HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-01, Page 4t4 'Et 11: bEA1,01111 NIE,WS acaxw:vaa;.ranazts�cidir.;aamrttaarwrxataawoea ,,,u,u.,a44w4,4404:+4/41.14014w....4.0nwa.swwnf� 1 t 11 1kl CARDS. IVIEf>1t:.Al. 11, 1141 41 PactS Ph, Lima mit Surgeon ,gpnml.'r11d'ulls' London a lttiU disgusts. of, 1:ye. Ear. Norte algid Throat rrld,t.• 011ice and r, e, behind Dominion Bank. 00er Ph 1 N (. u, 1tvaWm0r0. Phone No. tali. ®1R, F: 3. BURROWS. Seaforth. Office and redden a ^••- Coderlrh Street. east of the Meta. Wet Clitoch. Cummer for the County of (Hiroo. gltlophane, No. 40. DRS. S OTT & MACKAY. f+hyslcians wad brit .1 (4•(18tir1 `inert, eepoolte. $latbtr 61ntCIat 1i S(atorth etcOrt graduate Vf4Unin and Alin Arbor, and raembet of Ontario College al 1'hya(rlana mitt 01.1raen Coronet for (:aunty of (luron. Mnni:Av. honor graduate 'Trinity Univeratty id merlaht�t Trinity Medical College. Member of College „ i 1'hyslctmv. and Bargees, Ontario. ... TRE o y, l ,,.. ..c-, (, r. 03 irlee. GDP ttlettlemaNttdOsteopathic Spcaland .14" It, W ame0'o owl .hromorr Troubles. Acute and Chronic Din, xcdere Par. Eye, tiooe and Throat. Adenoids aowosed without the hnffe. Consultation free' Car > > , 11 1411 or l4 it(rl. Whitetnshto laatom oam i nei `WU' Maniaae Boutses h nALY.1„w(0eo ,tett[ (t t9 air 4s+- 'te, P t• ami' linstrattee, Lilo or w^:'1<tRUFl Dye', ore.'eiemceeing win get our rates.., ;:Iif19lia.lilL1 Yr Oen ere! Agent for Loudon Ltfe Inoueetwo Ca,. anti ,':•. cladDitaru>iceandAtxldentIowur00. CO, • 80000th. Ont. Ja 1':nen,:i Watson. Lr1 ne and Agit'\-gut Ims11ranr, An. ur inl ',Ruler 1n ,+'xtug machines. 5lolt THE M(tI LLOP fitro iInsurance Cot f-carnn Bi,IrU5 8e:elated 'Town Property !Petty insured. OttFeceue J. B. McLean. Preuldent, Seniors\\; Joe. Con- (oily,Viae-prcaidmt, Goderich; .'hos. s, Hays, ti/emetary.Treasures, Seaforth. Directors D. F. McGregor. Seaforthl John G. Greve, Winthrop W. Ulan, Coostaace; John Eenaeweis, £rodohagen; Robert Perris. I•Turlock; Malcom McKean, Clinton; John B. McLean, Senforth;' Inures Connolly. Godertch; Jan. Evans, Beechwood. Agents Atex. Leitch, tfadodc: K. tnnchkY, Seaforth; William Chesney Ileimesvtlle; R. G. 1& mondvltle; J. W. Yeo, , Jarmoudl, Brcdtmgen; James %err and John Govmlock, 8caforth, auditors. Parties deidteols to effect. Insurance or \ranee(\ other hesitates will be promptly attended o b) application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective poatofficts. The Original and Only Genuine 1 u,:60.rnl ilBeware l ®f • 'r d1 )pfuLrdll(f:' Ti ,, , j l Inflations ti,,, r 01 l,y la Sold '.(:.0 1{;� t $ 1 ,, an the Merits ii i osin�.t , 1. of 1't\Il-,tt 018 .ii'j t -Lice(' .. - nO.Pnird HS 192vgp !IVORY THURSDAY From tea Office MAIN ST. a SEAFOO.T13, ORT Phone 84 ,wet SUBSCRIPTION One dollar per year. strictly in ad y n nvo 111 et paid to ,ll1In,U'9. n0e 801\0+ and pnp(lni, ff68 cents ��trortul6rielt Satin advaured. F When attbserb>t:rn (Reunite thele uSdresn notieeel10111.1 be' ! t 00. Immediately, giving both the old and the new address. Sub. of Any irregularity of deliverYY notifying un Rending Neel('ea--•Nd mndblg not?18. advertising any t•' - a e entertainment or Matter by which stoney .e to be made by any on or e9000 will be inserted In Tun News without Marne. The price for the fuser. don of bun(oen8 050000ceinent8 Is TEN rents per count (tem each ntsett880 to y advertising. and no LVK. cents per for display tot, r1.la, rn those having display contracts. reading notices.( lard of iihon8a 3 1.0 9 lhumn, 511 centro. Judicial, Legal, Oi11o1nl and Govern. cont alot.eoa-Ten cepa e,.r 11te for first !martian and dye rents per Use for much nl1) 011110' insertion. , 4vds--Prof ee t L tl 11sar.8 not r 1 n(>('le, ':fy i.r, oev ihlc eit6 tlYitv tst'�.ri�1 51nee Dlsplag n1001'b,(m•e;--wren fnrllshed on naolleat'n11, "Advertisements ordered for insertion. wUerll forbid." and these sent 1:Hth<vlt \(dura intra \lane, wilt appearuntil arltten orae(i are received for the': did. antinnawe, Letters, to the Editor (:lust be .vco n- pm,:.ed :.5 *he welter's awn ahtnature, oat or publication, but as a uonran0ee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for Ole 3(9n'010(48o trade cell. 111 Ill do ns. Lettere an r ouch 011111 a In 180 c 11 be published at a 71 not elou ata len v(p D except as paid advertising,such plainly marked as nue[. The onto for nuc[ matter Is tea cents per line. J. F. SI:fil OWOes!\t '\EDIT®R AND. PUBLlSIlgtt a a t E t When Holloway's (torn 3111.0 is applied 1F to a oorn to: wort it kills the root stud the da'eo8ity (oaten out without injury to the Dealt. ear of grief otrioken smtel•,lift8 the Vic- tim front its depth a augtliail. The hiedett•d nti••+tel her milling fano ittul at oei,.o Ivrgi•ts his weariness. Tho rough tuhuul boy ill a rage burn the tonus of companions forgets 1t in tite 4011800 of hie tnotheree nu(ilo ; sad 00 one OOIJ1I1 go with iiletnet:es of the 111111 119116 1bat It %wont miutl1d womsnhes on the life 0 with winch, she is cunmtote d Beauty y is of small power 'tempered to it. Smiles 911001(1 be lege[ tousle(' in every home for the payment of all debts 1 of kiudoess and 9)5011 member ste0uld !so willing to take this remotely et 118 faun val110. Wise Mothers who know virtues, of Mother Graves' Wor01 Extermiur.tot always( have it at hand, because it i)ruvsei Hu value. 8 """1. 1 General Observations 1 Importance of sewing Ill1oro11s Poiato Soul Stock l4.opnriniOutn cundueted at the Dom- inion Fxotrimeittel `.ttittWll, Homelike N. S, with eight lots of Gamut Chili ;)Utatona'tenured from d11f01(nit growers its 1916 show a varinti0u in yield of from 36 bushels to 240 bushels per ' 1 bushels per e of11(4 'eCe2i0 I dlfip acre, O a ' earn in yield wham grown iuulel uniform co«detions. Seed from theso eigli lots planted in 1916 yielded from 68 bushels to 212 buehels per acre, n dif fereuce of 144 buehola, per.. acro. '1'h respective poeitioue of the difference 0 were changed very little in the second year, but the lowest yielding ones in- creased somewhat and the highest yield was not so great. Seed from others of this variety was planted in 1913 and the lowest yield obtained was 168 bushels and the high. eat 278 bushels per acre, a difference in favour of the best over the poorest of 120 bushels per gore. Tem lots of pure stook of Green Mouutai14 from different growers rang- ed from 1601} bushels per acre to 318 bushels per sere, a difference of 1321 busitela. Seventeen lots of Irish Cob- bler ranged from 93 bushels per more as the poorest to 236 bushels as the poorest to 236 bushels as the beat, a difference in favor of the heat yielding strawof 142 bushels. This would Aim./ that there tatty be se great a d(f• fereuoe between potatoes of the 001ne variety as there is between potatoes of different varieties, and that it is wise to secure stock from farms which have had high yielding crops. Because the Orsini :Mountain has failed in giving a crop on a certain farm is not proof that this variety Will not yield well there ; it may have beau due to low vitality 10 the seed stock. Such revere1On iu may Lave been dun to disease or ad- verse 0011 or dlitnatio 0011(1111On0 which affected the crop at 884110 time grid it may bo better to discoed the stucken- tirely than to try to bring tt up to its former vitality by selection. St eo1uenban Ella Wheeler Wilcox has given us a 0onlm0n truth in a little poem palled ' Uompauehip" commenc'i«g: Laugh and the world laugh with you Weep and weep alone. For the sad old earth mu0t borrow its m rth. But has trouble enough of its own Siug and the bills will answer; Sigh and its loot in the air The echoes bound to a joyous armed But shrink from voiding Imre. Baytlield Ale. Milton McLaughlin who has berm Vallee 181 the Sterling Batik here for seine time hits beet trs)8ferr0t1 toToronto his plaou has boon taken .by pie J Ill. Feagai of G0de1ich, 91iao 51aut11vloGrogor aid Tont aro laid up with la grippe. Th.' fuuorai of the late llliis'tbetb Falconer wife of Mr. John FOrg10108 whose death w0 nlOtiuoiod Inst week tool[ 1)11100 011410111114Y to the Bayfield Cemetery, the eervleee were oomtluute(1 by the Rey. A. 51 notarial() the pall heaven) were her four 00180 an 'i two nephews' 'rhe lots Mrs. Furgueon waft horn in 1837 at Ammeter ani Dame to Bayfield with her pimento 111011 (dee veers of ago. In 1854 the wag )(unti- edto John Frrguoon by wham she fo survived together with four 00110 and four (lauglltors; one brother sed two Asters. The funeral of the Into John IvloLeod teak place) 018 Thursday afternoon of last week to the 1311311.81(1 aemotery the (09rvin00 were 0000100\90 by the Rev A. .0 Vlotarlano. The (1.0808011W(11413 borer in Nova Scotia in 1830 Dud mune to Bay• field with his wife in 1882 where be einee resided. He is survieed by ]lie wife cue soil Dr. Alex of Wroxoter nud one sister Mrs, Jan, 'Thomson of Bayfield, One of the first and hardest lessons which the uovioe ham to learn upon ent- ering the busy world of toil and tumult is that the rushing, struggling, striving public has no interest in the grief of the individual. It is too Emily taken up with its own advancements to spend time or Dire en what does not affect its ownewelf8re. When we some to in 58.0143060 we will find that trouble is (t1(100r0011 end more - tally meted oat than we suppo00. It comes to all 111 4)10(1 form or usher, F1011irtime.0 in disguise but it i0 1110 81410 ugly t10tug when the mask is ell. Every heart has its owe ttMllard's burden Adele wealth 501,8(ot lighten or ttlil10elt honor slloviatc. It (nay be in the hid. den depths witch the eyes nawu(t see but is there and will be till the spirit throes off this nlorttli Coil a,,41 leav'8 it For Sale SCRANTON COL 1. OILY. Seteforth. [Jh l,0ti 1 SO Jute, .,. 1 '41)'l. act tittees DI :t.;•^ I,,. '1:11[' :. lit 3i'. i) ,„td :t° ea:: PiTti ^.d1'. -SedlOriliNeWS tir VP! 0,11 will supply the seWulrt d energy ache - 84 1Vettings127 ,11 I I A behind In the body of May, The only ditfereuoe is. that cue has the courage to moot or overo5me, ohm submit blav- ely to fate while the other makes no effort to lift \tash from the 8tr0.6Aa into which fate (las placed it but wastes its su•0ugth to vain regrets. Far better cultivate the Ruta; 081801e tied beentf08 of e,xietouu0- 'Try to make the idle ('11185 of 110ineatie life a cheer fel, au intelligent, a kindly and a happy (0111. Whatever may go wrong fn t11e, world of 01101111.8„ and \mile ho,. -. eve( har,i tlae atrug(ie for Lune:,( for - (111,e k.6 notliag mar 1.11, 1)(1'413' vl ;v1, 1;41,,4,33 11140 AA :ir/ 118 Oen 4. 00(044, ...till Ila::.... 1, .. 41 . 1/111_, 1 a. .. H•e .. U: , ,it i., '1,' 1/sit t t1: Mrs. 0. Brandon who is spending the winter at Belgrave woo hero for a days last week, Mr lilahl a'd MoDool sr. up with au attack of grip. The following poem was composed by MiIR Kato (Jaynes a blind° lady o our village who is diligotltly doiug her bit for the eoldiore by knittiug soaks; o to No1rgirls you stop r e fooling g And get right down to work, There's plenty needed doing No honest soul should Shirk There are mufflers, [teaks, and mittens For boys far off in France And some in Mezry England Aud Belgium to peraheooe No matter where they are stationed They are fighting Britons cause For freedom, home and loved ones And virtues glorious law. They count no task too heavy No pain too hard to bear Where right and Justice calls thorn They find their duty there. Whht right have you to flitter The precious hours away. When your fingers ahoild be flying O'er the wooley ball of gray, With your euchre bridge and skating And your whirling giddy datum While your Brother's feet are aching On the blood stained Melds of Frnrtoe Come get your needles ready Aud sit right down and knit Although it may be rather slow You 0811 do your little hit, Oarlock Tht•ra 11008(1 away 10 London Deep- tal Jan 20111 elle of the oldest reeidallta Of klullot l(1 the petstlu of Wm Korot at the ago of 80 yrs and i menthe He was burn in l'i0kerlug lowuahip Clear Toronto azul hve(i on the aid llumestoad till about 40 yrs ego wilt+ti he mutI led Mary Brown of 1110 saltie tawuehip and 011(1104 to k11111et to .live settling on Let 10 Oen 12 whore 1(e remained ed till 1110 death, ' Thu late 1111( Knox wee a quiet thoughtful man who loved his home and appreciated his nolgbbor8 and re- latives very much He ween luau 'who held hie appenrenee uxurlt0rtlivary well and very few ever thought that he would bo tai4 away so 00011 Only 3 mous ago Ilia brother Gourge who lived ell the next farm to ilial wee laid !way and Wm tool[ it hutch to heart for they bad lived all their lives together and thou Duly 2 westing ago tn0 younger Geo Knox was ease laid to rest Hie 6111118 a118ud0(1 the funeral aid from that seamed to fail fast end wan adviaed by ilia Dr to undergo -.t1 operation but to oto avail He was a member of Burne mhnr111 and the Noumea were laid to rust to Burns cemetery ou Jan 24th. l!lie are .aft to mourn his lose his wid• ow and 81x children, cue brother and two 8i86er8 18 laid The Rod Orosa Society wishes to thank those men who no generously earns out with their teams to collect the west, material for the oar that was load- ed in Dublin on Friday would also Bug. goat that every boy save again for next venter The Literary meeting un last Friday night was both ,utertainiug there are 801110 talon tod yomle 1)501)18 ill tit Cululmbail Auetbe.t• of our aged pioueor8 has been oohed away in the parson of HI-, J.:13 D cling 0) this plana who 0101)). 1..•01- folly away (111 3,4,11(1'11:87 ('000,40;( J.:0 11 'h nt th,•ill,' of 73 yearo and „ 40':,508 e.ho rt •88 'a 3,,,440(1 wife, 441.(1 111.1'. 11t`r (110'1:9'• 1111010 14(3;:7[ woe In Iter 1, 04- .-q4.4 8 4111114 1110 leaven t1 111011' 01 L,.. 1.4'1e I/141 i,u.b:acd, 1 0,) 0,8.4)1. 111141 t} ,,.., ;i u l +.,•re;. Ail 5. 01 1)1411111/ John (} ' "• - ul -'t 11 a) .' 1, 0: I Ina of Logan tl It :1 1 e ., 'r to r t `4" ": Will Itae v.- 1,,l 1.11 i al; 10,0;0 4;1(11 1! , , i. 1 e'. 1 .red. x ,. .. . . , t Old t: r t , •.c.,, i e r f„( Dint IIln1s a.,, f ,r ow t`1;'t)n ,t .i- wc.0a« !0 ):1.e) atter18(05(4 m.0 ntn,ui rte I...e ±nraa x1.18 :ata:oll i,> ;08.,l1e0•11t ir, [h0 Nlaitl,tnlib nk (0llietry the flintily bnv<• time 443yrn0041by 4,0 tiro 1o+f}hb),4ehood in thei' b01eav,,111e1t. 3:8 ,'t{ed by 88.10118. --Tho first fear ,,••,enti5u is of sof iodation. which ho,1r by hone becomes mins desperato 181 d hot \ less To such a omit the relief afforded by 1')r. J. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy ermine nothing lies than miraculous Its help i8 gn(ol(ly apparent and Boon the dreed8(11 attack is 11108te15(1 'Vile asthmatic who hub foiled out the dep0(dbility of this sterling remedy will never be without it. It is bold every where . t . r11,: ill 1/10 bei.. .8 .-via tint( how moos it (a .o s,r)ti .., 414,3 11111. ,(,.(,(1!t 4.8 ,:,v L t .08 lit)) 114,0,) a frown for out .14 Ir 8(1,8,141, 1(1044 (.81,.10 Isa5t; 1h+y 81 14,,0 lino to'so tret`,o1;te th.rrigil :vs fovl:i them blot 118(11 wiw , vee 1 Iii c:, whin eve are not livtu(4 at our ,3,o1, The l'1811e16of it 4100;41 \'111[0\0(1 45(I0.45,11 ou t11(3151 aro11118) her is alm40t bound IMO. All go toiler in sa(sou0 of nor - unit fct help and comfort ; one 800111- iug touch of her kindly hand q(tioto the feverish child ; 0word from bac in the fhore`e pleuty glad to help you 11 you really wish to know We`ll show you how to turn a heel Or make a Kitchener toe. Shore 8 Iota of fun in knitting If you only learn the trick Aud when you practice tip a bit You will never want t(1 quit Leadbury Milburn Renee Armstrong attended the Co (rlity 00011011 iu Goderiolt last week. All itttoroated parties pre loohiug for ward to Court Revision day to be hold in this village some time in .Feb. The majority of the young people of this locality uttevded the dance held under the auspice of the Winthrop Literary Club all report a good time, The Foresters of tine 911111ge intend' having a lied ()roes dance in their hall Friday evening Feb. 9th. A number of the ferment in this part attended the sale at; J L Browne last Tuesday Wedding bells will ring in these parte Boon Mrs A Elooat of west end 'Teokeramith visited Airs J H Brown and Mrs R And. arson last week. Thor( will be service in the Bethel uhurob next Sun, evoniog at 7 o'olook Uanndinu Hymnal will be used and the pastor will give a abort address o(1 'Why the 9100011(1 sing hymlle' Prayer meeting veil! be held at the (Hone of Geo Dundas mixt Friday Feh 9th all weleutne We are pl„ased to know that Mrs Wm Moll Pin ;ir is enjoying better health Niko 7 Mall 1130 spout a week.en 8 111 h,r 11 ono retur)n,(l to 1.(IIe1851, to 88110(111111.' her ('Onttie in College .0,ra:.a,immaaasur rmna.:s?cram•."-.-,.lans(:xase,srcr._1,:nrun:uwAvanl WAR AUXILIARY } Thllr5dsv Pell) 1 , 1Kuvarw e>a ws�wtarw11 0 at t,!;0fume rlGilf fitftt l t►1t Thltlrsdgy Feb, 1.51th t)M EN N ' N D' e 'Toronto Canada's foremost 111tirgood4 manufacturers will exhibit for your inspection their finest, iauct latest hair Creations in ladies,. , Switches, Coronet and Fancy Braids Pomp idours, Transformations Chignons, Waves, Bangs, and R St LDWE FAT 1'(903 ev and ruga of bvgnnie 1011(10rien181114 Wmelraefoln tl 8t era ai \penile ns( nnt0ra. 9011(101 he detected Irma n ((0(0(11+.x0 (alit. 11110 will ro (Her 101 (8:0ervkw and sndhu•atlnr• y 8)ey mater tbo /open:am:0 y0are Younger and lmpu>vo U,, Maim by Diu preteatlon th p Bear, nr'9 Vl,71 A domonstsation of any of these HatroStruetnpe is free of ehal'lfe. It will not Obligate in tiny way. 1(IC:11EIIBEIt TIIIE DA 111 Thursday Februuaryy tool Deili1`Ig11@8Y i Head Moe and showrooms 1116 Yotlgo Street TORONTO The first annual Meeting of the Her. on County War Auxiliary will be held at Clinton on Tuesday. Feb. 6th commencing at ten o'clock. A repre- sentative of the the Soldior'e Aid Commission will be present to address the meeting on the very important subject of `'Vocational Training for invalided soldiers," and the annual olectiou of offioerowill take place. Aa the matter of pruonring new occupations for the returning men, who aro unable to resume their former positions in of great interest, and the utmost importance, it is desirabl0 that every municipality shall be well re- pres0ntotl. Huron County must see that the Hul•018 men who have been to the front shall bo properly cared for o,.d,,,to do this an active Organisation is «emissary The Auxiliary will look for an eu- thasiaetiO meeting in Clinton on' the above date, Sl RTiHI. ALEXANDER -In Tiokeremith on Jan. 27th 1917 to Mr, and Mre. J, Alexander, a daughter. ktl7l'F---111 Vancouver on Jan. 19.1917 Louisa huff, wife of the late late Rohe. VTollieh formerly of Galt 0e6. and sietee1 of ]Ire, 11 Bullard (Code - rich Out. ) I The Battle Of The Somme The Greatest Lotion Picture in the World will be held at the PRINCESS Feb. 1st 2nd and 3rd Admission 25 cents Matinee Saturday afternoon Inatxamsrs,. EWS nlIleaneeltl1o !lead 010 pubo11114)1 free 0l g(ocharge, ex - age cepre an mauling 8e h,. a 110 he rate leo h hnrge d. The rats lar such bat otic° rent onroan/t lino SR,PIFORTIFD ei4URCHES St. James' St, James, Ohuroh, Rev. Father P Corcoran, Rev Father G. 12. North - graven .Morning Mass 7 1,140, High, Mase 10.30 a.m. Sunday school 2.30 pm. Evening vespers 7 p.m, St. 9rltolnas' Rev. T. H. Brown, hector. Sunday services 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2,30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.3(1 p.m. Ohildron'sbran0h Saturday 2 p.m. nterceesion servieee every Thursday, . 0 p.m. First Presbyterian Rev, 8', H, Larkin,, Pastor. Sunday services 11 a.m, and 7 p m. Sunday sohool 2.30 p.m. Prayer heating, Thursday, 7. 46 p.m. Women'o Miss- ionary Sooioty•the first Tuesday in each month at 7 43, Barbara Kirkman Mi8• 8i0n Band 3rd Tuesday• in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Miasion Band every 2nd Monday at 4.16 p.m, Methodist Rev, l3. Mc1(0110y, B, D„ pastor )1f -, ,.. t t10:00 .t.rn. Public service 11 a m, and 7 p.m, Sun day school aid Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League 'Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thoracic y 8. p.m. Salvation Army Oapt. Froud and Lieut. Saunere Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 p.m. Gospel 00rvioe 7 p.m. Ohildrnes Service -Directory class 10 a.m. Bible 0088089 4 p.m, VVeok night Mootiuga-Wedme8dwy Freer meeting 8 p,m. Eg0otldville, Presbyterian Hey. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday not- vi080 ti a,tn. and 7 p m. Bible alarm 3 p 1 Prayer mooting Wednesday Sp. in. Y. 7'. 7111,,1, Colon 3rd Friday in the month 8 p.m Wome11'o Mission- ary S00iuty 31.0 Wednesday in the mouth at 2.3u 1).n, Ladies' Aid 4((0,110 fu1- tnudiately after. Meltillop Presbyterian U Iu'1,vrnl pastor. nullil,ly survicee Dune' uhne0h 11 (Lin Sunda) school it/ 11 tn, l'eay'er meeting \Scd- tieeday 8 p.m. 1Votnuu'n ilausei.lnary tiooioty Met Friday in .each -month at 2 o'u100l(. 8)n1teett'e .t'iethedie Rev, 0, 0. Keine, pastor. Sunday service 3U pitoYoung People's In >a tgue2 30 t) Iw i.l'clay W0111'111'4 A'txll ,try first 11(,84ay of every nrnith a 30 p.m. 1 o.i; es' A.11 fait 1:8414341,1y of each month 2,39 p.m Witttit`op Presbyterian Bunchy aorvi00 2.30 on. Sunday school 161)1. ['river meeting needs), 8.p.m. L.O.W last Wed, Highest Prices Paid f(> F titc sbb nl ors bones, 1 metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books rt.: d newspapers Appelzft & Millman I . 'ORTA JIINK DEALER 831080 from Orenmory Phone 133 HOW LONG 18 IT SINCE YOI HAD 'THE WHOLE FAMILY TOGETHER ? Why Not Have A Reu01013 Home Day Soon and Bring Thom A11 Down To Our Studio For A Group Photograph ? To -morrow Might Be Too Late ! Fell's Studio Phone 19 - SCAFORTH maci 1 have some very choice Debentures for sale bearing a good interest. These are a first class investment, All ' information cheerfully given. JOHN H- NItlN lt':.11 all Debenture Broker..... Main Street, Soafortli 8)1101108810 Yl. \11't)Lt'CIL MARKET Gond :1 lliug 'Wheat, ............. l.ri6 Oats ,,.- 611 13.tfler ............. 90 Bran nor too ..,•....... .340(1 `(horf•.1).r404, . ........ , :17 Flour , , , 4.00 5 10 Eggs 42 Boge t.. form 4rs... .. 11.66 An Oil Without 8100111.---110001 oils and many medicine have alool(00 as a prominent ingredient, A judicious ming ling of six eusentiel (tile tempos* the fan(ons Dr, Thntnes Iuleetria 011, and there ie no alcohol in it, tio'8het, its effoots aro lasting. There io no n(edioin al ail eompoundod th it Dan 0g(101 618 nil in its preventive and heeling power..