HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-08, Page 1w. T. ' ex 8e fro. Furniture Dealers Phone 50 1 y New Series Volume 14, No. 39 166111.111,.. 13£1t/0.6118610..111120 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY S 1917 WANTED 50 GIRLS 50 OR MORE The W. E. Sanford Mfg. eo. of Hamilton has pn+rchased the Taylor -Anderson eo. Clothing Factory in Seaforth. And are go- ing to carry on the business from this out for which purpose we require more than 50 girls assistants. The working hours each day are 8 to b except Saturday 8 to 12 each week. We guarantee steady work the year round. Nice clean work and girls milia good wages. We pay highest wages while learning Apply or Write to Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTI ONTARIO Economically Managed - 1(Ome fasts regarding the Patriotic Fund Work in Huron la utero are fregiont evidenoos that :iso work of the Patriotie Branch for a:Haron Cotlnrty is trot a8 widely known it's it should be to prevent ritiuunter dtnuding, bhp following item gleamed corn the proceedings of the last mon• Isly meeting of the Executive, its God- orioh should prove ofintereat to those Wishing to know the facts as well so to the people of the (bitpty as a whole: Since tiro opening of the work not Itewer than 850 families have been tealt with from this office in Goderieh and at tbo present time about 300 are mat"riio list fur monthly allowances. The toted payments for the mouth of January will aggregate $4 60: iuolud Sing the amounts ttttainud and placed in tiro Savings Bow to the credit of alta keneficiarieo. it is worth noting that Ibis system of saving out, half the mon. thly allowaouu adopted by this Branch has boon found of groat bueeftt to part- , oipitnts who found thumaolves in a omorgenoy which needed the help of a little randy cash, and this oxemph) of .the Euros branch bias been u,ged by slid Ottawa Eat ontiye pair general nal- 9'ptlon, many An ati�..4tutl lttlttelettot from Ottawa The Br1ah authorities represent that bow that in the sulfa ;.f 1916 and it is absolutely ueoeseary that tn,;,tbovo regulation should be complied with. L'harefore uu and from rho 1st Feb 1917, the Post Offieo Department will refuse to ae00pt any suoh pantile for prisonerb of war in Marmite: 'rho De partment is advised by the English au thoritea that such paresis cannot bo ao °opted for transmission to the prisioners and could not get through, �� a ooze y iorroare on Deo, 21ut, but, with the through its Loudon Office undertak, s beau's balance paid, the amount to bo ttollooied and ' cotisidored good was $454.75, anti theie understood will he all in shortly The expellee of the working of .tho Patriotil Branch in this County is Ices lhau n of one pet cent, made up of a dead salary for olerital help office rout printing, etc, and not with standing au tooaetonal imprea8iun to the ooutrary, lot ono thine Iota over been paid to the ffioialp who aro oouduethig the work. other about 35 oaaualties . are undo o naiderbtioo for thin Country up to date Then, second, the care of Disabled soldiers who are returned to this County. This work, involving ooutinn- ous acid careful attention, will be under taken by the War Auxiliary of the Oonnty, Mr. W. Brydone, of Olincoil, she Oounty President, addrossing the County Council on Tuesday hast on operation in tho work. It will be satin from tiro above that the work its connection with Huron,, share in the war is no small mottos. but the Executive and the officials who are oarryiug it on do so with a desire to do "their bit" wiiiingly and cheerfully. For a time the work was coudueted under extreme difficulty, with no proper office accommodation, cut now a room in the Masonta Temple building is occupied and with ark -quote equipment tbere is no delay iu tuiy part of the work. Parcels to Prisoners ThtPost Office Department is in re- ceipt of et cablegram from the British authontes rt prtnent that 710 parcels coo tanning foodstuffs or artinlss of olothu,g tihtntld be for.vartled in fixture from Canada for Prisoners of War in Ger - .1b.1.6 a total of $63,020 was drawn from tbo generalfuua lot• distributiou hn Huron Outinty, cud this large num has been handled hero without the Aisagroomont of ono emit with the andit at Ottawa. A report from the Executive of the Oftioeus' Campaign food of 1915 and 1916 in (3oderioh showed that 1nuludiug she town's share, about $2,365 was In lie Oauadtan Rea Gress S t Tv Nther branches of war work aro looming up, and will likely entail arge amount of labor separate from th Irtlinary patriotio work 'Those are, first lir- 'ti cion branch Within the foot ten lays about thirty sets of papers for, ottlitg claims have bacin received eo o'f Your should bo uddretstd to 11 e 1,21,6:10.t 0IC0, eh(1 tbtttt lil'N 1Oto " till , lir fb„I L aTtlatl(ire of War Dtgnu't�(Itut Carunlii:n the io,s a fwCiirvk.b what's. , fled Oroeb Society and should contain ' . he soltlfurs' funtihra li•ee,,to 6e 'fined ui, linforntatictt to tiro following forth;— oil suet in t'0.11.1" I..atrultiti Official toot, No. 1234o, Pto. G Robinson,Ind that, lorw:ead,•d to the'Peusiens 48111 Highlanders, Oa,, , Omit, 3otrd et 0..taws for •sottleosent Alto- 13 E F. Can Prisoner of War, Gottitgon, (lernteny, that •,very Canadian prisoner shall receive adequate reliefin food and clothing, bonding ono parcels (ivory week to each prisoner. Therefore, ex lilting Organizations should continue their worst of collecting funds to be scut to the Canadiotl Red Oross Society and it is moat desirable that they should not relax their efforts in this respect. Portions desiring to have additional food or supplies sent to a Canada. Prisioiet' should scud mon0y for 'et purpose to tiro Prisoners r" • ' t"list paitmeG'yrut, Oanadia, ►' yJse IKt"r Ds' A letter ogntn' stS Snuieiy asking tate ..at(i•,i 1„,romittanco and montr erb(t;ners' of War .Depart. .1ttt',e& iitn Rod Oros Society, to pr ,saki Or othor articles to a•ptision- W. T. ''BOX df( ( gifigA011:68 Ain i•011814Al. DIIt3O11)1t$ Ileldots of cove mnostt Dypimaa tnri 14e0ts0- d1nsaOa,t Mooe1nA737 l'Jto., 1 Nit kl OsAls 1t/sl) Two Cots &Ingle Iopy etira of Prisoners of War Dept. Can Rod Gross Society rho remittance should be in the form of a rest office Money Order drawn in favor of the Prisoners, of War Depart• wont, Oandian .Red ()roes Society for the Prisoner of War in question. Any person wislttng to send a romit- tanoo direct to a Prisoner of War rosy do so by meats of a Post Office Money Order, wich is issued free of Oommisson. Inotruotions as to how to proceed eon be obtained from Post- master of accounting Post Offices. Parcels for prieonere of war contain- ing artioiet which are not prohibited, may be sent fully addressed to the de- tivation in the form above pore of Prisoners of War Department, Canad- ian Red Cross Society, London, Bug. to be forwarded alter they have been censored. Detailed regulations respecting com. mnnioation with Prisoners of War are being issued to the Postal Servide gen- erally, and full information may be ob. tailed by making application to any Postmaster. Red Cross The seoratary ,rttports the folluwin articles for January. 120 malts of pyjamas 36 Flannel shirts 6 Hospital Hight shirts 5 dressing gown 156 pairs of socks 318 'rowels 30 Personal Property Bags TREASURERS REPORT Jou. lot Balance cm Hand .............. $ 590.I3 A friend ...... •.............. 200 00 W J Brownell..................... $25 00 Mise Lukas 25 00 Duncan McDonald Cromarty... 5 00 Presbyterian 8 Sehuol,.........., 15.00 Winthrop Brauoh R 0........... 90.00 Mra 0 Diokson ,. 6 00 Mra Rudolph ....... ............ Olympie Restatrant .......... Geo B Abraham Lather Iowa,,. Ladies Aid Pres Chnroh tea... No 4 :school McKillop ........ ,., A friend ........ .......... Mrs A E Colson. ................. Fees .................... Mra Kelly„. .... Monthly Uontributions ,,.. 'focal Receipts ,,,.1248.73 EXPENDITURE J A Williams ...,,,, Mrs 'rhos Shade ................. Dry (loads ... Total Expenditure Bulauoe on Maud Josie Neil Public Donations School Bones NO 4 Pupils Eutertainment„",,,,,,,,,,,,,10.00 Poet 0f1'iee Box ...... .................. 46 Bank of 0ommoroo.. .14 Dominion Bank........ .28 'Dotal ,..... ,...,,.. .., .. 46.28 1 We now have• three persons who have kindly promised to keep a Belgian family for a year by paying $2 50 per month Mr. Robt Jones Mrs DeLuoey and Mre Chas Stewart We also had a special donation donated by Mr Robt Jones 55 the amount of a bag of flour. • Mrs J 8 'Thompson Treas. ROBERT 0. MARSHALL Tbo death took plaoe on Monday afternoon of Robert 0, Marshall, at the home of hie daughter Mre. Wm. McKay, Noxon street, The late Mr. Mardi:di had been confined to his bed about ton days when death palled him He was a native of Ireland and Came to Oanude wheu a young man He was a euooessful farmer in West Oxfcird and West Zorra, Some twelve yearsugu Ile went to Alberta where he remained for eigltt years He returned to Ingersoll four years ago and had resided With his daughter Mrs McKay up to the time of his death. The family surviviug are ten dough - tars and three sone namely ; Mrs. F. Lowell, Mrs. E Sage, West Oxford Mrs 11 Duret, North Oxford ; Mr 13oam, Dioksou Mrs. 1. Smith, 13, 0, Mrs. A Willoughby and Mrs J: Button Sea Porth, Mrs W • Brooks,. Durham M re A, B. Hughson and Mrs: Wm. McKay Ingersoll ; Fred and John of Alberta and R. Marshall West Zorra, and one sister Mre • Beukerton Barrie. The funeral was held from the resid• mice of Mr and Mrs. McKay on Wed- nesday afternoon with ittsrntent in the lugersoil Rural Cemetery. -1 ribune HELP TO WIN. Tboss who cannot go to the Front can help in a most practical way by saving their money and placing it at 1 50 the disposal of the Govornment to assist 1,50 in financing the war. 1.00 As an.inCentive to thrift and groater 540 national saving, the Govert,meut of 1000 Uonada has created an issue of War 14 00 Savings Oerttficates, in order that all 6 00 who are desirous of helping financially, .25 may have the opportunity of doing so, 15.00 The Certifioatos, which mature in 2 75 three years, are issued in denominations 1 00 0l $25 00, $50 (10 and 5100 00 and 234.20 may bo bought at atiy 13,1n11 or Motley (ardor Post Uliice. 'Ilio prices are 521:60 $43 00 and 586 00 respeutively,—that 2 6(1 is to say for ev ry $21 fill. Ieut to the 1.411 Government tow, 525,00 will be re - 404.14 turned +t tho end of three years. The 468 04 disoo tut of $3 fid constitutes a most 780 69 attrttotive interest return, Provisim, is made whereby the oert•- itioates may be surrendered at any time during the first twelve uroliths at their urchase price, after lalmon the but with u twenty-four mouths, at 522 25, and Ler twenty-four mouths, but within hirty-six months, at $23 25 for every $21:50 paid. T1132 means that the !huger the oertificttes are held the! higher the rate of- tuterust that will bo obtained. Belgian Relief Report p for Jan. a t Private Donations Juo i:iankin..... 6,00 Mr Jones 9.41.1 ... 2.50 Mr Jones I bag ..... ...... ............ 5 00 ;Loh f ertilioatia ill registered at Mrs ('bus Ntewart ................. Ts,OVD OttatYa iu tilt, none of the Mra Alf Box ..,....,..,. 2.50 MI's DeLaoea,,..,,..,.a.at....•” . 2.60 Mrs Weetoott ................ .. 1,00 Mies yaiti Hutchinson .., aJ 50 Dr It R Roos...,..,,,..., Wta Wilson... . ,.,., „, 5,00 .. .,. 1.00 Anders Carter .• ,25 Mrs Norman r ' ` Henry h t•senartor......... ......... 1 76 Intal ilerson......10 (1 36.00 buyer and, if loot of stolen, is valnaeles to. tt ulna else. Individual purchases ave lithibetl to $1,500. For full information apply at any Bonk or Money Order Poet OSioe. BUY A CER'TIF!UA i'E TO -DAY Olt START TO SAVE FOR ONE W. T WH111C, Minister of Finanoe, OTTAWA. COMMENCING ISIS WEEK Three New Departments Helpful, Interesting and Entertaining Featur• that will snake each issue of this paper worth full year's subscription price. Tach clepartw' charge of a specially qualified writer. Ant is fill Prof, Henry G. Boll will conduct a quer department called "FARM CROP QUERI" 41-13n and answer Law will have oharge of a splendid D =a1;' and M, Helen entitled ''YOUR PROBLEMS," The Apartment for Women oolnlc serials published. You ' ib tomes one of the beat "DOINGS OF THE DUFFS." nCti1}t thoroughly enjoy the Full particulars will Gt' Turn to them now and coo a 'fah/ad elsewliere In thio Thou% information that will be 4'abdiAr. thevaltiablo and Intorestin9 (1 g1ipiflacl to. ,giant each week. Old Time Dance The 010 '1'imt, Dance on N'riday night happened on one of the oold.•et of the season end the attendauoe was only fair 'Those who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves rho pipers K D McLennan an 1 Ray Vlogtnsle of Duck• now brought book fond metnorias to maty. 'Tht. Highland dtnuar Jlmnty Roes was soon at his boat and ,vas re peatedly repelled PP. E „ hitter who was throughtaverai bitable at the front before he ,tits wouued et Ypres gave an exhibition ou the •'Bucca" which took immcussiy 01511 aIle tianoer, He also gave a snort talk uu ,tfo to the Crouch . By spatial request the Uommittee ere repeating the Deuce ou Alouday night Fob. 19111 l'ho Uommittee are n,dobt.•d to the Nlarahauta, Unmans, Mntstutuus, Flour Managers Lind ethers for then kindly asststauues. 'Thu net proseone or 5118 !lave been tt'anslert'ed to the Seal'urth Brooch of the Soldiers did Uuutnttsatuu Wounded Mr John Soott of Roxborough reo eivod tour that his son Pee James Stott had bon,. wuuudod to aot,on He enacted at Edmonton in Oct 1015 and has been in the trenches moo June 211d 1016 Hu was shot to the face oud is bow u, tho huspual Pio Scott wont through the Bottle of tiro lawn e without a sprit, h ' d.... .5•.4.1u L.+�°'",,as+iv±r;tv.,EMEs. The old Times Dance Benefit of the Soldiers' Aid Commission will be repeated Cordon's Opera Hall on Monday Evening February zgth. 1917 Dancing commences at half, past eight o'clock. :4 Excellent Music ---SPECK L PIPING and HIGHLAND DANCING Everybody Invited. Ladies please bring Cake or Sandwiches Gentlemen—$1,o0 A. D. Sutherland, Secretary Gallery open to Spectator 25c hos Aching Epes . qre probablp in need of something to remove Me ache. Probable there is o littk correction neces- sary that cord be made by glasses and al ,small expense, We haoe Become miry proficient and buccae$/ul with our Optical Dapard- ment and would be glad to have you call and have your eyes examined if in any doubt about pow' epos sv xarnlnation is .Free Boxroom' tin aiaflttlly & Otaalitrny lewd ern auk (Opticians M•trrlapo Liconee homers PHOi78 lilt itvents? 15 I :vr:PORT-#N C ANNOUNCEMENT 12 CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS OF THE DESIGNER, Books to be called for by subscribers at pattern department -- A COPYUF THE CURRENT' ISSUE OF T'HE STANDARD QUARTER)/ containing c•'rtifcate good for 15c in the purchase of any Standard Pattern, ALL P ) R 5) E V C.3, - Y t sr l-iit chance at this low price. FINAL' rLEA of Ladies' l e fly -4o-4 AN E fear° Apparel The very cilanee you have been waiting fOAr to get the garment you Want at a nnere fraction Of its real Worth. We have tut the Prices TO THE LAST NOTCH e;{irecfi a omplete and clearance of ever Suit, Y u t, and Dress in our stock These prices mean money sawed to you, evert if you don't need thiel goods 14311-11 next wisher. fgnal Boat LADIES' COATS SUITS FURS Thi: a Fi'tCtI ori of Regular Prices Spring $15 Garntenti .s Now Model Suit $20 .e Half Shown by us now, 105 .Ar PriceAdvance, , ,,show.iiit of Ladles' -spring snits and cotta 1917 Now is the Time to Buy (a� d Els s W fated 4FA (0 ?T M a c t s 'i S E iA'xnE"z Aoyama