HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-01-25, Page 5.47+i •1,.1. Page 5 IWi�rsudalWMis'FitInWMY1t1Sle!?«'�StaWiNf""ir�'�!nuAiaai .... .. ..,.•.--.-.-•^ a.(7piihawwiioufzaila 'fitlir/rrrota. t7q„Y('.WG«Puwr.G.;;000uio -. Pi1141 'Phone t0 rdets (aaree oliiv ii le�-ad NOTICE Being anxious to close up our Books at the end of the year we will he deeply obliged if parties having accounts with us will call and settle at once. 17 11.71D C" alk .!1)%.,, ("The Horne of Good :'hhoe's" Phone 51 Seaforth 6 011+•.W"etl••'H ale r.•r•alitee elill•'^•••• er4 is To , o iris i! 4140..,e.aX,...1,.., 111.0. ,,.n,,..n... ...tit "li•+�•an..e.,.ua1.+w+•n n,.....on1l,a.a=.ntn,.».na � Mrs 1teu11 hero of 1lai'tniltill apea.t 111,010 Smola y with friodH horn. Mr flan Boll spent part of lout week in 'reroute, 111u .1 1.1 Rodd woe a visitor in Wood iMonk over the week Hid. Vt r'X 1 )I'Viii .3an(•N IN 4101 titg Ilei• teeter manifested in the game. Long before her slater (1 (4 It' V I$ A Oorbett iu the appointed hour oruwds thronged the grand stand0, the private boxes hod all been hooked ahead and anon 9000 groat demand forMantling ro0(1). Rec- eipts from the box office allowed a grand aggregate 0tten(111100 of at Ioaat thirty 1s All arrarrgometltemoved nfl 01o0It TOE $ 'APoReriti NEWS ..w.uowsit>w:FMaarakiax 1a11110f1IS It.TI':{ iillllll-�'� Ill Hockey DOMINION vs COMM Rep! Oli 1lriday afternoon at 4,30 p m the brat romp, le the home and home seri, a of the Seaford' Ntuauolal League took plane at. the Pattie,. Arr101 b('t W0( (1 p3ekod teem, from the Rtaffu of the two 10041 haulm, Ilona teams headed the league with equal number of points to their credit and intense Intertest was easuis s utraisson(m.ammanna=ss ..�y„r„r.:1 CREAK WANTED Bend your cream to ns and receive top prices. Wo are rnuntng our plant She year through end can haudle your hall supply and formal' you with cans We pay twine each month and weigh aample,and teat each can of cream caro fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou 'Patrons" Patrons are rtquested to re barn all oar cane when not in nee, 31tter an 1 Buttermilk also on hand x19 for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. W,JeWalker & Soo Undertakers anti Embalmers W. J. Walker, holder of go. ernment Diploma and Lioense Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention Day Phoria 67 Night " IS 4/7 1 L2t,ou,7Lr r%% �✓(lL�c 2f �• SST11ATFORD. ONT.--- Winter Term from Jtummy •Lind Wo have Commercial ;htll'tt11,'tle and Telegraphy Department (wolves aro thoro(igh no to dnteon 1I practical. The tit ettllutnr1 areex- perieioed and we are receiving scores of applications for trained help we oeneet supply. Write at once for particulars A. PJICLACHLIAN'1,111 Try us for A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING, OUR SPEOIALT7f Call At Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNOS BLOCK SEAFORTH Representative W At anon tor Seaforth std District for •Canada's Greatest Nurseries', Spring 1917 Planting List now ready. Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental Stook, including Mclntosh Rod Apple St. Regie Ever - bearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New Illustrated Catalogno sent on application. Start now at beat selling time Liberal Proposition, STONE and WELLING'L'ON The Foothill Nurseries, (Established 1337) Tormlto, Ontario. need 01 (111 l tool 111116 Roul Ma0Kellaie of Renton Modal hohuul stuff Stratford visited the we1•11 0•nd at her Mime here. thee vl. L(, ull'lna1 left on Friday for 11. r h,en,., iu Bright after a pleasant r'aii at the Immo of her aunt MIS J A M thee, 111s (3,018, lett for rlilaa Oraig after at, 1•,:to aisle visit with friot(de in town, tit.. ilea t( eh6 is rooting friends fu 1'11 l,t, qi Nr and 1110 Il W Hill. and little daughter M,irgnrotof 'robs' Alto, ore rowing Mr ((1,d 31ra M. 310 Kelh.rs Jarvis, $t O'„0,11.•11u1d 11 re A Wilson have re- turned from rhlar Viotti to Now York, mime PASTER REM 101A, who before becoming 11 sister lune a teacher ill the London Conspiratory of Music, w give 101.1'11 e 1 t 1'1 ,Irse311'0 Come Seaforth in instrumental and vocal music, piano and violin. 10 OENT 11 CASCA BETS 1' FOR LIVER AND BOWELS .ire timidly of Sault Ste Mario form• 13 of "eatortll npsnt a .teak with 'Nits R Fi,•nl. A meetingof the 001(bath at,1iool ; (0here le tins town a ill udjonnng 3'unmillion for the purpose of forming a 1'nwoelllp, Association will be 111(1d in the Methodist chur0h on Friday evening 11118 week at 745 Addle:mot will bo given by Mr G Koithby of Auburn and Mr A 'T Oooper of taiutou preetleut si'd secretary of the Centro Huron Sunday school Association. - Coro Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness,Breath-Garay Cathartic. pad The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario Ohe 11.intmb.Qtt Abur.Cttwwr No odds how bad your liver, stom- ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are front constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels --you always get relief with Cascarets. They Imme- diately cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and from foul the liver anditcarry offe the ress the coag atipated waste platter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep Your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and load clear for months. They work while you sleep. ALI Mail Enitions $3 00 Per Year Ono Work the tim11143'taa. goal umpi1as staff reporters, judge of play atleedflg p11 y84i0.101. trainers, nalr(ura ((lei, etc, were on hood and oho game (tartod promo t Iy, g After the players hail ail beau foe- fj.�1 coat or 11 r= molly introdneed w.f.'apologies and fol. 1 ' s Mr John Rankin woe ul Toronto this work. Lieut Rose of Guelph was mentioned in a despatch as having won a Military Cross to Franco. He wua born 111 Sea- Much praise is due to the Dominion forth and is a Nephew of Mrs J Beattie defense players Chesnut8 and Falke. heyn who showed marked superioity over the opposing defense, The only w00110ess011 in the teams ehow0 were the goal 'coopers 0101 Bain and Begin Auldreid who were obv- onaly not accustomed to the swift corn -- any. They peristed in only stopping the shots that didn't score and the utter tlsregerd shown by them for the rest of the players by their repeated non- stop rushes from goal to goal made the rafters ring with cheers from the afore. mentioned throng. There was considerable diversity of opinion as to the final more but it was generally eonceded to be a a tie nee- 088118ting a replay at a date to be ann. emend later Tj1 Ll;fl9it"G.i"»tAtraa�±,+,w..•w...,,. u»ae r'sdlay,1 snmal?wa„naleaistlaaa>�,.,<,�.,veratwta?: 0 Phone Vow' Orders Stewarts Sell It For Less Mail Your ti1earia.:, '�,1'(� � reat . o Fashionaile hir db. For Women and Menn to off a c„ Every Fur Ruff, Muff, i I lid ringing 1C1tIltl005 .('x10111 ,•(. IL 1 13000 Il, .g ,�•�I coat 'NY,7 A-1 of the otlwl,ell sent the nom to their r'e. �`.:.iiue61. coat ,¢ started It wee obvious that hard `,.out without regard l.to cost. oh0ckil'g and toll;linens would be the 1' 'r 1'f4111re never ' 'tia,s a, ,ore the order of theg:ome And Within th 9 first few mtnutel; the rival auuagen'R '„ J "' '"� I_ to •, �• Mtill10(aln and .3 unean11lt011 nle,t in a Hopper• q n.ne 'r•�p T/V a b y{ . head on eollison which showed that 1. Ltl 51 68E e ,Y speotive poail•ions nod thio great Contest ' 1 1 he cleared they wore more or0natOm('d to . head Probably never again 'will work than 803011 work, Moth 4110(14 1161(1 ' K,�i �! X CJL �A S to resume after a shot repose in centre 'y,� be'�' 11x0. McMillaudo for the Oommea'o( bonest.'freliable furs o"•'-er_ wtuoit plea() he occasionally moved and ed 8,t these great reductions 1 d • 1 t come played a star game at oontre from q • in the 800011 punct 9055 8000 o dongerhnsly hear the p10k on several There are hundred s of ruffs 00008(ons. His oppouingplayer Pietro + Brownippi wiloao ships were literally and muffs to choose from. „dd.,'with well known Magazines ploy sola slashing game ie every respoot but . arnllot, wolf, fox, sable, mostly with his stick 0 von Rankeyn (Commerce) showed hie Kultur in play. mink. Persian lamb, coon, trig an intensely brutal game throughout nearlytorininutiig in a fiscal combat beaver,.&c. Don't wait, with the Dominion forward, Herod Shark. He belongs to the Royal Engineers and has been in Active Service for two years Mre A 0' Sutherland is visiting in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Robert Reid of Outlook Bask are visiting the former,a brother Sir J H Reid, Prof Alfred Curbs formerly of the orchestra and now of Buffalo is coming over and will play at the old time Dance The regular monthly business meet ing of the lied Cross society will 0e held in the Carnegie Library Hall Thursday after noon Feb 1st at 4 o'clock Mies Mary Modeleod spent the week end in Clinton. Mr and Mre D Farquharson spent Solidity with Mr. and Mrs. James Rays. ReoVe John A, Stewart is ((1100ling the meeting of the County Council in (lodericb this week. Miss Annie Betts who hal been the ane(1st of Mre R W Goltlhawk for over a 9011(111 left on Tuesday for her home hi Rock Mills. Miss Norma Rosa of Mc Killop is spending a week with Was Annie Stewart. 1857-1917 SIXTY YEARS OF PRO- GRESS AND SUCCESS Wo have established a lasting _re- putation for fair and Deplore dealing and 11T0 (10N prepared to meet exl8ting conditions byt1001ug our liiglt grade trove and p1a1(10 direct to °leitmotivs at lloolt Rotton Prices. Don't dida3' Wanting fruit. twee and plaits as 11,1,10 is nothing out -a lotto,•; bend for oat illustrated ell'rlllitra of h,.rdy va0ieti00 whirls }'11(1 can dircet and get the benefit of ale•n(0) (Inmmission. 0)00 prices will be more to interest yen. THID (3111',9 it MILS t-0. 1)3' (1NI0RIO. 1,10, t'01.101:N E, ONT ,. 1 li < t 14:1 Mrs W Govonlook is in Toronto this Week. ShoreciiUUe Camp There's au isolated, desolated spot tike to mention, Where all yon hear it "stand at ease' "slope arms; "Quick Match,' "Attention" it's miles away from anywhere but gee itis a rum'nm A chap lived here for fifty year std never saw a woman• 'there are lots of little hada all dotted here and there. For diose who have to live inside I've offered many is prayer. Inside the hots there's rata as big as any nanny goat, Last night a soldier saw one trying on his overcoat. It's sludge lip to the eye brow you get it in your ear But into it you've got to go without a sign of fear And when yutl•v8 had a bath of alndge you just exit to and groom And got cleaned lip for next parade or else it a ortlor'ly room. Week in 1.1(11 out (('um morn till night with full kit and n rifle, Like Jack anti ,1i11 you tllitnb 1h„ bill of onursa that's just a trifle 51031e arena, Fix bayonets, than Pleat/It they fat('01' 3010 ,you throeg31 it. And as a 11 dagger to your the ser - t• :dn shouts jue13) to it, Witlhtne111. (Ionia and without lilt )o0 quickly got Om 11,4114 Yoe gallop nil ;and ii(lvn eke slice like a blooming rabbita Heade southward bend, Arius upwards stretch heels upward raise then Ranks 011(0(31. 11111008, 341(1 Inter 011 tl0 y make yep put your knee cepa whore your face is • Now when this War iR 00(11• and we've captured Ka10e1• hilly '1'o shoot hint would be merciful and absolutely 3831131, ,1nat septi hint flown to Shornoli0111 thorn amoleg the rats and clay And 4111 bat he won't be long before he droops and fades away, Miss Ross taught Inst week and Miss Watson is teaching this week in Room V in Miss Hartty. Mr F 11 Larkin will hove for his soh- jcot. next Snudly evening "01'hy Pid fled Permit the 00(4013' I'd illnoliherson watt pleated in North Wear Toronto on Slummy by 1000 of a 10,10,1..3 'rhe Rot, .4. U. 1,, 01vke of 01ater. too has leen appointed rector of tinder., left. 1-4,•.:fell11 h..o returned 08 p:-'.r.f N0001.01 Selvitx, Cards, signed. he Mies Ella Webb in visiting friends t11 •louiet,l fm apetating the Snow^ Clinton. ''''nigh on the 1'.tblio Roads of the Township of McXillop for 10317 will be rnceIV(e(1 by the (Motion at its mooting Winthrop on January+31st Istat, '1'or- ders to be opened at 1 o'clock. M: MCIItn11+a, Olork' 1'ooviell, pale, restless, and stoltly to wormu In all countries. Ask for our LNVENTQB' children ewe their Oet1(11011) n Aller1SEE, :which win ba sent frac. Mot llerGrnves' Werra Exterminator will maw def'i410lQLd. relieve.them (0(001 restore 310443th. 31118, 10000 Mod01(010 wail in Loudon tinting the paste week attending the funeral of Mfrs. LPred • Mitchell, BIRTHS, I.LLISON- On Sank 21.81 to IV1r and Mrs. P Enlace, a sou come early, get the first choice of these big bargains. Special Sale of Mill Ends of Flannelette at 15c a yd. Here is an opportunity to buy reg,20c flannelette at a great big reduction. These are all good ends of heavy, soft, pure white flannelettes guaranteed to be the very highest quality pieces, ranging from 2 to 10 yards. Sale price 15c per yard. s EWA Orders Big Remnant Sale There wil! be unusual bargains in remnants on Saturday. All the stock taking remants,including silks, serges, flannels, prints, ginghams, fano wash goods, will be sold at big reductions. , There many large and valuable pieces among them marked at a mere fraction'. of the ordinary price T BOS10 '5'%+87 . ii'10, (,,1 END STOMACH TROUBLE, I GASES OR DYSPEPSIA' 1 "Pape's Diapepsin" makes Sick, Solar, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes. If lit , just ate la souring on your 1 ,,r lies like a lump of lead, 1 to digest, or you belch gas a. .':tate sour, undigested food, or 11..:8 a feeling of dizziness. heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -headache, goon can get blessed relief In five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Dlapepaln from any drug store, You realize in five minutes bow need- less it is to softer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc- tor in the world. It's wonderful, SAVE THE PAPERS NHw 011014.10 t1(e (1 In ut,n..ult• eft t +.11 .n^Xt uoI'enttnt t,i.,.rtty alto 1',11X,,0;0 The papers .are ktil con Varied into iio.3la ti'.uly ' r comforts for a33t Isco@ NOTIelE Treasurer's slue of lands for tales in the Town of Seaforth, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale For ,u•roara of taxes has been prepared and that copies thereof may be had in my office, and chest the lint is beteg published in the Ontario Gazette, Dsconher 241d. 9th 16th and 231'dis8ne8 and that in de- fault of payment of the taxes, thellands will be sold foo taxes 00 'Thursday the 8th clay of 'larch 19,7 at 3 014300k:in rite afternoon at the Town Hull, Sea fortis. John A Wilson, 'meas '1'.•we of Seaforth frensarer-e 0311". 1100, 'ill, 1916, WUIBUCtlS W111 'fhn'lewd y cif a 3 soar t (11 ' he condition of the liver regtiatl a the cue anion of the blood. A 111,011ed 1(881: °ailllss impurities in the blood x11(1 these show thorns, Ives in bl.•ntistrus o1( the shin. Pormelee,a Vogetiode Pile in set int; upon (heei 11 '011 thablootl• and a clear, healthy skit ((0111 follow in- tolliget,t two of thy, standard medicine. Ladies, who Will folly appt'eoiatie Chia prime quality of these pnlla, eau 1100 then with the c,irtient31 that the effect Will be most ratifying g uhlydI111 R 0L3 31 l In • Meeting( Tr- anon',' mooting of members e the '3,.Killop \hltnal '•'ire Inenralre (company wt1, he held at the tubi Boll S-•,fo,i11 on Friday Fel 2nt1, 1917 et th- hour. ray( 11, In, 1'110 1/08111008 Will b., r,1 r.reiv1 the mutual statements d aeclit.oe ,,,pot, 11 a electing rf Our directors and other business whirl wcnld be rot oidered for the h:.ne1t of the company. The retiring officers ate .lefties Connolly, Rnbort Ferris, 1040, Roue nod (40o. McCartney. who aro enellle• ter 0er:tine. .lalet'o 4 ' etio1 y Tiles. FI. Ilz:4s "For the Blood is the Lf .'t L,,,d ttn•'•.,vt 1e•:`a of the A0r!+,lit ll 'i a+. t,• „1 ,sRich Mr. rloD0,rd] 18 1 ' 1 .old tilt. '0, t, d;•rielt ',•, .I i'•. ,A1it 1.0 bell 11 1'1e TO, it 1:,13 ',',.,41141!1•33 en) nr;nt 107th ni , : n.: e 11•'8:; oral .'1 , I;o, ilrvr,• iii 1 • n r lr, 0 011 1)1111m:11 0.14,3 d, nn'n- ,...qj ,.} tt 1, it , ,••, :'1 1.1'.8 51111 4'1'1. i'tuy I eii1, •+i(I rhe 111011 11,41I at 113103(1 The 010+01ru1 114111 ,41y ba 'urornnlei,11 next w.(rk. Admission will in every 011,01, le free. tined i)Hmuns'rat nns� will fordo a largo part' of the display 90hi011 ahonldi be :interesting to ,ill, loll nualveis`11ilt also be shown 1114 u+nll its the re8alts, Lightning roti adjust - moots and I{ohoeae exhibits will alas. have a part. WHEN yQHO (a ,"ski ."8t 1L t4u t (7101, . ,.Y 8100000 clue t0 encore 01011,8 1108(0.13 Eosonam, 3crct9,la,,ac0,VVIL11.15 li Wore, At,acoeeuo, 0101,08 010ndIl(mt. $'vatl,ntc, toe($, shooplae,Soreeor ono r , a 1 elu11,n10014 Pu.Ylnn1Ramu,01tti a>e kikaut,(10.4 dont w, etc your tint lona on tl411'ni rn,tnclu.. whl+•ti Gant t tea ht..kitta.2 01 t11:1 (145, What V0o N018 ▪ t Inr,:lici0e tiLit at(I th0mughlV freurla.tw d of the 000011.0, alone is t,Cn6, • ,:e al -.dl trout suffering. Clnoke's Llhmd 1f K1u 1 lost ,411 a medicine. 1135 r•,nr n. ( ,;n,au,(s (181111 qulcldv expel tion.P 11 1 all impureter% from whatever xr.i l 000 8''010J ni to,IT ntt10 lMaritusintro. Y• 11 rru(q "sw EE • w„ri tun a)•V +1 ''�' liver 50 }cant �. 040018. Irrl•.lat to hake, GilarkoN Mood 6... Wafture 8.11 a a enum180 and Siorohannu,n.i R`fs,rwall .CURES ALL .80,0,4,. SKIN St BLOOD DISEASES. mratszngtosmaasslanimanualTat OkATHS, 33't'01110.1=10i3•-•In Nit: n(Illop 01) Jan 19111, 1917. •Intel( MOR100061 Ago 73. roma,