HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-02-01, Page 1L.. W. T. BOX &s eo. Furniture Dealers Phone b0 New Series Volume 14, No, 39 e SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAj1, FIBRCAR'Y t 1917 my W. T. t +✓ .0. a' Ott).*. 113111.0,M1LISH..Axe • Pt/Magni. . DI I(rA)TC0.itII 'BOX'BOXHolders of (Overwind PYItilerett RIM IJoellea••-UnAltplta LAQU77NA'1'It ' Manes I igr Cnllu St raw Two ients Single Copy WANTEI) 50 GIRLS 50 OR MORE The W. 13. Sanford Mfg. eo, of /Hamilton has purchased the Taylor -Anderson eo. e1othintt Factory in Seaforth. And are go- ing to carry on the business from this out for which purpose we require more than 50 girls assistants. The working hours each day are 8 to b except Saturday 8 to 12 each week. We guarantee steady work the year round. Nice clean work and girls mike good wages. We pay highest wages while learning ;Apply or Write to Fred Robinson, Manager SEAFORTI FROM ENGLAND Dear Brother Bill—; foist a few linos to let you know 1 am Yell and happy, all though we got nothing to be happy for wo are livi,•g like pigs, honest, we had a better plane for our pigs to sleep on the farm . Until to night we have been in tents, whioh would make a fine flour sieve for Crioh'e nuke shop and it is raining every night any body not knowing how to swim will soon learn over here hal hal We must not grumble, now, for tonight we moved ;tit to tine huts, welt heated end good etraw., mattvieeee on ourbeds, and we also eat, in the same huts, -some eyatem notions me. Well 1 spent New Ye n'•e Very funny thir rear to what I did last wee on geara all day I almost saw in Say Deva mind the way you anent it at home, I can imagine 1 can smell the big goose Mother would have We only had eommon rations for tinnier, eut3 we eat them with the best of appetite. Tell Ted If got a card from Alice Chesney and glad to bear from her Well Bill how do yet like malting shell t 1 sal pose it is wory interesting Well 'I am glad to think you are doing your bit in that manner, seeing they wont let you auuie ever to shoot them. 1 suppose you have good skating now, and alae you are tak- ing the benefit of ; it. It enowed ed a slight portion this morning, the first we saw sinew we Came over . Well Bill, give my beet to 'root Howard and tell him to be sure enc write. Give my Beet Love to Mother, Dad, and al 1 remain your brother, Herbert Mo Goo PENSIONS The Dominion Government have ®appointed h Board of Pulsion Com- esisssonere for Canada with offices in Ottawa, Au this Board wish to oauee as little delay no poeelbie in dealing with communications with regard to pensions, they wish the public to oor- aeepond directly with the Board of Peneion Commiseio ate, Ottawa. A great deal of delay inay be maned by oommunioationa being sent through other Departmental of the Government The Patriotic Fund Aseoeiation and ho Military Ho,epititlaCotniuiesio, have niindly consented to give information - tend assistance to those wiehiug to write .direct to the Board of Palmitin Onm• miseionere, Thiene eooietiee bore of oe certain localities throughout Canada. In addition, in order to facilitate tito granting of pension offlewsin Van - (louver, Calgary, Edmonton, Retsina, Winnipeg, London, Hamilton, 'Toronto. Barrio, .1'l.iligetol, Ottawa, Montreal Qucibeo, St. John and Halifax All information with regent to pensions may be obtannod from those offroea, ONTARIO /I tri EICSS Ea1EchiSne Question 1. What is the tte(I Orose Society? Answer: It is an Internal Society which helps tho Medical Departments of each Army and Navy to look after the siok and wounded and prteioners of war. Queatiou It How does the Rod Cross nootety help the sick and wounded men? Answer. By providing the Army Mod- ical Department with additional hospital stores of all kinds, front am- bulances to drugsand bandages; by sending out extra nurses, orderlies and voluntary assistants by'equippiug wholly or in part, hospital ship and trains. Q'teetiou 11I Why does not the Gov eminent do all thia. work Auewer; Because in uontuiou with all other civilised nations, the Empire recognizes the value of voluntary elf• ort tor the care .of this wounded as by Lite luturuatiouttl Conveutiuu of Ueuevet 1f04 Red Drees work thus relieves the taxes and it1lows people to give Wound of only paying; cud provides tt prop• oilyorganisedohacuel for poraonel service to the suffering mita Question IV Why should I give my motley to the Red Cross Society? Answer: Beoatise, if 1 stay at home I ecu help the men who fight, through this Society, when they need help most -ti . Ueetl0n V What will happen if every- body lu Canada eubecribes generously to the Red email? Answer: Uuuwooseary suffering will be euved by a sufficient supply of all hospital inures and drugs; mol will be rettu•uud to the ranks instead of being invalided and other who might never have seen home iigait' will be returned to the arms of their ftimiliee. THE NEXT' WAR WHAT ONE GERMAN WRITER HOLDS SHOULU BE DONE 1N P111L'ARA'l'1ON Sir,—Tho moat highly significant evidence of the German mind, and by be same torten, never intended for publicity outside Germany, is to be found in a recent artiole in the "Bore liner Loltal A"ttelger" over the signa- ture of Walter llathouan, the iudividue al who, for a number of years before the war, had ocnplete charge of oflioiei organization among was Hoed 11:- dustrtal establishments in the dertnen Empire, and who have been deputized to (leonine this partreular work 10 the eimin for effort the 'Teutonic nation is about to put forth, This article, which is before my eyes' as I write, Bays in full, tingled verbatim j/We began the war a year too Boob, When we have secured a German peace we must begin at 01100 a reorganisation upon a broader and Griner basis than over before. Eetabliahmente that pro- duce raw materials oeeential to the army mutt not only continue their work, but enter into it upon lines of in. creased energy, forming thus the ker- nel of economic Germany In preparing in the economic sense for the next war. We must carefully oaloulate in ad. vanoe, i view of tho lessons learned in tkie tsar, what our country looks in raw material or oesm,tials in now Ina. terial, and sooure immense resereee to remain unused uutil a day in the fu Lure, We must organize as genuine an industrial mobilization as we had a military mobilization. Every technician or somi•teahnioiau, unrolled or not in the list of mobilized, must be empow- ered through 'official credentials to take charge and direction of a given estab• liahment upon the second day follow- ing anew declaration of war. Every establishment manufacturing for oum- meroial pltrposes roust be mobilised, also and uuderetaod oilloieI!y that Up ou the third day atter declaration of war their entire abilities are to be de- voted to eorving the army upon tie - mond. • It must also he determined in ad ranee just what goantites and sort of essentials 911011 establishments can fur- niett the army in a given time, i Each establishment also should be required to furuiab a detailed list of worktneu who' can be dispensed with, these alone to be mobilized in the military sense - "We must finally establish some de. finite oomm01:0ia1 underetau(hug with natione uutsino Europe that will eff.r them advantages to be kuly specified in detail whereby these nations as neu- trals will find it to their threat dentin vantage commercially to trade or sell munitions tluriug war to either ourselve or our enemies. We can afford to offer such conditions ourselves. And Iiuttlly when the next war oomee it must not be a year too soon " Here in a liutaheil, or "kernel" to quote frank Mr. Frank Retheauis what Allied Europe Itae long Understood and what has not been truly understood in, the United States save by a relative few It is the reason why the war w'ttld be uoutinued for ten years if neceeaer' by France, l.nglanil and r,heir aiii14. It is the why nothing short Ut the "knock" will serve, It is the re.,euu why any talk or effort I t' peucu would beIll-received, seen if each+d by the hest of ttlotives aid ot1'imal 0,100ticn, from tho greatest of neutrals or the smallest, or alt all the neutrals collect. ively. Tho war cloud that hung over,Europ,t for thirty years print' to August, 1914 ntusI be dispersed finally and forever, The intolerable conditions prorating must be filially made impossible of rep- etion. The horrors and miserrse, the Buffering nod privf tion, the whole garnet of evil that no 'ig:e individual can uuderatatid through rending the writing of another that must be seen, fait, ex. porionced through the swtlsas to be grasped even in outer oirolss, must never again be a wordly pennon. This will only be poseibie through making war against war mini a humane peaces is the reward, It would be as impossible under a German peace as would ben railway journey to Mos, Germany rwellzae all I have here written in a seniority beyond mere words for the tolling She feels her setting sun. She ie reaohutg out at the two extremes of the oompaes in vain effort to remedy that "beginn- ing the war a year too soup". One is her present lingo pends pro. paganda in the United States The other is her last supreme effort in the levee on manse, the deportation of the Belgian .populaeo, the "itingduln" of Poland and all the rent of 11 Neither scheme, tieitltet' plod, will avail. tike feels it, cued senses bet It deeporata postponement of the inevit- able. Tho mills of the gobs are oiled Tag. Thu arttolo irons the "Berliner Lakal Anzio ger'la lint reiterative proof of open etupentiimrs Not patent -to 111. dismal or nation lrho will jndicativ e3C- 510111e the evidence at this $1Ctlt day of hoethl�iiiue is, 1Le foci the issue is no longer between the ,Allied and Ventral t'owere They but represent two ideas. One uhatnpioue justice, humanity, oiriliza- tion, therightof peoples, roomiest for moral law, and undorstandieg se to definition of the word honor. The Ober has dolibately as aim the niti. mute domination of the globe by a Pruseianised Germany. Henri Bin Paris, Fruaoe, Nov. 27, 10111 Township Association A meeting of tate sabbath school teachers of the town gird adjoining Towushipe was held last F: iday in the basement of the Methodist church for the purpose of organixing a Township eseooiation. There was a hood attend- ance, Mr FG Neeli, occupied the chair, address were given by 1N.r Geo Raithby Auburn, a td Mr A T Cooper, Clinton president atld eeoretari of Centre Huron Sunday school association, also Rev T H Brown, rootor :of St Thomas °hutch after whioli a 'township assonieticn was formed the following officers being elected: Prlesident Mr 3 Ouwau, Seaforth Vioe plies, Mr W 0 Hogg Seaforth, 1 at Vioa pros. Mr M Murdie Doffs ohuroh, Sebretary '1'reas, Vlr M G Newlin Seaforth, Miesinary Superintendent Mr AA Naylor Sea - forth, 'teachers Tramiog Rev '1' H Brown Seaforth, Temperance Dr Her- baria Seaforth, Horne Department Mre4 J C Luing Seaforth, Adult{ (noises Mr A Cuthill itinthrop, Seco»clary Grades aims Gemmel!, Egmotidville. Element airy Miss E Cresswell Seaforth. Mise Helium ooutribut dll i d l You are invited tiatattend the Second Annual Old Times Dance in Cardnos' Opera.11 ill on Friday Evening, February. 2.nd 1917 Benefit of the Soldiers' Rid eo' 'I I issioo Musicians Floor Managers H. M. Chesney Jr. P. M. Chesney Jas. A. Chesney F H Close Thomas .Rands Earl VanEgmond Joseph Storey Alfred Curtis Abe Forsyth Henry Forsyth John Hawthorne Peter Cameron John Carter., Harry Cdfmters George Cook Thomas O'Reilly Wm Workman Comrnitte Hibbert- Joseph Murphgt Hallett- Scott Hawthorne Ala Klllop- Fin. likKercher Robt. Dodds Jr, ThckersmitJi- - Wm. Charters . Robert Gemmell Seaforth- John Beattie L. T De•Lacey Charles Stewart Dan Shanahan Special Piping and Scotch Dancing Ladies will please bring Cake'and Sandwiches w awe rout sire eo 0 -----xr I Dancing commences at 8.30 Seaforth at Brussels Horticullural society organized The organization meeting of Hrusaols Hctnticultirial Society was held in the Pnblio Library audience room, as per aunononetnent with Dr Grieve, Seaforth Distriot Representittive in the chair and a goodly company in attendance. Following were the officer's elected —President, W H Kerr ; V,oe-Pres, F. S Sootti Director„ Janina, J T. Wood D, 0, Roes, H 4, Scott, T, G, Himphill (lVruxoter) Mrs, It Bleak, (Hluevale) Mrs, S S, Stole (Ethel) and Mrs, J. Me Domtld (Waitron) 1 Antl'stors H. L. :Nein eon. and (f 11 Semis Li, 8, Moots was chosen Secretary Treasurer. 1lemberahfp totals 91 at present with e1•l,eutatintt of goodly additions liolure the sluing season thrives. $1 110 eon. ititutiyo the meutborabip free whit 4 op dune ono 1t d every nit ober in the way of swede, bulbs, nursery stook, &0, A circular will be issued shortly given the i u form atcon . After the business was transacted Wm. Hartry, Seaforth, Vice.President of the Proviuoial Horticultural Society, g,tve a comprehensive and practical ad- dress on Rosea, Gladio,ois tnui Hegon- ias• He enamored nutnetono gmeotioue and solved. problems for flower lovers by both theory and hie own experience, Both Meesra. Henry and Grieve ap- proved of the holding of a Flower Show and the intention of Brussels Suoiety to carry on an energetic program of beaut- ifying Brussels, On motion of B S. Scott. seconded by Mrs P, Scott a hearty vote of thanks was tendered tite Seaforth visitor's for their kindness and help. Mr Henry in reply expressed the pleasure of con- ing'baelt to his own old town and invit- ed the members of the Scoiety to visit Seaforth flower gardens tioxt Summer, Dr. Grieve and Mr. Henry promised to come bank to Brussels to some other meetings of the horticulture] Sooiety and oomplitnented the enthusiam shown in its organization, -- Post Spare the children from suffering from worms by using Millers Worm Powders the most effeo.ive Vermifuge that can be got with which to combat these insidious toes of the young and helpless There is nothing that excels this prep- aration as a 100101 deitiiyer, and when iia qualities become Known ill a house bold no other will he used. The medicine note by itself, enquiring no purgative to aseiat it, end so thoroughly that nothing tuors, is desired. Coffee will be supplied at the Hall Gentleman SIM 4.41,9140;41:;44 91v.1)) .._.., Jt,e: l li'! til ileri jinni in rr.reml+.+r+rin Rosie Aching Eyes Are probably in need of something to remove the ache. Probably there is a little correction neces- sary that could be made by glasses and at .small expense. We have become very proficient and successful with our Optical Depart- mentand would be glad to have you call and have pour eyes examined if in any doubt about your eyes .Exarnination is Free gl ebi 3ibtllit3 nrrsesier Ee 0,at itlltgft & hti Cr1 3letarlrre nidi eptirtuun Marriage License rasters PHUN14 194 Rve^dn; 1) Lam. om,.-,-;.,G:.—Ina Fertilizer and Lime Any one wanting fertilizers - should secure their supply at once and get our prices. A. D. Sutherland, Secy. They are low. Austin Dulmage Londesboro Phone 14 on 161 z/ wear•r im AN E rN D SEASON OFFERING OF WINTER DRESS GOODS Economy urges every wo - man to buy liberally of these ;roods now even if you bu) them to store away for use a year hence. Pricesliss than the goods could be bought wholesale. Final Reduction on Coats and Suits and Furs Every suit and cult and fur in -eir ea:irn stt)ck is included in this final. offering. The style of nearly every garment 1s new but We can- not afford to carry tht,m over, hence these very drastic re ductions. 25 Off on every GARMENT- in the store. Think what a saving tha' means to you This is a most opportune chance - td;' secure an extra value in stylish coats, suits and furs; .SPP,..,..,....... 1. Come-- Slip on Your Size J actavish sXZE ":'•iui3i i cs taei'ta5ZWIw3 tt . rflh;:+�i .Keahl..:tt:l