HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-01-25, Page 4age II
o. s' CAftUS. to look at thitil(L;s• If you try to go out
I without buying you oro once introd-
WIEDICAI. cintit,4 ikliugoatx11,1 good to hu floor -walker and tliti awns,
r ROSS. Physician mid Surgeon
Old Throat.
Office owl Wilde Pre, behind Dominion Bank,
Office Phone Il Repidence, Ptiont NO. 504.
rot. $. BURROWS. Scaforth. 011ice and
residence -- GOderichStrret, met of the Mediu.
dist Church, Coroner for the County of Huron.
'URI:bens No, 40,
S. SCOTT le 5/1ACKAY, Physicians and
ft Imps, Cs atrial f..115111, opposite Medal.
,. diet Church, Seaforth.
550Th graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor. and
anienber oli Ontario College of Physicians and
Alargeons, Coroner for County of Ilutun. .
. ' , mar KAY, honor graduate Trinity tletiverntY.
. gold medalist Trinity Medical College.) Men:Perot
College of Physicians and Surgeons, e iwatio.
........__._,..--,..-.....-__ . -___...--
1 . rtit. GEO. HEILEMAN. .On:(eoptabice,S,peciallaad
t: loo In Worerre's and Chad n's Pis ses
' . litheurnatle Troublee. Acute 5nd Chtonir Ole.
orders. Ear, Eye, Nose and Threat. Adenoids
t , Sallso584 Withont the knife. Consultation free.
C01 ',e Nock 1,101 V1% lime 'Whim -li .0 PM, .0
'.11. f t ' F 0,1 . lo. 0 1 ,. ; Frain% 8 1,, I: 8.011
4„,.............,;t1r..................,.....,- --- - ----,...................-----
MOIT1818 1.108ines
Aro you considering fasurance, Life or Accident?
Ikon 890, 00 will get our rates.
41r11 it Agent for London Life insurance Co.,
and l'tPertsiGuriroutccand Accideut insurance Co.
Sesfortb, Ont.
From inc Office
Vinare, AS
nee donor per year striettV tI, iniliets
10 111 N8od oi • arouse, 011e t15, and
a ha 5 niti eh e taa t. 0051.1 RInIP
IM VOW, nay gnts trickly ui
When subsoribern chaange their ni,lena
notice should be ' to,i isansediately, giving
both the old and the new address. Sub-
scrlicer sail canter a NVOr tiy notlfEins us
of any irregularity a .k 51V101
Reading Notices -14o Manna natke•
teteertietag any entertainment ur matter by
whi..n mows, 10 10 be made by env person
oterto wf 1 he ineertel in Ins RIMS
witlarn. 0100. I;14* price for the inser-
tion 00 '0n011101,1 sonelanc.nents Is; TEN
crate per naiad tine re.'sa irmartion to
serum ;tsetse; on contract tor display
advereking5 1,OP, per Ilor cads
twestion ;ha, having .tteplay 11010011,01.
an/ for 0.,. 0. •••o,insir and entertainment
metals notices Card of Thanks 5 to 4
noel. 541:110
Judicial, Local, Official anti Govern..
MOO r40010015.- re0 n41.11110 Mr 61.4
InsmAinn ankt hvc misty per line far Mak
0141' '11)0 Insertion.
11001' er,rele• Prof.r.uveal Cants. not
em0,410.4; (Me ,r111 Inserted for
$5 SPIV!, 41,1,1,114.1040700100
0'15nyd0,4 .111/ 401-0,10 51110.0 ellm.141,041
anies %Vatson. " ,csts ccler.1 ros IsnretiOn.
*metal lice Life nod Aecid••10, 100001"0.118 • ses!'d
)1i_41 01, end '01.101.1. in .1.9.130! 014113,010.
b1.1.411 beset -le 85,1 01.105'.
------..... I
-...; -...... ... _.
,1,t1,,,r.,ii"-11 ,11011,,,,„%cragt.
igarlu.IsIT'It.67.1,1••, L'c''',1',T1' 'o.(4,°41
thititial itc°11.6 bIstirance Co _ ;ability Aaiun, 'cc. t's, -s,t,coonts mall;
, in such goatsant0e01013.1 !.. -tiers an reit.
&us tapes Is. ,blishe1 at all
f.erm wool anointed 'Town cogent as paid aivertisinc, ol o 1, marked
as such The rat, for colt matter Is tea
C01101 per line.
J. F. g Pf 0 IW 0 Cs N
'Pro firerey (Only Innizre,e,
Isils!3VIlclec-tacitlietTBIEttlagife;Agho's.1! Ans-,
Secretary -Treasurer. Seaford:.
D. F. McGregor, Seatorth; Joh ScGGHeve
Winthrop W. Rine, Constance; John ennewele,
Brodghasen; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Malcom
McKeon, Clinton; John 11. McLean, Seaford:,
Ili...e.000inkilY.Gocleticls; Jan. Evans, Beechwood,
Alex. Leiteit, litudeetc; Rind:day, Seaforth;
William Chesney, Egnaondville; J. W. Yeo,
Notmesville; R. G. Jorinouth, Brodhagen; James
Mere anal John Govenlock, Seaford:, auditors.
Parties decimal to effect insurance or transact
other business snit he promptly attended to by
spplicelion to any of Cho above officers. addreased
io their tespecare postofreces
0/. rff• 00 0 Ieg
oV, GEtei 7, of
r aipi Imitatiene
" zyzaAtt 1 . Sold
ee the
' -.Idea peeve it . ' le Merits
,., r.or '1,0r 1,,,- - • •
. .
... '..-.LittirrZO • r 1
t mignon, g.g.nr, , ', : ,i
taut jri yokl atii MA 811110d; 010I1 The custom among Banks of charging their customers
iiativwaez ,ke,1 e‘ ,, ei, the lento; ow at. exchange 051 ok
cheques drawn on out own
poitits meets
wilt v 3, eirose.ogninination liV that
a Owe i', )0 ,t ',,,iel ,'' 00,i5 011 1.Y '0 WhOn I With Mere Obje.ell011 from the unilorrned depositor 1)n 14 an V
licit -..•44. lasklit 11, 000 81)4111(1 time 0 sod not 1 of the various legimate charges made by a Bank. Tild de
buy. 1 positor is prone to look upon such a charge as ti species of
l tt—this view is no doubt due to the fact th-tt no
Til Ai ME VIORIr 41,111,T
I don', 111111O1t ,0j0/.4.
I really Omit Ws tun.
They yid, 54110 irk GUS 85111,rO'0'0905) 1040(1,
And when the work done
say mother brings her Hewing in
Iteettlu tho fit, they've built,
And tells the grandest stories
Prom the 'wintery quilt,
petty gra
apparent value is received by him in return for the charge
made, as would he the case with the Post Office for trntle-
mission of mail or any other public institution or commer-
cial enterprise for the performance of their various fuIlLti10108
Such charges made by, let us say, a railroad Company
would not be questioned because the value is obvious, and
'it therefore would seem the objection to Bank exlihange.
811" 0140011"11 50 1010811 a11B was a girl, has been created by the fact that the Value conferred in re -
Vilna serape both biro and small;
'turn is obscure. .
They're bits from Grandarnio wedding
Depositors almost invariably overestimate the value of
first gowo for a ball. • their account to a Bank, rarely taking into consideration the
A .'""`'' of V''''''''''a h'8'.' ""1,,' 0.'Ito8"* ' numerous trivial expenses, such ag stationery, clerical sal -
The ono whore ink is. spilt -
About .the memory' quilt: 1 deposits and withdrawal of their funds,.and these expenses in
I drew it 0100e.0eie...it toy rs, • • I addition to the usual Bank Interest allowed leaves 11 Margin
And only pees out ieecr. mid then 1 concession as the handling of the out of town cheques at 1
Oh, there're the grandest thins to toll I aries, cost of Clearing House etc. Which are occasioned by
And slaw me 1.180 051 tight, of profit to the Bank quite inadequate to permit of such a
General Observations 1
Whvii ,dotii09 a V441041 Reunite far SWay,!
pm-. It is not the writer's intention, however, to go into
To wwch tho rod firelight.
be loOlLl00101 eteeps itis i1 hes question of the cost of of accounting, but to show in asit
bagof sand and golden dreams 1.e.w words as possible that charges for exchange are both
Across Eno m.nnory Volt. reasonable and legitimate.
Exchange basically represents the cost of transmitting
UNDER 'r II CLE :11A11.8 funds from one point to another—further, it represents a
010, sta.i us" charge made for the credit during the period of transferr-.
dieth Pieta Yardley ot the January ance. This may be illustrated in the following simple ex -
ism... oi Ev.alwoineies vt orld has wit -
8)1 11111111114 secyciopaeilio version arnPle:
of the sisccto • Wontati" as compiled by 111... deposits to his account in Toronto a cheque drawn on
the ripest° "Man" ilea, indeed, viewed Fort William for a 5 i 000. He is at liberty to draw against
ilen a i All et of supormeu, Although thio ths deposit immediately or if he is not requiring the funds
rattail letigt1(y for brief 1005400, it 18 tO0
OuDraty: ion or transfer has been made— but from day of deposit
Gls brow wrinkliug sintieusly, the notwithstanding the fact that his Banker receives settlement
Chief Doctor ot the school for universal
probably six days later. During those six days credit for
Research up in Mars handed the binoou-
tar to a student at his side. $t000 has been granted to A the minor details of collect
'Observe,• quote he "1"14 tabula"' ion are attended to and such legal rights he may have
accurately the progress of event in that agaisnt prior endorsers onhis cheque. in the event of dis-
queeelooking little body down )(widen':
Swiftly the student brought forth the honor, are properly safeguarde
g,,ou t() abbreviate. It follows, in 1113 hiS toss is bearing interest for him—not after the collect-
Kiroardinn complaining &boat the
quality of their drinking water. They
Bay 50 10) too hard. Why don't they re -
11507e the "Stick" from it ?
Very few people realise when they
grumble at the inconvenience of the
reduced tram serviee they are grumb
ling because these trains are needed to
carry munitione to the soldiers at the
front. The trains were taken a to
speed up the handling of freight that
was very badly needed. This thought
should help all to bear with matienoe
onr little insoonvenietices,
'The council met Monday evening
Pre Reeve and Councillors
Centro, Vita, G.10$11 shd. MOIntOSite
Tits. f;;I:osiii.g standing Committees
were A11.4.1111 0(1 Eta 1917;-
d by the Bank.
Encyclopaedia of Minor Bodies. As he In order to avoid the exchange charged by the Toronto
of die
ran hie finger through the index, 11(0 0(5) Baiik, A. may forward his cheque to a Bank in Fort Will -
curled disdaiufully. iam, and a draft payable in Toronto will be forwarded to
"That, Dootor," he finally, " we have
classified as The Little Egotist." him. The Fort William Bank will, however, make a certain
Continuing, he mad from the reference charge, based upon the cost of transmitting the funds to
book; "Inhabitants, a primitive ram; Toronto, and in addition to this, A. will be unable to use
lived 000010 91(00(101,1 in oaves and jungles
the $l000 until the draft has been received by him Should
still truculent and barbaric; depend for
existence upon the physicist coinumpt- he give instruction that currency be forwarded instead of a
ion and digestion of matter called food draft, there remain postai or express charges to be paid, ancl
Tne race has attained but meagre under; he is still out his $ moo until receipt.
148550 planet is called The Earth; and The fact that the deposit Bank has a Branch at the point
standing of the metsphysies.1 conscious.
they are just outgrowing the theory on which a cheque is drawn does not to any extent, reduce
be Bell Telephone et
Copy for the next Telephone Directory
closes on the aim. " '
(ill Order your tole 21) that
your name will 1 ‘iatiteel
Report changes „.5 ILIJeal
Manaser to -ring
A Witte' 111(4 Head nig,
f• 001 t.li.000,
V41 '1 it, 0.
/lint 1 1,1 1 it, 00 1.00 0•1100)0
SP,A,°: T NI }HO !lie HES
St. James'
fit. Jail -Intl, Church , Rev loather P
Corcoran, Rev 'Pattie U. 0 Nadi -
graves „Morning MII.N$ 7 :On. High
Mass 10 30 a in Foroday school 2 30
p in. Evening vespers 7 p.m.
St. Thomas'
Rev. T. B. Brown, Rector. Sunday
services II a.m, and 7 pm. Sunday
sehoo 1 2.30 p. Women's Anglican
Missionary Associatioe, Inesday 2 30
p.m. Ohildren'sbranch Saturday 2 p in.
uteroession services every Thursday,
.0 pm.
Pirst Presbyterian
Rev. If. H. Larkin., Pastor, Sunday
services 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Sunday
school 2,30 p.m. Prayer meeting,
Thored ay, 7.45 p.m. W °motets Miss-
ionary Societrthe first Tuesday in each
month at 7 45. Barbara Kirkman NCB
Mon Band 3rd Tuesday: iii the month at
7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Baud
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m.
that it is the centre of tne universe. the cost of transfer, as of course, the facilities offered are
Being descended from any goner- in
tee wad Doctor no wise different—and also the fact that the deposit Bank
Smiled indulgently. may have arrangements whereby it is enabled to clear
alone of supermen,
"1 t is in evolution,- he said,"that we through the Clearing House, items drawn. on Branches of
of F10 .11014- e101411,11, ,8,e11104,nh, 'Holding pee Lho hil3L1111 of the universe, For
Misard's 11,4,1,0 le.tt +h. ilia, Grievesome 101010 p,ist I have detected signs
lifilmel! aai 0450.wsstt. ;nail. 471-(10ing of change in an inhabitant of The Little
Prete -01'1,040 1 A 8t9150art Stot,hens Egotist called wont , Observe this
ore tore eloael "
Oh ,rit!,-.1ti ur !aril 0, y.
R vision -Mayor, Reeve. Tim 050(1080 055011011, for he had been
McIntosh in the deep contemplation of the 0011(0
floe ie/Voci leg gratts were made;-- progress in Sirius Still, being a super'
'ire Brigade-. $300; Chihli -ells Aid $10 man also, he uudertook the appointed
Sick Chielrens Hospital $10 task without remonstrance,
The Hydro bo law and the By•lew Before the school closed its doors for
0501411410011050 ,fficers M0111 given their the he. had appoodod to his how
twveral readings book this data.
'Interesting evolution noted in
specie called -Woman' found on The
Little Egolat. Alledged scientific'
theory that it 550018 evolved from pro-
toplasm ; toner religions tradition that
it was road,. frolo of specie called
`Man' 1.ed ta ,tes 10Lhordination to 'N1 sit
"17tigt,tival f,,, 'A anto aten
at 0,0,1001,4000 Worn 11; 1 trentdiess tanned
S.41'0V11.11 `Atilt 0. til,111Salld
..4).1110,W311, t,V1) 01 04040-8 ”f
1..1 ,lett . -81/1.1,0 104,0(1
h.1.1 4141 ....1111.10. Or11,11110119
12 - 011, paint and awe
Far Sale
W. L. ltY, Seafortli.
Pflanz 160
1 04 1 • I • /0A•0010 l•0•0 I 0 • ti 0 • 5 00
1 - •
t51111119a0 tiDrrosizir
51,', gt r.
litAuttj rate. '53
itntoltpt-1t114,,m152 die
• '6' ,
Seebrilh News
1;'It KENT!)
will suppliv !Pe
tequired erteraY
Items 34
• ••
95101011 14 01 11.8 P.010 111
ti 1000 r.,, E..
II, 0.00
400,0,1 10:0 In 010.450,-11
10, 14 0. 1'r
4.! 111,011
s00 51,. 10010 11. 01 isy dkoffitoll
, ,0 d Iligm d 1'1 111 0.
?I ,0 1 .44 1100, ,t1 1,1'111i-101
.1 8., 01.• ,r,
503 0' .101012005014' 1,00101400504 1111. at 1.01 O. 000 II: 11 10101111
t t.0 0 04 it 0 000,0 ti 1.0 • At A0, 101-10t eli..el
.0 ;• IT, of 140, 8,1d 1101111 11081i140,
V/ 1 ' 1,41;1. Jiro' to• q0(11t 05., 0, ,0801 '0 i 4501 1,1%41,1 1,14.1".
k/ i111,11$1, 0011 fr 50,3
another Bank, does not in any way alter the principal so
olze(iously such arrangement are in the nature of a quid pro
['he cutting of rates of exchange is often used as a means
of attracting new business, particularly by a Bank entering
a new Town or City already represented by one or more
Banks. The practice is certainly not in accordance with
strict banking principles, although concessions of that na
ture to valued customers under certain circumstances are
perfectly reasonable. Conditions- invariably adjust them-
selves later and the competing Bank tinds it wiser to make
the customary legitimate charges.
It must be borne in mind that the cost of exchange
should he paid, not by the depositor but by the person re.
mitring the cheque or draft, A debt is legally payable at
its full amount in the City where the Creditor has residence
or is in business, and the Payer by giving such cheque (.1
draft is obviously making tho debt payable elsewhere. As
a matter of fairness, a Bank sIio,oild, therefore not be expect -
..!d. to submit to costs which rightly belong elsewhere.
-11'1010 OW di, kr, 11 '11.7,01I,
‚0,14(40414'??1,011.104'd ELf.V4im tdm 14.55rI vein
W46141, di :V. 1..d. Pilly unknown hut 18
018 410I4' 44. 1-111401441 4,441000, 55111'
000. 001 ..1.3/.41,1r1141; locr waist a bodiure,
M elo flat s Into, pros,c•ol (040011; tcO•
015,5,5 "soatgoar in known by 01188 totroo
Shone ere only applied to low cat
04 tied illippOra.
" 8/rOpOltiff Oa applied in ilanada, 240
1108 tolereted in Eeelatal, 11 you go
Tito a place, of business in Englund, you
are expeoted to go to buy and no trier -
Highest Prices Paid
tor rags, rub wrs, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all 'kinds of furs etc.
Also take bks
i new-pape-ia
Appelzft & Millman
'31150-5 :UNE DEALER
.tross from ('"0' .5110.9,1
Phone 183
HAD THE 13, HOLE FA fd 11,Y
Why Not Bove A Reuoion
Hoene Day Soon and Brieg Them
All Down To Our Studio For A
Group Photograph 1
Rev. G. McKinley, B. D., pastor
Public service 11 a m. and 7 p.m. Sun
day school and Bible study class 2.30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting 1580198(101 ,1 8. p.m.
"Trench" Back
The latest complaint to get a name
of its own in this war of surgical stir,
prises is "treed' back," Many casea
are under treatim at Brighton, Eng.
They come almost invariably frono the
trenches. Usually the injury 110 (5005,'
ed eysn(2:g:0tnaa af earth
rld 00ne :abav7t buret.
Ing shells. home patients have been
n o seriously injured that they have
to be carried on stifetcherit Forum.
e tata, a. rapid and infective cure has
been found., and. quite helpless men
have recovered after a short dowse
al treatment.
To -morrow Might
Be Too Late !
Fell's Studio
LPhone 19 - SEAFORTH assi
MU. 081.161.1.E.11
Salvation ArnitP
Capt. Flood wig Lieut. Sauuors
Holiness mooting 11 a.m. Praise
service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 Win.
Obildruns Service -Directory glass 1(1
a at, Bible classes 4 pan, SA eek night
Meetings - Wednesday Praer meeting
8 p.m.
• ::11,40144,041.1011==unInaM1111.,,,,41414m.F11.0000,500240:10,0240010040.0402011m0asentricatal,EttrtlinnarcV0....1211
The Battle Of lie Somme
The Greatest Motion
Picture in the World
will be held at the
Feb. 1st 2nd and 3rd
Admission 25 cents
Matinee Saturday afternoon
Egmonditlite, Presbyterian
Rev. J Argo, pastor, Sunday aet-
vices 11 a, tii and 7 p m. Bible °Mee
3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
in X P •91.3 Union 3rd Friday
111 the mouth 8 pon. Women's Mission•
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in tho mouth
at '2.3(4 p.m. Loduts' Aid meets im-
mediate(y after.
NinittliOp 1PreSbyteria08
Rev. I) '2.ir8.v011 1).01101.., simile)?
servioes Duffs' untirch 11 a,in Sunday
sehool 10)01.00. Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday pou, Woman's Missionary
;11.1eitiLy 11081/ Friday eaoh nionth
2 o'clock.
Rev, 0, 0. Keine, pastor. 'Sitntlay
service 8 30 p,eo. Young Lita.
igin2 3,1 p ill 4 1 1.1.1y ,V,on.i,t'a Augi I
ary 81041 Vausa ty 1.11 ovary moan, a
301 5>..11 8,105 tis 1';0111"8 1.11
00 (4140101 mown 3.301 p.m
wintiteoo Presbyterian
Sundt)! setvice ./.35) psk, iitinday
b(S11001 5 151,1, 1' 115,11550 meeting
nesday p,in. 11.0, W. lalit Wad.
Rooms Wanted
Lady Palmist wishee warm room, or
room and board in private family
I have some very
choice Debentures
for sale bearing a
good interest.
These are a first
class :investment.
All (information
cheerfully given.
Debenture Broker
:Main htreet. Settforth
Phone ilia
(Iowl MUlIng Wheat „.,.. -51,80
Barley ...... 60-75
Bran per ton .........„...,...S3.00
Shorts per ton ....... ..35
Hogs to farivt..r1,..,... ,,,,.,,........‚.11
Savo rum Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle
of BanclerIne right now -Also
' limps Itching acalp,
brittle, colorless and ocraggY
O elute evidence of .tt neglectee
,,andruff-that awful scurf.
I nothing so destructive to
' 1 dandruff, It roes the hall OA strength. and its very
5(8'; oventually producing 14 tevorbib-
neon and itching or Ute main, which
if not remedied names the hair reote
to shrink, loosen and dio-then the
hair falls out Wt. A. little Dandorine
tonight -now -any time -will surely
save your hair.
Get a 23 cent b,ottle of, itnowiton's
Danesrine from any drug ntore. You
aura/ oat have beautiful hair and iota
1 grtitnett you win just try tittle no•
Apply 2o Queen St St. Tliomite, Ont. Save your hair! Try itl