The Seaforth News, 1917-01-25, Page 1W. "I'. Box iii' t:'1(. Furniture Deniers Phone 60 - - ,.04•.mm.ao.xt.a... New Series Volume lel, No. 39 W ._ SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY ,0 19 7 Vrtl 'die 50 GIRLS 50 OR MORE The W. FL Salford M'q. r2o, of Hamilton has tnurehiayell the Taylor-Plinierso e1(. Clothing ialcti'aryifn Seaforth. 'Arid are go- ing to carry on the business from this out for which purposes we-reollire more than 5) girls assistants. The working h(nturs each day are 8 to t3 except : aturdAy 8 ti 112 each week. We cqu31ra,sl tee steady work the year round.. Nice clean work and girls make good wages. We pay highest wages while learning 'Apply or Write to Fred • Robinson, Manager AFORT ONTARIO Froin France The following letters wore received lay Mrs Lucile Ross. Moffillop fr'o'm tor eon Earl who has boort in th'' 'then - ohm sixteen months with the Royal Canadian Regimant, During that limo he has only had eight days oar Dear Mother — Just a fow Boos to let von know I am still alive and wo'I 1 have 8o0ehved both the parcels which you all were good euoukh to sand me and I aertaiuty did nay then!. Everyt.hulg was just to my liking oxoept the phew )1I tobacco 11113011 1 cover us0 although if yon remember 1 atartod to do so, of course 1 Was young sod foolish then, Well we are 8ti11 in the rand, and the war still seines on. I oolieve the 161st kattn. aro ant, lime s,mawhorent 1 do slot know exactly wliero 1 would like to he Immo for Xmas but 1 will epoid It and oleo Now Yours d:ty In the troll ohm; Bhootitig 110113. Grunt Boort that is at times. You do not hood to scud nem any blsdou for my razor as it woo lost fu tho 1umm8. That is n phaco I will not forget in a hunt and you propin in Oanada have no idea a who that. plaoo jh really 1118 u8 words mord mow pluture it to anyone Wo 1(we duly had a oouplo of days of snow yet and it soon molted away aril loft its '*sees of mud We get 1a little hotter query few clap anti Bnmatimre a little margarine. .L eueivcd a card iron Ise. Ind Graham and it wits a vary 0100 Ono Will write to Juunie in a (lay or two Wishing you all a Merry Xmas slid a Happy Now Nom, I will ohms foe this timo, Your loving son, Rod. Dear Motlher— Ju(it a fow li11ea to let you know 1 out still in trim for Freta Received your vary wolonme letter of Nov. 28th. last evoniug when tho mail 00010 in. AB 1 spent Xmas 13 rho trenches 1 : will tell you a little of what happonod during the cloy. hire( thing in the morning in which you world toll any thing different from any other day wee tho mltoh tiotiood absence of Rilloi Machioo gun and arlillory fire which seemed to ,le old stagers nt the groat Igor game rather canny but as soon a8 darku0es fell it was a tlitferorit story /hieh'I will tell yon in a few mononte )r Xmas dinner 90 had the old 11841(11 consisting of bully boot with a tittle too but for having the too wu got no tea for pepper and you min imagino how 1 1(u- rr joyedl;talthough Overyooe was quite merry; bat in the ovemiug iu Oft 100 tato Moil which had to bo oarrtrd from ha hind the litho and as it was bsiog sot(101 I was therm in expectation of a parcel which Wart not there but More well tn, got a letter from you on that day alth- ough 1 11o1pe(i two of my best friend to annantne the ones which came for thorn. During tho day mine of our hollows and soma of the Getman, toot .ant fn No 8148(lsland lularmeO of course and shook hands and wished each otho r u (ferry Xmas au(1 80011 aftor el few minutia talk ;vow h our into their own tronohos. But what mockery it is As soon as emitgot to his own line shooting started and rho man you shook boucle with the moment before you ars trying the next momont with all your skill and darling to kill and 110 trying tho same with yen, As soon s8 darkn0ss the creepy and very mysterious deflowersfoll it was sin a dr8'trsnt story. While 1 am at It 1 may as toll you that tho mysteries of No 11ansland aro oven greater than uvor the best dotootivo ever thought of aolving. 1 will tell you when I go Mono of some of myxught8 there, lu the very °ally boars of night the Germane opened solitary machino gnu to which the rerplied with bombs and Mon loath at•tillori',, thole full 018's let 101.110 1(11(1 a 81111811 attttOIC ene8d. Who° 111(01111(In ar•ili(ry rather lightly it is hrcti.e you away book to cauada ay eau mor pletitre mid whtolt no words eau 1"11 I" Momhad my right arm i,i a sling for a manila 01 lnew :lase but it ie 0 It, na 1 got a aruali scrut8ll ant) it tnr,l,,1 to blood poisoning. You must see Jack V41 11 Etrmorid when 11e gots home as he. Dau tell youa littlo of my doings in `"C ramie. Wroth to JOnnie n oouplo of days ca ago and hope she rooeiv8(1 the rd and parcel more espeeialiy the aside as you earl toll whore 1 am by them Am glad to knot( Finely is feeli( g 0 K again anti is able to moon. Dud not got my leave as yet but it may emuagain soon, In expectation of snail t0' night sometime w111813 An revoir, Your affectionate son, Earl 'Tho Poor Man's 138i8nd —Put up in small bottles that are ounily portable and sold. for a very small suit, Dr Thomas' Balearic:Oil pos888898 more power in ecoreelti'atod from than one hundred timoe the quantity of many miglonte, Ile aheapm°88 and the varied 11808 to which it Otto bo put make it thopoor roans' friend. No dsalord'stook IB oompl°te without it. No Asthma Remedy Like X. Dr J . 1). Kellogg's Asthma Remaly is dls- tillotiy dtfforeut from other bo 00)3od remedied. Were this not 00 it would not haver continued its great Work of 138111(1 until It1Own from ocean to 000 On 301 its woudnrful value, Kallogg's tho for nom and best of all settees rem0dl, 38, at ,ltd athou a reputation 13o11 01ud in the 11001ts 01 thousands who have known i(8 hallo. it, MAno,N-oxe, Tho home of Mra H, Mason Rginond• villa, wa0 the scone of a pretty woad ing o1( Wednesday JOU. 17th when her daughter, H(•rriett Nath became the bride of Mr. Le Roy of 'Toronto, The oeronwny was performed by the groom'B fallow, Roo. Mr. Oka, in the prosetoo ofauulnber of relatives, The young loon* loft on the afternoon Groin av- companihd by the beat wishes of a host of friends. REV, J. B. FO1'HERING. HAM INDUCTED Brantford, .1 an. 19.-13y spacial lio, runs mf the Lord illation of 11 uron, Von Aruhdeaouu G O. MoKonsi0, for 37 years motor of Grave Angilt an Ohio oh herr, this oveoing inducted Iia suu0rss- !Or, any, 1 Ii 11'othunugh'10• late of 1>tt, (138,•g�s, (11)(10110h Oho aer1rnony attrautdd till the Avgiioan clergy of the Metrics and a largo number of prom- I131141t 01tizrns. HOLT— W 1LAON In Now York illargnrrt Isobel Wilnuu yulwgret daughter 01 lair and Mrs Alex Wlluun, Turmoil) et Sordoni), broom. the wife of .. illlu+n A1ldttut Holt, of New York Tho mn'rtnouy wua 0011t1 110t0tl in be chantry ut the Grave uhu- eh by the Roy lftlw)1 A White of thou ttldgo, Now Jris), a lite long frteud of the gloom A half hundred 1 tjmat, friends of theeuuti'aouug parties, iu01. luting the bridv'8 pafelits twee pl'l•eent. The 13(raie wore wbito maltuu uvor white satin with a Duuhese Bat111 trelu, orange blossoms and vel. Mien Loueil Hoit, sister of the groom, waa lttdrsmald, 10 pale bine melon» uvor pool: with a blue !tett 'flee groom to u ecu of the late Ylr and Mrs el m, A Holt of llloumtield N J. After a houeyvuuun 111 the west and Mooch% t(Jr and Mrs Holt willulaku their hums m Loug 18150(1. Better Farming Gars Agricultural Instruction Car wil be in Searorih Jau.27th, The Grand 'Trunk Railway and the Ontario Department of Agriculture in- cluding the Agrlou titre L`ollrgo. Goolph are 00 operating in rtunugg epeciitl dr. mtnlstrative cols (Iver the (xrtuld Trunk Immo in Wtstrrn Ontario 'Thio train vid h„ jn Nlntorth on Suturdov, Jet 27 all day, and net illustrated h'etlu'e iu the town. hall :ai 8 l'elncl( 111 the ovru- lllg. Ladies ,it., specially invited to visit Mu oars and at cid the evening mooting in the town hall. Addresses will be dvliverrd by a.t i bio Bpiakel'8 and tuturelti11g moving tinctures w111 be Mum). Two oumfortahls.heatod baggage mare will be davuted to the exhibits ill- ustru(ing soleotiou, tooting and improve merit of mod i(toat,ftcatiel raid ora(11• cation of wu"tl, drat soil monitor° gruwiug of alfalfa euro and potatoes; roman; pes18, pleat diseases, protection front Lightuulg;dluryiug, including milk te8tmg, poultry rusing, footling stiffs testi Moir (I11 rat 118 CO 1140 oakum 1113 pr°80111 pric08 use of lune 1(u soils; vegetable growing, labor saving (18viue8 for the Tonle, small models of sewage disposal aid wlter•8upply systems, oto. Any person 111138resttd 111 tgrioulture or tb8 oqutpmeut of rho farm home should not fou to visit the trail, '1'heexhibtte j11. ustrating the up to date methods esu - played 111 all braiobus of Ontario agri. culture will be of a moot helpful and practical (1(131118, wlnl0 bull°tins and leaflets on uprtoultnlal toping will be (listributld to lnt"restod visitors. 'Pilo foot that agrmultul'o is really the the ball° industry of tho proivueo i8 being foroofully impressed upon non. produo0r8 of food stuff, our legialato's and business and firmoci11 (ton in this time) of national oriole. The immediate nhoossity of a hn'gor toed production —o8phu8l1y of Tooth, dairy prud(ota poultry, 8gg8 and ve•gotablo—and tho large national debt that is being j1( atnrad on account 1,1 13re war, Dells for united force 4111 the port of all directly. or indirectly con(eore'd wit.lt agrioulttlr, to increase prodnelinn This is tnn(lu (eoo•eary on 8008511(1 of prsaont 11°013 an(1 to Month agailot tonere disaster Notonly 4,110 tat touts and their fate Pica but townepeoplo should field much of value in the exhlbite found on the oars, and 5ddre9908 dulivorod:map tho literature distributed. Wo hope to hi. duce both the fanners and towrrlspcoplo to prodnoo more poultry, eggs and vog °tables in 1017 NOMINATION A large number of ratepayers turnod out to the nomination of Wednesday; night. At 8.30 Mr. J, Wjlaon, 17lurk announced that the only nomination fol' mayor w19 H. Stewart, whom he declared was oh,otoel. For 00utt0illoI'9 ll Messrs. J (Aids and O. Aberhort Of tiles° M r. J. Miff oily put it) qualjfl. 0atiu0 papers, This l°avis a council for I917 without an rlrot.ion, Sudden Death Death 08010 very suddenly to Joh Aitcllr8on of W inthrop 1(u Frith: of trrllDori He 98(10 alone 111 the 11813n (at tho time, hie two eons having lel shortly boforo 1w0 o'000k. 'It lien hi eon John Dante 110tn° in the rvanil, from $,w forth he uutieed there twas n I1ght in the boos". Ln(eriog, ha w'a oh00ked to 60til .1 his father timid pro door Fle hod evtdrn•I) just hot ul from tho sofa and toll cloud, A doom was called and 8ai(l hs had boon dee wino wino.. •1118 010000 31/134131/1341dtiubtlee8 heart failure, Tho d° '33880(1 had always luje)ed good health and tower woe 31.1. 1118 :vita died some yrarw sago Ho was 8eveoty three years of age and leavt•s four sons, John, James, Alex and Ford and nue daughter Nellie. 01 a quoit 111(188tlruulg notur0 he hurl many trteicls oho will ragout hes 8ud(eu (188t11. Tho ttluer81 took place ou Moukay, Seaforth agricultural Society 3' g Henry Forsyth s John Hawthorne "i Thomas Rands r Earl VanEgmond 1 Joseph Storey You are invited i1( attend the Second Annual Md Times Dance it) Cardnos' OperaH all on Friday Evening, February. 2nd 1917 Benefit of the Soldiers' Aid onftl fission M (lSiCians H ik!. Chesney Jr. P. M. Chesney Jas. A. Chesney F. H Close Alfred Curtis Abe Forsyth Floor Manage—As Peter Cameron John Carter Barry Charters George Cook Thomas O'Reilly Wm Workman Tho Annual Meetlug of the Seatortll Agriculutrat :society was held in •the Library on'L'huraday last. Owing to stormy woodier til" attendance was not as l,lrgo tee previous years. Tho Fiult110iul statement of 1916 slowed a surplus on hand of $2'30 00. mouldering the unfavorable weather ninon redoeed the gate reooiprs $160 1-8a than 191b, tho showing was very ea(laflt(tte'y. . The society intend holding mon Spring and Fall Shows es lomat- spring (hitt, well b8 April 111(1( (and Lha Fon date w111 be oft the '1'htrsd883. Iwd Friday follclving the Lou(luu L'xhih. Item. 'Phi Society also emoted the Flom crop Cump"tltiuu 111 white outs 1111(1-loall0elel. All til° ullice's wort) re-elected; Prealdout ht Vim -Pros. 20(1 Viu3•Pres, llOaeut,r Secretary 11. A1oDowelI 1) 13',thern:ghen Goo, Muhuo R Al Jaime Al, liroduI10k Dirootors for'PuokerBnlith; 12. Broad. foot, A. Wright, J. Data jr, For McKillop; Jus. Evans, Russel Darrauoe, Geo. Horn. Fur Hnllet; Thos. Livingston, Wm. Rum, For 13eaforthl J. "M, Stewart, Drt Grieve, Auditors; Chas. Stewart Wm. Somerville. P10sideut J, MnDuwoll and Goo. Ham were appointed delegates to 13110 A9800tatlo31 of Fairs at Toronto, Hockey The match played on Saturday morn. ,ng botweet Room 2 (Mies Moi{aye) and Room 3 (Mies Hablcirhs) was very exciting the score being T2-0 for Mies MoKayeroo,n. Tho game was tt little rough. Lino op:— Room 2 'Root° 3 McKay Goal Knight Smith It Dofotoe Hays [(0181alto L 1)81308180 Patterson Wilhu hover Rimkiu Pltte•e0u 0entre Smith Raid R Wing Aborhart Tenon L Wmg Anlont Cloths and wafts di8appeor whin treated with Holloways'Ooro Coro with out leoVitlg a soar, Special Corf1.11itt(; Hibbert- Joseph Marpht Mullett- Scott Hawthorne! McKillop- pin. IldcKerc/Jer1 Robt. Dodds Jr. Tuckersmith- Wm. Charters l �l Robert Gemmell� �I Seatorth- John Beattie L. T. DeLacey ' Charles Stewart Dan Shanahan lb Piping and Scotch Dancing Ladies will please bring Cake and Sandwiches Dancing commences at 8.30 Coffee will be supplied at the Hall Gentleman $1.00 A. D, Sutherland, Seco. f Il tit1341 111:10, ebrn NW/ rK.tL 1l1 RItU1'QRId Holdtrn or ID;,ivu 01010 BOX anti JJuoltne•-1111A11eee MODBJ1A1'll Yhuaea Night galla w1( /430004.144.0004801000410101010/101400404.4w, x,w Two Cents Shigk Copy 6 -hot Aching Eyes ,/ire probably in need of something to remove the ache. Probably there is a little correction neces- salt' that could be made by glasses and at small expense, We have become very proficient and successful with our Optical Depart- mentand would be glad to have you call and have your eyes examined if in any doubt about your eyes Cxamination is Free ifireh.notutpv .Oncrrolcur no 'aututge 11c tJ)9Im;i antast.er8111(11 ell gttrtaun 3i. owls Llceune bowery YtltNlt 1.134 1tv.3wu3 1 erit:.a., ..1(,;,, J Fertilizer and Lime Any one wanting fertilizers should secure their supply at once and get our prices. They are low, Austin Dulmage Londesboro Phone f4 on 161 in.ASERNIMEETANAVEMENtaginine? <..a r'r •.., '.`81'.1081.3 38!08 li f'eh" 144.11'':v;at:, ) 8 ;=, 3444.1.: 11 Our Ready to Wear Department was never in better shape at this season of the year to give big values, and in niany instances you can make your d(i= Jars do double duty by acting quickly 041, 4 - 11.:::'41 owl] They fru i, ., f7+s :s;ifui:ru'IiitfriN�.y�a'c' 1j The Prices on LADIES' WINTER APPAREL COATS SUITS SKIRTS FURS You'll rind it an easy matter to get the very garments you need for winter use at a reduction in price OA means dollars saved for you ifyoul come at once. J. Mactayis1j