HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-08, Page 5Page 5 swarseasswasesupwassessewain cauemeneeeseanineeeeeneeeestisaeseenieeeeensas [..1.00.111..,11104.1,141•04.11 TOWIITOPiCaS a tipts,wh1."11 Mail and 'Phone Orders eareittilyFp.,191 Being anxious to close up on Books it the end of the year we will be deeply obliged if parties having accounts with us will call and settle at once. 14, 73. Sear "The Howe of GoodShoes" Phone 5i Seaforth CREAM WANTED Send your cream to us and rooeive top ptioes. We are running out plant the year through and can handle your hull supply and funnel' you with cans. We pay tvrioe each month mid weigh sample,and test eaoh can of cream care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Vatroos " Patrons are requested to re lawn all our cans, when not iu nee, .a.attee an1Buttermilk oleo on hand a a for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. W.LWalkerli Sou Undertakers Embalmers W. J. Walker, holder of go. eminent Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " 18 ';:Y e,a110V26/ C 1:" STRATFORD. ONT....- Winter Term from January2nd We have Commercial Shorthand and 'relegeaphy Department Th couroes are thorough up to &instinct praotioal. The hastruotois ereex- perieueed and we aro iooivng eeeree ee applications for trained help we cannot supply. Write at once for particulars A. McLACHLAN eltINOWv1, MUSIC SISTER REellielit, who before becoming a sister was a teacher in the London Cowetraloy of MuSio, w giro Merica r1 In (*toll fteaforth in inetrumeutal and epee) neusio,epinno and violin, TAKES OFF D.ANDIVIYFF, ETAIR STOPS FALLING Savo your Hair] Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine right nous—Also stops Itching scalp. Tistn, brittle, colorless and scraggy i mute evidence of a negleeted eandruff—that awful scurf. nothing so destructive to as dandruff, It. robs the hair enen, 1UJ strength and its very life: eventually producing a feverish. nese and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roes.; to shrink, loosen and die—then th hair falls out fast. A little Ditudeetse tonight—now—any sur .; cavo your,halr. Get a 26 omit beaks of Krikr.1t41,1'19 raan,./”.ine item any drag aim" van itaire'y can have beautiful hair siid R, of lf,:f you will Just try a little Dan. Aerinet. Save your hair! Try itt ^NO, ed. to p4 /i! e F ro PRtiMIPTLY SECURE', In alt countries. Ask for our tIfIrfiNTOlitili ADV1514111, .which wilt bo seat free. MARION fie hiAllu49,'. Try us forA Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING OUR PRO I ALIA Call At • Bolton's BarberShop' OA1IDNOS 111.00K SHAFORTH Representative Wanted At once tor Seaforth and District for 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries', Spring 1917 Planting List now ready. Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental Stook, including McIntosh Red Apple St, Regis Ever - hearing Raspberry, and many other loaders, New Illustrated Catalogue sent on application. Start now at beet selling time, Liberal Proposition. STONE and WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries. (Eatabliehed 1837) Toronto, Ontario. The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario 0'0 Enuilutt A.bovrtintr All Mail Editions $3,00 Per Year SAVE THE PAPERS New . nit sr.itclifc r the next ueneetion shortly eater Christmas The papers are ail eon verted areata ntoney for eo.mforts for the sol- diers. Woutens War Auxiliary GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Dellitiotse "'Fruit Laxative" oan't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! 111 coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevlsh, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act natttrally, or is fever - lab, stomach sour, breath bad; has sere throat, diarrhoea., tall or cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of 'Figs," and In it foe' hours all tho foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its bowels without g-riping, and you have a web, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of "California Smits of Figs," whith con- tains, full directions for babies, cilia, dron anal Agee cud for grown -um, Mica A Campbell of Winthrop who has beau visiting in 13ayfield returned on Thursday. NO. A El (Irant of Clinton is reported killed in action, Mrs N. A. Willoughby Ithasion and Mrs J 11 13utton returned on Thursday from Ingersoll. Friday last was Oandleman (Illy It wise the stormest and coldest day so far this winter, Not rnuoh chance of Bruin seeing his shadow this yeae. Will 0 maim an early Spring? Mrs Geo Seip was called to Now ileinburg during the past week owing to the death of her mother. Mr and Mrs Wm, Flamands have been laid up with attitok of Grippe, Miss Edith McKay opens the week end with her atonic Mm IL Myers in Stratford. Miss Hilda Prudes. of Mitchell spent a few days with friends here Mr and Mrs John Robb of Detroit are guests at tho home of Mr Jemes Robb, John St Hazel Winters returned front Toronto on Saturday Mines Annie Gordon and Emily Deem left on Monday to Oxen(' the Millinery Openings in Toronto Miss Rena McGee of Toronto is vis icing her parents, Mr and hers Jan Mc- Gee, North Mem St. Mrs Chown of Clinton spent a few days in town Mr Keane of the Stratford Eforald was a town visitor over Sunday, Mrs E. Box and Mrs Norman Mo Leod were (sailed to Port Huron on Monday owing to the very serious ill - of their sister Miss Allan, Mr John Sutherland and son, Toronto are visiting his father Mr Alex Suther- land we are sorry to learn that Mr Sutherland has not been enjoying good health lately. Miss Wankle ia in Toronto attending the millinery openiugs. Mr and Mrs Wankle, Roxborugh are visiting friends in Port Elgin. Mr R R Scott was on a business trip to Brantford aid Hamilton. Miss Ruth Van Egmotid returned to Bradford Minn. Mrs E Hinohley and Mise Susy Govenlook are visiting friends iu Toronto this week. Gunner Russel Hays of the 60 th Battery Toronto spent the week end with his mother Mrs John flays. Miss Jessie Gemmel] has returned from visiting friends in Toronto. The monthly meeting for intercession on behalf of our soldiers, whieli was in the Methodist church last Monday afternoon ‚res well attended, These meetings, which are held on the first Monday eaoh month are profitable and it is hoped that every weinsan in the town will endeavor to be present. On 'Thursday February, fifteenth the beantiful Pillow Oases donated by .Mrs Bergen will he drawn for at the Red Cross rooms. Those wishing to Pro. cure tiokets.may do so any time before that date at Stewart Bros store 'Ticket's Islets each or 3 for Hots. Mr John Me Lennan has received a letter from his son Pte Me Leman who is in the Hospital at Shorneliffe saying that he had a box from the Seaforth Red Cruse and asking that they be thanked for their kindness, Nice L Vonalguiond went to Strati. ford yeaturday, Mr J 11 Rohl of town was appnisiteul vice president of the War Ankilirory which inertIn Clinton on Tuesday. Messrs Russel Dorranoe and (4 F ET ottot950 delegat es to the Fit '0 and Exhibiiimur Donvention in Toronto. 41 r Alex Bernet and family of Tuoirer. smith have removed to Toronto, . mesa el kis Ethel Williams has rowelled from 0 visit with Mies Violet Parkes Dunnville. Mine Id argo.rot Carlin. or Stretford vieited. Williains this week. Limit le C. Jackson of lilinnonthille of 257 th Railway Oonstruosion !intim im ()penning an office in Seaforth This Medical regelatione titlow Olen rojeot* ed on tho 'Oman', to enter. The officers, are all railway oentenctiora end engismere• Lienb, J admire is both having attented School of science 'rozonto. C/ol. Martin, in command, is alum 0 Oontraotorland engineer, Tti .SHAFinan't NLiW (tz,5„. E I RCLIE) COWAN 46, THE GOOD HOUsEwl.FJE Employing all the alimitig hours in true domestic art. And using all her given powers To do her ahem part. She seseepe and dada and (look and bakee, Without a famines' waste, Aohieving all that living makes, just to her dear onciai taste, lo habits and in p0111019 neat: In dispoaition kind, Her voice sof t, tender, tow and sweat, Bespeaks a balanced mind. Her children, bright, polite, and clean And trained in wisdom's ways, Are sure to loathe what'a false and mean, lu all their mortal days. And she oreates the air of home, The heartstoue's blessed light; And wheresoe'er her loved ones roam Her counsels guide them right This henvenlike where she abides, The faithful, true housewife; And when olio pilots, safely glides, Along the bark of life, A, S. Brendle, in Good Housekeeping THE ORDINARY WOMAN. The husband of the ordinary women has not the gift of making money . He works hard but it a poor manager and the wolf never gets far from his door. The good wife sews cooks and mends for the man who does not even give her a kind word for pay. One has most truth- fully said that for each of her children she trod the Gethsemane of woman only to go thru that slavery of motherhood which the woman endures who is too poor to hire competent nurses. For years and years she never knew what it was to have a single night's unbroken sleep. The smelt hours of the morning found her walking the floor with a babe or putting water to thirsty little lips. Theta was no rest for her day and night There was always a child in her anus or clinging to her skirts. Oftener than not she wan sick and nerve worn and weary almost to death but never failed to rally to the call -of "mother!" --sts a good slodiers always rallied to bis battle-ory. Nobody called her brave and yet, when one of the children oame down with malignant diphtheria she braved death one hundred times in bending over the little sufferer, without one thought of danger, and wnen the little one was laid away under the sod, she who had loved moat was the firet to gather herself together and take up the burden of life for the others. These ordinary women may not re- ceive's Carnegie badge for bravery, but "He who !narks the sparrow's fall' will certainly reserve for them the brightest jeweled crowns in His kiugdoin. ••••••••••.•.• You ()armor looked into the cradle and read the secret message traced by a divine hand, and wrapped up in that bit of clay, any more than yon eau see the North Star in the magnetic needle. God has loaded the needle of that young life so it will point to the star of its oven destiny; end though you may pull it around by artitioal advice and ininatual education, and compel it to point to the star which presides over law, art, poetry or inedicisse, or emir owe pet calling un- til you have satiated years of a proCion$ Me, whoa 0110o imp, the iiesulle flies hack to itis own star. No Rest With Asthma. Asthma ally attecke at night, the ono time whim - roe, is needed most Haulm the loss of strength, thio nervona debility, the lose of flesh and oth r evils wide!' nines be expeeted inflows relief is secnred. 1)r. D. ICelleg'e Asthma Remedy has proved to merit through yearS of service trait ivilt fairply'aorldnoe yen, A safe and Bina medicine for a, child troubled with worms is Mother Grave's Worms Exteeminator. Warts on the bands is a disfigure- ment that troubles many Wise Hollo- way's Corn (hire will remove the him- iehoswithont pain, 1 7591,1741,T, 411'95,7' Thursday;Feb 14114100,,W=VaiitiVOMPWWWX141393/43111414VAN94,4:4191V.oc,,,,,099149,,,,44,9=4".4=0,404aitilittikalla00104001,0100 Phoneqour Orders Stewarts Sell It For Less Mall Your Orders Fou speci,.1 ills Women% Coats and Snits All new style :g vat ;nts m oil to sell in the regular way and made in the very newest cuts and styles of the very finest materials, -all sizes, regular twice $9 to $25. RALF PRICE Mills Ends of Flannelette 15c Regular zoc quality, pure snowy flannelette In mill ends of 2 10 to yards extra good weight, special sale .price, 15C a yard Remnant Sale We have just placed another great pile of remnants on this popular counter. Remnants from every de- partment.lof the store: Many of,them largerTthan you usually find on a remnant counter. SPECIALLSALE PRICES Extra Good Carpet Ends Those are i yds leng of tapestry and qu ties, -imported samples, the very thing:for floor mats, bath rooms, kitchen:mats,,&c. Made from3mill tends of the best carpets SALE PRICE;69c STEWART BROS. 4190=09019361.111.5091Mataailaallaaaalak. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN JAN. 9, 1917 oEpAilrger:Arr or FINANCE OTTAWA alaidatlaranallillaMatintaallaalaaaaSanalaaalrallia409101 4-'411:1 it !tit ‘1"44' eel mat knee a.e hill LOW RATFS AND THOUGH TICKET.' To all Points in WESTERN CANADA )ind the PACIFIC COAST Electric Lighted awl Co gramt ably e4-jpped trains To obtain the !lowest fare futai Liemost eonvenint fll3tufiiqjapply to CHAS. A. ABEIWART Druggist Agent8 or write to R.. LFairbairn, General Passenger Dept., Fr bs King °A. i,, Toronto VIA CATCAMAN NORTHERN inteffeellegclien9096916eltaneeteRDP