HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-01-25, Page 8TIIF SPOTti N Wf4i
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,. aat aTfla'se /
stn VIDMUNG WALKER., C.V.0.. D.C.L„ Presideut
3011N AIRD, General Manager. V R.JONISS, At Getters! Manager
CAPITAL) $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,009
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. 854
Seaforth .E3z•a3a.o..t
.1.(1. MULE EN IvIAANri,
R, ,
Gine liqetabie Part -11
Wrappers specially printf d uur
own copy, w uppIy Ott rn at die .10110w
ing prices -
2 000 -
f,Sieletsaaaeataatasa. awastaaeeesaalalseetaleall'ealaaefe.:-OeSea:eaataaaeaCal'eaaelwastiefaXabe
BY Itnlel ••• elleCrI/LOUGH, M.D., D.P.B., CHIFF OFFICER
Ile 1tlekli0 HVAI.Tfd.
" • eeeeee•eletS,S.I.e6el'elwaeo.t.,XeleCeeet-se.,en.l..?e,e»:-.1tee1-44,104eile
• • V1i"E` WELIWAII.0--AR1'ICLI1: No. 2,
`57B1i !11-
1 :0110
Calm and la
the necessary ,
of sorcething
physician anti 1
but good sulei.
air, light i121
People are if
that it is a w,..r
baby Is born th,,
The 1114 her.
•:,.40131.1 i.1n11-:IVII'e to maintain her h.,alth to the highest
fati aftrr baby's 'firth. She -aatfid do ro heavy
affil i'nur 1,7(1f1413 ater the baby', ,."-th. Particularly
• work eat. If irne has a.tee PulTincss of the
or vomiting she shouhl these are not
.W manta of prencncy, hut lift:: are indications
. and That !arm %honk! A'r ONI entiselt a capable
condition rem adied RI • ys e
fraoti; ixr4) her bowels regular, hays olanty of outdoor
sad ftt least eight 111,11 1-:' alaap in a well -aired room,
Rev Mr Hudson, of London, will
preach in M. C. next Smoky evening
also the tailoring Burnley morning
Mrs T, Douoide vital Basel and Dr.
and Mrs. Malloy and family, of Heiman
spent Sunday last at Mr. Wm. Jaffrey
Mr, mut Mrs, Kenneth are tho happy
parents of twit' girls
Mrs, 11, Honey spent a few days lost
week with Mx ad Mra. idutehison.
Mr. and Mro. Daniel Me Dougall
Subaru, Men, aro visiting friends here
at present.
Miss Sadie Miller who has spent the
past two years in Moose Jaw has
returned home.,
Mr. and Mia Wrightman. of Moose
Jew, are visiting relatives here
Mr. J Oliver and ire, of Fort Adberl.
are vlbiters at Mr. E, Drake's,
Ides, IL Kersdele who has been 1111
under the doctor's care, is recoveriag,
Its a bey. Wm Me ilallum ia &muted
NI Me Ada .rtitier le in lilyth.
Mien 1s'ergI1001. 18 11018 2 UNetiFs Store,
Air A Gardner it around again after
a ebert
Miss May Oxtoby has returned home
alto, 1,1,41111,g Inmate here.
Red ',liaise quits will be. sold at the
'fen on lo, .ilay
ia are glad to Maw that 131 re W. 11'
who has Mem Nek 111 noi01 11_
Mr lilted Clerk ha' sold his out fit
to L Williamson Mr sill devote
h 12 101 1 1.1 11 1, 10 Lie tor Ili
13tichanan and Haelinwell have rie,'„
new ee-
0.11C1 boilm in their mill and
ate now in a good Mine.
Mr and 111 111 A Rubinson and family
are visiting old Mewls here.
Their many friends here are glad to
knew that Mr mid elm John ,1 110118011
am likely to Locate hem again.
The animal meeting of Clrey District
L. 0 L was held here on J any 9. th and
the following officers elected:— R. Bow
man District .51 ester ; 91, A Met id.
Dep. Dm Master ; Rev. 14 111. Foga
Chaplain ; 4 has Case J 1 0
51 millers Treas. J :It. B manikin and Jae
Kerr, Lecturers ; Rev, F. Oraik, Lir
of eareinuid., ; R. Hey ly ler
Thl, of 1,111g' 111 tilt' 41.1111.3
• on 1 hi 1 t1 .id 11 Rona ay welch took
teem, boo i0 411,1, 18 Weleinlit.
hole. 1081 of fem. triiitie there will
only be tee, tn., set...11 tied the
suer/mon Uhl` from the North alo both
cid off 1 ine tnekes 8 Yert bd for the
methods atteeding the cluitou 101I0g-
iolo as it 1100018 they will either have 1.1
• -yr freA air. Some. houses are shut np continuonsl board 10 i'lleton or change to Exeter
ahe people living in •them ran be healthy'. After the •subool.
, :1:1141'S chief earl should be direeted te het child's welfare.
Brucef ield wil1,00,$00 who p %See d away on ni
(1e) atter a long illness 410(11 calmer
to,k. place on Smalay to Ooderieh the
Nursing the Baby.
The mother', is the baby's best food. Nearly every mother should
be able to 11/11-.1. r baby. and she should have ever:, encouragement to
persevere in bras feeding for four or Ave months at himt. If she works
rout she cannot a:. the baby, and as a consequence artifieial food, suell as
4ow's milk or th ,xpensive proprietary preparations il110 used, with the
vonimon result ta,A. the baby gots diarrhoea and frequently dies. The first
great requisite 'Ilea is, that to the mother mutat be kit the care of the baby.
Artificial Food.
If for any reca,on the mother is unable to breast feed her baby, artificial
food must b11 4,4.3 either partly or entirely. Then we are obliged to seek
end recommend best form of artificial food, but before doing so, physl
clan, nurse, and foal her must exhaust every means to keep up the hives
calmly. Do not Ira to do this by the use of beer, stout, wine, or any form
of alcoholics. articles do not Improve the breast food, and beside
they are bad for fie:. baby.
The best 1844411 1a1 food is cow's milk modified to snit the needs of the
growing child. raf milk should be carefully selected. It should be the
:product of clean, 1.,althy, well -kept cows. Certified mill; is expensive, and
if such milk eantint. be procured then the raw milk should be pasteurized
or boiled. Some authorities claim that boiled milk is more easily digested
than raw milk. 1 raw, pasteurized, or boiled milk is used it should be
iaodthed 182 4o110w11:
What oriels have 11.011 8 810111111
oc3,•lli,t1 1hot the farm of MI
I has 0'101411in what. 1.11111
Eckert was engager! 111 saitiog wood
1 three of the men w.arvi overcome with
the impel of the tingles hot the promml
ammo of tote of the 114011 stoppiog
engine saved the situotion and all throe
Mr, 'rhos. Poredl meet with a pain-
ful aeoidettlf loot Friday while engaged
in (tutting wood for Mr, W . Manley
the axe inhaling its mirk cutting his
foot which will lay him up for some
Mr, Fred Eckert has purchased the
fine 60 mire farm of Mr NI, O'Laughlin
11liaa Millie Murray hag been ougag-
ed by Miss Brise of Swift/rib as dpoe
Oorp Robt Livingston 0 A. M 0,
To ron o. Spent the week end under the
temente! roof
lir and Mrs 0 Mo Dongall of Boh;Tin
Sask are visiting friends in the village.
ea lei Hat ty Babb and Son Ja31. of
Toro 4.3, spent Sunday with Mr and
D re ittehisam.
M r win ried sinter of Wainright
Alta aro visiting their sister ildraa
91 ro Mobley of Seafelth spent Sun.
day with Mrs (lenient
Mr and 810, atoirew 3911111,11 o
warden, M an are guests here at pros.
91 r. Georg Miller and deughter
Mina of Moose law are spending af
to v menthe with relatives in this 848-
1111 44,
Mr mid Mrs. Dan McDonald are
visiting here
Mrs. 1-Ingli Currie is slowly rat:miter
ing from her riment.illners
M r, A (1 Russel of Avontoe ie speed.
itig a few weeks at the home of Mia,
S'alada 'Tea Black Green or unxi-d
stilhog at the old odes at Greauslades,
Coe of the eally residents of Bay field
111 the person of Chunks Dressler pass-
ed awity on Wednesday moriang after
a few duys illeess follinceg a otrelm.
The frown.' telt place on Friday after
1101111 to the tia) field Cemetery the
001 91010 Were conOtieted 1,3 the Rov A
Mae Fat htne to tit Aedrews Chianti,
'II, lute clairles Was 1101.11 ll
441111oreil4 10 1 843 ...JO', efitne 1, this
oiolit l'y in 18:13 Rattling in 1b9
lior0 the detaiiRi 4 lot d till his ilea 13,
NH Wt. (pilot awl of 101 1 r1 11t4
p1013101.0 lia, 01111 liNVOI n131111.11 iibb 171
1/10. teeter 141,11 one liali.brottrez
Ji. lin filo,,, 1,01 lirothor Henry O8l/111g
1/1,111,,,t1,11 11111i Sottlo
4,418 4 Tolus 01 Port Staiiloy at totill-
eil (Il,, funeral her neck, the late C.
The funeral of the late Mrs Wm
A number from here attended the
funeral of the liati Coo Eigie of Stanley
1 who died recently after a 1)110 4110008
The members of the Ptetbyterian
Church held their 011101,11 business meet.
mg and reports were read.
Robert Morrison of Stanley reoently
sold his farm and has bought a home,
8 in Hensel to which he will shortly move
Two trains have been taken off the
line which make it very ineonvenent for
those travelling,
THE FORMI3LA-1st Month,
A full-term baby will usually take In twenty-four hours:—
tlream--Two ounces,
Skimmed Milk—Two ounces,
Boiled Water—Twelve ounces.
Sugar of Milk ---Six level teaspoonfuls..
The sugar of milk should he dissolved in a few ounces of boiled water.
Place this In a pitcher, add the cream, the skimmed milk, and the balance
ef the boiled water, and stir with a spoon. This mixture should preferably
le put in twelve separate bottles and placed in an icesbox, or kept in the
pitcher and added to the bottle as used. The baby should during the first
month have a bottle every two hours from say four in the morning to ten
at night. The food should bo warmed by sitting the Louie in hot water to
warm it to st condonable heat. It should be fed thromat a large rubber
stipple which fits snugly over the neck of the bottle. Needless to say 14 10
Important that bottles, nipples, and all utensils used should be kept serap-
'cloudy clean. Too great care cannot be taken in this revard.
Formula for Second Mouth:—
Cream- Five ounces,
Skimmed Milk—Five ounces.
n011 Water—Twenty minces.
Sugar of Mk- -Font' level tablespoonfals.
Formula for Third 1,attaa,
•-;-1:. :let1d,
8111i., 1 1'
111incal unaa. • i
fiaaa:a.ir ,,J. ra• --Foar love 1 tablespoonful*, „, „,
'ft,aatitinued Neat Week.)
Mr 14 Graham took a car 04 41(1 oettle
to 'Toronto and (1itred good prices
The Kelly Circle held one of their
pleasant meeting on Thursday A
feature WPM an address read by Mies
Madge Ewen and a preeentation made
by Mies Bowey to Solely Morrison
Secretary of the &Mott/ for Iwo years
Miss Swan Treasurer for the mime
period was given a Life Membership
Miller's Worm Powders are par
excellence the medicine for ohildren
who tire found minoring from tha
ravages of worms. They immediately
rdter the stotnechte condition und,
which the warms autos( and ildve th, m
from the system. and, at the same time
11184 aro 401118111 111 their ffeet upon th
digestive alpine, restoring them to
11.0040 operation and ensuring
1111ffilmity from further ditiorders from
suelt 038080.
serVlee Wail comlneted by the Rev A
51 adenine '11(13 1190e11130d was bore hi
Abememishire Suet Bed 10 1 854 80141'
11141 to this country in 1791 and settling
Iii Goderich To Elbe Is survived by
husband, two soos M in and Barnett 01
13.tylield and four daughters Mrs Tuelt
er of Sasliatoons elasit [Mrs le Gintuan
of St Lome, 511 1311 9.1 ItillitiAer of 'I (111 )11(3
mid 141,8181,1 Osmond of Rayfield
The mimed meeting of the Buytield
A pion lu ral soul ety W 148 held ii the
Poten Hall last Wed afternoon when
the folio sing oflicere were elected --
Fres 11 MeNanglitoin 18417100 Pres
J W Reid; 2nd me Pres Dr Woods
Directors Wm Stenson, 8 Huston J
MuKinley, 13 A niggles; T Snowden J
J Stewart, 51 Woods, E Wiso
J Rathwell, It Mt:Murray, El Talbot 0
Copeland Sect A E Erwin; Tree 11' A
Edwarde Anditere; T Cameron J
Falconer The society made a donation
of $21) to the local Womans Patriotic
Important Hindu Shingle M111
The Hindu ls prograseing in British
'Columbia. A. company composed ex
elusively of persons of that faith has
been formed to operate the B. /she
Shingle Mill at Langley, B.C., and ix
reported to be prospering exceedingly,
One tvay to make friends—keep ad
Was to yourself.
Thursday Jan, 2 5
(ME "S„IfItlfr OF PIGS"
falaraltaantinteialalsinfantautrosiltainstraallafteisnetienalainuff aft eat, as a., a 1
1it ii l''' ; 'u', 'ki „T ,V P!,1ii ,‘•:11 ii,'1IA
11 J EI n: lil " 4h
i '
Established 1811
Farmers' Business
Special attention given to the business of Fanners and
Derraalejs in Live Stock, Sale notes collected on favorable
Savings Department
Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received,.
Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year.
Efficient service assured to depositors. 071)
Delloloua "Fruit Laxative', can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and boweis.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one's stonsweb, liver
1(11(1 bowels need cleansing at once.
Wheit peevish, cross, listleas, doemet
sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever-
ish, stomach emir, breath bad; bail
sore throat, diarrinsa, full of 001(1, 411178
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup 01
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out Of Its
little bowels without griping, and you
have a wen, playful child again. Aak
your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which con
tains full directions for babies, chil-
dren of all ages and for grown-ups.
*m.o. ionganonermakveounenamsemasementsamanametwarnowsweams
BEIBliMingdlintrAttillitlEidEMNIBMIIMYEttifitiMililliMeEdalL. •
Principal repayable 1st October, 1919,
Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at
any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of
Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and acctued interest,
as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any fame war loan issuo
in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or ethos like short date security.
Proceeds of this stook are for war purposes only.
A commission of onesquartor of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and
stook brokers. on allamarda made in rasped of applications for this stock which boar thoir
For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa,
OCTOBER 7111, 7118.
All of us cannot fight.
Are we seeking that "something," or
to forget it?
All of us—men, women and children—can do something towards winning the war.
we evading it? Arc we looking for the "bit" svc should do, dr trying
Take the Canadian Patriotic Fund. It
has been created to care for the fainilies of our
soldiers in those cases—and those only—where
need exists. Experience has shown thartit;
--- ---
means in two families out of three. Up to
December 1, 1916, the people of Canada have
given $16,500,000 to the Fund.
That is generous giving, isn't it? But
the country is still at war; our armies are still
growing; the soldiers' families are still in need;
the Fund still must be maintained. And what
do v,•a find: in every part of the country men
crying that they have given enough to the
Fund—that Government should now take the
Given enotieth! When the Canadian
lad in the trendies is dead -tired, ready to drop
in his tracks, does he chuck his job, declare he
has given enough, and call on Government to
get another man? Given enough! Is there a
man in Canada has given enougUr woolen and
children are in need while he, the stay-at-
home, has a dollar to spare?
No I This Fund, above all funds, has
a claim on every citizen who is not himself a
pauper. The fact that Government has not
assumed responsibility for it is the fact that
snakes every man responsible for it—even if
he thinks the Fund should be maintained by
Government moneys.
Are YOU helping to insure this home against need?,
1. Government would have to treat all alike. The Fund helps only those in need. If Government paid the'
families of each soldier the average sum paid by the Fund the extra burden on the country would be between eight
and nine million dollars yearly.
2. By paying the average sum those families in districts where cost of living is low would receive more than
they need; those in high-cost areas would be paid too little. •
3. Costs of administration would be enormously increased. This work is now done, for the most part, by
stilling worker without cost, Of every hundred dollars subscribed, Ninety-nine Dollars and Forty-six Cents go to the
families! Never was a voluntary fund so economically administered.
4. The work would suffer. There would be no more of the friendly, almost paternal, relation now existing
between the administrators of the Fund and t'nofamllj01, Government works automatically. The Fund's visitors.
are friends in need, therefore friends indeed.
5. Taxation would be unequal, for some counties and some provinces are already taxing their people for thin
Fund. Are they to be taxed again by the Federal authority?
6. The richer classes would be relieved of work they are cheerfully doing. They are now bearing, and bearing
because they have the financial power and the patriotic willingness, the larger shine of the burden. Why take from
them this task, and give it to all, rich and poor?
7. The Fund blesses him that gives. 44 15 a vehicle for public spirit—a channel for patriotic endeavor. The.
work of administering it has uncovered unknown reservoirs of unselfishness and sacrifice. Men and women have
thrown themselves into this work because they found in it the "bit" for which they looked—their contribution tel
winning the war. Why stay their hand and stifle their enthusiasm?
8. Last, but not least: Government control means raising the money by selling Government bonds. Govern-
ment bonds mean future taxation. And that means that the returning soldiers will pay, through long years, a large
share of the cost of caring for their families --a cost we, the stay-at-homes, pledged ourselves to bear,
Bend your backs once again to this burden. /f you live in the rural districts see to it that your county councils
make grants worthy of the counties and of the cause. If in the towns, start campaigns for individual subscription,
And personally, taxed or not teated, give as you can afford, give as your conscience tells you is your duty, your war-
time part, in this day of national sacrifice.
The Feed moires 812,50(000 for 1917. Of this Ontario is asked to rate 86,000,000, being the estimated require,
meads of Ontario's families. If there 111 no local Fund to which you ran subscribe, scud your gift direct to the Cariudian
Patriotic Fund, Vittoria Street, Ottawa.