HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-01-25, Page 2It has the reputation of early
a quart I r of cent Fry behind
every packet sold a» 1 —
$lack—targe k ---0t Maxed -- E2°4
The Bride's Name
Or; The Adventures of Captain Fraser
w of id probably have a word or two to "It ain't;' said Nibletts, etcutiv,
say in the matter. The room relapsed into silence and
"Fran the moment I get up to the Captain Nibletts, llndlm; Mee.
moment I get to bed Pan runarta," Church's gozo aomewhet tryinte, got
eontinaed the hapless Barbel "Ain, tip to admire 0 beautiful oil painting
Church won't let me go out of 'er on glass in 0 black frame which beteg
sight if she eau help it, and Mrs. over the mantttlpieee, and after' a
Vaults is as had no she is. While few encomiums on Itis host's taste,
they was saying Mee things to each bade htn goal -bye,
other thin moreime in a nasty way I "I'm coming with you,'' said Barber,
maliagedl to slip out." rising; "I've got some business to teak
"Well, why not got rid o' Mrs. about."
Church?" said the simple Nib1ests. "What, out again," said Mrs.
"Rid e' Mrs, Church I" repeated Cap. Church, tenderly, "after being on your
tain Barber, aghast; "why don't you poor feet all they?"
get rid o' your face, Nibletts?" he risk.. Captain Barter murmured seem-
ed, hy way of comparison merely. thing inaudible in reply, and taking.
"Because I don't *vent to," replied his hat from the sideboard went out
the other, flushing. with Nibletts. For a time they
`:Because you can't," said Captain trudged along in silence until the lat-I
Barber, emphatically. "And no more ter, who wanted to go' to bio own'
can't I get rid of 'er. You see, I home, ventured to ask where they
'append to take a little notice of 'er." were going.
"Oh, well; said the other, and sigh-
(To U9 continued).
ed and shook his heed discouragingly,
"I took a little notice of 'er," re-
treated Captain Barber, "and then to
spare her feelings 1 'ad to sort o' let
'e' know that I could never marry for
Fred's sake, d'ye see? Then on top of
CHAPTER XIIL—(Cent'd), and the last light of the dying day all that poor Fred guts and gets
Fraser shook his head and explain -lis reflected in the peal, and mud left dlrowndled "
ed. "And I told my father about
you," he added, nervously. "Ile
knew Flower very well, and he told
me to say that he would be very pleas-
ed and proud if you would come down
and stay with him at Bittlesea fora from a shadowy barge crawling know as much about wnnmen ae o,
„ along in mid -channel to the cheery you'll ].now that that's got nothing farms d110 really Yielding a small pro-
time, crease in yield amounting to Home 90
"No, thank you;" said Miss Tyrell asci blind of the "Boatman's
h of to do with
t4,;hur hi whole manner to flt when the figures made, elrow then[ to 100 bushels per acre.
"The air would do you good" per- and then to the road in ed' f ra eci young to be a losing proposition. Food 19 The sale of inferior potatoes is dis-
by the tide. I "But have you promised to marry
Captain Nibletts, slowly' pacing here" asked Nibletts, with a cunning
along and antolding his pipe. in the look.
serenity of the evening, felt these "Of course l've nota" rejoined Cap -
things dimly, His gaze wandered thin Barber, testily; "but whenyou
You will like its
Fine Granulation
Buy your sugar in these neat 2 or
5-1b. cartons, which you can place
directlyon your pantry shelves.
Just cut C1,f the corner and ?oiir
out the sugap as you need
date �agar
comes also in 10and 20•lb bags for house, -
wives who like to buy in larger quantities and 5 -lb Cartons
"The .411.Purpose Sugar" 10 and 20 -ib Bags
,.rgywMr :
losses may be avoided and the con-
sumer be in 0 position to secure for
his good money, good potatoes that
will keep over Winter, it is necessary
for the growers, on their part, to ex-
ereiso more care in digging, sorting
and ]candling potatoes. Late Blight
is a preventable disease; every farnr-
How Farmers May Savo. er should know this fact, since the Ex-
perimntal Farms system has made
Tho value of food and fuel, also tevouy effort to demonstrate on many
the rent saved by the 51149 of the farm farms in the country the effect of inising for crop production next year,
in their farm bookkeeping, and some
house are matters overlooked hy many spraying, with results showing the says Prof, C. A. Znvitr.. "It is true
reduction of sound Drops„anti an in- the land in ninny parts of Ontario
was very dry early in September.
Along about the middle of the month,
however, there were some fairly g`”-
Horrible Treatment by the Genitalis
Of'i'lrose Who Refuse
To Work.
The London, England, office of tho
Belgian Ministry of Justice hag given
out the story of 11,000 Belgian de-
portees who at Soltau refuse 10 work
for the Germans. According to the
information from occupied Belgilm it
appears that some Belgian depoetees
who were 111 had been sent back to
their homes. On their rete= to ;col'
1 food, 't 1 o rid be roman- tau one morning, finding those pirr•son
good stock
o t, r a l t were nearly dying,
bored. A letter or postal card ad- the Germans
dressed to rho PuUlication Branch of Mid-
dled 70 of them into a cattle trued( at-
the Department of Agriculture will tacked a goods trttbri, and 000 acts'
bring by return mail all the required another as the train paused tate dis-
information relating to the growing tricts whence they had boon token
of crops of potatoes free from disease. they were made to get out.. "sante
took three days and nights to get to
Prosperous Year Ahead. their destination, although in ordinary
times the express train takes six
"Present conditions should be pro- hours in the journey from Soltau to
" Brussels. The only caro they received
during tbo journey was that they oe-
casionelly were given bread and wa-
ter, and they arrived at their homes
emaciated and coughing, most of
them having doubtless developed tu-
berculosis. They were received with
tears, and seemed to their families
and friends but the ghosts of those
who had returned, Some described
their adventures and the descriptions
agree in all points, giving conclusive
proof of their veracity. For food they
were given at Soltau camp in the
morning a decoction of boiled aeons
only; at noon half a litre (about a
pint) of soup, composed mostly of
water, some turnips, carrots and
shrimps, without bread oor(upopotatoes;
at 3 o'clock 260 grammes
a pound) of black bread, bad and -often
mouldy; in the evening half a litre of
the same soup its at noon, sometimes
containing bran and maize.
Horrible Fare.
On Lhis abominable diet even the
strongest declined in health and be-
came weak not long after falling seri-
ously ill and succumbing. Some died
listed Fraser; "you could come down Captain Barber, for whom 1ie had been . me now ts sftLnt was sitting here now nowadays the chief item of expense honest, if not illegal at the present showers in most localities, an
by train or come down with Inc on lady, ing since the morning. A stout i person. with the' city dwellers, laid even in
lady, stricken 111 years, sat on a seat. she'd Put 'cr hand en top o' mane.' moment. Farmers know from their wheat that was sown either before or
the Swallow next week."small villages the supply of products own experience tbat storage rots after these rains came on very well,
Miss Tyrell repeated her refusal. overlooking the river, and the mariner, i "Not before me? ' said Nibletts, int of the surounding country are only oexpet losses to their oro storage
and in most instances made a stis,
"rI must stay in London and get some. with a courteous salutation, besought a shocked voice. obtainable ata price that is a heavy It seems, however, the general practice factory growth before the winter set
thing else to do," she said, quietly. her assistance. "Before the Prince of Wales and all drag on the packet of the eonsuzaci, to dispose of an infected crop im- in. In some localities the rain kept
"What do you think of doing?" en- "I've been looking for ]rim myself, I the Royal Family," replied Captain
yet farmer are in a position to escape mediately and shift the losses from rot off so long that a smaller amount of
gaited Fraser. said Mrs. Banks, breathlessly, "and Barber, with conviction, m0011 of this rent ex Icuse if they from the farmer to the consumer. The winter wheat was sown than there
"Anything 1 can get," was the re- now my Elizabeth's •nowhere to bei idea how silly and awkward it makes only take advantage o. ex ser op If thee
ri-latter, however, has to pay the price would have been had the train appeared
found. She's been out since two me Peel." ties by moans ogood housekeeping,
earlier. From what I saw through
"Hero she comes;" said Nibletts, er added to a little work au the part of of 'good potatoes.
a low voice, "and Mrs. Banks and her the fanner himself, In some instances, no doubt, the con- the Province in the latter part of the
daughter, too," Time is nut so precious on the farm) sumer isto ]'lame by storing potatoes autumn the land seemed to be in very
Captain Barber coughed, and, sit- p'for other Winter vegetables) in too good condition, and, in most places,
ting upright, strove t]oak unconcern in Winter but that home butchering of warm cellars: Potatoes and similar the plowing seemed to be well ahead,
ed as the three ladies acme into the, a beef and some hogs may be man-: vegetables must he stored in a cool If the envie fall is normal there seems
room and expressed their pleasure at aged, and there are great opportune -!place They cannot stand frost, to be no real reason why the land
which causes a sweetish taste in pots- should not be in very good condition
seeing him. ties for economy in the home eon-.
"I couldn't think what 'ad happened sumption of poultry raised on the toes, hitt the temperature should indeed for spring work.
to you," said Mrs. Banks, as she sank farm, The advice, so frequently given,
to keep a really useful garden on never rise above 40 degrees Fahr. "Farmers ought to be exceedingly
panting into a chair, and, unfastening Where such conditions are non-exis- careful to make the very most of their
her bonnet -strings, sat regarding him every farm, should be followed in tent it is better not to lay in a Win- home-grown seed, to thoroughly clean
with her hands on her knees. I these days, and the proper stacking ter's supply, as losses are sure to re- their crop this winter, and to have
' e aid lilts•: of the farm cellar with the best of stilt• it ready for early seeding in the
sprin a
"And in the meantime—" he began,
"In the meantime I'm living on the
Wheelers," said the girl, pressing her
lips together; "that was what you
were going to say, wasn't it?" "Which way was they going?" de -
"I was not going to say anything mended the old lady, rising.
of the kind," said Fraser, warmly.
was not thinking of it." y "I don't know," said Nibletts. "I
"Well, it's true,". said Poppy, de-
fiantly. ' what's more, I don't think they ear-
"It isn't true," said Fraser, "because e
you will pay them back." The old lady resumed her seat, and,
"Shall we turn back?" said the girl. folding her hands in her lap, gazed I knew he was all rig t, s potatoes, vegetables and roots should, I have seat faith in char
Fraud turned and walked beside in a troubled fashion across the river, Church, folding her hands and regard -'be well, attended to. An account of farmers are cautioned that the at -
ber, and glancing furtively at the pale, until the figure of another woman ing him with her head on one side; "if
the saving made by these practices,! gt]udetofdem ndin s sxadingeventually
pots- thehbestcleaning
variees than run tires' ilk firstevery
week, Thesewent
unfmt nate gthe
proud face, wondered how to proceed, corning along the walk brought her anything happened to him I should,suit g
back to everydayaffairs. know it if ho was a bo'd'ed miles; should be kept, and credit given to the'
"I should be delighted if you would f farm. toes just ]cite apples; and the farmer of imported seed which is likely to were so tormented by hunger that in
come to Bittlesea " he said earnest- "W}1 away." d' in the be of mixed varieties Owing to the the evening they would creep into the
y, it's hies, Church; said Nib -t • Barber ! The opportunity to save money Uy
o'clock this afternoon."
Nibletts pointed up the rad with
his pipe. "I see her only ten minutes
ago with young Gibson," he said, slow -
who does not control ]scares
field will ]terve all rotten or diseased great shortage this year, there is al- kitchen like thieves anti collect the
i parings of potatoes, intended solely
for the German staff, and turnip and
carrot skins, which they wield eat
raw. One workman, tired of his mis-
ery, attempted] to escape and was
brutally killed. He was shot and fin-
ally despatched with bayonets. In
spite of such martyrdom the men still
refused to work. The most tempting
offers were made to them of good
food and high wages, but the great
majority preferred to face hunger and
death. Various methods were adopted
in order to obtain the consent of this
men to work. One day forty artisans
were taken away and a week later,
when they returned, they told their
comrades they had been taken to the
Grand Duchy of Baden, where they
were given abundant and exceeding
food for a couple or days and then in-
formed that they would eeeeive the
same amount every day if they would
consent to work. On their refusal
they were sent hack to Soltau, re-
maining 8.4 hours in a cattle truck
without food and without being able
to get out.
iy, "and I'm sure if Flower should lefts. "He's nowhere to be found," She sat toe by Cap cin . means of the use of fuel produced on be a
ever turn up again, he would say it he shouted, before she reached them, and laying her hand uprheiGa Lain,' the farm, is rapidly disappearing at. potatoes
ose loeotatoes when boiled, still melte farm Crops nt 1917."good demand or
was the best thing you could have "He?" said the widow , slowly ed it afl'ect1vnately. p the older districts yet many chances
do e " "Who?" a picture of misery, exchanged a this direction are let slip with al
Nibletts, tts and p
"Thanko, 1e is
you, hut T prefer to stay "Cap's Bather," replied the ntar- significant glance with i e resulting loss in two directions, Too Gym?
0 o D 1 G B sT i o N --
here" was the reply,"and] I don't rust emitted an involuntary groan efts 1 are um emunei ativo An chards When vont dtgeauon la sonnyy, ]Here ala
d M Banks,' pate ore certain nad dmcaac i Invt d.
• , , wEA
wish tr. he ungrateful, but I wish pea- "Oh, 111(100(1;" she said, politely. "Don't take on so," said Mrs.
allowed to encumber good land breed-
ple would net trouble me with their "good evening, Dirs, Bar.ks." compftssienatety. "Do You know,'
in disease that is carried to more
charity." Mrs, Banks returned the courtesy. I've got n feeling that poor Fred has, promising fruit plantations, when by
She walked on in silence, with her elt looks as though -Cap'n Barber has been saved. h little labor the tree could he turned
face averted, until they reached Lis- run away;' ahs ttid, with attempted! "That's my feeling tau; said cap.:into fuel that would take the place of
ton Street, and, stopping at the door, jocularity, :tale Barber, in a firm voice, the coal which is being purchased at
turned to bed him good-bye. Her face Mrs, Church smiled likely," said Captain
softened es she shook hands, anti in smile. "He is not far oft, she said, i, turally be done during the Vl
the depths of her dark eyes as they quietly. "What's easier than for him to when other farm operations are not
met hes he fancied that he saw a little, "Resting, I suppose;' said tilts.' have been picked] up by a passing yes nessin e
kindness. Then the door opened], Brinks, with intent. . ser, and carried off goodness lenows 1 The matter of saving of house fent
and, before he could renew his invite- Mrs. Church took higher ground.: w'he't•?" levered firs. Banks, with; 14 one that should give the former
tion, closed behind her as rapidly as ••Of course this sad affair - has upset ,u glance evenly distributed between great cause of thankfulness in these
Mr. Bob Wheeler could perform the him terribly," she said, gravely. "Ills her daughter stud the housekeeper.
;t superior "It's very a high price. This work would rea-
r inte •
feat. is a faithful nature, and he can't for-
get, How' is Miss Banks hearing
When the tide is up and the 0.011 Mrs. Banks, looking up simpiciuu:-
shining, Seabridge has attractions ly, "]Wonderful, considering;" and re -
which make the absence of visitors lapsed into silence until such time as
something of a marvel to the in- her foe should give her an opening.
habitants. A wandering artist or .lits. Church took a seat by her side,
two, locally known as "painter- and Nibletts, with tt feeling of some -
chaps," certainly visit it, but as they thing strained in the atmosphere, for
usually select subjects for their can- which he could not account, resumed
vases of which the progressive party his walk•
of the town are heartily ashamed, He was nearly up to Captain Bar -
they are regarded as spies rather bee's. house when • he saw a figure
than visitors, and are tolerated rash- come out of the lune by the side, and
i times of high values of urban real
I heard el ' a man once who tel estate, as he would quickly realize It
overboard," "141 said Captain Nibletts, forced to maintain himeeif and family
softly, "told he turned up cafe and'
sound twenty years atter:,, on double his present cash income
"M'ar'red man?" inquire]] Miss' were be removed to the city.
It was found, by means of a sur -
Banks teofife. i vey of 1,000 families representing
"Ile etas," said the captain with
the doggeeness of a witness under•witlely separated sections in 14 states, -
conducted by the United States Agri -
cross -examination• cultural Deportment that the average p °,°
Mrs. Church turned her eyes up-'
annual value of meats consumed per octor Tells How d o Strengthen
wards. ••-Fancy the joyful meeting
;family tether than poultry) was, a a
of husband and ]rife," she said, Bente-1$10795; of poultry products, 06.40,1- Eyest '' 50 per cent In One
mentally. rand of dairy products, $93.80. Ther
"She died just two days before }lel and
of quantity of dairy products,
$98. consumed]
m per family was equal to 2,640 quarts
Mother Seigel's Syrup corrects end stimulates
the digestive ailments which ariseafromdtndlge bison es the mane•
;1411 ,
At ell Druggists, or direct on receipt of price, Re. and 11.00. 'Oho torte bottle coot Ins three times ss
much es the crueller. A. 3. WI1lTa & Co. Le:afao, Craig Street Weat Montreal.
t• A heat Pante—Nos Honing
Strongly modo 0111 rlo+nly NUM -11.11m It n eunmlole
borrleraaehtatLege.011,1,12 0a wen ne man poultry. 0014
16dt.] n'1ra1 No. 0—ht+are,edlntor 11o. 11 01r1 -muds .alta
4, theeptet ]lemic proms which Mussed mbar teat. he're .
'f1,s Ire,lu La,t•setearwwlot.AAcawnour nun eadaro.eantal't,�y
tont,.A:melornearlr0$rprken.A,eeunmtedln stews-a,nllw7.
The nenwott - Horse Wire Pon.. OompanY, Ltd..
irl it l, 11 0 iia ilio , 001,
tttPc .41 "`,,:r Piro'•:1'=f',7937.2441P:;s>,Y:t• e;d�dak:'.Tvr.S:aa:.
turned up,' said Captain Nibletts,:
ft ] i t i d t4c 1 of mills.
irons make silently for the door. The There was a frigid silence, during The
has for a start: of years regretted the for a
er than welcomed. Toa citizen who a er g uncmg m rye v m tell sl p y •
We k's Tirane I Many Instance
total value of food consumed A Free Prescription You Can Have
ace of his town the spectacle of a h
d p if
y utmost : t t) •moment t their dlflrrenePe eyed h. sr w
stranger gloating over its runs and "Mrs. Hanks is Iooiten for you," be ever,' sign of sarong int 1,0rebateoil, • ot1ndTI.—„...)
n-2>o sou msnr asan o ynu a
perpetuating then' on canvas is cal- 1, g " e par- Banks ruin vent to a sniffthe relative value of matt consumed vteem of c o atrmn or over eye weaknasseat
siren •doubts e- to said, a. he followed hire int th p Mrs. b giving increases, lire total value of food con- 'tree yon willvbe glad to know that 04 erding to
1)18 ed to excite 6 Idle, w•h1c11 des ''raged the whole race of! s r> Lewis there ,y real hope far you. hinny
his mental capacity and his fitness to p umed per 1'amlie increases. rhoee eyon were foiling say they have had their
4111111(11, Barber 1.01)10(1 on him .t tnan.
tall overboal
• u t ] d
„ s , • nen who 1.
reply. A.ieli
made no it �.
• e but
weary c p .
watching Nibletts, quickening his pare, which the three laches, sinking
was found to vary directly with the. Filled and Use at Home.
trached it at t mm the same into per family amount of meat used As' la ? Ar
at large.
,r• 11'
On a summer's evening,
when the
t is
turn up mon]
,• •.i I getpicked u
and tt t t
Chervil, too; at lea i k 1 1
ground the
"And Dir.. (.hu t h, , P n
tide isout
n hight,faithful
theEarth 511
other side of the river is assuming think so,” continued the other. aitcrtvni+l, continued
"Cap'n Niblett4,' :,rid the old man, Nibletts, "why, every sailorinan ]mews
undefinable shadows, the little town
has other e}tsrms to the meditative elOWlY, "1 'ope you'll never live; lung ,cares of 'int."
Such ] as there is is roil_ enough t.e be run tn•1er in the vera' fen "1 ]Dewed seven," said Captain
man, . t c ire inn utter." Barber, with the exactness of un-
finell to the taverns and the two Of I
The astonished matinee murmured truth, "They didn't seem to think
humbly that he didn't think it lyes at much of it, didn't seem to think it.
all likely, and also that Dlrs. Nibletts anything unusual, I mean],"
three narrow little streets which
eomprise the town. The tree -planted
walk by the river 14 almost deserted,
i9 11tpQnnnnrpllpiApp;0AlBbiFpn!ilpiPltli:;nh"s1111ANllg
Gi /'E' " ag es
,l d They Want O
ul (
In'.ryrleul; �gp;y'Dilfll
�s> J ileier 141lav
It Is ono of the deteitou, "good their"Viet lies a real food value.
A slice o your peal homemade br 3 :cnread with "Crown Brand", forms
a perfectly bah -end food, that is pr . 1 ally all eourishment.
S tel thein have. it on bletints and peach s, and en these:
potterer if they want it.
'IL 111 Lee tl, too, an 1_ ::di••- akee--on Blanc Hauge a,:d
Patine ApplesAnd ye l 11 rel it the meet temnomietal sweetener;
y011 +':tat ,1 f i Cased C t'-;; Giegerhread and Dies,
Iia1e yo :r L.,,haad g t a t;. ;he next Circe he le Se town-,
0. 5. 1 or 20 pound tin -.rot' 1 e pound glaet jar,
MON'!SOAL, 914001NAL rt8ANTI'080, roar WIL61AKt'tl
ryl''�rl( 7�• 311,.,, ,/ "tee le 1e r. 50 p• Braes. r ',n ,tank«
ttfdlrlllz+ 4/14 'Van. m.<, !Maid,y stair
Ht!!G'Illltffff!lllllldjlRj llflp61GA11l IIII11111111)1llilbip11111111itltilletitdutttelliY,l1ii1111U101$$1 111�111�
Ourueve r'eeipeboo it, " haw..rts
'end Candies", will shdw you
timer to maids a lot of really
delloloua disi103 with "Crown
'Brand", Write for a coptt0•
`bur Montreal0flice,
r n ' tie of this won -
46e iw
- s through t
• s restored K
'1 A•7114 rr
Familieslivingoil. their awn farms a er' tion. Ona men Bnys, attar
dorful free pr s tp
reported higher consumption of food tpdna it• "i w'tm ahnont bltnitt cauld trot ern t0
r food t o ra Ae
larger ntTr un Ino
and a 1 d net w
. 1 g percentage , e es n Y
teles n Y
• rho
fa l
f 11 nrrn
y iu drond u Y
acid n Y
t . farm Than of t th x p
from nib v „
directlyf o s
'ku mirn
rlu to nit,
Jt rra0 1, a
rho time.
those living on rented farms. The Nne nil
A Indy wha Used Ib S+q•at "TI,O nimonpharo ecrmcd
average quantity. of freit (mimed 1011- hazy r•ith or without glasses, but niter using this
family w'aa round to be 122
prrsrnption lar fifteen dnye m•crv4hing secnlx
neatly per y n ,tlear. I unn even rend Eno mint afthout glanaex.'
quarts, of vegetables 32 quarts. In it to believed that thousands who wear glasses
f .. 11 those unquestionable save onn naw dtncnrd them in n r0naonahl0 Limo Ant
spite t d 1 ,aultimde0 more wilt be able to stronatheu their
logs, the credit 'for thein is too often eyi:e so as to be enured the freebie and terse 0
denied the farm; and it must be ad-
mitted that. these savings in the -cost
of living can be increased by a rlcter-
mined effort,
read at all Now 1 tan rent everything without any
f £ d d
Origin of Potato Distmees,
From tate consumers' side, the c;ues-
tion of marketing potatoes is of the
'greatest importance, especially so in
years When the prices for this com-
modity are advancing daily_ The of-
ficers of the Experimental Farms re-
cently had an opportunity of inspect-
ing quantities of potatoes in the con-
sumers' own cellars. The potatoes
bad been pu•cletsed in the ordinary
way from small detdcl s, The condi-
tion of the potatoes was most unsatis-
factory. In three cases the amnia
of rot came tip to 76 per cent. of the
total gtuultity In storage. This rot
was the common Late Blight rot, and
was certainly present when the pota-
toes were dug, tend before sbipping.
The consumer is helpless in such
cases, and rarely is there a way open
hltn fur compensation. Nor is
the small dealer to blame. 'Che
blatne rests entirely with the shipper
yield the glro\vm', 111 order Vail such
of CITY getting glasses. Stye troubles of many
dencrit,tioao may be wonderfully, benefited by
followingthe simple rules. Item i0 the preaorip-
tion: Go to any active drat; oto,0 ears get a
bottle of Don -Onto tablets. Drop one Doa-0,4o
tablet in a fourth of a glean of water and allow
to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes
two to lour times daily. You shook( notlro your
eyes ulcer up perceptibly right front he mart And
lnanmmatlon will yuidav disappear. If your
oyes nro bothering you, even a tittle, tale steps
to sawn them nofv before it iB too Into. Many
hopelessly blind might have been Baled if they
n y Y
had sated for 10(7 i eyes is time.
Note: Aaoaur nram0lent PWstolUn to whnm 460
very u,ar,o loco remedy. its anal: 'en Bnerc e a
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are w 11 l/nowe tc cminnnt el'e apartnlista and wl00 6.
10st rengt en them, f Le mr sent in ort week's
tea 10110 strengthen eyesight 1l t Bel per i a, Dna w31 1410 30)
in Winn, hl00, oS or 'thud Uw m0,3 y*0 It inn 60
Hanish iron only ns 1.1 Ilxtat One S ano nt eke
vMy taw 'generations In ono 1 tool a oafs 6e ae__t'11 on bend
ler resale. 40 In almost 10, 11111111V." 9. o ors it
y Our d"Ugan1 cuauot� 'Toronto. will all Your orders It
Men Wanted for dile
The Royal Naval Can..dian Volunteer
Reserve, wants melte for lame.
dilate servkee Overseas, in
the Imperial Navy
Candidates meet be from
18 to 38rare deem end sone
of natural born British
p,Vel. 10 por day God upwards, Free Kit.
Separation ullowonoe, $20,00 monthly,
lexparienoed men from 38 to 45, and boys from 15 to 18
Apply 50
common W.fdILWS 1A111/1$, Naval Reerullieg Ofttcrr, Ontario Arno,
103 TAY STROM', TORONTO, or en the
Department of Naval Service, f,DTTAWA.
A Disguised Recruiting Officer.
Among the men who appeared at
the camp was one dressed as a sere
geant of the Atli Belgian Regiment of
the line, who in excellent Trench and
Flemish harangued them, telling
them they were, stupid to endure such
sufferings. No one would he grateful
to them for it. The middle classes of
Belgium were still living luxuriously.
The Government at Havre did not
care what happened to them and
would tape no steps to intervene on
It was
. elralf, because
their b
the dL ot•tees would
ther a
their a
nothingcontra' to p
:' 1 peaceful w
feelings in acceptug ecce. p
for Germany and so on. Later the
deportees discovered that this indi-
vidual was a German recruiting ser-
geant disguised. There are 11,000
Belgian deportees at Settee, who re-
fuse to work for the Germans.
Breaking It Easy.
An Ohio man W140 having a lot ori
trouble piloting a one -tent show
through the middle west. He Lost a
number of valuable animals by ac-
scident and otherwise. Therefore, it
was with a sympathetic mien that one
of the keepers undertook the task of
brealding the news of another disaster,
He began thus:
"Mr. Smith, you remember the
laughing hyena in cage 9?"
"]remember the laughing hyena?"
demanded the owner, angrily. "What
the deuce are you driving at?"
"Only this, Mr. Smith, he ain't gob
nothing to laugh at tills morning.]'
hoed Authority.
A schoolmistress asked her class to
explain the word "baeleih ri" anti wee
vet y murk nmuseil when a little girl
anewered: "A bachelor ie a veil
happy ratan,"
"Where did you Imre that?" asked
the nrietres14.
-`•'I other mid tree" the little gill rel