HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-15, Page 1fy 19'419,1%99: '44819 . , 'tl r ! 2 Yll44hl W. T. BOX Se eo. Furniture Dealers Phone 50 New Series Volullte 14, No. 39 1 WANT DI 50 GIRLS 50 OR MORE The W. E. Sanford Mfg. co. of Hamilton has purchased the Taylor -Anderson eo. clothing Factory in Seaforth. And are go- ing to carry on the 'business from this out for which:purpose we renuire more than 50 girls assistants. The working hours each day ate 8 to b except Saturday 8 to 12 each week. We guarantee steady work the year round. Nice clean work and girls 111QtIceJ) od wages. We pay highest wages while learning Apply or Write to Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTI-I ONTARIO WAR AUXILIARY IVEOIDES TO TAKE OVER COUNTY BRANCH OF COMMIS -10M The work of the Provincial Soldiers' Aid Society will b® taken up through - •41I ttrtt Huron County by the Huron War .Auxiliary as a result of a resolution ,ween on Friday at tbo annual meeting of the Auxiliary at Clinton. Mr. T. Norris of the 'Toronto coins was present mud the *entity repres0nt- 'Alyea unanimously decided to take *aro of their returned soldiers in con• junction with Ontario commission. President Broydone opened the meet log and presided throughout, His op ening addroee was precise and to the point and the report of Searetery, A ,et. Cooper gave some idea of the work r preformed daring the past year by the la,r Aencilttry, tit, tell meet of the work was of suet a nature that it temild net be tabulated and included in the re. port, Mr ilroydone then introduced Mr 11 IS Norris of the So` Mere Aid Orrin 1mieeen, who told snrn ithtug of the work of that, eeee giz'tioe au•.l explained just how it vette used 114 eesiating the return- ed si>Ifiiers to return to I,<<sir w>0atiou life or to Ilegnire it claw vlloetiunl Mr Norris ie himself u returned gold. !®r nun he epeke trunk experience thot es far as peesible the Goveru(nont of Canute provided for this matt who had Jsdone his bit" at the front. "Tho Gov °Himont absolutely looks after the mon who are returned to Canada invalided," • iso said. "11 a man is still in need of anedical attendance he is kept in hoop - Still until everything w11i01r can be dyne in done for him When ho is diaoharg• ed it 4i only after he is cured or a nearly cured as can be, and if he is totally iticapitated ho received a pen.' cion of $480 per year, less if he is able to work " During the discussion of the matter later a case was brought up of, a man who was utterly unable to work and was in need who had been disuhatged. ''That i8 jest a ease where te breach of the Soldiers Aid comes in" said Mr Norris, "If such 0 man 10 84(I in need of medical attendance or itr nu6 receiving hie pension somebody has blundered and it is Dilly n000aoary to call attention to the proper act hoHtie8 ofthe facts and that time can bo r® 4tiriled to the hospital from which 'ha „the has been diaolunged or to another "v1P'ont3, or if not in heed of that non re-) Calve lie petiole» back dues 1111(1 all," The Soldiers' Aid 18 lin organlz-nin11 formed in the (11)1) tint pu,vn-ot8 to enlist 'and work in uu0imli with the . Dominion Hospital ammunition The nim and object of the oNettietrlun is • to Resist in every wee possible the nem trill» rennet to got back into the Wily of 0ivd lite again and (1e gnlukly as pees. Ade. "Men who were fighting in 1ri'auoe for a year 01' te'W,i1 acid Mr Norrie "are out of touch with things when they rethru. Thej' have been seeing life from a different angle, They cannot just ochre back and settle down to their old life. it may bo that their old job is not open to thein or that they 0auuot tdo their old work The Sol d ere Aid eau atop in and help. Fuld ont when they will return; meet them at the station, give them a hearty wel- eeme hack and tell them ice soon a9 they went. to go to work ti place will be found for them. It gives a mac new lite to fuel that the people who can , t in the town from which he west 6o fight fur King and Country are interest 0d 11( him when hu returns'' Mr Nur NS spoke of the Vocational traiunlg fur auldiers. Many returned 10011 uaunut do the wort they were form»rly employed at fn 841011 Oases trio Ouvermeent is prep8rutl t0 tea041 a (01Jt a rimy 4(1(11e et' 00004)a41ot1. Trolli- ng; Schools 810 situated at London Hamiltee,'1'oronto and Ottawa and a tn•"1 ,1 to 04000. Wil 14 Etude Ito would prelt•r and t11e (:overilo.1 t pays lent ween lm la le:sr:nog it (51141 f40 lam to go out alto one world ttrld melte hie Ivity -I t in When the tluvorurneit hue done all that Clan be dei', lbs 114111 that the 11».(1(er( did eau Step ill told belly. Baud, 111 Norrie. "And anyone wile takes up the work of assisting the re- turned 001,11405 Well fait prv-fornliug a npleudid service to the Provnlue and the Detention." The (10uues1en following showed that the men present were in earnest in their desire to 18eiebx ll all -possible ways, After the adjourm8ut for hotelmen the diaou.8i0u wee reeei00 1 and Mr Noires was asked many question re - gat ding the working cut of the Soldiola 4.ld cud before loavo(g on the afternoon tram if hearty vote of thanks was teed Bred tint fee the informatio1( Imparted Tile matter of re el00tlug tamers for the year was then taken up atilt after eouelrl8ruhl8 diseit80iet1 it was decided that as the War Auxiliary had done suet) exeell out work 111 the past and that the constitution of the sine made provision for the taitfng up of new work on motion of Mr Sterling and Dr Woods it wee decided that the War Auxiliary be euul.inued and that the Soldiers :tad work be Ihcorpated with 149 other work. Ou motion of C aliddon and J 'Turr- anee the old effluent were re elected ieniel3' Hon -President, Dr 11(11)0es Goderieh1 Pres , W Bry0010, Snot, A T Cooper 'Prime. D L Macpherson, all of Oltiiten; 1st Vice, 0 A Reid, Goderld.10, a"d 1'(00 preslde(1t8 for the three relirg of 4118 tenuity 8S 4011ow84 Centre Hurtle .1 43 R1.td, North Huron, P W -Suet, (i •nth Huron, Rev, 11 Smith Also the fol0w11144 council wt/8 appointed, the 111:84 mined being rile reeve of the nem llu(p(dtty; Ashtiieltl Stewart, J PD01to1 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 1917 Hayfield, A ELvrwio, Dr. Woods; Blythe Dr Milne, le Hill; Brussels, S '1' Plum, James tl'ox; Clinton, .1 A Ford, 0 D Me. Taggart; Colborne, 0 Young, 16 Bissett; East Wawnnosh, J N Campbell, J T Currie; West Wawanosh, J A Mullough Dr Case; Exeter, B W F Beavers, J 11 Stewart; Goderioh, (1 A. Nair,J 0 Leith. waito; Goderteh Township. W 13 Lobb J R Sterling; prey, Ii W Livingston, J IIfloNab; Hay H Need, Dr MoKinnou; Rowiok, 1i Harding, P J Doig; Hullo% M Armstrong, W Moon; Housall, G 0, Petty, J McDonnell; Morris, J Short. reed, R Procter' MuKlllop J M Ooveu- look, R Scarlet; Stanley, J McKinley, J MoNaughton; Stephen, W P Elhut W Yearly; 'I'nokerelnith, H Crich, A Archibald; 'luruborry,'1' K Powell, W A Miner; Wroxeter C Bois, W A Mo Karcher; Ueborus, It Brock. W T Meddi Wtngham, W istnet t' W F "Vauetoue; Seaforth, J A Stewart, A Sutherland, President Brydono took oeoasaion to speak a word of appreutatiou of the npleudid work being done by the sect- ary and irsaenrer during the year, re- marking that the fivanuiel outlay would Leve been emelt greater but for the careful management of the sllietent truaeurs r. The president recti a letter from the Hamilton Recruiting League oilman) Lig (4u appeal sent by unit body 10 the Preunre, 1(t. Hou Sir Runt, Burden and te'lir Wiltird Lathier leader of the opmentlon i tim%g thein to get together ill sante way In order to prevent the 11014.80(40 of a wa1.4111(0 election and making the 0u•operauol til the Wur Auxiliary 113 the matter. ' Mr (I Peter Cuuuty Clerk Lame ok Gude nub, Dr. W»ode of Hayfield and others spots and after some diseusi 1ue the president su,.gested that Lr Wood's and Mr Lcn0 draft u mention to 00 presorted it r the coesidered of the mee43(144 lvbin 4118 fullowieg was drafted find submitted We, the Comity of Huron Wee Auxiliary, (880mb1041 at Clinton, are heartily in sympathy with the appeal of the Hamilton Recruiting League to :lir Robert Burden and Air Wilfrid Leerier expressieg its regret at ally iudivattona of a general 811)0110(1 durnlg the war in which we are uuw engaged •1(d appeal 60 thorn, as leaders of the two powered parties, to 00010 together in sums way so that More may nut Le e general 0lee41011 doriug(110 war but that while the war 0011timea the county may 610 devoted to 4110 wwulug of it. Dr Woods road the resolution to tett meeting ,sod then moved ttlat it be adopted iced 8 Copy of [110 8„13(0 ba stmt w thepremier, lit tion. "11r Rebt ilo,-tl"n, cud to se. Ai fir1(1 L order leader of the opposition. '1'1 0' Illnllull w..i aeoenti3(1 by hlr. 441110 rend 1110111111101114 8e:•r0t8ry Ooepor 1111ce 1(I 1110 eplem- (11t1 work Boon by the I (Iru(1 114/M111011 of liner having e"n10 through their various toe 9 91( well that the 1i113111(00d ht their being sent forward as a mut the front and thmnght that it lvouid cheer cheer the ((Clare and the nem to know that the 0.11 011111Ity atlll had a lively interest 10 4he111 and 1t wile de• aided by the meeting that the president and secretary be appoidted a committee to draft if 1ue01utiou of appreciation and 104wa•d to the o0utlnlmdmg officer of the 161st, Lite' -001. Combo. Other motors macre up for discussion mud before breaking up a heatty vote of thanks weft tendered the president and 000retery and other oftiosre 04 the Society for the work of the past Soar —,,..- •. Oliver Whitely Elects Trial Mire Judge Gederiolt--Pebrnory 5 --Before Mag i8trat0 Kelly 41110 uun•nie44 Mr O. 0. Whitely, of town pleaded guilty to a ohargo preferred by Crown Attorney Seeger of misappropriating foods of thine) Lodge, No. 63, I. 0 0 F,, of wlnoh the defendant was (rsasertir for 8 tnnnher of y0•irs, the amount being $435 Mr Whitely uppeered before acting Judge IAayeft this afterfloe1 avid elected to be tried before judge, trial to take place next, 44uuduy. O (1 Whitely wits it former business men of town but heat 1811 made en as- ingemen6 Up to the time of his arrest het '1'hnr8tl(ly in Windsor Ily County Constable 14 hite81dee, lie hid been live Mg in Detroit, rho 4rrieo 1 t 1 tl i nt bail, i On Monday he was let' off on ane. pen410d 509,4000e. NEW BOOKS The following new books have been received at the Public Library and will be put in circulation Sat. Feb, 17, Pio•ion Name of book Authr Pioneers Pritollard Wehof Steel Brady Bronze Eagle Oreev Postmasters Daughter The 1f9 till Trail 0)eu Door of Dread Sumter '1'he Hill man Oppenheim Seventeen Larklugttnl Price of Steatite Yl eaten Fur Briegera Fuotuur Craig Kennedy Detective A Mums Work Annotto of the Argonne Greeunluu1le the Neat Builder Nun Fietlnt Sketches 1i Pulurld Little 1(0001(1(3 Uaulpetj;u Wa0hburn War Breed Haub 151cetett of lluropauu War lot pha80 Benue Zeppelins cud Super Zeppelins r,uarue Sea t4arture Klhog Fest trout the Front Aa1(10i1 Victory 111 Defout Washburn Bullets and Billets Bait'uetetier sum of Oer01auy Smith Genteel culture Pate r s1( IJermauy,8 swelled Head Belch me tt 0(1111(1 13I088 Her Mac 1411(1elt Cavalry r1( 1915 Coleman Reeve 13uusteg Le CZuoux leueilr.il Hale Noir Fiction Name of book Author G8lhputi Mutate -Id 'Veld in a Fronoh Garden 1411108 camp Fire ;remit Bravo The Hoiden L8»b Copplti4 Pau Americanism ).. Uasher Scuttieh Life mud Character literey Wars of the 19th Century Robinson Rumenuo Isdilburg G0ddle At the War Northchile Grenfell of Labrabor Johnston with the 11n1nortal 7t11 Divieieu Kennedy Irish Hi84or) 13irkbeed 131111811 Campaign in Franca Doyle Lortl and Lather of the Italian Lakes Staley Hall Days before History ,11tym11it1 Piullre18 111 (`11118(19 Strang In the the teeth of Adventure hle,ro•0 1(4 010 Plying Corps 1' hit Bit do stones tituhts A penile Pieneer 1110110a:1d Ruth (•;tmphe11,8 D;xperime»t Thunrle8 John Beegravet 001.1 Brer41, m 11( the 1)11) s 0( the Lion Heart ('ruddy Resided] in the Big Leagues Evers Ten Little Indians 44 ado Ten Big 113(1ians Wale Mysteries of the (taverns Finley Exploring the island . Pieley Little Miss Muffett Ctrefn Sir Lndar Reid The F(ghillg Lino Lve11 On the Worlds hoof -Oxley Pte. Kelly Returning Word lino .been received by Milt. Kellyof town that her son Pte, E, Kelly hod arrived at St. John's 113(1 will Shortly be home He left here in Cot 1015 with the 34th Hatt, Ho was traneforred to Gila 18th with which he went to the front 1n ,lune ho was wounded and ,l1aa (Moe been ill tl hospitals. - Firemen's Euchre The Aminal Enables Party of the :leaforth Fire 134400318 was held on Friday evening in their Club room 'Though a stormy flight the boys turn- ed oat a0 to a fire, and a pin80ait4 everting was spent The First Prize Wee wen by .1 P . Bo i, the Seeond by Adam Heys nod the Booby Prize was oaphtlrn d by .1. J. ('1ulf. 'This prize Ivae 11 rnee peek of cards treating the reeep!1•n6 would praotito and win first next y'.iar. FEMALE LECTURER DEPORTED Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Fob id— Lottie L. Tillotson. Mise Mary Mclean aline Melba Costello, who has during the post two years lectured in nearly every town and hamlet in Outario, ad. vortising herself as a native of Hawsft, was arr084ed here to.day by Travelog Immigration Inspector Raynolde, of Ottawa, for breach of tbo Oanadfan rn migration laws. The movements of he woman were regarded with eonaid . arable suspicion by the Dominion police authorities for some months past. She appeared before Pollee Magistrate Elliot this afternoon, pleaded guilty and was filled $50 and costa or three mouths in jail, After paying the fine Lottie watt deported to the United State's. On September 4, 1913, under the name of Mary McLean, the Tillotson woman iyaa sentenced to six months for shoplifting. In the mine year at Hamilton, as Melba Costella, she was given suspended sentence for the of. fence, Owing to the unlooked-for action of the Immigration talkers the much -advertised lecture of Mies Tillot- son ltl e110 of the leading eh0rehee to. night was necessarily called off, 0orne are emceed by the pressure of tight hoots, but ea 0130 need be troubled with them longwlooso simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Cure is available. The Old Times Dance Benefit of tht' Soldiers' Aid Commission will,be repeated' alt' Cardno's Opera Hall on Monday Evening February 19th. 1917 Dancing commences at half past eight o'clock. Excellent Music—SPECIAL PIPING and HIGHLAND DANCING Everybody Invited. Lalli ti y : tit brinx, Ctke; or Sandwiches Gentlemen --•-$l.00 t A. D. Sutherland, Secretary Gallery open to Spectator 25c )It a k ADVANCE SHOWING • OF LADIES' SPRING 1917 SUITS COATS SKIR PS WAISTS ADVANGE DISPLAY OF PRINTS and OTHER • WASH GOODS ALL PRINTS Guaranteed FAST COLO RS W. T. BOX & Co. elene1 urine Ass ettel1dXAL A11tXt(J 'QKf Gt 4 BMX yialdev0 el Uoverwnnt Dyitlotna aaii rennins-(jM noun Munana'rrl Yhnv4s .i llayht (1alJd rile usumutomautatoTettiumutuLea 'reit Celts Siegle apy Jibs lutel9 Guaranteed is the "Regina Watch: We back the Repine Watch for Service and Salisfacflori with our re- putation as watch mak- ers. Furthermore over 500 Jewelers in Canada are doing the same and a Repine Guaranteed i8 good al any of these 500 Jewelry Stores, The Regina Watch is univer- sally guaranteed for dur- ability, service and satisfaction. The price la the same as it always was 17.00 and upward according to grade. Every grade of Regina watch is guaran- teed to give perfect satis- faction. Sold only bp Jere( # . l fiitluu0t' Aa(11 os(ar En ' uotttge Enellern 3leterlereanit nipririantc 11orrincre l,loeneo beam PEIt!41( 199 gvcnleg 10 The store you will alwags t e. l IC C't .4it-10 iA7=r,=.2r'3-1'iT..i'.StiM8i WHEN Y BUY DAY GOO S -You go to the store in which • you have the: greatl'st confid- enc1. You (lo notjoclge. stores by what the CLAIM. to do, but Wrist Obey Do -do. You ,O 11' tilt' stole th;tt tett! know €1iWa4s giros all or more than. it pr,ani5:-'s, 31'11.1: sumo St 3rt;s •tre.. itiways ..1;aillltry tcl give. unheard of values, it is vice: ofte14 the ease ih-it same )ill's store, not claiming SO rna.:h 13 really giving BET- TER values, While we are firm. btlie.vers in advertising we .k1()w that we are judged mostly BY WHAT WE 1)0 and not by what we say hence we depend upon REAL GENUINE VALUE GIV- ING to get us customers and KEEP th ln), \Ve want YOU Jt MACTAVISI lEAFIE1RT1-1 WINTER OUTER APPAREL sours COATS FURS AT 25 tO 50 p. C. DISCOUNT 1 TWELVE CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS OF THE DESIGNER AND COPY OF STANDARD QUA R I ERLY ALL FOR 59c