HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-01, Page 5P •t4r4 21 pWplYliWiullikYYl.t.(Y�1nGITF4b'AYS�la11W'lNliiN.aniFtIGIRCMAAWA�7M ...... ..... .:..... »... .: .......-..... .. ......, ....�. .. - (; h :W teiele allatel£FaltaalteeItra'ateartleaF•'else:o-getterielee elletteire:W:+larat Vreta. Mail and 'Phone (Order'sc ealrefallY )Rril .c1 www...w..o.•.,v....,...w,..w.•.•+.,+.,,...n..,,..+r,.W.....• .«�.�+..,,,,,w., ,.«, NOTICE Being anxious to close up our Books Ott the end of dile year we will be deeply obliged' if parties having accounts with us will, call and settle rt�t once. ReRe Wo';tilt'�a jfa,e, mw...� l4>zv� i s r "The Moine of ood:511°es" Phone 5l Seaforth utvolummosmieu ••arsetea tg"^ mr—um mmnt0t,00m CEA(! WANTED Send your Dream to us and receive amp prices. We aro running our plant She year through and can handle your full supply and furnish you with Dane. We pay twice each month and weigh oample,and teat each can of cream care dully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons" Patrons are requested to re tern all our aans when not in use, 'utter au I Buttermilk also on hand ltd for at market prises. The Seaforth Creamery Co. Wt Jt Walker 8d Son Undertakers o•d Embalmers V. J. Walker, !solder of go, ornnteot Diploma and License Day or Night polls receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " 18 gas a ,•'til . ^s �n a,� tei't tatiF -.r t' 140tA 1, f'/ STRATFORD. ONT.,— , Winter NT., -- Winter Term Prom January 2nd We have Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy Departtnemt•, The 'sources are thorough np to dateand practical. The in atruetors oreex- perinnesd and we aro rooeiving acorea of npplieatione for trained help we cannot supply. Write at once For partionlara A. NicLAGHI_AN• eeteoti'V L. MUSICS 8.l$TE1t REMIG1A, who before becoming a sister wits a teacher in the London C'onservatory of Maio, w give lips' is rt ('t• J1s1the Conve. Seaforth in instrumental and vocal 'ramie, piano and violin, I117 YOUR MED ILS moss, 1C''lG' 17E:RISJfi, CaDN STIPATE D Look Mothers! If tongue Is coated cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving "Culifornia Syrup of Figs," because in e few hours all the clogged -up waste. sour bilo and kw/pouting fond gently moves out of alio bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take thea Iose "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers troop it handy be- cause they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and Bore. Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bole tie of "California Syrup of Pigs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown -ms. PROMPTLY FRED in.idl couotrilms: Ask for our INtrEN'i•011E l work initis you Bleep—a i(1 cent hos ADVISER, Which will be sent fres from your druggist will keep you, feel- 1V1A11I011 in ing good for months. Try us frac A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING ot7R SPECIALTY Call At Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNOS BLOCKSEAFORT'H Representative Waited At once for Seaforth and District for 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries', Spring 1017 Planting List now ready. Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental Stook, inoluding McIntosh Red Apple St, Regia Ever - bearing Raspberry, and many other leaders, New Illustrated Catalogue sent on application. Start now at beet selling time, Liberal Proposition. • STONE and WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries, (Eetablished 1837) Toronto, Ontario. The Brest Newspaper Value In Western (Antario lime late . btirrtiurr All Mail Editioea $300 Per Year SAVE THE PAPERS Nu„ nt of esia t sfrI the next collectins shortly after Christmas The papers are all eon vei"ted into -P,fion y 1d15N° comforts plop[ thesot- die Wutncaa:.i War ilatalilary 11 CUNT O r lJ,G.PS9iLl'.6laln3:,T " IF BILIOUS OR !Caba,TEi'I£ For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels -They work while you sleep, Furred Tongue, :Clad 'Paste, Indigoes. tion, Sallow Skit and Miserable Ilea d - aches come from a torpid liver and /slogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a sw111 barrel. Theo the first stop to untold misery--lndi- gestion, foul gasps, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Oaacaret to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They .••.•••wa "l e•....wtl .••dd,,•••.••••It0 t lownTopfics •a a..�.., u n,.,,.,.tt a «....0 n...-.. u u.�.w�• s n.....d, u Kt Miss Hazel Winters is a Toronto vielt, or at present, Mies ISdiohoffor, Stratford visited friends horn, Mr O 1, Willieme druggist is in ►'pronto this week having Leen palled there again owing to the enticed ouucli tion of hie mother. Mr la Nurahall and Miss O I\"srinl of St. Marys were the guest Mrs W nt elorrow• lilies Kirkpetriok of Mitobell is visit 1 lug friends Lore. Mrs 13. (lr'aw'ford aloOelland of Baden was a guest, at the home of her her mother Mrs R. S. Hays Mike Latvia of Ganame rte ie visiting riendlr tl"t'e . Mr, 0, Reilhby of Auburn and Mr A. '1', (limper of (Minton were guests ,i t• the paraeoage lust week Mrs ,las. Wimple is viaitiug her daughter @ilea Mnry in Parkhill. Miss Sparks of Stratford was a visitor Art town duriug the past week, Miss Evelyn tlroig in visiting in Strat- ford , Mr and Mrs Mayers Stratford wero gnesto at the home of Mr and Mrs. Heigh Me Kay over Sunday. Mims Laura Mole npent the week end with frisude at Porter's Hill, Mr Jas Rankin has been indiaposod for n few days. Mies Mason who has been viaiteg her sister on John St returned to Hamilton Mr and Mrs H Mo Kay, Port Huron are visiting rho litters sister, Mrs Nor- man Mo Leod. 'Min Anna Bell Streoteville spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr Mrs Robt Bell. Miss Jessie Wilson leaves on Satur- day for Owen Sound to attend the bug. cess College there, Mrs J W Button was oalled to Inger soli on Thursday on Recount of the death of her father Mr R 0 Marshall Messrs R. E. Coates, John Finlayson and Herbert Box have donated a hand acme leather upholstered chair iu aid of the Soldiers Aid Commission the draw- ing will take plaoe at the Old Time Dance on Friday Evening. The chair ie on exhibition in the show window of W. T. Box & 00 . Mr,T. A. Wreu from the west is visit lug Mr N Horton of Harporhay. A noise from Bask and her husband are gueate of Mrs Fred Galea at pros0ot Mr and Mrs Bert Van Egmood have returned filen s trip to Bermuda. Miss Minnie Dorsey loft yesterday on a trip to New Orleau to visit relatives there, Mrs Keys went to Oakville on Mon- day to attend the funeral of a friend. Mr D Shonilliorl was in Oshawa 00 0 biosides strip" Mrs W J Walker was a Stratford visitor his week. Mies .Hazel Deem of Stratford return ed home last Week after spending a month with Miss Ruby Bristow, The bitter oold of Saturday changed to fair ou Sunday and rained on Mou• ay, At the close of the morning eerrice In the Methodist o'iruee on Sunday a i egtismiti service will be held after which the sarrenu,nt of the Lord's stip- per will he admtnist,+rod. The eubj,»ea for the evening nervi n, Will be the Puw„r of Melo 'PI,iugs, The travelling Agricultural college wast ekitito, of attraction on Rot•day 'Pwo 10011C,11110 111 011 the early trot% sial placed n. 3 : adilag. They contain, it itt ntiniattn•u tIt.. heat and rti.•si nt•.tl iu, btntt 1. 'aiming itxpartawero prt•a0111 ie ,-st.laict iia it 10041 Though at,e of 11,,. reuebret .I ,ys ch" a o+, w„re cr..wtl- rd at all 111II". in tlu, evning th Inwt; heli w•in 115041 far held. nr, Kirin erneeeties, tuitional 9>a11c" 0..ct gardening were dealt with molly huge given, Movie(,, pietnres Kol'a t1e0 gt1R,n '1'lteae d[tn"n e.ra tion car caoeet help bei ug use inl to all who s,IW them Repairs were made to the local oleutrtc plant on Sunday. Over forty nu,p were bray all day doing the work and the power was off until eiuveu • spick at night. In the churches iu the evening the din religions light Woe ' quite noticeable. Lampe were 'pressed. into servtee lint like oouuoripted energy was not mtlab of it su000ae, Wonderful Writing. In competition for a prize ot'fored by a Newspaper for the hest example of ealcroscopio writing u reader aunt in n fairly t'r'adable and exhaustive ac- count of the fleet voyage of Ohr'fsto- pber Columbus and tine discovery et' Amoriea written en a lieu's egg Another eompol[Mee sorit'£i of efforts flieluded. the Levies Prayer wrLteu on u grain of wbeat split lengthwleo and the arse chapter of Gerierde leaeribed within a circle no bigger than a shil- ling. A french Oa eadlan seat 1n Francois Ooppee's novel of "Iienrletto," contain• tag over 10,000 words, written on the back of a cabinet photcg raph. On the Menlo of u sliver watch cane a girl of sixteen had engraved 2,107 wordy, ening a tiny Matinees needle (lipped in a powerful acid. A committee of nix examined the va- rious efforts through powerful micro- scopes, and eventually the prize was awarded to a amen who sent in the first two sheets of u great newspaper writ - teat on u postcard Thankful Invalid. "Well, Mrs. Davies," said the district visitor to the old woman who had Leen bedridden far years. -rind how urs you today?" "Oh, I'm pretty well, thank you," was till cheerful answer. "Ala, that's right!•' responded the elergyman sympathetically. "I hardly expected to find yon to be 1n such good spirits, considering your affliction. I was afraid I should pad you down hearted." "No, no, sire" she cried, interrupting hum. "No, no, indeed, sirs I've emelt' to be thankful for, I have. Why, only the other nigbt when that house just opposite was on fire I couldn't help thinking of all the poor people crush- ing each other in the street and many of them not getting a eight of the fire et all, while here was 1, ail nice and comfortable in boil, and I could sea It beautifully through my window with- out even turning over. Yes, sir; Pre a lot to be thankful for."—Exehange. Novel Methods of Warfare, In ancient history there etre two welt authenticated instances of wild ani- mals being used by attacking armies. The drat is related by Applan when describing the siege of Themiseyra, in Pontus, by Luculius in his war against Mithrklates. Turrets were brought up, mounds were built, and bilge anises were made by the Romans. The peo- ple of Tbemiseyra dug open these mines from above and through these holes cast down upon the workmen bears and other wild animals, together pith swarms of bees. The second in- stance occurred in England when the Danes and Norwegians were attack- ing Chester, held by the Saxons and some Gallic auxiliaries. After adopt- ing stoning and boiling water defenses in valn) against the besiegers the Sax- ons threw down all the beehives in the town upon the attackers, who were goon rooted.—Exchange. Crossing the Legs. If we sit for eome time with our legs crossed our foot "goes to sleep." We are really pressing on the sciatic nerve wbich supplies nearly 011 of the nerves of the leg and foot" The nerve is elas- tic and is flattened by preasttre just like a rubber hose. The fibers which make up the nerve are sensory—that is to say, they carry sensations to the brain. Motor nerves carry sensations from the brain to the body. The only way to stop a nerve carrying sense - Notts is by cutting it or by pressure, which pushes apart the soft nerve mat- ter, which is covered with a sheath, just as the water is pushed apart if you press a hose. When the pressure is on the nerve messages cannot pass backward and forward. If the pres- sure is released the nerve matter re- turns to its place and (toes its work, The Loyal Bookseller. Certainly the most loyal bookseller en record was the John Stubbs who of- fended Queen Elizabeth by publishing a book protesting agalnnt the proposed ;carriage with the "imp of the crown of Prance." The unhappy man was condemned to suffer the lose of his tight hand, which wan accordingly chopped off with a butcher's knife in the market plate at Westminster. "I remember," says Camden, "standing by Stubbs, who, as soon as his right banal was off, took oil his bat with bis left and cried aloud, 'Ood save the queen!' The next moment he fainted." —"The Romanic of tiotiksetling." Good idea. "I'm thinkipe of opening an all night bat store next door to some faebioriable restaur;ua t." "' Lure the inset'" "1f o reet:'nrst.t patrol doesn't feel like tipping the list boy he can yolk eta( bareheaded. sir"!, into my alt[,' sad buy n new 1151."--N.'W York W43111,1, Not Direistible, Trnaup—•1 lu 1 1.:,ian1, will y.ai give roe 0 bile to (ea 1.,nd> --I haven't ;my- 11,711g aws n t;my- 11,•m; [puked but I cats giro yna at Bair of old shoes. 'i'ratnp•—Ethos me, ma'am, but I'm 110 eclat, Violent. "Wes het• father vin1ent when you asked barn for her hued1" "Was he! (treat ;runs! 1 Monett he'd shape my baud oli.",—London Saturday Journal. — On the Quiet, Little Marjory—Mamma, what le a spinster? Mother—A spinster, my dear, is a wotnail to be envied, lint don't tell your father I said so.—Liverpool Mercury, It yon would be loved, plays and be levabla.—Franklin. TI a l• l t °s. c l a, y, 't 1 `Phone Your Orders Stewarts Sell It For Less Mail Your Orders ou t� drga iI Women's Coats and Sl' its '1'i;1t.tt 1;icvl;'tr-ntn!-a Ined':1!)sell in thr regular way andrmade inithn very newest cuts and styles of the vlryfinest:material , all sizes, regular price $9 ti) $25. HALF PRICE Mills_,Ennds or,Flannnnelette, 15c Regular roc quality, pure snowy flannelette in omill ends of 2 to fo yards extra good weight, special sale price, 1.5c a yard Remnant Sale We have:just placed another great pile of remnants on this popular counter. Remnants from every de- partment'1of the store: Many of them largerthan you usually find on a remnant counted) SPECIAL"SALE PRICES .r 7-44« Extra Good Carpet Ends Those are tc ds lend' oftape tryTand Irrarsels yuali— ties,ilimportecl samples, the very thinge,for floor mats, bath"rooms, kitchen mats,.&c. Made from mill ends -'" May of the best carpets SALE iPRICE69c STEWI&RT .:i lr RO S. T MINISTER OF FINANCE THE TO JAM, 4, 791[ REQUESTS PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR ti,..OAN PL'PARrtnoq'r 00 FINANCE OTTAWA 'm'eeaawmme sa,w z,z,,•.+Lu,, -.mamXICIIIIrr esu. MUM VallitiT, L AI THE 4"',iR0 r1l,i,«a 7 +fli 1.13.2 Ill ti S 0 00 •r . 1 0'0„00 - 00 tNDIVIt,1)AL Pun.1x;A: 1, LImrl'k.? 'rci :>ltiol. • FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY I3AP1ti OR ANY MONEY ORoes POST OFFICE. h-iNANOE OE::PA,1YrMroNY O,t•'OAWA JAN, s, 101/ .gym..., THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE MOM DAEDRITM Wrist Try Itt Hair gets soft, ftuffyanaf beautlfut--Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that Os - tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has nn incomparable softness and la fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it Immo, alittely dissolves every parttrlo of ci danng Ten ea. Bea 11a':t ' av-v, healthy hair 11 yet at t ,:0 dendrite.Thin destructive scurf rein; t tr+ pair of it : lustre, its strength and 9;.7 lir and if' not overcome it nra,111t „ foveliehrio=.ls mid _telling of e 110 the hair root famish, A i ,37'; 1u a etre: h .ia tallsout •i t'', i - )agent bottle. of I ,,.n forte from our drug it. 01344 -r';:•., ori".,, +u... t .,1 It nw.•t' of 33:3. 1, •pill!,; "11,'n•.1 Piro _ 10€noiwte 1ro1n1 o-1 (h1' tart'/, 1?,ill el, I?,i,l•,. Feb 21,d, 1017 at t t.• !leer, 1,1 '1'h„ beau„ ea 1,111 tt to it, a ivi the inn lel stet, mews and .11otl1;, 141'01 tl:, 33'1311,5 0f tlire•etarc 1101 ;010-E bunitwas hash weol',l i 4 1 :.id. red f;,v the benefit of ' thn ooinpttny '111;.; [raili1,gndloers are Santee Connolly, h,.b,•rt Vert is tt 111. Riun and (leo 'lo(lartnev, who aro eligible for election. James (limpidly '!'lees .al Hays E'resideut Sect: