will be as•
tonialu'd at the 1mm.il isle feeling of re
ref and rontfurt that always fo)l,,wr the
restoration of the n0rnrat process I di-
gestion, people ple win ani' it g ca nkat
nl timer. Ln Seem)) 1101 1rat.•r gad 1w 1',4•
t.1.0 tr110 are fi 'ittI ml1t litgt1l
luldy amals pant'l, prcpared. should ;i1
01158 lake frau n1. 1ie e • 11vc•grata tablets
f tl1suroltd .lh,gun Io lama tarxi 10 t"
D,rntenr ft.utandntlal, and ne11(111 ac o
aulti Lt 111r•i1 i.U'nntsn.
Baby's Own Tablets are an excel-
lent medicine for little ones. They
sweeten the stomach; regulate the
bowels, break up colds and .simple
fevers, cure constipation and make
teething easy. Concerning them Mrs.
1:, Quinn, Parame, Que., writes: --
"Baby was troubled with constipa-
tion and• nothing helped him till I
began using Baby's Own Tablets.
They are an excellent medicine for
little ones." The Tablets are sold by.
medicine dealers or by retail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine -Co., Brockville, Ont.
The ,fudge's Turn, -
The ,Judge—It seem:: to. moothat T
have seen you before,
Prisoner --You have. my lord, I
used to give your daughter (tinging
lessons, •
The Judge -Twenty year,.
Tu a town in the heart of Russian
salt fields many horses are built of
.i Conspicuous Evidence Of How C;tln",
sada Is Being Rapidly Settled,
In a journey to -day across the Do-
minion, one is impressed by the miles
of farm fencing, particularly in the
far west. It seems but a day when
the vast stretches of our Western ter-
ritories from Manitoba to the Coast
were one wide field, To -day, for hun-
dreds of miles, in any direction you
travel, railroad and other property is
substantially fenced; it shows to what
extent these vast areas have come
under cultivation either for crops or
stock. No better evidence of sub-
stantial growth could be had, j''t is
also a tribute to the quality of fencing
to bo had of Canadian manufacturers.
ley Made Him
A Different Man
What B. Draper Says of Dodd's
Kidney Pills
Ills Troubles Were Numerous and of
Long Standing, But Four Bones of
Dodd's Kidney Pills Drove Them All
Sedley, Seek,, Feb'y 12th (Special.)
--"Dodd's Kidney Pills matte me a dif-
ferent man." The speaker was Mr.
Benjamin Draper, well known and
highly respected lmere, IIe is a fine
healthy representative of the prairie
provinces and he says he owes his
health to Dodd's Kidney P'11
"I was in bad shape all round when
I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills,"
Mr. Draper continued. "My -trouble
eagle from hard work when I was •
young. My ,joints got stiff, my
muscles cramped and I suffered ter-
ribly from a sore back. I was de-
pressed and low spirited, I was always
thirsty and I had flashes of light be-
fore my eyes.
"I had rheumatism and heart fiut-
te-rings, my appetite was fitful, my
memory was failing and I was
troubled with shortness of breath.
Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills
made me a new man."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured all Mr.
Draper's troubles because they all
came from sick kidneys. 12 you have
any of his symptoms Dodd's Kidney
Pills will help you.
Alaskan Dogs in Alsace.
When the transportation of supplies
through the snow in the Vosges last
winter was of urgent importance, the
French army authorities conceived
the idea of using dog -drawn sleighs,
and several hundred trained animals
from Alaska, northwestern Canada ,
and Labrador were obtained. With
the ending of winter, the dogs can
tinhe to be useful in another way. In''
the London Chronicle, Mr. Id, Warner
Allen, representative of the British
press with the French army, tells how
they are now being harnessed to two -
foot -gauge light railways, which run
everywhere behind the front, and they ,
are capable of drawing the heaviest
load up the steepest gradient. Eleven
dogs, with a couple of meet, can haul,
a load that weighs a ton up the most!
precipitous slopes of the mountains,
and I am told that two teams of sea- 1
en dogs each could do the work n," five
horses in, this difficult country, with a 1
very great economy of men. 0f the!
three breeds in service, the best is the 1
Alaskan, although he is perhaps the
weakest of then all. His courage
never fail:,, and he will work until he
h'airville, Sept, 511, 1902.
Minard's Liniment Ca., Limited.
Dear Sirs, ---We wish to inform you
thet we consider your MINARD'S
LINIMENT a very superior article,
and the use it as a sure relief for sore
salt, throat and chest. When I tell you I
would not be without it if the price
was one dollar a bottle, I mean it.
Tours truly,
t'IJAS. lr. TIl,TDN,
he Ia aci a t is in attacks the
"outside" elan. Pains and
aches stiffen his joints and
muscles and reduces his efficiency.
At the first twinge get Sloan's
Liniment, easy to apply, it pene-
trates Past{t/tour rubbing anti soothes
the $orene8s.
After that long drive or tedious
wait in the cold rain apply Sloan's
Liniment to those stiff fingers,
aching Wrists and arms.
For gout, neuralgia, tootheche, bruise*,
sprainscold feet, it is promptly effeefive.
At ail druggists, 25c. 50o. and $1,00.
Reward of Virtue,
-Father, gimme a good lickin' and
make me cry,' was the astonishing
request little ,Timmy made one day.
"What snakes you want such an
absurd thing?" inquired father.
"You'll hit me and 111 huller with
all my night and methet' will wipe my
face with her apron and give me a
penny and I'll buy cantly," tame au'
logical rejoinder,
French Commission Reports on After
War Flans,
The commission recently appointed
by M. Clemente', Minister of Com-
meroe and Agriculture for France, for
the study of all quoetipns regarding
aeronautics after the war, particular-
ly in national or international postal
relations, has held its first meeting.
Deputy D'Aubigny, president of the
commission, outlining its programme,
"Aviation after the war will be an
industry of transport, the nature of
which must be examined into, itiner-
aries between 1'i'anre and her colonies
and between the Allies, types of ma-
chines to be utilized studied and the
organization of permanent and relay
stations considered. The question of
using the immense amount of mater-
ial now in service in the war after
. peace is signed must also be carefully
Misiard's L'taintont crime Diphtheria.
M2i,sra'a Ltetluent Cure" (+grist in [lows,
Weironte, Little Stranger! .
An interesting event occurred in tlle
household of an eminent vcientlet not ;
long ago. The professor, like most
prefessors, is very tall: Silt -minded,
The new arrival was atmnunced ly
the ho'''le to 1110 profess(,', whe th,iitr-!
ed al the time to be in his study, t (1g'
much absorbed 10 0,011b allstrnse 11,1 f
cttlatiou ,
•'Pl•ofassar.'• cal d the our,', very'
proudit it's a boy."
professor looked ftp half under -
1 to lingiv
"Well," said .lie, -tisk hint tvital h,'
trawls." .._.._.._..
Contentment is not i.111}' b,11,''i' than
riches it is titdiew I!{
811nard'a Liniment Olives colds, Eta,
The Queen and Charity.
Queen Mary has always set her face
against indiscriminate charity. She
strongly disapproves of it, and dis-
countenances it as much as she is
able. Since the outbreak of war an
enormous number of bogus charitable
anneals have been sent out, and peo-
ple responsible for them have made
special efforts to secure gifts from the
King and Queen, for the simple reason
that a subscription from their Ma-
jesties is regarded by the general
public as an indication that the cause
is a good and deserving one, The
Queen knows this, and is therefore
specially careful not to give anything,
to an undeserving cause lest she en-
courages her subjects to waste their
Sudan grass yields from eight 1,o
ten tons of cured hay to the acre.
Would you •like to end :khatter-
errible itching, that burning pain;' to
heal those horrid sores?
You have tried all Sorts•of fatty
ointments, lotions and powders. Put
them aside now and give Nature a
chance as represented by Zam-Buk.
Zaaul3ulc is made from herbal es-
sences; is a natural healer. Is not
something you have to send to tiro
end of the world for, and pay a
heavy price! Every druggist will
sell you Zara -Bilk and for 50c. only.
Just give it a fair trial and inci-
dently give yourself ease by the
quickest route. See name on box:—
81'11'00 \t ANTED 'r, .1 1 ' PLAINLalga light ewing; ut bugle. Whole
or spare titilr, 'Pearl on). Wolk scalli
easy distance. Charges - pald. Ken
ntanl1' for t'urtieilliu•s. National menus
enduring Co., Montreal.
'EWa74,P41It3 ro3 SAWS
11 Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information Ott
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
peer, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto.
, Internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write,
us before too late. Br, Denman Medical
Co„ Limited. Colltngwood, Ont,
Deg Hematites
And How to Feed
fro+ to am 0511000 1,1'
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
The Soul of a Piano is the
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Magnitude R55 Cheerfulness
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ISSUE No. 7---'17