HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-08, Page 4011f 410111. C DS.
lMp_trtau! MSSiteet•
ldata undo. sltd n.. waiaud.
attention to diseases of Eye, 11Th, Ne1w
tyre Throat.
Office and road e nee, behind Ik,ltnion Bank.
a 1titG.
Bike Phooa 1f o 9, Boldface.
gee. F. D• EUEtltt)Wlit F.eafotth. Office and
1': essidenps -- Bodelirh Street. east of the Aletho-
dht Church. Coroner for the County of ]meow
prtlephone.lVO, 40.
DES. Sealer tet MACKAY,Physielabe and
dist iCnners I1HScn'ne3 t4 3 Street. opposite Vienne
wort. graduate Victoria nud An Arbor, and
la nnhrtt Yf Auhnio Coach() of ky ynidlans nod
Bartok. Corona roc Couaty of Huron.
MACKAY. honor graduate Trinity University.
rraldmedalist Trinity Medical. College. Member of
Eve of Physicians and Fr. trgeons, (Mario.
rot. GEO.1IEILEIWAN Oot pithlk Stredall0
to WWmtn a dad children a Diseases and
Idh4ematfa"froubles. Acute end Chronic L)W
rodent. Eur, Eye. Nose end Throat. Adenoids
somoved without the knife, Consultation free.
e.*ay tccek over welter Willa, cdpao tattoo,
env e . Her 10. f3pr _iKdd,ty„eta 18 a.an
oedu.bvy; JOBB
PPaarriae licenses
atld nptStllan, ('tea
, ngeard ing wilt Uel Out,litee.'-al+lessr
1. 11D a IR A ii414 L.f re
:+.=, c+°'t Aev:nt for Wtldun E.Ue Enousnce Co..
and few hi l aarnntcrand Accident In,wonrx Co.
9aoPorth, O 33.
ares Watson
Geneva Firs, Life and Ao 18'33 t /neurone*
Agent, 0r3i1 dealer i0 1.1e10.31333 Arackhle,,,
Swain ;Wont, HCa)o:113,
THE, .11' trlW6AILLlipP
Menial 19=1 Ilisurance 133
Pear= awe }isolated Telma
Prefeerty sflyr ltatawreel.
OFF1r aS
J. 9. hider.. President. Seatordt; Jan. Con -
1005'. Vtce•W'e3ldoat. Godedch: Ilion It, Efaye,
etcrecary-Treaaucer. Senium],
D. F. fyfcGregor, Sartori* John G. Grimm,
Winthrop W. ]7]1313, Co'atan0et John ISmoewelo,
ifiroMcKeon. Clinttoon; Jobert hn9.9. 33IccLeau. Oeeaf000th
James Ca000lly, Canterrrclf Jon. 8"01,, Unnthwood.
Aiez. Leitch, Matlock; E. INochley. Seaforthp
William Cbennio . ttgmondva3e- J. W. Lteo,
lot newill 0 M. G. Jarmouth. Brodbageo James
Kerr and John Govenlocr, Seeforth, audltere.
Parties desirous to effect Inettrance or tmoaact
ocher baetne.•hr will be promptly attended to by
application Pfi1033 o o>$cecv. addceesed
an the
... _, w'nana...,11141 n.1.W. vay.
T "! AAI,010'ii NI \VS
! 4 Our Early Preaidenta,
From rho Office. I{
Phnom() 84
true .roller per year. strictly w oat aura ;
til not paid. in ...Immo, one dollar au4
11 pµ1,114, sliftsbrontnarentre. d. striehStates 1
When subrnrieers rhaant3C their address 44A
notlre should be','' pus intteediatedy, stelae !�
both the old and the new address. Sub.
scribers will confer s.
by notifying us
oany f
lreanlrty of dvry..
Beading hlotlwan"No reading notice.
advertising 915' entertainment or matter by
which mote re to Ix made by any person
or cause will be Insetted In Tug Naws
without charge. The price for the Inset•
Clan of bn01nese announcements is TEN
cents per count lisle each insertion to
parties having no contract for display
Insertion to those having display carameea
33001 for church. society and enhrtal0mcnt
re di 50 notices.
Cord of Thanks S to 9
Judicial, Legal. Oaiolol and (llororn-
mtont Notices -Telt cents per Ilio for first
insertion and five mento per lino for each
tuba:one, insertion.
Yearly one inch will] he inserted not
esm45.00 per r our. p•.vable strictly in advance
Display ,1400 tising-R3tea furnished
00 application,
"Advertinemento ordered for insertion,
wth1ll forbid," and those sent without
written Instructions will appear until
rrltten orders arc received for their dia.
Lottera to the Editor mast be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication. but me a guarantee of Rood
faith. The publisher accepts no moon-
sib(nty whatever for the statements rondo
In such communications. Letters on relt-
3110ea 33011300 Wdl not be published at all
except 130 paid advertising, plainly marked
ae such. The rate for such matter la ten
cents per ane.
General Observations
Promidr Usenet has called the Ont
alio Legislature for Eeb 13th. Itis n
great disregard of the bogy -man.
'ltltt? reads leading to til heroes ot
Our early Vlrghu t pre;tiilents bore llil-
td with adtuirere who arrived, accord-
ing' to the custom of the seuttl, by
coedit and chariot, !winging their 1)1»43 it
end their servants 11114 s1.a41ng some-
times for days to t'nuiher the Stables
and elllpty the 1133(1el'. Washington.
tele of the riche's( Americttes of his
generation, escaped Ieutkruptey, ban.
lug the fortune to die within three
years of laying d,-'lt ti the presidency.
The others all suffeet d, Jet1'erson paid
rthe penalty of tame by beteg literally
'eaten out of Melee lout home, and his
bllographer's idyll', eintelntnit that "no
hard work Was (l'ue at Monticello"
scarcely tallies with the assertion of
Ids daughter that Clic and her house-
hold servants were t ( semetlmes called
ippon to provide Lod.; ('or fifty people,
Monroe said of 103, t (1ltll3'8 that "some
Were bounties and Deme were etude.
On the whole he tit that there
were enough of tin: i, 31 leer to ()Meet the
letter, but, in his ,r leion, pensiols for
former prelldeut ,"'r,' a necessity,
since under our n ieeelcan pian they
meld not shat flee, '1 ,1108 and refuse
hospitality to th1' >,'ut3mentall horde
without discredit ie 1 .o' t:ountrp•-Hel-
an Nieolay in Cenfnr,' Jlagizuine.
More Than Gratuitous.
Apropos of the (e- ;eel of some host-
esses to invite CI :e„ienai artists to
their homes in the l '. 3 0". (Mime that they
will amuse their guests free of charge,
li Stm'y is told or :Meet, Bertlle Bady,
the famous Pari710 artist, who was
invited to a social y.11(hering and asked
by the hostess to tech(). She consent-
ed, and then, in order that there might
be no mistake about the matter, the
hostess said:
"How kind it le of you to work for
us in this friendly ruanneri"
The emphasis on tee word "friendly”
Was so marked 330 111 show clearly
enough that the service was to be gra.
tuitions. After the recitation was over
]dime Bady took a silver card tray from
a footman, and, imitating the musi-
cians in the cafes clientants, she made
a toter of the drawing room and col-
n bated whatever contributions were of-
efeted, and they were substantial ones,
it Then she handed them to her hostess
end left the house.
The Dominion Government is very
wine to atop all pnblio works until after
the war. It not only releases men for
farm and munition work but after the
war the returned soldiers will need the
employment these works will provide
Labor will then be plentiful. Now it
is rooftree.
Uo®operation of Parents
1 have been requested by several
parents to gay something to the stud-
eutsin refereuce to distraotious from
Scbool work in Shape of evening
amusement which have seriously inter-
fered last two months.
While we 00naider ourselves partially
respoesikio for those 0tudent0 who
Iive out of town ; on the other hand we
lerlts do not hold porta)) Vele open to censure
for the wase of time out of school hours
wharf's of town -residents. For these 1 the
l.inllne9t parent 10 wholly responsible; if one or
two cannot he dfsoiplired, how eon we
110 expnuted to discipline one hundred
end nighty •Ove or ninety? Shute I ha' e
0()000 to this 8ohocl I thieit ,that the
diatrautiotel to which the pupils partici-
; pate have been trebled
Unless Stuff and parents 00 operate
the highest efficiency cannot be realized
For the last twenty years BeaForth's 0
I. has held an enviable record among
the sohonl0 of Ontario and 1 think that
more than half this aueees0 nen be
attributed to the attitude of parents.
and teachers 111 making pupils realize
that they are at 0011.01 for worst, not
In thrs., slrenu,110 d3y0 they cannot
h. allemod to f, ietvr rtty iy th,•ir val0-
-.,hh• 11010 NOW by 3.11.0 , by n o 111e41.r
3t.) 1 tllelt, t.'. 3,aply that e,331,3 el (),')elms
ah,,13,3 Not ba. law:Flit.ted ':au..., or 1wi.',.
•1 u'..lr, ,,y til.,.;:. .;r.. ,3.03 ,,3334' h--a33,`Ite fel
.13 :01,413117,11, r Inti I hat hy a;l 341,•93 5
,..... ,r at 10 s S.11. :,111 3(-'ts.
r11 1,o:. Ifn'•:'n or nett revs
For Sale
'. L. KEY, Serdrorltt•
a !;t til 1 !93333 33 3
i 4„ 11 ad dgvcr-
il 4t,atl'71f t (333330: 55
illt)Ntr CJ(t Bible$ BPIF
.v Oo ire.r.
Sardinia's Great Festival.
Each "pease" or village of Sardinia
lbws its annual festival to celebrate the
birthday of its own particular saint or
some other church feast- The most
renowned of these is the "festa" of
Bt. Edsio, the national feast of the
island. The ceremony is in the form
of a procession from Cagliari, the chief
city, to Pula, a village nine miles away,
with the return to Cagliari. The saint
was an official in the army of Diocle-
tian and for his conversion to Chris-
tianity was beheaded at Pula
At midday of May 1 the p330ceasion
leaves and returns on the evening of
May 4. It Ls composed of a cavalcade
of horsemen, all in the costume of the
ancient Sardinian militia, escorting the
Image of the saint, which is preceded
by musicians playtug the ianneddas,
an instrument made of three or four
reeds of different lengths and resem-
bling the pipe of ancient times, -Na-
tional Geographic Magazine.
he., b'",t1 run,
e¢,•r' I - r 1
1"1403.03.0 1'3 31') .rl•r,1:U331t'
(''133. 13 10 00.11`1. to 13130 dn•
7@f:! FV`kvi(1('G�•
Mit stripe yid 1 h�
()qui 'C33 r; hlt.'.F'*V
atone 543
National Sanitarium
The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free
tloepitel for (Anthem pti ves tleei1ea
gratefully to nukIIOwlelitie the folluwiog
133413 tf11)11t101133 received in 8eafnrth by
the Field Staretttry of the National
'1Hil i twitter ,A.05oei ation
t 4illeetinn $2 05, John Finlayson
$13( 00, Dee- Scott et Aleekay $0 00 JI
11. Reid $2.00ItM .1 0,155 2 00 W. It
with 2.00 . 11 K Scott $2,00 W Mich
$e.00 Fred S Smog() $2 00, DI'.
Burros. $2 00 Rev loather Ooreorau$2
Rev, F 13 Lerkiu $i ,(10 Beattie Bros
$I 00 W. J. Walker awl don $l 00 0
Albt'rlert $t 00 J F Daly 81.00 M
SluKeliar $1.00 A. L Stone $1,00 Jae
Nelsen $1.00 W Plant 8000 Robb. Bel
$01 130 Stewart Bros $0.00 RevGeo.
11,Kiuley $0 00 A A, Sutiterl0nd $2
,101131 Rankin $2 0)) J, McTavish $2 00
.3 W Beattie $2 011 0 II Haigh $2 011
W3 bl Kerslake $2 00 G A . rSills $ 50u
Harv, leather Northgraves $1 00 W
Morrison $1.00 W Somervile$1 00 R
1t' Ross $I 00 H Levans $1.00 Thee
Daley Sr $1.00 W Willis $1:330 Messrs
Turnbull & McIntosh $1 00 N (111111' tot
Mone $1.110 A 0 Hazen $1.00 4:J 0
Greig $1.00 Total $88 08,
History Mado Palatable.
Joseph Salvador, the French histo•
rlan, and Jules Bandeau, a novelist,
made their meeting at a public recep-
tion the occasion for a dispute as to
Hie respective places which they occu-
pied in the world of letters.
"The reading of history is like a pill
-it needs the sugar coating to make it
palatable," argued the novelist.
"Ah, but it is the ingredient which.
cares, not the coating," remarked the
"Then let us divide donors," said
Bandeau, "for if it were not for my
eugar coating your historical facts
would dry on the shelves."
"I say, Dick, lendme another ten,
veil] yon?"
"Heavens] Wlly don't you go to
work and earn money?"
"Don't dare to, my boy. People
would think the governor had disin-
herited me, and that would ruin my
credit." -Boston Transcript.
Bad Mixture.
"3 like a man int tells de truth,"
said Uncle Eben, "because I kin trust
him. An' I don't mind a man dat tells
a falsehood, 'cause I kin ketch him at
it. But the eau dat mixes up de two
is terrible hard to keep up will" -
Washington Star.
An uureeerved Auction Salo will be
meld on 't'hureday Peb., 15th -19t7,on
bot 3 1 on Oon6,6, Joiu1 Filrguson's Lot
Hallett at 1 p. comprising 001 head of
cattle and grain as follows,
Ring. Herford Oow, 4 yrs in calf,- Here -
lord heifer, 2 yrs , 8 grade Durham
heifers. ill calf, 8 Hereford steere.,2 yrs
t Holstein heifers, in calf. 2 fresh cows
with salves, 2 grade Durham sows to
freshen in Feb, 20 head of one and two
year old heifers and stoer% 2 driving
(nares, 4 yra Ladies' driver, 16 pigs 4
ehropshirelewes bred 00 bus seeds oats
quantity of millet seed, new buggy,
vlaseey Harris drill, galvanised tank,
12 barrels,
These articles will all be sold as 1
nave neither room nor feed.
Terms -$10 and under oaeh, Over
that amount 5 months credit. 6 per.
ueut per annum allowed for oash.
r. Grundy Jas, E Medd
Auctioneer Proprietor
Her Affliction.
Nleee - Katherine wriles 1310 that
Mrs. 1k39313er has got the alhnlnly.
Aunt Stehle-- Dear, (learn I'm afraid it
will go hard with her. She Is a frail,
nel'rena er(ature.--i.schange.
..tolsomob,t 1,3re3r n
011,113,31e. t.. til 1 the sogwly
3'.i.•r 1141114' 11, Gil, no 111 ei"'•,, aa.
f,31'' ',1l,rl.'L'11-..thus 4l" the or:mos 01
'r, ';,ti' e!,l133 ,.013,,!. (1:'1111,11 tY
'ri4'd..t•cly - Y"nra
l: h RnHa
ldii-or'39 Lelurol 1'uwd,•rs aro 0omp1e13'
is rho>n-aetvow, l here rot (rely drive• Worule'
1rr,r11'ha eyet0m, but, repairthl, (borings
that 170033ls anus.. and so Invigorate I he,
3tah3titntten that, 51 speedily 3ee0vel81
from the disorders of the dfgeeti1n that''
are the rl,stllt of the work of the these
paceeitio intrud#r0. They do their teeth
therollghly and strength end. S011ndtiese
follow their 1000.
Euchre Party
'('ho 101.1(111 WO Petty held fit aid of tele
1304 (truss was vor,y Httle(1Pe1fnl. The
OommiIt„ 0In clutr'gotreporta tltry rue-.
eivecl $181) 68. Tie expp315338 were
830 01 lime/mg 0 helium() of $180 whwh
Was h 1)11(133(1 to the !teal Cruse
Phu highest prise WW1 won by 151 es
Wm southern and ]tole (,proal end the
lowest by Miss 81 M"Key said Jas,
Willis. 'file prises wore (t,.autlful
silver and copper apeeiinetle deputed by
Mr Jas. Dello; re Luke Lindau, el3ult.
brother of Mut duo 13uattre of town
The Oil of Merit.- It is not claimed
For Dr, Thomas' Eoleotrio oil that it
will cure every ill, but its uses are so
various that it inay be cooked upon as d
•gonoralpain killer. 1t has achieved that
grea1ue05 for itself and all attempts t.
surpass it have failed. Its excellence is
known to all who have tested its virtues
and 1carat by experience.
A Senile.
A 913]110 111(1 1934 a kind herbi, a pleas-
ant friend, en affectionate brother, a
dutiful son, a 111tilpy husband. It adds
a charm t0 beauty. and it beautifies the
fare or the deformed.
Ah Easy Ono For Henry,
Mrs. ()wens (paasiug in her writing)
-1103117, what is the name for the peo-
ple who come after us?
Owens -Collectors, my :Tema -Boehm
First harmer -Ile Hank getting any
reanit:t from his scientific tarmingl
Sceond Farmer -Gosh, yea! You can
I almost hear the mortgage growl -Glx•
The best of us lack 100r0'n wloga Pia
be angels. --Thomas L3. Aldrleh.
Fertilizer and. Lime
Any one;wanting ; fertilize
should secure their supply
at once and get our prices.
They arelow.
Austin Dulmage
Phone 4 on 161
A 13111'0 for .ilhenm,ttism,--'A painful
and persistent ferns of ritenuttatlatu Is
caused by impttrtties to the blood, the
result of (1eteetiv0 8at1031 of the liver and
kllhl0)8. net blood 110000108 touted by
the introduction of uric a';id• whlult
(muses emelt pain in the tlesut'O and to
the ,joints. Purmelee's Vegetable Pills
are known t0 have elteeted 0183(9 re.
markable 0111.511 11.114 their lase is strongly
reeteutn8ulled. A trial of thole will Butt
valve uuy0u0 of their value,
and if you have thin hair -if you are
bald --do not tides aeeiug Darenwend's
Exhibit of Human Hair -Goods for
ladies and gentlemen,
at the Commercial Hotel 011 Thursday
Feb. 10tH, 1917. The display will
luolude Ladies Bwitehe0. Coronet end
Fanny Braids, 'fraos[ormatious, Pom-
padours, Waves,Obignone, Bangs, and
for bald 114017 33003)033 and wig structures
that will benefit the health and appeal,
twee. 'There is 110 charge fo. n dem-
Cure Sick Headache,. Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stoen1ch, Bad
Breath--Gattroy Cathartic.
No odds bow bad your liver, atom-
aoh or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, Indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels -you always get
relief with Cascarets. They imme•
diately cleanse and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the 'sour, fermenting food
and foal gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry oft the con•
etipated waste matter and poleon
from the intestines and bowels. A
10 -cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
83823810 00018 98 10313
Hv 333ano
si 001339014
,emu ag rano
sa.mn 2mnu3 7 103 3 01 00 palma Nam.
Sand pun 000133 1l SUuopuaa 6yy pun '29313.113
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Note 0,03e1G '501033Iranimu,130 a6 1te )0 u,
one 04) to a0oie a10tm& .slew sn0uo3at 01910
]meaner eem 2vniso[also yns 3141u1 sl
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